wlt ivrtmt jte jlrrhs thursday junh 4 192g manners and5u8tom8 it sti ingo jliow things can differ soil now take two kinds of fiuit ii in ui i chup and orange and watch cath doff ills huit ft kiiiwniim wift and nimble ii r wn is yifo and slick he gets out of his trounod log with a wlgglo and 1 liick uut oiunge multfih a big ado indued it io dlsti casing to happen by quite tnlddcnly and tiefe thh lad undi easing ho clings to oveiy single rag with obstinacy and vim it takes ten fingers apd a will to i nt iiih clothes f i om him and when ho ft els the poor clothes go all ruggedy and muiiy ho hhedh an acid tear or two and keeps on being fussy itl stiunge how things can diffep so to be quite fiank and tiuthful 1l isnt unl tilings you know hut people chiefly youthful who show theso diffeient traits und ti icjka whenbodtimo houia comes duly banana kind and change kind now which kind are you truly liy nancy byrd turner the sunday school lessjml for sunday june 7 twenty years ago from the issue of tho froo prffka of thursday juno 8 1905 big hay splendid indication for i cl o the section of the new macadam i oadway from guelph to john street on ghuich is approaching completion at another flrstclnss baseball game in the park on saturday afternoon the regular local team the greys reversed tho condition of the wuek uuforti win nlng from a team picked from tho town by a score of 97 acton station is in a busy p at presents gangatof navvies are raid ing and lowering shifting and taking up and laying down track- tho whole system of tiack main line and sidings is to bo moved from twenty to forty feet to the north and o this ond con siderable excavating has been done tin line extending to the limit of the com panys property falrvlow cemetery was visited by crvwds of citizens on sunday after noon to witness the ceremonies in connection with the unveiling of the monument to tho late george vincent by the acton society woodmen of tho world tho firemens garden patfty in tho park on friday evening was an en joyable oponair function the- pro- gramme opened early with a baseball match between teams picked from hose reels no i and no 2 the musical entertainmont was given by mr c w robinson in a violin solo mr c w robinson and master will kenney a duott mr b booth a fluto solo eddie plggot thetoronto humorist mr 13 w loo was the accompanist his lordship bishop- dowling paid lanofflelftl vinltto sl joaephsporial on monday to administer confirmation ho examined tho candidates and found them well instructed and intelligent neighbors and who inquired aunt nancy becker who was getting her bearings at tho beginning of her annual visit who hus moved into the house the haskinses left last summer lucilo en tiro strangers a family from another province replied her- niece tho children seem interesting aunt nancy went on as sho looked across at the group playing about ther grape arbor you have always been fortunate in having pleasant nelgh- bors oh tho groys arc not in tho least troublesome said mrs bradley but except tor seeing tho children about thero might ds well be no house there at all the neighbors have all tried to be nice to mrs groyjbut she novel evoh returned our calls sho scorns to be one of those uninteresting wo men who can talk of nothing in the world except whooping cough and the measles perhapsuggested aunt nancvrj as she tried to count the bobbing heads in the grape arbor she doesnt have time to think about much else a year passe d by and aunt nancy came again to visit her niece sp tho greys aro still here she remark ed with interest as she looked into tho nextgarden yes and they are the dearest chil dren i evor saw answered mrs brad ley warmly there has been another since you were hore mrs grey said sho couldnt help welcoming it when sho thought how happy tkoy alt ore together although she didnt know how sho was going to and time to care for it then i suppose she has not re turned tho calls yet asked aunt nancy with twinkling eyes lucilo flushed although she replied kiughlngly what dt tuhatcoxiuulus -waa-noua-saved-man- nancy shereturned otyiminitrrt pltchs broadening vision acts 11 c18 golden text of a tiuthl perceive that god is no lespectei of poisons acta 10 31 time a d 40 place jerusalem tho reason explained 1 what god hath cleansed that cill thou not qoirimon 514 the 10th chapter of acts should he carefully studied in connection with this lesson in twut chapter wohave the historic itcord concerning what oc- cuned in tho household of cornelius and a more detailed account of what occurred o peter than what is given here in the present lesson we have peters explanation of what