Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1925, p. 1

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i fiftieth year no 47 thursbay morning may 21 qs acton ontario canada thursday morning may 2i5 1925 single copies five cent imf mrthddistchurch acton rev josephus culp pastor parsonage willow 8t 1001 11 misunday school 1100 atn tho minister 7i00 pi m tho minister annual church service of acton lodgo no 204 i y o r presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c stewart nt a manse willow street 1000 n m 7 school 1000 h m bible class paul en ters upon his christian work jjl0q a m- the minister subject themvlns word 700 p pi tho minister subject fearless service strangers leaving address vflth the ushers will bo called upon by the pastor j- special notices ajvcttiitmcntsl in this column a cents per yard minimum citarpe 30c per iniertion for- sale a good happy tjioupht range at the sale at tho homo of rov j culp on saturday may 23 lost a black cat with white at neck and breast and white yaws narrow white stripe- down the middle of face- in formation will be gratefullly received and-rewardodr- box 273 acton card jof thanks mr and mrs lorno coles desire to express their appreciation of the kind ly helpfulness of friends and neigh bors and of tlie acton tanning co and tho employees during tho sickness and death of mr e a rose these thoughtful deeds will ever bo grate fully remembered clearing auction sale tho household effects furniture etc of rev j culp will bo sold by public auction at tho methodist parsonage willow street acton on- satur day may 23 sale commences at 130 sharp positively no reserve 465 rj kerr auctioneer in guelph atmacdonalds force pump a bargain a force pump in firstclass condi tion a splendid pump cheap for a farm home cost 1400 will be sqld for 9450 also an itinch clothes wringer almost nsgood as now both replaced with electric fixtures bunco not how needed ttfksrc c speight f john and church sts acton tenders for building scaled tenders bulk or separate aro invited by tho undersigned up to noon thursday mny 28th 1025 for tho build- ing or a oaaemorit under tho aahgrovo methodist church plans and speci- fl cat ions may be seen at the homo of the secretary lot 8 seventh line es quostng or at the mothodist parson age georgetown lowest or any fender not necessarily accepted p f wright secretary r r no 2 cjcorgctown in the matter of style and quality and selection arid value the utmost helpfulness here for folks who are bent on rejuvenating the home and the wardrobe for summer days fittrs3tinfi new window draperies new wallpapers and floor coverings new summer 0fesses and millinery silks and wash fabrics for summer days scarfs neckfixings handbags a fascinating display of accessories linens and lingerie and a host of lovely things to please the june bride decoration service and church parade ke on sunday may 24th aotqn lodge ko 204 x o o p will bold thpirqn- nual decoratiop perempny ip the- after noon and tholr church parodo in the evening to the methodist church where rev bro culp will preach tbjopipm- bers wiji meet at tho jodgotoom at 030 pm ap visiting brethren arc pordlally ipylted to attend so hyds e p kennfiby n- g- x n s im j a smith insurance and real estate agent for confederation life as sociation london lancashire fire insurance london lancashire guarnnt co and accident dominion of canada guarantee and accident insurance company farm and town property for sale prompt careful and courteous at tention jgiven your business solicited suburban park acton wil rcoppn his sunimer with dancing and jjght bepreshmbws opening dance may 22nd i wonderland w- is thursday and friday may 21 and 22 the thiel of bagdad olio show each jilght at 8 p m starring douglas fairbanks drama beauty romance all with a background of glorious fan- uisy if you mlsh this plcturo it is your loss felix tho cat cartoon oakvllle- orchestra prices iscand 3gc saturday ma pi jfie pqrder legion tty ianeqrfcy starrlnff helena cjiadwlck and antonio moreno c9meay tire- trouble with otlr ganflr cartoon earths other halt jddi newh monday may 26 fortidden paradise htarrlnri- pola noiri adolph monjou and kod ls rocque comedy wide ajwako tuesday may 20 zeebrugge tho british naval picture showing 0a0 p- tho rtiost darltin fentn history chapter 3 of flnlo tho net cornouy looh- inr bown trices lbc and 35c biu gregorv spn special economy news includes this all the coats reduced no