Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1925, p. 6

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ffilji jvrtim 3tw vbbb thursday may 21 1125 the baby on the ttiain tho journey h id nomed lontf today hut tm a nttlo chllant luny a imbv in tho aiiit a he ml whii lutihhoil ai only babies may and to- sod us cmly tousled heiid and uilved 1th dimpled hundi at me and coouil at people far and ncai until the journey ceased to bo a tlrciome thins with houifc to dioad aifd all of us weifi happier tin ileetiuhp tho tot whh in tho car and tliath why god aenda babies hei foisotton was the stoini outhlder no longer did ri im caio botido tho baby in tho seat ahead throw laughing glances back ntrao until within itn eyoh of blue i saw- tho mcles it had como tluoujyh tho tealm of hope and memory and in my heart rescntent jriew rcbontment and a form of fear at thought of ufos unfaillnp law which would becloud thoao laughlnij oyes for hoi iov wxiih upon tho wise andjhath why god aends babies irero lured onwai d bj a fiiondly amlle it ventured once jnto the aiale then started biavoly on tho way an babbled gully all tho while itut junt a atop oi two ahd then tho little- feet tui ucd back again and baby stralkbt to mother fled and then i winked nvcg tcnr vftrthlnkliwof tlio path ahead thweaiii lntit the sunday school lesson for sunday may 24 golf in the heart of the rockies which 1 11010 two little feettfnust tioad to find their goal beyond our kin for thats why god benda bablea hero otfmoid tho theme but ever know the pain of childless onea who vlcnv thq baby iri tho aeat ahead the littlo one with dimpled viands which clutch and cling at mot hots dress or pat her chcok in soft caress or point fn prattling wonder through tho window at tho fleeing lands whoio strange andjstrangcr things ap pear tho littlo hands which gropo among the chords with which fhe heart is strung and fill tho heart till it oerflowa with all tho beat that living knows for thats why god sends babios hero john clair minot twenty years ago from tho issue of tho froo prose of thuradoy may 25 1905 haul hbo ins his oiikat ca- ki3r acts u 2031 golden text i dptei mined not to know any thiiig among yu save joau t christ and him ciucllled 1 cor i c tlmo al jy4q places damaacua jerusalem caea- ai ea taisua tho toct explained 1 suuc tho persecutor proclaiming jesus as tho soji of god 202i as soon as saul was filled with the holy spirit ho began to pi each joauu pleaching joaua la oijo of tho inevit able results of being fillpd with the holy spirit it 1b not at all sure that if ono is filled with tho holy spirit thut lie will speak with tongues ur htivo tho gift of jjlophccy or bo able to heal tho sick 1 cor 12 811 2830 but it fa certain that ho will witnesa for jesus saul took gods word for it veiao 17 that ho wasao filled ho waited for no ecstatic expei lenco but immediately went ahead ryid in cached and the filling with tho spirit mani fested itself ia thct power with which ho pi cached thero is no indication that palil at this time received miracu- joua gifts ho dimply lecclvod exactly jy chrlrd had imlmlwnrt dresses from all over ontario there ia a wealth of bloom on tho fruit trees just now- messrs stutham son havo greatly improved tho appearance of their loo cream parlois and having enlarged thorn aro now in a position to promptly servo all customers mrs h s mcdonald has sold her bfiek hquso and lots on feel streoi to mr william anderson ot crowsons cunim whtrlb soon totsrnovo to acton consideration 1000 the four hundredth anniversary of john kjiox was observed in the pres byterian chnrchearbcli orally laatbun- day there is said to be a echeme on foot for cleaning fairy iako of logs and other debris and possibly putting a mall steam launch- ontbia pretty ahet of water about half past seven on monday evening the first flro alarm of tho ye ir wairuji it-provcd-to-be-tutneavin- by tho inspector about 81g tho next morning an alarm was rung in earnest while burning debris at tho park a spark lodged in the drill shed roof and tho north gable was soon in flames the damage will not exceed j2s00 married palmbredmiston at tho metho dist parsonage moose jaw n w t on wednesday may 3 1905 by rev j e holling mr j j palmer of yellow grass to miss jennie ed- mlston daughter of william edmla- ton of rolleau n wt robertsonarthurs at the homo of tho brides parents on wed nesday may 17 1905 by itov j c wilson b a bonjamln bobertson to maggie daughter ot