Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1925, p. 3

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h rfng jfe thursday may 28 102g my owr4 town- i olf civo tomrmy own town whon things are going wrong when the mdoof circumstances aocmu almighty sad and strong oh give to mo ray own town with good folks all around whoso greetings kind arc full of choer and friendship flnb and sound oh give to mo my own town when splendor waxes gray whon wealth and majesty havo palled upon a foreign way oh glvo to mo my own town and neighbors running in with harmless gossip of the place and news of kith and kin oh glvo io mo roy qwn town whoso wholesome confidonco for every unfamiliar joy is ample recompense ypres much desperato fighting had gono on round the belgian city ofjyprea be cause it is tho only town oripiporlonge nhuthdcerinanflthftdnottkenfrom thi- soldlenrofklug albert and their allies it haa appeared so often in tho news from the battle field flanders thaat something about it will be read with interest although tho old buildings of ypres including the cathedral of st martin the famous cloth spoil and numerous old houses- survived tho ravages of t until the german shells begin to knock thorn to pieces in october tho town itself has suffered more than most belgian towns in the past in tho thirteenth c t was per- hops- tho most oputentown in the whole 1 country and its inhabitants numbered 200000 but famine the plague and the hand of the invaders and iconoclasts played so much havoc with it that after the persecution by the duke of alva not more than five thousand people wero left in it and acres of ground that had tjoon covered with houses had bocomo a wilderness ypres which the inhabitant pro nounce eoper with the accent on tho first syllable never really recover cd from the cruelties of alva and al though many of its former inhablt- tants afterwards returned the popula- tlan today is not more jhon jl7aqq tho cloth hall which fills about half of one aide of the grande placo is cosily 450 feet long and it will easily bo understood to a visitor standing at tho far end of tho grande place the people at the other end look almost like pygmies the nulldlng of the cloth hall began in tho year 1200 but the hall was not completed until about one hundred years later when it hecamo tho centro of vast trade in cloth in thqjmlddleof the last cen tury it was carefully restored- before its destruction it was used as market k but tho upper gallerlos contained soma remarkable frescoes with subjects drawn from the history of the town although ypres c cm tains a jargo number of interesting old housea it la otanjdealplacolfojlortisu forjnoat of the houses aro ainroandflay ugly modern buildings the explanation is that in 1823 municipal authorities decided to give subsidies to all owner who would pull down their old houses and replace them with now ones at tho same time the owners of wooden houses were prohibited from repairing them and the order was still in force ten years ago as a matter of fact a largo number of the bouses at ypres in the fifteenth century wero built of wood but thanks to the municipal order jtbeyhavp all perished except onovr in the early port of the nineteenth century ypres was strongly fortified v but in 1886 many of the ramparts were destroyed to make room for new bouses l whiehwere however upyrbjaptqome ofthojampnrts it 111 remain and matto very pleasant promenades the old swimmin ole fred w grant in a column of re miniscences which appeared in thp barrle examiner recently recalls- the old ft wi mm in olo the old shlnnoy games the days of hookey and otho sports and other badness of tho boys of yoarfago ho tells tho story most interestingly and concludes with this td jikc to bo a kid again for just one summers bay and throw away these workday tools and run dway to play adown the dusty shaded street right to tho bays sandy brim and- bring a lino and fishhook too but first i iiko a swim and nomehowc i imagine that the swim would wash away tho rust and all the stiffness and the- mariy yearavdecay of images and idols and dreams of long ago and brighten up tho world for mo tho way it used to glow and id watch tho little wavelets go swirling away from me and speculate and marvel on tho groat man i would bo andvwonder what the big world held thehonors ya securer which that coming time of manhood to me would certainly assure and then i wish the mature shado of what 1 am today could steal