Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1925, p. 2

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h r artpn jjfow ftrrfln rcl thurspaymay 14 10s6 the first haift cut i jlnimya had n hauvcut hqw tho folks oil stare ith so short yoii ooo his ukjn showing through hie hair tyaaiit ho had before cut all round a bowl it was in that barber atoro by tho candy nolo jitamyhii wo were there to boo looking through th6wlndownane all tho boys with mo hb was worried there alone trying hard to grin on i kind of great big tiirpne wrapped up to his chin jimmys irdti a hair cut n courso it scared him some all those shears and cups and thin atruclrh1mdumtj jimmys mother saved o curl smo foola bad i know that ho wasnt born a girl and could lot them grow jimmys had a hair iut my it made him proud walking out whllo all of ua pohoxycd in a crowd i ho got protty rich that day fore- ho went to bed he made even fellow pay just to smell hjs head burgosa johnson the lookout at nacjiita peak by hope daltino iv y tv il l i iv tl i iv i jyv ll t7 ivi iv ivi ivfiv h the dare before sho had been two weeks nt college penelope brewster waa tailed miss primrose there was a ceruitln gentlo prociseneas about the vlrl adei- icato austerity in dreaaaiad manners and speech the heritor from the little country parsonage with ita oldfash ioned ldeala and simplicity where sho had been reared there were many to whom penelopes reserve was a dis tinct charm but penelope herself found m lllh- iuftjrirto at eaae with her as thwy were with hilda davidson and sue compson as for marjory austin and was the most popular girl in the class yet she could not speak three sen tences without falling into slang pen elope did not realise that it was mar jory a bubbling spirits and street tem per that made the girls flock to her and that the slang was merely inci dental caught from half a dozen brothers and cousins pno afternoon a group of the girls was in sues- room and marjory as usual- tvasthollfe of the party careful madge sue teased you11 shock miss primrose penelope flushed im not so easily shocked she protested i can udfc slang myself upon occasion listen girls suo cried miss primroso and slang i dare you pen elope brows tor i dare you to use slang x dare you to use it au day tomorrow to everyone you meet til do it penelopo declared true to her word she began with martha anderson whom she met as sho started for breakfast it did not sound funny u did noteome out with a bubble of laughter like marjorys slang but sho kept atlt tho worsi was when professor armstrong hap pened to overyear her on tho way from history recitation with sues danc ing eyes upon- her penelopo would not lucixds weston roso from her solitary broakfabt outside tho gray of u mlaty morning was croonlnff bvcrytho earth lamps still burned in the ranchhouso rooms to tho faco of wang leo tho faithful old chlnoso cook who had long servod tho weatohs- camo- a look of disap pointment jlittle qiiaalu not cat w4- why icrowdod down a whole muf fin because you roso early to mako them for mo if only i could get lynn you try the phono again aneet yes whllo you bring bollo around and wang loo yea mlssie if i have to go you mako my peace r with aunt mary when she wakes the old man tna do a reassuring gesr turo luclle nodded remembering how adroitly ho could manago her widowed atint who waa tho family housekeeper the girl crossed to the little den where the telephone was situated again and again sho rang the lonely lookout station in- the neighboring for est where her brother was in charge there was no response finally luc tie talked to the girl operator no report had comb in of any damago- to the lines by the storm in the night miss weston must remember that it was it a h tria bhn lflngedtohavestultoooarjyfojtho lookoutmen to send in their regular morning report once again the girl tried tho sta tion at nachlta peak when there was no reply she rang the oflloe of the forest supervisor atvaldo asking to speak to supervisor long ho rode away an hour ago himself to investigate reported damage to a telephone line camo the answer out nachlta way no at cedar hilt tto whom am jl ap baking lucllo inquired she was sure that farley the first assistant would laugh at her fears tm john newton a new man on the force ive only been here a week sho had hoard marjory do hundreds of times but whenshe saw the grave glance with which the professor bade her good morning she ran tether room with her face flaming v that night penelope could not sleep sho saw herself envious unable to en dure- a little ridicule disloyal to tho ine traditions of her home the next afternoon she knocked at professor armstrongs door thank you i cant sit down she said in response to miss armstrongs invitation i just came to explain yes- terday- t had a dare from otis of the girls to use slang au day long x was a coward and took it- i knew i was- doing a cheap thing ftut x dldnt real ize until you looked at me how dis loyal i was to my home- miss armstrong held out her hand 4 congratulate you on your honle miss brewstor she said tho lookout at