Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1925, p. 4

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i m g- the home op isjje artott 3to rjb0 member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies 6f ontario the acton i ree press is published every ttmirsday monuug at the tree press buikiing mill street acton ontario the aubicnntion price is 300 per car in advance post ace ti charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subicriptions arc paidisindjcatci on the ntlureas jabel advertisinj rates transient advertise meats jo cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 rents per hns or each aubse quent insertion contract display advertise- ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertions advertisements fth- out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h p moblte president and editor g w dills manager and assistant editor tetepnones- editonat and business office nw residence ol president iij residence of manager ijt suits against municipal corporatipnfl 1 the fergus newsrecord snys the recent law suit in that town requires an extra mill on this years taxation to meot the cost a decision was given in the courts the other day against the town of camp- bellford growing out of a suit for an accident by which a person was thrown out of a motor car through a wheel striking a depression on the street caused by the settling of the earth a few inches over a waterworks main acton has a dozen orjnoreuchv depressions which might result in serious accidents the ohe m campbellford cost 1500 all our de pressions can be satisfactorily remedied for onethird that amount thursday morning may 28 1925 editorial good citizenship there are various ways of showing good citizen ship most of them obligatory to be a citizen in good standing one has to observe recognized laws and customs the transgressioji of which bring pun- ishment you must corffributo in taxes to the up keep of the community yoijuro required to keep your premises m a sanitary cdndition in other words you are required to behave yourself generally to be a good cttlzcithowever implieslhorethaii mere observance of laws ft means service selfdenial and sacrifice good citizenship requires your support of movements that are intended to raise the standard of morality of living and to provide proper and ade quate means for the physical training and the enter tainment of the boys and girls the young men and young women of your community to simply live a passive moral and regular life you are only doing what yon have to do to do something for the good of others to show a lively practical interest in the welfare of others is being a good citizen what a wonderful place we could make acton if each and everyone of her citizens would become in fact and in earnest good citizens neighborhood news- town and country milton jr mill mm llfur holiortlloit of toronto returned missionaries from clilnu wero ffuostn last week at tho liomo of hla coualn mr d h jtoboit- uon mrs robertson uddrcssod tho iilimljorh of tho knox church w m h at tho annunl meeting or the ehnio- lioltlcrb of tho milton golf and country club lielil hntimluy tho following tllicctois wcio uloctod for tho ensulnu year dr it k anderson m p di ii jl aiccoll jnmos moohrldeq v ii mccnnnoll and d 8 uoberlion itev w 1 mcintosh formorly pastor of knox probbytorlun church heib uio retilsncd his chnrffo following a voto on chuich union moved to wins- ham lust vceok whero ho vlll bo as sist ih pastor there before leaving hoio tilu filonds visited his homo and nioacntcd him with a purse of 10j and mrs mcintosh with a pleco of ullvcrwai o reformer the residents of poru havo had tho road iiaaslnff through tjmt vlllaao coat ed wllh oil tho milton cclobratlon of king ocontos birthday on june 3rd will bo a notable ono at tbfairirroundfl tliouteiulahbn from the burllng- toi qlmnibor of commerce aalclnafor inovii of a provlitclal highway from burnt ih titieot to fl ooman was one of tho luigeut that ever appeared before tho county council it numbered twontyflve ohamplon georgetown ing and blossoming days who envies now the grass dwellings an appreciation of the dignity and decency is green the life of the tropics where no change is found except from wet to dry from the parched hill side to the continually dripping clouds who does not forget for a little the sting of the february cofd high and low from the opening buds on the topmost bough to the last rootlet hidden in the soil the tree that seemed so patiently asleep all winter long begins to heed the summons to new growth and larger life and there is a sudden fever of adventure in thfe the spring fever he who has spring for his companion need not complain about the emptiness of life it is a whole