beside the dreaming boy and watch him as ho lay and see the wondrous rapture in the eyes that couldnt boo the e tho clear wideopen eyes that only saw tho skies the northward trend of agriculture an interesting commentary on tho agricultural possibilities of the can odian northland la furnished by the report of the experimental substation tftntverinlll alberta for- 1923 fort yermilllon la farther north than any part of ontario and at times the thermometer falls to more than so de- grees below zero the mean tempera ture during tho crop season ranges from 6 to 10 degrees lower than dur- ing m at wheat j seeding began at hnsub- statlon on may 7 and jiino vareties wore sown on tost plots at harvest they yielded at the rata of from 37 to 50 bushels per aero the results of the experiments with potatoes were even more remarkable it has boon found that in the northern regions early deep planting- produces tho best results the sooq was plant ed from may 8 to 10 and one variety lylolded as high as 419 bushels per acre irish cobbler a wellknown variety produced 380 bushels per acre one variety of garden corn produced a fair percentage of fully matured though rather small cobs garden ncans were quite- successful and 3 say its comforting to mo theso long bright summer days when 1 sit re flecting upon the earlier days whep i was more activo and those earlier still when our fathora wero engaged in tho activities of pioneer life to learn occasionally that othor old chaps think in harmony upo t oldtime toplcst r tho editor handed me a copy of the collingwood bulletin the other day and in its columns i ran across tho following which shows very conclu sively that others harbor thoughts and ehgago in reflections which glbo very closely with my own tho bulletin editor aays bomo time ago tho accompanying quoted poem appeared in our columns it has such a beautiful thought and so wonderfully emphasizes that wo build not only for ourselves nor for the present only but for thoso who too mus0 cross in the- twilight dim that wo have noapologles for thorepubu cation an oldjriuinjtrayeuta game at tho evening cold and gray after a long and wearisome ride to a chasm vast deep and wide tho old man crossed in tho twilight dim v the sullen stream had no fears for him but ho turned when safe on the other side i and built a bridge to span the tlriov oirmiin sada itellowpllgrim hear you aro wasting your umo with building here you never again will pass this way your journey will ond with tho clos ing day you have crossed tho chasm deep and t i ooom to think there is virtue in plant ing potatoes and tho twentyfourth of may and that a botjercrop iiivitrr ably results from tho obsorvanco of this rulo p hese tutor days our uohoolu are making tho event mqan mor than a mere holiday for a number of yoaro now emplro day has been observed a lay prior to tho quodiib blrhtday anl considerable effort is annually being mudo to impress upon tho school pupils tho outstanding and vital features of thogrwtt emplro to which wo belong and over whlchvquoon victoria ruled so long and so well and qver which her son king georgo now holds the sceptre by this mimns an intelligent grasp is being inculcated in tlio mind a of thoj rising generation of tho ex- tont resources popple languages anil aspirations of tho various nutlonn comprising our empire upon whica wo proudly assort tho sun nover sots an an old pupil of acton schools 1 was interestod in tho empire day prqgrammo of last friday i could notgotther myself but ivo hear j a jot of tho things the boys and girls did and bald and heard there on occasion i am euro they must jiavo boon interested with tho talk given by our editor on our emplrennd its- pro ductions aa ho sawthem atwerabloy exhibition last year an old aetoiv bchoployhlmselfhoj couxfl interest the boys and girls of today and- 1 am auitd sure he gave them a goodtimo and much tp reflect unpn i am glad that our boys and girlo of today havo so mdnvfino opportun- ties im an old chap and no doubt havo many oldfashioned ideas but im not old and foggy enough to think that tho old days were hotter than these ajtf i hear aome of my cronies constantly asserting the bojfs and girls of today have a better time than wo had t and thoy are gaining amuch wider vision and more intelligent view of empire extent and empire resources- than wp got in the earlier days they got tho twentyfourth holiday this year as usual but it camo on the twentyfifth weejdy fashion