inceptions l good savings for women and young women who still have need of a smart coat for present wear and for driving and all the activities of summer one grup of coats with values up to 3750 for 2500 sizes 18 to 42 almond green rust sand and navy blue shades a second group including values up to 2500 for 1650 navytjlue in regular sizes sand color in o s extra large sizes 1 i a third group including values up to 1500 for 1000 polo cloth coats mostly in sand shade all the tauxhsed coats known as the prince of wales style reduced too reblari7b to 3900 rediicejpjieesj275to25ill m delogates convened to appoint a auc tho school room of knox church tery rev f dean owen bishop of niagara was elected last thursday by a large majority very kov dorwyn t owen rector ofchristh church cathedral hamil ton wan last thursday elected bishop of the anglican dioceae of niagara on tho first ballot when clorny and lay d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store coasor to the late biuhop clark ttr majority to the biahopolect waa 4 substantial ono and -the- result waa not a surprise tlo meeting won probably tho jargeat over- jileld and there were few parishes which were not i ropre sented by both clergy and the lay dero gates kosult of vote rev dean owen clergy 48 lny doleffatea 44 vori archilimcon lerry clergy 12 lay dele gates h ven archdeacon renison clergy 8 lay delegates 3 ven arch deacon mclntonh clergy 8 lay dele gates 5 blahop of frederickton clergy 3 lay delegatea 1 nocessary to elect 43 votes of the clergy undjs votes of tho lay dele gates others who received one vote each from the clergy or laity were bishop of kootonay kov cahoh abbott arch deacon g p davidson canon cody canon scovllle very rev archdeacon fornoret- canon broughull rcy a h howitt rev john hamilton and rev h g l baugh of acton bishopelect owen was born in twickenham england und is 49 years of age he wna educated at east bourne toronto school and in 1000 was ordained as deacon and a year later elevated to the prleathbod for a short time he served aa curate f st james cathedral toronto and he regained there until 1908 when ho was made rector of tho holy trinity church toronto he first cttntotrr niagara diocese in 1914 to succeed very rev bean almon abbott aa the rdctor of clirlata church cathedral bte has long been recognized aa one of the most distinguished clergymeii of tho church in canada ands particu larly welt qualified to all the important position the new bishop la married and has five children his grace most rev goorge thorn- loe djd archbishop of algoma and metropolitan ofontariocqnducted tho election news of local import i o d e lo celebrate empire day tho duke of devonshire chapter of tho i o d 3 wlli hold their kmphc day celebration on 1vlday afternoon muy 22 at four oclock in tho parish hall a programme will be given and tea served silver collection every body welcome- improvements at knox schopl rpon chester mcbaws thirst cost 365 told the quetph potfee on tuesday he was robbed when buying a grok weekend l specials assorted jellies with two flavors in each piece qo- reg 40c lb weekend special per lb otc koka buds we have just received a ftiesh shipment of koka rbudgve sreoffering tliese at a special prfce of per qq n oc metcalfes assorted chocolates in a large assort ment of cream and hard centres weekend special 4a price per lb ff c assorted chocolates reg 40c and 50c lb weekend spacial per lb a- 32c our ice cream parlor we hove a large variety of tasty things to cat in our ice cream parlor try a fresh fruit salad we carry a large assortment of jce cream bricks also different jlavors in bulk mill street actonr- h wiles u h a dollar day at harrisons for the holiday day salethursday friday saturday on- all highclass footwear comprising oxfords and boots in calf and kid and patent leather for men pomps oxfords strap slippers for women in tan brown patent ah sizes and leathers in thelot as follows l v mens roots and oxfords syp jor 60 mens boots and oxfords6ob for 00 mensbootsand oxfords 4j50 for fso womens any kino for 485 womens any kind 850 for 450 womens any kind 500 for 400 holeproof hose in black white and log aa cabin for per pair ik luu the proof of the boot- 18 in the weabtnq our stock is all markedin plain figures save a dollar harry harrisonjhe shoe man w pcf ejnesdayernona all te year round wftb the guelph mercury tells the story on tuesday as follows i after being battered into a sta