Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1925, p. 5

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lr attan 3to pttflfl tiiukbay may 28 1025 hqwpolumbus gftvfcl p america coiumbuu stood upon tho dock go homcj tho tsuuoro cried not ifjl poi lali- on tho wreck oi cat chi jstoplitr replied intt clay tho ciow got out tholr knives and went for cujitiun c go home thoy yelled and aavo our llvos wait one more duj talrt he thon if i cannot kll imv fur weie tiom the neareat land ill talto you home agreod wo are answered tho etasick bund that nitrhtwhon all woro fast asjoep coiumbuu heaved tho lead and measuring thd water doep took noteu und wont to bed r tonicriow fiivpcd nausht could bo ucon k lint watei wet and cold y columbus ymlllne und seiicno looked confident and bold now cap how far from land aro wo tho mutineci a outciicd juat ninety fathoms captain c most tiuthfully rcpiiea r and if you doubt it heave tho lead and monui o same a 1 louro right- tho sailors ituighod gijbutheadl well atlck to you or die and thus in foul teen ninetytwo america was found bcpauao tho great columbus know how fai off was tho around u c dodffo twenty yar8 ago the sunday school lesson pon sunday may31 swimming pool in jasper park from tho hbsuo of tho pros pr of thursday juno 1 1906 tho albion hotel is offered for sale rev r j idrysdalo is jioldlne sdccial poi vices at churchill this week work on the now mill street road way won commenced on saturday for tho flist lime in twenty years tho fluff failed to float fiom the town hall tower on victoria day the frosts of the post week did no damage to tho fruit treea in this lo cality complaints como from the toko district however to the effect that tho strawberry and other early small fcujts crop will be affected some people fret about the dande- lions on their lawns they sivo beauty and life to the flurroundjnera mr a march men t hoa sold his houso and tot on church street to mr o ritchie and son for 575 mr march- raent la removing fo berlin vhere jila two sons are employed tho civic holiday excursion to bracobildgo has been finally arranged by tho sons of scotland for wednes day juno 4 tho annual caledonian games will bo held that day tho faro from acton to bracobrltujo and return is 17g tho new ghpb station 1b up and enclosed ancl work 1b being pushed forward rapidly the site vras changed from tho point first decided upon and tho now building is located between tho old station and the tank the new tank ib being built on tho east side of tho tracks mrs h s mcdonald will remove to detroit- next wgok- thrce of hor sons aro already there a very ipterdstinff game of base ball was played in tho park on satur day afternoon in which a picked toain from the town defeated the regulars by o score of 71 following is the line up- regulais h fyfe catcher g hynds pitcher i holmes aral base r holmes aocond base w- taylor short stop m mckachern third baoo c clark centre field p wilson left field f grabjam right field town teatm h stajhnm catch er w malone pjlcher o co 0k first base e ryder second base n mc- nabb abort atop hilton jeans third base c raman aw centre field h cook left field j saunders right field born gibbons in acton on friday may 19 1905 to mr and mrs thomas gibbons church street a daughter john kellogg8 failure deacon john kelloggs onflho eat in the second pew from the front was generally the first man to shake the hand of a young minister after the sermon the deacons words of com mendation avoro tiearty and they car ried more weight than most words of ip n hvfl a few years in tho city and had heard mmcxamaiiflprftochctfl ho had boon asucccsufulformor witfr money in tho bank but ho had been ambitious to raoveto town and go into business when ho wja somewhat past middle life he had let his farm gono to town and entered into a partner ship with two other men but after three years tho business had failed so johnellogg enmo back to the furm and began to pay off ills debts it took him a long timo to do it and when thoy wcie all paid he was an old man and his ambition was gone nothing remained to him except his i aim and his scat in the church tho young minister had hoard tho story of those fow years in the city and nco while attending a cenforenca thero he had met some one who had thrilled him with admiration he re solved that when he returned home ho would go to john kellogg and tell him what sort of a man ho had discovered him to be before tho conferen cem eo tings wore over he received a telegram and he hastened back only to fitul that j6hn kellogg was dead but what he had learned too late