Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1925, p. 2

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u trf isfljr arhm 3teittb tfluksday may 31 imc the gladdest way whats tho way to school you say a boya way uo you mean its- out of tho yard and far away whero tho grass is fresh and green its up a tree and out on a limb and down with a leap and eby and thata thp way to school lor mag when i see him pausing by whatuthoway to aohool you fltty its after a butterfly r that darts by many a zigzag way and upon a limb no hiifh whero ho guards a nest with robin a oggh and hard by a woodchuolts lair its many a mllo for baro brown logs horo there and overywjioro whats tho way to school you say its scurrying- a rabbits trail its pasta flold whero tho lambs aro at play and a scat on tho topmost rail of tho pasture fence and a leal from that to u wagon rumbling hy its down iho wind for ah old straw hat with a whistle and call and cry whats tho way to schoojydusay its thp way of unnumbered boys its an ondlosaromp on a cloudless day in search of a hundred joys its over a moardofihd through tho flowors its a splash through tho wayside pnn its tho gladdest way in this world of ours and thats tho way to school the second mile if seems to mo protested elsie that i have done all that can bo ex pected of me i have tried in ovory way i know to reach charlie vreoland but i cant do it every sunday i feel as if i were standing over a volcano that might explode at any momont i cant do my best for tho other boys either when he is in the class you have done all that could be ex pected agreed the superintendent you have gone tho full mile with him perhaps the second mile wh bo oaaier traveling what do you mean asked elsie by an old law or custom in the east a stranger through an unknown country would oblige any one he met who know the road to go with him a mllo on his journeyto show him the way that is what jesus had in his mind when he said to his dlsclplos whosoever shall cpmpelthee to go n mllo r with him twain i know that charlio has been a trial toyou jbuthe has not had tho oppor tunity the others hoys havohad i do not want to take him out of tho class even though he disturbs its order as a christian and a teacher it js your duty to tako him into the class and make something of him thafs tho first mile that you had to do now try tho secondmilo ill try answered elsie but sho still felt hopeless about charlie vreo- lanov- j an hour later she sat on the front porch alone the rest of tho family had gone to the country and she was looking forward to a quiet evening with a pleasant book then across the streotrbho saw her discouraging pupil ho was ragged andjdirty and suddenly 3asroi there wasbomo thing pathetic about him what would her own small brother bo if he had such a home as charlio was going to charlle oho called wont you please come here a minute he oboyed but there was a sullen half defiant look on his face i want some company she said my family aro all away and ito lonosqmo will your mother care if you stay for supper with mo im going to havo strawberry shortcake n6 she wont carol he cried with a brightening face but i aint fit you can wash your face and hands here come in and ill give you lome books to look at while i make the shortcake she went out into tho kitchen with quite new plana for the ovcnlng she set the tabic carefully and took the greatest pains with tho shortcake after supper she played and sang for him whon ho anally wont away she put her arm about his shoulder what makes you give mo so much trouble in sunday school aho asked wont you try to sit aulet next sunday you bcti will ho answered 1 didnt know you really cared about mo- in 3te in hnrt hirg how the squires colt was won by sieldbn c stoddakd f he demnnd upon grandpa doll var had once more becomo too strong for tho old man to re sist and tho- three young peoplo drew their chairs a little closer to his as after the preliminary urging ho began i guess this time ill toll you about tho- big race thatsquiro inglowood had away backin the alxtiw and tho part that john armstrong a young fol low whom i used to know took in lit tho squire was ono of tho most pros perous farmers in his part of the state an obstinate oldfelloxv ho was tqo with ways of his own plenty of them for two or throo years they had celebrated over at ridley oonter a kind of qoldday at which prizes wore given for trials of strength or speed or both footraces wrestllngihatchos and ropepulls pe turned out v old praiesaol hawkihs a re h yqjjim parmer bulison like many another man who is hot a farmer was addict ed to iho drink habit ho caihoitb town ono summer morning with i wagon load of corn sold it and start cd for a drygoods storo to make a few purchases there was a sajoonon the wjay parmer buuson stopped inside to take a drink two or three other drinks followed and then ho lost all recollection late in tho day ho woke to find him self lying under a troo he was about halfway homo his patient horses were nibbling the grass by tho road side ho gathered himself up felt in lila pockets found