Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1925, p. 6

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births marrlaatb and pcatha are now charged for at thto followloff rate dirthi 50c marrlagco 50 deaths soc memorial tarda 50c 10c per line extra iorjioems born- mckat in oakvlllo on saturday may 16 1925 to mr and mra w s mckay spruce street a daughter mararot eleanor he artmt 3te jrjfl brief xocal items ik k- did yougo fishing on thotwonty- fourth as ubual many homes in town havo dlfl- playod very attractlvo bods of tulips during the week bicycles aro all right and wo aro gjnd to see tho boys enjoying them but not riding on the sidewalks rtho sugar maples wrh their wealth of newlyunfolded foliage pre sent a beautiful picture juot now r the nabt week was apple blos som wboft in earnest the applo trees presented a most pleasing aspect social and personal the now additions at theworlcs of the acton tanning company arc boing poshed forward with dispatch ra lot of work was done in the home gardens on the twentyfourth and of courso tho potatoes wero planted vlf your neighbor has a pretty flower garden toll him so a llttlo word of appreciation is always encouraging remember tho juno meotlngjof the womens institute tomorrow friday afternoon in tho parish hall ats p m mrs dr gray is having an en largement inado to tho sunroom at her robidonco on church and frederick stroots tho annual excursion to the on tario agricultural college guelph for halton county will be held on wed nesday juno 10 the twentyfourth is reported as having the coldost weather ovor ex perienced- on that date the mercury got down to 40 dogrecs mls3 lihtlo dills was homo- from tor onto miss margaret brown was hero from toronto mr robort w stowart was homo for tho holiday mr ernost barr of qnlt was homo ovor tho weekend misses joan and anna lindsay woro homo from tho city mr j a lusby of toronto was homo for tho holiday mibs marlo mowat of toronto is home for the holidays miss vera hurst of toronto- was homo for tho holidays mr ernost brown was homo from toronto for tho holiday miss olive mowat of toronto was homo for tho weokond dr w g ckonnqy of toronto was homo for tho wookond miss josslo mowat is homo from toronto for the holidays miss gladys huffman wns homo from toronto for tho holiday mr and mrs qoorgo hawthorno and childron of kltchoheiv mlsslucytcawards spout the week acton senior ball team neighborhoodnew8- town and country lost firat oamo in long uo at george town win second place in tho rockwood tournament tho senior baseball team got away on their flrat schedule gamo at goprgotown on saturday tho woather was cold arid not roal bauoball wenthoi- and tho fano havo not got into thi- eoaoon yet thoao who attondod nay that acton wonf well until tho soventh innings when an adverao ont tho team up in tho air and on arriving back oij oarth found that tho havoc was dond goorgotown having scored flvo runs rowo andt31bbona oh the mound fdr acton both turned in a good garnu tho noxt game in tliis loaguo will bo played here on saturday jwith lalon and ijiiiaburg aa contestants in the othor- loaguo gamo boween hlusburg and rockwood at rockwood -rock- wood wero tho winners tho standing itt ns follows won georgetown 1 rockwood acton 0 hlllsburg obpringe there wiih n jolly time at the home of- mr john ailtlha on monday evonlns a largo company gatheced to moot mr harold allcins rmd hla bride who wero married on saturday and to offer them their copgraulntions tho protjonta- tlon of a pali o beautiful parlor chnlia to tho yourig couple was tho featuro of the evening mr dan mclean read n vory idnujywtedod address and messrs archie sinclair and clayton cook presented tho chairs mr and mra aiklnowill roaldo in hamilton drumquim got 2000 back out of 400 gtiolph polico round up tho gang who aeoaultod and robbed chester mcbain lost 0 0 1 a in tho rpckwbodtounarnojun happiness is doing nlco things for othor ooplo its juaf hko a kiss you cant havo it yourself without giv ing it to somebody else carney byrne corporal of tho boy scouts has also boon awdxdcd tho second class medal in addition tb those whoso