Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1925, p. 5

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the home qf lye arton forc flrebh mcnilxr canadian weekly newspaper association t member sclciicj town wecllics o ontario the acton free tress i mominff at the free lres bui id inc mill strert act price is joo jm uhlishtd tvery ontario the subscription year in advance poatare ia arcil aildiltonal to offices in the united state tjtr lnt ta- which sntiscrtrlitflvs are paid is indicated on the addresa label advertising ratestramrtm f wtlm- menta 10 cents net line acate meastircfor first inrtion and 5 cems nff lift tor- each auhae scriioii cotteract diaplay tdvertitc menu for so nchs or more ner annoah 18 centi rer inch each insertion dir anilh 1 tnaerted lijl farbtt quebec has trouble with its liquor in w according to the montreal gazette aincndincnts to the quebec liquor act will be sought tltheilext hti hwylnc dreclinx w3t and chircfrlfjicooivlincly h 1 woort lycamcnl a editor a wlls manager and asatataqk editor tkj-ethonlas- x editorial an4 fitrmneaa office liw rraidencc of ivcmjcm nj residence of manafer ijt session of the legislature as the result of a recent decision by judge amedec monet of the court of special sessions who ruled that liquor commission police citnnot arrest without a warrant a customer who has bought liquor illegally tho judgment tins paralyzed the commission police in a campaign- they had started to punish the client whose business in duces others to transgress jhclnw the legislation will be asked to amend the law so that tho agent of the quebec liquor commission who htts introduced himselfinto the premises and witnessed a person buying liquor from one not authorized to sell it may then and there orrest the client for being in possess ion of liqupr irregularly acquired news of local import kmltinjpi itpaya thursday morning may 21 1925 ft t editorial r trading within the empire canada is trading more with the united kingdom and less with the united states exports to the united kingdom in the twelvemonths ending march were 35000000 more than in the year previous ex ports to the united states on the other hand were 13000000 less imports from the united kingdom were practically the same asrthe year before the re duction being only two millions imports from the united states showed adrop of 90000000 costly weckjof empty speeches to those who have taken the trouble to wade through the pages of hansard the official min utes of the proceedings of the house of commons of canada of the present scission must come a sense of disgustat the emptiness omhc socalled speeches which occupied four costly weeks of the session in debating the budget and which was orily then shut by the threats and shame at the incapacity to rise ionofeakpuhtieq ll following each other with a monotonous sameness of theme andspcech showing an utter lack of origin ality one of the bright spots however was the de mand of w d eulex m p for waterloo in a busi nesslike address in demanding that prompt action be taken to put an end to the enormous waste en tailed in the duplication of the railway systems of the country mr euler pointed out that at least 100000000 couldbe saved by a fusion in some form of the two systems and demanded that efforts be made atonce to bring about a change to change a deficit of upwards of forty millions a year en tailed by the national railways intoa surplus of sixty millions should be an achievement worthy of immediate consideration and which it must be evi dent would have a most startling effect upon the financial situation in the country there didnt ap pear to be- much enthusiasmfor the proposal how ever nor will there be until the public become seiz ed of the enormity of this one leak and demand its suppression must cut all weeds on highway at the final meeting of the agricultural commit tee at toronto the necessity of weed cutting was dis cussed at length the resolution as adopted read that the minister of agriculture consult with the minister of highways with a view of taking what ever steps may be necessary and notify the munici palities that weeds must tie cut to p them fr keen piuntlng ami tidying ui your liremlnen tim reimtrk of vlulturn ih dully liulng honrdt v acton ih certainly a very pretty anil conlmcnjllbn tidy town r went to ohoot oilpti thlova llililioiimliiilliik in tin vicinity of miceltun hum uiciciikml to uuoh un iiliiinihim pjtent within tho print week ttmt ono farmer has appouhul to tho imlloit for noviillnitlon to shoot tho thlovot un sight tho piimlnaluit win iofuaml but tho polloo lire tnlt- inir active rtopn to catch tho ialdprn a serious drain on the