Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1925, p. 4

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2tfh artfltt xm ltbb t l vacation will come it j mighty nice that nine tlmoj nino mako cightono forovor 13ut oh i know a pluco that a flno for bthlng in- tho river a placo a hunched times nu cool aa any spot jn thlu whole school i fa veryntercnting to kn eight furlongs mako a mile and in a llttlq weok or so ill prove it barefoot stylo ill stride thoso furlongs guy and free nor euro how many thoro may bo thoso noble streams the khono the nile tho rhine tho amazon theyre great of course but all tho whllo i keep remembering one whore minnows dart from june to june 1 and where im going fishing soon geography arithmetic andall tho b splendid but you will seo me shut them aulck whertbchaol at htbt is ended and range thenvin a solemn row and give one jolly whbop and go nancy byrd turner no surrender yes dr jejrown i want togp college uu mueu txa over to nut i um jpraid there ore too many obstacloa in the way 1 11 1avo to give up ro- gret was evident in the young mans face as he spoke well replied tho minister i never expected to hear that from you it cant be that i have bceri mistaken in tho opinion i have formed of you i remember the pluck your father show ed at your age how he fought his way grimly through difficulties that you will never have to meet i have taken pride in believing that you too would rof uho to be beaten after you had en tered the flght tho boy answered sullenly if you are beaten its only common sense to admit ic j doctor brown got up from his desk to speak more forcibly jock graham never say you aftt beaten you can nover be beaten until you give up and say so at the battle of waterloo the english were beaten by every test of warfare long before tho end of tho bat tle bup they kept on lighting until they gained what they fought for and so can you the only defeat possible for men is to stop fighting do you mean to say that a man with enough spirit can never bo downed jacks tone showed that he thought he had reduced his rectors argument to absurdity i mean that replied the minister quickly there was once a man who wanted to be an orator hut every one laughed at hfin when he tried to speak so great wan his im pediment you bavo heard where demosthenes determination carried him you have seen that monstrously strong man sondow as a child ho was weaker than most children i read the other day of a blind mun who can repair the most intricate automobiles moro skillfully than most mechanics with goodflight iwhatda you think of helen keller born deaf and dumb and blind cut off from al most every means of communication with the world and yet today seeing and hearing and creating more than most of us with all our senses do not talk to mo about obstacles all of them together are little grains of dust in comparison with what that girl had to meet the thing for you to decide jack is whether you are going to be a man- or wethor you are going to quit and admit that you are beaten a man onters every flgfct to stay until he wins or dies no real men can do anything else tho hoys mouth set more firmly his fists were clenched but a cheer ful smile began to light his face i am going to trample those insignificant obstacles under my heel he sold j i m 1 r jfwgthhi thb orx wan m pan ii vsjj titms bkliibbbbi crm 1 t nyssssl wla mm thoughts of home oh ye who bear out name in roaring -elties- or plant it on the prairies lone and wide what dream of this blue vale to you is dearest when homeward turn your thoughts at eventide perhaps you think of hor in the sweot spring weather clasped by hor happy fields to tohdei grain through a green mist you see tho treo- llned river and hear the robins singing in tho rain qr you may picture her in still octqboi some calm gray afternoon when life is peace when one by one tho wagons homo- ward thunder and up tho hill drift snowwhite flocks of geese when evening folds the landscape in t her bosom and calls the happy children from their play when little rains come whispering and healing and wash the stains and sins of earth away but theres a dream of her that i would cherish if life should bear mo farrfrom scentj i know- tis when oer tho hill and valo and winding river descends the benediction of tho snoty then all harsh forms are touched with grace and beauty and nought remains but what is pure and fair and oer these clustered roofs some brooding spirit of love and peace pervades the even ing air taint and far off the sounds of daylight dwindle the blacksmiths forge flares out withruddy glow- bill morning the mill wheel stops the waters hush and