names appeared in last issue tho esrjuestng branch of the wo- mens institute will hold their sum mcr sorles of meetings in eaquoslng hall ajt 3toworttown on- friday may 20ct 230 motor traffic is gradually increas ing on tho tor on to- sorn lis highway through acton each succeeding week sees a larger number of motorlals passing through halton county council has ap proved of building apaved road from freeman north to dundas street it v la requested that this road bo mado a provincial highway the guolph city council at special -meetirur-laat- week passed bylaw to provide for 45000 for tiro installation of a central heating plant at thergoneral hospital tho spring on main street noar d a hendersons realdenco remains with tho wotor running down the road- iway there has evidently been no ef fort made to remedy the trouble r rockwood has sot a worthy ex ample to many larger and moro preten tious places neat street signs havo been erected on all tho streets this gives favorable lnprosalonn to visitors a few persona who woro thought less or ignoraift exlbtinic jbfciaws prohibiting- -thjoaotllnff- oft of fiicw- crackers within tho limits of the town violated tho provisions of tho bylaw end with friends in toronto mr and mrs w j smith of tor onto wero with acton frionds mies annio collier spent tho week end with relatives in toronto p mr c v stafford of guelph visited acton friends during tho week mr allan ball of toronto spent tho holiday with acton frlenda mlsss jean kennedy came home from toronto university on saturday mrs may of gttolph visited mrs jphn c nelson during tho week miss nellie hall of toronto normal schools was home for the holiday mr and mrs d c russell ami miss jessie spent the holiday at oakvlllo miso qulnn of hamilton visited her slater mrs g h swltzer main street mlsa margaret foetor of ospringo spent the holiday at her home fourth line mr elmer henderson v of toronto dental college is honio for tho holi days miss mary sharp of toronto was a guest of mra c c speight jast week mrrand mrs w h speight of toronto wero guests of acton rela- tlvefl mr alfred seyrnour of beoton spent the holiday with mr and mrs v foster mr c wiluamo of sault ste mario visited the homo folks on tho twenty- fourth- master billy mclean of chesley spent thje weekend at hlo errand fathers- mn s j- oram of st catharines made a brlof call on acton frlonjs yesterday mrs georgo martin and joan of georgetownr visited friends hi town on monday mr and mcst fldorrls of toronto were vtoitoraatthohomo of jar- j- p vlctorlabay actoii again took7art tho goorgotown team thut was also scheduled to play there djd not put in an appearance acton and hlllsburg played tho final gamo in this tournamont which was won ly hlllsburg with a big score in tho first game of the tournament hillsbarg beat rockwood hlllsburg won both their games in the tourna ment whilo acton finished in second place tho danger from ftro cracker fires resulting from firoworka bo ing sot off to celebrate the holiday kept tho brigado on tho run in dif ferent parts of tho city in all somo 20 calls were sent in for small blazes moat of which wero caused by the crackers toronto globe property owners especially in acton appreciate very much the action takon a few years ago by tho council in paaslng a bylaw prohibiting firoworka and firecrackers in town c sunday school teachers and opiccrs and othor church worlceva of all do- otfnc ulton plowmen association tho -annual- meeting of tho halton plowmens association was held lak thursday officers wero elected aff fol lows president h wells 1st vico- presldeht bh harrop snd vice- president g chisholm sectreas j h willrnott asst sectreas j f robertson in tho plowing match this year high cut work will bo limited to two olaaaes arid plain plowing will receive moro encouragement than formerly sume- charge of tho church servlceo on sunday may slot afternoon at 2u0 and evening at 730 rov dr munro of oakyllle will preach in the after noon whilo andrew bates of toronto will have change oj tho evening aerr vice bringing with him soloists and bltiffersrat tho arterribon service- there will be a mons