Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1925, p. 2

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i ije arhmjte tyxtaa thujisbat may 28 103 the welcome man r tliorca a man in tho world who la never turned down whorovor ho cliancoa to stray hb gets tho sld ind in tho populous town or out wlicro tlve farmera muico nay hoa erected wlttv plconuro on deserts of hand and dcop in tho jfilea of tno woods wherovcr hosooa thoros a wowomlnff hunti hofl tho man who delivers tho goodb tho failures of llfo olt around ond complain tho rods havent treated them white theyve lost their umbrellas whenever thoros rain c and they havent their lanterns at night hon tiro of failures who oil with their sigha tho nr of tkolr own neighborhoods- th a man w la g with -man- lovoughted eyes hes tho man who delivers tho goods one follow lslaxy and watchea tho clocltj and waits for the whlstlo to blow and one has a hammer with which he will knocjt and- ono tolls a tale of woe and ono if requested to travel a mile will- measure the fetches and rofla j3ut tho ono does his stunt with it whlstlo and umllo hes tho man who delivers the goods wilting is desirable before ensiling legumes v ml m hi u 1 ilvlvlmt mt ijr 3ftm tyttm ljiirt jtonj house for sale bv aijce louisb una 05 r and mrs billy kcenan sat in tho living room of their llttlo house on stuyvosant place aomotlroos known as xyiendly street billy mrs billy exclaimed from bohlnd the washington evonlns paper listen to this house for sale six rooms and bath laundry in basement apply to j h hamlin so stuyvcsant place she emerged from tho folds of tho paper why should thoy want icjtboii their hooso just when theyvo decided to adopt mr hamlins little nephew jsdwtar riftoon minutes later billy amended his last remark vigorously cats and hogs talk about a nolso i wish thi glass case were hero and ho naid it whow the nolso oame from number 60 and caused the inhabitants of tho htmc atreot to hold their breaths finally mrs hone and mrs carter hastcnod down to tho billy iccennna isnt that rackot awful said the mother of tho riotous carter jive i can ondure any amount of happy noise but itmakes me wild to hear a chtia cry hko that of course neither ofttho hnmlins luiowanythinffaboutoarlnff for such a i- silage from tho legnme crops or mixtures of legumob and cereals ap pears to be a much mors dealrablo quality if theuo crops aro wilted for aovoral hours before ensilinff thai wilting of alfalfa in particular seems to bo essential if good silage is to be made alfalfa sweet clover and a mixture of oats peas and vetchea were stored at tho central exporlmenjax farm at ot tawa in small wooden alios during the summer of 1921 each silo was feat hlth three feet in diameter and held approximately half a ton the various trials with theso crops which occupied 21 silos lncludid cuttings at different stages of maturity ensiling before and after wilting sad storing for periods of three six andnlno months the silos were opened during tho winter of 102425 and the silage was in every respect comparablo to that which ie produced in largo farm 8llos tho result ot ono years work though not conclusive indicated that the stage of maturity and the amount of mois ture in theso crops at the time of ensiling have an important bearing on the silage produced the reduction of the original moisture content of tho crops by wilting ebowlnj tho greatest benefit there seems to be a greater likeli hood of securing d7 dealrablo silage from full bloom alfalfa than from this crop put at an earlier stage of ma turity there l an advantage in cut ting sweet olover when the flower buas aro well formed tfttt before the crop blooms because there la a greater prob ability of seguing a second eutthag if the crop kirjiowedaljthls-stage-thad- iflet go until the bloom stage al though tho allure from full bloom bweot clover was just as good as that from the crop cut in the bud stage silage or good quality was secured from oats peon and vetches en when tho oats were in the milk and the the dough stases bat the later stage or just whoa- the oats show the first signs of turning appears to be the most desirable time to cut this crop from alfalfa which bad been mowed when onotontli in bloom and wilted in tho sun for- ajt least five hours or for a relatively long period if the aun was not shining a fairly good silage was secured tvhile full bloom alfalfa wilted in the similar manner gave a sllago of better quality and of con siderably greater palatabiuty altai- ta onallagolnunodlatelyaf e billy kennana eyes twinkled as ho looked at bis wifes round flushed face i dont know ho aald but i prophesy that youll find out within a week mrs billy regarded her husband auspiciously