thomas arthurs all of eaqucslntr the amusing crow prows aro invariably interesting flud usually unpopular tajrfl tho sharp trlijlcle of their eyes tholr plumose black an night their aetqundlmj in- emiffpnce have given thom a proml- llentplttco in the myths and iegonds of every land the london times repeats aomq qfhosriestluthftye grown about thorn xiv all times and countries man huu regarded crows with superstitious awe as birds of omen tho familiars of the witches and evil sprites tjnd tho con fidants of deities whom they never fall or btstray odin took them for hlv heralds and councillors but could not trust thom and thby blabbed the secrets of valhalla they were the scand almongers of olympus and lo tholr evil tongues poor coronis owed her death indra in wrath at tho talc- b earing hurled them down through all tho hundred stages of his heaven thuy would havo disclosed yto his enemies tho hiding place of mohammed in the rooks of thaur but tho dovo built her nest and the spider spun her web to hido it no bird surolyhnd nobler op portunities and everywhere it proved itself unworthy of its trust c it was satisfactorily established by thvofd writers that crows got their blackness in punishment for their sjns i gqema to have been a futile puplsh- ment for there is no living thins that shcvs ip it dopioano- less evidence nfa ropentant spirit instead of bolng nstiamcd of jielr blackness crows t an indian writer has said swagger in 1 and protend that they chose that exact shade for themsoly u ci wki b they- were smitten qlapk s uncertain it a ptrqngj fict that they are most closely allied to tho jays and magpies on ono hand and to birds of paradwc on the other so tho possibilities aio infinite but tho classical legend that they wero all white gains some suppqrt from tho fictiucney with which albinos appapofflongftllkim o cro- tho vojlces of almostovery member of the crow family have in their very harshness an unbh dlfcq and partly human quality that could net fall to impress imagination in spite of the common idea that ci ows do nothing but caw the old augurors recognize no less than sixtyfive intonations of the ravens voico each with its special significance fiom the ring rank of tho i hooded crow the swedes have borrowed their fierce cheer tho finest battle cry pahbohaed by any people nearly nil tho truo crows as wall as many of their near relatives will pick up more or loss of human speech in captivity and it la sometimes hard to belle vu that the nlyncas with which thoy invest their remarks their aptness and intonutlbrj aro altogether accident csult of being baptized with the hoiy ghost power to witness for chi 1st and ho did it it is tho work of tho spirit to bear witness for jesus john 15 26 and so of course when wo are filled with tho spirit wo cannot but bear wltnosa for christ also a heart and mouth full of testimony for jesus far better proof that wo aro filled with tho spirit than any ecstatic ex periences that wo can tell about noto well that when saul was filled wjth tho spirit it was not tho spirit that he preached but jesus when one is filled with tho holy spirit ho will not talk so much about tho holy spirit nor about his own experiences but about jesus sauls doctiiho about jesus can bo summed up and is hero summed up in six words he is the son of god that la a fino summary of christian doctrine and rightly un derstood carries much olso with it that doctrine has saving power in it tho ono who really believes it riot meroly as a theological tenont but with the heart obtains eternal life through believing it john 20 31 and any ono who really belioyes that jesus is tho- son of god overcomoth the world that is gets daily viotofy over tho world and its temptations saul accomplished far more by preach ing josus that he is the son of god than he could have accomplished by any amount of social service ad dresses he know tliat jesus was tlie band liadseenkim in tho glory that saul who had beon the fearless persecutor of christians should become a bold preachjerqfjlhq very gostjelko ljadefied ao hard to blot out amazed peoplo boyond meas ure it was indeed a proof of tlio truth and power of tho gospel ho had so fiercely opposed but over and over again has this proof of tho truth and power of the gospel been repeated in tho history of tho church and thosa who today aro the most fierce and dan enemie of c ma tomorrow become his most dovotod followers sauls strength constantly grow through feeding