hint r the weeks activity at acton england ts recoraou by tho acton qnotto and express paris loves draped frqcks tho cropo satins of which paris is bo fona arc ideal for the draped model a particularly lovclydesign bolng pic tured here the nockline straight in back and round in front is emphasized by a draped collar that ties at the back embroidery enlivens tho lower edge of tho skirt at ho sides are extensions which are shirred at the upper edges and allpwer to hang frco in panel effect the kimono sleeves may be worn long or short medium sizes require 3 yards 36inch ma terial brightening paint and varnish seetn things at night what can be done to rid a child of an unreasoning fear of fho dork7 sir oliver lodge aays if a child for a tlmo dlsllkoa going to aleep in tho dark or wishes tohavo his door ajar yield to him he will grow but of it tho universe is big and mysterious and most alarming custom gradually makes ordinary friendly aspects of it familiar jwhile jto more portentous manifestations are found to be excep tional but they arc there behind tho bco nea and it is just the exceptional and portentous of which we- are in stinctively afraid all this la true undoubtedly but it is -poor- comfort to thocbild in terror of tho dusky staircase every child has his own particular fear and it is difficult to anticipate or seo tho causes of fright in individual tem peraments thero is nevertheless n sort of stock advlco that should usually bo followed ttntlla childs mind is fairly bal anced it is unwiso to let htntretntghost gg- storjes or listen to- them certain atorles of scott most of thoso of poo even a few fairy tales the la really unondlng mlghf well bio omit ted from a childs mental diet but oven with that careful weeding out security may not follow there is for example the story of tho boy whoso reading had been scrupulously watch edwho had never hoards a ghost story in his life and who yet was con sumed with terror when bedtime come his mother found ort investigation that the midnight rush of the seconbe pack in kiplings junglo book had kindled his imagination and fanned tho flame into fear ho felt tfioso wolves at his heels another-jnother- -tried-a- different- method remembering tho terrified days of her youth she belittled ghosts to hor children tho- ghosts for she know that her children must hear of them sooner 6r lateiwbecanio either ludicrous or friendly lewis carrolls rhyme and reason proved an excellent textbook and tho rest was oasy the children would walk without fear through a dark old house at any hour dftneghk thomothcr elnraps however that she may havo robbod thorn of some imaginative pleasures tho ability to thrill at the lady ot shalottor to enjoy the delicately mod ulated- terrors of george macdonald but on the whole there la uttle to ro at housecleaning time a searcb in tho attic will generally bring to light one or more pieces of useful perhaps valuable furniturefurnlturo which may exactly fill a ipnglfelt want some- where it may bo a quaint old chair table bureau desk perhaps a nice old four- poster bedsteads secretory or high boy that has boon laid away while- trying to restore some prized and anclopt family relics recently i tound the task most tedious until a friend who is rather an expert in this line told- mo that much labor would bb saved in removing old paint and varnish if i would supply cover tho object to bo restored with heavy coat of paint remover applied with a good paint brush and let tho remover remain untouched for at least fifteen minutes then a layer ofrsawdust should be sifted over the remover a coarse piece of- cloth which has ben ttrell- soaked in denatured alcohol should next be ubed t6 rub the sur face thorupghly uhth tho piece- is cleaned down to tho bare wood the re mo verb ticks to tho sawdust so one amplication is all that la usually needed before applying the new finish the wood should bo thoroughly cleaned with cloths well saturat in tho al- vldcs normal food for the children and to rid tho growing mind of the tor tures- of terror is worth whlltf even at some cost of tho imaginative lileaaur- changes in marriage ucense law aqo of bride must do proven by af fidavit and li con to secured three days a volunteer jazzdrumniod id needed for actonparloh church socials tho dlocoean archltoct is preparing iho plans for the now acton parish knit- tho mhtsummor garden fete for tlio fundh of the acton parish churoh will tulco place on juno 24 tho rev ii h