whisper the last sweet bells ring homo across the snow and up and down tho home lights beam and beckon oh should i wander far oer ltfnd and sea thoso rays of love would guide my roving spirit and light me home dear little town to thee by clayton duff when thojchlldren were off to school at last mrs brlstbw dropped into chair and cried she knew that she had boen cross the boys subdued voices and elsies halfhurt half- frlghtoned eyes pierced her memory but she bad told them so many times not torollc over the milk pitcher and then to have it upset on a clean table cloth and phit-luuj- becniibsorbecr and indlfferont and even molly usual ly so affectionate had gone oft with out running back for a second good bye as she usually did girls did not know what they were doing when they married if sho had ever dreamed of all the endless strain and worry it was bill morning that was the trouble every month mrs brlstow worried over bill morning for days be fore it was the endless strain of trying to mako one dollar do the work of three phil said sometimes that it was as hard fohnabjcgrherbut she tvoutdllke to have phil change places with her for one month to earn tho money a definite stated sum was ono thing to make that sum cov er tho needs of a growing family was a very different thing the postmans whistle sounded out- side mrs brlstow sat whiting rigidly in a moment ilosle came in with the letters roele was young and pink- cheeked and had a lover she handed mrs brlstow the letters with a beam ing smile the mail maam sho announced gayly and then she ran downstair singing as she went mrs brlstow opened the letters they were all bills but one milkman butch er grocer telephone gas lee mrs brlstow added them up as usual the total was nearly flvo dollars more than she had counted upon- and this was living this endless hfesapplng strain oh how tired she was of it all then suddenly sho discovered that one envelope a small one had slip- pod to tho floor she picked jt up wonderingly it looked like mollys writing at least it could not be any bill for it was on note paper prob ably some one asking for a contribu tion to something she opened tho nveopo and drew out the note dearest mother it read it is bll morning and i know how trouble srome bills are ive watched your fact- so if theyre hard this morning platse dearest i can go without a neir vhlt dress i can easily i dont need it a bit your loving daughter molly mollys mother read lhe note through twice then softly laid her face against tho unformed welting as if anyibbjff counted compared with a utile daugh ter like that how ungrateful she had been how ungteatefulj debtor must carry lantern one of the many quaint customs common among the chinese is thus explained by nora wain in a recent magaxtne article it was in the tillage of the worker in the noonday sun where i spont two mpnths in tho household of tho wong family that i first saw a man go about m broad daylight with a lighted lantern is sing the flsh dealer crary i asked a friend oh that is only tho custom was tho reply lilt means that he has not been able to pay his debts and he must carry a lighted lantern every where untll he has done so chinese new year began yesterday but for hint tho now year hntf not dawned it is a till midnight of tho old year he mar exchange no new tear greetings until he has settled up hi old accounts and this friends cannot greet hlm the landmarks are passing when i took a stroll up main street jast week one bright afternoon my at tention was attracted by activities on the old lawn of dr shook now owned by william johnstone the undertaker there i saw mr johnstone and crewson mclaughlin son of my old friend hugh mclaughlin busily en gaged in catting down one of tho big trees which stood beside the walk about halfway up the walk noticed that its mate on tjie other side of tho walk had already been felled it was a surprise ho mc and naturally caused a pang of grief because tho passing of these flno old spruces seem ed to me like losing two faithful and substantial old friends i had known thcmjintimatelylfor between sixty antl seventy years i suppose the owner thought they had survived their use fulness and beauty perhaps they had some of the lower branches were de void of life but they were all fresh and green at the top well theyre gone and what a va cancy they leave and what a flood of memories their removal has brought to me think of it between sevonty and eighty years since those eprucos wcro planted i think i can imagine dr shook planting those trees and little dan byhls sldeholdlng each up btratghr while his father spread out the roots and tendrils and carefully