on tho word prayer and work ho put tho jews atjdamascus to confusion for ho proved with absolutely unanswerable argumonts that jesus was undoubtedly the fulflller of the old testamont mes sianic prophecies if some of our mod ern preachers and theological profes- sorajmd moro sense from tho old test ament prophecies that jesus is th3 christ instead ot wasting their- onor- gieatin tho foolish and futtlq attempt to provothat there is no such thing as predictive riropheqy in that way amy would mako converts 9f jews and qf others us paul did instead of rnaking infidels of callqw hjb hchoql college and theological students as thoy are doing by their present methods 2 sauls escape from damasoua 23- 20 sauls onemlea could make no satis factory reply to sauls arguments to they sought to silenco him by putting him to death the jews havfc not ceased to this day trying to sllonc by the most relentless and unscrupu lous persecution tho men they cannot answer but alas this stranger mothod of- argument is notconfln3d to the jews many who call thcmsolvos christians use it too the plot of the jews against sauls life was well laid but as sauls tlmo to glorify tho lord jesus by dying for him was not yet come god defeated the skilfully laht plot cast out by tho jews saul found great difficulty in being received by christians thoy wore afraid there was sorao plot behind ills protendod conversion many feel that samo way todny when a jew claims to bo con verted if any true disciple of christ is under suspicion let him take com fort in tho fact that tho most devoted follower whom jesus christ ever had was under suspicion at first indeed ho was under suspicion until thq end but jesus pur iord trusted him eyon if his disciples did not and jeuus to day trustsmnny a man whom his dis ciples distrust the fa i tli ot tho dis- cffjles in jerusalem did not y nr4a to tho point qf beliqvinff that so blttor an inflde could become so devoted a believer in so short a time has our faith reached such a pitch even yet let us never forgot when dealing with sceptics and infidels that paul wap onco the bitterest of infidels and en emies of our lord and many a man today who was onco a blttor infidel is a mighty proacher of him ho onco ciaftsaaen in keeping things new fivo views of tho now jasper pork lodge golf courap in jrcpor national park alberta tnis eourso will rank among thobejd playing coursos on tho continent and it has tho added feature of an incomparable scontc sorting a railway in mexico was trying to show a native how much tho now rail way would benefit tho country how long does it tako to carry your products to market at present ho asked with a muloilt takes three days was tho reply there you are exclaimed tho en gineer whon the new railway is in onoration able tatakoyour produco to market and return homo tho samo dayl very- good sonor was the placid reply but what shall i do with tho other two days 27- wrwt 18 it a marble wall oh white as milk lined with akin iib soft as silk at iongth a golden ball appeal s bathed in n flood of crystal toar no entrance in no gates unfold yot thieves break in and steal th gold answei an egg uioful in camp explarors sur veyors prospectors and huutefl will lnd dr thomas eoloctrio 01 yry useful in camp when tho foot and igs ire wet and cpld ifc well to rub lhn freely wrthhowitimr- 1 rov puh will bsjgscwrftian of pain in tho nvfe3f dllt or con lusjou w4pfrwftip0 bufltftinod no thin ft could- to0tey as a dressing or lotion hutud una pe 3 sauls ministry rn jerusalem 30 while the great body of disciples could not bcllevo that their oncmy saul had become a truo disciple of th3 lordjoaus there was a man in the jerusalem church full of the holy spiri of faith and ho h confi in tho now convert and espoused sauls cause thus saul got an opening in jerusalem ho made the most of it speaking boldly tho name of the lord but jerusalem was not the field god has chosen for saul and so ho per mitted him to be driven out s there was another plot to kill him but this also cfltno to nought and only served to curry out gods larger purposes of grace concerning saul cf ps 70 10 his going t6 tarsus vas but anothei stop jn gods plan fo tho training of paul for the work that ho planned for him to do ho was to remain at tni sua and when ho was fully prepared god would open tho way for ilm to begin his apostleship to tho gentiles ch ii zstr daily readings for next week monday may 25poter in samarhi acts 8 1424 tuesday may 2c