of somlmsonsciousnebbxnnartfuncry road a few miles outstdo the- city about uo this morning chester mcbaln and ernest perryman of r r no 3 and r r no 1 acton were robbed of a sum of money to toiling j395 by three assailants according to a storjr which they told the police about two oclock this morning mcbain was robbed of approximately 3q5 while porryman jobtao smffering from eovero brulsea the two men staggered into tho police sta tion and pourort their atory into the ears t the police on duty- moboln asserted that yesterday morning he had disposed of hla cattlo to a dealer and had realized a little losa than 400 by tho salo he and perrymon dropped into the city yesterday and in the evening decided to takb in the midway which is playing near the outskirts of the city on the elora road they were accompanied by three men whom they had met ahd whose names they did not know tho party did tho midway together at the expense of tho two acton mon and at an early hour adjourned to various places they described as being of questionable re putation the ward was visited- andtwo drinks partaken of by every one- mo- bains auto was parked on ih street ajjd wheii the party emerged after their refreshments it was missing r was discovered later and asthe party gathered momentum it watt suggested that a crock be purchased the suggestion met with approval accord ing to tho story which was related to the police and the acton visitors wero assured thatlt would be necessary to mako a short journey into the country to negotiate the purchnse in ms bains motor they started out the victoria road over tho victoria bridge a fow miles out of the city one of tho guests reached over frpm- the rear seat and crashed a bottle over mcbalns head while ono of the others dlsposod of perrynianvit a blow on the jaw which broke soerl teeth fhey wore then rolled and left lying in tho car while tho hree hugs mftdo off on foot cpntended mcbajif k ahr tii o story of the two viciups had been told chief rae a constable and offcer melvillo of ther provincial force smarted for tho scene of the al leged robbery in constable melvilles oar no trace- was found of tho foot pads roadtr of egress from the city were patrolled and railway authorihies notified but no word waseceived of the mlsstng men the ijollco pre of thfe opinion that the men wero residents of this city- both mon who 11 vo in the vicinity of acton are farmers mcbain who was the loser of 36t the result of the cattle deal is a married man with ave children ho told the police both mon are jjtlll in the city awaiting further information regarding their assailants tins been newly decorated and painted and in ita new dress- tookh very at tractive and inviting tho color scheme harmonises very nicoy mr b cordlner waa tho decorator tho work was done under the auspices of tho ladles aid cebrting empire day the schools will celebrate empire dny on friday a patriotic service will bo held in tho town hall com mencing at two oclock an address will be given on canadas placo in the empire as manifested at wembley exposition by h p moore police magistrate a literary and musical programme will be rendered womans institute summer meeting thesunrmor meeting of the inhtltute will bo held in tho parish hall on thursday may 28th at 3 oclock mrs h m altken of beeton will give an address on tho golden age every- body welcome at 230 there will be a meeting qfthp branch which all ore requested to attended us there is im portant bulnesstb talk over wont ptovo 44 btar in hi hotel james ktrr iiroprietorof the st lawrence hotel campbellford- em phatically will not stock or handle 44- beer he says his business does not depend on the sale of beer and visitors will be driven away if asked to sit in a room among a crowd of men ailing themselves with beer at a tabje pp matter how innocuous that beverage might be baseball tournament at manse wood a baseball tournament will be hold at llgny schboiwarisowood on mon day may 25 the first game between milton and mansewood at 130 p m sharp win bo a hdjton county league game immediately after this camp bellvilleand georgetown will play tho winners to play off for the trophy good parking for cars refreshment booth admission 30 cents including decoration day and church iparade the members of acton- lodge io op np guelph presbytery to go into union presbytery committee reports union constitutionally negotiated an unusually large- gathering at tended the meotinp of