town h tim lliiunplnh llatinrr miynt tho t katon co begun to run a huavy truck from tln iilty to iliamitoi on monday ulthcrtn theae deliveries to town havo okmo in ly cxprqus nnd by freight it ih thtlmutod that hntnn iloih 11100 a ilay ofibunlnfitrfln tho town f hruihpton flvo orhlx pooiilo aro in utmntnnt employ hero dollvcrltiff mid ttiltlnit ovdoih la not a modaratlonlat iii lt report of n mcotlner of tho moilonitliin lonitua nt hnmllton th mprntutoi- mild j m mncltonalo druff- ulht og3iflton hmil boon appointed ilimilct psacmlvr nhrnr 9r tlvid- ovonlnb tbo spcbjaftguhodadov nlnt from tr mnckenejo who flaldha wn not a mombor of tho league he never attended ono of tho lncotlnffn and had no ltnowlcdge of ita alma champion neighborhood news- town and gowitiy erin mr c it uhint who lnl luinniil iliud to bin loom for oiiiiki llmi in wo nro fiorry to note iiilto iii i j mr william liiimhqrt iittiiiiilod tlio fitnernl of hl brotherinlaw the lute john aniliihhii at ayr on biiturdoy miu hiowmi i ylli him niinnt tlti wlntrr with her ntntoii mldii modoiikiiii in hi tihiiiihu in tho ijuwit of frlenila in towih tho choot hoard will now ho lnit position to dlapomo ofj tlto pllo of brlnlf lit front of tho bulldliih which will improve tho tippcarnico freatlv- aiil wo hunt thoy will olitor the canadian horticultural competition for tlio beautlciitlon of uohool itroundn arrjiurometitr hnvo boon aoirtplotoil for a biff proffrnmmo of aporta at tho ettanloy park on monday may actli llioroniio matoh howecii tho daililn knlttiiik mhif toum of orunnovllki nnck coloilon a indlca hoft bol touflmniriit in which tho dodda knit tlnnr mlllii acton anil idrln teamic will compote nlao a alow auto i ruco will bebntlieproblifjmlifo in tho caao of qjnia dion io of hamilton who rfjil tho isrln bchool truatoafi for untjcfrcd accountwliloh ill timejv warninq v oiu antroiiiiiiuir tloyiil of flront hil ilt i il roiatoh iliiil mid ilav bin toloaunpa ivmi ituoldontly iihlftml ilownwordii no tlmt it comtrfiiklod a fitivt o ijiiiirio jtiilltfht ltt front of him hn hhw a iiliuroh hteoplo down which rim a crude im wldo thitl oven llio vibration of lllt lllkllll iilfllt liavo ciiuhcii it to ooi- llrfrtu hit ioltjpliouod at tltwa to tlio vloar who on lilnif lolif that litre jitooiilo inlvlit fall at any moment tliotihht ho wmm tho victim of anraotl cl jolcor wliiii ho llmiliy rofillfted tlio llorlouanohh of the wanilni holmd tlio church oloacd ul onco ooandma will pay thoy fulled tb dolloct from tho con- t tractor- who editorial notes u standard 3lie envefopoa small onyoiopeftnrotho lano of the itfo of tho post ofhco clerks accord inir to a btntcment by poatmnator t c duncan of ottnwn aamali innlg nlllcunt and unassumlnff littlo onvelopo ia up to hll kinds of trickeonco it cerp in the poat office thoy ffot cauffht in tho atamiv cnncelllnar macblno thousanda of lettera tro through the poat olflco every day and the little ones cautionll the trouble the postal department is launohing- a campalffn to have tho use of cards and envelopea leisthan three by four inches discon tinued ybu can lget a free government bulletin on at- mosteyery thing except the art of conserving the tax payers money kingston whig r spreading farms and that this will be taken into consideration in connection with road grants given arudther prominent ontario paper ceases publication after having owned and published the kin- cardine review for the past 35 years col hugh clark exm p has sold out his interest to j j hunter owner of the kincardine reporter and the two papers will be merged ns the review and reporter under the management of mri hunter the merger was forced by the increased cost of productionpf newspapers it having been found that there was not enpugh business in a town of kincardines size to sup jortjwo papers mr hunter is aiiye newspaperman and kincardine and bruce county will be well served with the paper he will produced the village of hastings is haying plans -andesti- mates prepared forpavjng its main street the cost of wljich it expects the government to pay 50 per cent canadas expprts during the calendar year of 1924 reached 1058057898 as compared with 1014944- 274 in the previous year 43000000 is a very tidy increase youthful delinquents social problems like eyery thing else are cohr stantly changing writes j j kelsojjnlm repotjon tiorlr for negtectedanctiependent children not so long ago he points but the prevailing evil that wrecked a great many homeswas drunkenness to day with all the marvellous discoveries along the amuscmentlines the principal evil seems to be the ahondoriment of the oldfashioned home life and the noticeable lack pf moral training many