some and delightful fever in the blood which all living creatures seem toshare there are few ques tions on which it would be so easy to obtain a unani mous vote of humanity as on the love of these grow- ortumty to show in our manners our dress and our keeping up appearances our submission to the- tyranny of appearances is not so discreditable as it seems if we were not somewhat concerned with keeping them up we should pretty soon cease to keep anything up to no regard for appearances is to be a barbarian no matter how simply we live we always- have the op- houghts tf mensttmary journal the bulldozed press of ontario at a recent meeting of the moderation league held in hamilton mr c p paul editor of torontos society journal saturday night was one of the speakers in his address he deplored th6 fact that the league had not in the recent plebiscite and does not now receive the endorsation of the press of ontario he says it was bulldozed during the plebiscite by thedrys into supporting their cause evidently mr paul has the opinion that the only right attitude towards the question at issue was that held by saturday night he should qualify his assertion by a few concrete examples of the bull dozing process and let us know just who are those wh can control practically the entire press of this great province or why those who do not sing bis song should be accused of having only manufactured opinions on such a question regret was expressed by mr paul that the moderationists do not have more influential papers to support their cause vir- theressiirntariorhesaidylwdbeeir bulldozed into supporting the drys in the last pro- vincial ca bfiivprtmi fvprfis qnpnr hulu dozing forsooth the bulldozing was attempted ty the moderationists with big advertising contracts offered to every newspaper in ontario but for con science sake and the innate desire to help their fel- lowmen ninety per cent of ontarios newspapers turned down these attractive advertising contracts and used their columns to assist in defeating the moderationists plan for government sale and reopen ing the barrooms for the sale of intoxicating liquors the 44 beer 6n the 21st any crowding witnessed in the beer parlors of toronto yesterday seemed to arise out of curiosity aogample the four point four as a matter of fact the newbeer had quite a tame introduction a large number of the standard hotels had not received their permits or their beer but their inability to sell did not seem particularly to inconvenience any one the lack of demand on the part of the general public during the first day may be taken as evidence of what nine years of prohibition wjll do in that period largcnumbers of men accustomed as they had been to the occasional alcoholic drink have more or less forgotten all about it something else has taken up the time and attention formerly devoted to drink alcoholic stimulation whether in large or small quan tities has practically passed put of their lives that is the reason there was no wild rush yesterday to the bars with the ramparts erected in front of them curiosity drew more purchasers than the desire to consume a malt beverage never was a drink so extensively advertised by controversy and political discussion and never was curiosity over an article for sale so highfy excited the hrst day of beer in toronto demonstrates as nothing else could what prohibition not always fully enforced either can accomplish it has undoubtedly robbed many met i the desire to drink a desire which is at the root of j the whole liquor problem the question now in will this fourpointfour beer bring back the desire t to which adry law successfully suppressed in the great majority of cases that is the present jrdanger and we believe the ferguson government in i9rgingwback the beer has been blind to or mini- mfzed that peril in connection with the reports of a heavy demand for the beer at border pointsi there is the suspicion that h is engineered by american is- brewery interests who undoubtedly desire to increase tho alcoholic percentage in drinks legally sold in ftfcir own country if a sufficient number of ameri- ftfttcan go back home praising the four point four 5 nvagitation will undoubtedly start for the same beverage iikthe united states the rush from several fci states fn special tratrrerpossesses all the earmarks of fatter clever propaganda daily globe vv tff life we may have to postpone indefinitely get ting the house painted but we can see that the grass- plot in front of it is always trim and neat our dif ficulties come when we undertake to keep up ap pearances that are spurious the man with one thousand dollars a yearbas appearances to maintain as well as theman with five thousand a year but the onethousanddollar mans appearance should