choir of church mem bers monday evening there will bo a flrio banquet arranged and conducted men of the church exclusively after tho supper there will bo a pro gramme of jjpeectica and music we hear that one of our promising young bachelors was rocontly fined for speeding on the aoventh lino tho roundvup ofbuopects in con nection with tho assault and robbery of cheater mcbain andernest perry- rrian acton farmera on tho vic toria road on tuesday night- nov in cludes five rnon- tho fifth man wil fred hill- walked into guelph polico station last friday morning and gave hlmaoif up stating that ho unqbrstooj clio police woro looking for him the others aro jjtanley hodgson who a out on ball and harold gootz victor golns colocedand caslmer carrero harold gootz who when charged with tho oftence elected trial at a higher court roappcarlng next-morn- jng and electing oumniary trial by llaglstratowatt pleaded guilty to tho change of assault and robbery victor golna pleaded guilty to a similar charge friday morning wilfred hill who had voluntarily gone to tlui polico sta tion elected to- bo tried at the next couit of competent jurisdiction and the preliminary hearing was proceed ed with atonco mcbain onb of the 2500 present fob yqu to colobrato our twontioth annl voroary wo aro giving tho abovo present to tjio ficat twenty enrolling in tho following mechanical den tistry bricklaying aarngit work battery and welding wrlto hemp hills ltd 163 king st w- tor ontd nominationa 111 gather at the annual sunday school convention of trafal gar township on friday afternoon afld oyonlng at bethol methodist church prumqutn tho cohvorition will open at 130 oclock the eribrgoucmen of bethel church pxuiftflulujiakauridortakon to ftsfvtlrnjaodfarmerarwaaboitttr oakville a roglna man is said to have per fected a device which will prevent listening in on rural or party lines what a lot of fun some people will miss if this invention comes into goneral use it seemed quite natural for mr neir mcdonald and miss hazel of hastings to take then old places in tho choir of the methodist church on r sunday morning mr mcdonald song a solo very acceptably col j j craig school inspector fur south wehihgtoh has boon takcji back to guelph general hospital he appears to havo returned to his pro- foaslonal duties from tho hospital be fore his recuperation was complete tho play dust of tho earth was ropeatod in tho town hall last wed nesday evening in tho interests of the acton boy scouts there was a good house and the scouts appreciate tho kindness of the players and tho patrons chief of polico mcrhorson along with gamekeopcr dennis bf the grand kivcr fishing club at blue springs wore in guolph yesterday investigat ing tho cases of several guelph fisher men who have been poaching on the stream at tho above mentionod club scarrbw mr and mrs campbell clark of chatsworth were guests of ms w j gould mr and mrs a butcher visited at the home of mrs scott lake avenue on sunday mr and mrs ed huffman of wood stock visited friends in town over vhc weekend mrs robert bennett and miss min nie spent -tho- weekend with- relatives at erindale miss dorothy edrnon of brantford spent the holiday with mr and mrs- will foster 1 m lane a rubyclarkjuid florencc- holmes of toronto wero home for the holiday mr atfred ralph of guolph spent tho weekond at the home of mrs root sprawl mr william mcnabb of toronto spent the waokond with friends in the old town mrs a p scott and mlas constance of brampton spent the holiday with acton friends mrs alex ramshaw and miss jessie of toronto spent tho weekend with actorr friends mr laugtuln currle of hcspoler ipen ttheholldaywithmr a c c uxrin esquasina 8 8 convention 1 today tho annual convontion of esquesing sunday school aasqclatlon will bo held at georgetown this afternoon and evening tho sessions will be held at 2 and 730 oclqck in tho methodist church in the afternoon an will bo given and a round- tablo con- foronco conducted by rev hiram hull of toronto and representative from actontnorvairtiornby arid george town schools will discuss our prob lems in the evening addresses will be delivered