the guclpn presbytery held in knox church guelph last tuesday 52 out of 54 members being present j kour minuet era resigned their charges over tho question ofchurch union thosb who resigned were rov g h mclennap kftchcnerrov w h bartlott elmlra itevj u stewart rockwood and rev stuart wood of puslinch with the dxceptlpn of rev j u stewart who js resigning- of his own vlloitlon tho ministers who- havo tendered tholr resignations aro union ists whoso congregations voted anti union their resignations are to take effect oh juno 10 a request from the ladies aid of st- pauls church waterloo asking tho presbytery lo divide funds in their treasury between unionists and ahtl- unlonlsts wus not sustained as tho presbytery considered that tills mat ter had been settled by the action of the federal house and that therefore tho roquest was out o order the question of the presbyterian fund in relatfbn to the nonconcurring congregations was considered as some qf these had como to the conclusion that they would not pay these dues even for the first half of the year as requested by tho presbytery tho clerk explained that ono half ofjthe non- concurring congregations had already paid he pointed out that the ex penses of the presbytery wero mount ing up from month to month ho also stated that if tho balance of these non concurring churches did not meet this obligation the funds in the treasury would bo depleted and the- financial obligations of tho presbytery could not be hiel after much discussion it was agreed that it would bo only right and reasonable for all congregations to meet tticso obligations -iminaliately- bofore the adjourn- roent a protest ontho regular printed form in general use for thla purpose was presented to tho court by tho ahtt unionists signed by ten elders this document protested against the prcsby- tory proceeding to organize what they claimed would bo a real presbytery of guelph the presbytery appointed a strong committee to answer tho pro test us follows revs kv j macdonald r w craw r b knowles and j a mackenzle and adjourned for one hourih order to prepare on- anawer when the committee reported it pointed out that various councils f the church had proyjdgdcjflaututfonu obituary wesley conover aftor a short illness wesloy con- over passed away early thursday morning may 14 at his residence on reynolds streets oukvhle mr con- over who was 7c years of age was bprn on dundas sroct near erindaio ahd had spent his life lh oakvllle and vicinity ho is survived by one daughter mrs john grahuhltof goorgotown tho funeral wus held on saturday from tho residence tothe erindale cemetery major chisholms sudden death taken iii at his farm at oakville on friday and died oh i sa marks of appreciation rcognition of th grvlom of min nin w rn 6rr niatof who fer gyoml y6nr faithfully per tormed tho duties of church organist rev mr stewart tha pastor 6d cupled tho ohnlr after devotional scrvlcen and a mualcal number or two mr stewhrt announced- thsx the next number on tho prosramme would be a trio by ther membera of the music committee mesers john r kennedy a t mnnn nndw mcaoper mlm andcrbon vtna requested to come to the piano to talio pnrt with them mr kennedy then road on hpprecla tlvu adclress lind requested that miss anderson would accent wq rccom panyihg prsenc tf tken of regai nnii appvpclatlun flm cankrdbi- tlon sfji mfln ayd cooper 4hen brought fprwjir q jonutift yilld wal- nu wrltri dek 8flulppefl wjth sta- r 4lsi apdorhpn yns cq sur- ftt ii yisiiy sffpeted in feelinr waiilji sh iiirpol suicer uianlu nndsaidtlim u wns aluysa pleasure to her tn oqntrllriue ny service aha- oould to the ohuroh eervhfs l several other numbers were cohtrl- 1 year as in tho piist acton wilt hove butedsnd atthe close appetising rela blkqd that they may justlytalco pride rrcshujorita woro served by the taol j in- sunday as decoration day and an nual church parade headed by the acton citizens band and accompanied by visiting brethren thoy vill pro ceed to fairview cemetery at three oclock to decorate tho graves of der parted brethren at seven oclock thft brethren will attend dlvlno service at the methodist church when rov bro culp will preach ft special sermon for tho occasion dpresston which should be levelled up there are eleven depressions- on the mill street roadway oyer the trenches where the waterworks ser- vlcea were put in to water takers thero are nine similar ones on church street mill street also has