Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1925, p. 3

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a- c wt ttan 3ts jheufi tpruksdayriar 11 1925 a country 80nq while tho willow spreads her honoy cpmo away burdft are singing banks uro sunny coma awuy niqeivo tho oltya toil and thunder for tho bright entrancing wonder of tho may mny muy in greon holds uro youpff lamtjawtatlns grovoyund copplcb laugh their greeting evory steep an orchard aeoma made for beauty lavo and dreams como away xn tlie ilxxflh of summer weather como away youth and gladness yours together for a day seek tho meadows neuretented dusky- coaxing myrludscented with the hay hay hay down the windrow- tumbled mases crickets chirp tho sungods praises thoro tho fireflys restless spark braids its pattern on tho dark come away when tho hoarfrosts crisp and whlton come away then tho skies and forests brighten 0 come away winds aro wjftntllng nuts are falling loud at dawn ttojnarshhawk callinr and tho jay jay jay v autumn wreathed wjth leaf and berry treads a measure wild and merry court her blessings ere thoy fly stormswill routyou by and by come away dora road goodal on crazy mountain crazy mo u tain is in montana the wbolp stato has hoard of it and word of it is spreading to other states a teacher and nine children have made it famous hero is tho inscription 6 crazy mountain schoolhduse and its equipment that a school inspector of r montana gives thq achoolhouse is a ten by twelve shack with a roof that slants only one way and is covered with black tar paper the cracks in tho floor were so big that pencils easily fell through them there were only three tiny win dows tho hole cut through the roof for the stovepipe was so clumsily made that the raintan down into the stove arid puttho flro out- tho rain also beat in at tho door which was latched bya chain hooked over n nail tha dosks bad been thrown away by a neighboring school the boats were boards held up by sticks of wood un less the pupil was fortunate enough to and a box of the right else to use for a chair the teachers desk was a plank nailed on two sticks and set against tho wall in this schoolbouse tho teacher ana her nine pupils began their work last spring mos of the pupils had no books i tor three weeks there was no fire although it was cold and very damp- but these things mitdenddlf- forence they had como to work and they workddv one ffaya premium list of the mon tana state fair coma to the school- the teacher and pupils examined it eagerly to see what there was that tbey could 1 do best kindergarten work no chancer there best shop work that jvasven4norehppol08artbest cov lection of wild flowers pressed and mountod with description of five everybody shouted 7c7can do that how those chlldron worked they scoured tho region from mountain to valley they invented flower presses and put the flowers under the heaviest weights thoy could find thoy mado use of sacks of flour trunks bureaus tho legs ofa bed finally they select ed their best specimens sixtyeight in all carefully mounted them on white cardboard and sent them to the fair and craxy mountain school won the prize for the best collection of wild flowers sent by any school in the state not only that bat the little group mpf children won the attention of the whole state and a successful mer chant who saw their exhibit sent this message to the county in which crary mountain is situated go un4 tell tho people of park county that boys and girls who do work like that are entitled to a better school houso and a- better equipment and toll the children that when they get the house they can come to my storo and got anything they want in it without monoy and without price the beat business- men astwishvas the best school men realize that boys and girls who do faithful work with what thoy have make the men and woman rwho do- good work when the time of larger opportunity comes weekly fashion hint greetings for two kn owed him more n twenty year ilked him through and through him an mo was neighbors here when th landwos now c he druv past here every day wave his hand just so then howhollor howdy an id holler back hello td be workln in the field hedbo off to town an d hear that rattlowhecfbd buggy comln down td look up from hoein torn an td see hi g then hed holler howdy an id honor back hello never was no other talk had by him and me see plm go by trot er wnlk wave on let him be alwus knowfld when i looked up jest how it udijo he udholler vhowdy an id holler back heiro soy i call that nelghborin in th proper way- aln no kith o mine er kin fur as i can say alwua friendly chaeryhbo sunshine rain cr snow he jest hollers howdy an i holler back hello ho tens to his own affairs- an i tend t mine ho dont put on any airs x dont cut no shine weather bad er weather fair drivln fast ex slow he jest hollers howdy an i holler back hello thats th way wo smarted out when we bottled here like t keep it up about nother twenty year look out yonder in the road t there now boo him go soon hell holler howdy 1 an ill holler back hello james w foley ornamental grasses there are few plants that make a hotter