peter in lydda acts9 323g wednesday may 27 peter in joppu acta 9 3013 thursday may 28 an old testa ment mi ratio 1 kings 18 3039 friday may 20tho miracle woik- er at wprk mark 2 2934 saturday may 30 the reason for miracles jphp 20i 2431 flupday may 31meroy offered u a1 jflftinh 6si 17 1 whon it was decided to adxl golft tho allurements of jasper national park tho policy was adopted from th outset that the golf should be good enough to bo appreciated for itself the beauty of the scenery bcinfr merely an addeoyictunctlon since tho couit0 has been cle ired and is revealed to tho visitor ho concludes thnt tho canadian national railways wero for tunate to havo such a great extont of golfing terrain ao immedlatejy avail able to tho lodge a year ago whon most of it wai rocky mountain forest the golfing possibilities wci o not ao appaient woil wua commenced eaily in the summer of 1924 and was rushed forward with such success that nine holes will bo avallablo for play during tho summer of 1925 fortunately there is no clay at jas per this should delight tho golfera- heart the underlying strata is gen erally gravci like all tho athabaska river basin in which jasper la situated so tliatthef airway ahaveunderthonr fromthe score card tako their names tliat gravelly subsoil essential to tho from tho mountains arid tho lakes production of good golflnj turf sand was also found on thqiroperty in sufneiont qliantlty- and quality to fill all requirements tho fairways are clear of actual outctopplngs or jock but these show up around tees and the greens giving a pleasing lugged sot ting but nover interfering withthj play tho loute adlocted encloses a groat heaitahaped area with tho first holj starting and tho last hole unlshlng at the jowecpolnt of the heart at tho top there is a double of threo holes which ate on a peninsula run ning out into lac beauvert thla route la qulto an exceptional ono and there la a complete absonce of paralleling in the ordinary aenso of tho term al though tho 10th lias the 6th immediate ly to tho right of it tho ups and downs of holos and tho undulatlona of fulrways are oniy thoso to he desired on a first cluas course located in a good golfing country al though on every side sapped peaks rise to a height of from eight to cloven thousand feet with such magnifi cent surroundings it naturally adds to jho acenlc attractions of tho course to have such a route- selected that given different views at almost evory- hole most of the hole ua can bo a which pi ovhjo for the course ono of tho finest settings of any golf course in the world the score card longths measured fi om centre of back teo hole no i 2 t 1 5 7 1st 9- 11 12- 13 14 15 1g 17 18 length ymds 420 450 3sg 230 ii r 373 200 125 185 3085 465 305 105 505 360 135 360 300 436 name firat old mhn slgmil cnvell mietto par 4 6 4 3 4 wlustlcru 4 colin 3 in each county in ontario tire many homes which have learned the superiority of tho planning au dyeing done in the big lnngley plant in toronto fro i gravenhurat cornea a letter itf y slater and i arp highly pleased with tho work you did in cleaning and repairing our dresses from belleville a customer writes i am delighted with the shade you dyed my crepeechine dress from bowmanvillo you exceeded my expectations especially as to the navy silk dress which had tho whitejpaintpn it it ia not ordinary work orordinary satisfac tion which promptssuch enthusiastic letters the secrot of langley succcssissimple in mr w j fontaine wo have ono of tho most expert dyers on the continent and in our finishing department we have a staff trained to exceptional standards of workmanship vfpny rehtrn hipping-chargi- railway time tables nadian nationafflailways at acton dolna wait no 20 800 om no 31 ru 1045 am no 33 220 pan no 36 600 pm no 30 8 30 p m no 25 bundny 1041 a m going east no 26 7 21 atn np 30 1127 am no 34 336 pm no 30 0w pm no 38 813 pm no 24 sunday- 708 pm canadian national elecir1c- bailway8 westbound dally excopt sunday dally band a send a shipping container fret anu chage only our toronto prices simply send your parcel to mr geo s langley andj write a letter saying what you havo sent and what you want done hell give your order his personal supervision lanqfeyfe l i m ii tce o cleaners dyers 6f ftne fabrics wtarino apparel and houmkotd fumishtnga carpet iienovator tekarra cleopatra tho mazo pyiamld teto jauno the long luc beauvert lo bateau la bale tho climber homo j 2nd 63200 totill 6375- head office 