Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1925, p. 5

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arijr airtntt 3xis lvesa thultsoay may 14 1325 ehuil at church next sunday if i know you and you know me how lutlo trouble thoro would bo wo nnas each other on tho street but juut comq outund- lot ub moot at church next sunduy kuch ono intonduto do whatu fair and treat hianolghbor dnthqhauare bultiie riihy- not quite understand why you dont talto him by tho hand at church next sunday 0 thuvcmld is uro a busy placo and wo muathuatlo in tho ruce for social houra somo arc not froo tho alx vcek days but all should bq at church noxt sunduy we have nn interest in our tqwn- thodcar old liluco must not eo down vc want to push good things uioner and wo can help somo if were strong at church next sunday dont knock and kick ind slam and dap at everybody on tho map hut push and pulland boost and boom and use up all tlio standing room laichurch noxt sunday the sunday school lesson for-bunoayr- may17r1924 twenty years ago from tho issue of tho free pfoa of thursday may 18 1005 apple blossoms aro hero with all their fraerance again chairman wilson is arranging to plant a consldeiablo number of trees in tho park this spring acton- extends a most cordial wol comq to tho countys- teachers who as semblo hero next monday to dlscuaa educational matters -r- eaqueaing township sunday school convention will bo held at union to- morrow- tho gamblers in a certain hotol last sunday should have tylcd the door m pr closely both money nhc hqr i jj were in evidence tho junior xicasue gave an intorest n literary and muglcal entertain ment jn tho methodlftt school room on tuesday evening austin swackjharacr had a plowing beo on ho ismond niaoe which h recently purchased on tuesday and tho sixteen teams present did a- big days work in setting the ground into condition for seeding during tho rweefc street commis sioner warren inaugurated tho pro tective precaution of removing side walks that have become dangerous it is hoped that permanent pavement wll be promptly- laid wherover the plank walks have gotten into jioor condi tion tho officers noncommlflsionod of- flcers and mon of nbfl company 20th regiment aro drilling each- evening in view of tho camp to bo bold at niagara from tho 13th of junto the tennis club waft- organized last wednesday- venins when tho follow ing officers wero olocted hon president w s cnlaholm president homer c adams vicepresident mibs daisy nicklln secretary treasurer miss clara e joorej k cour committee lloyd smith h- nlcklln luraont mcmillan c a goodeve k k leslie membership committee misses a dfth py f r tn tey nlcklln r margaret fyfe ettle lahd clara moortf r a meeting fot discuss tho advls ability of opening a local option cam paign for act will bo held at an early date a 11 v interested in tho move ment to banish tho barwul bo in vited to be present amimbcr of young people journeyed to milton- last sunday to hear the new pipe organ recently installed lri the methodist church and incldently visited -friends- there born coleman in acton on thursday may 11 1d06 to mr and mrs w s coleman a eon planning expen8e8 to some persons with a pleasant flonac of the humorous side qf life to plan expenses secrras u barmloss dt- verslon as with many other things the plait js likely to show a woeful divergence froni the reality you calculate that so much- will be enough far jhls and so much for that that these neces saries will cost so much and that so rauah will be left for luxuries and tho unforeseen then this costs doubld what you reckoned and if by miracu lous- good fortune you are atyo to get along without that you save little- the luxuries turn into necessities and the unforeseen proves to be shadowy monster hat devours apace and gives nothing in- return those are j thoughful philosophers who deduct frjbm nil jhoso facts a con demnation of ahy systematic budget making theysaytfiaht hronjy wast ing time to plan a minute estimate hul thajt wheh you find your estimate inadequate and unprofitable you aro more disposed than over to abandon yourself to reckless improvidence yet the planning of a minute schedule of expenses is an immense help in showing just woro you stand and that is tho first prjnciplo of sua- cossful finance both private and pub lie jf is as important to bo the per son of very limited meansasto thxr millionaire also strict planning ex ercises- a constant refrain on expendi ture evotlwhon