nachlta peak always after a storm my brother telephones us at home to assure us of his- safety he did not this morning lino out of order the storm was not severe enough over that way to warrant that suapic ion pv rung again and again my father was called away last night and ffear for- my brother i dont see no one would but inspector long it would be useless to tell others listen rm- ready n to start now for nachlta and should bo there by ten if the lino is in order vll call tho office at once mr jewton yes if only thero waajsome way flco she glanced at tho ujtlo olook that stood on tho shelf in no von minutes twelve oclock would strike and nt twelve ooloclc nachlta peak would pall hoadauftrtoors- for tho lookouts midday report i promised to call two houxs ago if supervisor long 1b thoro ho will kn6w that somothtng la wrong now who la that from a nearby window tho girl could see a roughlydressed bearded man approaching the house twlcono paused for r furtive glance around violent and unreasoning fear took iiom- sesslon of lucllo that man is one of the tlmhci thieves and ho is respohslblp for iynni disappearance what can i dot- to let him know i am here will prevent my doing anything for my brother oh i know hough steps led to a loft above th placo being used for a btororoom up thesc lucllo ran the lot 4 was lighted only bya uttlo door act high in tho wrill it was ajar but only a ltttlo light cptered as the top of the stairs was near tho window sho put out her hand to push the door wide open bvenaa sho did no sho heard heavy footsteps on tho outsldo- platform bo low blinded by the budden admit tance of the light tho girl moved forj ward to stumble and fall overomtf hlngthatlyloldod under her fortunately for lucllo tho opening of the heavy door drowned both the noiso of her fall and the cry that broko from her lips sho know that sho had stopped ona body wild with fright she raised 9ierheadrto look into the strained and dtsorted faco of hor brother lynns handstand feot were bounds- a towel forced jietweon his jaws and tied behind effectually gag god him his bister know that ho was on the point of exhaustion but the look in his eyes strangely reassured her she must make no nolso to be tray her presonce to the man bolow she shivered i would lie not ascend i to the loft to see his prisoner i am lucllo weston tho blsterjutil a kindly pretext m m ijcountpourtaiaa whoownedone of tho finest picturegalleries in europe was a magnificent buyer at one mmc says tho author of gossip frbn parls during tho second kmplro his atten tioh was drawn to the work of a young artist who wtth slow difficulty pro cured his address and wrote to him saying come to see me and bring with j you one ofthe pictjufosypu have just exhibited iii the saloon the young man camo without delay and in a state of delighted excltemvnt i should like said the count to add this picture to my collection wlh yoy toll me the price v tho artist hesitated two thousand francs ho stam mered was it toojmucli ho did not know but tho count was feigning deafnesh ten thousand francs he repeated very well then consider the matter settled i the artist at once explained i said two thousand francs mon sieur 16 comte said he not ten thousand pardon interrupted pourtales i ypu can get mr long by tole phone crowds the wires to got hfm this message i am going to tell you that nqns of the other men in tho ofhco do it for they would think my storyi foolishness yesterday lynn my brother told our father that whilst he had nothing tangible to re port he wan pdsitivo ho was being watched lynn was only puxsled for hrerdoes not know what fear is ih get your message through som wayi and miss weston bo careful the girl rang off and hurried out side wang lee was waiting with bele the spirited little pony spring ing into tho saddle lucille was off for two miles her way lead along a welltravelled highway then she turned into a rough road that aftot- crosslng a sandy waste struck into tne foothill region already all signs of the lands occupation- had been loft behind the road was jlttle more than a mountain trail the sun was dis pelling tho mist save whero on the tops of the dletant hills it rested- like a crowning cloud the rough grvuud was covered with a rank growth a mantle of many shaded green the air was toniclike and from afar thu lilting song of a jvild bird came luoile glanced down at her wrist watch tm making good time once im across san leon creek ill have to go slower twenty minutes later the rider came to thejcreek there the current deep ened by tho narrowing of tho banks the stream went racing along j3he relhbd uii- her horse a cry of con sternation breaking from her lips why what does this mean the end ot the wooden bridge nearest her had broken away fromtlts supports and fallen into the stream wlth it had gone a great truck loaded with enormous pine logs the weight of the truck and its burden had proved moving cautiously lucllo lifted her brothers hoad to her- lap tugging nt ms bpndbj a sound from belawstay ed her hands the intruder was calling some one by telephone luclle heard him