Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1925, p. 6

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i if birtlu martian and deaths are now charted for at the following rates but joe marriages so deaths soc uunoi cartjo 50c 10c per lino etftfa for poem marricp modonauomichie at the boatol mnnoc rcaquoiilntf on wednesday april 2nd 1325 by tllb hov r mo- dormld kllon elisabeth daughter or mr and mrfl thomas mlchlo to wilfred laurler modonald died v fohstelton tueadny may j 1925 m forstpr m dnikli 9tyar0 i month arid 2 days baldwin at ioroburn bask on saturday may 2nd 1925 hobort g baldwin in hlfl c7th year iiiltz on april 13th 1825 at his homo in bowden alto- jos hilt in hln 63rd year son of tho lato jos hutr balllnnfnd okr at her home bower avonue acton early iylday morning- may 8 1925 mary dqnagby widow octho late john orr in her fisth year christie at the homo of her daughter mra- thomas ferryman of brougham on monday jiay- 1925 matilda ann waro widow of tho late rev j j christie r d in her 85h year in memoriam jessbman in lovlnir memory of our dear mother afrtf james jeaaeman who died on may- 18 1924 this aiiy brings back to er memory a dear ono laid to rest and those who think of her today aro thoso who loved her best sadly missed by son and daughter obituary sty jvrtmt jte ptpbh i thursday may 14 1935 mrs matilda a christie on monday may j thero passed away at tho homo of her daughtov mra thomas perrjtmnrf jr at brougham ono who was an esteemed resident of acton for muny oars in tho porson of mra matilda christie thin oloct lady had reached her eightyfifth year sho was tho widow of two lato rov j j chrlstlod i and a sister of tho rov francis ware sho cumo to acton u widow about flfty years ago with hor mother who wao tho second wife of tho lato abram mai- thows father of tho late jumoa mat thews poatmuhter mrs chrlatio was an actlvo worker in tho mothodlst church and had mmiy friends in acton shp removed to brougham with mr and mrs thomas ferryman whon thoy docldod to mnko thoir homo in that village tho funeral wag hold on wednesday last and interment was made in salom comotory pickering township neighborhood news town and country hornby brief local items better may weather now this is cleanup week work it to the limit gas tax came monday 44 beer comes next week the newiyaown spring groins now clve fine promise- you will find that it always pass to work and smile overtime did you send your mother a nowergram for sunday last plant your garden corn now tho danger from frost is about over the gasoline tax went on monday x6 diminution of joy riding yet rthe race is not always to tha swift hut it is never to the dwadler tb many wenkept lawns about town ore becoming thick and velvety the baseball league opens in acton on saturday with rockwood as the contestants mothers dy was favored with glorious sunshiny summer weather last sunday acton lodge i o o f will hold their annual decoration day on son- day may 24th there will tots more flowers and brighter places about acton this year than ever before motorist a blossom on a tree is worth ten in the band dont be a highway vandal robert g baldwin news came during tho week to mr kdward baldwin of tho sudden doath of his brother robert at lila homo at loreburn sask on saturday may 2 heart failuro was the causo of deaths thojato mr baldwin was born in bur- ford township in 186a iho wont to emerson man in 1886 in 1910 ho moved to loroburn whoiro ho conduct ed ait- implement burliness and auc tioneering ho was afterwards secro- tary treasurer for tho municipality the local newspaper says mr bald- win was everybodys friend and a very kind and generoue nature by ida death the community has lost a good cltlren a clean nnd enthusiastic sportsman and a general albround good fellow besides his widow ho left three sons henry percy and wali ter and one daughter mrs r j smith ho also left three brothers joseph of youngotown alta charles of hills burg and edward of acton and two sisters mrs mckcchnle of oakvlllo and mrs jos lorce of koican sask the funeral was held at the united church loreburn on sunday night of last woolt w it- mchugha barn near hornby station took lire as did his atablo oooit after wards nothing could bo done tb savu thorn hor tho bulk of their contents mr mchugh tolophoneu to milton for help and a number of nion responded but arrived too latot3oaitoirtno build ings mr mchtigh lost nlno cattle threo horses hlfl poultry sixty buahola of oats and implements mr mchugh estimates his loss at 10010 partly covered by insurance tho cause of tho flro is unknown on saturday be fore mr mchugh had sold his farm to h s