sprinkled in tho earth and then tamp ed it firmly down about tho sapllnga that they were well planted was amply evidenced by the girth attained and the fact that they had a healthy growth through alt the years i fancy the time when dr shook moved from acton and samuel smith and family choso this place for their home some of us can remember when miss sarah theelder daughter was the assistant to mr little and when she taught little minds to shoot ideas along educational lines then we remember the smiths re moval to guelph and william sharp and family coming from toronto to tako their places with his wife and daughter and three stirring boys mr sharp was in the lumbering business and was interested in tha mills at st helena and the sharps removed back to toronto and dr mcqaryin and family gave up their first homo where mrs george hynds now ijves and moved in here in the shudow of those sprupm an it was from here that vr lowry commenced tils- successful practice- in acton then one night tho old houso burned down and the mcgorvlns and dr lowry lost nearly all their possess ions and then before the year was over bh snyder tho carponier re built for dr mcgarvln a bigger and better house on tfco foundations of the old then among successive tenants of this horn under the spruces were both mr walter and mr alfred boardmorc both families vers increased during their residence there i bplleye mr torrance beardmore first saw the jight of day in this home and always spooks of acton as his birthplace and the long line of doctors who occupied this home followed dr uren dr auld dr springer di mac don a id and dr nelson mr and mrs william johnstone made their home hero for quite a num ber or years and they have hallowed mc old houfie under the spruoes my haw i have rambled but thats the way with old folks 111 dlways miss the big spruces porhaps some others of our elderly citizens will also yours remintflcently the old man the old village of acton whethei it w in jufit voicing tlioli need of a holi day to the mutci mcphco m just fov tho fun of multhir a noim pcrhnp i a littlo of both i don t know in thoso day h holidays wore not u pi i nt if ul iu they are now xa itoi wau oui flrt bi tttk if tei chi istmtm and the ntw ycui and thtii only riiday and monday now oimo in a week t inoie tho fact is that day h devoted to school md study hum to n juht short pci lods between long rtstb that brings to mind leftucd to in this column homo tlmo ago tho attempt to forccihe matitci to givo inoie than the law allowed at a ceitatil x mo i thlmc the old man of the big clock towoi can give some vivid dettillii an totnc sueceaa attending this movt ment and i dont lecall that that method to win a holiday was ever tc lie ited in connection w itli tho date th queens birthday i feel like recall inf something of tho lasting imnicsstoi her personality left on so many of ua canadians those who uie still to ti foie will testify to the fact that hic won htaunch lojalty not nlono from het station as a queen but ft am her high ideals as a woman a mother and a christian as regards her ideals is to conduct in the life pf thoso to wh sho extended her fi londship sho has boen charged with being erueljn the punishment she inflected on those who did not como up to what sho askod for and expected tho good old queen exerted especially among tho younger g women of fro complaints hoard every day it would seem as if some steadying hand 13 nocded at tho piesont time queen elizabeth good queen bess left hoi name on the annals of english h stdri moro from tho famous names that ap peared under her reign than from am thing notable that she loft either s to character or intellect the fact re mains tljat she was one or tho vainest of women that british history has recoider but queen victbi ia left a record that i hope wilt noer be eiased and shall xcmain one of tho brightest and may the name the victorian ago ho i pattern for wise statesmen i dont think i will transgress again to the length i have hero and i hope my renders will pardon me fpr i have written as my feelings to the memory of a good woman has moved me and i think tho reading of tho few verses following may show that sho was just an ordinary body although queen she noddit to me i am but an auld body livin up in decslde in a twaroomed bithoosle wio a toofa beside wlo ma coo all my grumphy im as happy as a bee but im far proodcr noo since she noddlt to me im nae sao far past wot im aye trig and hale can plant twa three tawtles an look after ma kail and when oor queen passes im oot and see if by luck she mlcht notice and noddlt to mo weekly fashion hint pashions tlair tor plaids to express