show in the garden than some of tho ornamental grasses the com mon species m senensls is striped with blados of medium width another variety has a nitrrower blade with a dollnlto strip a third desirable var- j iety zobnlnoea has a wider blade r jias whltlflh jiry ellowlflh marks crosfljng them a1j of these- varieties ore as hardy as orchard gross they grow rapidly anct oarly in the sum mer make a splendid showing on the lawn or in front pf a fence jby tho autumn they have developed a fine pluroo like spike from the centre of each stalk they may be dried and used in the house for decoration the plapt should be cut back close to the ground in november and manured plentifully around thejrlant but not the top no plant in mygardeh claims more notice than these grasses from rjuly to november tho best collec- tion i have seen of these grasses ts on tho grounds of the normal school at i6ndon ontario there is also a lino showing of them in the private grounds of miss mary havell walker ton ontario vthfcy are well worth growingby william hsrtry sea- forth director of the ontario horti- another of actons formkb doctors cajlbd a few weeks ago i gave a brief sketch of tho twentytwo doctors who hdd practiced in acton and among thomtvas dr moffltt forster- of toroa to after attalntnghis year in april dr forster passed away on tuesday may- 6th afhis homo at 48g paalnffton avenue tho dr was no dciibt the oldest of all tlio doctors who have practiced in acton though dr morrow of guelph boa close second dr forster was one of natures noblemen he was a man of sterling clmractar upright friendly intensely interested id all moral issues attentive to his patients and in all respects a good oltuen i got quite chummy with the dr when ho lived in acton ho was good companyfcoiitd tell a good clean story out of his rich experience and was withal a very human man one always folt the better of aa hour in dr forsters- company and bo now hes gone and i lose another friend well such is life and i must sub mit im thartkfu i knew him- and i iwlll always cherish sweet memories of our fellowship the acton overseas items qiaanod from the acton gazette and express a glfmpse of the doings at acton isngland for awoek the east acton muhicui and dra matic society ipono of tho most hva of such soclul organizations a sewing machine is to be purchuhcd for tho acton derwcntwater senltn school at a coot of 4 15b thj3 fashionable flare for tho fastidious woman to whom tho flare on stralghtlinb frocks malcoa a special appeal is this model designed it is developed in wigwam caqhmeri trimmed with satin and appllauo emr broidery the overdress is stitched to the foundation at tho sides and bnclc tho wide flare appearing only below the hipsrtho overdress opens at the back and is trimmed with buttons medium sizes requires 3 yards 54inch material with yard 40inch satth and four dozen buttons kind of intoxicating liquor including the new 44 beer with the consent of tho 01d man 1 may have moro to say on conditions as they are shaping at tho present- time tours truly jsla well now that isla recaljs the old cadets of temperance 1 remem ber that i was one of thtpboys who joined about the time he did that was about fiftyfive years ago i con fers that while wo were youngsters t the time good am lasting impressions were made upon our youthful minds in the simple ceremonies of the cadets with the carefully taught- lessons re specting the- evils of drink i som- times think if wo had just such an organization now our voters would be better fortified against the niodcra- tlonist sophistries which aro today so current forgive and forget tho late dr a h quint used to relate an ins off neighborhood cultural association 0ge tricking the ju a clever young lawyer was defending a man accused of housebreaking 1 your honor i submit that my client did not break into the house at all he found the parlor window open inserted his arm and removed a w trifling articles now my clients aria is not himself and i fall to see how you can punish him for an offenco committed only by one of hi hmbsi that argumontsttld the judge u very well put following it logically j sentence the defendants arm io one years imprisonment he can accom- pany it or not just as tih chooses the prisoner calmly unscrewed his cork arm and leaving it oh the table walked out worthwaiting for a scotchman who wished to know his fate at j telegraphed a pto- poaal of marriage to tho lady ot choice after spending the entire day at thotelcgraph office says the- argo naut he was rewarded late in the even ing by anafftrmatlve answer it i were you suggested the dp- orator when he delivered the message id think twice before marrying a girl that kept mo waiting oil day for my answer ff na na retorted the scat the lass wijp waits for the night rates is fhojaos for mo untimely selfcongratulation i may be a littlo deafsafd qrand- stro mnbbltt but im glad to say my eyoslght is us gooras over i4mmv poss mo them potatoen and hepoint- ed to a djsh full of crisp brown dough nuts islas weekly contrd3ution the old man of the big clock tower dear friend seeing i trespassed quite a bit in my last