glvo tbo number of the supor visors ofllco in her heart a wild hope sprang to life ho might bou friend then she saw in her brothers eyes a look of fury both of tho two in tho loftstralned tholj- cars to heartlio wards of the stranger t evidently the office answered with promptness well this is weston it jnacbita jho man began and the brother and sister werjo both aware of i the fact that he was trying to imitate lyn voice jitg hardy came in anil as now called up the supervisors olllco lucllo yes lynn jlf lons -heard- tliutrreportr he- knew something wao wrong ilhrdy clovorly imltutodimy voice but ho lul no idea what to say thero is a certain t in which we glvo our reports soot i fear tho fire in gaining well tho forco will soon bp thero now im going to build a flio and got you aqmo hot food and coffpo as tho hours of tho afternoon drag ged by lynns anxiety rose to fovor heat his trained oyo could toll when honro- fighters bognntljouvigorourt campaign hgalnst tho oroopliifr flnmeu later in tho ufternoon lynn polntod out to hi stater tho difference irt tho smoko that assured hint that tho lire wan coming undtfr control twlco ht called tho supervisor olllco both times to find tno h uoy lucllos fear had vanished sho ven ture jl out to change hollos gracing place and to glvo tho horso water her deft fingers rostorcd tho haro uttio room to its usual orderly stuto tho sunset wu beginning to flood tho rocky peak with i erlmson light wlwin two horsemen rode into tho opening luclle ran to moot them hor brother following at a slow pneo for tie had not regained tho free use of his limbs tho foremost of thbum wus supcr- vlflor long ho sprang from his iwteti to take both bf lucllos hands in his gjood girl ill recommend you for a place on tho forco i wish youould you soo i should llkoto help guard this wonderful for est from greed and destruction now toilub all about it ive suppor for you botn with a glanco at the range had accompanied long thats good ive had no time to day f or a regular meal supervisor long had known that a big timber steal was being planned but did not know what man was nt the head bf it his informant ah em ployee who had made a chum of ono of tho wouldrbo thiovea had thought tho affair was iyit to come off for some time they had everything ready for last night and did noi dare let the storm prevent their going for several days a big force has boon doing the cutting thoyknew the logs must go out last night trsnsahol over the territory soon another lookout was bound and gagged thesqme as you were weston the idea had been to get the timber out and start the fires going early in the day but the giving way of the bridge and the difficulty of starting a flro delayed them f- they gtot away with tho logs asked lynn regrotfully oh no newton managed to got mo on the phone soon after miss lucil ee call so huro was i that the era mo was being played that i bad- ordered out forces to watch all tho toads that the gang must take beforo hardy sent in his bungling report from here for that althought i was miles away i manager to have him con nected with me of courso i know the message was a fake one it was hard to leave you two hero alone all day but lynn knows tho service must come first yes and eo does my sister said lynn smiling at luclle strength toehold on they wont to colorado- for flioro tb phymchtirhnd ilortf him bufff wft tacr late tho hiuvlthjilo result who linrdly dolaycd at inldnlght iic dlod tho word wont out among tho few nolffh- born and t hoy camo in tho nlekt to cutnfort her tho girl wlfo walked tho floor in holidesh and bewildered hkoii nay- hg over and over with a pitiful won der in hor voice ho has gono away and loft mill fe a tho jipoplo that cnllpgftk wordh of iieallngnt huch a ijnno it is hotter for tho rent to stand a little apart in sytnpathotld slloncoi or to draw near oily to mlnglo their team with those whose hourt ih bronlclng ono woman wlth inoro koili than wisdom tried to net tho comforter you mustnt think of your own you must thfnlk how turned to hoi itari never bargain and the juin thousand terhtoryt ah there were trucks that franca were paid breaking the news loo great for the bridge lucllo sprang down aoarchlng the ground with eager eyes timber thieves she sold in a halfwhisper theso are some of the forests- noted pines bid they- come from lynns the- speaker waited as if for a re ply none carnal apparently for he went on i called up to givo my noon report everything fine thero must have boen some quoar tloh that time for ho said not- a thing everything is all right til keep a sharp lookout so long he hung up the receiver would be ascend tho stairs again lucllo tugged at tho k tted towel then to her unspeakablo ro ller she heard the door open and closo sho laid her brothers head on the floor stooping to sweep his forehead with her ups then sho rose tlptoo lng acrojbs tho room sho looked out from the opening the man was crostf ing the opening golpg afmost at c run that timji luclle saw among tho trees a horse calmness had come to tho girl she did not understand but she could res cue her beloved