Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1925, p. 7

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births marriage anil deaths are nftw cliareri for t the following ratest birth 50c marriafien 50 dcath oc memorial cards 50c ioc per line extra for poems i born liambertt in acton on friday may 15 1925 to mr and mrs john lam bert a oon 1 died mcduiilm3e at oakvillo oh thurs day may 14 john liynnklln mcduf- foe in lila 08th year ltose at tho homo of mrand mrs lorriocolo beardmoro croaeont on mondny mornlnev may 18th 1925 isrnoat albert rose in his 66th year campbell at tlio homo quelph stroob acton on monday ovonlmr may 18th 1925 hush fletcher campbell in his 4th year waterhouse ac tho homo of her soninlaw mr frank kennedy wollintrton street on monday 18th 1925 eluaboth anderson widow of tho lato william wator- houso in her 8l8t year neighborhood news- town and country nassagaweva dogs liavo boon lcllllngt shocp in nag sagaweya a few nights uso it dodjo had ol overt oxfords klllod anil others badly worried tho annual convention lot sunday school worjcers of nasuagawoya town- ship will bo hold in nausagaweya pres byterian church on thursday may 28 therfc will bo afternoon sessions kov k b ferris general secretary of tho ontario bolifflbus education council will bo present and give addresses crew80n corners while ongnged in preparing- break fust in tho home oit tuesday morniiis mrs gordon fnrlccrv had tlio mlsfor- tuuo to fall und- fracture hoi log be tween tho knee and ankle q9pringe thprpday may 31 12b lief local items elorab tax rato for 1925 has been ftd7irt 42m mills vj william murlow leit xisprlno last week with his family for gait this 19 blossom week in tho fruit belt of tfie niagara district there uro fivo sundays in may tiro month ends with sunday in tho spring a fell6ws fancy lipbtly turns to thoughts of nsfi all is ton old boys and ehrls from r toronto will- come home tor may 25 jtfftxt monday may 25th will bo a public holiday tho old 24tbi you knov apple blossoms ore aealn hero with their wealth of peauty and frag- ranco i tho heavy frost on sunday night affected some of tho tender plants and blosnoms i will- not borrow trouble eaid tho tlirifty country woman oven jf i havo to go without it the boating bcaatin is here again dont rock tho boat- dont stand up in it dont change seats there ia always something to worry people in the id days the users of good roads had toll gate tax v saturday nights copious showers wore welcome to all nature vegeta tion was greatly improvod as a con bo quonce kov beecher porfchoue pastor of ever ton disciple church tendered his rcnlgxation at tho sunday morning service a good thing to remember and a botftcr thing- to do la to work with tho construction gang and not with tho wreclcinir crow grace methodist church bramp ton laos discontinued tho pew rent syatopra in view of tho influx of the ualonibt presbyterians crewqons corners mr john dickie of toronto has leased suburban park and ho and his family are living p the premises ho intends to operate the place as an amusement park and will aim to give it a better reputation than it bore the lost season it was in commission mr george graham who was oper ated on last week for appendicitis is progressing favorably toward recovery the traffic on the highway is grow ing as the season advances tho truck service carrying live stock uudtnor- chandise is surprising bannockburn about twenty friends of miss edna mccnllough whose marriage took m acton lodge loojp no 204 will attend tho methodist church next sun day ovcnlnff when ho v bro j culp will preach jho annual sermon both tho byder mownt factory formerly tho dominion hotel and the sunderland houso wcro visited this week by pooplo who are considering the opening of a hotel in acton among the places that will go in for bettor roads this year arc fergus arjhurjtfountjrorcst and hlllsburg sboibumo economse wellcanflldly nono of thorn aro going- in for thenvtoo soon the ohnuaj excursions to the on tario agricultural college which used to bo so much enjoyed by fanners from all over ontario are again being renewed plans are now being caado to take euro of parties from iho county of pool on wednesday juno lotn a rockwood correspondent to the cfuoliih mercury writes one morn ing laafwook three of our most am bitious fishermen loft tho village be fore daylight returning in the evening with over 169 speckled beauties are no t uioaoflpartnion rother rccmcsa- in their boniittng the lawlaayko croon bdall catch moro than twenty trout in a day w ctuxnli3ss plauu yetbrday io mr john clayo n wilson gathered at tho home of mr thomus moffat last wednesday after noon 13th inst and tendered her a miscellaneous shower the gifts worp brought into uie room on u decorate j toy wagon and presented to tho brjde elect thei annual meeting ofbannockburn womens institute was