young a deputation from the ontario prohibition union wailed upon premier fergtison as miqister of educa- people arrested for criminaloffeiicestesitiiattioiiia8feweeknrging tliatjntke riewextcioloii they rcceivednotnoralffiffuctioli of any kind and particularly that they had neveribeeh tinder any religious influencbr in fact in the matter of religion the majority of young people who reach our prisons are as ignorant as those foreign populations whom we class as pagan- jn the case of one family four young people- appeared before the courts at dif ferent times and had to be assigned to reform in stitutions they stated that they had never been at any time in a church or sunday schopfc in an- hther instance three brothers were in custody at the same time two in adult prisons and one in the in- dus trial school the cause being immorality on the part of the mother in these cases the absence of s moral instruction mnd of wellordered home life was ibe source of much unhappiness aid great public expense hanover post el importance of producers many people speak usually as if they considered nothing of any importance but the industrial struc ture the development of factories and financial in stitutions they fail to take into account the fact that the producers and particularly- the farmers and stock raisers are of importance the production of the necessaries of life- is an essential function and f the necessaries of life are not all manufactured goods by al means let us expand industrially but ietour expansion havereflex action on every section ot the community the policy of the government today manifestly has regard to every part of the dominion regardless of sectionalism and before we have roal and abiding prosperity we mustthink of canada as whole it is of cpursediflicult to avoid the merely selfish viewpoint different parts of the country have different problems to face andperhflpsitivnot vsaying too- muc that thisfact ip more or less gen- erously recognizedjfirst of all the government must be strong as well as energetic aqd forthright in its ness as citizens to strengthen the government to give it real power to this duty every true liberal must devote himself or herself let us as canadians cul tivate an abiding faith in the potentialities and greatness of our country let us see this country governed in the best traditions of the liberal party then canada will suffice- for canadians a country flourishfrrg prosperous united and enjoying the ad vantages of comfort and contentment the british empire exhibition recently balloted to select the twelve most progressive cities in the empire montreal is placed- seventh and toronto is eleventh many selects from ontario ontario easily loads all provinpea in tho dominion in the number- of aoloct hogo marketed up tb tho preaont lime about one halt of tho total num ber of porkers passing through tho toronto stock yards thfs year have been graded eclects and as a result havo received tho premium of ton per cent which is pal3 tor animals of that class quebec with a small number of marhotlng reports less than 1- leen por cent in tho premium class while the western provinces have jess than flvo por cent brampton paper hanger kilted- albert dolphtnarcsldont of bramp ton for tio past two months met his death suddenly thursday- afternoon jlofau from a ploco of board -support- ed on ladders on which he was stand ing to remove paper fron jtcolllryr bo jome imi inrtflnmh gave his decision in yavor of tho aorfooibetbtdibatilruitry plnlntlffs appealed ugajnst tho decision when the case came up at oagoodo itall toronto last monday tho ap peal was dlamlsaed with costa advo cate milton ten breweries closed ten million dollars worth of other property padlocked and hearty cooperation of municipal and national officials is making chicago drier and drier every day prench observers express anxiety over von hin- denburgs proclamation toihe reichswehr in which he states that through discipline and faithfulness the army will rise once more to effecliveness and success jjttehouseofconiinon3haspasseda resolution arid given first reading to a bill approving justrjile treaty between canada and the netherlands and the dutch possessions this treaty means an additional avenue of trade for canada graphyand in a matter jpffoxtypugefl- offerh bursgeatfons tor 22 canoe trips thero is a map showing the routo of ovory trip ana there is at least onf trip tor every province except prince edward island when the hahoels has found tho trip which attracts him all- he haa to do in to bond tho number of tho trip to the gonoral tourist de portment of tho canadian national railways jmdjuuwlll-bo- proviaoorwitn hygiene