Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1925, p. 1

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ifiu ttom jrttt wtt fiftieth year no 48 thursday morning may 28 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning may 28 1925 single copies five cents the methodist chukch acton rev j03ephus culp pastor paraonajo willow 8t 10 rt a m sunday school 1100 a m tlio minister subject mending nets 7 00 p m tlio minister subject what must i ilo to be lost presbyterian knox church acton mmistor rov a c uewart m a mdnso willow street 10 00 a m sunday school 10 00 a m rible claaa acts 0 vcrsea 3j43 11 00 a- m the minister bubjoct perfect through snfterlnb 700 p m the minister subject christ or tho world strangers leaving nddresa with the ushers will be called ubn by tho pastor special notices advertisement in this column a centa per word minimum charge 30c per insertion card of thanks mrs ii campbell and children sin cerely thank everyone who extended expressions of sympathy and helped wth pinqtital kindness during their recent bereavement house for sale house rooms and bath bungalow stylo all conveniences rood lot soft and hard water to wind up estate of lato mrs r campbell it j keiuvreal estateagent phone 36 acton quilt patches for sale spring clearance sale cloth and fancy cottons mixed 5 pounds 150 silks and velvets 6 pounds 300 rag mat strips 5 pounds 125 best as sortment postage paid send stamps or money order teller co 142 king st west toronto card of thanks tho undersigned desire to convey to the neighbors and friends their sin cere thanks and appreciation for their kindly acta and words of sympathy during theprolonged illness and tho death of our dear mother these klntt- ncsses will ever bo romembcrcd mr and mrs prank kennedy george waterhoxjse belleville t s waterhoxjse whitby notice to creditors of the estate of lily rachel campbell deceased tho creditors of lily rachel camp bell late of the village of acton in tho county of halton widow who died on tho twentyeighth day of april 1925 and all persons having claims against her estate are required on of before tho twentyninth day of juno 1925 to send by post prepaid or other wise deliver to the undersigned solici tor their full names addresses and descriptions and full particulars of their claims on and after the said twentyninth day of june the administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of tho said estuto among tho parties entitled thereto and she hereby gives notice that she will not bo responsible there after fori any claim or claims of which iiliu ahrcir not tifivo received notice dated this twentyeighth day 0 may a- d1026 mary ann fisher administratrix h n farmer acton ontario hcr solicitor 483 tbaby chicks and ducklings place your order now fof baby j hicks and ducklings from our qrious niagara strains hogan test ed high flock average egg produclnjt- parcntage back of them bast util ity varieties 100 livo arrival guaranteed l j stewart r r 1 grimsby ont used tractors for sale cheap wo are overstocked with steam and oil tractors- of noarly all sizes and makes and must unload at onco regardless of price 1 waterloo steam tractor high- pressure boiler only threshed in twelve barns like new can save you 100000 1 rumloy oh pull tractor 10x30 runs like now can save you 750 a real engine a a real price sold with a guarantee other engines from 20000 ud special terms write today top particulars hannabros distributors for rumoly oil pull tractors 9098 macdonnoll street quelph phone 1129 j 6 t wonderland friday may 29 the alaskan s by j oliver cu woort starring tom mokghan comedy wild qooso chasers f with hen turpln felix tho cat cartoon saturday may 30 the man who came back a notable hook a great stage success and a screen triumph starring dorothy mackarl and george obrien comedy poor butterfly fox news cai toon ant tuesday june 2 circe the enchantress starring mao murray chap ter 4 of into the net com edy- raisin cain coming the sainted devil with rudolph valentino r l gregory son summer is coming ips lovely clothes are already here there is something magicat abviit the new season coming that makes the world want to skip to a bumblebees orchestra and dance m new clothes that are light and lovely a woufdnt you like to live in summertime forever with fr6cks colored like blossoms on an orchard tree and large hats to shade your eyes in the prettiest manner filmy hose in the daintiest tints and rougish sports togs for times when you want to play- do the next best thing then and choose generously t now of these beautiful summertime clothes so that you may