circumstances force you to exceed your estimate ma cbif- sclousncss of that estimate with- all its adjustments is like an iron hand holding you back from tho unneces sary and tho wasteful the habit of planning expense ought to be a rudiment of every childs education unfortunately it is not with boys the result is bad enough but life usually forces them to mrvkt up the lack in early llfe girls ore likely never to make it up and they buffer for it most girls get a few dollars from their parents as theyxain and the moiiey flowfla away like watdr through a sieve even when there is t a regular alownnoe there la little system in tbe sending rarely any ln tho planning ifa girl wants jo boa good wife to a successful man rind what girl doss not jet her begin nt bnce to plan her expenses carofully to note down just whnt money she expects tdhave and 3ut how much and how she expects to spend it nothing not french and tnuslc or social charm or copklng or sewing will go as far to make her happyand her husband fortunate a gentle bearer of evil tidings in liverpool thcro is a man writes a contributor to pearsons weekly who is famous for his calmness on every occasion one day he stroll e1 leisurely to tho ouice of a- friend ive just had a chat with your wife ho began why i didnt lenow she was in the town oh she wasnt in town replied the other i called at your house i didnt know she was receiving to- day said the husband with some surprise 1 thought she had- nhend- ochot she didnt mention if to me the man said there was quite n crowd aii tho house a crowd i echoed the husband yes went on the calm man they rurao with the are engine the fir engine guaped the hus band y oh itsall right went on the calm man it4 nil out now it wasnt much of a i ftro bu t y llko to knowof it saul uecomes x christian acts 9 131g 19 acts 22 121 20 132 golden text if any man be jn dirlstrbtetm a new creature 2 cor 5 17 -time- a d3t placo jerusalem the tet explained 1 saul tho murderous enemy of jesus 1 2 sauls intense anger against jeoua and his disciples was not a matter of a single- hour ho breathed an at mosphere of threatening und murder tho word translated breathing- out in tho a vjsliteruliy breathing in every breath ho drew was o- brjath of threatening and sjaughter the ex tent to which ho carried out his hatred in action wo- see in chapters 2219 26 10 11 in all his ylolonco against the disciples of jesus and so against jesus himself saul had persurtded himself ihat he was doing right chaptor 269 it is a utriklng illustration of how a man who intends to bo cohsciontidus can in reality bo thoroughly and aw fully wrong his hatred knew no pity ho spared noone neither man- or wo man all that bo heeded to hate u person and to desire their death was to know that they believed in- jesus it is very doubtful whether the lord jesus ever had a more bitter a moro- deter mined a more relentless a more gifted and a more dangerous enemy than sjiul of tarsus 2 saul tho humbled penitent 39 the lord allowed saul to go a long ways in his mad career but at the proper moment ho put forth his hand and saved the littlo flock in damascus ted suddenly rh the lighi out ociiedven that shone around saul was the light of christs resurrection glory- verso 7 1 cor 16 8 it was about noon chapter 226 and the glare of tho easternnoon is exceedingly bright but the glory of the light that surrounded our risen lord was above the brightness- of the sim chapter 2ti13 pur jesus ia ex ceedingly glorious the stouthearted persecutor was thoroughly humbled verse 4 there are many today who speak grcai swelling words against our lord who if they could ge one look at him as he ia now would j1 upon the earth- before him evi denfly for all his teal in persecuting the church saul had many a goaaing thought that ho might bo wrong anl jesus indeed was tho lord chapter 26i4r- v it was a startling ques tion that tho lord put to saul verso 4 he puts it to very ono today who la persecuting his people note how tenderly jesus indentlfles himself with his disciples verse 5 cf mat 25 35- 40i 4245 boh 5 30 what a jno ment of awful and overwhelming shame it must have been in sauls life when it fully broke upon him that tho glorious ono who stood before hlnl was indoed jesus whom ho had bo bitterly hated and so relentlessly per secuted it will be equally appall fig for many now living when thoy jesus in glory and realize that it ia h wli t hav secuted that tho light saul saw was no mere subjective