co tell him to his face he told bosldo his coffin part of ty thopcoplo knew but not nil it was tho dishonesty of john kel- loggs purtners that hnd wrecked thd business legally each partner watt unble for the entire lndebtedtfesobut tho other two had hidden their pro- perty john kellogg might have es caped by tho payment of his third but ho had refused to do that bo- cause he said the people who trusted the firm had truster him ii tho debt was three times what in fairness he should have paid but for honors sake he had flowed corn year by yenr till he bad paid the ut3t doljar when that vna done ho was an old man but had he fallod7 pktlib at ltdda and joppa acts 0 343 golden text and they went foi th and preached every where tho led working with thorn and confirming tho word with by tho slgnti following that followed mink 1q 20 time 10 a d 7 place dyddu joppa the text exploited 1 a great royivul in lydda uiiil sharon 3236 stop by step god was leading fetci on toward the openin o tho door to tho gentiles lydda 3oppn caeanrcx aeneas istho orfly cifizen of lydda whoso name is mentioned in the bible the pnly great thing about hirflap- parcntly was his great need but there is najjilng more llkoly to at tract gods attraction thahnecd duko 1 53 aeneas wia apnariintly nc even a dlsciplo when fetef mot him ho la spokon of as a certain man cf verso 26 chapter 3 2 10 1 14- 8 it 10 there did not appear to bo much liopo for this man that day opened as all others had for ejght years it closed differently com all others becauao that day ho met a man who know qhrlst and brought tho mighty powor of jesus christ into nls life doubtless peter had met with many affile tod ones in his journeys from place to place but god had not spoken tho word tohlm and so ie had not spoken to them but now god did speak it to peters ever olst onlng heart and with unhesitating faith peter said unto him aeneas jesus christ maketh thee whole wonderful words words that might bo spoken to many a palsied man to day pe pity was not of tho eenhmentnj7but actlvo kind ho saw the mans dtro need he knew one who could help him ho brought tho two together peter was an apt scholar it is noteworthy how teeter kept himself in the background he lis ttye attention of aeneas on jesus christ his perfect cgnfldenco is also noteworthy he saw very clearly that he peter was only an instrument he saw with equal clearness that jesus christ could and would use even him aeneas faith responds to the word of power he arises straightway the miracle simply ojoned the way for the word there is a wide gulf between fetor and many modern socalled healers tho healing was largely a means to an end rather than an end n itself there is nothing more con vincing to mogt men of tho power of jesus christ than anr ocular demon stration of that power if wo would be in our own hves more perfect manifestations of the power of christ thero would be more turning to tho lord today 2 great revival in joppa 3642 joppa was no insignificant town there wero people of wealth and in- fluence there but the name of only a single person in that place has como down tous fhe name of a humble wo man her name shines very brightly- on the pogeflot the hiatory andhet story has been an inspiration to many why- this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did that is real greatness and it is open to all not that she was full of these good works and almsdeeds sho was a disciple indeed note also hni sho was not full of good works which she intended to do but was full of good works which she did she seems to have no relatives but instead of mourning about her lonely lot sho made herself sister and mother to- all and so she had many friends bolng full of good and almsdeeds did not exempt her from sjekness even unto ueath god evidently has other pur poses in sickness than the chastise ment of our sfn and the humbling of our pride it wont do t decldo too hastily that the one whofalls sick or even dies has lp some way wandered away from god these disciples had a mighty faith there had been no cases of resurrection so far as we know in tho ten years that had elapsed since the resurrection of christ yet those humble disciples believed in a living god and a- living christ and that now that thor was need of a resurrection from the dead god would grantit and ilodid showing the coats and garments dorcas had made it was a most worthy monument that poretiahadbuiltwit li many- have gazed at it and been inspired to actsorfvgixntrbs6ftirce nbtepthat railway time tables anadian nationaltrailways an openair heated swimming pond will bo an added