his monoy all gone had bought there was a jug about threefourths full of whiskey and nothing else twentyflve bushels of corn he said for throo quarts of cornjuice old man he continued seizing the jug by tho handle and raising it above his head this wpnt do old man horo he brought i the jug down with all his might on the iron tire of ono of tho hlndwheels to utter destruction of the jug and total 104s of the cornjuice well organize a total abstinence society right now thin happened years ago farmer bullson isutjii a member of that total abstinonco soctciy in good standing- a tired college man was at the head of it squire ingle wood professed to en tertain as great contempt for this kind of athletics and ono year ho astonish ed everybody by offoring a prlzo of his own and fdra race tbat was certainly something new the prlzo was worth all tho otheraput together it was a handsome throe year old roan colt tho colt the squire proclaimed should go to the young man or old man or any kind of a man so tho squire put it who should the quickest cut rako and bind and shock socureiy ono measured aero- of oats tho work to be done in a thoroughly workmanlike manner you can imagine thero was excite ment enough when tho announcement appeared it stirred up half the county valuable colts liko roans did- nt grow on every bush in thoso days and then thoro was tho rivalry tho squires farm where the trial was 10 take place was little more than a half mllo from the center young men and old men and boys yes and plenty of youngtglrlaf and women too satborcd at every opportunity to discuss the stirring event and hazard opinions on the outcomp there were several favorite candi dates in the field but probably peck hunter a young fellow from beetle vale and the squires son judsbn had tho greatest following deck short for dexter had been courting the squires daughter for a year or so and some people said tho shrewd old man had little fear that the colt would o out of tho family tho two young men already had a record of having cradled ariacro in less than an hour and a half and great talcs wero told of their prowess at raking and binding thero werent any stool binders in those days or any other bindora except humoarms andhandfland reapers were of course tho old graincradles propelled by manpower entirely if ben horo thlnkslt was fun to swing one of those old sweepstakos cradles through a fleld of heavy grain nil i have to say is let him try it some hot day of august well the day of tho race came at last ten contestants had handed in their names and ten oneacre plots had bocn measured off with great ex actness in the squires big thirtyacre field the rule laid down by tho squire was that every man who started should finish his plot if it took a day or oven xnoro it was a splendid field of grain rank and heavy but standing op well and wonderfully even on tho ground thero was practically no choice of the plots and the ten young men who lined up at t6n oclock sharp wero strapping fellows wiry and v muscular thero were deck and jud confident and per haps a- little condescending rug weatherly from red oak corners dandy burnside from jockey hol low a big- goodhearted fellow but a little vain in regard to dress tali joo cannon from turtle creek and several lesser lights among these last was john armstrong from- south valley decldolytholeastknown of all tore frantically up the flold in a vain attempt to increase his lead over his formidable bound boy as for tho roughlooking grain- cradle john had made it himself brett bud a couple of old cradles broken horo and there and tlod up with twine the fingers spliced arid mended with shlngldrntlts hard locking ami irs he could bo depended upon not to buy now ones as long na these could by any possible ingenuity in repairing bt put into a scmblanco of eerviccbro condition it was one of his peculiar economies some onowlnter john had spent his ovoningfl in making a cradle by a lucky chanoeho had found n twlstol white ash with u natural crook exactly to hisrllklng a careful search qntyjv- hfllb in tho hickory woods had iro- vlded hjm wl trn cradle grew it certainly was not a thing of beauty but it had a rnklsh hang that suited john the boys had at sight named it old chrwflnger john liked the name he was greatly interested in tho harvestrace fromthe first the roan colt would bo a fine pieco or property for a young- man just starting out for himself but tho colt was only an incl- dental attraction john had dared to take a fancy to the squiros daughter twlcohe had walked homo with her from church peoplo marveled that ouch a bright sensible girl should so much as notice a poor nobody llko joslah bretts bound boy as for dock hunter ho wua furious and john armstrong was ono ot thoton who lnedup for the race at ton oclock sharp that hot august day tand ho had old clawflngors with hist promptly at the stroke of ten tho candidates were given the word and away they went tho polished snathes flashing in tho sun it was a sight to stir one those ten rugged follows bonrtj lng to their work swish swhsh won the cradles through tho heavy