get the most out of the season selections large and values large always at guelphs leading and largest store i french dresses of linen all made by hand 850 to 12 cool voile frocks 775 to 12 fu sil dre in spoxts stripes and solid colors 1200 to 1475 broadcloth dresses in smart stripes and solid colors 450 to 10 printed suk frocks flay ing a leading role 1978 to 25 billie burke dresses well- known for their smartness of style for street and porch wear in cotton foulards novelty ginghams willow suitings and broadcloths 5 to 10 knitted dresses ideal for strenuous games and suitable for all occasions 975 to 1500 knitted suits so practical because either coat or skirt may be worn separately 975 tp 1500 knitted sweaters many smart kinds from the little wool pullover with the cricket neckline to lovely little silk coats of velchenillejwith sleeves at 775 and without at 625 silk hose in all the newest shades- to 325 summer millinery both chic little sports styles and large dress hats in a display of rare charm and loveliness coats for all summer every one reduced in price even the nifty tailored prince of wales coats are among the markdowns these for instance have been regular 1875 to 3900 now 1275 to 250 ensemble suits useful all season long every one mark ed down in price regular 2975 to 57roonow 2200 to 3975 de macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store a memorable conference last session of hamilton confer ence at guelph of outstanding interest canadian history and biography emphasized on empire day by acton public and high schools wjbekjznd specials something differentcandy almonds 40c lb weekend special reg 32c metcalfes assorted chocolates there is a wide variety of fla w jirextra jieavychocolatecqrting weekend special price assorted chocolates reg 40c and 50c lb weekend special we have a new line of fruit drops 49cr 32c ice cream we have a full line of icecream in bulk and bricks have you tried a dairymaid brick they are delicious mill street acton h wiles the thirtyfirst and last session of hamilton conference of the methodist church held in grielph during the week had numerous features of special interest tho attendance of both min isters and lay delegates was unusually large with the xixceptionof tho sorvlcoff of the opening day and on sunday the sessions of tho conference were hed in the flno memorial hall of tho on tario agricultural college this feature wan in itself unique and as the dolu- tfutes were accommodated ut the col lege wtlr meals and lodging tho ar- i angement was convenient the thoughtful kindness of principal reynolds arid the college authorities in proffering this accommodation wn greatly appreciated tho proceedings of the opening day set a high standard for this last an nual gathering of this important couct of christ tho conference opened with rev charles d drapci7oriagarufaiis in the presidential chair and tho first feutuie of the afternoon was an in spiring sermon by rev j r p sclater d d minister of old st andrews presbyterian church toronto which had n wealth of suggestion and counsel for successful christian living and ser vice dr sclatcr welcomed very sin cerely the comingt4inion which would result in the united church of canada ard wasstrongly convinced that it- would mean wider opportunities and more effective extension of the king dom of god on earth tho greatest demand upon us at the present time is a rcdcdlcatlon of oursolves to impress ourselves with the fact that the spirit ual la the real we will go forward to and that clty there is- a city right enough our dreams will come true coot is determined on perfection and he will not bo satisfied until that come to pass wo are concerned for canada there are divisions among us but be not afraid god will be proud of ua if we will dedicate ourselves afresh to tho task the sacrament of the lords supper which followod was u most impress i vo and memorable service and many were the quiet reconsecratlons of life and service time and talent during this sacred hour at the laymens banquet tho social event of the conference which was held between afternoon and evening sessions of tho first day rev dr sclater was again the speaker his theme tho church is dead long live tho church was well delivered no matter how splendid the future may be you will always regard this con fore nee as the end of an old song said dr sclater it is obvious he continued that each church will re tain its indentlty after june 10 its constitutional continuity ensures that and i urn sure that after that date i will be a presbyterian with tho added advantage that i will be a