wilson of acton tho pupcra were to havo boon signed on monday but it is rejr tod that on account of tho flro tho sale is off crewson8 corners on sunday afternoon mr gcorgu graham who had boen seined with ap pendicitis was taken to tho general hospital guolph an operation wxi performed on sunday evening and is doing ad woll asoould bo expected the revised baseball schedule 8 8 i nof 10 erin le8lie8 school txjwnahipclerk j a tracy of stowarttown is celebrating his 73rd birthday today paying cash for what one wants fa a good way to break the habit of wanting so much the improvements at moorecroflr are now well advanced the painters are now in possession tho floral display at the churches on sunday was very attractive and in keeping with the occasion no field is over crowded for tho man who can think for himself and is not afraid of hard work each succeeding spring the value of improved roads both in town and in country is more manifest every news item you send the fueh pokss makes tho paper more in teresting to you and to others try to help instead of hinder a traffic officer he is thero for your good and hes got a tough job flappers do not attract much at tention any more thfy wont until thojr bfgiwearlng clothes again the florists everywhere say they never had such a demand for flowers ha on the day before mothers day the hour for the methodist sun day school service will be changed to 10 a m- nextsunday for the summer some ypunfc folks are evidently playing with temptation oven while they may bo praying to be delivered from it dr mofsttt forster the death of dr moflut porster oc curred at his residence 486 ossington avenue toronto about noon on tues day of last week in his 95th year dr forater was a native of ontario being born at streetsville peel county in 1831 he spent his early life in that county attending the primitive schools of those early days and then serving his apprenticeship in the grist mllu that were bo necessary for tho com fort of settlers almost one hundred years ago for some years he conduct ed milling business in glenwillloms and devoted his leisure to the study of medicine underthe guidance of the late dr freeman of georgetown de ciding to forsake the milling for tha medicine he attended tho school of medicine in toronto graduating in 185 shortlytfterwards he began to practice at thorndale where he built up a large practice the strenuous life of a country doctor making many of his calls on horseback and giving help to many enterprises for human betterment brought on serious rheu matic suffering and forced him to seek a practice with less of the strenuous duties of a rural doctor ho thon be gan practice in london and afterward in kitchener several years in acton tho school report for april of s s no 8 erin is ns follows class v marjorio held clhss iv jr loyola fbvcatoll maud mccalg kathleen mckcown viola al lan hector mcarthur class iii sr wllllo johnston joseph fores toll calvin altkon lnw- ronco forstoll class iii jr lulu mccutoheon gordon leslie thyru stono mary mo- calg annlo altkon bessio foiestoll tommy coolo class ii evelyn penron lois for- ibtell jnmou mccalg elsie nelson evelina lambert lloyd mckcown primer sr oryal- stone robblo allan john forotell primer jr 0eun jiurt jean mann marlon leslie iawsoh mccutoheon m mcdonald teacher oakville i in-oaoh-ot- tygig plant potatoes with the these dlaces ho had splendid success and made many worm friends ho retired from active practice in 1307 moving to toronto- dr forster was always 0 moot devoted canadian in the early days he courageously sup ported every effort to develop the best in canadian citizenship ko was a member of tho methodist church for over 80 years a free mason for over fifty years and always a patriotic canadian when a young man he martled elizabeth williams of glon- wllhams with whom he lived in happy cffnjugaj lifo for nearly sixty years his children are jt e forster miss elisabeth forster and mrs t albert moore toronto mrs geo f stewart belleville and f j b forster strat ford the funeral was held from his late residence on thursday afternoon the oakvlllo lions club entertain cd a number of the members of tho burlington club at their regular lun cheon in tho gibson grill rojbm on friday evening smrs c p chisholm mrs w a chlsholm mrs h h chisholm and miss emily chisholm left on monday to spend throe weeks in washington dc mrs r tmussen left lost week for summcrslde prince edward island whpresho will tako up her residence with her sfsteratho misses hunt an important communication was received from tho clerk otlho county council informing tho town council that the provincial government had