effusion on your good nature in that i went outside straight lines regarding thd stories 1 am supposed to tell and possibly got somewhat prosy i fear you will pass the blue pencil through this yet feeling as i do especially toward the young and rising generation i hope what i may say will have some good effect in resard to their stand toward the temperance question to bring this beforo thorn i will rejatevjiow jjccamo a temperance worker toramytkenndy wbcf- has now crossed ovor the river came to us boyp one evening and told ua too was always the leader that there was some kind of a iodge or something about temperance going to be formed in the old temperance hall on mltf jstfeet and he thought he would join and try it- out tho too was only one penny a month and he said from what i hear there is going to be suppers and lots of music and agapd time- of course toms approval settled the matter and through the kindness of the women of the vlllago the supper materialized- and you can imagine how we boys enjoyed it there wastom kennedy and donald ed mcgarvin jock glbbs the stull boys flbrno of the lightheart lads johnny maxflliall the hill boys elam and jnck living stone am not sure of any of the crant bays austin tubby- one of the etbago boys some of tho nlckllns and the ferryman s and others i can not now rccall the supper was only a be ginning for in twd weeks more the lodgo of cadets of temperance was duly formedt the officers nominated were installed and clothed in their proper regalia the regalia was nqade by the skllfut fingers of tho good mothers and- there must bavo been some fervent prayfers wrought intothjj form and fashion of them in uiv rsoi shall never know ugaln such thrill of pride as i felt when i saw the simple white cloth callar and the red white and blue rosottcf which x re ceived the feeling is with mo to oils day that and the experience i liave gorto- through in my few years hns only deepened my hatred of tho whole op- cursed liquor traffic about this time the feeling toward the whiskey business began to harden and the formation of temfproioe lodges spread much knowledge a io the evlla possibly one reason for this was the old country fdlk who had al ways been accustomed to drinking were just beginning to die out and anew ideatbocupfed the youngvr folks mind but with all thli feel ing against the use of whiskey thero was not a barn or house raising logging bee wood cutting or any such gathering on tho average farm but tho fugmust be jn evidence and any social gatherlogar dances paring bees or other places but there must be liquor m as my mind runs back i can eo how stcudlly tho betterpeople frown cl down on itvand when a concrete action was called for it was so strong ttw our little seven by nlpo county dnw1 the dunkln act and has always rince been- in front in stamping their dh- approval on the traffic i caufd ssty much more burt this is for theyounh- sters that they- may decide early iq say no when tempted to drink any btrifo came under hisobserva- uon jl little village church through an unhappy family difference between members became divided and the minister after trying in vain to recon- cilo tho two factions resigned his pas torate in the interest of peace bui the trouble continued and the hostile parties were so impiacabe that for years it was impossible to settle an other minister one summer when tho congregation had dwindled and tho church had be come too weak to support a resident pastor a young theological student camo out to preach during his vaca tion in some way ho won all hearts and continued to supply the pulpit during his remaining year of study after which he accepted a united call as pawtor there he lived and labored made peape and grew into the life of the people it was his only pastorate and it lasted half a century he burled the leaders in the r old quarrel married tholr chlldron and their grandchildren and died at a good old ago after fifty years of a blessed ministry over fttfy years ago when tho popu lation was only 8000 our wellknown local professor of music mr a hov- matthowh came to acton a whist drive in aid of tho nursing yectlon of tho aoton division of tin st john ambulnnco- brigade will oe held in the churchflold hall on may 7 a successful concert arranged by mr fuller in aid of the acton st cnbrlels church building fund was held on saturday evening at acton on tuesday ufternoqn dr j s crone deputy coroner conduct- cilan inquiry into ithe death of mr john robert coleman a carpenter and joiner aged soventyflvo years v acton hospital yookly report ad- mi t tod 26 discharged 23 in hospital 29 outpatlonts 8 major 16 minor massage and electrical treatment 41 mr lash one of the first members and tho veteran oxhen secretary took the chair at tho acton priory con stitutional club on wednesday even ing for the annual primrose dinner at acton police court on wednes dayjames penman of fclngbrottd wimbledon was fined 5 for motor ing at 32 miles an hour at acton vale and his license was endorsed dr kathleen coward will lecture to tho acton women citizens associa tion at the acton council offices on thursday evening her