methodist also he contended that there novor could be in this world a union in which churches would lose thm selves and their identity his subject he said was a slogan adopted by scottish students regarding the church although they crlticizo the church ho continued they are in favor of it as is evidenced b t obvious purposeful la at lino of uj slogan feq friday saturday bargains footwear better than you can get in toronto at the prices mens canva oxfords mens canvas ojcfords leather sole and heel leather toe cap and strap across the vamp sale 195 same in boys boots sale 195 oxfords for men and boys oxfords for men and boys uoodyear welts at 450 495 to 600 a pair n womens slippers woptens strap calf slippers at 250 low heel brown alt sizes pomps and oxfords highgrade pomps and oxfords at a dollar less than regular prices 650 for 485 500 for 395 and 375 for 275 misses and childs sandals t misses and childs sandals patent leather- 125 150 and 175 elk same prices come on in the proof of the boot is in the wearing harry harrisonjhe shoe man we close vedhesfjay afternoons all fie year round with the exception of decejnjber the vnluo of emplro day as a means for reviewing and inprcsslng sallerit features relative to the history of can ada the accomplishments of her ex plorers statesmen historians and edu cations and her importantrplaco in the crownof the empire was amply mani acs tod inaclonlast friday ttfternoon the pupils of the school and the students of tlio high school with their principles and teachers assembled u the town hall and with a few mem bers off the trustee board and friends filled the hall to capacity an excellent programmoof patriotic songs and choruses historic delinea tions of the work of the discoverers and exploi crs of canada biographical sketches and addresses were given by members of tho various classes tha whole being very impressive and giving an intelligent and creditable review of canada and her connection with th empire mr hp mooie editor of tlio iubb pokss who related that he had en joyed the pilvillge of over sixty years of intimate connection with the acton schools gave an address on canada s place in the empire as demonstrated at the wembley exhibition he showed can ruins important place in rotation to the motherland her con tribution front her vnst resources and her attractions for the settlement here of de citizens from tho o the importance of canadas news of local import monthly meetino of io d e tho regular meeting of the duke of devonshire chapter of the i o d d will bo held at tho home of mrs dr j m bell on tuesday evening june 3rd at 8 oclock all members aro re quested to be present long live the church speaking of union he stated that tho energies of tho church were damped down by division the re sources ho said were split up and were ndt therefore as effective as they might ikc the church is thus also suffering fiom a lack of theology when they get that restored a new energy wjll he lnj dr bciatercouldjvpj imagine a greater contribution that tho united church could give tho world than that union would provide a flow move in theology and make it a living thing then therell come a hew vigor into tho church the church ho contended must keep ls roots in the past and a rigid fundamentalism must be sought and a belief in an evergrowing church it is a goad thing he concluded tha methodists antf presbyterians will now work for tho good of canada and for tho glorification of god in unison to gether over 400 sat down at tho banquet tables mr ruasci troleavcn of ham ilton president of tho lay delegates association presided a programme of splendid music was rendered by prof blackwood and norfolk street church quartette rev p h harvey b a of water jog fas elected president of the con ference to succeed rov h s dougall of oakvllle who is transferred to oshawa and rov wray ldavidaon b a of port dover formerly of georgetown was elected secretary to of hamilton the new pastor of tho methodist church acton mr j j prltchard harriaton wab elected president of the lay delegates association wltfi mr c r bllger dunnvllle vicepresident and tho en ergetic npd experienced secretary- treasurer mr a scruton brantford an outstanding feature of the con ference was the devotional services euch day conducted by rev edwin h hughes d d chicago bishop of tho methodist episcopal church and one of tho most prominent divines in the united states bishop hughes is a brilliant and emphatic speaker and his discourses wero to the point and most inspiring the memorial is always an effecting one it was in charge j rev w h harvey president the