Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1925, p. 4

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i tturj yt fr v 5typ jvrt mt 3fee fllrrbfl the home of jm member cnnadjan ycekly newspaper association ember selected town weeklies of ontario the acton free press is published every thursday niorninfr at the free presi building mill street acton ontario tho subscription price is 300 per year in advance postage ia charged additional to offices in the united states tho date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising ratesvrransicnt advertise ments 10 cents per line agntc measure for first insertion and 5 cents per lino for each subse quent insertion- contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum is cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ii p moore president and edkor gr a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editorial and business office nw residence of president nj residence of manager 131 men of character to sell beer as was surmised in these columns n week or so ago the applicant for a perrhjt to sell 4 beer itto be risked if he has been convicted of a violation of the ontario temperance act other questions which must be answered by an applicant are- name age and nationality whether he is married or single if he intends selling beer personally how many mem bers of the family will assist number of employees plncertesldehtorlastsixr months details as to occupancy of premises term of lease details of the structure of the bar if any whether the premises are equiped with tables chairs etc and what win dows or doors face upon any street or public thoroughfare with dimensions is there a dance hall- connected the applicant certifies to the correct ness of the information given and agrees to live up to all the departments requirements no beer is to be sold on sunday and none between the hours of 11 p m and 7 p m of any day neighborhood news- town arid country milton thursday morning may 14 1925 editorial beautify the home and you beautify the town in the course of his very interesting and instruc tive lecture here a few weeks ago mr moore of the provincial horticultural department expressed some very fine thoughts and ideas the free press does not quote his words but interprets his thoughts when he told how a beautiful lawn well kept garden and the simple arrangement of shrubs and flowers was a most valuable asset to ahyhoriie and home surroundings and what beauty is to a private place it is to a towni he knew of homes in western on- torio he said also of towns to which visitors were at tracted by the hundreds just to see the beauty of growth and arrangement of our mostly generally used flowers and particularly of roses prime minister king riviews governments record the prime ministers- review of the governments record his summary of fiscal policy and of whathad been achieved in the wayof reducing expenditures and taxation at tfiboncmsion of the budgetdebatey was undoubtedly one of his finest efforts in parlia ment he noted that during the year 1 92 122 the last of the previous administration total disburse ment on government expenses had been 464000 000 t 6177 per head during the fiscal year it had been 350000000 or 375f per head for every 400 that had been spent in 192122 the government was now spending only 300 a similar ratio holds with regard to taxation let me conclude with 4hesewords hesaidyihheflhortttm tha w the milton arena ltd intends hold ing a monster garden party in tho agricultural park on july 1 yohtcrduy afternoon wn tho aral buolncas half holiday hero lt hatt boon duly ftdvcrtiuodbul aorrio pooply forgot thin and were dleappolntod the junior farmere and junjor wo- jnonh inatltuto will hold tholr annual gurdon pnrty at tho ahow grounds at milton on mny 23rd all roads will lead- to milton on wed nesday juno 3rd tho kings birth day bis vdolnga horo that day a motor busts now running botwocn milton and hamilton it la operated by w crosb making twotrips a day three times a week a meeting of the crodltora of tho milton paint and vurnloh co ltd wtis held in toronto on monday tho as sets in round figures amounted to 16000 and tho liabilities 17000 tho annuul w c t u silver medal contest for entrance class pupils of tho milton public school will bo held in the methodist sunday school on thursday ovonlng may 14 mourns i il r hutchinson and j vv blight auditors presented their re port for 1024 to tho council oho wing balance n bank tin decornbeftjvsl jc851i loundt bank of nova scotia j 170 00 uncollected taxes 568400 ilue from county for school gtant 10- 07800- amount collected fur water rates 300083 hydro commlsion re ceipts 4188333 net pro lit 178571 ijast year some young smart alecks from nolgrhborlng towns made it a practice particularly on saturday night of coming to town and parking their cara along by tho oastvnd brldgo and inviting young girls passing to have a rldo with them this year we understand they ererepeatrng trnr practice we hope our chlof constable improving the prize ust roviii of ladle arts at acton fi work and fine l fafr have been in office of some three yars or more wewiii mnko it his business to look after have reduced the public debt we have reduced taxa tion the cost of living and the cost of public service more than that- we are able to point to a vast in crease in the trade of the country to the growing of national unity to nh improvement in our credit as witnesss the circumstances that today the canadian dollar is