occurred o the apostles and bicthrcn in judeu marty of the jewish christians contend ed with petei upon his icturn becaut he had gono in to tho unclrcumclhod gentiles cornelius and his household and eaten with them vciaes 113 und tho present lenson contains peters explanation of his conduct in which ho relate for himself what occurred in the uccount in acts 10 we see how tho natural and tho supornatural play into one another in bible history peter was hungry chapter 10 10 nnd then was nothing more natural than thai the hungry man would dream of eat ing but god gave a supernatural turn to a dream that had a natural origin ho had been praying and tho super natural vision was in answer t his prayer cornelius on his part was praying when god sent his angel to him to tell him to send for peter and thus got the light that he was praying for chapter lu 16 while god pro- pared one man to hear the gospel he faisc- prepared another man fo preach it to him neither cornelius vision of the angle nor peters vision of a certain vessel let down from hoavoncan be explained away as an empty dream of tho fevered imagina tion of either one of them for they both had their vision just at the right time soparated many miles from on another yet exactly kitting into one another it is beyond honest qucs tlon that there is a supernatural world and jtlyj possibility of present contact between tho supernatural world and human life all history remonstrates that one cannot bo an aetholst or a deist without shuting their eyes to tho established facts of history the mean ing of peters vision la evident tho early christians peter included had tho idea that tho gospel was to be con fined to the clean 1 e tho jews and that anyone else that received it must first become a jew but by tho vision god showed that he had cleansed both jew and gontilo by the death of jesus christ on tho cross eph 1320 god knows how td rtime things just right for just when peter was in perplexity about the meaning of the vision of unclean beasts tho unclean gentiles were asking for him at the gate verso 11 chapter 10 17 though peter could not see how he could bo com- mandod to uncleonniiniils-neyer- tholess lie was promptly persundei that it was tho lord who bade him to do it verpe12 chapter 10 15 tho holy spirit in his interpretation of the vision was very- deflnlto in his words to peter he told him just how many men there were down at the gate asking for him chapter 10 19 so peter had a very practical tost as to whether it was tho spirit of truth that was speaking to him or some spirit of error how unlike this all is to tho confused and uncertain and oftentimes mistaken voices that tho people nowadays often tell us aro voices of tho spirit god bad done his part he had sent the vision to potcr and he had sent tho holy spirit to interpret the vision now peter must do his part tho directions wore very specific arise and get thee down and go with them nothing doubting verse 12 cf chapter 10 20 how could peter doubt when ho had de ceived this supernatural vision weit ho could have doubted tho same way men do today when they huvoro- colved tho undoubtedly supernatural revelation that wo have in tho bible and then hesltato to accept even its plainest statements the man who sous ngqd8erxaniq aho uklgo lio thing doubting no matter how out of tho ordinary gads commands may seem one all conclusive reason was given peter why ho should go with them verse 12 cf chapter 10 20 whon god sends men to use and for use they are tho men wo should go with whether they are thoso whom wo natur ally have chosen or not peters faltn was equal to the occasion ho obeyed orders without question verse 12 cf chapter 10 2123 moreover there were six jewish brethren who ac companied him and these he took witn him to jerusalem to help him to ex plain matters there when he ar rived in joppa cornelius told peter and the six about how ho had seen the angel who had said to him fetch simon whose surname is peter versa 13 cf chapter 10 3033 verse 14 contains an important do tail not found in the 10th chapter it tells us plainly beautifying a railroad system note th flattehcd top ftlil8 flno kottlo no wabto space above tho water level a very fant toller decidedly neat in appearance hinged ud at oidc of kettle for apeedy filling under tap or by dipper being hinged it cannot fall off or get lost handle extra large rigid shaped tofit the hand and always cool being rigidyou have per fect control at all times this ksttlfa made in bmp pearl fond bmp diamond enam elled ware alto in nickel plated copper ware th name savoy and our trade mark on each genuine kettle iwy 1 