m bevan vicar of st duristnhu eiist acton will jhjeach in st puula cathedral on sunday evening tho uleath is announced in actgn hobpltal following appendicitis of mr e androwb aged 48 confectioner of i gunneraburylanc acton two lads wero fined at acton police court on wednosday for bathing in tha grand junction canal without wearing costumes arthur e vigurs bollo bridgeroad south acton was fined 20h at acton police court on wednesday for fall ing to notify tho chango of owner- ahip of a motor car the success of marigold day which is being organized by tho royal as sociation in aid f che deaf and dumb on thursdafc tho 28th insl beepmps iricroaslngly promising as the tlmp is drawing near prof orring- southern- to northern px- perlonco the acton town council has appointed tho present borough engin eer andsurveyor pf guildford as tho borougherfglneor of acton the lifeboat day effort in acton- was under- tho general superintendence of mrs e brooko flatten local honor ary secretary of the royal national lifeboat association j it was reported at a mooting of tho acton hospital committee last night that arrangements for thp carnival in connection with the fete for the hos pital in acton park on july 26 wpro progressing satisfactorily councillor g jonkin the newly elected chnlrman of tho chlswlck council took tho oatli and his aoat on the bench at acton police court on wednesday owing to illness miss manning has been unable to contlnuo tho honorary secretaryship -oj- tho- acton- woman citizens association and the office is in abeyance for thp time being some sensation was caused in tho highstreet acton about noon on sujfday by twq accidents occurlng in quick succession tho motor ambulance makingtw6 journeys to acton hospital within half an hour f mrs townlpy lord presided over a united gathering of the local sister hood of tho national british womens temperance association held at tho palmers tonroad mission on monday afternoon thursday eyoning of last woek saw a bright continuation of the anniver sary celebration happily inaugurated at the acton wesleyan church on the previous sunday thursdays func tion was for the most part of a social characterv dnot very auccosafulit was a very bright and clever show was enjoyed by an enthusiastic and very crowded audience at st dunatans hall acton on tuesday evening the per formance was in aid of st tlmniass paflshhau fublicbuildingfund tho acton literary and scientific snrjnfcy lrlnufil the londo muaeu at the annual company display in the central hall tlio ntat public effort overmdo behalf of thejr funds by tho 44th acton nursing division of the st john ambulance brigade whoso mom- bera work in association with the division of tho aamo number having controlof the firstaid station acton vnlo wsb highly successful v ivo seen your fcc before youre a womanhnterv and another norman tjxorne theso words were alleged to have bo eh kald to vuliam stanbury winds or- rojjd ealing by etbet har ris grovoplnce acton whom stan- bury was accused- at acton police court on wedneadny of assaulting tho executive committee of tho acton branch of the junior imperial leaguo the loagueof young conservatives met at ibb hlghstrept acton on tuesday mr lang presiding with regard to tho proposed visit of the branch to the houses of parliament the secretary was requested to fix a date with sir harry brlttain the con dition being that the visit must take place on a saturday the engagement ia- announced of mr hinman johp baker third son of mr w king baker gaspeteau pf acton to miss elisabeth mary botty harris elder daughter of councillor and mrs p ml harris miss harria la district commissioner of the girl according to an amendment to the marriage act passed by the provincial legislature and becoming effective on june 13th 1025 before a itiarrlage license can be issued the date and tho placeiof birth of tho party other than the applicant for the license must bo proven by means of tho production of tho birth coruflcate otan affidavit made by eafd other party or a member of the family to which she belongs as it is usually the groom who applies for the license the new regulation will in most cases apply to thobrldp it has also been enacted that tho marriage ceremony shall not take place untll after the expiration of throe clear days from tho date of the issue of the marriage license in computing three- cleardaysthe dates of- the- issue of tho license and of the ceremony would not bo countod where he