provision be mode for instruction in scientific temperance the premier it was stated at the close or the interview was sympathetic and there will be provision for such- teaching field harshall paul von hindenburg in the seven tyeighth yearofalifedevoted to the cult of war for the greaterglory of german monarchs as germanys presidentelect sworefealtyto aepublicearedjipr on the riiirrs ot iiie monarchy and committed osteon siblyto thecult of peaci this is finebut itfails to harmonize with his references to future success of the german army sir robert falconer in his old country lecturers is not propounding any new doctrine when jie talljs of canada as the interpreter between the two great branches of the englishspeaking jjeoples but he s elaborating and explaining an old thought tn a manner which will4indoubtedlyattract attention and perhaps go a distance in counteracting some of ihe persistently adversecriticism canada has been re ceiving in britain of hite globe school teachers say the spring term is the least productive of the three that make up the school year there are probably several reasons the pupils are a little tiied mentally and the teachers more than a jit tie but there is another and a more im portant reason the excess of athletic sports with the various leagues of baseball football etc to gether with the daylight saving fad robpupilsof- energy and sleept oneoftlie hard things for parents and teaehersto decide is where wholesome recrea tion ends and harmful rivalry and undue excitement begin when tffe present dominion government came tnti office there was a deficit of some 80000000 desire fortpe welfare of the people it is our buafi sutbln two years they hod turned it into a surplus of 35000000 justifying them in relieving the people from some of tho burden of taxation and also in making certain reductiotb in the tariff despite the loss of revenue there is to day a surplus of about 3000000 a state of affair thatjs very disquieting antf unsatisfactory to the opposition the result discounts pessimism of some of the opposition whose gloomy utterances and drabcolored predic tions have heip uttered ta persistently struck or runsrumttbrolco ift a frag ment of tho ladder iionetratlnff his abdomon and causing a hemorrhage which resulted in death a short timo after the accident his companion harry edls who was assisting him was also thrown down and badly sharon up but was othorwlbo unin jured v losers weepers tinders keepers legally wrona it la manifest that many persons fni to realize that it is tbe legal duty of anybody who finds on artlcio of any kind to advortlso the siimo at once some people fancy that by holding a thlnsr found without any claimant ap pearing for anlndeflnlto period such- article bocomestheir own property if for some reaaon tho lawful owner hnh not advertised his loss that la wrong idea it is only af tor airhrtlcte haa been legally advertlaed and titfl owner tails to turn up that tho finder has the right to- possession if youcontemplate a canoetrip a booklot which will bo welcomed by every canoeist has been issued by the fish and game department of the canadjanjsratlqnnl hallways it-is-en- accordlng to tho 1935 assessment rollthero are 112 dogs in milton what do you know nbout that- the kinase birthday l wednesday juno 3rd will be celebrated in milton this year as it has never been before the council hab granted tho agrl- cultural society the sum of 1200 pro viding the athletic association havo free uaeof tho grounds chief constable chapman has boon granted leave of abaence for a period of 21 days commencing may 30 if he can provide a subatitute to nil tho vacancy dr and mrs edgar robortflonpf tho american prosbytorlan missionat hunan china wore gupats of mr and mr d s robertson lost weok one atternoon mrs robertson- gave an ad dress to the women of icnox church womens foreign laibsionary society 3000 yearling trout wero delivered at th pond of the milton bish and damo club ltd last week tboy wero ex ceptionally largo for yearlings and ar rived in good condition on tuosdnyevehlngnearly all tho unionists lato of knox church- went to the manso on martin street when with mayor irving as chairman tho nien preaerited rev w to mcintosh with an address and a purso of s100 an additional tapwas sent from tho methodist church the ladles pre sented mrs mcintosh with a sliver flower basket and somo choice flowers mr and mrs mcintosh each bald bv tow words of thanks baskets were thenproducedtandrefreohmentaserved after which there was a muelcal pro gramme champion lloolo the buay inoiclimif atnod irot- ty littlo iichm i wijnt noine cloth for dolly enough tomnlfo a drena what oloi- lttlo