for a moment and then devoted herself again to the affairs of the nations capital tho following day ah had forgotten his prophecy but within a week nevertheless she ful filled it when billy came home on satur day afternoon he found mrs hamlin leaving his house and mrs billy in i white voile dress with pink ribbon at tachments standing- in tho doorway looking aympathetlc and ho thought altogether attractive mrs hamlin was a tall nervous wo man with a delicate face at that mo ment her thin llpa were pressed to gether unpleasantly and her eyes had an aggressive expression when the door had closed behind the visitor mrs billy with her face against her husbands broad shoulder said in a muffled voice billy they have advertised their house for sate because thoy simply cant endure this neighborhood any longer what crjed buly incredulously not ondure ust why we are the only real and original neighbors in wash ington she couldnt and a nicer and quieter spot than this llttlo block some of the finest government men are here mr hamlin as well as billy were devoted to- uncle sams interest in the forestry department there are hone and carter for instance who live next to them where will she ond finer fellows than they mrs billys eyes twinkled she knows those two men only as yio fathers of a goodsized collection of badly managed children and buly did youmcntlon quiet 8he says it would be lesa woaring on her nerves to live near a train yard than be tween those ave carters and three hones she says me hamlin i de theo babyj said tho mother ot the three mischievous hones but we hesitate to bo and offer our sorylces bocauin thoy well theyre so unlike the rest of tho street not neighborly ana lately shes been positively snippy but she comes to see you and we thought wed ash your ndvlce would it do for us to offer oh yes interrupted mrs billy eagerly do go before that child splits his throat and our ears added billy mrs hono and mrs carter hastened up tho steps of number co and dis appeared presently the windows of number 60 banged shut and muffled the nolso within soon mrs carter ap peared on the top step and calling tho two youngest carters drove thorn jnto number 60 then quiet reigned an hour later tho two good samari tans camo down the- street again to report progress to tho neighborhood theres nothing like children to com fort children mrs carter explalnod wo loft edwin playing with ours he seems more used to being with children than with grown pooplo tho hone and carter hoodlums to the readme exclaimed billy after thd mothers had gone will tho hamlins survive tho next afternoon when billy had reached home mrs billy met him bluy guess whats going on in the hamlin house i hope that the llttlo chap isnt going on as he did last night mrs buly chuckled no but mrs hamlin is so afraid he will that she has had tho carter and hono children there all day shes clinging to them as a drowning man clings to a straw they are swarming all over her base ment and back yard and front steps oh the racket they are making and i noticed that edwin is the loudest ono among them but i think he is a lovable little fellow and i can see that mrs hamlin thinks so too won by waiting i no matter what was the stage of ma turity gave- an undesirable and un palatable silage the- wilting of sweet clover and oats peas and vetches for oovoral hour rcaulteoj too in the pro ductfon of a type of alloge which was somewhat more palatable than that produced by the unwilted material tho length of the period of storage appearctrto tuwlutie effect upon the sllago which was produced w c hooper field husbandman terratnea that file nephew shall not asboelate with the little hoodlums as she calls them one afternoon not manydaya later billy walked homo from tho office with mr hamlin who for the firat tlmo be came confidential in regard to his views of the street and as if to substantiate thoso vlows no- sooner had they gained the corner of stuyvesant place than two hones and three carters come careering along the walk on roller skates when directly opposite the two men the youngest hone lost con trol of his feet and the shary edgo of his skate caught mr hamlin just un the ankle bone when he limped up his steps said buly to his wife a few minutes after ward i never saw a madderlooking man in mv llfo nf rnnm ill urn hoodlums have no business to skate the queer happiness of mothers b 4t ks- a tired mother was on her way home in a trolloycor after a long afternoon of ahopplng in town she had bought trousers for one boy shoes for an other and a hat for ono of the girls so many little bodies there were to clothe so many young minds to direct eo many young mouths to feed many immortal wula to inaplrel they wero good