thc jast word in chic a frock should ttfedfibvoloped in plaid flan nel this mader belted only at the g a dec f buttons straight down the front and ditto the back are stitched bands of plain flannel trimmed with buttons which may correspond either with the color of tho background or the plaid the closing is at the left shoulder j twopiece collar furnishing the neck medium size requires- 2 yards plaid and yard plain p4- inch flannel peaches or punkins acton england news items flnd incidents vary similar to our own daily lifo riu following inteiestlng local ittmn wore gleaned f i urn tlu columns of tho anton lngland uxpmhh of may 1 llit list alton muhlcal and diain atlc such ty closed the l ihoii by giving a l uti of tlntc nights to the wiong numbei i on siltuiday aftei noon tht womens ticrtlnn of the acton ltiboui pai ty held a utll attended i ummagc h ile at the imtn schools a hummoiih agiinst ihomnh pailfi myrtloioad acton foi uusuulting john h hobbn was dismlhsed at the acton pollcq courf op wednesday mi a r c andrews has not main tained hoi progress towaitl i ecpvei v and sho is htill under tho constant car of hei doctot a special meeting of the acton town council was held on wednesday night to appoint a boioughenglneei at a salary of 1000 per annum the annual local horse parade or mmizcd by tho r s p c a will take plnce by pei mission of tho towjncoun ell in a park jn july 5 it will be followed by tho usual childrens fete the hev w light assistant priest at st michael and all angels bed ford park is leaving acton this month to visit his son who is farming in canada and he will bo away about tn but ive ayo been unlucky and the blues were ayo won till last week the time o her vesset came avon i waved my bit apron as brisk a i could d and the queen toughed lclnuly an noddlt to me my spn sleeps in egypt tls nae use to fret and yet when i think ot im salr like ta greet she may feel for my sorrow shes a mother ye see and maybe shell ken ot when sho noddlt to me yours a recital in the trenches when the battlo lines extend con tinuously for threo or four hundred miles almost anything may happen somewhere along tho way the fol lowing incident is ono thing that hap pened according to a lotter from a soldier in belgium that is printed in the tribune it wns a miserable night a heavy rain had filled tho trenches suddenly out of the darkness came a voice i was a welsh ballad called hob dcrf dando and it was a fine tenor voice it was tho cheeriest sound i had ever heard at tho end ajqundf applause came down tho trenches but imagine our surprise to hear clapping for morp in good english from the german trench thereupon tho welshman gave mentra gwon meantime we realized that not a shot had been fired by either side dm- ing tho singing wo had forgotten al about war so a bargain was struck with tho germans that if the welsh man would sing another song noltftci side would flro any moro until da- llght the third song wis hen wlad fy nhadau it was probably the first timri that tho stirring welsh anthem was ever heard on this dismal riemisti morass gem6 of thought every member of the aid society with one exception hurt jiad some com plaint to mako about tho dry season the blackberries drying up tho toma toes rotting fiom sunburn tho sweet corn failing to fill out or tho scarcity of potatoes in fact a famlno might have seemed inevitable to ono who hal listened to the gloomy talk plnally the president of the society turned o a small woman who had been quilting away cheerfully but silently through the afternoon tho one exception to tho faultfinders hasnt the drought hurt your fruit at all mrs bennett she asked oh yes inlne is just like all the rest was the caln reply and dont you over worry over any- thlng the president asked almost impatiently mrs bennett stopped quilting lal 1 her thimble down and looking round tho group of women at tho quilt an swered ill tell you what cured mo of worrying i used to fret over over- thing and ono spring when utwas re ported that a late frost had killed all the fruit i sat down to have a good cry for our peachtrees had bloomod beautifully and i had been so proud of the abundant crop i was surowo were to have now it happened that my aunt marthacamolnjuat then n nuk me what the trouble was i told her child whats tho uao of fretting over it youll not starve ive lived eighty years and the worlds crop of provisions has never failed yet if wo dont have peaches well havo pun- kins i have lived half asmany years now as aunt martha had lived then and ive found her philosophy sound in tjplte of all the into frosts and droughts i dont believe any one of us has ever suffered for