a number and other streets in town are similarly blemished probably it only requires that the uttentlon of the streets com mittee bo called to these places and they will promptly bo rcraedlod it might be an effective way to get the members of the council in a car and drlye them over these places at 15 to 20 miles an hour just lika other councillors rathjmeetingutthopakville town council last week after ibmo bisus- slop it was decided to have flowers planted this year intho bed in front of he pumphouse although this has been done regularly for some years mayor robinson was rnther doubtful whether it was worth the expense which lust year amounted to about 12900 mr hlllmer pointed out that tho flower bed was admired by majiy visitors in the summer time 4tnd was good advertising- for tho town it was finally decided to plant the bed but to keep the expense down o a rojnl mum halton county prohibition aspocjatton a o large jipd rregpntatlvo meet ing of the eecutfyc of hftuon pro hibition association ft milton officers were elected ob followq ap gibbon of freeman was elected president t nisbot of oakville was elected second vice president jh turner of oakville was reelected secretary and r crceunan of george town was reelected treasurer mr b h cleaver kc who has been the en ergetlc qnd faithful president for many years found ft necossary to de cline to serve further mr j c bell of the control association- attended and gave much encouraging informa tion v t basaball oponlhg postponad owing to the showery weather on saturday the local opening of the haltonwelllngton baseball league was postponed no definite date wnjs set but it is expected that the local opener will be held some evening early in june making a fwillght fixture of it the local nanflgenn 0rearranff- ingsfor urivisuhl ceemftnie n tht game no games were ii in the league last saturday- the acton fans will see apvcrio rcxif facjwt in the local team when 1 lnaii un fir the flenlng game actpn pltya at rbckwooct on the 25th- of hfly apd on the 3rd of june they will tqtte part in a tourna ment athiiiaburg they play a league fixture in georgetown on saturday ally to consummate union and had dona so that the union had been sanc tioned and legalized by act of parlia ment both federal and provincial and that by these acts tho presbytery us now constituted and in regular ses sion continued to function taauch time as the first general council should order the sold presbytery to amolgi- mato with tho corresponding courts and further tho presbytery of guolph conceded the right to any group of members to withdraw and protest against that number allocating t themselves powers and rights which were denied them by tho parliaments of the land and called upon them to be loyal presbyterians and follow the leading of the general assembly into the greater union guelph mercury v ernest albert rose after many months of suffering ernest albert rose passed away on monday morning at the home of mr and mrs lorrte cole bcardmore crescent some years ago mr rose was afflicted with a malignant growth in thqlonrjawhajunderwont several operations at each of which part of the jaw was removed but tho inroads of tho insidious diseasecontinued ond finally a vital spot was reached ahd death promptly ensued purlng the months of his confinement first to tho house and then td his bed mris colo gave him the bestpf care and at tention this he appreciated -greatly- mr rose was an english soldier in his youngewiays and spent some twenty years f- more in the imperial army in soveral countries mrs roso pre deceased him many years ago and their only son made thb supreme sacri fice in tho great war he came to acton about fifteen yeara or more ago and was a faithful employee of messrs beardmbro co during his residence here he was a goodnatured friendly follow and made numbers of friends here ho was a member of st albano church and the funeral on tuesday was conducted by rev h g lv baugh the rector pf t a 1 bans church hugh p campbell i sad indeed is the home where the husand and father was suddenly called fuomthe duties and activities of mid dle life vero hugh f campbell tho section foreman of the canadian na tional railway was for more than thirteen years the head just a short week before mn campbell was seised with pneumonia and though every hu man means available were tried hii passed away on tuesday evening leaving a devoted and sorrowing wlfo and tfiretrdcar little daughters