attraction au jasper fork lodge tho summer mountain hotel of the canadian national rail ways fh jaspor national park accord ing to an announcement made by walter pratt general manager of the hotel department of tho national system the construction of tho pool has been under way for some time and work has progressed so well that the pool will bo ready for the opening of tho season in the latter part of may the pool which has boon built directly in front of the main lodge on tho shore of lac beauvert and within sight of some of the highest mountain peaks in tho park was designed and constructed entirely by engineers of tho company- 3t jh hulk of reinforced concrete on concrete piers an4 is 100 foot long by 40 feet wide fifteen feet of shallow water have been railed off as a wading pool for children and from three to nine feot at the deep end spring boards and a diving tower are provided the most modcn heat ing and filtering methods havo been employed ahd the water is drawn in from a spring in the mountains be hind thoiodge tho lighting features are unique in addition to overhead lighting electric hulbs have been concealed below tho surface of tho water and it is thought that the efjtect of this submarine 11- luminntlon will be very striking tho pool h built on sloping ground adjoining it on the lake side and ap pearing to be part of the pool itself is a boat house where are accommodated tho boats and canoes for those who want to use lac beauvert sufficient space is provided above the water level for the accommodation of spectator in the evenly of racing cr diving competitions or other acquatlp sports in addition to a nverfoot rurt thle ond will vary in depth from onoiway close to tho water for tho use of foot nmo inches to two foot six inches tho swimmers there is a platform the rest of the pool will vary in depth ranging in width from 11 feot 6n threes sides to 34- feet on the boathouse aide benches aro arranged on these plat forms dressing rooms and shower baths are provided in a cabin near tho pool supervision of the pool will be under the direction of georgo o stafford an employee of the hotel department of the canadian national railways in montreal who is being transferred to jasper park for the summer mr stafford is on of the best known swimmers in canada he wan born in england wlierc ho won tho junior championship of tho southern coun ties in swimming and diving in 1d17 he came to montreal in 1920 and in 1922 he won tho province of quebec fancy diving championship and held tho honors during 1923 and last year he was runnerup for tho canadian fancy diving championship in 1922 and won the canadian indoor fancy diving championship this year the photograph shows the pool and inaet george o stafford the super visor a sherlock holmes story wanted a change betty had only lately been instruct ed in tho matter of evening prayers and her performance yras esompjarj until tho occasion when she startled hor mothor with the petition bless thy4ittiowpigtonlght sho was reminded that the correct word was lamb but refused to re- urn to orthodoxy v at last whon pressed or the cause of this stubborn naughtlneits she ro- plied that sho was tiiod of being a lamb 2very night she protested it has been lamb iamb lnmb so to night im going to be a pig- and to- i morrow i am going to bft an ele- tjphant m i mans speeo records men hare been developing tholr ability tq mnke bpod records for some years with the result that human agility has net the following murks for onomtlo dlstanoes skating 2 mln- utes 3fi seconds swimming 22 mln- utob 35 seconds running 4 minutes 10 45 seconds bicycling 1 minute 4 10 hoconrts against these marks the 4 homo has set 1 minute 35 2s seconds i for running and 1 minute fid 24 soo- t onds foi trotting she had niorde these garments while sho was with them that is tho time to do things for people while you are with them post mortem benefac tions do not count much with god peter put them all forth foter was following very closely in tho foot steps of his mooter in such a supremo moment as this ono wants no spectat ors and he must bo alone with god ho prayed ah what power ther la in prayer it can raise the- dead have you a dead minister try it on him have you a dead church try it on it have you a friends dead in trespasses and sin try it on him praying not grumbling is what we want today he first turned to god and then to thja corpse here is a les son for christian workers when you haye laid hold on god as peter did then you can lay hold of corpses by word as peter did also and thoy wj rise turning to tho sleeping one ho said