disallowed tho amount of tho cost ot tho paving of dundaa stroct from tho railway tracks to tho town limit which bad been previously agreed upon it was stated in tho communication that the county council will now look tj oakvllle to pay that amount along with interest t date tho streets and sidewalks committee along with g hllimer m p p will interview the government in tho hope of arranging a settlement tho following are the names in tho order of morit for tho month of april at tho monthly oxamlnatlons sr jtvkdward duggun jean- croc tushlngham fostor david swack- hnmcr r jr hi edith ruosul hazel faroy daisy foster sr ii louise swaokhumcr mildred foster gx i kathleen farcy stewart rus- hoi jack colo jr i frank hwackliumor roy foa- tor jr primer fver a moeachorn rona molto absont uv w macmillan toachoi terra cotta oponinp gnino o be played on satur day with rockwood and acton ao contoatanta miss flora melcod wtio lias boon 111 with eryslpolnuiu now abler to bo around agulii 7 tho dance jiold under tho uusplcou of tho terra cotta bull team was a uc- cohh tho tomt cotta oroleutra furh- isjicd tho miislc while thodutios of jnusters of ceromonleo wore performed by mr cam and j mcqunio tho procoods wero about 2000 r miss lllllo eaves is now on the mond after a serious illness mr j udell has gono to iroquois falls now ontario where ho has se cured employment a number of our citizens havo gono to the credit forks brick yard whore thoy havo secured cmploymont tho farmers urfo hold their monthly mooting ut tho homo of mr and mrs edward townsend 01 monday ovonlng and all roport n very orijoyable time 08pringe rockwood tho big rain on sunday night was greatly appreciated by our worthy farmers who aro now busy preparing the root ground and sowing mangolds with a few of our nioro progress ivo rif your neighbor has- a pretty ilower garden tell him so a little word of appreciation is always en couraging rthe old township hall at stewart- town which has been a landmark for moro than half a century has been torn down mothers day was splendidly ob served on sunday- and were all the better for this tribute to our individ ual mothers most married women know a man wouldnt cut much of a figure- in a carpot beating contest these house cleaning days ttcitzenscoounue to invest in new motor cars and as a consequence new garages oro being erected at a number of homes in town rov mr boyd a graduate of mc- master- university toronto will com mence his pastorate at tho baptist church next sunday rov a c stewart m a and mr a t mann representative elder at tended tliq lost mooting of the guelph presbytery on tuesday gono is thoold brass rail gone is tho slatted dborand only the uncur tained window is left to the four point four renfrew mercury the highway is being kept in good condition the dally dragging and filling of depressions maintains the roadway in splendid shape tho bod of blooming tulips at the soldiers monument has been a spot of beauty on mill street and was greatly admired during the week thb paving of the main streets is one of two serious problems how fac ing tho village the other js the build ing of a new school fergus news- record work la progressing well on tho big addition at the acton tanning companys works thirtysix window frames have bcon flat jn tho now structure a georgetown bachelor who real- ly should bo named readily declares that a georgetown flapper is just like a house because she is both shingled and painted if the cigarette smokers and tlw gum ohowers would drgip their caftons and wrappers in tho waao paper re ceptacles provided tho streets would often look tidier dont drop banana and orange pools on 4ho com on tc walks a ladv in a neighboring town- allpjlod oh a banana peel the other day and in falling fractured hor thigh rnow that jrood weather jp ptotty well assurodt he needed mprvertenu to wjuow hivery knox sida- fejv othor street sfkrold have immediate attention- from the council mrs john orr a pathetic death occurred on friday when mrs orr bower avenue passed away leaving- her son alexander and her three daughters elizabeth martha and jean mother loss mrs orr had lhpxwrhaiuiflyc or more following tho longcontinued nursing of her firstborn son john who died in july 1022 and her youngest son adam who departed this life a year ago last december two or three years after the death of her husband at their home near coleralne county derry ireland in 1011 mrs orr and her three sons and three daughters left tho home of their ancestors and camp to canada reaching acton eleven years ago last march since that tlmo this has been their homo and no family over came to canada from