subject belng f6od especially vltamlnos tho official rocoiver in the compan ies- windlngup division of the high coifrl has issued his observations mn the jlquidatlons of tho apollo playor and piano co ltd eleven tenders for tho demolition off tho existing- school building at east acton have been received and tho acton education committee is rocom mended to accent one at 125 mrs muriel blount who has been elected a life member of tho brentford board of gunrdlntis for acton at the age of 26 is behoved to be tho youngest guardian in the country supporters of the boy scout and the girl guide movements wore well rep resented at a concert held in the lec turo hall of the acton baptist church oh tuesday evening although loss than four months of 1q2g have passed wenrereminded of the swift passage of time by the publi cation of walkers olm mbores al manac for the year of human re demption 192g on tho 7th inst mr john wesluy wedgewbod died after a long illness nt 9 burl ington gardens acton mr wedgewood held tho unique record of 69 years continuous railway service councillor f townsend was orspeal er at a memorial bqrvico on sunday evening at the brotherhood church southgateroad n for the nearly 40 miners who lost thejr lives in tho scots wood colliery disaster newcastle ninetccrrbcotitb and ro of -the- answer to labt weeks i pu2zle q a eihei ei as ci nhh q saa q as ci a ram a bs n a p pi voth r a m o m t vuekv c o u p b t p a tmbmm a u s e l e f rlzbja r t e l he being dead yet speaketh sweet clover thftn hnpponfd n sfrnnge thing ta flueclfjictjuigincouualonthe church came to consider the calling of another pastor and mr smith made a joking allusion to the historic quar rel how footjish the aid fellows werel said he ive heard my father tell how deacon brown wouldnt pray in tho meeting where he had taken part deacon browns sbn laughed too but he resented the allusion and ho mentioned something which his own father had told him about tho oldor mr smith thats all yerytrue no doubt said mr smith but my sainted father was a man of convictions sir and i honor his memory no more than i honor tho memory md canvlctionaiof myfajhjor said mr brown incredible as it may- seem this little dispute at on co called back a hateful memory and started in full career nil the unbrotherly clamor and reproach of tho old quarrel dead for half a century the contention began again it had sprung out of a trifle in tho first instance and tho merest trlflo now brought it out of its grave only after tho greatest effort on the part of frtaobo who had no ancestors in the original strife and the wise counsel off men outside was the difficulty set tled and jeaco restored those who say i can forgiye bu i cant forget have never moro than half forgiven unless ono can so far fargetthat heceases to think evil and resentful thoughts about a wrong he has excused there still is a root of bitterness out of which now hatred may grow dig tho root out and let it die 3rd acton troop spent a week at chip- perflold herts the site wasideal and this together with fine weather mado tho camp a busy one and a promising start to tho camping season a combination of anticombine dusch started running through acton- last week on what was described as hn official route all tho pirates in london seem to have laid their heads together to maintain a quartor-of-an- hour service when a landlord applled at acton police court on monday for process against his lodger for alleged assault ho explained that the lodger who was under notice to quit for the past eigh teen months has been making such noises that applicant was tired of it the madcaps a party of plerettes associated with acton congregational church gave one of tholr bright enter tainments in churchflold hall on mon day night their object on this occasion being to help the funds for the sunday school forward movement the- need for the provision off land for permanent allotments has recently been urged on the acton town coun cil by two bodies which we do not lirom tho status of a weed legis lated igalnst by governments to that of a much soughtafter cultivated for age plant has been the history of tho development of sweet clover this transformation has not been tho slow development resulting from long and careful consideration but rather an almost instantaneous popularity 7 there is always a danger accomp anying tho sudden popularizing of any crop of many people accepting the new production wthout reservatum of any kind suchhcceptanco in variably results in disappointments and many failures for thlflieasdn it la doslrnblo to indicate some of ho limitations and advantages of aeot clovfer aa a forago crop those jpr principally to tho blonnlal white blossom types as it- is tho only kind as yet of considerable commercial fm portanco throughout canada advantages sweet clover can bo grown successfully qn d surprisingly groat varloty of soils because of its ability to thrive on poor soils it offers an excellent medium for tho improvement off wornout soil or for lightening up heavy soils at the- flame time it is a gatherer and storor of nitrogen and adds- to the soil a considerable quantity