249 spadina road toronto 743 am 043 tun daily 1143 am dally 143 pm dally 343 pm daily 543 pm- daily 743 pm dally 943 p m doily i iu32 am eattbound daily 743 am dally except sunday 043 am dally 1143 am dally 143 pm dally 343 pm daily r 543 pm daily 743 pm daily 943 pm daily 1140 pm freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto par 70 th holes -will- boready forphty in 1925 with ono tempomry hole 200 yards connecting the uth and 18th a fearless quaker uncle abo was noted for hlo ability to turn hla clouds lnaido out aritl show tho silver lining if any particuhu cloud was dark through and through ho wlaeiy supplied it with tho lining from another hla yoke o atecra had t uie a substantial ghost i had novel beon in england be fore explained tho young womnr and many of tho common names for ordinary things were new to me such as squash for lemonado an j gums or goloshes for rubbers most jjf th e nxmexelyiunusedme bu t ther 9 way one that almost terrified me into hysterica tho first time 1 heard it i had been asked to stay al a country house in btanta and through bomo misunderstanding i reached thcio a day earlier than i wna expected it wasnt my fault but it caused a re arrangement among the occupants of the diffeient bcdiooms to take caro of mo that fhat night and i was putin tho bom usually occupied by the goyei ness a tall forblddlnglooklnff female of whom i caught only a gllmpso tho evening i arrived my mlooplng room when i rcaahej h seemed largo enough for ton suoh mmnu persona as i it looked to me lnigo enough for an armory and about as cheerful thero wero no electric a civil engineer who was building if noting but one lono candlo cash prize on the ills t day of tho fair on tho second some new contestants woi o enteied and abo would probably bo outclassed but aa usual ho had mado the moat of good fortune while it fasted arent you quaking in your shoes a friend naked abo thrust out a- foot clad in now tan leather t why yes ho said i am quaking in my shoes hut when 1 got that fifty dollars yesterday i made sure thoy ahould bepewshocs it aint so bad to iiuakvlf you can im it in now ahoes a waste of time ia it intoxicating a brewery of ficial was tasked with a knowlnar smile ho ropltca ask premier fer guson at trim a doesnt wear off alone do not make tho mistake of waiting for asthma to wear off by itsolf whito you aro waiting tho disease is aiiroly gathering a stronger foothold and you live m dunger of stronger and yet stronger attacks dr j d kellajjgb asthma remedy taken early will pio- vent incipient conditions from becom ing chronic and saves hours of artful sufforfng laziest of men you say hes tho lazlost man m tumbhjinvlllo yqp hes so iay that every morn ing before ho gits up ho sends ono of jhl boya down to tho store to soe whit the loafers aro arguln about if they aint dfscoursln on something he wan to to aoguo about lie dont git up costs you less than 2 a year though it accomplishes in a few minutes what would otherwise take you hours the cost of the telephone is one of the smallest items in the familys yearly outlay a studyof expenditures by hundreds of families shows that food costs 3 miscellaneous 25 rent 17 clothes 13 and the telephone less than 2 that gave about ns much light as a lightning bug thero was 11 coal fire no coals hut oven that looked de pressing and of a moi e sombre rod than fires in america i was just plain homesick of eourso although i didnt know it i was a long tlmo getting to sleep but when i did sleep it was with tho soundness of a log or a bat or a dor mouse or a nythlnglhat bleeps with jill us might not until tho first dismal streaks of dawn began to show did i wake nnd then only becauso of a presenco in tho room i could plainly mako it out standing near tho door a tall form in whito and while i looked it moved and hav ing moved it spoke in a deep throaty voice a t want my bpdy it stid i dont know what kep mo from fainting i do know what kept mo from screaming it wl because i was too frightened i watched that dread ful figure pfoy to a tall wardrobe in thft corner and hrust its hofld and us shoulders inside i saw it tug find wrench at something and then turn toward me holding something in ita hands and then in the briglvh- ingdd7w sa looking governess holding the waist of her dreaa how on earth was i to know that in england a wujst evon it shirt waist is called a body id like to know demanded tho young woman energeti cally i think i had a perfect right