children but phil was mis chlovous bert quicktempered and kathio was it true that kathle was growing a llttlo wild could she keep patient and firm would good come out of it all would she live to see her children rise up find call her mossed she leaned ber head against the window and closed her eyes then the sound of voices came to bar ears a man and wonuri la the seat behind her were talking together evidently they wero frlonds who had not met for some time yes mother dlod two yeara ago the man said aoborly the womans reply was inaudible no aho worked hard down to the very laat we hoped she might have an easy time dofore aho went she had slaved ever us for ao many years but her easy tune never came yes ben pulled through that all right no it never troubled her shi never doubted for a minute that hed do well she hod great faith in us boys and thats what makes it seem ao hard that she had to go just when wo all began tot do well she alwayjuaeemed happy tho wo- mana votcosaicl doubtfully she waa its queer we were talking about it lost sunday my wite and i go to berts sunday afternoon8 and horry and ul come up and bring eva mother loved that child as if she was her own and lon generally gets around with bess and their boys wouldnt mother havd been proud if shed lived to see jon where he is now says horry sho couldnt titive been any prouder of him than she was all her life ben says and i dont know that she could have been any happier than aho was sho always hod to wojkl and she had i- hord life but ahe waa happy fn spite of it all isnt it queer n yea aald the womans voice she robo to leavo the car it la queer the mother who had been tired but who -wna- tired no longer smiled to her that other mothers happlneas did not seem to bo queer at alt it seemed to be the inevitable working out of a beautiful law on the walks oh i shall hear all about it to morrow mrs buly aald laughingly for pvo promised to help mrs jiamlln get ready for edwin he comes the last of the week but when mrs buly reaehod co stuyvesant place in the morning ahe fou mr hamlin absorbed in-griev- unces of her own the biggest carter boy had fallen into her pansy bed from the top of the fence that divided the back yards was he hurt mrs bily gasped tno solidiy boarded imlg fepce was at least twelve feet high mrs hamlin choked 1 dont know hie has ruined mypanslfs they look as if a steam rouer had gone over them i cant wait to get away from this awful street mrs buly toased ier small curly head but did not reply tho two as cended the stairs to the airy front room which overlooked the shady street i hope said mrs hamlin with a sigh i may be given strength and wisdom enough to bring little edwin thehamlinproperty avoiding the issue f a gloom in the law oflloo of piatt a tone waa thick enough to cat clients wero unknownand neither of the nrt nera hftd any rftftdy mouy neverthe- lem at the close ot day jonos who waa young- and ftuaacjouv approach tho settlor number of the firm who wan working out an itnaflnarv cane 1 ay ho began nervtly lend me five for a wov old man tho other appk his jfeatv without loohjnr up lialht do it tor aweak of other peoples feelings and pro perty little dwin was six years old presently there sounded on tho street below the excited whoopo and joyful yells ot the ftoe carter children on one side and the three hones on the other a stut breese was blowing- up the street and soon outside the second- story window floated homemade kites of all shapes and in all stages of dil apidation oh oh cried mrs hamlin with her head out of tho window thoyvo upset the jar of roses i put on tho lower step and there stands mrs carter just beaming on them an 3 never noticing my roses how can anyone be so thoughtless if only i could move tomorrow her voire whs lost in the joyful shouts from be low that nlehtmrs buly told billy thyt he waa growing nervous somehow when im with mr hamlin i hear the childrens noises so much more plainly than x do anywhere elde and seeing her jamp and start and fuss at them makes me jumpy too then- said buly earnestly for the love of goodness stay away from mrtf hamlin mrs billy stayed away for two days then mrs hamlin called to relate two items of importance edwin was due to arrive at the house that even ing and the he use had a prospective purchaser its a man by the name of 3herry said mrs hamlin he has a two weeks option on it and were looking for an apartment i went to take ed win off the streets so that he wont be mangled or killed by carts and roller skates the evening was hot and sultry bruyvesaht place leaving its windows open to catch any breexo thatr might blow was sitting out on its dobrstepri or in its tiny plots of graasuts eyes were turned expectantly