not emulate- those of the fivethousanddollar man the hardest strugglestomodern life are indeed involved in keeping up a proper appearance on a fixed in come but in many cases the struggle is hard because the conception of a proper appearance is improper the most idiotic surrender of individuality is the common one of feeling that you must have posses sions similar to your neighbors or if possible a little better than his how unintelligent is the un musical family that must at pecuniary sacrifice have a piano as a parlor ornament simply because there is a piano in the house on- either side a good many persons make extravagant purchases because they cannot bear not to have something that some one else no better off than ourselves miraculously seems to possess the thing to remember about keeping up appearances is that they should be your own not those of some one else this keeping up with the joneses is an unsatisfactory policy editorial notes its too bad that in the old days before prohibition nobody ever thought of taking the harm out of the bars by building a board fence down the middle of them owen sound city council has voted 100 to the tourist committee of the board of trade the money is to be used to tell tourists of the attractions of the city we have always noticed that when the tax rate goes down it is to the credit of the present council but if it goes up it is because of expenses incurred by last yearsfergus newsrecprd a new jersey girl convicted of shooting her lover while awaiting her renfoval to state prison in a warning to young girls said think twice before taking your first drink or smoking your first cigarette germany is awakening to the evils of intemper ance large employers have forbidden the drinking of intoxicants by their employees a motion was made recently in the reichstag for the enactment of a prohibition law barrie town council is much disturbed oyer the large amount of arrears of taxes and is looking for a remedy the system of giving a discount for prompt payment has worked well in orillia only about 15000 of last yesarp taxes remained unpaid at the end of last year orillia packet our good friends in ontario are determined to shun even the appcarancetrf with delicate pre cision attorney generalnickle refuses to speak of it as the bar room he calls it the beverage room if it were notfor regulation 17 he might call it the buvoir and blame it all on quebec montreal stan dard as our regglar readers very well know we are of theclaas of persons who preach the gospel of work in and out ef season thousands of children in cities towns and villages are spoiling because their parents do not assign themregulardajly duties in and around their homes and assist boys especially to get odd jobs for which they earn pocket money bowmanville statesman out in calgary two hundred of the unemployed of- that city refused farm jobs despite the entreaties of government officials and farmers yet these men have to be fed and clothed by jmen willing tb work there are some men willing to turn their hand to anything rather than accept charity on thcother hand there are men who- ifnot allowed to pick their employment prefer to receive doles renfrew mer cory the opening tea and touraamen of oio qcofgctown tennis club will bo held on saturday afternoon may 30 mr and mrs joseph beaumont re turned home last monday aftor a three months tour in europe during their holiday they visited italy france switzerland england and scotlnnd mr a livingstone who moved to toronto last week suffered a stroke on monday morning his many friends hero hwe tor his speedy recovery row kenneth mclean of stayner and funnydale corners has accepted a call from georgetown and llmehouse and ozi tuesday it was sustained by the buirrle presbytery nonunionist he will leave stayner after the 24th inst if any citizens who are willing tu enro for a public plot of flowers in sultnbl place near their home will notify mr j b wallace or mr j p kelloy they will be supplied with the plants for such plots by the horticul tural society tho members of orion lodge no j09 i o o v and verdun rebecca lodgo np 184 georgetown and visit ing brethren and sisters from acton mutonr and rin over one hundred and flfty strong headed by georgetown oddfellows band paraded to tbo methodist church on sunday evenlmt last for divine service itev henry dickie m a d d chose as his text from tllo lth verse of psalm 78 until 1 went into the sanctuary or god subject is church golnr worlh tvhllo oakville the lions club ac oakvllle has undertaken to erect welcome signs at tho entrances to tho tovn chief kerr has been instructed to eroct parking signs in town residents of oakvllle and vicinity will bo pleased at the announcement ot the ccturn of an hourly