brother remember ing that he always carried a stout knife in his pockot bhe searched for and- found it five minutes later lynn weston was free at first he was too cramped and stfff to rise or speak lucllo was positive that the words that tried to form on his swollen lips was wator so she ran down tho stairs as she reach ed the bonch under a window where tho water pall stood her oyos swept tho sea of wavlngtree tops below her jrom two pojnts off to tho south columns of heavy smoke were rising luclle did not hesitate even her brothers pressing need must wait whllo she did the task he was pledged to do sho called the supervisors of fice and his assistant farley replied the time before lucllo had feared that tjiisman would- refuso to crodlt hor fears but now she spoke with steady assurance first shoreportedthe flrj iohm she said happy ho is the poor glr nsked without mov- how could ho bo happy without hor when sho was so brokenhoartod with- oift him vho could answer u ouos- tlon uko that in such an hour thou to the group of would ljp cpm- fortors sitting inahopcb sho lilosded oh pray for mo pray that i may understand hi pno of tho women throw her- armfi1 around her and fluid t no doar lot us fcray not tpunderr stand it lot ua just pray for strength to hold on tor faith to help iia- until wo neo tho light sbrrowbaro dfton so swift and ter rible that all the sterotypod worcla of comfort all our familiar explanations of tho workings of provldcncosuddonly seem meaningless what shall we- pray for thon for ourselves or- others but for strength to hold on for faith that will sustain us until tho light breaks gems of thought only a trivial error no wa to bivo il n 4j angrify demanded the offlfilal theret la a certain stableman in jbrighton says an english paper who j has n tonder heart and vho under stands the art- of breaking had news gently- for example a gentleman living in wales who was n a ni ol b ac- cbmpanled his wife and daughter to london for a few days visit the daughter after buying whatever else she wanted decided that she must have a bulldog the entire family wont to help her select the dog but as they could jiot agree at all the v gentleman bought all three ho then had the three dogs shipped sto brighton then changed his plans about going back there and took the family home to wales a few days later he received the following letter from the stableman at brighton dear sir your three bulldogs camo all rlghtlost night on the same train i locked them up together in a loose box- v v yours truly jj ps- we have only one loose hor p sis you win havo to buy some more dpgs- v came before tbisone hero are their tracks if others ore to come lator they will have to go down to the lar- rlmoro bridge as i must whoever stole these logs would not hesitate to quiet a ranger dr a lookout man for a moment the girl remained per fectly still thinking intently then shu remounted ill not reach nachlta until noon god guard my brother rhn push ho ivao all sh dar the motor- driven individual tooth brush ic h tooth cloanllnoss is one of the most important factors in good health at last has appeared whatwoirinevttahle sooner or later uie mechanical topth- brush driven by aanuil motor the inventor believes that the hand scrubbing given by tho average man to bis teeth is entirely wrong in his theory it is alwayrtbrward and back ward not up and down to fit into the interstices bf the teeth and eieanse them conijllcteiyt chjv for this feftson he v devised a rotary apparatus with twlrp ot- town on for the front 4 teeth artnikjjrmwesa ablo so that xioj onry eap alt mmbrf of thp fsnllly nfhesome mcrtife- power for jbrushlt jmr fth hut lso old hrushes cair fwc rfaosdvr vi j j the brush revtwvvfljrhxvbjh speed on ttflebw shaft drft hjr suui flfjwstro motor v j j belle responded gallantly to rein and word of command but luclle knew that the horse was tiring gradually the way led upward the manzanlta live oaks and bucktuorsgawo place to towering pines lu dies breath came faster what would she find when she emerged oh th 6 barb peak where stood the tiny cabin with its many- windowed sides her brothers domain at lost the horse and rider reached theedge of the woods luclle peered out into the clearing the door of the little cabin was closed why am i afraid tho girl i naked herself my father did not tell me what lynn said to aim about feellrig that he was be ing watched hy hostile eyes i gather ed it from hearing one end of the telephone conversation i am sure my father was worried because i heard him urgelynn if the threatened storm came to bo sure to- call mo as soon j as it was oypr luclle dismounted and tied hei horse ao she could crop the scant grass unseen from spy person who approach- ed the lookout along the regular trail then on a run the girl crossed tho open space between the forest and the cabin under her hand the door opened hynn brother sho called as- sh stopped within- the cabin the cabin was deserted and in a state of wild confusion blankets dragged from a cot a ublbtvhlch had hoidpaper and books overturned and the floor tracked and