was lycked in an outoftheway corner of a rnmon grfiyoynrfl nlnndn abrnwn iioard showing the arks of age ah 3 negloot it bears the inscription sacred to the memory of ebon har vey vno departpd this life suddpnly and uncxpectpdly by p- cow klckfng him on tho 16h qf soplember 1q63 wol done good and faltnful sefvapt and tho members of the party wore surprised at being turned out of tho museum at 4 pm a lorry from fulbam heavily laden with scenery and drawn by a pair of horsos collapsed near the battitf in the hlghstreot acton on wednesday afternoon in- such a manner as to block both tramlines at last weeks meeting of tno acton women citizens association members were congratulated by dr edith hum phroy presldont on tho fact that two of their number namely miss alico graham and mrs forrester had obtained pouts on tho board of tho guardians mr j w wedgowood who died last months at thp age jf 8 g war unp of the original worshippers at st dunstans east acton having comoto acton in 1870 tho year tho churcji was built altogether hia canal and railway ser vice covered a period of fid years elsie key cs axlrlstol schoolgirl aged 13 who had boon missing from her home since april 30 has been found safe and sound with friends in chaucer roadi acton her statomentwas that shohadcome to- actonlnsoarch of- her aunt a crowded congregation attended the wedding in the acton parish church last week of miss alice may doncastor daughter of mrs doncastor of acton to mr thomas charles hazel son of mr and mrs f hazellpld actonlans guidoaatbow and captain of tho acton company of girl guides a genuine love for shakoadearo has boon shown on several occasions by tho welladvanced literature and elo cution class of tho acton victory club y w c a and their costume re cltal of scenes from a midsummer nights dream which they gave in the all saints hall on wednesday night was one v of their greatest suc cesses a painful sensation was caused at brondesbury lm and sr station on monday afternoon by a young wo man falling in front of a train re ceiving shocking injuries and dying almost instantaneously inquiries showed that she was- miss hilda maude batemahr aged 21 of 0 colvtlleroatl south acton aoton does not often have tho chance of seeing royalty in acton and mta inhabitants madet the best of their opportunities on tuesday princess mary struck me as being a domuro uttle flgurp and rather reserved in attitude and sad of face she was obviously a uttle shy though she must be well accustomed to public gatherings but her innate goodnature peeped out once or twice s was truly a lady i be aucalre model 7ladio11ecciifrsu oou mdai radio phqmoomtfk comokatiow umlm vniqoi9mltti it pays to use martin senour woodlac stain for ajvoodvirovk vwte to hod offtce moohfmfcr fno boojdot home paintiwc udc exsv soldbt wd talbot acton ontario a a london cabby who was hailed in to court for using violent language to a lady protested that tho woman was no udy v indeed said tho magistrate 1 wonder ifypu know a lady when- you see one- of coursoi do answered the cab by indignantly why only the other day t saw one sho gave ine a pound note for a shullp fare and walked away ere mum i says what about your change t dont bo 4 bllpkln old fool says she- keep it an get drunk enough to kiss yer mother in law now yer honor he endodtriumphon tly j f a real udy a practical blessing at one of the theological colleges it is tho custom for studonts to tako turns in asking blessing before meals last term the meat bad not been as tender as the students thought it should be and the eyes of the faculty wero opened to the fact when one day a young student offered the following blessing o lord swe us strength to eat this meat babys restless nights might be avoided scalded skin and other skin troubles are common causes of restlessness and often could be avoided by care- ftdbatkingwaaby own soap- its fragrant lather cleanses and i heals babys skin mod prepares for restful sleep bntforjfou mndbahy tmo imi it often happens this time it was at a nice social function iintpwn and mrs blanks cake was much in demand in factit was so well liked that she was asked for the recipe for it and then she had to fell that she had been so busy she just went to fairbanks for it why fuss and fume over the baking when fairbanks can do it better fairbanks bread cakes and pastby betteb 3han homemade t fairbafiks bakery phone 11 a mul st acton tl tractor and power farming demonstration pdj atthefarnirol