off this necessary olemerj it provides an j source of pasture and in most years pn tht prairies and in dry years in tho east it is possible to produce a fair quality of hay from it once tho cattle be come accustomed to tho peculiar taate and odor of tho sweet clover they ap pear to relish both the pasture arid hay objections sweet clover has a pec uliar odor and a bitter taste that reh- dorsifuhpalatabjo to cattle until they become used to lt during years when rainfall is at all frequent during tho haying season it is almost impossible to cure sweot clover for hayr v thv quality of hay produced even under tho beat conditions is usually inferior to that produced by alfalfa red clover or our commonly cultivated grasses it is dlfllcult to rovent sweet clover from seeding oven when cut for bay or pastured consequently it often ap pears in succeeding crops where it 1j not wanted when alfalfaseed production la car tied on tho presence of sweet clover is irundclrabieecauhccfth dlf tho fortyrflftb anhivcrbary ot the formation of the company which provides this community- tdepharae service calls attention to the many boneficicnt byproducts of bells great idea i in tho accompanying photobtaphs we nee in use the artificial larynx which represents the triumph of bell telephone scientists over one of burgerys most difficult operations namely the removal of tho larynx the familiar adams apple and adjacent parts of tho throat- because of cancerous tissues it was only natural that in his desiro to provide a neana of speech for those whom cancer had fobbed of this precious function dr john e mackenty tho leading burgeon in this lint should turn to the bel research laboratories vr harvey fletcher took tip the problem ntod under his supervision clarence e lane developed fin artificial larynx pubftcpraibo haa como unsought to dr maikefity and tho scientists letter after letter repents thostory or men and women resuming then old places in lifo enabled to converse aa beforo through tho medium of a littlo rubber tubs apd a bit of sliver in very truth it may bo said that the inventor of the telephone vr alexander jgraham belli though dead yet speaks- do not feed cream 9f calvks fi 4 acuity of keeping the alfalfa fields free from it and because its presence in alfalfa seed lowers tho market value of tho seed in which it is found conclusions all things considered it would seem ns if sweet clover had a distinct place as a soil improver nndas a temporary pasture crop with a more limited use asa silage crop and also in tho western provinces as a hay crop g j pichostle dominion ag rostologist the storied strait sartorial disadvantages royalty pr the late admiral bobley d evan during his visit to japan was received by mutsuhito and liis empress at a court ctfrcmony in speaking of the xaimnefls ourt ho sabj- handkisslng was pot- tho thfncr instead x received a handshako rpm a very shapely and beautiful band i found- tho empress a woman of great refinement and jpevfcgt enso of manner so delicate in appearance and so small in stature as to remind you of some fine piece off dfesdoh china she was attired in a paris gown of heliotrope brocade tho bad fit off which ii counted for just as i atountcdfor tho bagw trousofs of tho emperor v after had spent a year iri japan i was ntufled it was owing to tho fact that a- tailor would not permit him self to tom oh the pefeann of their raajestlei but just jaok pj ttigm and guessed what tho moaburomolfl bo ministry of health and tho acton fed oration of allotment societies the rlffht method of clectf ng church wardens nowadays has been politely raised at ono or two of our placid ves try meetings this year in aoton the traditional plan of the vicar appoint ing one and the congregation tho other has been incariably followed tho nrtonymous donor of 25 for the provision of a flower bodkin acton park which has previously been des titute of flowers should be pleased with the manner in which tho parks com mittee has laid out his money in tho early hours of sunday morn ing tho ihrb wondon cross in tho centre of tiip floral war shrlnein qld- amlthavonue acton was overthrown ulwerjuinynseajtvoro thrown dpwn and damage done to the bulbs and m soctlon of tho fencing around the com pound was destroyed tho rev r f rendoll vicar of brightllngsea essex and formorly curate of st albans acton green wajg married at brlghtllngsoa parish church on tuesday to miss irene war- burton only daughter off mr and mrs w hr warburton off brightllngsea william jvfoskoll of park road north acton and stephen hensley of klnga- woodcoadacton greon with three other pfcrsons wero each iflned losi at acton- pollco court on wednes day f9r consuming intoxicating liquor at the vftcbf london workerss insti- iuto cluji by aay pf prcfaco to a propaganda mission which tho apt on lapr party and trudos counclf is holding n tho town n weak honoo jtho boy- canon lowia donald of westminister abbey and miss dorothy jowson exmp for norwich addressed a wellattend ed meeting in tho central hall on tuesday night- at a mooting of the hampshire house educational association on sunday mr d martin of acton opened