quoted at premium in new york haying regard to all these circumstances i thinjc the govern ment is entitled to creditat least from hon gentle men who have promised hohesy cboperation where the government sought to serve the countrys inter est theflo bents at the annual mooting of the milton arena co limited the following offi cers wore elected president dr m te gowland vicepresident j maxtej mannfifer a d sproat secretary treasurer a l macnabb j w bliiln who nan boon a director since tho arena was built retired from tho board and a c chambers hrtll replace him the cpnrnirtreo6r ludjoi aiipointed to revise tho prlzo list of acton foil ialr in tho soctlons which particularly interest tho ladles has comploted its vorlc tho now lists now oniyopon to ex hibitors in halton county and thf xawnshlim of erflmobunnd -hrln- atv uo follows- ladfea fancy work 1 bodroom slippers crochet or knit s tea cosy wool 3 ton cosy embroidered mado up 4 set nblo mats llsbentos llhod b pair bedroom towels tattedi rlm- mlnff ix pair of bedroom towols ombroltjfcr- od 7 pair guest towels crochot trlm- mod 8 pair guest towels hemstitched and initialed v v jlpalr towols swedish darning 10 pair dny pillow slips embroidered 11 pair dfty pillow blips crochet trim- mod i 12 pair pillow enses fancy 13 sheet crochot insortlon 14 dresser sot and bod spread em broidered 15 dresser rujinor and spread crochot trlmmod 10 pair tray cloths randcrlo embroid ery 17 colored centre piece silk embroid- or j8 luncheon set and six sorvlettos msjdorln embroidery 15 tea cloth drawn thread work 20 ten cloth embroidered 21 tea cloth crochet trimmed 22 serviettes six initialed 23 buffet runner embrolderod 24 buffet sot white colored ombrold- ery 26 three handkerchiefs hand trimmed different- styles 20 library table runner embroidered 27 library table runner other style a country oqy a writer in a big city paper rnccut- ly said tho real life for a boy is uut in a city well say it is uot ho should know of unimuhj rlzorh plants olid that ftroat outofdooni llfi that lays for him tho foundation of his lutor ycars what memoilos come touh who wcrii ao-xbrtunnttf-bh-to-be- hroufrht up ih tho country mnny iir and iiuccciihrut mon havo novor ceased to thunk ovid that they woro- prlvljiired to spenri their boyhood llfo uriinnic tlie hills tin streams and holds the pictures thit tho country hoy studied are far morn real to hlni in later years than tlm canvasses of tho great musters which ho mny have since enjoyed very well in ootry nnrt it hi ft dollirht to the cit vacationist hut toll us reader you who woro brought up on a farm and who followed tlio ralco with your- barofoot jumping overy nowand then as tho newcut stalks ntauhed your solos what wouldnt you cxulianuu for thoso halcyon daysl tle name red rose has been a guarantee of quality for 30 years business directory medicatt dr j a mcniven phyalolan and buraaon 0nl an1 kesldonco corner bowar arana and tsigln street phone 8 dr ej nelson frederick street aoton ontario leoal phone o 22 p o box haroldnash farmer m a tjarwatarjraollojtor notary podlla cbnvayanow etc 8 15s burlington editorial motes woollen trade conditions exports of agricultural and vegatable products from canada during 1924 were valued at 445513- 290 an increase of 29305300 over 1923 woodand paper exports ranked second last year with a total of 255389380 fit the pembroke observer editorially last week said m j obrien ltd of renfrew are evidently not worrying greatly over the alleged handicap of the woollen industry by the british preference the mill running to capacity was unable to keep up with the demand for its products- and the firm found it neces sary to purchase tiie mill of logan bros in order that their output may keep pace with the orders received the fact that the demands of therade forced m j obrien ltd to thus provide for expansion and the fact also that a firm of english manufacturers recently took over the caldwell mill at perth would indicate that conditions in the woollen trade are far from being as bad as some who would like to find grounds for an attack on the british preference would make out- 1thsa gratifyingtribute tothestrengthof the- temperance sentiment in orillia that only three grocery stores out of twentyseven are applying for a permit to sell the new 44 beer and only one res taurant packet z sfer hugh clark retires from journalism hugh clark editor of the kincardine review for yeairs member of the house of commons for north bruce has retired from his paper after twenty- five years in the editorial chair he announced his retirement ih the review last week as follows after thirtyfive jrears in which i have been connected with the editorial management of the kincardine review it with poignant regret that i sever my relations with you the subscribers and readers of this paper i have taken considerable liberty in the expression of views that sometimes were unacceptable- to many of you i have been wrong on occasion but looking back i cannot recall one instance in which i did not think at the time that i was right you have been very generous and very loyal and i thank you for your indulgence- pjeasebelievethat jiawith un- conimbn regret i now bid you goodbye air clark was under secretary of external affairs in sir robert bordens government mr charles clark editor of the timesrhiglrrwer alberta is a brother the latest anaesthetic which promises to open up an entirely jiew field in that phase of medical research and which it is believed will make