lady tljo pleasant dealer ald why flotil you know she an- mworod i want ii awful red ilo hnillod ami oit iho fabric for tho do- lllitil mlhb what docw it cost alio njuofttlonoil llo annwerod just one kiwi and then tho ojorks wlm hoard hor vvont laughing up and down my driiiima aald nhoif paj you next tip sfiocomon uittnvii busines directory medical l dr j a mcniven pkyslolan and 8uroeon offlco and realotoncb cornor bower avenue and isigln stroet phone 88 dr ej nelson prbrjerick stbefit aoton ontario j legal phono no 2 po box ml harold nash farmer m a bariaur solicitor notary publlo conveyanoer etc 1 u8urfyodsir tea and most grocers recommend it fi2 perrvman block acton ont monly lent otf mortgages hours 080 am to 6 ptn saturdays1200 oclock dbntal dr j m bell d d st l d a dentiet- honbr gntdnato ot toronto cnlrer alty the latest anesthetic used if desired office at residence corner of mot and frederick streets fwktffl dr f g gollop dds lda dtnti surgeon office ovta bank of nova seotsev hours mo to sm brenlnca by appointment miscellaneous franqs nunan bookbinder account books of all kind nuula to ordor periodicals of everjr deeerijttoa carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street goeiph on over wllluuna store qeorgetown titled canoo trips and nature photo- jewelry business here to h w hin the fullest particulars as to portages camping sites ashing spots etc and also with a large bluo print map which can be used as a ohart during his journeys improving your 8urroundlne fellow citizen go cut and look about your premibcb does tho fonoe tho shed tlio other putbulldlnge look as though thoy noodpd some repairing some paint to brlgiitep and preaervo them would your aurroundlnra do made more attractive more- cheerful by the planting of a sluyb bed of-flowera- 0obe your lawn neefl attonflonloofi your home need paint ing acton has earned the reputation of being an nttraottvo town will you help make it more attractive if overy citizen would do a little in that direc tion how much rhpro attractive our town would look all it requlros is a littlo thouglitfdlness a little energy nnd the expenditure of a couplo of dollars in fact a dollar paidtor mem bership in tho horticultural society will bring to you sufllclent shrubs and plants to mnkc your surroundings no much moro attractive that you will ba htorothan repaid try it the mind of a child tho washington star tells a story ofa benevolent old gentloman wh- was walking in control park when the sobs or a little girl attracted his at tention what is the rhaitor my child he asked boo hoo hoo ive lost ipxponnyl crlod the little glri the benevolent old gentleman drew a penny from his pookot and extend ing lt ho0ald with a beatldb face here your penny little girl and now stop crying the littlo girl instead of thanking tho old gentleman stamped her foot arid said with scornfully flashing eyes oh you wicked old man you had my penny all the timet babys own soap- the oddfellows and rebekahs at tended divine servlco at the methodist church on sunday evening the dog bylaw respecting tho dog tags- provides a penalty of not loss than 4 and costs on thoao not paying their dog tax mr tony reatlvo of toronto has ocaulred tho millar property and la returning to georgetown wouldnt it bo a good idea for our chamber of commerce to meet and see if the members wduld recognize each other- again aabgrove tjf o ijfw o will hold their regular meeting at the home of mr ward buddel thib thurs day evening may 21st isqueslng township sunday school convention wlu be hold in- the metho dist church georgetown on thurs day may 28th there will bo after noon and ovonlng sessions- mr and mrs p s near have re turned to town and taken up their res idence on queen street their friends welcomo them- back agalm disposed ofhi for constipation take drcadwells laxative syrup pepsin tt1hkerr auctioneer and real esfate 20 years experience us todh propert1 0 with me acton ontario tonacton and purchaseda busines in slcathemnes mrs h w kennedy whohas- been with her son george in detroit for 0oito time wan homo for a few days during tho week goojge ma friends will be jjleasod to know that ho la improving- in health and nil wish him a- speedy recovery at tfioqlob0 jfthorogularmeet ingaf the goprgotown womens in stitute wodnebday aftornoon mrs m l near president was presented with a beautiful parasol and mrs c camp bell secretary with a handaomo con sole aet herald burlington theeewer superintendent was grant ed p to purchase shrubs to place around the pump house by the council one of the best meetings this year of burlington lodge no 105 a f a m was that held tost wednesday night the chai were all filled