to mourn the departure of tho one on whom they were dependent for sup port mr campbell was born in park- hill fortyfive years ago a score of years usp he came to acton aa section foreman to succeel tho late conrad hlldenbrund in thla position he was ah expert railway man and his sec ion was maintained in commendlble major frank h chisholm of oak yllte one of tliat towns most popular citizens died very suddenly on satur day jnornlng at ma residence chann- wood oakville he had boon enjoy ing excellent health and on friday went out to his farm with jiia son herbert where ho was taken 111 to ward evening ho was mptorcd homo quickly but his physician could give no hope of recovery and tho members oftho family were hastily summoned he livod only through tho night v ajajor chfflholm was born in oajc- vlllo on september 17 1853 he was tho eldest son of the late captain o b chisholm and grandson of colonel george brock chisholm rho fought in the crimean war his mother be fore her marriage was mary daughter of tho late justus wright williams j p of oakvllle and sister of tho late br- js w williams at the time of the outbreak of the war major chisholm was a captain lo the halton rifles he was he firat man in halton county to offer his services for overseas but tho depart ment of militia and defense at ot tawa desired his services for a time in canada and prevailed upon him to accept the post of recruiting officer for this district a position which he filled with great capability and un tiring zeal later major chisholm wus appointed to the 164th cef then stationed at camp borden where he became major upon passage of tho military sorvico act ho was appointed under the act as the military representative on the tribunal for tho military district in which oakville is located which post- tlqn he occupied until the close of the war he was burled with military honors at oakville on tuesday after noon the esq cfflckjen thieves howard martin and allan watt re ceived heavy sentences whejthghnegeb a gainst- themwerc conduiqu thirteen years agbtar7cadf and they were asked if they were campbell was united n wedlock to miss mabel gibbons daughter- of mr and mrs john gibbons of rose cot tage mill street to mrs campbell und tli e three daughters the sympathy of tho community is extended mr campbell was a member of st josephs roman catholic church the funeral sorvlco waa held yesterday morning with mass at the church at 330 in terment wus made at dublin cemetery social and personal mr will iluffmun waa in toroi over tho weekend miss bertie speight was with friends in kitchener oyer sunday miss clara brown of new hamburg- spent the weekenil in town jh bsnds activities tho acton citizens band is pre- pnrlnr fof a buy season this year to comply with requests from numerous points tho bnd is prewiring a full concert programme for garden parties this programme will be complete and will consist of band numbers in strumental soos quartette number vocal solos bund choruses and plenty of tunny stuff by the bands comedian harry rlgby and other bandsmon mr john clark has efy q narouai agroei to allow thi iiao of tho lavn ft flufnlor- lorid upuse fpr band cufioorta and a soop as the vvfathw 1h suitable btia concerts 111 bif given hero the band ii head hu oddfellows parade next sunday at ihelr deoomtlon dov services ajid at uif ehurhpnrdeto tlie methodlsk ohurohln the evenlpg the band has practically all its last years members and several now ro- crults nre comjng along tjnder jbaridrodstev mitson the orgnlxallon in thriving- und enthusiastic and this mra it e kelson of toronto was wlthacton friends on sunday miss nellie rcesor spent the week end with friends ia kitchener mr joseph holmes bower avonue hasbeen very ill during the week m and mrs frank spellvogel arc spending tho week lpgloversvlllc n y mrs a h- bishop tti ln guolph attending the funeral of mr mflrriol flprist mossrs qupcan and daniel robert son spent day or so thlb week at niagara mr alftotr sopor who haa beensorl- ously 111 for several weeks is now slowly recovering messrs e j mooro and kennoth clark of toronto wore guests at moorecroft yils week mrs walter lamb returned from quelph hospital on saturday and is now convalescing nicely mr ond mrs david williamson oro spondlng u week or so relatives in toronto and hamilton ms- and mrs charles mcluim of toronto pcnt tho weekend at the homo of mrs robert garvin atrarid mrs thomas r akins of erin spent monday