a large number of ddngerous operations much safer for the patient- was demonstrated at the university of toronto last week the value of an active board of trade or chamber of commerce to any progressive town is being em phasized by special membership drives in various municipalities among our neighbors who are boost ing membership orillia and gravenhurst are in cluded orillia aims at 250 members and gravenhurst at 100 huntsville forrester i 1 examinations for the schoolboy the prospect of examinations elbuds the brightest days of may and june it lea sen the pleasure with which the schoolgirl looks upon her graduation gown it dampens enthusiastic aqticipatjon of the festivities that aretomark the j closing of the school year and after all of what use are examinations as tests of scholarship are they not incomplete and unfair sbuld not class work throughout the ear be sufficient criterion of a otiidtnte industry application and acquirements ijo not examinations put a premium on facility and 4 is npt thfc slowworkfiig methodical thorough mind at a disadvantage in undergoing such fl test as examinations impose let us admit ail the arguments that the ingenius and indignant youth lirjc against a system that he regards as designed pripiarily for his torment examinations are no an nade method of classifying scholars they no doubt play unduly into the hands of those who have ajknack of making the most of very slight knowledge but the boy wjo denounces them vigorously is probably one- who prides himself in yhissporting spirit and in that case he ought to concede the merit even tho necessity of tte exam- ination system suppose that the baseball nine were to practise diligently day after day and disband at the end of the season without ever having played a game the individual players might be justified hi feeling satisfied with the excellenospfthe perform- itace and their improvement in skill but in a school where baseball was so organized the game would soon languish the young need the incentive of a climax at which to aim toward which to work ex aminations furnish the same kind of stimulus to their mental activity that championship games do to their qthletics the question whether examinations af ford a fair or aatiafaotory test for scholarship is less t important than- the fact that they supply for half the ojasa a desirable incentive and for tho other half a necesaary goad according to statements in the press the order received last december for 1300000 barrels of wheat flour worth 16395000 by tt large canadian milling companies from russia has been filled and final payment has been made it is stated that the completion of this order marks the worlds largest milling transaction and reflects credit on canadas ability and resources now is a favorable time to beautify fairview cem etery if all who have plots there will see that they are beautified and tidily trimmed the effect will be surprising a little work now on the plots wihjnean ari1mproved appeltraricallummer until the per petual cnreplan is adopted individual plot owners will be under the necessity of caring for their own plots if the cemetery is to be kept attractive in a recent interview wlth the daily press sir john aird president and general manager gf the canadian bank of commerce and- alstrpresident of the canadian bankers association is credited with stating that conditions in the dominion generally are good and will be pajticulflrly isp jf weget another good crop year but what is generally needed is markets for our great undeveloped potential wealth it la reported tho- brant inri has changed- hands and that geo stroud of hamilton has takon ovor tho prem ises and tho official opening will take place on may 16 mr miller peart left on tuosday for potorborouefh where ho has accepted a position with tho general electric co a ford coupe belonging to miss soaly victorian order nurse woo stolen from the aide entrance of mr donklns reelderico on sunday even- inb and has hot been recovered- mr james lambshead left last weak forpowasson wtaero ho will spond tho summer mrs lambshead and chil dren will leave this week tor tho north- ern country i at a meeting of thoejcocutlvo of the drumrners snack club hold on friday ovenlng it was unanimously decided to hold the snack again in burlington this year the date selected was fri day july 10 tho annual meeting of the metho dist sunday school was held in the sunday school boom on thursday evening last dr a h speers was again chosen as superintendent with mr butchmrt mr guy munson mr martyn undley and dr walker as assistants a well attended meeting was hold on friday evening may 1 at eight oclock in the methodist school room under tho auspices of the burlington branch of tho womens institute the executive had arranged for a temper ance competition in the form of a do bate eaaays and host poster showing tho evils of alcohol ja new time tatolo went- into effect on the canadian national railways on monday and as a result the first train leaves for toronto at 626 a m and there is not another train until- 1155 a m the train which formerly stop ped hero at 745 a m has been with drawn the train which left toronto at 630 p m now leaves at 430 p m the chamber of commerce and coun cil should maker a concentrated move to havo the 745 train stop here in the morning as it was a great convenience to the travelling public gazette georgetown a clause of the ontario temperance act regulat ing the sale of 44 beer provides that any person granted a