tabitha arise those eyes so long clpsed opened oh some bright day jesus himself will say it to all ear- sleeping loved ones and fheir eyes shall open and they too shall rise never to sleep again jno 5 28 29 fetor gave hor his hand and ntid her up just as ho had seen jesus do to his own motherinlaw tho wonder that had been done soon spread throughout joppa it was a conclusive proof of the power of jesus name ard that god himself honored that name as divine so many be lieved on tho lord not on peter foter was an adept at so hiding him self that men saw jesus only but not eyery one believed on the lord we hear about taking a whole city for the lord it never occurs many may believe a great number may turn to the lord ch 11 21 multi tudes may bolfeve but some one will not in the greatest revivals in large cities though the converts nne number ed by the thousands there are far more who are not converted those converts in joppa did not believe merely about the lord they believed in or on r v tho lord they did not merely believe in orthodox htntementflabqut jum- they- believed in him the pi oof that one believe on tho lord is that ho accepts him jno l 12 do you believe about the lord jcsusor do you believe on the lord jesus dully readings far next week monday june 1 the vision of corn elius acts 10- 18 tuesday juno 2 the- vision of peter acts 10 010 wednesday june 3 cornelius sends for feter acts 10 1723 thursday june 4 opening the to the gontlles acts 10 3449 friday june 6 the holy spirit given acts 10 4448 saturday june 6 peters explana tion aou 11 118 sunday june 7 the glorious pru- phecr isaiah 61 r 19 send i doo as a vermicide an excellent prepara tion is mother jdravos worni exter minator it j an saved the fives of countless children j lcmember an original sherlock holmes story says mr w w- uus- worth in his book a golden agfa of authors that was told by conan doylo the night before ho sailed for home in december 1894 on his arrival in boston doyle told us ho had noticed a dogeared but familiar volume peeping out of his cabmans pocket drive me flrst to youngs hotel he said to the man iinay want to go to parkers later pardon me mr doyle returned tho cabman you will find major pond waiting for you at tho parker house as they parted the cabman askod for apass tothe lecture instead- of-a- fee and poylo said ndw see here i am not usually beaten at ray own game how did you know who i am well sir of course all members of the cabmans literary guild knew you were coming on this train and i noticed sir jf you will excuse mo that your hair has the cut of a quakerish philadelphia barber your hat shows on the brim in front where you tightly grasped it at a chicago literary lunch eon your right overshoe has on it a big block olchicago mad and there are crumbs of a doughnut which must have been bought at tho springfield station on the topr of your bag and then sir to roako assurance doubly sure i happened to see stenciled in plain lettering on tho end of your bag tho name conan doyle a sheaf of sage sentences beginning and ends aro both ofjjxeaf importance and the former should nover be made without first consider ing whether the latter are worth while tho man with a grouch thinks the world 4s all wrong whereas it is he himself who needs to- take a mental and moralcathartlc tho truly religious ufo is not super natural on the contrary the irrellgl- oub lif is subnjoturaj many a fellow coraplulns thath hart lno tim for bolf-lmproveraentb- whose day is as full of idle leaks as a j slevo is of holes we havo an acquaintance who is a joiner ho talks much about tho value of organization and yot he has never taken tho trouble to organize his own life multiplying meanoof communication have made teo world a neighborhood our next great- vksk ia ta make it neighborly tho urge and call of spring which you feel within you v proof that you aro part of what a modern philosopher has n called tho living universe- j s- duncanclarke words we shouldnt use india ink does not come from india and never did it ought to be called chinese ink ricepaper is not mode from rice or any part of tho rlco plant trainoil is not bo called because it i used to lubricate trains it is a whole oil ond was called train by scandin avian fishers a buttery has nothing to do with butter butyls tho placo where tho but ler or bottler works china is sol- dom made in that country and has be come a misnomer used in place of por celain tartan is not a material but a pattern the waterrat is not a rat at all but a vole nor has the countrydanco any thing to do with thecountry it ought to be countredanoe