with mr and mrs walter lamb knox avenue mrs james moore returned from her fortnights visit it dundas on thurs day much lmplovod in health mr nnd mjs a hi bishop entertain ed scputmastor thomas nnd miss clarke of tuantp on sunday mrs e j langevln who has been visiting relatives in troy n y re turned homo tho first of the week- mrs h tlopage mr morley lo- pago miss bertie snydor and miss evelyn carter oftoronto spent sun day at- moorecroft mrs rov i m moycr of port colborno who is attending conference at guelph was the- guest of mr and mrs a t brownfor a fow hours- this week mr and mrs- robert h rold of erin are retiring from farming nnd will settle in acton thoy will re side in mr kerrs house onknox avenue j s deacon of toronto former publc school inspector for hultoh underwent o serious operation ul tor onto two wcok ugo happily though his age mado it tho more serious he is making good progress toward re covery mr nnd mrs cook j6f mouford havo taken up thblr rcsldonce in acton prior ta their leaving meaford mrs cook waa presented with n compli mentary address and vllfo member ship in tho womensmissionary so ciety of the methodist church if you dont liko to dance como and havo a game of cards and bo a booster for a third tennis court at tho athletic grounds in tho tdrtn hall bvlday may xjno mrs william waterhouse a dear old lady passed away at tho homo of her daughter mrs frank ken nedy corner or peel and wellington streets on monday morning aftcr a long iwriod oflllness jn the person of mrs ellzubeth woterhouse mr wuterhoube came to acton from her home in whitby a year ago last no vember to visit mr and mrs konnody during nor stay she was taken serious ly iii and gradually the old lady crew worse her end cnmo very peacefully and she hlcptaway yrs watcrnousn was born in edinburgh scotland in 1844 in tho year 1870 she married her late husband who predeceased her nearly forty years ago after their marriage mr and mrs waterhouso lived in glasgow for a number of years about the year 1874 they come tofganadu and settled- lit whttbyrwlitch continued to be tho horap of the family left with a family df children mrs waterhoube with indomitable per severance and loving motherly inter esc kopf thofamtlytogether helped tbem to secure an education and made tho homo a real place of comfort and attraction for them there wero six children three of whom died in in fancy and wero buried in the family plot at whitby surviving aro mr georgo- waterhouso travelling repre sentative of the canadian national ex press company at belleville mr j s waterhouso whitby and mrs f kennedy during her btay here and all through tho woary months of her last illness mrs frank kennedy and family gavo tho dear mother every care and solicitudo and often mrs ken nedy herself was in poor health mrs wjhterhouse though- a presbyterian fn her maiden days united with tho anglican church tho communion of hor husband at their marriage tho funeral took placo yesterday with a brief service at mr kennedys homo and then proceeded by train to whitby whore interment was mado in the family plot- howard martin and allan watt tbe chicken thieves who were caurt in the act by a couple of esqucslng- farm ers and taken into ouatody by hlef chapman of milton faced fourteen charges when they came before police magistratemooro at thocourt house- milton last wednesday police court news t mcdermott jf port credit was tried before police magistrate bur gess ar port credit arid found guilty of violation of the ontario temperance act ho was fined 200 utrfd costs r threo months and sentenced to three months imprisonment in addition mc dermott hos violated tho temper unco act before and when imprisoned went on a hunger strike he is now in- tho brampton juil brampton banner robert currlo and fred hi is on of milton heights wero brqught bofore police magistrate moore on saturday afternoon by provincial constablo atkins and charged with calling ut mrs hugh ryders house victoria avenue after midnight on saturday may 2 impersonating polico officers the evldonce showed that currlo had a pasteboard star covered with tin foil on his breast and that hilson when ho got into the house announced this is an officer of the law and we cnmo to urreat merrywenther they were fined sjboo the young men al leged that they were just fooling but the joko cost tho two of them 3720 mrs josephina sacco was assessed 200 and costs by magistral watt ot guelph on thursday morning