the old land who was more loyal to tho town and country of their adoption than thoy were in fact if mrs orr heard any one say anything disparaging to acton or canada she would immediately chal lenge the statement and stand loyally in defence of her home and com monwealth mrs orr whoso maiden name was mary j donaghy wojb joined in the bonds of holy wedlock to hor kite husband in 1802 both famllie were cltueno of standing in county derry for generations it was not surprising that notwithstanding hor liking for pio now homo and its en vironment that occasionally sbe had longings for the old home and the tang of tho sea nearby for seven teen generations each succeeding families of orrs hod d john orr and thoy wero all loyal to the traditions of ulster the family coat of arms is cherished with a very natural prldo mrs orr was a woman of fine char acter a devout member of the presby terian church a devoted mother and a good neighbor in tier children mrs orr had great comfort i thoy lived at home with her and wero most af fectionate miss martha is teacher of tho public school at dublin and miss jean has passed her normal cntranco examinations and is resting a year in order to attain the age roquisito to entering the normal schools at tor onto hopes of receiving higher prices next fall but from prospects many of thj farmers will cut down their produc tion in this noted potato growing dis trict this season as present low market prices ore not very attractive our community surely looks charm ing in its lovely new colors of greon and a trip to tho woods is rather an enjoyable outing many of our citizens aro spending a jolly hour by our noted river ao fam ous for its speckled beauties and from reports splendid rosults aro tho feature by our moro industrious sportsmen the good ladies aro busy with house- cleaning duties these days so of cqutlq hubby is a busy man mr ecclcstone our local merchant has rented the store to mr david robinson- of guelphr who will take possession in a fow wpeks je under stand mr and mraeccleston hove purchased a homo in acton and will engage jtn the trucking business mr roy tlnnoyof tho bccond line purchased a new ford coupe recently last friday evening tho town hall was filled to capacity for a throeact comedy aaron slick from pumpkin crick presented by the norfolk st mothodlbt dramatic club of guolph under tho auspices of the ladles aid of rockwood methodist church those taking part in the piny did so to por fectlon nnd from start to finish the audlonco was kept in a mjrthful mood between the acts solos wore enjoyed from the following mrs ellas plum- mer chester- sommor miss ruby snapo and l r guild of guolph tho accompanists were mrs r b richard- son mrs l r guild and miss sadie colvert after the performance tho ladles aid served refreshmepts to tho artists who in turn thahked the former for thoir klhdnoss next friday evening tho rockwood tennis club through- the courtesy of the rochester american qpora co havo secured tho soryicos of frank guild for thoir concert before ho leaver for now york this wilfbo his last public appearance for somo tlmo bo- foro tho citizens of rockwood ami vicinity key mr donaldson of ejora- oc cupied the pulpit of tho presbyterian church sunday morning arid rov j little of barrio hill church in tho ovonlng the church wasflttincly dec- owlng to a misunderstanding of tho schodulo of somo of tho local clubs a rovlslon of tho bivaoball schedulo wa0 mudo necessary so that tho park would bb freo for tho various games and tho dates would not conflict tho fol lowing is tho schodulo which will bo played through tho soamon may 16 rockwood at acton georgetown atlllllsburg muy 23 rockwood at hillsburg acton nt georgetown may 30 hillsburg ut acton georgetown cat rockwood juno 0 hillsburg at goovgotown acton at rockwood fruho 13 acton at hillsburff rock wood at godrgotown juno 0jiillsburg at rockwood georgetown at acton juno fl7 acton at hillsburg rock wood at georgetown july 4 goorgotown at adon hills burg at rockwood july 11 acton at rockwood goorgotown ut hillsburg july lfi rockwood at acton hillsburg ut geovgotown july jc aoton at georgetown jtockwtiod ut hillsburg august 1 goorgotown at itockwooti hillhburg at acton orated in honor of mothers day mr bear of knox college toronto conducted services for tha continuing presbyterians in jfviends church on sunday his discourses were woll re ceived and helpful to all a meeting is called for tuesday evening in tho basement of the friends church for those interested in sun day school work mr a l squires and his son jaclf of georgetown wero in tho village on saturday evening renewing acquaint ances