vision or effect of sunstroke is clear- from the fact that others saw it too and heard tho voice the apparent con tradition between verso 7 and chapter 22 9 in verse 0 the voice is in the genitive case which with the vcrlf translated hear ing indicates tho person or thing heard speaking tho message in acts 22 9 the volco is in tho accusative which indicates the message ttseif which is heard in this exact accuracy down not- only to a word but to tho case of a- word indicated in the greek by a slnglctetter changing s into a wo have another striking illustration of tho absolute exactness of the scrip tures as originally given and an other conclusive proof of verbal in spiration saul was given time to think and to review the enormity of his sin verse 9 3 ananias the obedient disciple 1018 ananias was not an official simply a certain disciple this fact dis proves the doctrine of the mormon church and of many others that tho laying on of an apostles hands was necessary to receiving tho holy spirit ananias was a ready instrument at the lords call but when tho definite in structions came ananias was staggcr- ed he quite overlooked what jesus had wrought in saul saul tho ter rible fills his whole vision and ho protests jesus entered- into no dis cussion with ananias verse 1g ho simply bids him to go do as ho is tpld and tells what saul of tarsus really was a chosen vessel etc- ananias protests no longer readily and prompt ly and heartily he obeys ho no longer sees paul he tenderly lays his hands upon him and says brother sou there wasno man on earth that he hated as ho did disciples of the lord there was no man on earth that ah- anlas had droaded ashe did saul but jihls was now all changed faith in the one lord had mado them brothers tho lord had said nothing toahanlos about sauls tdeing wiuvlko holy- spirit but he had said that saul was a chosen vessel to carry my name before the gentiles and ananias knew he could not do that properly unless he was endued with power from on high lu 24 49 ac 1 4 5 cf 10 38 sauls eyes were immediately opened and he was bap tized and at once sought christian fellowship in tho verses that follow 2022 wo aretpld that ho did what every man ought to do as soon 04 he is saved and splrltniled proclaimed jesus as the son of godl carefully no to how ananias spoke of jesus n tho lord this is tho title by which jesus was constantly known in tho early church cf phil 11 ro 10 9 10 r v ac 16- 31 r v you read nothing in the n t of such titles as the man of galilee so common nowadays you do not even read of jesus without any accompanying title except in tho gospels bocauso they had to do with his earthly life cf 2 cor g 16 we would do woll to follow the bible example and not speak of jesus as is so common but tho lord jesus- daffy readings for next week monday may 18 tho karly life of saul acts 26 411 tuesday may 19 saul begins hti great aroer acts 9 2031 wednesday may 20 ra scene from tho first missionary journey act 13 4462 thursday may 21 a scene from tho second missionary journey acts 16 110 friday may 22 a seen from the third missionary journoy actslp 1-10- saturday may 23 the missionary spirit rom l8ir sunday may 24 strong through faith joshua 1 19 where ardent anglers seek quebecs fishing facts about tea series no 7 advent of tea to england tea was not u6e4 to any extent in england till about thejmiddteof jthe gevteeath intuiyrtliougtfknowledge of the won derful qualities of the beverage had reached europe as early as 1517 during the seven- teenth century all tea was imported from china and cost from 2500 to 5000 per pound not until 1836 did any tea reach england from india in that year the first shipment was made from the now famous tea growing district of asssm india to- day supplies fully half the worlds tea re- quirements and provides some of the finest teas grown the rich body of salada is due to the select india teasusedlnthe blend j railway time tables 8peepy hor8e8 j an old man who lived ih a verylonu- ly part of tho country wnt to tho village one day and for the first time in his life saw a motor car he was walking along the street when a motor lorry rushed past him at high speed cfrho countryman stopped and gaxed opter it in aniaxement dear me he exclaimed thb horses must have been going pretty fast when they broke away from that wttggon i n an army of anglers is preparing for tho annual fishing expeditions to t province of quebec whore innumerable rivers streamlets andv brooks