retrsoked with the prints ot mud dflfcet farley seamed to understand bid ding her hold the line ho gaye crlsp orders commanding word to bo sent over another telephone for the forco of flrdflffhtera nearest tho blazo to hasten there there was another or der of which lucllo only caught the words tho supervisor then farleys voice called her now miss weston tell me the rest quick in brief teraeecntenccs luclle told him of the broken bridge of the ipnd of timber on the truck and ot all- that she had- soon and hoard at tho lookout station twice farley interrupted her- to ask a question then ho said tvflll mies weston youve saved th6 day super visor long is on his way tar nachlta peak we can intorcopt him at lud je and i re l will giv the in thexouraeof along andeventfutl life martin boggs had nover beoi known to admit that any of tho failures which had besprinkled his career had resulted from a mistake on his part if his potatoes did not turn out wpll in the new place he had chosen for them in the faco of advice it was be cause he had planted them there as a warning to his son who had a notion to experiments if his children had scarlet fever because ho had failed to take his wifes wishes into considera tion in regard to a visit to an infected house he wished them to have it and get over with it although ho hadnt thought it best to say so if an investment turned out bajly he had just put the moneyi in to en courage the company although he know it was ho use and lf a barrel of eating apples turned out sour he had bought thorn to make into cider when he opened the cellar door of u neighbors house one night under tho impression that it was the ono which led to another room and then stopped off into space and landed on the cellar bottom it really seemed as if for onto he would have to admit to a mistake when it was ascertained that be yond soma bad bruises and one or two easily remedied dislocations martin was safe and sound one of his old friends ventured a little mild banter seems as if for onco ita your life i you did make a mistake martin said j this courageous person but mr bogga turned a bandaged and reproachfu countenance toward him it isnt what id- expect of you erry he said mildly to call a little mlscalclation uko that a rcglar mis tako tho most valuable posesslon which chriafcianlty holda or- mois -thucoh- victlan that the task is unfinished that theobnfllct is a till on and that it is my business to invest my life in such a way as to make true tho dream of tho son bf man edward- a stolner politeness has been defined as love in trifles courtesy is said to bo love in little things and the ono secret of politeness is to love jlovo cannot bo havo itself unseemly henry drum- wond when a man is wrapped up in him self ho makes a pretty small parcel some time ago tho following was to be seen bn tho wall of tho church there are no pockets in a enroudu if you think that youcan sin and then by cries avert the consequences of sin you insult gods character f w robertson the depth from which our words aro spoken is the measure of tho depth at which they will bo heard fcmintno vanity that divine sift which makes woman charming ben jamin disraeli ho who has never tasted what la bitterqacs not know what is a 1 jjqerjnanprovetbt how one word was born tho two friends had boondlnlng on divers titis sundry strang6 dishes i tho cedars of lebanon cafe in thu syrian quarter of now york bo at least tho hun assorted thoy wjjre drinking their coffee thick with conl- black groundu and wondering whethoj they wore really enjoying it whon smlthers suddonly cried out ipatnug pdtaugt the waiter hurried away and came buck presontly bringing an ordinary eqrksprewj i- i wasjunt testing snld smfthora to his comjmnlbn tho truth of the story that the first corkscrew ovrr noon in beirut was brought thero uy a yankee it was a patented american contraption and the syrians were amazed atltsxonvonlenoe they spoil od out tho mystlc words pat aug 76 nnd took that to foo the name of the implement now i bolicvo the story that pataug ifl its name all over the le vant j no surgical operation is necossary iirromovlng corns if hoiioways corn remover be used prfo sbsiii too kitchen hfcdfcdl in heat gjbps- itlrltt now j a tiro time to 1natat kwffxam thut n etovo and have com- bhlsi tort with lummo cooking j0bmvwb cheaper to burn than electricity vcmfgmjfl and fully as efnejent purchaued lhjk for a tiiirit thfl price safe con- mgmtbibjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjh venfent and economical tho hh florence automatic oil stove e2fp soo window display for prices 1 wo also handle tho new cok- man oasollno attachment for your old oil stove comb in and f ask about u w d talbot main street acton n 76 get your jobjprinting at the free press never met a squaw you can get a degree of enjoyment just by looking at show windows geeing the clocks radios fountain pens you might like to own but you can be sure youd like them till you know their un seen merits what they do how well they do it how long theyll keep on oloing it well when you look at advertibetnents