by rov mr hull and by rov a c stewart acton tea will bo served by tho ladles of the church to the delegates mr john r kennedy superintendent of knox church sun day school acton is presldont of tho association and mias e mcdonald of georgetown la secretary there will likely be a goodrepresontatlon from acton sunday schools in attendance roy f smith haa been appointed town engineer for the remainder of this year for 4o0 scores from oakvjlie motored to the grimsby district last week to see the peach blossams there are about twentyrfivo appeals against asaesament tho court of revision held its first sitting on tues day evening oakvllle burlington toronto arid hamilton lions will join in holding a big four garden narty at oakvlllo on saturday cveninc juno 6th nineteen years of faithful servlco as superintendent of knox church sunday school was recognized by tho members of tho unionist group lii a liberal manner in a presentation to thos nisbet at u largo gathering in lusk hall last friday evening tho town council has gone on record as in favor of having all citi- zona i remove fences trees shrubb and railing that may bo encroaching on town streets and tho solicitor will pre paro amendment tobylaw 693 carry ing into effect this rosomtionstair tdko tho stand for tho erbwn he re lated the atory which ho had told ro the polico tho night of tho robbery atnting that ho arid perryman had gdne down- to tho ward with the strangers and had a drink or two when they emerged from tho place wfiero thoy had had their drinks tho carwas missing and whon it was dis covered an hour later tho key was gone tho midway was vialted with tho unknown friends mrs malotts on grove street was mado a port of call and filially lie gave an account of tho jaunt into tho country whon h and his friend perryrnan wero rolled for nfearly 400 hill was- committed for trial of the j395 which mobain and perryman allege thoy wero robbed of of tor visiting tho divo in guelph only 2000 was recovered by tho police this wasrta4tcnfrom- goetz victor golns tho colored man said he and gootz wont to hamilton got drunk in ii divo there and was robbed of his share of tho plunder obtained from- their victims at guelph j a smith insurance and real estate agont for confederation life as aoclatlon london lancashlro fire insurance london lancashire guurnntee and accident dominion of canada guaranteo and accident insurance company farm- and town property for sal o prompt careful and courteous at tontlon given your business solicited residence mill and wallace j3ts tolephono i05r2 are ready for you in the hosiery and glove department halton seed producers a meeting of tho halton seed pro ducers will bo held in tho farmers club room milton saturday may 30 at 8 p m everyone interested in in spection of fiolda cleaning plants and seed improvement should attend special speakers from tho seod branch will bo present removal notice h w hinton jeweller watah and clockmaker etc is romov- ing his busineas noxt to tom mortonh barber shoi on mill street on jiihe 1 1925 where ho will continue to do all repairs and rotall the same lines as choaply as possible thanking his numerous pat rons and soliciting their further patronage hotlnh also taken over c c floyds jewellery storo in georgetown whero ho will also glvb pf his best to old and now patrons 95c holeproof the standard of quality in hosiery silk holeproof hose with ribbed top in cocoa antique almond cloud and black the best stocking made for the money d1 fa per pair tpl uu silk hose in black and all the new shades at per pair kayser silk gloves in black sand etc 2 button special per pair j ladies umbrellas in black- only regular 200 tf1 ir stripe broadcloths we are showing a big range of -stripe- broadcloths at 85c 95c and 35 table damask good value at 100 per yard for per yard linen crash towelling 18 inch stripe and plain reg 30c for per yard 80c 20c h whinton jowollor watch and clockmaker acton and georgetown li me ho use second offence against jim forbes arraated in milton on monday and allqwd out on 2000 ball another caao haa materialized xut of tho bomewhat promlscous solo oc liquor