grain were hardly any two alike but each was the best of its kind that the wnercoul4posslblyprocure thero were raoolys grppe vinos dutch bends and straights each style hud its own advocates who were always ready to maintain loudly and with great emphasis that that particular stylo was by all odds the best and that a man could do moto and better work with that stylo than with any other on earth it seemed to bo a kind of disease that afflicted nearly all cradlors buf all of them wore trim cleanlooking cradles all except john armstrongs his was roughlooking and plainly homemade the young fellow himself represent ed a class that happily is growing smal an in fact in the oldtime across tho big field tho grain falling straight and true for every part of the work would be considered and oacli detail counted jud- and deck were flrat up- dandy burnside third joe cannon and rug- weartherly next side by side and john armstrong well to ward the last but cutting a clean and straight swath all turned and hurried back for the regulations read carry snathes no grain could be cut on tho back trip three times up or across without material change 6f position then deck hunter obtained a slight load over jud jtlo was ma a-tremen- lous ffortr7 fell back a llttlo and cannon gained armstrong stayed about where he was he was taking a slower stroko than the others but every time old cjawflngers came round it bit into tho grain well into it about an hour passed and then the heat and the tremendous efforts they were making began to loll on the cradlers three or four hud to slpw down fully a third of their stroke but hunter kept his lead with inglewodd a closo second armstrong was fully abreast of weatherloy cannon and burnsldo had fallen back somewhat twenty minutes more and the plots most of them wero getting pretty nar rowed and it began to bo plain that ulo raco so far as cradling went lay between hunter- inglowood and arm strong hunter was doggedly holding his lead steadily they forged along and presently the hunter following began to cheer madly for it was seen that the beetle vale champion was putting forth a mighty effort and was surely gaining a few swaths more would toll the story and the hunter crowd shouted again for their man was fully a quar ter of a swath ahead and they knew that the others could not possibly ovcr- tak him then i hahjjatjnfluju eyes but it was old jooluh lirettl surely never bvforc had tliyu old man been guilty of ilpythlhg so frivolous ii aucndjiua- rated ho met john at tho end of the hwatli and although ho said nothing ho was ulwayo oxjrentely taciturn bissharp little eyes twinkled encourag ingly h poured out a glass of wonder of wondera- leinonado not very strong to bo sure but good and cold deacon ilrett lavishly dispciu lng lemonade armstrong drank 1 gratefully and mentally wiped but u few of the old kcorehm jiadluiil up ukalnut ida tusknxuhtcr hunter was now a half a swath ahead could ho gain tho other half nwl a little more enough to win excitement went up to feverheat up and down thoy wont hunters clique shouting encouragement and again lirefct was promptly on hand to meet armstrong at tho end of his swath and thin timo tho lemonade was considerably stronger and tho old minis eyes snapped more encourage ment armstrong dropped a few hioto old scores- it was practically tho hoestretch n6w ten minutes more would tell the story hunter was slowly gaining whtiv armstrong suddenly called on his retiervo powers tho loan brown hand hard as a- board would shoot into- tho gavel catch a handful of grain nnd by a njurveloub lling fairly throw it into tho knot that mado tho double bftiidvbvn- as- the arm went round the bljjf the binding knot was tlod and tucked wjth tho ttvtr h on uw uoco a slave to habit aisct mado a spurt that counted tho julco that he had taken must havo affected his judgment however fophe slipped several bands but it was- very close old joslnh even was getting ex cited as armstrong turned for his last swath his oid master mot him fairly hopping- about in his eagornoby he poured out a glass running over full thick with lemon and lavishly sweet and this time lie broke forth into speech go it john go it ho cried youro going to beat tho hull kit an aiboodlo of em go it and ho gave him a tremendous slap on tho back and then and there john arm strong made a great pass with his mental sponge that effectually oblit crated every score and every mark ho had recorded against tho keoh old fol low and he proceeded to carry out tho deacons excited injunction he did go it- well he won the race- when the grain was in shock he wa just three minutes ahead and the judges said that no plotwns ever better finished truo to his word the old squiro promptly led out the roan colt thero were those who thought ho looked de cidedly surprised und some thought ho looked decidedly glum and cross and soon ten long swaths strotchod but nevertheless ho put on a brand little jennings wau the moat rigu cystemritrciitaii inlltervlliak each hour of each day of tho week found him doing a task for tlmt peculiar time ho could put his