a discussion on notions of liberty false anil true the title of the subject suggested itself to him as hewns listening to a speaker who advocated pationallslng the as tho true basis of jibrty prevention not cure cctabtiitfitfitatt onmay24 polirfi a good but not necessary truo story is attributed to dr c w salecby the noted british scientist who recently vision canada- it concern a brother whowas con sulted by a patient a victim of in- sompiav and who told him that ho smallest noise kept him awake a cat on a fence for instance ho complained can keepr mo awake all fiisnpl th dfcjpr expressed his sympathy and wrote imt a prescription thi powder will bo effective ho assured hi patient when do i take it doctor asked the sleepless one tou dont take it answered tho doctor its a ulttopmg draught for tho cat j wtiat a wealth of classic myth and ancient legend lies behind tho pomp and wreck of history that tho ehores of tho hellespont or tho dardanelles have witnessed why is it called the hellespont because pontus moans a sea and because the greoks named this par ticular sea for helle the goddess who fell- into itswfttera while she was rid ing through the nir above them on tne ram of tho golden fleece through the same strait at a later time sailed jason and tho argonauts in search of the golden flecco why the dardanelles in honor of dardanum a city that grqpk colon ists founded on tho strait not far from artcient 3 ilium tho troy of classic history illlum tho wallod city off priam the descendant of dardanus that tho greeks captured by craft after the ton years olego of which- homer sang tho plains where agamemnon led his- arglvo hosts echoed a short time ago to the thunder of guns on the british battleship- agamemnon- near by towers mount idn where aphrodite won tho golden apple the prise of beauty that led to tho wars andwoos of illlum and wherothe gods gathered to watch tho embattled greeks and trpjnps farther atyng stood abydos and ses- tos faclpg each other on tho mlle- wldo strait- that lcunder svam once too ofton to meet hlhswcgthenrthoro who found his body on tho shpro thithor in 33 1 b c alftxander tho great led the crooks who sought more wocldsj- to conquornnd thoro a cen tury and a half beforo xerxes- had crossed on the famous bridge of boats with his porslnn millions a force that n year later went straggling back in overwhelming disaster thoro also in 1366 the turkish torrent poured across into europe tho sea the sea cried the greeks who under xcnophon had ro treated from persia and who at last had reachod tho ppnttis euxlnus tho hospital sea as he greeks ouphom- iscally called the black sea not less grateful in the sight of the spa f marniora to the english and tho french as they left thejdem oil shed fors ofthe dardaheflea boblnd them one of our concjuerers ut lllzlijaizbe it u too expensive yef many farmers feed 20 to 40 cent worth every day without knowing itaimpjy became their old cream separator does not sldm closely and leaves cream in the milk cream does not fatten calves tut the sugar and starch in the slam milk does feed them slam milk and calf meal at ten cents a pound not cream at forty thirty cent worth of cream vruted day mount to j1msb in ono year and inco the average life of a melotte ia twenty year it would save you tfn thi baai z1mw start mting- today by uiinff a melotte we have an nteretfng booklai on the melotte which yog bonlj read carafully aak lis for m copy ferguson bros ballinafap ont phone georgetown 05 r 6 j the roanoeuvers in which the red and tho blue armies had engaged in mimic warfare had ended they wore tho subject off conversation on tho porch of n summer hotel yps i was at tho marioouvero re- marked a talkatlvo stranger i was with tho blue army tell ua about if said one of tho listeners well the first day f took one of the rwis oinuerair yes and- the next day i took eight scn weill well yes and tho day beforo we quit i took a lot of transport wagons and followed that up by taking a big gun say my friend said one of the gpoup avho had been listening in aston ishment to tho tales of military prowess what fo you anyway oh replied the btroj tani a phptogcaphrr- ercianzed mtawatntwujysm tbslsbtma mrmatiah finffcft mfc co 1003 bnriht avdttud jtluima skills x priokl 1 jalm wum ml o okklwu parable of the sower behold an advertiaer went foith to sow and vhen he sowed some seed fell into handbills and dodgers and the street cleaner came and gathered theni up some fell amongst concert and theatre programmes and the people being interested jn the performance an4 not in bargains they were left p the seats or crumpled and throwti on the floor and some fell among fake schemes and gift enterprises and popular con tempt sprang up and choked them but sonie fell into i legitimate news papers columns which found their way into the homes of thepeople who had time to read thein and they brought forth fruit some orte hundredfold some sixtyfold some thirtyfold who hath eyes to see let liiin see use the columns of the acton free press to pul your message before the people of acton and ail ll

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