or opposite- dance cat coll has- no thing to do with cats catastrophe or conclusion of a greek drama and the second is a cor ruption of gutcord gooseberry has nb connection with tho bird but ought to be gorseberry or toughberry neither has gooseberry fool anything to do with fool- tho french of the dish is foule de grosellles pantry is not associated with pans bfit with brad palni while cutlet has nothing to do with the chopping or cutting of meat but means a little rib a bilious critic -when- a person isso minded hecn find ugliness o very where a story is told of an etcher john sloan that il lustrates this point he was walking one night with a friend in philadelphia how hideous nature is tanlghtj sloan remarked but my dear sloan objected his friend look at the stars surely you will admit that theyre very tno to night sloqn looked up thon frowned and shook his head oh yes he said notbad not bad but theres tar too many of them i cautious hiram two farmers met la a western tpwrt a day or two after a cyelpne had visit ed thut par t leu in r neighborhood c she flhookthings up protly bad out at my place said one stroking hu whiskers meditatively by tho way hi ho added that now barn o yotits get hurt nny wal drawled jtho other i dunio x httlni found it yot not to be snubbed circumstances farced james keith to leave school and earn his living be fore ho was sixteen years old like many another boy he had nbt bent towarauny particular trade and so took the first job that offered that happened to be with a tinsmith and he became an expert workman he was pretty well satisfied with his job and with the money ho made at it and ho saw no reason why he should think less of himself because the useful work he did obliged him to soli his hands and sometimes his face one evening ns keith begrimed with dust and soot tho result of a days hard work on a hot roof was going home he mefcmrlandonan old frlendotho family mrs london had always liked jim for sho honestly admired his cheerful spirit his sturdy character and his- affectionate devotion to his widowed mother this afternoon however she had been calling upon some of hei fashion able acquaintances who lived not far from tho keith home and hatj un fortunately absorbed a little pf tho spirit thut prevailed among them it may be that jim was a little dirtier than usual perhaps mrs landon feared that her now friends would not understand if they should seo her speaking to this sooty young work- mam at any rate us he approached sho tried to avoid his eye but jim felt himself quite as worthy of respect in his working clothes as in his sunday suit nor hnd he any intention of passing an old friend of the family without greeting her and sd ns ho passed mrs london ho took of his hat and said goodnaturedly good evening mrs landon its the same old jim under all this dirt is it necessary to add that mrs landon returned tho salutation millers worm powders can dono injury to the mpst delicate child any child or lnajt stat of a lescentje who is infested with worms ca t pre w1 thou ta qualm of the stomach and will find it a sure relief und a full protection from these destructive pests which are responsible for much sickness and for great suffering legions of little ones barefoot boys dam oil in ravine two barefoot boys respectively ten and twelve yearn of age earned forty- five hundred dollars in one week ac cording to the oh weekly of dallas texas by combining thrift and ingen uity in a telling manner much oil was going to waste in the northwest burkburnett oil field because the pipe l w inndequato when the boys who aro brothers saw crude oil from a broken pipe running down a small ravine hitching a donkey to a rattle trap spilng wagon they began to haul dirt to dam the ravine and succeeded after much hard work in collecting a great quantity of oil the owner appeared on the aceno about that time and he admired the pluckof the youngster4 he did not claim the oil outright although it had boon his but offered the youngsters one dollav and u ttajf a barrel salvage for it tho youngsters accepted his offer and perching themselves on their new dam with stubs of pencils checked out the oil as it was hauled away it tallied exactly three thousand barrels and the boys got their money punctuality much of a mans progress in life deponds upon the impression he cre ates one of the cosies c ways to make a pleasing impression is to be punctual tho slight effort necessary la arriving on time 1a soon forgotten and few things will assist as greatly in putting us in tune for our work and in causing the day to pass smooth ly nnd