toward no 0 that is the older members of the community safe in tbe manner dse crlbed the younger members were massed in front of no fl0 waiting to look edwin over he finally arrived in a closed taxicab and was hastily con veyed into the arms of his undo through the watting ranks billy ejttmg on his own steps with mrs billy grlrmed broadly his com menta were tinged by a recollection mr hamlins opinion ot the street scbt was don- wtih neatness and dispatch aald bdiy the child la now beyond the- contaminating r ln- up well i hope we shall find him quiet and gentlemanly and considerate ally knocked against him arid tho nun- was ave days old beforo mrs billy eaw mrs hamlin edwins foster mother was standing in tho front doorway a smile hovered about her lips and had soften od her eyes she was watching a street parade by tho neighboring chll dren edwin was in the heart of tho parade a carter grasped one nan 1 and a hone the other and both a hone and a carter had affbeed them selves firmly to the rear of his blouse they occupied tho middle of tho high way a milkmans cart approached and with the others the diminutive edwin lifted hlavolce in frantic com mand to tho driver to get out of the way in her doorway mrs hamlin fluttered nervously an d called why edwin darling ja that the proper way to speak to the man e n continued in hin own form of aggressive address and the parade unhampered by further ob structions swept noisily down the street when tho option was a week old billy came home from his ofqce laughing its rich to hear old ham lin ha declared hes got little ed wins points down fine its oil ho wants to talk about i dropped into hu office to tell him that r had hoard of a good apartment at a bargain price and ho kept mo thero for an hour tell ing me about tho boy voud think edwin was the only child ever horn mrs buly laughed mrs hamlin shares his oplnlort billy you soc theyvo discovered that edwin is u very unusual child mrs hamlin ad mitted today that he was noisy bu said that there was so much more character in his noise than in mojt other childrens that ahe hesitated o cheek him when the option was ten days old billy again walked up from tho of- floe with mr hamlin who carried under his arm an awkward package mr hamlin refused to divulge what the contents of the package wero but they turned a corner billy acci4on it wuif hko a transition from the arid dtaert to a fertile valley of eden the ndondonmont of un impossible farm in tho alkull lundti and a grateful nettling down jn the welcome grovo of tho witldcn place it wan the possession of a dccroplt old man cera wal don and his orphan niece iolu and from thq start john burton liked v it and hound himself to remain ho vuh to work it on shares and after that on u half ownership basis outside of comfort and prospect there was jtola it took less than i month for burton to treasure her as the inlghtest little thing ho had ovoi mot first ho admired licr thon ho longed for her constant company an i finully came to love her and then disenchantment so far as hla hopes were concerned a blow sud den and hitter and then all tho sun shine of llfo seemed blotted out for him iola had como to treat burton almost as one of the family sho en joyed companionship with a person so intellectual and kindly and he cntci talned tho secret liopo that as time went on she might como to regard him with tho favor qf affection tho place of happlncsbho had built so fondly crashed into ruins as ono day ezra waldon- called him to his room where ho lay slowly wasting away sltcvjownr old man feebly x want to have a talk with you you have been a great help and comfort to me you bavo worked hard and faithful and i dont want to see you lose by u i havent long to live the doctor told me last week when the end comes there is iola to think of i want lo provide for her oa fully as possible iola wishes to go to denver a quick pain struck the heart of tlife ardent lover she has relatives in that city ho ventured faintly no but about a year ago a man named bioko darrel spent a month hero hunting and ashing ho wag a flashy boastful sort of a fellow an 3 between you and i did not impress me very favorably but as i later learned made love to iola and she was im pressed- it was after he was gone that the child told me that he had filled her mind with all kinds of glowing ideas of tho active life of the city that he was writing to her regularly and if she over came to denver ho would see that she got a fine position and would make her his wife she did not ex actly agree to this for sho wasnt sure of her own mtntft but i can see that when i am gone her thoughts win all bo fixed upon going into this new llfo what i was thinking was this