permit for the sale of thisnew beer who is convicted of a second offence for selling contrary to the law is to haye his business premises closed up for a period of from one month to three months this is not optional with the magistrate but man datory and he must appoint special officers to see that the penalty is carried out in a circular letter to the three rivers clergy bishop cloutier denounces in vigorous termsefforts which are being made in certain villages to have licenses given by the liquor commission for the sale of wine and beer- his grace says that taverns are a lamentable plague and that those who are working for tjie opening of such estabiishments are actuated only by mean material interests and hve no care whatsoever for the innumerable evijls which would result if hiiir plans succeed four point four beer is having anything but an easy advent sellers must pay a licence fee of 1000 and taxes are imposedby both dominion and pro vincial governments beer positively will not e sold permissibly over any bar in any standard hotel states the attorneygeneral to meet the require ments a standard hotel with a beerselling permit rtiuist provide tables and chairs for their customers nor would any vender be permitted to screen from view the drinking premisea everything must be open for the gae of any person who desjres to look into the restaurant or hotel the chairman of the property com mittee has beon authorised to get prices on 54 chairs for the hall messrs james lindsay and john ryan have passed their final examin ations at toronto university tho high school cadet corps was inspected on tuesday by captain ever ett the cainajnjsxpreasedhlmself as well pleabecpwith the parade it was moved by barclay seconded by duncan at the last council meet ing that lhe george town baseball club bo given a brant of 76 for tho season of 1925 mrs jno mcbean was at kingston last week attending the convocation at queens university where her son mr jim mcboan had passed his flnal examinations as an electrical engineer on saturday afternoon the womens society of the baptist church held a tea and eale of homemade baking li the auditorium of the public library a very intcresung gathering took placo at the home ofmr and mrs arthurcnr6btnspn on wednesday when mr and sirs s robinson were tho recipients of a threepiece silver tea service presented by tho members of knox church- choir on the occasion of their departure to long island u s a the ladles of the halton golf and country club at the second annual meeting on friday elected tho follow ing offlcorsr president mrs willough- by captain afrss p b cotton vice captain mrs nixon secretary mrs j l thompson at the annual election of omccro in connection with the methodist- young pooplos society the following woro appointed kon president rev h caldwell jprealdfent mary van natter 1st vicepresident mabel forgrnves 2nd vlcepreildent ada lane 3rd vicepresident clarence buck 4th vi c- president maude mcdonald 4th assistant roy king- recording sec- rotary isobel ucdermld correspond ing secretary myrtle tost treasurer cna irrampton pianist gusabeth caldwelk k great privilege was accorded the georgetown xxical council of women when they received anlnvltatlon from hamilton to attend the reception and luncheon at the royal connaught n honor of lady aberdeen and the-dla- tlngulshod international delegates en route to the aulnquennlal at washing ton last week- tour cars containing about 20 members of our local branch attended tlio reception and afterwards sat down to a dainty lunohebnv in the dining ropm beautifully decorated with shaded lights and spring flowers herald 28 lady8 fancy work bag embroider ed 29 ladys fancy tea bag other than crochot o h 30 ladys 3 piece lingerie set em broidered 31 ladys 3 piece lingerie set crochet trimmed 32 chllda embro dress- 33 ladys convulescent jacket 34 sofa pillow silk embroidered 3g sofa pillow crochot top 36 sofa pillow other style 37 tatting colors 38 service tray niet crochet 39 piece fancy knitting 40 piece fancy crochet other than hotod 41 embroidery sunburst- 42 embroidery italian cut work 43 embroidery hardanger 44 single piece colored embroidery other than listed 45 single piece white embroidery other than listed r 46 infants set lingerie 47 infants outfit crochet or knit 48 stenclng any article 49 mens knitted sweater 50 51 52 63 g5 68 57 58 60 earrib as last years hot fine and decorative arts 1 landscape oils from nature 2 marine copy oils fiffuro7workorbtoupcopydiln 4 flowers oils copy 5 vegetable or fruit object oils 6 any other subject oils 7 local landscape water colors 8 fruit from object 9 fish or game from object water colors 16 any other subject original 11 pastel figure 12 sepia landscape or marine 13 crayon any subject 14 charcoal any subject 15 pen and ink sketch any subject 16 pencil- drawing original miscellaneous 1 stencil border design 2 wood carving- 3 basketry 4 kodak views 3 winter 3 summof 3 interior js public buildings 3 poses 5 best piece art work not listed and not previously exhibited 6 industrial design v hand deooratecfxhina 1 any article figure work 2 any article conventional 3 any article realistic 4 any article lustre 6 any article matt 6 any article enamel good tea the orange pekoe is extra gpod try it i it pays to use martin senour red school house paint frbams and outbuildings it has- no equal write o hm1 ottice hoottcol for free boomot home intinc made easy sold bv w d talbot peftryman block acton ont ttonby pent on mobtoaoks