list of min isters who passed away during tho past year in whose memory tt waa held weifl beit uiirry t livii hamilton for fourteen years in charge of barton street church rev ed t taylor toronto rev ephrlam l clement gait rev d w snyder kitchener rev george a king bur lington a native of guelph and rev john w sanderson wnlkcrton father of principal sanderson of dakvlue the members ol tho ordination class who were received into full connection and ordained as ministers on sunday morning were francis ell vlpond b a lou in vincent smith u a d- a- macmlllan allan lloyd thompson and oliver bailey strapp bishop hughes advice to those young men was to keep in sympathy with hts young peoplo and to place x thentselye in the position of n mediator betwee tbv currowtand the passing georation who aie not always tolerant of ono another rov dr graham torofltq secretary qfthp educating reparfmftn in ft very brief nddrpss stated hat that depart mpnt at a very mndost estimate woujd take assflu amounting to 10000000 into the- united church a splendid dowry rev- imnk langfard of the re ligious lmjicnuon department spoke briefly on the subject of religious edu cation which he said was actively in tegral to the life of tha whol church country place at the great empire exhibition at wembley in which her resources and general attractiveness were so well presented was referred to ut some length the extent and value and representative character of the pro ducts of the various countries on ex hlbit wero ulso spoken of- in con cluding mr moore showed that every reason to bo proud of their country and appealed to them to contlnuo their loyalty und their attainment of know ledge as to her history and progress the splendid programme of the afternoon was skilfully superintended by miss minnie z bennett principal of tho public school and the sones and choruses were given under the trader ship of mrs minnie r moore the musical directress of tho school i was given as follows opening address why empire day is observed miss m z bennett chorus tho maple leaf recitation margaret arnold chorus oh can ada address mr h p moore speecheajil alexander mackonxle by annie dunn captain cook by erwin wilson srobert cllve by mae edmonds david livinguton-by-clar- ence henderson sir john a mac donald by joe hurst cecil rhodes by ncoma noble addresses on schools in new zealand by merle stewart schools in india by neville harrop schools in england by cjara savage chorus three little sisters reading recessional meryl grtfndeu reading canadian born heleri oetrander meaning of tho colors of our flag harvoy hassard gordon cook george tyler duott olive cooper helen mcdonald chorus rulo britannia god save the king keep i m party on june 11 tea and sale of bakina tho womens auxiliary of st albans church will hold a sao of work and home mado baking in jbo parish hall on saturday afternoon may 3q al3 oclock tea will bo sorved seo our rummage counter for bargains everybody welcome the battle of zeebruggo mr gregory or wonderland deserves much cpfllt for the class of films lie brings to wonderland tho great picture of zeebruggo shown on tues day night was greeted by large audi ences this film was viewed in the regent cinema london by the king and queen in december acton studonts success the results of the examinations at file royal dental college tpronto published yesterday show that elmer henderson graduated and will receive the title of l d s of the province of ontario and the degree of doctor af dental surgery of the university of toronto mr j c lindsay passed his second year examinations mtionic lodge of instruction a large number of the members of walker lodge a p am n6 331 attended the masonic lodge of in- etructlon ut guelph last wednesday it was held under d d g m bro c r penfold of wellington district and was highly interesting to the members of the craft who attended rt wor bro john c rowland d q m and rt wor brojohn s martin delivered fine addresses at the banquet which followed the lodgo mooting i inspector guthrie awarded purse of gold tribute to the toronto police depart ment and signal honor to inspector george guthrie chief of detectives of toronto and a former georgetown boy was v paid at tho congress of worlds chiefs of police in new york last week when inspector guthrio was awarded second prize and 300 in gold by a com mittee of judges from al parts of the world for his paper on j3xtrndition the fluoa piucss has pleasure in offer ing congratulations visitors o conference session an unusual interest wastakenb acton methodists in the proceed ings of hamilton conference in ses sion