food the little wqman glanced with a smilo round the circle of plump woll- fed women and then taking up her thimble wont to quilting again they all laughed rather sheepishly and the president said thoughtfully id never thought of it- thatway but it is true peaches or punklns ill try to remember that how indeed with christianity came a new clvlll zatlon and a hew order of ideas tastes wcro cultivated manners re fined views broadened and natures spiritualized azarlae it is tho province of tho church not only to offer salvation in tho future but to teach men how they ought to live in tho present life p c mont fort the true epic of our times is not arms and tho man but tools and tho mun an infinitely wider kind of epic 3arlyle i am always content with what hap pens or i know that what god chooses is better than what i choose eplctetua whep all sins are old in us and go upflp cfufcebes envetousness does but than ub jnhcr cradle pecker the crpss fa tho only ladder high enough to touch heavens threshold o d boardman do what thou dost as if tho earth were heaven and thy jast day the day of judgment c klngsiey an ounce of contentment is worth a pound of sadness to sorvo god with puller while two american ladies were staying in london recently ada the pretty daughter of their landlady be came engaged the fortunato sultors social station it was explained was considerably above his fiances at first the household bubbled with prldo and nappincssbtttsoonthe ympath- atloamer loans became aware of a dis turbing element it was the letter h hada my girl mrs knight would dally plead remember halberts lied dlcatlonl remember is hemlneut huncle remember his haunt lady untorl ell never bo ablo to old hup is ead hlf you dont coe hup to their hexpectatlons whath they say hlf mrs halbei t owe dont andlo or haitches like a lady hough t hespocl- ally whatll they say hlf you miscall your own usband upon her ndvlco poor ada obedient ly practised over and over again mr and mrs halbert owe mr and mrs haloert owe butnot to tho anxious mothers satisfaction hi cant elp hlf ada protested at length in tears my hears haint hodl- catod liko halberts hi say owe but ow am i to know whether im saying owo or owe hadn was the reply delivered with much dignity hill hadmlt for hargu- ment him careless- with haitches my self but my hears can bo trusted you keep on saying owe or owe now then owe i owe owe owe echoed ada ow was that tho first owo and the second owe was owe pronoun oed her parent voiy judicially but the third owo was owe nothing to 8uit the old man or the big clock tower dear friend i wonder if you have ever heard his fearful thretttthfttuof may is the queens birthday if yoii dont give us a holiday well all run away as yoliod not sang by a gang af tho school boys in tho far gono days in an exchange says advertise ments may not bo read as non-adver- tisefs sjiy but jcvepy time w make a mlsfakn jh an advertisement the ink doesnt got dry on h papcu before wo hear about it ye he udvertfse ments are read keafings kills mumutft burn it tp kill jjoongoesjyjdyts a preach or complimented bishop wi burt o day on his good dis- posltlba you never growl about anything he said no mutter what kind of meal is set before you you eat it cheerfully if you are feeling poorly you conceal it how did you manage to acqulro such a fine habit of good- humored tolcranco and resignation maybe the remark of a child i on co overheard helped mc to learn to com plain as little as possible said di burt while i was studying at wllbrobam academy i spent a few days with this childs father a good man but n chronic growler wo wcro all sitting in tho inrlouri one night when the question of food arose the child a littlo girl told cleverly what each member of the family liked best finally it came to tho fathers turn to be described as hln favorite dlnh and what do i like nancy he said laughingly you said tho little girl slowly well you like mosj anything that we hayent got 99 thoma8n r plans foi the new acton school weio submitted to the education committee at its meeting on thursday evening in last week they showed a neat- looking building foi tho nccommodt tlon of 200 juniors and infants a hfge crowd of well pleased fi lends saw the annualgymntthtqri display of the acton wenleyan chuich boys club which took place in tho church assembly hall on wednesday night tho law is hard occasionally vt don t mako the law said the chair man at acton police court on mon day to an applicant who was in formed that he could not take out a summons foi abuse insldo the house st martinp hal acton on thurs day evening last week was tho scene of a successful varloty