to be scared cullings from the press it will tak a ycrv p nnn drink to put 12200000 intoxicating into tho treasury of pntarlo mr nlcftle says 4 4 beer is not in toxicating yet there are a great many thirsty ones around who are kocn to see for themselves aphes and pains of old man ontario can bo alloviated with premier fer gueons homeopathic prescription the ontario moderation league is laying pinna for a drive in favor of govornment control this is what a golferwould call a drive off the tea what havo tho brewers distillers and boptlegcra ever dono for tho country that they should receive such gqncrous treatment and lavish ex penditure lit tho exiicnso of the coun try premier ferguson says that ho wll have no moro plebiscites but ho is making an error in that what he ough to dermis to have another ono and announce beforehand thnt tttff a7d which lias ho nmnllcst vote wins cojoncl currlo tqld j uy audience that 44 beer ie but the thin edge of tlio nxc anl j a mccausfand unid tliat sooner 01 later yon will got moro than that these two hricmborh hav ing found that they havo moro in iluence with premier ferguson than 31000 electors have reason for talk ing big millers worrh powdors do not need the after holp of castor oil or any nur- gativo to complgto their thoi oughness bocauflo thoy tro thorough in thom each new subscriber add to the value of yqur telephone the night desk tho night lump burnod faintly atthe desk of the hospital ward and by its shaded glow miss flagg settled herself write tier reports tho tempera tures had all been takon tho patients were sleeping quietly jt was ev tha ts h eh nrdmr enbjnilghxati eacho f her and yet the girls head sank on her hands just for a moment in dis- couiagement she was senior nurao now only a few weeks lay between her and tho day of graduation sho looked for ward to it eagerly the time when she should meet tho woi id for herself she was good nurse sho realized that rlert sympathetic careful to a degree even tho superintendent miaa lee a chilly person clad in immacu late frigid white sailing by on her ei rands of censure rarely blamed her but tho other nurses thought laura flagg t must keep order i know they dont like me i know they leaont my authority if im not car- ful perhaps i shall grow into- a fuaay old fidget like miss lee now theres molly crelghton she shook her head halfsmiling halffrowning will she over grow up and think ycb how tho patients lovo her i can seo them juat beam whenever ahos on the ward and i like her so much and sho cant bear me ive had iocorroct hor such a lot now ton to ono shes carried off tho notepad she iiimmagedin tho drawer and pulled out a scribbled block of paper what sort of notes iias tho child been writing now she thought- how can i ever enter such a tanglo in the book she bent her head to tho book and read before she realized it tho frag ment of a letter molly had been caro- jeps as usual and mother im leally growing to love my work and lfa juat because of miss flagg shos aenior nurse and what vc girls will dqvhen sho gradu ates i dont knojy shes never im patient shes never partial and sho never shirks we younger nurses dont jolly her a lot as wo do tho others because shes so dignified but its the real thing not dignity on ico llko miss leos if i could only hopo to bo likehor i- laura flaggs oyes wero wot aa ohft dipped back the precious bit ot paper tho whole corridor seemed brighter moro radiant sho glanced up ahd down the sleeping wni d if it werent for my pationtu-i-be- liove id sing she whispered thero is ho poisonous ingredient in hollownys corn remover and it can jioufltiiljuithou tdangor or inj u cy it pays to use martinsenour 100 pure paint var wishes for biety purpose for every surface writeiohead officermimrrasjfcrtrecboowet home painting made easy sold by w d talbot acton ontario lagging spring appetites can be bolstered up and stimulated by letting us do your bakirfgh dont worry and stew over a pie for dinner or somecake for supper when yoir canbuy such delicious homemade baking at fairbanks our bread is the staff of life in most acton homes fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill st acton look money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge wo place 34 years experience at your disposal and assume all your collection troubles send us your list wo will do tho rest no noto or account is considered too small too largo too old or too far away wo wfll tackle uny honest debt kelly