n f lindsay acton crossroad on may 29th at 1 pm the ford motor co invites all- the farmers of this district to attend and see- what a fordson tractor will do moving picture exhibition will be given in tie town hall acton the same evening at 8 p m free everybody bvvited h a coxe auithorizedhpord dealer m l largo number of other common vege tables produced excellent crops in a very short time in fact the shortness pf tinlb between the dates of seeding vegetables and the dates when they are fit for use is a striking feature of growth in the north country the rapid growth is made possible by long hours of warm sunshine fino yields of sunflowers for allago wero obtained while the growing period was favorable for hay and heavy crop harvested all these results were obtained under raoro favorable conditions and by be ter cultivation than is generally found piv farms yet they show that there is a great field for the northward ex tension of agriculture issued by tho director of publicity xomlnlon be partmont of agriculture ottawa u lincoln- vvrite8 a check one of president lincolns careful bablta was always to pay by chech but once when a certain colored man who had been doing odd jobs around tho whltohouso came for his pay it rnnaplreil that- he jots a uttle uncer tain of his legal name negroes who had been slaves often wfirev most people would havo found it difficult to- pay by check under thosp circumstances not so the resource ful mr luicolnl he took his pen in hand as usual and we can imagine with what a twlnklo in his i eye he commanded the rlggs national bank of washington to pay ave dollars o tho order of a colored man with one leg the bank honored the check and j keptit qtr a souvenir considering thrtt so characteristic a memorial of the great president was easily worth five dollars- wide why build a bridge at eventldo tho builder lifted his old gray head good friend in tho way i havo coma ho said there followeth after mo today a youth whoso feot must pass this way this stream that has been as naught to me to tho fairhaired youth might a pit fall be ho too must cross ln7 tho twilight dim good friend i am budding tho brldgo for him to this we cannot do bettor than add the swords nf the01d atnnof tho acton pram pitss h today owe muphfo pur progonitora of the earlier days right hore in this community for tholr efforts to lay foundations broad and deep to ensuro com an convenience and moral betterment and sane and enjoyable fellowship to those coming after to accomplish what wo are ndw enjoying they- gavo care ful tbought aolf sacrificing oftort and determination to have conditions bel ter than they found thorn tcho tirao ond mohy we 1ut into community activities will- continue their- good work loiur after wo havo passed on no honest and intelligent effort is ever wasted we reap the benefit now but wo also loavo to those who follow a heritage which will a waken in them a reverent devotion for those who today are glvlnfc of their tlmo and moneytojjultd a better community- in which to ilyo tho above flta in so welpwlth the buhlotlns poem that i think it la worth while- to give the opportuntly of perusing them in conjunction and thus by the repetition perhaps induce more reflection upon a theme like thla by tho younger generation an excellent excuse the lato sir robert ball enjoyed a joke at all times even against him- self oh one occasion he tolec- tuw on hie arrival at j he station looked tn yainfqr the expected conveyance when all tho other passengers had dispersed a typical irish servant came iip to hlni with maybe youre bit robert bajir on receiving an antrmativo veply the man broke out apologetlc4tly oh the jtjbidn bilithiay that old school slogan the 24th of may is the queens birthday it you dont give us a holiday well all run awojf very timely referred tp by islatn hia contribution to this column last week took me back to my own school days of over sixty years ago that was a hit we always voiced unexpected question8 the following- bright- answers to questions were given at a recent school examination qi-what- other mlncrals exist- in england besides coal and iron a lemonade arid gingerbeer q what did wolfo do- at quebec a tho wicjeed beast made war on little bed riding hood altflbiem is a figure which you do things with which are absurd and thenprovo them rst andrew- la the patent saint of scotland tho patent- saint- of england is union jack qwhat is tjelow par a the oldest son the colossus