tou say you have about a thousand dollars saved up buy tho place here pav down you can and the balance to go to iola as she needs t only thls if her mind is set on going to denver and if she wishes to marry this man darrell go with her and become hei guardian until that is consummated just as if you were myself burtons heart wna heavy as he gaw his promise to carry out the injunc tions of mr wolden his dream was over and done iola was lost to him and he future seemed blighted with in the week tho old man died a kind ly neighbor took iola in her charge and a few days later burton called upon iola to l herwlshes driving closed cars lack of familiarity with safety re quirements is cause of mariy fatalities she was subdued with grief forlorn ly uncertain but finally told burton that sho wished tp go to denver he explained to her the wishes of her grandfather and she seemod to ex perience a deep gratitude for his help ful loyal service this was emphasised when together thoy started for the east his delicate and aollcltlous care for her comfort touched iola deeply she began to realize how she would miss the sturdy sterling friend when he went back alone to the old farm for which she secretly began to grow homesick she waa almost tearful when ho left her it a hotel jn denver her face wore a strange seriousness when ho called the next morning i would like to have you deliver this ahe said walt for no answer feet have nou touched tho pavement f t w wv vkiiivh wsu iadiupuk old worrtah he jsnjd but not for aj thnt tnetrs h trod wopdsr if they woabldwa have a u case fee him yjfcr die went to tho pavement the string broke and out hew a pair of roller skates mr hamlin smiling broadly picked them up boys will bo boys he sold cheers fully and nothing would do but ed win must have a pair of roller skates now ill have a dickens of a timj teaching him how to use them the dickens of a tlmo began that very evening when edwin and hla teacher occupied a large area of the sidewalk in front of number 60 an j tho passersby prudently took to tho middle of the street mrs hamlin wholly unaware of tho discomfort of the passersby sat on tho top step eagerly exchanging views on child cul ture with mrs hono and mrs carter billy keenan looked at mrs buly and whistled softly and remarked that if anyone said that a leopard could not change its spots please refer that per son fp william keenan the day that he option expired mr and mrs harauft camp jo call on the keenans and brought edwin with them conversation was difficult when mr hamlin was not straight ening the childs collar mrs hamlin was reknottlng his tie occasionally they combined their efforts to keep him from climbing on the piano or pound- ing glass in the bookcase suddenly mr hamlin removing his oytfa for an instant from his heir saw a man passing tho bay window bless mo ifs sherry iio said making a dive for tho door and the holder of the option whon he had flnlaficd his conversa tion with mr sherry ho found hla wife nnd edwin awaiting him on the kesh an doorsteps in the doorway stood mr and mrs billy doht believe weve told you that weve cha our mlndja about sell ing mr hamlin remarked to tho doorway then with tho complacent selfassertion of one who announces original discoveries he added this is such a quiet street to bring a boy up in so few trucks nnd autos to look out for and a kindergarten no bandy it seems foolish to move out oood frlpndly helpful neighborhood too none better mrs billy gasped billy coughed but the hamlins heard nothing and saw nothing except edwin who buried his sleepy head in his new mothers skirt a smile lighted her thin face and made it took sweet and motherly i f so saf when he is out play rwnn wit trarteteroh honcv ahey said- in further explanation they andtshe handed him a letter directed to blake darreil sho was in a nervous flutter whon burton returned he also actod un settled and shaken i have strange news for you iola ho said blake darreil was shot dead in n drunken brawl a month since he left a widow to his surprise ifllr- seemed 1111 af fected by theintejligpncn fphanged my mind half way to denver sho spoke in troubled tones j do not n- tond to remain oh my good kind friend whom i alone can trust take mo back homo burton began to tremble with vague suppressed emotion she tore open the envelope he had returned to sher head it please it will explain she said in subdued tones and turned her face away he understood as ho traversed tho lines telling darreil that she had dol cided not to marry him that her love was bestowed upon another tou are going back to tho old home spoke burton yes if you will take me said iola broken y 1 had not left tho dear old place an hour before i reulixed my