aiken collectors orangeville owen sound j m aiken manager jos j kelly manager reference sterling bank jot canada examine your new meadow now a half hours walk over them may save you futuio loss by indicating whether connection huvo beon correct each young plant especially of the vailous clovers stands out fairly dis tinctly at this time of the year an1 wo are able to aeo wherein our seed ing has either succeeded or failed to measure up to what we might right fully expect some of the plots at the central lexpcrimentnl fnm when examined in april were almost completely cov ered with live plants of tho same kind as seeded while others presented a very sony contrast these latter phits hoi been pltited with seed fiom rcglpps where weather conditions weio not so sovfero its at ottawa consequently ho groat majority ot tho plants had ben winter killed unevonncsa of seeding and ly prosj cneetjf largeolods of ourth or largo htoncfi woi o reflected in either the ab sence of plantajn tleflnlto spots or in rtie patchy uneven appearance of the sod some spots howevci wero bare where tho ground was smooth nnd in good condition with no large stories prericnt such areas it was concluded were either seeded too deeply or tho needor had become clogged for m mo ment lieto and there plant diseases had taken their toll and 4u a few cases insect attacks had so weakened u plant that it could nbt survive tho greatest reason however for tho dif ference betweontho beat and tho poor est stands could bo attributed ta tliu kind of soedttuftcd and bow and on what kind ofmtuid it has boon nown many crop failures arc foreordained it th time of planting but fortunately the essential elements of a profitable crop may be ensured at the samo time ithoutdangororiniuey j0k j ring story of the m 1 1 j m i ni in rend 1 your new meadow now a m ii 1 l valk over them may save i w loss by indicatingwhethcr a solvoa 6pe doao of them and they will bo found palatable by all chll dron will end tho worm trouble by innklng tho stomach and bowels un tenable to the parasites and not only this but tho powders will be certain to exort most boneflcln influence in q p mcnostlo dominion agrotol tho digoatlvo organs oglat i cry for castoria t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to order8 left t e gibbons main strejejt actoi advertisers tho free press is anxious to servo you and servo you wall wo can give your advertise ment bettor attention and there fore make it more attractive if the copy is supplied fo us on monday or tuesday if copy fails to reach us until wednesday forenoon there is a rush to set it up before the forme olose and tho result ie likely to bo less satisfactory 8end in your ads early n aoetajdc 306 03 richmond srvasr ttromto ganacu does your watch keep time i ibyour repair de- partjsentrweare getting wonder- ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario 1 a ii 1 apt quotation mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute fbr castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in aims and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food prpmoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep witiout opiates ks- to avoid imitations alwnjs in srnvcn directions on rich pi itflwmzz 7 r the mtnnture 1 2 v ji3 everywhere recommend it get your job printing at the free press there la sometimes more wit in tho application to the hunlneas in hand of wordb already chosen for another pur pose than in tho invention of an ap propriate phroae bishop whipple according to tho church nowu loyod to tell thla story- a dovout colored preacher who35 heart wua aglow with mlhblonary zeal gave notice to hlh congregation that tn tlo evening a ofccrtory would be taken for missions and asked for very liberal gifts a soinsh welltodo man in his congregation said to him before tho sorvlco tor gwlno to kill dla church of yor goob on saying glvo give no church canatan it fur gwlno to kill it after tho aormon tho colorod mln- ihtcr ailld to tho people brother jones told mo i was gwlno j to kill dla hero church of i kop a- askln yor to give but my brothron churchea doesnt dlo dot way bf any body knows of a ohuroh dot died cauje ita boen givln too mucn to do lord ill bo very much obliged cf my brother will toll mo whoro dat church is for too gwlno to vlolt it nnd ill climb on do walla of dat church under de light of de moon and cry bloased am do deaddat dlo in do lord

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