railway time tables at acton oclock one- monday morning on my back porch it was after froderick camo down with typhoid and i was al most crazy with anxiety i was up for three nights before we got the nurse a vo all the extra chares that sickness brings will you let meclean your lamps for you mrs bradley 7 she asked that morning how did you know 1 in quired that lamps have been my moat difficult problem thoyre ho easily for- gotten until thoy were needed and al ways empty when night comes be cause x have had sickness in a country home myself she said with a smile every morning until frederick was outfngersheshppqdrnrtetty into ray kitchen and presently wont away leaving my lamps in a shining row i was so glad to do it she said when i tried to thank her you see i could run in at the back door like that when i couldnt possibly dress and mako a formal call i i havent wanted to be unhelghborly ashamed i could not keep tho tears out of my eyes it is tho rest of us who havo been unreasonable and unkind i cried weve sot up our foolish little rules of formality and expect everyone to conform to them without regard to circumstances i have not made any calls this month and iliavc nof been much busier than you are all tho time i aoneltyo learn ed a lesson in nclghborllnoss wove all found over so many ways to bo neighborly with mrs grey ways that nre us pleasant to us as they aeernjttobe to her sho ifl one of tho bpsj neighbors i over had but shos never returned one oj- those calls to this day production of nickel an increase of 7216478 pounds in the production in canada of nickel taken as the nlcjfe content of the nickelcopper matte produced is shown for 1924 as compared wifti tho previous year last years production totalled 09270318 pounds while the total amount produced in 1023 was 62067 836 pounds the nlcklo recovered from the treatment of tho stivercobalt ore amounted to 260037 pounds canada is tho largest producer of jjilouel in the world in fact 90 per ctmt of tho worlds supply comes from tho sudbury apd cobalt districts of ontario until he heard the gospel from peters lips we are told that peter was to speak to him words whereby ho and all his house should be saved so it is clear that neither cornelius nor any one in his household were saved until they heard these words of peter if it were not for this plain statement we might think that cornelius was saved by his devotion alms prayers and righteous works indeed there are many who do teach that but this verso plainly declares that this was not so god took account of cornelius prayera and alms his sincerity of heart and desire for truth chapter 10 4 and sent him the truth v whereby he and jushouso were to be saved- but he was not saved until he had heard the truth about jcsua and was hlmsolf led to believe on jesus himself chaptov 10 43 44 verse 14 also teaches us that we aro- saved by what we hear how important it is then that we take heed of what wo hear and also that we speak to others words by hearing which they mny bo saved 2 as 1 began to speak tho holy ghost fell on them us at the begin ning 1618 verses 16 and 16 mako it clear that the outpouring of the holy spirit upon cornejlus and tho others was a bap tism with the holy spirit peter says thut when they saw what occurred ho remembered tho word or tho lord how that he said john indeed bnp- tlzed with water but ye shall biwp- tlzed with tho holy ghost r ther are those who deny this nnd tell us hat the phraso baptiae with the holy ghost should bo confined to the pente costal experience but it is evident from this passage that this position is un- ncrlptural for peter unhesitatingly and very definitely applies it to what happened to cornelius and his house it is evident also that the baptism with the holy spirit in not meroly an experience given to the church an a body but is for the individual be liever whether ho be jew or gentile it ts also evident from those verses that laying of the hands of an apostle or any other hands la not essential to the receiving of the gift for thero wnfl no laying on of hands in thih case from the reading of the revised version it might appear that the gift of the holy spirit wan bestowed upon tho jerusalem fjhurch the moment thev believed thls however is not th6 force of the original 4 the qrcok wnrtls translated in iie revised version strangers travelling upon the rail ways in canada lind plcasuie in pass ing through a country that is now and fresh and possessing a wild primitive grandeui practically untarnished but in no small degiee this pleasuro li heightened and contributed to by a wonderful transformation wrought ar- tlflcally