as well as lakes of every size and shape ara the habitat of many many fish once a quebec fisherman always a quebc fisherman tho opening day for tho pursuit was thejst ofmay and a week earlier the sportsmen started their northward trek to be thoflrst ono to land a trophy v brook trout arc particularly desired and tho fisherman who hooks a largo one of this lighting species is indeed proud person there are- numerous waters that yield brook- trout gener ously especially along the 160 miles of the mont lauider branch of the can adian paclflc railway that runs north- wost of montreal into tho laurentlan mountains trout- can be taken from the pools of streams on either sldo of tho rail way r the way from st jeromq to mont laurlei it tho end of steel and if one is tin adventurous sportsman he will delve into tho wild woods and- tho waters beyond fop the natives are enthusiastic as to lake dumouehel 5 mil o to the north fambus foi its red trout lake thibault 3 miles east that offers good piko fishing luc des ecor- t rtrr souf cuer4v jltpe ces which ls fjur miles south with one hotel and two fishing clubswhose guests eijoy good sport- catching piko dore and vhlteflsh as locally termed lac des isles seven miles south ot mont laurier is a charming summer resort tills lake is 30 miloain clr- cumferenco and contains 27 islands many of then bearing cottages it is noted for the beautiful scenery and tho largo trout tfiat inhabit itr there ore 27 stations between st jerome and mont laurler and a stop- off at nearlyany one of them leads to excellent fishing grounds some ofthc- most popular points ijre st paustln with its surrounding waters st jovlte with the popular gray rocks inn over looking lac oulmci where red trout aro found and numerous adjacent waters yield various species of tho finny tribes it is but a twomile ride from lac mercier station to mont tremblant tho highest peak in the i u laurontians and the lake of the same name which is 10 miles long and noted for its big fish gray or lake- trout up to 20 pounds are common several fishermens hotels provide accommodations for visitors and grey rocks inn maintains a comfortable lodge for about 1g guests here lake cochrane a 15 minute walk from tho shore of lac mercier opposite tho sta tion is noted for its fine mixer fish ing label c at the 100 mile jstation is the centre of a mnto of streams and lakes that afford exceptionally good trout fishing while 23 miles further on is momingue with its big and little lakes of the same name monster plk3 weighing up to 68 pounds are caught here- at varying distances from thfeso lakes are docated six fishing clubs every stop along the line provide accommodations nt reasonable rates for visiting fishermen good housekeeping i used to be- ashamed t a particle of dust coy id bo found anywhero in my house said a notable housekeeper but lately t have changed my ideals and iny methods 1 have realized that i am growing older and that i have boenvirbttooniuchofniylifemerely to keeping house now i am trying to makethlnga wholesomo and i am getting benefit and satisfaction from dirt the statement will doubtless shock somo conscientious woman who is struggling perhaps beyond her capital of strength anil nervous eriergy to maintain the traditions of a long lino of famous housewives are wo degenerating shesraaks can it oe that with all our powders and ppllshes our special soaps and brushes our vacuum clcancrn our dustless dusters and flreloss cookers our gasranges aahd electric irons and ranges wo aro still unable- to accom plish whatour grandmothers achieved with the simple equipment of their day t you have not considered dear madam is this that all theso mpdern- dlrteaters hardly countcrbulancb the modern makers of dirt your grandmother lived ort- a quiet country roadrwhere there was no pass ing automobiles to raise clouds of duut her dainty laco and linen were not soiled by a shopping trip in a soft- coal city her carpets wero not smudged by tho trackings from oil- treated stroets her days were not occupied in cleaning- innumerable sets of spe tab m polishing hardwood floors that it why she could takejier knitting and run over to her neighbors for a long ielsurely afternoon call housekeeping raaybo taught in tho schools as a science but it must be practised in tho home as an art and that means that tho housekeeper must cultivate a sense of proportion no house is well ordered in which the mistress has become servant and the tasks that