finger on tho calendar at ramlom and toll what he had eaten or was going to eat any day his linger might fall on only ono passion had jennings to rival his ipvo of system and that was hln devotion to his friends one day a neighbor was condoling with liiin on the death of alifolong comrade a loss over which jennings was utterly disconsolate hut it was a fine funeral conclud ed tho neighbor cheerlngly a splendid sermon little jennings shook his head i cant any ho lamented i didnt hear it m werent you thero sick thats too bad no i wasnt sick corrected jen nings you see it was this way henrys funeral was hold on tho second day tho second day why no it was yes i know hut they held tho fun nil just ono day too lato for mo explained jennings with infinite sad ness you uco i shave every third day nil my life ive done that and on shaving day if any socials or furi- rala or surprise paretics happen it hits jixtit right and its toloablo too pn tho first day after but if it happens motor cars in canada according- to a report rocentlyhsamid by tho dominion bureau of statistics tho total number of motor vehicles reg istered- hi canada at tho endof lyi was 052121 anlncrcaso over tho yoir 1923 of g8 708 in passenger caru and 1310 in motor trucks- s oatarlo leadti in tho number of motor vehicles with 308002 quebec is next wth 8g14g then saskatchewan with 70754 followed by alberta with 61 148 british columbia 4b02g mau- itbba 44322 nova scotia 207c4 now brunswick 10975 prlnco edward is land 2583 and tho yukon territory ill tho report states that in 1021 1534885 tourist automobiles enter ed- canada for a period of not ex ceeding 24 hours compared with 960 409 in the previous year 301330 tour ists cars were admitted for a stay of ono month ns against 273444 in ju23 and 390 more than jn 1023 thigraml total of tourist carsl therefore that entered tho dominion last year was 1899059 compared with 1241897 in 1923 an incroaso in 1924 of 657102 undo billy snld llttlo emily do you know that a baby thut 4 was ted on elephant mlik gained twenty pounds in i two wcdkmy nonsohko impossible f exclalmcl iniclo and then he asked whoso baby wan it 7- scraped the back of hfshand oxpres sivoly over his stubbled cljln it- was like thlsj and i just couldnt cut a suitable figure lit a funeral in my good black suit and such a face poor henry tho elephants said the llttlo girl reviewing his calcutta days as sec retary for the acting governor of ben gal mr stanley coxon relates an anec dote of a dinner in honor of tho ex ecutl vo on assembllngin tho room our hottt remarked yes i think wo aro all irishmen but im jik bit doubtful about that fellow coxon i was not at all at tho timo sure that i was my reply however gave mo away entirely and delighted tho heart of our gonial host in tho most innocent manner i remarked no sir im afrail you cant claim mo i was born there but ivo never been thero t havo 3vorn tho shamrock ever since new halter and said as he handed the strap to john the colt is yours young fellow 7fdirly won too a good big part of the crowd came up and shook hands heartily with tho young chap for those people loved grit as do people now but john was poorly satisfied for ho missed the little figure under tho lilacs tho girl for whom he had done his best tho people gave hlpn an other cheer as ho swiinff old claw- fingers over his shoulder and with thoroans halter jnhis ha march knrh hndhlyfavoritefgradlothettf dehty ceajsjarfttoj bomo one had cried cause for worry but seven cents and then jje wont nnd looked in hln wajpon to jmw- wimt hrrfhiivniik t ihk word has practically disappeared he woa a bound boy his parents had died when ho was ttn years old and he and his brother a year older had boon bound out john to old joslah brott of south val ley and his brother to a farmer in in adjoining town although john fared better than many bound boys we read about he fared hardly enough for brott was a driving kind of a man and although strictly honest as close as tho bark of a beechtree john wasto havl his board and on ills twentyfirst birthday ono hundred dollars a suit of clothes and his freedom that was the old ironclad rule and joslah was a man who was in the habit of getting his moneys worth four fn thfi summer months and five in the winter was tho hour of rising and the- oktmaiv inwff jvpro not tobe broken any indication vf fycarineas ho promptly styled shirking aw bo dealt with tho offender summarjly but ho sot a fairly good table and john always had plenty to cat under this hard training the boy had grown up with wonderful powers of endurance i uaod to know them both john and old brett it was said that john l4ld up a number of old scores against tho old man due to the lattors hard drivlmj- thp hayfpr instance was al- waya raked y hand at that time and it was bretts prwfiflco to put the boy ahead o draw in ilio fifft and lighter rakeful himself following ejowiy with jthft bojpnd as t entup nnd aw the big moadows if the boy lagged a trle brott woqld rap his baro shins smartly wlfn his rako john used to declare that tho old man had started tored as he expressed