noyman barlow and wife of glen- wl 11 lams wore recent visitors at tho home of john locker harry jcols of detroit mlclu spent a fow days hist week with his friends- mr and mrs herb dyer he was ac companied by miss emily peach of hamilton hospital wallaoo sewell la busy bhllding his brother roberts now houso on tho now highway it looks good to see an other new house being erected in our villago village improvements being carriod out this spring include levelling down now getting 7 a day hq was just an ordinary laborer with a dcslro to got out of tho rut ii o had visions of the future hard work indopondonco soolng a hemphill call for trained men he borrowed monoy learned a trudc nnd is now indepondont you can do tho samo in a few wcoks tlmo by learning ono- of the following trades mechanical dentistry bar- boring bricklaying automotlvo en gineering electrical ignition bat- tory and welding writo phono or call for our special reduced offer homphilvs llmitod 103 king st west- toronto hair dressing mrs white will be hebe tuesday may 19 hair goods made up shampooing singeing etc phono 106 for appointment termination of lease h w hinton watchmaker acton ont wc are bavlnga spoclal bar gain buio during tho month oc srny dp account of tho icnso of tho premises terminating jjmo ib all goods must bo sold to ro- duco stock for romovnl to other premises jowollery- watches clock- china glass stationery school suindlcs wallpuper iwiniiow shadow toys records hymn books bibles and prayer boofysv prosbylorlan mothodfst baptlflt and anglican inrush oo itaifors combs machine oil noodles etc all bargains special discount sporting a speedy overland and many enjoyable tips will now bo tho order the home of mr h r mccutchoon second lino is under quarantine with a case of measles at presont erin from dr coxe of acton mxwliatchrthehlrdminohal to fill up and improve tho street past dr mccuilougha residence william mccullough has improved the appearance of his placo consider ably on aim street by removing tho fence and levelling he corner of his garden david mccutohao yho pur chased mrs camerono homp jast spring hnsremovpd the fronj nnd side fences fixt in and rebuilt the veran dah which adds much to tho appear ance of the place new street signs wero erected last week which add much to the appearance of the vil lage aiready some one was mean enough to destroy one of tho signs put up only a few hours previous steps are being taken to apprehend tho guilty party or parties the halton chapter minstrels greeted with a pull house in acto dvci tm town halt on tusiday evening sfllean congregation at york near tho r cl of hamilton mr william sott it sdems to he no trouble to get a good audience in acton when a min- stre show of merit lakes the boards acton citizens band crowded the- hall two evenings a few weeks ago and on tuesday nlght tho halton chnpter minstrels a masonic aggregation from georgetown attracted a largo audi ence the rirsi part was a parody on socret ooclotjr initiation ceremonies with full musical ritual and regalia aching b rode the gorit and wns initiated into vanltae lodge no al of tho colored persuasion v t the caste given in our columns last week acted their respective parts with skill and precision v the second part was monopolized by tho rajostrels under mr jl moore of tho georgetown herald as interloc utor the meiv of the ebony physiog- omony kept the house in an uproar from the start to finish their aonffr chorusesjokes costumes and ditties wore true to life berhftps a trifle ex aggerated at times f acton mon had o ahorevin tho pro- fjamme our owcliwrto wilson jack maekenzjebetty arnold ana tt m kwrtl impttjtftet pxt tho municipal council of tho town ship of erin will meet as a court of revision at tho exchange hotel hills burg on monday tho 26th day of may 1026 at 10 oclock am united church of canada services were held last sunday in tho grove methodist church and a largo con gregation enjoyed tho services which were conducted by tho rev james buchanan of toronto dr and mrs gibson who spent the winter in florida havo returned and havo purchased u residence- in guolph dr gibson having grown weary of tho hardships of tho country practice will conduct a practice in guelph sunday fishing seems tobo the main attraction for a number who drive largo motors arid who think thomsolves very clover to defy tho laws of both sunday fishing and trespassing wo expect somo of thoso folks will bo telling their little story to a magistrate on motion of mr mcdougull and mr binnio a bylaw appointing speed cops to control the trafilc on tho vil lage streets was introduced and passed at s tho last meeting