held on wed nesday may 13 at the home of mrs thomas moffaf 5th line twenty- ladles were present tho secretary presented the financial report for the year which showed a substantial bal ance in the treasury and also a short review of the years work theoffl- cers for the year 102626 were elected as follows president miss edna rus sell 1st vicepresident mrs d 3 morrison 2nd vicepresident mrs thomas kennedy 3rd vicepresldoni mrs thomas- moffat secretarytrea- suror miss betty iowrie e directors mrs a g clarridgomrs w wiley mrs j a kussell miss a cree dis trict director miss e kussell audit- tors miss m v clorrldge miss b anthony convener social- committee mrs t kennedy corivenev program committee mrs d a busseu visit ing committee miss xl busseu mrs w be mccullbugh pianist miss b anthony reporter miss b i0wrlc following the meeting a social hour was- spent by the ladles and a dainty lunch served the next meeting will be held bn wednesday afternoon 27th at the home of mrs d i morrlsou when mrs aitkcn of beeton wlhad- dress tho members on tho business of being- arwoman 1 theao beautiful ttunny dayo yiro sure ly ldoalor our citizen g to enjoy i dollghtful oilting at the river the local womonh inatituto met at tho honie of mrs lesllo webb layt thursday afternoon and thorp was a good attendance by the ladles of tho vicinity the weather was ideal for thoj event interosttng toplco were discussed after which a jolly social hour waajonjoyod tea being acrved by tho hostess mr ecclcstono and family are busy preparing tp move to their now homp lately purchased at acton prom re ports mr ecclcstono will start a splen did trucking service to toronto with his big now truck tho citizens of this locality aroj sorry to lose sudha prom inent family from pur mlditt our bev wishes go with them to their now home in acton mr and mrs david robinson of guelph aro busy moving to our village and will tako over tho store recently rented from mr ecclostonor the friends of mr john wctaylhi will bo sorry to hear ho is under the doctors care miss vera tovellof quelph apent notice tp creditors of the estate of ernest albert rose deceased tho crodltorn of ernost albort roso lato of tho villago of acton in tho county of hulton tanner who died on tho eighteenth day of may 1925 and all persons having claims against his ontato aro required on or before the twontyhocond day of june 1925 to tfend by post propald br othoiwlso deliver to tho undersigned solicitor hclr full nam oa addrcaaes and des- criptlona and full particulars of their claims r on and- after tho said twentysecond day of june tho executor will proceed to dlstributb tho assets of tho said es- tato among thopartiou entitled thereto and hoihoroby gives notice that ho will not bo responsible thereafter for any claim orv claims of which ho shall not have received notice dated this twontyflrst day bf may a d 102g henry philip moore executor byeni earmor acton ontario his solicitor 473 i o summer hats h aro now on display all tho neweat undprottlcst colorings in tho larger hats for jiumraor wear wo know wo havo just whatyou want letus show you them millinery 5albkaith ancy goods storo phono- 1w acton ont mother mra mcicandurlng tbo week our congratulations aro extended several of ourlocal young men who are engaged to bo married to local brides during the month of rohes born to mr and mrs haroiu smith of the townllne a son tho farmersaie busy planting pota toes and preparing the turnip ground thoy are well advanced with tho farm work this year mm two burglaries at rhlton the stares ot galbrsrth a co and j l saunderaon robbed rockwood st essay oratorical competition and n addfom by mrs dony of milton a very swtifying interest was taken in tho literary and oratorical competi- tion oftno acton w c t u which culminated in thighly interesting and largelyattended nioeting in-the-meuio- dlat school room last- wednesday evening tho probramme which was very sklirally superintended by mrs rev a c stowart who has been tbo presj- dent of tno w c t u for tho past year was versatile entertaining and instructlve- jussayi written and posters drawn by public school pupils of acton and of nossagaweya and essays and posters by studpnta ot acton high school had 1 boen previously judged by a compet- entcprflinltloe the subject for the essays by the juble sohool pupils was llcaaoni b s-r- w ipx u0o alcoholic drinkji a large num ber of thoughtful wouwritton essaya wereifent in frizes were awarded to dorothy camp boll for tho fourth clasa and to bert hlnton for the third book class the subject of the posters in the competition for the public school pupils was it all goes up in orapkv f tho cigarotte was the themo and tho the rockwood tennis club is to be congratulated in securing the services of frank guild of the rochester american opera co for their concert last friday evening the hall was well filled