tho night of tho dance in the nasaasrawoya township hallon april 22 already two younb men woro llnod tr lmytnar liquor two more were flnod for being intoxicated one was imprisoned in the county ju for drlvlnba motor car while intoxicated and mri james forbos waaned j500 and costs after pleading guilty to tho charso of selling liquor by tho slags tosovcral of theso young men a charge was laid against- jim forbes by inspector boovely for the alleged selling of liquor by tho bottle on tho same date and a warrant wb issuod for his arrest for trial forbes kept out of tbowny for a fow weeks bqt on monday chief chapman of milton discovered hjm in that town arrested him and lodged him in the county jail forbos offered ball and polico muglstrato mooro flxod the amount at 2000 and remanded the caao until saturday at 10 pm ut tho court houso milton mr thomas coxo for whom forbos was working at his lumber mill on tho second lino jwent biiu fo him fottho nbpyo amount svil ml-ii- ps pouce court news charles connol of milton came be fore polico maglstrato mooro on thursday charged by chief chapman with being intoxicated in that town on the tonth of may lie pleaded guilty and was lined r lind costs connoll tostllled that when visiting his brother at burlington ho had takon a fow drinks and whon ho returned homo ho had a drink or two of hard cldor i j o callow pf mqdonald avenue oakvlllo was sutnfflionfcd to appear be for j h shlolits t m of oakvlllo yostorday on a charge of selling liquor in that town a goorgotown young man who mailo tho- air blue with gross profanity om main fllroot on sunday night will an- swor for his foul languago at police ourt horo tomurrow brock avenue mr and mrs ronald mcdonald of torontot visited with friends hero- over tho weekend mr and mrs loallo r atkins of goorgotown visited miss annie icorri- gfll last week mrs annie somervlllo and miss vera harvey of toronto wero home for tho holiday mr j h worden of forguo spent the holidays with hla brother and his sister aecond line mr and mrs f j lylo and barbara upeift the wckrend at tho parental homo in brantford mr ftnd mrs b shoroy motor- od to napaiieo to spend tho holiday with friends there mrs w d frlclt and her grandson oftoronto spent a day or so last week with acton friends mr and mrs alfredwaldle nnd sons i of milton spent sunday vlth mrs scott zjake avenue mr and mra harloy brlgnal and babe of toronto wore holiday visitors at mr j h relds mr thompson miller of kitchoner spent tho weekend with hla friend charllo iandsborough mr and mrs stanley knapp of tor onto spent the holiday at tho homo of mr w- hawthorne mr and mra earl h vincent of chatham vlbit6d friends in the pld home over tho holidays mrs james l warron and mr frod visited mr and mr john wood and oth6r friends horo dr and mrs gollop attended tlb annual home coming at thijoyal col- logp of dental surgeons rov and mrs earl w- brearloy m a of dereham were guests of lie v and mrs culp on sunday mxs m obrien of brampton spent tho weokond with mrs c mac- laughlln and other frlenda mrs rev l m moyer of port colborne was tho guest- of mr and mrs a t brown last wook mr and j m fofnley and daughters oftoronto spent monday at mrs nanoy somervllles tira j f livingstone and children ot ouelph spent ofew days at tho home of mr george sopoi- maator billy mccnoli of toronto spent tho holiday at the honio of mrs john brown church btroot messrs edison artley and jordan lawson of toronto spent tho week end at the inttcrs homo here rov w m kannawin d d and family of humuton mado a brief visit with acton frlonds on saturday mrs a a stewart and missoii catharine and grace visited relatives at rlvcrsdale during tho wook miss miriam hellsbcrg of toronto vlsltod at tho homo 6f mrs william ahderson pcol etroiot on monday mr ika mrs p molsaao attended tho funeral of the lato andrew autdie- on guolph township ore saturday mrs w d frlck and grandaon tony solman of toronto spent d day last week with mrs william payers mrdndmrirxioi wiley and john of guelph spent tho holidays at tho home of mrs h mcdonald second lino mr and mrs james d mccalg of toronto havo boon