ought to- be but handmaidens tathohomo life arc allowed to crack tno slavedrivers whip and no wo man is roaily a good housekeeper until she has learned that- the recording angel may charge against her many things moro serious than jeaving her supper dishes until the next morning requisite on the farm every farmer and stockraiser should keep a supply of dr thomas eclectrlc oil on hand not only- nsa remedy for the ills of the family but because it is a horso and cattle medicine of groat potency as a substitute for owe ot oil for the horses and cattle affected by colic it far surpasses anything that can bo ad- mlnistered- sublime simplicity thcro is a simple tomb in luoknow in india that cost no moro than a plain farmers gravestonebut mr clarence eoe declares that it impressed him moro than anything elso he saw in indlu except the- himalayas the thj mahal and the- view of the benarea from tho river it is tho tomb of sir henry law rence who died so glorious a death in the great mutiny of 1857 no com mander in fill india had planned more wisely for the defense of the men and women under- his care but tho siege had only begun when ho was mortally wounded ho called his successor anl his associates to him and at last hay ing omitted no detail of counsel or in formation that might enable them to carry out his farseolhg plans ho rousol himself to dictate his own- immortal epitaph hero lies henry lawrence who tried to do his duty may tha lord have mercy on his soul and so to day these lines sub lime in their simplicity mark his last resting pfnee and you feel that not even the great akbar in secundra or napoleon in paris has a worthier mon ument usstat siibuioo m babys own soap a womans place of business a man goes home tired from bis days work and wonders why his wife wants to go somewhere in the evening fwhy go out he says you must dress up and put on airs and manners and talk dreary nothings to thoao who -talk-lraryf-nothingb-baok-to- you hera is a- delightful home to take your easf in a cheerful fire an uncut mugaxlnc a drowsyarmchair why go out the man docs not stop to think that the woman has worked all day to make tho homo- delightful has laid tho fire dusted the armchair besides doing thousand other things to enable him to enjoy his uncut magazine in slum berous peace she likes a quiet even lng too but occasionally she likes something else women havent the home feollng says jones to- robinson why when i take a vacation i want nothing bet ter than to stay right atrhomc with tho children and potter round tho place i hoe a little i carpenter a little there aro always lots of odd jobs waiting the two weektraro over before j know it but mary shes different she llkesto pack her trunh arid go to one of those summer hotels whore youtwcor your best clothes and talk all- day- and robinson agrees that women havent thojaome feeling no home feeling to a truo mar ried woman home is indeed her world but it is a world of care as well as a world of happiness sho never returns to it with tho inflnitesonse of relax ation that her husband feels no mat ter how tired she is thero is from there are many persons particularly women who take how are you too literally you meat one of them on the street and she responds to your cheerful and conventlal salutation after this fash ion ohlw been f eellngporf ectly miserable lately i cant aeem to sleep and everything that i eat distresses me doctor brown tells me and so forth or perhaps you meet her on a car and with everyone else in it have to listen to the story of the operation that she has recently undergone or to a detailed summary of detailed symptoms that fill her with appre hension in vain you try to steer the conversation into less personal and moro attractive channels you may oven in selfdefense begin to tell your awn ailments but they prove of in terest to her only as they servo to re mind her of additional troubles of hen own it is a pity both for the womans own ako and for the sake pf the friends and the acquaintances whom sho bores sho deprives herself and others of so much by her unwholo- some introspection by her literal en- joymcut of poor health the weather is notoriously the conversational re treat of people who have nothing to talk about and it is a thousand times more preferable to the liver- a gentle philosopher of an earlier generation who lived before the ap pendix was discovered or nervous pros tration bocaine popular yan sufflclent- i roused to express himself