by elngle bl mr ernest chmstopherson hasjuit leased the old matthews garage on james street and will opona bdttbry sorvlco station and will also storo and wash cars- the muslcale held i under tho auspices of knox church ladles aid society at tho home of mr j m wallace brant street on friday even ing last- proved to bo oneof tho most delightful entertainments over given in burlington bylnw 56s regarding the agree ment with tho cataract power com pany for- light and power for top years subject tocjinceuatlononwalx montbsjnotlco was readbytho coun cil for the first and second times at the last meeting it waamoved by councillor ball and seconded- by deputyreeve holtby at last council meeting that the- county council be approached with the view to having brant street paved from duhdas street to freeman and that it be brought forcibly to the attention of the county council that it would be much cheapen to pave brant street than it will the guelph line and that it will be a greater advantage to bur lington and surrounding country and tourists the banquet hold by the chamber of commerce at the kstamlnet on thura- day livening ast wa splendid suc cess and those who did not hear hon john s martin minlator of agricul ture missed a raro treat as his ad dress rob very interesting and con tained valuable information and many suggestions benoflolal to both farmer andbiislnesb mah hon mr martin received- a warm reception and his re marks were llatoned to with rapt at tontlon throughout oversb peraons snt down to tho oxccllent chicken din nor which had been propared bur ilngton qaiette murine mm keep eyes clear bright and beatutftd wrimmurtuco r i lets get acquainted you really dont know the values and quality you are miss- ikg when you dont come jn and get acquainted jit sprys meat shop experience in buying and cutting jd the handling of meals hejlp us to serve you well fresh cooked cured meats and canned goods comprise our stock k j spry successor to orrie lamb jmiumimiiln-streels- acton ont inmerciblized eaacuhoiaoylwysasis idam fysher mfc co 1003 enrlght avenue jrlouisme m find it lexcetsior hctoniout if you want a food that is at all times nourishing you should order excelsior flour ax ton flour and feed mills d h lin 08ayproplator yllll street acton ont s the average life of a they last for twenty years or more find skin as tloaely tben when new avhy because the ua- pended bbwl remains vibrationle you cannot afford to wraatte cream by leaving jtin tbe akim milk when tbe melotte costs but one nchriinarter cents pier day to own i your daily toss may be ten timet this amount better stop it rigbt nowbefore the heavy milk- inir eeion starts when your loss will be areater get a genuine melctt without delay se3 qsk us for this booklet mm i chlcaaofoterac fergru8on bros palliiafap ont pheneoeprbawwfef tf i v1ii5iliv u i r sfeiaghpis mmm a e nicklin in8urance- agent life fire autp accident- health iniuranoe- guarantee bonds burfilary and plate gfam insurance- trustee far eatatea collections business entrusted to my core will bo carefully lookqd after and treated confidentially monoy to lban on farm property favorable raies and terms for re payment box 444 bower ave acton do you want to be suceeeaf ul associate with successful people and have them for your ehends of course y04j doi take the first step now enroll at guelph business college rf l for thorough tralnlner 2 toy business cxporionced instructors 3 session tboojntiroyearv a l couck principal and proprietor get iarticulajb on our homo- study pourao inbporthand ey aaa dont neglect your ifres r take advantage of specialist sorvioea offered by this estab lishment and know your glasses aro right t experience is a good teacher 190st28 we havo had over twenty years at it a h patrons aro assured of the best dm op tica service a d savage optometrist and mfg optician savage building right at tho pobt omco guelph ontario f the okl and reliable granite and marble works we ore manufaoturera and diraat importers ot all kinds of monumental and headstone work we sell direct to our outomors at wholesale prtoea thus saving our customer 40 per cent we have the beet appliances and the only mechanics in th dominion who cut operate pneumdtio tools properly we can give references from hundreds of otn- customers in toronto and other places whero others have to have law suits in order to colloot wo have the largeatan boat stook of granite in i pominlon oe more- than any three deklevi -la- tha west ws are legiu- wajdejer md- employ no agent d-do- not attiioy or peet ouatomers ipjoy o mechanlojr rrjjjvi 3si -j- jibtta zks 5l v aaksfjal i

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