at guelph during tho past week among those present for one or moro sessions were rev and mrs j culp mr and mrs r j jcerr and mr ostrander mr and mrs a t- brown mr and mrs h p moore mr w j aklns misses clara e moore bertie speight fern brown ruth nelson mrs annlo johnston miss belie stephenson and miss lottie e speight ford tractor demonstration dr h a coxe the local popd dealer has arranged a very intei csting ex hibition of power farming at the farm of mr n f lindsay on the acton crossroad f omnrrow friday he urged that this work bo carried on into the united church in order that the young people might be brought up in tho nurture und guidance of tho lord rev t albert moore d d head of thejracpftrimentofiajigfillamniid social service- in a characteristic ad dress scored tho government tot hav ing passed legislation providing- for the sale of 44 beer and urged that the conference take btcps to combat the evil he declared a majority of 33015 electors had voted in favor of the retention of the prohibitory jaw a majority larger than any govern ment of the province of ontario had had for nearly twenty years yet not withstanding this they had strength ened the o t a by giving the people stronger beer we hnve serious work ahead said dr moore and should inaugurate a pledge campaign for total abstinence in schools and congregations wo ought to make tho study of the liquor question complusory in tho public schools and colleglates and organlxo as strongly as possible so that qn tho day the parties nominate their candi dates we can boo that the right khjd of men are nominated for tho suffrage of the people in a characteristic address tho general superintendent rev d r tt i g r owstaudlhatrwaswith min- tmccoettnev h e zimmerman a itomnga of sadness and joy that he had come to the conference sad ness in that it was tho inst time it would meet and joy over the fact that union was about to be consum mated it had he said been 23 years since delegates from the general assembly first broached the subject of union with tho methodist body we jdayod the same oifery inch of tho way lie declared and mtvo never dono or said anything detrimental to the movement wo served our country according to the will of god continuing dr chown stated thai the opponents of union had so man oeuvred na to drive from the minds of som people the knowledgo that th assembly hnd ever acted in tho matter he was glad to know that from tho beginning the methodist church hud carried in its heart a committal for inumritiat in all his traveis jomjoho e ntfa the country to tho otlrorne7laotfi found a single church that proposed to take a vote to boo if it would remain in the united church or not the final draft of stations makes the following appointments in which our local readers aro especially in- teiested acton rev r e zimmer man b a j culp superannuated fergus hey r h e large b a bd slora rev murquls e sexhmlth nqs- nogaweyu rov a flnnls marsh bxl erin rev edward r hall il a ml- ton rev- n argylfl llurlbu oakvtlq rev j ilmes h mcrajn b a iturjinff- ton rey b vl llqn b a bd refc faoorge w barker guos from st catharines tq college street torqnta ev wray l da virifton b a- former ly of cfoorgotown n now stationed at simcoe rey j a duts or rook woqd goes to port rowan rev j a evan moved to south cayuga rev r k zimmerman the new pas tar appointed to aoton in evidently popular in conference he wan elect- od to tako tho place of rev g w barker who is rfinvoving to toronto on the genevu board of missions an j was also elected a reserve delegate to general conference mr ztmmorman was secretary of hamilton conference lat year more pumping capacity required for waterworks system at spring owink to increased demand for water the oddfellows annual sermon at the regular session of tho council on tuesday evening all the councillors wero present and the recvo in the chair tho finance committee presented their oloventh report and recommends ed payment pf the following accounts general account refundknox ladles aid 8 00 refund womens institute 4 00 acton free press advertising 9 20 c w kelly tuning piano 6 50 r j wallace teaming g 30 34 00 waterworks account acton tanning co chlorln- atlon system 2 8 r j wallace teaming s 37 45 afternoon at one oclock in the evon lng a free moving picture of this in teresting work will bo given in tho town hall at eight oclock and an ad dress by mr wallace murdock b s a tho advertisement in another column gives full details of the events which should prove most interesting and in structive o thefarmers of ho com munity the- way of the transgressor etc a dispatch