service on the hamlltonoakvllle radial tho ldbatt brewing company hava rented tho murray house barn and will equip it as a dlstributinir depot for tho now 4 4 beer in this district at last friday nights luncheon of tho llona club definite steps were taken to assist in the community ser vice work of tho town tho town parks and the lake front are assuming the proper appearance to begin the summer season mrs xlundos- left friday for oak land city california where she will make her home with her son frank kylej wfio is now manager of a chain of drug stores in that city ctio annual convention of the tra falgar sunday school assoclauon will bo hold in the bethel methodist church at drumauln on friday may 20 there will be two sessions be ginning nt 130 pm and 730 p m standard- time mrs alary reynols widow of the lute thomas reynols license inspec tor of oakvllle died on tuesday may 19 at bundas born in oakvllle seventy eors ago mrs reynols spent tho greater part of her life here an important ceremony was con ducted in tho oakvllle masonic hall on tuesday evening when the lodge rooms of tho white oak chapter no 104 g r c were consecrated and ded icated by grand lodge officers from toronto nncl hamilton mrs llev jabes wass who re cently arrived from california was a visitor during last week at the homo of mr and mrs j h elliott mr and mrs j w read of win nipeg axe visiting at the home of mrs reads cousin mrs ranson having motored from tho western city a distance ot 1660 miles in ave days and a hajf trip through western ontario half a thousand mllvi on dolifjhtful my tim jaunt a weok ot ho jifro tho munuifci of tho ttnm pjiimh mr a a dlllfi hint tho opportunity to acumiuny mi c h hnrrlnon of tin anton tv1uchno co on u uufilnohh trip to london and win i not and nummouh intii mediate iiolnta to one who iuih not had hucii a iciifffhy trip by thlh memm of tiavel in ihv tunt two ot tjjww yearn tho lm rovomehtti in ontailo toadh arc mont notlcpublo tfioio ih viuuiliy u town of liny tonnouuiticc nnd no through rondti to ciuch but can bo leacbed by tho flnoht of count jy toadh in moot c linen much hotter than that aio found within tho city limitu tho load mir fncon vary but in all aru tho bravo 1 rondff are tiblnir diuagcd and they aur tmsn tho puvejoent aid nnphalt rond- wayn tho drlvo through thin pint of on tario in may with tho tioen juat com inff into leaf and blomm ift wonderfully ontianclnff nearing winded tho scn- non wn somewhat moio advancod thin in theiio partn and thero tho trocs woro out in altaoat full leaf tho drive homo was so mo what clr- cultquajliidwafl iiilmn hywiiy-offlt- thomas tlllsonburff simcoo and hamilton down to tho went of ham ijton the trees i wore out in bloom and thin fertile country presented n flno nppcjiranco good rofldn characterized tho roturn journey an well and in aplto pf a heavy rain tho provlous night tho roads wore all in oxcellent condition down about chatham whero the country ntralffhtons ouj in pratrloilko plateaus tho roado havo bcon built up with dftcheo ton and twelve foot deep on either side cement and mlnature steel bridges span these ditches to pro vide entrance to tho farm property truly tho tourists who motor through ontario at this time of venr have everything ideal to his require ments and enjoyment while at chatham wo called upon mr and mis narl vincent mr vin cent is an acton boy and was for many years a member of this staff he is now with tho chatham news has good position and both aro on- joying good health it was the pleasure of the wilter on the homeward trip to visit his birth place in haldlmand county and to meet numerous friends there the weeks outlnj was in all re spects enjoyable the privilege of rid ing in a flrstclass road car with a skilful driver and in tho fellowship of which mr harrison is noted was i pleasure which was greatly appreciat ed m business directory medical dr j a mcniven phyalolan and 8urqon office and roamonco corner bow avenue and elgin street fbrsole in all good drug stores dr catdwelvs laxative syrup pepsin sometime why not this time red rose teais good tea the orange pekoe is extra good try it methodist conguega tional meeting the tsst annual meeting on jvne 4th tobe historical ask motorist8 to leave the flower8 untouched an appeal has been made to motor tourists hy the american autpmoblle association to refrain from any form of carelessness that might tend to des ecrate the countryside this appeal is worth putting before canadians thomas p henry president of the association aaym that the countryside must bekept attractive ab an invest ment in touring satisfaction and the tourist has a direct interest in further ing the movement in each individual case thie automobile has brought the countryside of america to