spending a few days during tho week with acton rela tives mrs george mcpherson and misses mildred arid jean mcpherson of toronto spent tho holiday with acton friends mri and mrs7 fred cleave and mr edwin cleave dttonded the funeral of tho late john cloave at watordown on monday jwr sad jirsrw folhoandmaater dean and mrs r cralno of toronto woro holiday guests of mr and mm w j gould mr and- mrs parker and dorothy and mr hamilton of toronto spent tho holiday with mr and mrs c maclaughlln mr and mrs frank wilkin daughter jean and mr w b wilson of gait spent sunday at tho homo of mr wm landsborough m bingham of ottawa arrived in town on monday to spend a few wcoki with hla sister mrs robert bonnott lako avonuo mr maurlco helnbcckcr and miss frankio mccorrrlck of toronto wero guests nt tho home of mrs j llcid over tho holiday mtand mrs enoch statham aril miss i audrey bailey of brantford j spont tho holiday with mr and mrs gcorgd edwards mra john stephenson and mu3b- josio of toronto spont tho holidays in tho old homo the guests of mr and mrs a mckoown mr and mrs arthur brown and babe and mr arnold mcdonald of osbawa spent tho holiday at tho homo of mrs hi mcdonald mrs dan lawson mrs jean tor rance and mr and mrs john lowry of mimosa spent saturday with mr and mrs r j kerr mr and mrs a t mann and master sam brant spent thoiolltlay with mr and mrs john moffat and family at richmond hill mr and mrs f pratton nantlcoko who had been attending conference at guolph visited mr ooorge dills and other members of tho family during tho wek mr and mrs r h wansbrough tr william e swackhnmer mr w h walker www at fluplph on monday attending tho funeral 5f mr john dryden rov j laffcrty gulnn maqf st george and mies ethel gulnn pf tho bdgerton ryerson school staff flam ilton spent tho holiday at thp homo of thpir alster mr and mrs noll mcdonald nnd miaapn hazol arid jodriweroherefrom hastings and mot many frlenda who wero delighted toaeo thorn in the homo town again mr and mrs chaa morley and or- vllle mrs m brocao and juno and mr will hnlght of toronto spont tho weekend with mr and mrs georgo edwardb mr wllbort tjownsond and daugh ter edltji of montlcelln and mr nnd mrs ernost hayes and family of arthur spent tho holiday at the home of mr and mrs chns mckcown dr and mrs gouoji nro attending tho ontario dental convention at tho hart house toronto during which tlmn fix nalrnia afllrtn nlll l a 1 flftjrblght3uiclr randtrailrangor tioya from bldor street presbyterian and timothy eaton memorial church toronto arrived in llmeliouno by special canadian national elcctrlo car last saturday for ec glorious wookend in this ideal place tho programme wnb under tho pergonal direction of mr douglas qowdy assisted by a staff of universitytrained tooya workors ii included trips through the provincial paper mills tho glen woollen mills special patriotic services on sunday and appropriate outofdoor games tho most unlquo of nrhich was a fox andu hounda clioso or trailing tho thieves to jonoo fails llmehouu6 is certainly very popular in the oyas of tho boys from toronto for theco weretiuito-a- numperr of tho lads who havo been here for the fifth consecu tive year mr william shaw of toronto was the guest of mr william gowdy ovei- tho holiday tho villagers thoroughly enjoyed tho open illustrated sacrod song sorvice given by tho campers in community hall on sunday ovonlng hearty sing ing and good followahip wore abunr dantly manifest over ton dollars was rocolved in a voluntary offering for thoworkof dr roborcb mcturoln his boys school in honan china mr douglas gowdy of tho toronto university has returned home after haylng written hln fi examlnatlona in tho fourth year he has just had a most enjoyable visit to kiiibbviho the homo of undo jack miner the wild goose man r oakvillos big highway bridde no action- waa takon at the last mooting of tho county council on by law no 523 granting 18000 to oak vlllo towards tho erection of tho big bridge in that town on tho toronto- hamilton highway tho council of oakvlllo has gano on rocord as op- posod to paying anything for tho big bridge until it is put in good condition