entertainment and a display by pupils of miss owells bluebird school of dancing every school in acton has now us savings association and the youngsters instead of buying sweets marbles and tops nro adding copper to copper in the sure and certain hope of becoming creditors of tho state and interest re ceivers i thtf mayor of actoa miss s m smce hns been nominated with pio- miso of support by chlswlck willej- den and other neighboring districts for a seat on tho executive of the as sociation of education committees much sympathy has been shown by numerous friends with mr d a davies and co shopfltters and decora tors 6 dorwcntwater parade horn- lane acton in the death of his wife mrs lucy helen davies at tho ago of forty seven that a suit of clothes cost 7 10s and a pair of boots 6 in siberia was disclosed by rieldmajor edwards in a lectur on tho salva armys work ixt slbeim given in thtxctonsalva tlon army hall on monday evening tho happy idea of having a matinee at the crown theatre on behalf of the pensions fund of the acton philan thropic socioty was successfully real ized on wednesday afternoon when a crowded t and lopresentatlvo audlencs assembled a large party of tho old friends of his bachelorhood days gathered at the red lion hotel on saturday night to colebrnto with a parting dinner tho coming marriage of mr e m brough a chief claims manager in the sendee of the l m s r coy 39 herofovd- road acton much regret is felt in socialist circles in acton and shepherds bush at tho untimely death of reuben tipping son of mr and mrs tipping 17 hnyden park east acton an ardent young socialist and a promising pupil of tho actonshepherds bush social sunday school tho engagement is announced of miss edles lawrence 32 myrtleroad acton to mr herbert walter butcher of 2 acaciaroad acton mr butcher was the gold medallist of tho auction eers and estato agents institute in 1922 mrtrmanlsh chatflworth-gar- dens acton left england this weofc for the united states and canada his bunirfess engagements will take him as far us british columbia and tie will be away threo months this will mako he seventh tlmo that mi mcnish has mudo tho gianrt toui in noitn amei ica tho following commences the pro gramme for tho opening of st saviours church and institute oakroad aojon next tueedny 3 p m princess mary will airlvc at the institute and bo re ceived by the mayor of acton and sh- harry bilttnln and conducted to the lobby of tho institute alleged to have worked a horse in high rood chlswlck while it was lnm on the off foreleg jonoph ash a wood dealer of biookfleldroad acton yrtx charged at acton police couit on fri day in last week with cruelty ash eald he did not notlco any lnmenesa and the cahe was remnnded for a veteilnaiy surgeons report thru bigger boys had spnt them to get the goods was the statement made to a policeman by two tenyearold boys living in colvuleroad aaton who were charged at acton police court on monday with stealing three pooka t knlves and a puzzle of the value of 2b gd fiom woolwortha stofes nt acton on thursday evening last week a colliolon occurred in bollo bridgeroad noar parkroadnorth between a bicycle ridden by mrs eva lillian buchman 29 ablngerroad bedford park and a motorcycle mrs buch man was conveyed to acton hospital suffering from fracture of tho right collar bone in presenting tho nnnual accounts at the easter vestry at st thomass church acton valo on thursday even ing last week mr c winter church warden pointed out that although the expenses wcro heavier than tho pre vious year partly owing to the engage ment of a weekly vei gci in view jpf tho thefts that had occurred at tho church tho balances was about the same tho peoples easter offering to their pariah priest had lnpreascd an alleged attempted robbery from a warehouse in actonlane known ad the morton works on sunday was dencrlbed to the acton magistrates on monday when charles wwte n grocers assistant of carlyloroad and three boys under slxtoon who gnvo addresses at south ealing were charged with being concorned togother in breaking into tho premises with intent to cortmit a felony though tho arrangements aro said to proolude nnytltlpg vn the nature of a civic welcome such as that which was accordedto tho prince of wales on his visit to tho snme spot about this time last year the informal publlo greeting to prlnoess mary when sho crosses tho acton border next tuesday afternoon to ojion tho now deaf and dumb churehnnd institute in pld oakroart is likely to be nono the less hourly a certain liveliness gave more thn the usual spice of interest to the annual meeting of the acton conservative and unionist association which was