pleasingly punctuality created confidence and causes others to feal that tjie ond on time is trustworthy areal nobleman you are a real nobleman when conscloncc owns your highest allegiance whon you do not allow your wealth to smother your worth when a secret sin is as deeply scorn ed as a public fault when weakness finds in you a fear less champion j when defenceless virtue la safe in your keoplng when personal power is used for the common good whon courage for tho right does not depend upon the crowds support eyes irritated by sunwinddust cindeks wromm en p jou tr drueum aort ictmu mi io m n mfc a judges nine points in keeping with tho policy of giving newly naturalised citizens good advice upon their assuming the duties of our citizenship a judge laid down nine points for the benefit of a group of more than ono hundred whom he hni just naturalized ho said devote yourself to- selfimprove ment and to efllclency in your occupa tion establish a family vbe neighborly with neighbors cultivate friends respect your parents bo loyal to your wife educate and bring up your children to be useful citizens save andguard your savings beware of the man- who wants to sell you a gold brick these ore good commandments for alh citizens whether foreign born or nej especially valuable is his sugges tion for self- improvement even the busiest of persons could usually find a half hour or more each day for tho study of some useful sub jects or the reading of good books which in time add gieatly to his cul ture as well as to his earning capacity tho average boy or young man has much leisure time but how many put it to profitable use town boys often spend hours watching a pool game or in some other equally useless pastime when they might be fitting themselves for a good job tho judge quoted above knows what ho is talking about and his advice is worthy of earnest consideration by nil who destro to be useful citizens ms bank works comtnictively and conservatively for the protection of its depositors and the community as a whole because the bank of montreal for more th a cent has ehdcavorecito do mwfntkasome to be regarded through out the length and breadth of the dominion as a sound safe and friendly jnsticution there are six hundred branches of the bank of montreal each branch has he strength stability experience ahd services of thcentire organisation mate the nearest branch your banjcmg headquarters talk with the manager on matters of banking or business write to him or call in person you can bank with us by maih a bahk where small accounts arc wctiot bank of montreal established aver joo years twi asset in excess of i7oooooooo i ataoton going wt no 20 j2- 800 am no 31 10 45ojn all no 36 6 00 pm no 30 sunday 8 33pm no 25 10 41am oolng eat no 2c 7 21 am no 3 t 11 27 aro no 34 s 36 pm no 30 0 17 p jo no 38 8 13 pm no h sunday 708 p4d canadian national electric railways westbound dally except sunday dally polly dolly dally dally t3auy daily dally chspt of alt oils conbldoriim tho qualities of dr thomas bel ec trie oh it is the cheapest of all prepara tions offered to tho public it la to be found from every drug store in canada from coast to coast and all country merchants keep it for sole 8o being easily procurable and ex tremely moderato in prlco no one should bewithout a bottle of tt 7 an agricultural edison who is the prosperous man asked the summer boarder puuslns on the- steps of the store as he pointed to a man in painfully new clothos with a very heavy sold cbuln suspended across a gorgeous waistcoat that man said the store lounger looking round for an audience for he was the village humorist is an in ventive genius and the richest man in all thla county hum he dont look like un in ventor to me said the city man aus piciously td put him down as a farmer in his best clothes to go on a visit somewhere waal hes a farmer too replied he countryman with a wink ut his uidlence l boys and the owner of the store you see ho couldnt raise nolhhv but a mortgage on his farm because it was on such high n dry laria but he thought up a good plan to raise tho best tatcrs in all the county r- he plants his tatcrs and then h6 sows onions among them well what of it aked tho boarder impatiently tho oplons makes tho tatora eyes water and flict irrigates omj hov ye got fh go so soon no matter how deeprooted the corn may be it must yield to holloways corn remover if used as directed how thackeray named a book how thackeray decided oh the name for ono of his books is revealed in tho following anecdote which the pall mall gazette attributes to mr philip new man whose wife