thus on hemin she unlocks the d thomnjbjeot4ther is one toplcrpte thing to attend to something on her mind what wonder is it that she wants to roam a little if only for the pleasure of doming back the next time your wife oaks you to take her out for an evening do not grumble but consider how you would like it after- you have done a hard days work if s jcamo into your offlco at five i oclock and suggested your passing the evening there with a magaxlno or two a womans homo is her placo of business tennyson got the best tennyson once stayed at a littlo inn in scotland after his departure an other guestr who had recognised hlni askedtheffiftkeeperr do ye kon whef ye had wi ye t ither nlcht naa but he was a pleasant shcntlcmon it was tennyson tho poet an wha may he be asked tholandlord oh he is a writer o verses sich as ye see v tho papers noo to think o that jeost 0 public writer- and i glcdhlm my best bedroom the indications of worms aro rest lessness grinding of tho teeth ploklng of tho nose extreme peevishness and often convulsions under these con ditions one of tho best remedies that can be got is millers worm powders- they will attack tho worms as soon as administered and they pass away in the evacuations the littlo sufferer will be immediately eased and a return of tho attack will not bo likely the nece88ity of worko the saturday journal tells us that rev father oleary was off to catch the dublin express and that on- tha way to the station he ran into his bishop well whats the hurry oleary said he sure its the dublin express tm aft her your lordship tho bishop pulled put his gold watch well there are seven minutes yet let us walk together and both patch t- they arrived at tho station just in time to see tho train steaming out do you know i had the greatest faith in that watch oleary said the bishop ah my lord what is faith without good works replied tho angry o- leary worms cause fretfulnoas and rob tho infant of sleep tho great nourlsher mother qravea worm exterminator ww clear the stomach and intestines and restore health fulness reckless driving what lm the matter with your bro ther whenjt passed him in the street this morning i notice thhihls hund watf hcavily reckless driving i wonqer- ho hasnt killed himself on that motorcycle it waant a molbrrcycjle it wa a nail he was drlvitmrl- how are ydu7 emptorlly forbidden to all wellbred to all rational mortals hamely their temuers if you have not slept or if yoii have slept or if you jinvo hcad- ache or sciatica or leprosy or thun derstroke i beseech you by all the angels to hold your peace and hot pollute the morning to which nil the housemaids bring serono and pleasant thoughts by corruption and groans an oil that is famous though canada was not the birthplace of dr thomas eclectrlc oil it lit tho home tf that famous compound from hero its good name was bprcad to central and south america the west indies australia and new zealand that is far afield enough to attest its excel- tencefor in all these countries it is on sale and in demand visit of earl haig field marsha earl hnlg who had command of the british armies in franco and belgium during the great er part of tho war is coming to ottawa toward tho end of june to attend a convention of tho british empire ser vice league delegates to tho conven tion are coming from all parts of the british empire the brr ejmplre service league is an vxsoldlers organisation the arrangements for the convention in tho canada capital are being mado by the dominion com mand of the great war veterans as sociation earl ha tg will be the guest of his excellency baron bynff of vlmy governorgeneral of- canada who wan one of the leading generals under field marshal halg during the great war while in ottawa after ths convention- earl halg intends to visit a numbsr of places in canada unnece68ary alarm when frederick tho great at the beginning of the sevenyears war was in possession of dresden no went tn view tho works of nft in the royal picture gallery the gallery director reldcl took the king through all the rooms and explained each picture us ihey went aiong frederick expressed his unreserved admiration for all the pictures but when ho came before ft certain painting by correglo he stop ped and viewed it with particular in terest if you are willing h sold sudden ly i should like to have that pic- ture- reldcl gasped foj- ho expected the king to say that he wished the pic ture- for himself but the king noticed his anxloty