from guelph says aftr three days of freedom from ontario reformatory william swnnaon of guelph goes back to that institution today for a six or nine months term as the result of havlng celebrated his release from tho local provincial in stitute by the purchase of two bottles of liquor and the consequent accumu lation of a mighty jag he wan arrested by llcenso inspector grant with the two booties of liquor in his pockets this morning in the polce court pleading guilty to having liquor in n place other than a private dwel ling magistrate watt fined him 2000 and in addition six months at the farm and another three months in de fault of payment swnnson is evi dently in the swlll for pigs enter prise between acton kitchonor and guelph ho is kept in duranco vllo with a fair degree of succession was an officer like himself an incident of a somewhat amusing character occurred ojitho highway bo- twccrracton a nil guelph ono day last week the highway officer whose duty it is to detect speeders and other violators of tho highway traffic act was patrolling the road when a fine chrysler car came along at a trifle over the 25 milo line he challenged the driver requested hlsi nam and address und was about to add a word of caution when tho driver revealed his indentlty as provincial constable atkins for halton of cbursc tho traffic officer apologized but constable atkins complimonted him upon his nlertness and punctilious attention to the duties ho was sworn to perform some other drivers have not been able to present credentials giving them tho right of way over the highway und official blue papers inviting them to court have been the result happily wadded at rlversdala farm rlversdale farm tho home of mr and mrs wlllam mccullough neat acton was the scene of a pretty wod- dwtihon wednesday may 20th whon tfieir daughter edna mabel was united in marriage to mr john clayton wil son son of mr and mrs william wilson ashgrovo at four oclock o the strains of lohengrins wedding march played by miss gindya mc cullough tho bido eqtcred escorted by her father and was paettlly utlred in white geqigctic with yell of suk net nnd oingo hlosonrs sho woie the graopvfi gift a gold wrist watcn and parried u shpwex boquot of pink rasas ftnd luy ofthe valley the bridesmaid wa miss ethel twinstate of ho bride who wore a white georgette dress and carried sweet pens little anplo mcculluugh acted as the fiowcp girl and ring bearer carrying u brisket of pink sweet t peas mr frank wilson brother of the groom acted as groomsman rev a c stewart m a of cton conducted thp ceremony following tho ceremony the wedding luncheon was served to about fifty friends and relatives who witnessed the ceremonyr nfterwhlch mr und mrs wilson left amid showers of good wishes and confetti on a motir trip to niagara and aylmer thebcide wearing an enaomblo spit of bjluo gn- bardlno with sand hat on thtflr to- turaihy will reside at ashgrove 2183 31 the report wan adopted council then went into couxt of re vision on tho assessment roll mr a o t beartmoro on be half of bcardmore co registered compalnt oh the assessment that had been raised on the cottages on beard- more crescent from 500 to 700 other properties owned by the company had also been raised mr beard more point ed out that their properties were as sessed proportionately higher than most properties in town thto council agreed to view the houses in question and report to mr beardmore mr h s holmes requester can cellation of the business tax on the ryder mowat building as there had been no business thero this year this appeal was granted court of revision adjourned to meet tho following day mr merrywcather came to tho council in compliance with tho build ing bylaw to secure assent to the erection ot a dwelling qn victoria avenue mr beardmore also submitted speci fications and details relative to their proposed sptilnkler system in their factories in acton ho objected to metres being installed as they were liable to jam he said and impair lie system the reeve maintained that when water wont outside of the town they must se metres according to the statutes a motion covering this was made but tho reeve ruled it out of order saying he did not think it legal mr mason asked the reeve to read tho motion and then give his opinion movedbyrvtmasonseeondedbyb thotford that the agreement between the corporation of acton and beard more co in respect to tfic connec tion on main street and buelph street be accepted and signed by the reeve and clerk water to be supplied at the two connections ut a flat rate of one dollar a year subject to the approval of the