folly he hastened to take hervhand hoi head dropped to hhf shqulderand ho knew ho was that opief tp whom eho had referred in the lpter misuse of closed cars and unfami- llnrlty with the ruieh of safely for tho now closed cur era aro declared to bo in unrecognised causo of many automobilo uccidonts according to a bulletin just issued by tlo ontario motor league in tho opinion pf tho ontario motor cuguo officials accidents will de crease as soon ns tho motoring public loiunb to operate closed cars more safely and at tho same time revise its ideas of caution to fit the now con dltions coming at a tlmo when tho auto in dustry is prepailng to meet an uu- pteccdented spring demand for closed cars which aro bocomlng moro and more- popular tho ontario motor leaguo bulletin is expectqd to bo tho subject of considerable thought and discussion omopg safety advocates who are said tb have overlooked the significance of tho public changeover from tho open car to tha ot tho in closed type a leading cause of the high auto mobile accident rate uje ontario motor league paper states is thefall- hireofthe averagedriver trccognlxe tho new typo of caution necessary with uhtniow typo of motoring accidents wilt be on the decrease ns soon ns tho public learns to operate closed cors more safely at present hundreds of thousands of drivers aro misusing their closed caro and ignor ing the new rules of safety that go with tho now typo of motoring as a njatter of fact they do not appreciate tho fact that the new rules aro neces sary they have gono suddenly from their open models to thoir closed cars with out appreciating the new type of dan ger thit is nlwas associated wlh anything ono is not famllfar with they feol that what thoy havo learned with regard to safety in its connection with open cor driving will suffice for thoir pew type of motoring they allow this ignpranco to win for them tne reputation of being- careless visibility in closed cars is actually better than in tho curtained open cars but the closed cars shortcom ings are of a different kind tho prob lem is for each driver to discover this difference and act accordingly by taking undo liberties with the advantages of tho closed carmuch of its inherent safety has been nullified drivers have felt shielded because they were shielded against the elements thoy wero immune from danger thus wo found thousands of motorists ven turing forth in storms that would not toko so great a toll of human life if motordom were still on an open cir basis motorists have taken great liberties with tho speed which closed cars make possible by reason of their extra weight and thoir ability to shield against the wind many persons aro driving far faster than they imagine and are thus unprepared for the dangers which in variably accompany ones ignorance of speed the motor leaguo agrees with engineers that highway speeds will bo tofttcrlahyhlghcr within a few years- but such increased speed cannot be safo nntll drivers aro prepared to handle it tho landslide to closed cars is in full swing but accidents will not no materially lessened until the average motorist becomes familiar with his new surroundings with a view to familiarize tho motor ist with these changing- conditions and to emphasixo tho point that it is lg- oo t bboussaiajtio uxsm ojoui qoitujou caslons the prcsont high rate of acci dents and fatalities the ontario motor leago outlines tho following sugges tions fprtho averago driver who buys a closed cav jloarn that you may be traveling at a higher rote of speod without real izing it particularly where tho grade is slightly d speed is always uniazardwiien you are not aware of it 1 poor health a motorist- stopping at a farmhouao for a gloss of watet was surprised when a man apparently well past his ninetieth milcatono hastcnod to thr well to pump him a cold fresh drink pretty good health grandpa sug gested tho visitor to which the old man replied well ive lived hero 90odd years and never had tho doctor but twice but my son in tho city he keeps telling mo farmln dont agree with me and im1 dto boroco my time unless i pack up and como to live with him not to be mollified tho grocer observed that hlj boot customer was a bit ruffled over some thing so he strove to bo obliging nnd pleasant i think he said blandly living is- getting cheaper far instance a year ago thoso eggs- would havo cont you ten cents more a year ago replied the customer when those eggs were fresh thov would have been worth more you cannot surpass ball ad a green tea its luscious freshness rich strenrfth make it liner than any gunpowlr jajpan ot yotmg hyson sola every where ask for salada todagr free press job printing is always neatlydone your nctunl speed learn that