at present it is in a bad way its endshave been forcedlmvardby tho welght of tho earth fillings at each its contro has buckled upward about six- toon inches and thoro nro many cracks in tho cement thero is great doubt that it will stand for any great length of- tlmo fix0r oilcloths new patterns in lyd 1j4 and 2 yds wjde you will find our prices lower than the large city stores and you see just what you are getting curtain materials scrims with border at i tttloc 20c and 25c netsnt 25c 35c 40c and 50c flat curtain rods at 15c and 25c 30c double flat curtain rods at 60c and 70c small curtain rods at 8c 10c and 122c co jtthii street acton ont store closes wednesday at 1230 j na8saqaweva 120000 lbs wool wanted col mahon of campbollvlllc at tended tho military funeral of major chisholm at oakvlllo last week rev a flnnoa marsh of port row an has been stationed on nassaga- woya circuit tho parsonugo to be at eden mills charles h bundy of milton jiod on tho loth rnst at tho homo of his brotherinlaw william buck camp- bellvllic aftor a long illness ho had boon unablo to work for four months ho was in his d7th year was a black smith and had worked in milton for a number of years r r barbour hiljsburg will be at the canadian na tional railway station acton on june 4 11 18 to buy wool for the guelph worsted and spinning co try a pound of our fresh roasted coffee ballinafad rockwood tlmo dr dolrapja ofllco will ho closed tuesday may 20 to friday may 28 imtr andma jn8 mooro of mount pleaadnt farm eramosa announce the ongngement of thoir eldest daughter olga lillian to mr norman wallaco bufns of rockwood youngont son of among tho holiday visitors in tho vlllago over tho we6kcnd were mr and mrs wyllo wilder of lindsay and llttlo daughter miss helen barry of london calvin dodds of toronto r henderson e locker miss jean tor- rnncd of slmcoe mr douglas of stratford brother of miss d douglas continuation school teacher mlao lnuraclough of oshawa at tho home of mr and mrs r b richardson at tho morning and evening servlcu of tho continuing presbyterians in tho friends church mra w wilder sang beautiful ialo of somowhoro and jesus saviour pilot wo which wore vory much appreciated mr bear of knox college who waa hero two woeks ago conducted tho servlccb rev j uro stowart spoko sunday morning in tho presbyterian church in tho interests or tho fords day a llnnce and in the ovenlng rov john llttlo occupied tho puiplt we wero pleased to see rov r m golger of chesley former pastor of tho methodist church in tho vlllago last week miss isabol sanderson who under went an operation recently ha5i re turned to her duties in tho public school mrs william mcnabb re lieved during miso sandorsons ab sence the rockwood baseball club hold their first tournatnont on vlotorla day in exhibition pork with acton and hlllsburg tho score in tho games woro in favor of hlllsburg for both games despite tho cool weather good crowd turned out to witness the ovont in tho evening a gtuojph musi cal concern put oft a dollghffui pvo- gramme consisting of violin duotfi vocal numbers and- piano solos vhlch wero of a high order and woro well received by thoso who were prosen had the weather boon rnoro favorable no doubt a larger number would have kreoted tho artists vho wero deserv ing of a good audience the violin solos showed groat jlcul on tho part ofthorfhrt we hppo o ho fuyored ut another time by a return yisit jfrm tho wrkj conoopp aiij eroetw with a wclljillled house col u4rb was iho chairman for thp nrosrumnij tho samo afternoon yp bgrreo- pondont wheeled to fiuojiih o sep fho unvoillng of tho croso ut sacrince at the c nn stntfon under thp uusploes of tho guelph chapter of the iq d e tho guelph musloal society band marched ii- from 4jie armouries followed by the city rogl ment girl guides boy scouts and war votcrana aftor the imprssslyo corcmony wreaths wore inlil at ilia foot of tho memorial liy tho following wellington rifles boy scouts juvenile brooklyn football olub wacdonald hail chapter t o d 3 sons of eng land a w v a provlnciml chnptor of ontario imporlnl order daughters of tho empire also tlierav woro othor