director of municipal affairs carried mr jas chalmeis on behalf of hie acton citizens band requested that the council furnish lights for their concerts which hey proposed to hold on tho sundcrlandhouse grounds he also requested that proper police pro tection be given the grounds and build ings during these concerts he further asked that the council consider tho same giunt lu thobtiidtortiiadetwo years ago of 250 chief mcpherson thought that park ing must not be allowed on mill street opposite this property during oiecon- certs moved by e thetford seconded by vh holmes that a grant of two hun dred dollars 200 be made to tho acton citizens band carried the matter of tho pump at tho waterworks oaring came- up mrr mason objected that nothing was rep corded in tho minutes relative to the purchase of this proposod new pump aiduic assent of tho council had not beeir given to his knowledgo ho believed from what he knew already that the purchasoof this equipment could bo left over for another year us u considerable amount had already been spent on waterworks pumps ho considered that a deal of this slie should have been recorded as approved and passed by tho council tho other members of the counoll when interro gated had no recollection of tho pur chase of a pump being settled upon lu a definite way ln rogujar council meet ing the reeve said he thought the coun cil had been agreeablo to this pio- posltlon and was sorry it jiad gone so far und if thought best could be laid over to investigate conditions superintendent rcld when asked his opinion stated that the capacity of the present pump was at its limit and the number of services that have been added would overtax the supply of water pumped during the summer months tenders for the pump were received from tho canadian alliarchalmera co john inglls co and goldlc-me- culluugh co tho coun6ll decided to investigate conditions at tho pump house and the capacity of present equipment before anything definite was done applications for tho position of night watchman for the town from eugene sullivan ed ward mcdowell j p worden j w precious nelson lambert bert mosaics charles mc- mann wero received moved by e thetford seconded by l e atkinson that tho application of j w picclous for tho position of night watchman at a salary cjf 2000 per week be accepted office to bo held at the pleasure of the council carried a communication from mr v b rumley complaining of the high fee for cigarette licenses was received no action was taken at the adjourned session ox the council wednesday marimr when tho cornell vlowed the nausea of beard- moro cft the asaoskoient was re duced tq 5q0 and the assessment roll confirmed with tho necessary correc tions r it wus moved by l e atkinson seconded hy a mason that tho clerft order flvo tons of calcium chlorido fob acton prlcei 4470 carried thin matorlal is for use in allaying the duet on the business streets the graves of deceased brethren in foirview cemetery decorated only- one 44 beer place in milton lnndloi d kennedy of the com mercial hotel is having a room pre pared in nccoi dance with tho regula tions for the sale of 44 beer and will open it as soon us ho receives his permit which he has applied for in milton foi tho present at least the beer will bo sold in tho commercial only tho milton inn will not handle it nor will any shop if the beer is not intoxicating as claimed by the government and commonly be loved tho legulufions are unnecessary they aie lesentcd by tno antlprohlbltlonlsts as much us the sulo of tho boor is by tho drys and tho government u in for trouble from both sides milton champloifc tho brethren of the three llnuu belonging to acton lodge no 204 held their decoration ceremonies and church parade on sunday headed by acton citizens band they marched from their lodge room to fairvlow cemetery atthreooclock in thejiftcr- noon with impresslvo ceremonies tho graves- of tho following brethren wero decorated with flags and flowers bros gcorgo stat hum sydney gun- ton j hansen r garvin a mctav- ish j livingstone w jaaies el wor den r crane t sheppard r ben nett james mclam r creech- ii johnston j speight r e nelson d keith r sommervllle aiv brown e in tho evening the brethren paradod to tho methodist church again beings led by tho band tho service was conducted by rov bro j culp and tho oddfellows sup plied a mens choir rev earl w brearley ma of dereham also a member of tho odd fellows order preached an ablo and eloquent sermon from prov 8 36 but he that sinneth against mo wrongeth his own soul tho virtues of friend ship love and truth the fundamental motto of