and those who availed them selves of the appftrtijnjy tft hear thn fhpulartib6rweinknown artist were not disappointed each number on the programme was well- rendered lndud log a r to in which miss scroggle of guelpb accompanied blm all the other numbers being played by mr r g martin the friends of frank guild will wih him success wherever his lot may be cant and we hope to be favored at another time with hearing him rock- wood is fortunate in being the home of this talented and promising young man the friends of miss isabel sander bontrjorhteaeher who underwentan operation recently will ho nlcasodto learn that sho is getting along as woll as possible the condition of geo graham is not so satisfactory last weekend no one being allowed fa see him ernie cripns js doing wall since his operation the ball gome that was on for last saturday at acton had to be post poned on account of the rain it watt a case of tho weatherman havirig his innings and tho rain was mach need ed as tho soil was in a dry condition gardening operations are tho order of jtjifi dflylnowand bef ore many tveeksr ore past wo will be reapjag-the-rcaultfl- ofotu86wlng and planting mr- goo bolton had a fine bed of tulips in bloom last week of four dif ferent colors red yellow white and pink burglars entered two milton stores after chlof chapman went off duty at 13q on sunday morning those of gal- braith co and j d saunderaon in each case a second storey back win dow was forced each showed tho mark ot a crow bar or jimmy at galbraiths tho safe door had been left unlocked it was forced open and th drawer left in tho coal room in the basement about silver change was gone but a number of papers chiefly receipts were- left no goods were missing but some may havo been carried off tho saunderson storo appeared to havo been visited last a ladder be longing to chas bunday who lives in tho rear of the store btobd against the back wall and a heavy plnch bar about five feet long stolen from the c p r section tool house and a wrecking bar were loft abfjntj8 or10 4n silver change was taken from tho safe which had boen left unlocked a j25 overcoat and four s6 slucshlrts were taken and per haps other goods the burglars appear to have used a flashlight as both stores were in darkness and no burnt matches were found the joke of tho robbery was the lenv log by one of the burglars of his qld bvexcoatincbiefco7u5taioehapmans yard midway in rear of tho two stores it is not recognized which would indicate that the burglars were not local men champion tenders for coal sealed tendcra addressed to tho pur- m m nrtn -mrino- ihnwfifilc j 12 noon daylight saving tuesday may 2g 1925 for the supply of coal for the dominion buildings throughout tho province of ontario in cluding tlio city of ottawa forms of tender with specification 8 and conditions attached can be ob tained from- g w dawson purchasing agent department of public workn ottawa w corrlgan and r winter general post office toronto powr son 6 prever kingston and from the caretakers of tho various dominion buildings in ontario outside of ot tawa toronto and kingston tenders will not be considered unless made on theao forma the right to demand from the suc cessful tendered a deposit not exceed ing 10 per cent of tho value of tho contract to aecuro tho proper fulfill ment of the contract is reserved i by- order r s eobiuen secretary department of public works ottawa may 6 1925 462 tjry a pound of our fresh roasted coffee wo roost it just as wo need it which at all times makes ll strictly frpah mid you got full strength and flavor our custom ers who have tried it are all in lovo with our blend it sells vfor 65c per pound- tako a pound home with you when you go oujnley used tractors for sale cheap wo are overstocked with steam and oil tractors of nearly all sizes and makes and must unload at once regardlesff of price 1 waterloo steam tractor hioh- pressure boiler only threshed in twelve burns like new can savo youjlooooo 1 rum ley oil pull tractor 16x30 runs like hew can save you 7g0 a real engine at a real price sold with a guarantee other engines from 20000 tin special terms writo todav for particulars hannabros distributors for rumely oil pull tractors so 98 mscdonnell street quelph ebqjdi w9 the brampton driving club wll hold their race meetfriday may 29 at- brampton under auspices of hamilton driving cluband athletic association ltc races commence at 1 jo oclock sharp pullrjbjaw races pursk 900 purse 300 purse 300 purse 300 edge wood eden mills opeuntngsiay 25trt dancing 30 pm patricia orchestra of toronto picnics soucitep oakville the tax rate has been reducod to 40 mills last year it was 53 l4is years exemptions totalled 450000 this year theeiemptlonu are 1630000 the exemption of tho marlatt tannery account for most of this iocal in come tax has been eliminated oakvillo ladg no 00 a p a at propose