the ameri can people but it must not hide it under a litter of picnic debris a wlldftowex on the bush is worth the tonneau withered and trampled add ed mr uonry leave the flowera whero you can enjoy them most if motorists are to strip america of her foliage motoring will be stripped of on of its fundamental assets nine tenths of wild flower picking along the roadway fa simply a barbaric leisure to prgvo maxin supremacy of natures own handiworlt this is demonstrated by the fact that few wildflowers ever live to grace vases in the homes of those who pick them sonle where along the road tourists wilj be annoyed by the sight of withered flowers strewn about where thy have been thrown away by those who think that the country- sides beauty is unlimited there are many nowadays that will never be at tractive atgnin and the number of the beauty spots in america la decreasing the tourist always selects the cream of tho countrysidebeauty and if each motor party leaves behind it a trail of ruin it will not be long before the old- tlmtrfl will o talking of the country- afdo that used to be it requires only a few broken bottles somo tin cans u defunct tire nd a few discarded news papers to make an ideal spot the lasx word in unsightllness one vtourlit party can put out of business a beauty spot that snljrht otherwise aofujjend- ing delight to- hundreds of otherpedple who tnko pride in the country and wlia know that if they do not preserve it no one tlaecan do it for them deb ris is danarerous the careless smoker plus the littered picnic spot result n the forest fire that wreck the country- st0e bojt hills encourage swollen streams njid floods floods ruin the roads and lay waste tho valleys on thursday evening juno 4 the annual meeting and banquet of the methodist church which has a history here of eighty years will bo held in addition to tho presentation of re portflfor thoycarrandtheelectlonof society representatives thero will be programme of especial interest descendants of the original members who founded tho church and erected the first building with their own hnndi will glvo historical data and interest ing incidents relative to the work and progress of the church tho ministers who have had charge of the field tho noted revivalists the visits of the great preachers of tho church who havo of ficiated on special occasions glimpses of uc earlier leaders of the congrega tion the erection of the present church building flfty years ago tho fellow ship which has existed thtough tho years in the churchs activities and with tho sister churches of the town there wilt also be a congregational memorial and museum where port raits of early members the first flagon for the sacramental wine the silver communion service presented at the opening of the present church the copy of tho scriptures presented by tho min ister to the first couple married in the present church and other articles of interest will be on exhibit the thought of the committee which had a long session on monday even 7 ing is to make this last official meet ing of the congregation a memorable one in reviving hallowed memories of the earnest effo an success o th fathers in giving interesting facts of the present generation and in showing the faces of many of those who worked for the advancement of gods king dom in the earlier days it will bo a great last gathering of the local church family before handing over its tradi tions heritage and possessions to the new tjnlted church of canada the ladles aid socloty will super intend the preparation of tho banquet feature messages to their majesties from the youth of canada with ksys of canada building king george and queen mary 01 june 2 9 in trafalgar square london england will open canadas new build ing they will open it with keys made of gold silver and nickel from northern ontario mines the keys for tho opening will be pre sented to their majesties by hon peter larkln canadian high commissioner vvlth the keys will bo presented mes sages from the youth of canada to their majesties ono to che king from the boys of canada and ono to the queen from the girls of canada to find the most suitable boy and girl the toronto star offers certain prises and awards tb the boy and girl adjudged most auallfled under the conditions outlined to 41 gn the cable messages to tho king and queen on behalf of tho children of canada the star will give 150000 each in cash he- sides the honor of signing the mes sages to tho boy and girl who write the best messages for tho king and queen which the winners of the attainment contest are- to sign the star will give a cash prise of 100 00 each tho messages muse not excertm one hun dred words each the contests are open to children in all parts of can ada all prepared a