by the lavish use of trees and flowers which have been planted and cultivated undei tho supervision of expert horticulturists employed for the purpose by tho railway company tho most striking example of what can be effected by this paeans is to bo aeon along tho canadian pacific tracks through tho prairie provinces ac cording to an article on the subjoct n the april landscapo architecture by e l chlcanot along tho more than three thous and miles of main line writes mr chlcanot thero were naturally a goolj many men station agents section foro- men and others who were garden lovetsj and who with the limited means at their command and to the best of theii ability cultivated llttlo pieces cf ground about the scenes of thoir activi ties the planting of a little garden at a station especially in certain bleak treeless areas was a conspicu ous feature and added some little beauty to tho surroundings this gttve to a higher official of tho company about thlrtyfivo years ago tho idea of expanding the work of beautifying the grounds by assisting and encour aging agents and others in work of this kind this took concrete form in the distribution to station agents throughout tho system of free packets of flower seeds inevitably of course some men did not bother about thorn but sufficient did to produce a very marked effect and mako noticeably attractive those stations where the seed had been properly used and cared for y tho impression was no striking thatj the operating department of th company proceeded to have small gar dens laid out and planted at some of the principal stations and dlvimon points along the system the result of this again was so impressive that a special etifdy was made of tho whole question and subsequently it was do- tctdea in tho work thoroughly and systematically and to add an ex pert horticulturaliat to the staff the work since that time 1908 has grown tremendously each year seeing a number of new gardens laid out about the companys stations until to day the canadian pacjflc railway hus the largest number of gardens of any railway company in the world now along tho steel system from coast to coast lies a series of fair gar dens and spots of green sward and often the cool and refreshing shrubbery about the station constitutes the ono cheerful feature of entry into a town otherwise drab and unattractive whon wo believed on tho lard jesus cnrlst literally translated would read having believed upon tholord jesus 3hrist and as fnr as the meaning of the words goes it might mean im mediately after or long after though it is clearly implied that the giving of the spirit was dependent upon tho bo- ievlng with tho npohtic thotecetvrng ofthe holy sptrltrmmeuce gay color effects in shaded or considerable time after their bo llevlng on jesus christ but with most of the jerusalem church the being baptized with the holy spirit followed immediately upon their believing on jesus christ in a norrrial condition of the church tho giving of the spirit would follow immediately upon be lieving ai in the case of the house hold of cornelius but alas a largo part of tho church today is not in a normal condition but in an ephebian condition or in the condition of the church in samaria until peter and john came down but while every beliqvir has not necessarily tho baptism of tho holy spirit he doci have tho holy spirit dwelling in him as an indwell ing presence the moment he is born again and it is by tho baptism with the holy spirit that ono becomes a member of the body ofchrlst as a living active member having his own peculiar function in the body and further stllljjthejbaptlam with thoholy spirit is the birthright of every re generate person though alas man believers have not claimed their birth right peter asked a deeply significant question who was i that i could -withstand-gwd- manyln the oh u roll donot hesitate to do what tho npostlo did not to dard to do it withstand god petec carried the day against his critics that was becauso his critic were honest many modern critics arp not so easily silenced they quit their criticising and glorified god vould that the modern critics would do the same repentance is gods gift and its result is life daily readings for next week monday june 8 tho church in an- tioch acts 11 1026 tuesday june 0 a ministering church acts 11 2730 wednesday june 10 a missionary church acts 13 13 thursday june ll the message from jerusalem acts 15 2220 friday juno 12 harmony in the church psalm 133 suturuay june 13 joy in tho chnrctr p 122 sunday june 14 asong of thanks giving isaiah 12 f cuts and bruises disappear whon suffering from cuts scratches