physlcnl comforts of fered by the closed body in adverse weather do not alter the highway hax ards your hands may bo warm but there may be just as much ico on tho road as when you formerly shivered in your open car or stayed at home vlearjrl thalthaugh youcan secout better in your closed car than you could through rain curtains the few obstructions tp vision such as tno body posts aro at ppipts yqu npe not accuatomod tu irearn that other drivers in dosed cars are usually aa unfamiliar with the new conditions as you are and that the safest plan is always to gjvo a bit to tho j follow hymns op homage a debt of honor richard brlnsley sheridan the fam- oua dramatist and orator was always in pecuniary straits and constantly beselged by his creditors a creditor came into sheridans room one day and found him seated beforo a table strewn with gold and notes there id no use looking at that my good follow said he to tho visitor that is all bespoken for debts of honor very well replied the tradesman tearing up his security and throwing it into tho fire rib w mlno is a debt of honor too so it la and must be paid at once nnid sheridan and handed him the money fluence of the carters and hones his take xtich excellent nare of him and altering the model to fit the picture inblfi later yoars frederick wllflam king of jprussla wa sorely afflicted with goik the twinges of pain ag gravated hla naturally irascible temp during the attacks he was accustomed to divert his mind by painting his models wero always soldiers ono day he kept a tall grenadier posing for a long time at length the picture was finished the king turned to tho man and in a terrible voice asked what do you think of thnt the cheeks are redder than mine was the hesitating leply ill soon fix that thundered un old king so he seized his brush and painted both cheeks of the terrified grenadier a brilliant rod j tli ere arc at present only four tunes or pieces of music at tho first notes of which every briton stands bare headed in token of respect although scotsmen are agitating for a fifth it goes without saying that tho first is the national anthem then for moi c than a century and a half it his been an unwrltteii rule nt performances of handels messiah for tho uudlenco to rlso tojta a tho first strains of the hallelujah choi us and remain standing till tho last note another composition by handel which brings everybody to their feot is the ded march in saul few peo ple remain seated whilst this solemn march is being played since the inauguration of the two minutes silence on armistice day o god our help in ages past has be come the natlonnl hymn and ns it is played or sung immediately after the silence no ono ever moves replaces his hat or sits down until the hymn is finished now tho scots wish to havo burns immortal scots wha hae recognized as tho scottish national anthem sentence 8ermon8 most people dont want to find work as much as thoy want to get a job to think that thoy havo bemj fooled in making their investments to believe the truth if it is uncom fortable to hear tho man who insists upon pleaching about dufy to know unpleasanf facts it pleasant falsehoods aro beileveablo to be held rospftnslblo for good government after election day with crs and mrs hono- next door locaso of coilo or crouij oh no shau not sell hr soper dr white bpeefalit id dilutes of shin blood nerrei bladder nd bpecut all- menta of men one visit sdtlsnblo if impoulbl ted history tor free oplolon and nd- ttre qumtlon blank and book on j of men free cbnaaltatlon free medklne farnlitted in tablet form uoora 10 a m to i pm sad 3 to 0 p at bandsys 10 a m toa i tu dr8 sopbr jbltfhm a irk street toreaja oat the coach as mclaughlinbuick builds it front seat passengers in the new mclaughlin buick coachdo not need to get out of the car to enable rear seat pas sengers to enter or leave either door wider doors this is only one of the many im- provements which the mclaugh- iiw- buick coach with its fisher- built body offers to those who prefer the coach type no boxrlike corners refined graceful lines body of heavy material deeper upholstery i thirty and more improvements on coach design including 4- wheel brakes sealed chassis automatically lubricated motor duco finish are yours in the coach as mclaughlinbuick builds it s v king- representative for this section georgetown ont em master six coach 2095 special six coach 1820 prices at factory taxes extrn do you ever think what your town would be without a good newspaper no matter how good your other es- tablishments and improvements were they would accomplish for your town about ten per cent of what they do now were there not a good 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