wreaths from parents unfl other mem bers of families that wtoro cipfosblvo rov p watson currle of ashtabulu ohio formerly of ballinafad vlsltod frlenda in this vicinity last week ho occupied tho pulpit at both services at knox church georgetown on sun day on saturday may oth at tho metho dist parsonage georgetown bythe rov- mr caldwell ina rubfnn socond daughter of mr nnd mrs john lind say of erin was unltedln marriage to- mr fred shortlll eldcstbon of thq lato mr and mrs j b shortlll of esquealng after tho ceremony tho happy couple left on tho evening train for a short honeymoon on tholr re turn they will resido on the grooms farm lot 32 8th lino esqueslng highest market pricestaidr flarmers market your wool direct to the mills churchill john i drydon goulnlaw of tho lato hlrum swnckhomcr died in guelph general hospital last sat urday uf tcr a brief ulncsa ho was a flno christian man and highly esteemed by all who know him a number of acton friends attended the funeral on monday numerous visitors spont tho holi days on tho farms of this district and enjoyed tho outing mr and mrs hurvey walkor and their two sons of guolph wero guests at mr and mrs albert smiths ovor tho weekend the cold weather has caused the grain and meadows to be nulto back ward tho queens birthday flshermon did not moot success on tho trout streums abdut here tho weather was not propitious lo ybtnieo good coffoo all those who have tried it toll ua it is the best they havo over tasted try a pound and bo cpnvin- cod roasted and ground just as wo iiso it which means strictly fresh coffee and of course better coffee vrumley long distance trucking local apd long distance trucking stock delivered direct to toronto stock yards arrangements made for picnics may be your patronage solicited fred ecclestone phone 135 vfain street acton ship ahoyl u a ship of joy our candy will liolp you sail tho b evert aeaa of your ilfo in contentment it la built fpr tht purpose it ja mado as rood hb candy can bo made flnd thats flomo good buy a box nov nnd discuus it with youi 0lrl or best frloritj our candy makes good ba cause its pi ode good saturday treat victory fudge 25c lb wonderful smooth fudco in strawberry and vanlrlu flavor hog 3cc and 40e lb saturday treat 25c lb weekend chocolates 32c lb always tho standard of high quality nafiortmorit reff goc and 00c lb saturday special 32c tb packages of chocolates lot uu aliow you our packages in h 1 and 2 lb sizes strictly fresh and very reasonably priced ask for our 60c box you vlll like it dancinq every friday night from 9 to 1 good mu8ic1 number one floor fgee parking space new pavilion picnics we solicit your pjenic ideal boating and bathing large athletic field free swings slides teeters water chute diving boards etc write for terms summer cottages why go north try a cottage where you can be with your family and keep an eye on business it will pay you t h moorehead bramptofl a h3s tl nt tho the lato mr ami mrs alexander i of syminthy and tovlni mtmortor ljil m th8 rrlio to take place those who laid thoir livef dtwn o7 the mekr birdmofo co oboo staff in june battlo field ln0 specials specials 295 395 all the readytowenr hats ranging from 37 to e75 special saio l table of hats regularly from 425 toy i50 special u i miss j galbraith j millinery and fancy qoodi store phons 109 aoton ont summer meat if there is one particular time of year that meats require oitcft good attention it is the summertime we have the facilities in our shop for caring for jjlpieats properly and every piece of meat we serve you is rightt 6ur large iofriger- aior at the abbatoir and our exceilent storage plant at the shop are a guarantee of meats served right all summer cold meats dtirihg tfiesummer months many people do not want to cook mpiats and have hot dinners wc always carry an excel lent stodk of the finest of cold cooked meats ready to serve cooked ham jellied meats cold roast pork bojlogna jellied tongue meat loaf watch our windows friday and saturday for specials ji w j patterson corner miu- anp maw strepts aiptojj qj 33 w mjl im

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