sprains sore throat or chest or any similar ail ment use dr thomas eclectrlc oh its healing power is wellknown in every section of tho community a bottle of dr thomas eclectrlc oil should be in every mcdiclno cheat ready for the emergencies thnt may not al ways bo anticipated an energetic man it la a llttlo startling to hear of a man who laid 879 bricks in an hour when ye ttnow that less than that number are usually laid jjua day it appears however that the thin is just possible for a very strong man lor a single hour to lay 879 bricks in on hour a man would have to lift tntee tons of brlcfto and mortar and one has only to lm ngine the motions of lifting each brick wjth onohand taking tho mortar on to the trowel with tho other and laylnj an adjusting tho brick and tho mm tar to sco what a terrifically exhausting tiling it must be to work at such a speed peevish pale restless and sickly children owe their condition 10 worms mother graveh worm exterminator will relievo them and icstore health truthfulness rewarded a clvl war veteran had spent a week at a new york hotel when ho went to pay his bill the clerk asked what was your rank oh just n private the old holdier replied well 1 wont charge you anything you are the first private i ever met tuberous rooted begonia8 hints from the ontaria horticultural association the yalue of this useful garden flower hai not been fully realized by the average gardener we nil appre ciate the fact that i is difficult to pry semlshuded tspota because there are fow flowering plants which will suc ceed in a shady locution the tuberous rooted begonia not only do splendidly in a semishade but they glory in it und prefei shade or scmlshndc to in open location tho gigantic flowers of perfect form are waxlike in appearance and are borne on stout stems above the foliage if the bulbs are started in the houaa during march plants will be in full foliage when planted out in may aftei danger of frost la past and they will begin to bloom in june and never cease until frost in the autumn bulbs do not absolutely require starting in the house but may be planted dormant out of doors which of courso will delay the blooming slightly how to start the bulbs first of all learn to know which ih the top and which is the bottom of the bulb the bulbs invariably on one side aro concavoor indented while on the other side they ure round the con cave or indented sldo constitutes the top secure a shallow box filled with sand to a depth of three inches smooth the surface npdjmolsten tho sand press the rounded part of the bulb into the sand so thnt the sand is al most even with the top of the bulb allow about one inch of space between bulbs keep the sand mojst apd place tho box near the light but notjn bright sunshine and of course in a heated roof as these bulbs cannot stand any frost it is not necessary to repot the growing bulbs afterwords but from the sand box they can be planted out- ofdoors be careful in lifting the bulbs from the sand and it is much better to transfer sand with tho bulbs to tho bed than to free the roots from tho sand outdoor culture to succeed beat tuberous i ooted begonias should bo planted twelve to sixteen inches apart in beds where the soil has been care fully pi eparcd they love a light rich soil und to mnkc it no it may be noces- sary to add loaf mould thoroughly deeayed sranurio tmd sand to tho soil in the bed they muat never- want for moisture but when watering fftttjo after sundown when cut down by frost in tho autumn lift bulbs permit them to dry in the open or a shed then store in a dry cool cellar the fol lowing spring replant in the some manner as at first although they do best in shade or somishadc thoy will do well in any bod where not subject to direct sun shine tho full day thoy will also give splendid result as a house plant giving a long period of bloom thorbtooms ore very largo being from three to six inches across thero has been a wonderful udvnnce in the following varieties largo flowered single large flowered double single frilled double frlllod singlo frilled nnd crested double frilled and crested bulbs of these varieties can lie secured in tho fol lowing colors pink white bright scarlet deep crimson salmon bright yellow rich ornngo and copp color j b silencer chairman publicity committee soclation ontario horticultural as- corns disappear whon treated with hollowuys corn uemovcr without leaving a car exports of meat and cattle no asthma remedy ljke it dr j d kclloggs asthma rerheny ut dis tinctly different from other socalled remedies weie thin nut bo it woufd not have continued its gi eat work of lcltef until