hourai 980 to 8 pin saturdays 120 oclock h g meir barriitar solicitor nary publla qaoraatowh ont dental dr jjh bell d d s ld a oantlat honor oraduata of toronto unrno ty thfi ifitrnf nnoatheuc ad u dealred ofllco nt residence corner of mill and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds iss dental qurgeon office over bank of ifova sootl hours 8jo to t jo r bvmlhgm by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done j v wyndham street guelph out ovr wluiaznsf store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 tears experience inst-yotjrtproperttr- with me ontario for sale in oil good drug stores dr caldwell s laxative syrup pepsin she did not have it i hopo i am as charitable as tho next person mrs bonnet confided to her neighbor but it seems to me there are times when no one short of an angel could help losing thelrtempor it must have been something ter rible said her neighbor for i had never suspected that you had a tem per well i will tell you about it and let you judge for yourself only the other day i- was way up in the open chamber cleaning when i heard a vigorous knocking at the kitchen door i jcat up off my knees wlpcdmyhands took off my apron and went down two flights of stairs to lnd out who was knocking whon i opened the kitchen door th ore stood the dirtiest dingiest tramp you ever- saw without even taking off hjs hau he said please maam ive iost a leg and mrs bennot paused and smiled what did you say inquired her neighbor x havent got it i said and slam med tho doors in his face a e nicklin insurance agent life fire auto accident health insurance guarantee bonds buralary and plato glass insurance trustee for estates collections business entrusted to ray coro will bti carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorablo rates and terms for re payment box 444 bowbr ave acton escelsx0h dh und3fty ct0hont you can buy health- protection at j ypurjanocjsry-stare- simplyorder excelsior flour acton flour and feed mills d h lindsay- proprietor mill street acton ont his own measure a mans deeds good or evil usually return to bless or curse mm tho connection howover is seldom so ob vlous as with tho farmer who is held up for an example by the washington star the farmer sold butter to tho village storekeeper and took sugar in ex change it seemed to the farmer after a while that tho sugar he was getting was short weight aocrdlngly ho made a complaint look hero mr jones he said it seems to me youre giving mo short- weight sugar no said jones in a dry voice no that cant be for in measuring out that sugar of yours i ulwaya uso a pound of your butter as a weight mouthfilling street names a french contemporary has been amusing itself by making a lint of long street names and offers the parisian record bue dos pretres-saint-ger- nainr auxcrrois that is a mouthful but it is equaled by a thoroughfare in brussels that re joices in tho name of rue de la mont ugno aux herbespotageres in tho outskirts of tho belgian capital there is even more of a tongue twister the on-reschildexllverenockcrnootijn- ntrnatr which may be translated us the street of a littlo unpicked silver nut pb6o wboli8onssffitrirresiuii ldudlkeu06g3j lsthn hemedy lawtafmh auiqat am aiaum i v p ha mav aworlrwide syeteni qtknancial service a y telephone you cari talk with your neighbour or with an individual thousands of miles away by telegraph you can spin the continent by cable your message can girdle the earth in like manner you can use the service of tho bank of montreal in litde or large measure as the occasion demands you can transact business of a purely local nature or enter into financial dealings with people in any part of the world like the telephone telegraph or cable our system of financial service is as extensive as are the needs of our customers bank of montreal established over ioo years total asset in excess of a7oooooooo do you want to be successful associate with successful people and have them for your friends of- course you do take the first step now enroij xt guelph business college 1 for thorough training 2 by business experienced instructors 3 session tho entire year a l bouck phnoipal and proprietor get particulars on our homo study course in shorthand dont neglect ybup eyes toko advantase or specialist sorvlcea offered by this estab lishment and know your glasses are right experience is a goojl teacher 19031025 wo havo had over tvronty years at it and patrons are assured of the best in op tica service a d savage optometriet and mfg optician savage building ribht at the post offlco guelph ontario the old and reliable granite and marble works we ore manufacturers and direct importerb nf all kinds of monumental and headstono work wo sell direct to our customers at wholosojo prices thus savins our customer 40 per cent wo have the best appliances and the only mechanics in tho dominion who can operate pneumatic tools properly we can fflvo references from hundreds of oureustomors in toronto and other plocesvwhere others havo to have law suits in order to collect we have the largest and best stock of granite in tho dominion or moro than any three dealers in tho west we are legiti mate dealers and employ no agonts and do not annoy or pent customers by bonding out ignorant agents solicit ing orders we employ only mechanics and defy competition hamilton sons guelph ont subscriptions for all maga zines taken at the free press office jiiv- -lii- i r- i jw

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