ofrhoddcs was a groat explorer ho discovered andjn south af rlca joan of arc was a french pheasant gtrl called maid of athens for her bravery and- patriotism after many yearsshe warf cremated a fiiguo is what you get in a room full of people when all the windows and doors are shut an irish bull is a malo cow cereals are films shown at tho pic tures quoen bhxabeth wosulled tho vir- gtl qjieeri because she knew latln kvolution in- wbt darwin did re- volution l a form of government abroad and devolution lo some thin a to do with satan june rod and gun the juno issue of rod- and gph 4n canada takeit the form of a special ontario tourist numbof which includes the attractlte featurejpf tc personal message to tourists ffonr tho hon q howard ferguson roomier of ontario nd a spsclal section hotting forth the attractions to the tourist the months articles are specially belecteji to be ap- probrlato to the number and provide a wealth of interesting and aeaaonab retddlng for all field sportsmen rod and gun in canada is printed monthly spro your honor i am sorry i htva ronchod did this idea oflplahtiiiftvpota- kept you waiting but i was told to tow on tho queens ulrthtlay booome ipok out for an intel lootual looking that half tho folks you meet today gentleman on til form or at the home garden holiday qf course- thero kayo beev various ways of keeping the holiday whon i was a lad tho prosrftmmoof the holiday of tho twentyfourth for- the- boy n nttehdiflk school waa- potatoes in the forenoon andft fish ing in thp afterrmon so deeply en a simple remedy a now york millionaire whoso llfo had been despaired ofbecausff of pro longed paroxysms of hiccoughs has been cured by a stranger who des cribed the successful remecly in these words stop each car with a finger press firmly have someone put a gloss of water to tho mouth andtheh drink albert r khjnalrdj mill hillroad aoton was ordered at acton- police court op wednesday to pay alert t vaclttla parkrood easti acton a former employee of nls 2 1g be ing a wooks wages inlleu of notice charles whito 17a grocers assis tant of carlylorpad south ealing who waa charged last week iylth rook ing into a warohouso ip actonrlane knpwn ns morton works on april 26 noipcpredon romapd at acton bohco c3ui wealf6laytind vfhticqi mitt oil for trial a high tribute to the offlolenoy of tho 2nd thames valley acton comp any of the boys brigade was paid by tho rev owen swatklns c mch deputy chaplaingeneral to the forces who was tho inspecting officer let v get acquainted you really dont kiipw the values and quality you are miss ing when- you dont come i in and get acquainted at sprys meat shop experience in buying and cutting and the handling of meats help us to serve you well fresh cooked cured meats and canned goodscomphise our stock f j spry successor to orrie lamb mill and main streets aeton ont h ont a wi8e man 8ay8 vociferously upon tho approach of the birthday anniversary of good queen victorian it was as heenlos for- the school trustees and theteachcrs nover failed even in the early days to graift the covotted holl day i suppoao it was observed just aa loyally for years before for from the time of quean victorias ascension to the throne ln 1847 all through- the eightyeight years since thp school b ond gi at tho roloam- havo observed tho queens birthday the chaste young woman is not running away from anything it is easy to stab in tho back the man who keeps ahead afyou is a blamed a retentive memory nuisance aometimes r the woman- who gets ready in n minute is worthjferdltlnp a ufatime for th5 edict is that womens hair and clothes must harniontxe thats why they bobbed h bomo people -go- to church morn io- avo thslr fages than their souls r r good food jb tjb bst tonic thats way vqv shouijoie1mj3mbkr to ordbr i ecelsloft flour acton flour and feed mills d h lindbav prpprulor mill stbbet acton ont jgblt it queer that a man who thinks hes a business man will get up i in the morning tfrom an advertisedt mattress shave with an advertised razor and put on advertised underwear k andadyertised hose shirt collar and tie arid shoes seat himself at the breakfast table and eat advertised breakfast food drink advertised coffee or advertised tea put- on an advertised hat light an advertised cigar ride to business in an advertised motor t and tjien turn i dovii advertising on the ground that advertising doesnt p rm w4 thl ilissbibi iv cvi -i-

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