and striking him on the shoulder sld laughingly if you are willing i should like to have the picture copied praises this asthma ftsmsdy a grateful user- dr j d kellogg s aathma remedy finds that it is the ohiy remedy that will give reuer though ror thirteen year he 1ms sought other help years of needless suff erlng may bo prevented by using this wonderful remedy at the first warni lng of trouble its use is simple its cost la slight and it can be purchased almost anywhere itpays tous martinsenour woodlag st4in for fumitarbfioors a woodwork mootreol pot fma booldet r varite to hood oftice i home painting made easy sold bv wdc talbot acxon ontario rf at acton t- qalng vint y no 20 c no 1 no as sodbm 104q ani 220 pjia b09pni no 25 sunday 1041 ajn oolno eait 721 am no 30 1127am no 84 s86pja no 30 b17pjn- no 38 i 813 p jn no 24 sunday 7q8 pjn 1 1 canadian national electric railways wwtbouni dolly bxcept sunday dally tltjl eitbounll baity exceptsunday dally j i daily j 7 dally dally dolly dolly daily 743 am 043 ajn 1143 am 143 pan 34h pzn ir43 pjn 743 pm 043 pji1 1140 pm freight delivered bylrpeclal expreaa freight syelffht ploked up at any ad dress in votonto v fs lagging spring appetites mmmmmmpaiasmnsaimamhi can be bolstered up arid stimulated jy lettingtus do your baking dont worry and stqw over apie for dinner or some cake for supper when you can buy such delicious homemade baking at fairbanks our brfiad is the staff of life inmost acton homes fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill st acton te ns expert shoe repairinq prompt attention to order8 left t e gibbons main btiiebt actoi 3j j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will be at a t browns drug store acton monday june 1 anyone auftorintr from ey- atraln detective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of coneultlnff this oyostsht specialist appoint- ments may be made with mr a t brown drusglal cons0itation re1b office hours 9 a m till 4 p m insure youp next winters comfort by buying goal now agreement between miners hnd oper ators expiree august next and thcro will be a strike which will make cottlvory scarc6 jxna dearer during- may we can fill up your bin with quality coal at a reasonable price nut size coal for may order only 1400 per ton stove size coal for may order only 1450 per ton on april 1st all- mines started- pr6urlngr coalover different slzo screens which mako nut size smaller and iturnnce size larger place your order with mr norman moleod ji b mackenzie mother fletchers qistoria is a harrnless substitute f br castor oil paregoric teetiiing drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation flatulehdr diarrhea wind oolic to sweeten stomach regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food pjomotingxhcerfulnew remand- natural sleep widiout- opiates lf t to avojh imitations always look for the signature of waw7fe proven direction on tach packsjfe physicuni ererywhere recommend it advertisers tha free press i anxious torv you ndrv you well waoan piya your advertise ment batter attention and there- for raaka it more attractive if the copy is supphsdto us on monday or tuesdays if copy fails to reaoh us until wednesday forsneoij- thara is m rush to set it up bafors the forms close and ths result is likaly to be lasa satlsfaotbry send in your ads early m b3rioojohd3tvfcit tlejronto canadi does your watch keep time try our- repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario quite ready for him l not long ago said a lawyer i attended a trial during tho courao ot which n youthful physician was sum moned ub a witness it was natural ot oourso that counsel for the othor side in cross- examination seized tho occasion to mak9 jcertain sarcastic romarks touching tho knowlodgo nnd skill of so young a doctor aro you tho law yer questioned entirely- familiar with the symptorns of concussion of the brain yes sir then contlnuod the lawyer i should tlkq to ask your opinion of u hypothetical case wero my learned friends mr- reed and myself to bang our heads together should wo get concussion of tho brain mr reed might was the discon certing reply advice from an expert an old negro mammy sdy every bodys magazine- had a family of boys so well behaved that one day her mis- tress asked r bally how did you raise your boys well jkhlf toll you missus answered sally a raito dem boys with a barrel alavo on ah raise em frequent vl c j t v t y

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