after hnr conviction on n chargo of selling liquor a man testified that on sunday even ing last he had purchased two or throe or maybo threo or four drinks from mrs sacco at half a dollar a shot and subsequently had been ar rested for belig drunk fred e swain mono road henry davis cuiedon east and gus coffoo caledon pleaded guilty to- running their cars with 1824 markers betoro police magistrate moore last thurs day thoy wero each fined 500 and costs satisfied to be tried summarily in the maglatrates court they both elected to bo tried when asked how do you plead martin pleaded guilty to eight charges and watt to tho six charges laid against them thoy were both togetheron six ex- curslona when liena were stole in an other cuse martin was charged with stealing motor tires tubes tools and a blanket from john l moore he pleaded guilty to this and said t hit watt was not wlthnlm when he visit- ed this fnrjn on the night of april 23 he also pleaded guilty to obtaining a motor car from the guelph motor car co under false pretences giving a cheque on the bank of toronto in which he had no funds in pronouncing sentence the magis trate sxdd that this matter of stealing chickens from farmers poultry yards was becoming a dastardly crime and was now so frequent that no farmer felt safe the chicken theves would come along in a motor cor clear out the poultry and in jl couplo ofhours be so far away that the losers were un able to obtain evidence to convict tho- gullty parties v the formers must be given all the protection the court could give them as punishment of the crimes committed arid to deter opera tiona by further udoites heavy iienm ties would be imposed howard martin was sentenced to one year in the ontario reformatory with an additional indeterminate sentence of eleven months watt got off more lightly as it appeared that he had been led astray he had had a good char acter william beamish chief of tho hanover police wrote to crown al- torney dick he said he had known watt for years and had never learned anything against him ho believed him a good honest boy wtftt had worked for a hanover baker for some years taking all this into considera tion the police magistrate sontenced watt to three months in the reforma tory with the same indeterminate sen tence martins mother brother und sister- inlaw and watts brother were at tho trial and tha two men pleaded for leniency for tlfeir brothers boy scouts church parade there will bo prizes for cards and lucky number dances at tho tfeiinw clijb donee on friday may ttoov timaly words and earnatt entreaty by rev j culp the members of the xcton troop of boy scouts paraded to the methodist church on sunday morning for dlvlno sorvlco rev- j culp the pastor prcacbed an earnest and very appropriate ser mon from two texts lstbamuel3 10 and tho lord called then samuel as swered speak for thy servant hear- eth and phil 2 6 xet this mihdt in you which was also in christ jesus if wo delight to go to the house of god wo are sure to receive benefit said thopreacher who gave an inter esting revlow of samuels lite his prcsonco in tho temple his conduct and his character and applied vivid les- sons tothe boy scouts tho value- of taklpg god always with you was emphasised you cannot afford to have god out of youc mfc he said god has arplan for every boyolife the value of trufnlng of a lifo of service saved of a llfo pure and obedienttn christ wus vividly shown tho love and power of joaus christ is what mokes the boy a eood scout tho llfo of jesus as a boy was polnt6d om und the preucher in his very apt and helpful sorraon ended with this my inst message to you boys ifl tbattt want you each to accept jesus chrljsi as youjrscbutmaster and be o scout worthy of the name- of a christian scout- scoutmaster ferris read tho scrip ture lesson and four of the patrol leaders took up thci ottering at the eloso of the sorvlco socond- ciosb badges were formally prosented by scoutmaster thomas of troop no 75 toronto who in a fow words of kindly advlep said that there was u somblanco in tho work of the boy scouts to that of our ixird inasmuch thoy were being trained to go about doing good the reolplents of tho covetled secondclass oiedals wero scoots r watson robert mcarthur corporals arthur henderson arthur jjiwsoii jos woods e patrick s malcolm v wilds m prtfn patrol leadcra w babconk isorgo mason alfred bishop wiitv r jsth

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