to hold their annual garden partyon tho evening of thursday june 26- 7 miss jessie mcdonald of oakville 1b one of the 1026 graduation cuuuhof the hamilton gonerol hospital and on wednesday afternoon attended the graduation exercises the gu1 guides of mrs yhutohl- sons company went on a hiko to hollyrood ojl saturday whoro- they spent tho day miss phillips company biased a trail from georges square throughjjraiawoodin the hoim of- tttttomoblle d eh notlm phllllps7 whoro a picnic was held lessons agalnat ltaji80bybjyi nr girls- of avery wgl3irarrniswtjno w- i- jsj wetocirectrvs arthur iawson won tho prlso for tbo fourth book class and gordon ciirrie for tho third book the hisil sohool contestants had for tho subject of their essays reasons i would give my little brpthor or sister for not uslnir cigarettes the pcise was awardejx o tho essay of neville harrop the pooler wf- illustrate the ovlfs ul alcotiov as a boverage woo drawn by milton watson to whom4he prise was awarded the oontest in elocution was con fined to three glris from the fourth book mlsaps meryl grlndell dorothy campbell and phyllis tyler the medal and prise was won by miss grlndell tho following additional oontribu- ttonto fjio very fine programma of tho evening were contributed a drill by pupils from school no 0 nassagaweya ulaa vannatter teacher in which the eight girls represented canada england ireland and- jjlcot- land a chorus by pupils pf acton pnbllo sohool under the direction of mrs im r moore ot the teaching staff instnimenuil duett by misses liaurn gray and martruerue symon t mrs j m xonyes one pf the of ficers of tho w o tv of holton countj gavo a very interesting ad dress on the evils of drink and tlio work being done by the christian wo- mon of cannda tp seauro prohlbltftn of its salo for coverage ilurpobcs in the woods expuplis of- the- oakvillo high school will be given an opportunity of getting together and reviving mom orres of the happy days spent in that worthyilnstltutlon in victoria hall an friday evening may 22 the knox church anniversary and concert recital which will be held on friday evening may 22 promises to be special and radio bargains now pianos returned from concert winter rentals practically now at 100 lea than regular price used rebuilt pianos as ov as 166 radios at cost price 10 cash and x0 monthly delivery free wll buy theso pianos writo for hat of bargains mason risch ltd factory branch quelph termination of lease h w hinton watehnwker w acton ont wo aro having a apodal bar gain solo during the month of may on account of tho leasb of tho promises terminating juno 15 all goods must be sold to re duce stack for removal to other premises jowellcry watches clocks china glass stationery school supplies wallpaper window shades toys records hymn books bibles and prayer booka preabyterlanr mothoai8t7bapu8t and anglican brushes razors combs maclilnb 0117 noodles etc all bargains special piscount 212 class trot or pace 218 class trot or pace 1- v 25 class trot or pace purtos divided 6025 15 10 per cent i horses ollerlble may 1st- fivo per cent to enter and ave per oont additional for money winners fivo to enter and four to start in every event trotters allowed c seconds in each event best three in ave racp ondb at tho firth heat tho right is roserved by the driving club to chango tho order of tho programme or to declare off any event not filling satisfactory or for any other cause entries positively close may 28lh the dominion harnoss horse association rule to qpvotn s ttaissipifc56cgrand3lanri 25c children 25cand war tax aut08free o wilder prcsldont john speers secretary jg fl82 brampton artists miss nina gale soprano who spent a considerable tune studying and singing in england and italy has a voloe of exceeding sweetness which gives her a high- place among our native musicians early last friday morning constable barnes arrested tllreo youths whom he caught stealing milk from doorsteps they were all riding bicycles two of which were believed to have been stolen they gave their names as fred paraolv alex blair and reginald jackson all of king edward avenue toronto lotor in tho day they wcro handed over to tho toronto police at a meeting of the band committee held in tbo council chambers last fri day wenlng preliminary- steps- were nkeh towards reorganlsing the oak ville concert band it was agreed that the first necessary procedure would bo lo wipe out the deficit iert by the old band which amounted to some 1700 tbo council will be askod to assume this record acton horticultural notice to members in order to avoid if possible the danger pf further late frosts jhasbcenuoswad topostpomj tho dollvory of plants unfft sat urday moy 30 1925 ffrenk scrivsn president e t thtford seoretary soft ball league masons orcliostrn with bajo bud of guelph will play at the ten- ni club dance on friday majj uqo soft