held at the prloty conntitutlorial club on niduy night and lasted until nearly eleven oclock the liveliness yas duo chiefly to wme discontent in the northwet nnd southeast wards with regard to details in procedure fatted calves for british butchers 2 western steers pont manager centre background 3 western sbsers in route for england awaiting thoir train at tho pacific east end cattle market 4 thoso splendid hogs wouldnt feel so contented if they knew how close they ware to an abattoir these fourfooted emigrants are on their way to europe they belong to tho livestock producers of canada and have been taken lodgings for tho night nt the canadian pacific east end maikct montreal beforo continu ing their long journey from winnipeg to glasgow tho extent and the vaiioty of the activities of this market its value to tho community and indeed tho fact that it exists at all is not nearly as widely known nsjlt should be except among those farmers drovers butch ers buyers and exporters who make use of its manifold conveniences the market hus been in operation on its present slto for 12 years it hatf accommodation for 3000 head of cat tle g 100- ho id of sheep lambs and calves i800 and cjui provide sleeping quai ters board and valet ser vice foi a total of 14000 animals at i time its exports sheds said to bo tho finest in canada have 30 modern light airy pens in which 1 000 tran sient guests may bo housed without crowding oi difficulty tho establishment has facilities for handling branding exporting killing and chilling cattle sheep lambs calves hogs milch cows bulls and horses there is in tho market grounds a modern and well equipped abattoir where local purchasers may efficiently inaidentally tho stock com ing from tho western farms and ship ped to england or sold locally is al most invariably of superb quality bo ing equal to tho finest stock in the world cattlo is sold on the market four days aweek luction sales of horse aro hear once a week roping and branding takes placo weekly and the slaughtering is a daily occurrence tho market jn all its branches 10 owned and oiratod by the canadian pacific kalhviy and is qovcrnment inspected j h picrpont the manager say that the present conblgnment of whloh only a few are nhown above 1h one of tho fin eat that mis ever passed through his hands some of them ar show cattle bound for wembley nntf the others less fortunate will prob ably be converted into the rctost beet of old enertahd and grace the tables of london leeds and manchester etc tho consignment consists of 28t western nteers all fine fat fellows of have their stock killed quickly anj which j p kennedy president of th livestock producers of canada is justly pioud owing to some slight damage being done by are to the vessels on which they were to travel their depnrturo has been dejayed few dn3 in the meantime they aro living op tho fat of tho land philoso phically enjoying the comforts o the present without concerning themsolypji too much with the uncertainties of the futuro how pat knew mike wns working diligently in his potato patch when ho saw tho post man coming up tho road bringing a blackedged envelope mike became uneasy and showed it j hope its not bad news said tho postman it is that said mike looking at the address its upset i am entirely my brother pats dead i can tell by his handwriting no wonder she was latei a littlo girl on arriving into at school for the third time w scolded by her teacher and told to write a composition on punctuality after a strenuous quarter of an hour she produced tho following punctuality is knowing where to make stops it pays to use martin senour mapblerte flo0k finish afothing like it for hardwood floors ftwers life iron write to head office montreej for ftnts boomat home paintinc made c a3v sous by w d talbot acton ontario do you ever think what your town would be without a good newspaper no matter how good your other es tablishments and improvements were lhey would accomplish for your town about ten per cent of what they do now were there not a good newspaper to tell the world and to further every move to- wards progress the acton free press aims to be such a newspaper and is proud to be ranked by those who are qualified to know as one of the best weeklies in i ontario our subscription rate of 200 a year makes the free press less than 4 cents per copy to subscribers it is to yoiir advan tage to subscribe for the free press now ifyouare nt already a subscriber to re new your subscription or have it sent to a friend as the most appreciated gift that 200 will buy the acton fre press prints the news 31

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