known from ocean to ocean for its wonderful value kol togas the foremost and best of all asthma com- pjdlen stands upon a reputation found ed in tho hearts of thousands who have known its benefits in the prewar year of 1913 out ox ports of rnonta i cached u total in alue of 6406765 in 1924 they were 924434270 our exports of bacon fn 1913 amounted in value to 4274824 and of pork to 109484 in 1924 the exports of bacon- in value wore 19 991636 und of pork 2109756 of live stock in 1913 we exported 1937h head valued at 7236635 and in 19im 183242 head valued nt 12622863 it will bo noticed that while the number of cattle exports in 1913 was over 10000 loss than in 1924 tho value in the last year was 5sb0328 m5re nhowing that in the prewar year tho cottle commanded only a trifle over 13736 per head while in 1924 they woie worth nearly 6889 per head in 1923 the exports of cattle to britain were 9 878 valued at 703807 in 1024 they woro valued nt 8402378 issued by tho director of publicity dominion department at agriculture ottawa annual agricultural sta tistics of canada 1925 n qolna wut no 29 809 x no 31 1045 am no 33 no 3b no 39 no 25 sunday going east no 2c no 30 no 34 no 36 j no 38 no 24 sunday 229 pail 500 pm 839 pm 10 41 am 7 21am ll27am- 3 85 pm 6 17 pm 813 pm 708 pjdo it is announced by the dominion bureau of statistics at ottawa that the annual census of field and live stock for 1925 will bfr made this june these tatlstlcs are collected jointly by tho domini and provincial government by means of cardboard schedules is sued to farmers thi ough the rural school teachers and children in british columbia they uie mailed di rect to the farmers theso schedules call for the acreage sown this year to tho principal field crops und for the numbers of farm animals alive on the farm in mid- juno the ai eas thus collected foi the basis of the annual statistics of acreage and yield it is very impoitant for all clnsses in can ada thut correct statistics of agricul tural production should be published but it is especially so for farmers themselves who through cooperative wheat poolaayi jiqw undertaking to market their own wheat and other products becauso accurate statistics are essential to the fixing of tho fair prices any farmer who has not re ceived the blank cardboard schedule through the rural chool of his school district or otherwise by the middle of june should make immediate applica tion for same cither to the teacher of tho public school district in which ho resides to the provincial depart ment of agricultural at the capital cf his prwlncc or to tho dominion stat istician at ottawa it will relieve a cold colds are commonest ailment of mankind and if noglectcd may lead to serious condi tions dr thomas eclectr4c oh will relievo tho bronchial passages of in flammation speedily and thoroughly and will strengthen them against subse quent attack and as it eases tho in flammation it usually stops tho cough because it allays tho irritation in the throat try it and provo il no use calling ono of tlfe favorite stories of that clover scottish comedian will fyffe concerns a certain sandy mcnnbb who being a popular and wellknown member of the village klik was asked by tho minister to canvass tho other members on bohalf of a charity ho was interested in soon afterwards the minister met sandy walking irresolutely along the road und at onco guessed tho cause sandy ho said earnestly i am sorry to sco you in thlb state ah weel its for tho good of the cause repljed tho delinquent quite happily you see mconlstcr its through theso subscroeptlons fvo been down to the glen collectln the funs an at every hoosc they made me hao a wee drappic every house but but surely sandy there are some of the kirlt members who aro teetotallers ayc there are but i wrote too those criticism criticism in aj weapdn that should be used yery carefully it doesnt take brains or heart to find fault never underrate the work of others especl ally should singers speak well of those in the same profession and writers of writers and teachers of teachers addison said i never knew a critic who made it his business to lash the faults of other writers that was not guilty of greater faults himself whittier said i i end a book with sympathy for the author it is canv to tear u volume to pieces by criti cism i try to find uh merits wo aro apt to ci ltlcl7e a persons clothes or iiouhc or mannci it is i good rule liot always followed never to say in a persons absenco what you would not say in his presence the great need of the world is charity woul thnt jilncolns immortal words could be painted liko constantino cross of gold in