in the free press you are looking at show windows that display not only what you see but what you cant see theproduct jtsjcfuglity use pleasure to youallyou they wero dlecusslng the north ajdv- erlcan indfan in a ruraj achool aaya a british weekly when the teacher astcedkj if dnyano could tell what the leaders of the tribes wececalled chlefb answered a bright llttlaefirl at tho head of the class corroct answered the teacher now can any of youjell me wbnt the women were called t thejo waa a dead silence for a mtnj uteor jwo apd then a small boys hand waved eagerly aloft well prankio asked tho teacher mischiefs he proudly announoed brsophr or1jvhixe a league 0rnatiqn9 but are you a brlushborn huii- flro his personal attention jtou wilt neo hm before long now pardon me mr parloy but i must i attend to my brother later i will call you 4 the anxious girl ran upstairs with the- water lynn had heard her at the telephone and he was wild to hear farleys exact words a little later with bis sisters aid the young man revived enough to stagger down to the lower floor he bade her torn tho key in the lock and lay on tho table both his rifle and his revolver yes brother but the man will not cone bnckk sep thoros another column of smoke lynn stared from the window tho fires will not get a great headway be fore the boys will arrive last nights rain has made it difficult to get a flro under way now let mo tell you about it during tho storm lynn- had gone outside to make sure that no lightning holt had started a are from out of the darkness a blow on his head ren dered him unconscious when ho re vived hewas inside bound atid gagged as luojle found him there were two of tho men thoy dragged me- up the stairs one was a mexican whom had never soon bo- hne tho others tbe ono you saw was bain hardy a notorious charactor of this region why did they do it lynn lucllo softly stroked her brothers hair the face of tho young man hard ened he bad com to love the forest over which he watched tho attack upon himself was not so fiercely mk sen tod by him as was the effort to steal and destroy for pnltry gain why brother lucllo persisted its a bff- himbor steal dear the ij disabled true it proved that ive pot fluooeedod in straightening out the re tails in mymfhd there is one thing mnnldfltlffn v ths jropryisors r ive not told you at six thlgmorn- at tho passport ofnee my mother was british yea yes but sho married a frenchman in italy yeo but where wero you born i was born on a ship flylnff the 8panlah colors whilst she was lylnir at- anchor in honolulu harbor but my parcrits dlod in brazil- when 1 wis only foiir years oid and was adopted by a chinaman who brought me up jn biisola- well lies bosan ofllclal hes n league of national ex plodod another ofllcldl bpeeltllsts in diseases of skin blood nerres bladder ahdspeclal a1n meotn of men one ylslt advfsablo it impoaslbu send history forreo opinion and ad vfee question blank and book on dlaoaks of men free consultation free medicine- famished in tabtat form hours 10 nm to lp4nabil 34otniv bundaya 10- ajn to 1 jm dr soper white tortmul street toronto ont mmmrmr m j inii i i want tohknowaboiit it yours at a glance you d need to walk blocks to see whats hew nor look at it in doubt nothing doubtful is offered it cant he doubtf td and be widely advertised you are as sure of a products worthas if you saw it in a window asked about it examin ed it took it home and tried it the facts in advertisements are the facts of actual usc you can get more than enjoyment out of these show windows at home you can get solid economy read the ad vertisements in the acton free press they make your choosing wise -t- how rie felt i a certain ohlef justice of tho su premo court wiuv noted for his disin clination to admit that he was 111 as well ob for tils rouhdaboucmethod of expression one day ho was approached by the state librarian who courteously asked after his health william said the judec cautiously i am not well but i am better than i- was when i was worso than i now am i iilfljljfiltfypytfa before hfl aiobj to asp in a half bttirvytttr 1lett wliat has irpndr mieirt beatini iflldiy she wilkeaatoundib room amklnit th bt sink value evottoffered batfattr aaw tywr tf sink at anmarlc- lamr low erioe in baw la rmwoutun arraco xroa aoatad vjtn pumtwhlw anaai1 map aa raffunratora ftactrlc raucsa ate sold eoaplaw wit all dt- tinaja add laattuetioaa s1vp enameled sink 01 smp enameled drain board price ifio woadaffuvataa wutaa usidlsaat slbtit iwrai ptmwuen tts ipaiaui io amnhipi iai aa wtnmiptt afomt0u vakcotwaa cmajura mclaughlinbuick the fine engineering in mqlaughlin- buick motor cars is demonstrated by the torque tube drive this is a steel tube which transmitetthe drive from the rear wheels instead of adding this important duty to the burden of the rear springs ithe torque tube also encloses and protects the propeller shaft this type of con struction also holds the rear wheels in alignment regardless of road conditions sv king representative georgetown ontahlo mclaughlijul

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