it muny times in that way and that it had a wonder fully stimulating effect bu was not good for onoa dlsposltlonr a the young fellow approached maturity he developed into astrap- phig- clmp elx feet tall with broad bhtfuldonfl and with arms and logs a notwork of hardcorded ainowa- and it wan said that for the last year or two the deacon had been no longer the driver but that tho order of things had boon reyefed especially wm this true the neighbors declared in the hayfield they instated that at divers timeg brotts shlnn just above hbs- low boota husv oomo into abrupt contact with johjia rak6 and that at uieh timea tho meadow hadsoomor tc w rub- of ttri w jitrsfm thetribunet tells of a quaint old negro who otejjped up to the window of the ticket oftlce and hurriedly de manded a ticket for pigfoot junc tion pleasure trip uncle asked- the agent pleasantly no suh my nephews voy low suii hope the train wonrbe lontr commg about ten minutes uncje clerk reassured him the old mnh wont to tho platform aind studied tho bulletinboard scrloun- iy then ho returned to the window did you say my train would bo long in ten jqinutoa suh7 he aakefl an xiously yes uncle i jest axed ye suh fqause x flipl wot my rabbit foot houro nni flat daro boarl says ah ttralna t cept ione and i rns flgurln dat diit iono would he mine all tho trains are on time some rones tampered with the bulletin- board declared the clerk excitedly and ruahod o the plutform ho started for a moment o th board then at the old negro slowly his face relaxed into a broad grbi tho bullotln road l all trains on timo sept r nationwjda fume there is haroly a comer of this great pomlnlon where the merits of dr thdmaa jsctectrlc oil havo not been tried and proved it la one of tho worlds most efficient -rein- odios for oor throat lame back and many other ailments arising front in- flamatlon rubbed on the- wln ta ijonllnff power is readily absorbed and fiantiluo be token iriternsjiy xook at tho standing grain and then all saw what n their excitement thoy lmd not noticed boftro armstrongs plot of standing grain woo surely tho narrowest hunter saw it and understood and hla eyes hashed angrily as ho put forth a final spurt swish swish went old clawflngers steadily and perhaps a tltfe faster than at the first a great crowd had gathered at the field now a crowd of men womon and children and when john armstrong flushed and heated with the long severe strain but aturdyund resolute still camo down to the foot of hp flold for his last swath leaving his competitors halfway up on their next to laatand whon he dellboratolystood old clawfingcrs upon its snathe and taking out his old scythestone pro ceeded to beat nllvely ringing tattoo as he whetted his scytho a tattoo which echoed and rang all over tho fleld and which every man woman nnd child understood for it was tho cradlers challenge well deacon bretts bound boy received a fairly reapectablo cheer rt tho young fellow only half heard that cheer for oh he swum round for that last swath he glnncod toward tho house where most of the womon wero congregated and ho baw out by a clump of lilac a girlish figure that modoa quick slight motion then youhg armstrong suddenly forgot the strain and weariness of the race for ho knew that this flutter of tho white handkerchief witst meant for him he piled tho queerlooking homemade cradle that on oaoh swath had so deftly gained its few extra inches in width across the flold that last timo its if ho had just started in the race jut the- contest was as yot only half won thoso thick heavy awats must bp ked and bound and shockofl djok huflffr finished his- plot in u few mlnute senjvied an instant it armstrong who yas already tossing bundles in the sjr then nodded con fidently at his supporters he had a record it was aald of fifteen hundred shcavos bound between gun nnd sun soon all had finished cradling nd tho bundles were flying but tho rne lay between armstrong nnd hunter with thpaqulreabon atlobothird tho sun bent down terribly and thero wan ft t8iiyy sultriness in the air hunter hd knot of cronies who were cahtlnualty bringing him drink presumably with a stick in it for ho was of the class who holds that a nip of the julco gives a man heart and staying- qualities inglowood also wn well nttendod but no one seemed to think of john armstrong who nevertheless pegged away steadily three or four of tho men dropped out overcome by the heat arid their exertions hunter slowly made up armstrongs lead nnd finally went dut no ono was deceived this time ah remembered that long extra swath co id hunter takoup that swath armstrong began to suffer from thirst was no one going to remem ber him he had begun to feel faint whenhobaw a loati wjry looking man coming toward hun and carrying a pitcher ho could hardly believe his edojfjljiliii3lily u itho t oad7 he kept looking back wistfully yet did not see what he wished tho girl abashed at her own boldness had not appeared after she had waved her handkerchief tho space under the lilac was vacant john climbed tho little rise of ground from which he would have his luat view