the blue sky with malice toward none with charity for all one person loses his fortune nnd is not able to meet his obliga tions we do not stop to investigate wo cohdetnn we forget that years ago one pureyr than we said ho that is without sin ujnpng you let him cast a htone selected loklijioneylf take notice that we will- handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge wo place 34 years xjjerionce nt your disposal and assume all your collection troubles send us your hat wo will dotho rest no noto or account is considered too small too larger too old or too far away wo will tackle any hondfifc debt kelly aiken collectors orangeville owen sound j m aiken manager jos j kelly manager reference sterling bank of canada canadian national electric railways westbound dally exoept sunday 743 am am- pm pm pm pm pin am eaatbdund dally 743 ojo daily except sunday 9 43 am daily 1143 am doily 143 pm 343 p au 543 pm 7 43 pm 943 pm 1l40 pm 943 1143 143 v 343 it43 743 943 1232 freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto notice to creditors of the e8tate of ernest albert rose deceased the creditors of ernest albert hose late of the village of acton in the county of halton tanner who died on the eighteenth day of may 1925 and all porsons having claims against his estate are required on or before the twentysecond day of juno 1926 to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to the undersigned solicltpr thoir full names addresses and des criptions and full particulars of their claims t on and after the said twentysecond day of juno the exec4ttcjjnlll procoed to distribute tho assetamhhe said es tate among the parties entflled thereto and he hereby gives notice that ho will not be rflponsiblothereaf tor for any claim or claims of which ho shall not have received notice dated this twentyfirst day of may a- d 1925 henry philip mooh executor by h n fanner acton ontario his solicitor 478 notice to creditors it often happens this time it was at a nice social function in town and mrs blanks cakewas much in demand in fact jt was so well liked that shewasaskedfoc therecipe- forit and-flien-she-hadto- i tell that she had been so busy she just went to fairbanks for it ilj5hy fuss and fume over the baking when fairbanks can do it better fairbanks bread cakes and- pastry better than homemade phone 116 fairbanks bakery mill su acton t qtjldren cry for worms mo cncouinged by morbid conditions of tho stomach and bowels unjl so subsist millers wqim pow ders will ultei these conditions al most immediately and will sweep tho worms away no destructive paraslto can live in contact with this medicine which ih hot only a worm destroyer but a healthgiving medicine moitt beneficial to tho young constitution castoria mother 1 fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups i prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages o constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regnlate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always look for the signature of cfrajfyyslecaku ftven hvcctions on ri picknero pty iciaps everywhere recommend it of the estate of lily rachel campbell deceased the creditors of lily rachel camp bell lata of tho village of acton in the county of hnlton widow who died on tho twentyeighth day of april 192g and all persons having claims against her estate are required on or before tho twontyninth day of june 1925 to send by post prepaid or other wise deliver to the undersigned solici tor their full names ad drosses and descriptions and full particulars of their claims on and after the said twentyninth day of june the administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto and sho hereby gives notice that she will not bo responsible there after for spy claim or claims of which sho shall not have received notice dated this twenty eighth day of may a d 1925 mary ann fisher administratrix h n farmer acton ontario her solicitor 483 trergifebons expert shoe repairing jrompt attention to ordbr8 left t e gibbons main street acton advertisers the free press li anxious to serve you and serve you well we oan give your advertise ment better attention and there fore make it more attractive if th copy supplied to ua on monday or tuesday if copy fails to reach ua until wadnsaday forenoon there la a rush to aet it up before ths forms olose and the result ia likely to be issa aatlafaotory send in your ads early 31 does your watch keep nr lime try our repairv-de- partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you free press job printing is always neatly done savage co jeweden guelph j ontario 1 t r akj komtw tf strc