of ths cpuncll it was niled in with the nanus of david suunders archibald arnott albert bracoy and j h scott on saturday afternoon lost tho local troop of boy scouts and cubs spent u pleasant time in honor of their master rev h j glbeon on the eve of his departure from tho community threo years ago jhev gibson organized tho local scout troop and alnco that time tho boys liave enjoyed- the work 0n tuesday evening tho congrega tion of tho union church cataract and all saints church erin assem bled at the homo of mies a church cataract and presented- their pastor rny jj j gibson who is leaving this field of labor to minister to tho an- tendetts for coal sealed tenders addressed to tho pur jdaaaingasen tdepartmentof pub he- works ottawa will be received by him until 12 oclock noon daylight saving tuesday may 2g 1925 for tho supply of coal for tho dominion buildings throughout tho provjnco of ontario in cluding the city of ottawa forms of tendor with specifications and conditions attached can be ob tained from g w dawson purchasing agent department of public works ottawa w corrigan nnd r wintor general post ofilco toronto powr son drover kingston and from tho caretakers of the various dominion buildings in ontario outsldo of ot tawa toronto and kingston tenders will not bo considered unless made on theso forms tho right to demand from tho suc cessful tendered a deposit not exceed ing 10 per cent of tho valuo of tho contract to secure tho proper fulfill ment of the contract is reserved by ordpr s e obrien secretary- department ofpubllc works ottawa may g 1925 462 you are sura to wander back jigain when you visit our wi tons candy lane candy is the sensible noto of pleasure that folks should add to their lives its pure if you buy it here its wholesome and mighty tasty this candy that tho llttlo candy witch ms fell ing you about youll be glad you got acquainted with it our candy makas good be- cause its mad good saturday treat fresh peanut crisp 25c ib direct from tho factory to you ifee 30c and 40c lb saturday treat 25c ft weekend chocolates 32c lb a real good assortment and always strictly fresh 5 a saturday special 32c lb chocolate velvets 39c lb a limited supply to go at 39c lb or 20c i to may day specials mclean co ginghams gren t demand for ginghams anderson ginghams wide widths at 35c special 300 yards of check gingharivfast colors wide wfdth i a good range of patterns special at oc- per ynrd r uoc congoleumrigstnowjs the time to buy that congoleu ftug for delivery may 20 special price a ifuii range of snntplss to pick from drop in and look them over and get prices i cossets wc stock o a and oc la grace two of the best makes corset specialso pair of our125 corset have ben pat aside for this special sizes arc 20 to 26 good value ac at the regular price 125 speciar at uoc mens underwear do you want size to 42 or 44 under wear wehave a lot in these sfzeleaummer weight j ail regular 150 special to clear at 1uu pmnnelette blankets 50 pair in white and gray large size to clear ar per pair 2j0 watch window for specials this week in grocery department mclean co bull street acton ont store closes wednesday at i2j0 997 summer hats are now on display all the newest and prettiest colorings in the larger hati for summer wear we know we have just what you want j let us show you them jmissjgalbraltff- millinery and fancy goods store phonq 109 aoton ont- read the address and mr w a bur- chill presented mr gibson- with a woll- flllod purse there appears to bo more or less dissatisfaction among tho morohants of the village regarding the wednesday halfholidayv which hfls beon ob served for a number of years 1 seems that during tho past summers a fow who gavo thoir word to koop their places of business closed on the dayn arranged failed to live up to tho obligation and kept their places of business open with tho blinds drawn and did business as usual on sunday evening what might have been a fatnl motor accident oc curred on the guolph road on what is known as currlos hill near the thirdlino erin a party of four young people from kuohoncr wore motoring toward home whon a bolt cartio out of he steering i gear nnd thoir chovrolot sedan turned a complete somornnult into a deep ditch cnmplotoly ruining the top and body or tho car ono young lady was rendered unconscious and removed to mr currles homo by parties who arrived at the scano n few minutes aftqr tho accident ad- vbcato th depression in the west side of tho main street crossing on the south side of mill street still remains unfilled tho street commissioners attention is again called to it it is reported that a trafilc cop is now operating