was a schoolmate of the novelists daughter and after wards kept up an intimacy with tho famtiy one day when mies thackeray and the future mrs newman were out for a walk mish thackeray remarked that her father had started a now story but was at a loss for the heros name the future mrs newman with her fiance in her thoughts suggested that the name philip might serve the purpose at that moment who should come up unobserved behind the two girls but thnckeray himself who naked why the young people were so deep in con vorsatlon miss- thackeray revonled the subject under discussion and told him of her friends suggestion admirable was thackerays ver diet and now my dear ho con llnuod what i yout own name charlotte well thats a very nlc numo too he rephedj nnd hp called his tale the adventures of philip and named the principal woman chaiuctei charlotte 1 could hrdly live for asthm writoj one man who after years of suffering hns found complete relief through dr j d kellogga asthma remedy now he knows how needless has been hi aufferlng this matchless remedy gives sure help to all alyltctad with asthma inhaled as smoke or vapor it brings help so long needed every dealer hoa it or can get it from his wholesaler r to use martin senour red school house paint fbr barns and outbuildings it has no equa1 write to hoai office mootrwj for freo booklet home jaintinc made asv sold bv w d talbot acton ontario lagging spring appetites can be bolstered up arid stimulated by letting us do your baking dont worry and stew over a pie for dinner or some cake for supper when you can buy such delicious homemade baking at fairbanks our bread is the staff of life in most acton homes fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill st acton eastbound dally daily except sunday dally dally dally 1 dally dally daily dally 743 nra 943 am 1143 am 143 pjtt 343 p ijj 5 48 p m- 749pjn 0 48 b 1282 mtu 748 aro 943 tlxxu 1143 am- 143 lm 343 pm 6 43 pjtn 743 pm 943 pm 1140 pn ifrolffht dollvrod by apodal express freight freight plokod up at any ad dress in toronto notice to creditors of the estate of erne8t albert r08e deceased 1 tho credltprs of ernest albert r000 late of tho village of acton in the county of halton tanner v dtqd on tho eighteenth day of may 102b and all persons having claims against his etato are required on or before tho twentysecond day of juno 1026 to sand by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to tho underslurnod solicitor tholr full names addresses and des criptions and full particulars of their claims on and after the said twentysecond dny of junotho executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said es tate among the parties entitled thereto and he hereby strives notice that he will not be responsible thereafter for any claim or claims of which ho shall not have received notice dated this twentyfirst day of may a d 1926 4 henry phtwj mtfqftp executor by h n parmer acton ontario his solicitor 473 t- ii a i a j cadesky oftohorlto eyesight specialist wio be at a t brown s drug store acton monday june 1 anyone buffering- from ey- alrain dofoctlvo vision or headaoho should not mlsa the opportunity of consulting this oyoalght spoclallat appoint ments may bo mado with mr a t brown druggist constjixation fbeb office hours 0 s m till 4 p m w lastoria nnsnnsvx mother fletchers castorla is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of pood promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates la to avoid imitations always loofc for the signature of cijtr7a provm liittinns nn each package physicians everywhere rectgwpfttd it t e gibbons exrert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders lept tje gibbons acton main street advertisers ths free press is anxious to ssrva you and ssrvs you wsll we ean giv your advsrtiss- rosnt batter attention and there fore make it more attractive if th oo laauppliad to -ue- monday or tuesday if cop fall to reeoh us until wedneedaytorenoon there is a rush to sst it up before the forms eloser and the result is likely to be less satisfactory 8end in your ads early 0res n sh 09rkmoim9rvfot ttoronto qxnada does vour watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario get your job printing at the free press simple and sure dr thomaec- joctrlo oil ie so elmplo in amplication that n child can understand tho ln- xtructlons uned as a llnlmont tho only direction is to rub and whon uaod an tt dressing to apply tho directions arc so plain nnd unmistakable that tuty are roa4lly understood by old and yoins ct tf stjii

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