the order were forcefully emphasized some folks appear to have decided that sin is not a very serious thing but the word ofgod says tho soul that slnnetht it shall die josrus himself accepted the universality of sin he said letihlm that is without sin cast the first stone all have sinned and como short of the glory of god it is cowardly to put the re sponsibility for our sins on herldlty our sins originate with us i am re sponsible for the sins i commit tntf- fact that we have each to face is that ray sin originates with me praise he k to god that jeans never disousscd sin without showing thero is always forgiveness for alp whon wo con- mlt sin we aro always doing harm t others sin is suicide suicide is al ways cowardly there is no heroism in it we sin nationally as well as individually righteousness exalteth a nation he that slnneth among his family as well as wronging his own self wero it not for tho lov arid power of christ we would go to cor ruption the precious things of life are friendship iovo and truth ho that cometh to god for forgiveness secures wo admire those t would rather die than soil thelr lives the spirit of god is working in young peoples hearts all may- cometo god for that gracious forgiveness ho is so willing to bestow there were about eighty odd follows prosent at the service bro nell mc donald of hastings song a solo very acceptably guelph presbyterial meeting interesting sessions at duffs church puslinch on tuesday the womens missionary societies of the various congregations in guelph presbyterial had their annual rally in duffs church pusllnch on tuesday with morning and afternoon sessions the sessions were in chargo of mrs mckerracher of waterloo president words of welcome were spoken by rev stuait woods of duffs church the morning session was entirely taken up with routine work and reports from the different branches of tho womens missionary societies young womens auxiliaries and mission bands wera read the afternoon session commencing at- 130 oclockrwas of more general in- terest and included addresses fro two missionaries rev mr anderson who is homo on furlough from india gave an interesting review of his work in that faroff country rov colin young also spoke of his work in tho great northwest there was a large attendance at both sessions several hundred being pres ent a picnic lunch was served dur ing tho noon hour among tho ladies attending from knox church acton were mrs w johnstone mrs a c stewart mrs a knnnawin mrs james dobbie mrs d folster mrs j barr mrs h s wilson mrs j mc dougall mrs o murray mrs a mctavish mrs s- husbund mrs william thompson mrs a macdonald mrs bracken mrs j r anderson and mrs thomas near ladies softball team wins at erin defeated elora and orangevilla and won the tournament prize the aoton ladles softball team got away to a good start on their 1925 season which promises to bo tho best tho club has had yet on monday when they cleaned up everything at erin thoy hail everything their own way beating elorp in tho first gamo by a scoro of 220 and orangeylllo was also an easy victim taking a 274 count manager mcdonald had the team working fine und they ran wild on the bases on tho days play acton haj 6 homo runs and a good assortment of extra baso hits acton had 6 errors to their opponents 13 whllo they stole 3 moro bases in tho games miss mary chalmers pitched both games for a ho did not give any free passes and struck out 10 of her opponents tho acton ladies scored runs in every innings of both games and fielded well especially in the pinches they expect a homo game in the near future the choral festival at burlington m in tha surphced hoir 10 of whom wera from acton tho choral festival of tho deanery of hnlton held in st lukes church binlihgton on ascension day last thursday was a very interesting and successful service thero wero six clorgymon present ninetyfour membors of choirs in the diocese ten of whom were from acton rov h a 1 baugh b d of acton sang tho service rov p mayes of georgetown offered prayers for the utate rev c e rlloyj ma of oakvllle and rev w a flier of pulermo readvtho lessons rov canon broughull mia of st cathcxlnos proa died tho sermon and rov rural dean of burlington pronounced tho boned ictlon tho sermon was filled with solemn thoughts of tho serious duties of a choir in reading tho worship of al mighty god tho servico throughout was a jvcry inspiring dno tho sight of neighbors going pastj carrying tennis racquets fills ono with- sadness when it is remembtred that the httme garden u not yet all plantedk

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