on the toronto- sarafa jliffhway between georgetown and guelnb thero is consequently less speeding now hot ween these two places farmers of course will decide pr themselves whether they can vparc tlmo for a halfholiday each week but farmers like everyono else arc entitled to a halfdays fishing once in a while mr gordon beard moro has had the portion of the roadway on church and maria t4ft adjacent to beverley house coated wit kw oil this ef fectually keeps down tf i ust at his residence and grounds tho port rowan nows calls uttan tjon to tho wellknown fact that when there aro vacant scats in a theatre they are usually at tho back whereas tho vacant seats jn church as in st- marys aro at the frohc tho canadian national v bipctrio authorities havo followed the sugges tion of tho horticultural society and havo neatly graded tho bank opposite tho station on main streot it is now in readiness for flowers and shrubs a leading artjglo in tho family herald and weekly star of montreal entitled busiest men in fifty coun ties gives v of seventeen agricultural representatives one of which is r it fleming of halton county u tho chop who got out of bad about four oclock tha other morning took a look- at the weather said noma other day will do just as well any way and climbed back into bed again corjalnly had no tasto foi early morn ing fishing tho trililumia almost first of all tho springtime flowers sho fojlows tho pussywillow and grows in sheltered powers beneath old logs and under trees wherevsr there is shade and every pluce eh dbvwp her face a lit tle star is made provincial commission fjf a lawrence who is in active charga of all boy scout work in tho provmco of ontario wlf wo in acton next friday evening may 15 and wu address a meetlpg ofparonta and otherh inter ested in tho scout mo vernon t in the sunday school ltoom of knox pres byterian church at eight oclock let s get acquainted you really dont know the values and quality you are miss ing when you dont come in and get acquainted at sprys meat shop experience in buying and cutting and the handling of jnejjts help us to serve you well jpresh cooked cured meats and canned goods coiptuge pjjjtt stock f j spry successor to orrffi lamb mill and main streets acton ont yoiir final opportunity to get one of these weather prophets trhlu otivertlsomcnt will notappar horo hctmii if jqu h4fft mnllert or- brought in your prder actqulfkly for oup supply wll not inot lonp our price while they lout only 680 thi coupon nd jm 69c good for 100 weather house msahi prophet made in cunada guaranteed tho bast fin excellent gift for all occasions wjipi jho wcauier in fine tho two children will bo out and when lnd vvchtjitr itruppronehjnsr tho witch will come out s to 24 hours aspad at rain riynnosv- ojho hyeromolfir will forcast the weather lipfftr iin more reliably than bdncral weather reports it also haa ikormbirfetorpikb peid btrda jjtst etc mall prjlbw loq eictra tr ji13nk nnl postnse e j hassard drudo and otationery phone 8 acton ont- your best party dress or good suit ordinary pressing may do for your ordinary clothes but for youx best dress or suit jvliich must keep its smartness ond good lipes you mi be wise to aso langley hcrvwtf l ally tlnu crnttflmanahip and you will be delighted vith tho way in which your good dress or suit i flnisbed thousands of homes in all parts of ontario uro sending us dresses and suits to be cleaned ana dyed as woll no household goods such as curtains portions rugs anq carpets we have tho best equipped plant in tho dominion a staff of trained specialists on each class of work and on efficient maih order department we pay return shipping charge and charge only our toronto prices simply bondvyour parcel to mr geos langlcyand fvritc a letter saying what you have sent arid vhof you want done hou give your order i porsonoj supervision lanqfey jl t m 4 te cleaners a dyers qt m amn rliioi apaar1 4 hrittluu frnuhlhtu cartel rmiovolon head offi 249 spadina road torontq bnd for botikut dtmcribinp the ma ny thmot rat cwh or du snd giving tfrite wmu auo sfirift a 8uippinq cohtatnkb frm standard tlmo westend meat market 1 pull lines ot the very choicest of rfteats we always have tho cus you want and can supply your every need in thfellne of meats cooked meats beef a pork hm homemade sausape veal canned goods wo carry a line of theflnest canned goods and the prises are th lowest consistent with the quality just phone your order for these lines and have them delivered along with your meat order phone 16 j ii gfejji ur jnwis friday and saturday vi v fi jwir wpji r- ifv w vsj

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