of tho place arid onco more turned and looked back there under the lilacs again tjiere was the flash of a little white handker chief then john armstrong forgot all about the long and hard strugglo in the harvest n ho forgot that in his hand luy he halter pf tho splendid roan colt arid no his heart there surged and thrilled u grpaf thrpb of exultation for he then first dared to believe that he had won in tho real race the only race that ho truly cared for in all the wide wide world hi8 nationality cullings make tho world a bit moro beautiful and better becauso you have been m it edward bolts grandmother what a place to bo in- is an old li brary it scorns as though all the souls of all the writers wero reposing there charles lamb a little library growing larger every year is an honorable part of a mans history- it isa- mans duty- to hdveboaka a library is not a luxury but one of the necessaries of hfo henry ward beecher quite p088ible thero is but ono method of success and that is hard labor sydney smith 1 facts about tea sriesno 8 the consumption of tea f wmm- i i pg 1 i y prwtflflfw tea as a beverage is used in nearly every countryjtithejvorld jltlis estimated over 20rnblhion cups are consumed annually australia leads in tea drinking with an annual per capita consumption of about nine pounds which means that every aus- tralian consumes from six to eight cups of tea every day the consumption per capita in england is 8j lbs and in canada nearly 5 lbs in the united states it is less than 1 lb but this is largely because americans have not been able to get fine teas until comparatively recently salada is con- sidered one of the choicest blends on the market and is the largest selling tea in either united states or canada thojyjh rpadlngiind conversation with many ideas of yet it is our own niay furnish men and things meditation that must form our own judgment riddles what is tho difference between tho wind and an old song ono is fresh air and thoothcr is an old air why is an ess llko a horse becauso you cant use it till its broke whatjs tha difference between alull and apill j l ono is hard to get up arid tlio other is hard to get down why iloeti tfpp fty becauso so muil people are trying to kill it why fselhe roost- important letter because it comes before everything mid everybody learn to ho cond rcatfers which is perhaps nniure difficult thing than you imagine learn to bo discriminative in your reading oicad faithfully and with your best attention all kinds of thing which you havo a real interest in thflinascarlyle worms feed upon tho vitality of tho children and endanger their lives a simple and effective remedy is mother graves worm exterminator things that counf tis tho human touch in this world hat counts the ptuuh pf your hand and mine which means fair jtfnrif to tho falnt- inffhcart than shelter and bread and wlno por shwucr js gone when the night is oer and bread lasts only a day but the touch of the hand and the sound of the voice sing onln tho eoul alway spencer m free dr soper dr white behold an advertiser went forth to sow specialists in diseases of skin blood nerrea bladder and special ail ments of men i one visit advisable if imposslblo eend history for free opinion and ml- tlee question blabk and book on dlscdics of men free conaultntlou free medicine furnlabad in tablet form hoars 10 am to r pm and rw d sundays 10 am to l pm draisojpejfflkyyhrte ft toronto street torobtb out and when he sowedsome seed fell into handbills and dodgers and the street cleaner cariie and gathered them up some fell amongst coneert and theatre programmes and the people being interested in the perfo not inbargains they were left in the seats or crumpled and thrown on the floor and some fell among fake schemes and gift enterprises and popular con tempt sprang up and choked them but some fell into legitimate news papers columns which found their way into the homes of the people who had time to read them and they- brought forth fruit some one hundredfold some sixtyfold some thirtyfold who hath eyes to see let him see use the columns of the acton free press to put your message before the people of acton and vicinity the rijht way to boil potatoes pat 111 poutyw in uohp bmnwiwrpduaatbt coyer with water add mlt to tate bollnatllmft when flaiihed drain off alt the boiunf water throngh tho trainer apoat no dancer of ateain scalding the hand heeanae the fcandle aecureljr loeka th eotk on if roar family naea potato you require one of tbeav enameled potato pots i p on mclaughlinbuick torque tube drive the fine engineering in mclaughlin- jbuick motor cars is demonstrated by 1 the torque tube drive this is a steel tube which transmits i the drive froni the rear wheels instead of adding this important duty to the burden of the rear springs the torque tube also encloses and protects the propeller shaft this type of con- sjtrjptiorj also holds the rear wheels in alignment regardless of rbaol conditions s vking repbe8entativr 0p0r0pt0wn nfark m c lav g m 1 ifl liipk wm p1 wmlssm jr sm st

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