ball is going along in fine style in acton many interesting gamps have been played and many more are on the schedule the leaguo is being well patronised apd all tho players havo entered enthusiastically into tho various ghmos- the following is the standing or the leaguo to date won town acton tanning- v hewotson married monj beardmoro ft co 2 1 i 1 0 loit 0 i- 150000 lbs wool wanted r r barbour riillabure will be at the canadian na tional railway station acton on june4 h 18 to buy wool for the guelph worsted and spinning co highest market prices paid rtmefs market your wool direct to fj0 rnils heros m soda araument that never will be beaten pure ffiiitsyrups ands solutely clean glasses the candy witoh candy witch you said somsthlng little girl that pleases folk- tp thn truth about tills eendy shop and our fqunlnln is bound to win friends our candy makes good be vcuseiemadofloot saturday treat apple blossoms hcisrsb apple blos soms in vanilla jund straw berry flavor its 40 jib saturday- treat 2c fb weekend chocolates 32c lb always frcah nnd always a irood assortment try q pound oi two ilesv- boc and 60c lip turday spednl 32c lb milk hoate velvets v a limited hunpiy to ho at this price copno eary boer 60c and 60c lb special 39c tt 20c i n ice cream drop in and enjoy an ice cold soda or a banana split y py special at tention to evy tttttfr o tain at all times ractoraiid power farming at the farm of n h lindsay acton crossroad on j at 1 pm the ford motor co invites all the farmersofthis district to attend and see what a fordsoh tractor will do moving picture exhibition will be given in the town hfl acton the sapje evening at 8 p m free evi3rybody rnvtted fiaopxe authoreze ford dealer we invite the danceloving pfiblic of acton and the surrounding country to the opening of our new dance pavilion at hutton ville park friday jeypjiing jvfay mnfl may daj specials at mclean co ginghams greift demand for ginghams anderson ginghams wide widths at 35c gingham special300 yards of check gingham fast colors wide width a good range of patterns special at oc per yard 1 iic conqoleum rugs now fsthe time to buy that congoleum rug for delivery may 20 special price a full range of samples topick from drop in and look them over and get prices corsets we stock d a and cc la grace two of the best makes r corset special 50 pair of our 125 corset have been put aside for this special sizes are 20 to 26 good value af at the- regular- price 125 special at 79c mens underwear do youvant size 40 4 or 44 under- wear we have a lot in these sizes summer weight tf aa regular 150 special to clear at jiuu flannelette blankets 50 pair in white and rfjl t gray large size to clear at per pair v watch window for specials this week in grocery department mclean co mill street acton ont store closes wednesday at 1250 cool kitchen in summer heat klffht now ia the time to lnatal that new oil stove and have com fort with summer cooking cheaper to burn than electricity and fully an efficient purchased for a third the price safo con venient and economical the florence automatic oil stovej sewindowdlflpla3rfor prices we also handle the new colo- man gasoline attachment for your old oil stove come in and ask about it phone 76 w d talbot main street acton miv h g mefrrof georgetown arri8tei announces the opening of a granch office at tfie vuage of acton 0ntariq over the bank- of novo scotia for the generjiljactice j jjwj the office- wllrerperbverydbyrejcepf and algo on friday ovenings- for special appointments phono georje- town no 237 t the services of a lawyer are required for litigation in all the courts arid for x conveyancing preparing wills sales of property coujextttng accounts arranging loans leasings adftllnistration of estates agreements fruleed fgr all sorts pf business gealingjf speciaor thisfteel the windermere society orchestra of toronto comprised of violin saxaphone banjo trumpet drums and piano will supply the music this orchestra is well- jfnow anrj highly appreciated by radio fans and we believe yob will bjoy tjiir ance mbsic we think you will fall in love with our new pavilion- fcome and see dancing 9 to 1 admission gehtiepicn w00 includjiip tax free parking spacegood radial service shortening 3 b pajls of shortjj r enfrig tdc v i lb jbrick of short- j ening ifc 3 lbpaiis of lard eacji tci round shoulder per j j lb ic 5c ibpails of tard 20c 1 b bricks of lard each beef cuts choice rib roast per 1b 20c thick rib roast per ia fb vioc thick shoulder per c stewing beef 10ctol2 lb st per lb steak roast at per ol jbjiljkzic rump v roat round aa end per lb mc rump- roast square in end per jb ioc homemade sausage try some homemade oc sausage 2 lbs for jdc watch gur windows friday and saturday for specials rrrfc w j patterson corner mil and main sheets acfqn 0w- ii iis mi va 3ssr j

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