highland minister came to a lone ly house on the margin of his parish to baptize the child of a shepherd who lived there are ye prepared ho asked -ayesald- the ahephcvd i got u grand hum ye ken for yer dinner 3z no said tho minister i mean spiritually prepared aye aye minister i got a quart jar frae the inn heatings kills gardening and lawn tools yea we have an excellent stock of shovels hoes rakes etc to make your gardening work a pleasure and for work on the lawn we have vvoodyatt lawn mowers lawn shenrri edge trimmers in fact nil tho equipment you need our range ot colois in paints for all classes of work is complete nonao youf color and class of work and wo can recommend a suitabl paint for tho job phonet76 w d talbot main street acton phone 88 dr e j nelson rniedbrick strnlst acton ontario legal phono no 22 p o box it harold nash farmer m a barrlatgr 8oloitor notary pubhe convynor eto perrvman slock acton out monefv veirr on morttoaoma hours 9jttf ajn to 5 pra saturday 100 oclock dental dr j m bell d d s- l d dentm honor gradoax of toronto t7nrr slty the latest anesthetic used if desired office at residence corner of ufl and frederick streets dr f a gollop dds ljja dental surgeon office orer bank or nora scotia hqtrrs j0 tov10 erentaa by appointment miscellaneous p e m d e d b o vr l square cat gears last longer than bevel gears on any machine jott know that that is just ono reason mhy tho malotto dive you many more years of service the aterqge life of a m safflam jatir- amrn ttmoskt cwain separator w is twenty years and during this time you separate 14600 milk- ings think of it the melotte does last longer and skim dean- er nrlturnjgasier o user name it the separator that wont wear out ask us to tell you more and demonstrate ferguson bros baluinafad ont phone gearsetown os r 6 francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made t order periodicals of every dearlptlovl carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street aatlph orer williams store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience ijst tpur propebt with me acton ontario q3rkiaiohosrvsr trwionto canaoa millers worm powders muiva tbi restless condition brouqht on by thrpbesebob op amd restore the child to normalhealth wo narcotics pleasant as sugar 1 khuh i ar a the new huttonville park a delightful new outing place within 15 mile by electric cars tho huttonvido pork limited of which mr t h moorchead is tho enterprising president has opened a now pleasuro park at huttonvllle on tho river ciedlt which is attracting much attention wtf cottage hillside tho electric cars fi om acton fltop at tho cntrnnco to tho park there uro forty acres of watci with nno opportunities for boatlne and bathlnir thero ih ajao a pavilion and largo athletic hold for sports tjbh v ibbbbbbi ra sp9 chinguacojusy lake tho iicclimittnyfiiff eotiriivlngh eiyo glimpses of this attructivo park vftu a e nicklin in8urance agent lifa firs auto acefdont health insurance qusrantse fionttsr burglary and plats gists inaurancs trustee for estates collections business entrusted to my care will be carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property t favorable rates and terms for re payment box 444 bower ave acton ihe surest way trained men and women are always in demand at salaries that are very lucrative hun dreds of guejph business college graduates have been placed in excellent positions wo can do tho some for you get in on this today guelph business college chjrnmr bldp guolph ont a l bouck principal session the enthie yeait dont neglect your eyes tako advantage of specialist services offered by this estab lishment and know your glasses are luehl experience is a good teacher ims 102s we have had over twonty yoara at it and hero patrons are assured of the best in op tical bervicb a d savage optometrist and mf0 optician 8avage building ri0ht at tho post offlcov guelph ontario the om and reliable granite and marble works we are manufacturers and dirsut importers of all kinds of mbnumontaj and headstone work wo sell direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus saving our customer 40 per cent we have tho best appliances and the only mechanics in tho dominion who con operate pneumatlo tools properly we can five references from hundreds af our customers in toronto and other places whero others havo to havo law suits in order to object wo have ths largest and best slck of granite in the dominion or muro than any three dealers in the west we aro lealtl mats dealers and employ no avents and do not annoy or post customers by sending out ignorant asrents sollolt- injh pvdraws employ only mochanle and defy compotujon hamilton sons qublph ont f sl- jj v-

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