Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1925, p. 2

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btye arfcm jjt fire as thursqay jun 11 192d a thought por you you may load a horse to wntor dut you cannot make him drink you may send a boy to college but you cannot mako him think y6u may preach sbmomen a sermon ilutyonih never chance thelri way they will go right on tomorrow as theyve btortcd out today youf may tell them to bo banking but theyll neyer save a cent you may urge thorn to be building but theyll keep on paying rent you may writ a lot of verses that youll never see in print you may tell a bore youre busy but hell never take the hint you may lead some men to business but theyll never make a start you may show some men their duty but theyll never do their part you may dress some folks in satin but you will never change their looks you may give some folks a bookstore hut theyll never read the books you may- lead a horse to water but youll find this true i think that unices theiiorsfe is thirsty theres no way to make lilm drink itfmualmiui hp jtor fir tyati fkavy four is a crowd by jtobert barnes iwwmubhs bhgfflew g where old men re8t in peace of trie many interesting sights la tho ciry of algier on the north african coast one of the most striking is the great hosts of oldarabs sitting carelessly around in coffee bouses and tho jiretty parks when the tourist siops off the steamer and enters the town the- first thing that attracts hu attention is of course the strango dresses of the native woman and the flowing mantles and headgear of the niftnu i the second thing that attracts tlu attention of the curious tourist is tho fact that the whole arabian city seems to be ailed with old men none under fifty and many so old that the creases in their faces are half an inch deep theae old men never work their diysot labor are at an end just os soon aa an algerian has raised hlsl family to the point where that family can work the old man is told to take a rest bis children will support bun so ho gets a few packages of cigar ettes aomo money fjor coffee and goes downtown to flpeudlho days in gossip argument and pbetlo imaginings unles something terrible happens t old man never again takes up tho ourden of hard labor but sits around and offers sage advice and the strange fact is that the children are actually delighted that they are able to keep hetauiin inside the house the routine is hand led by thfr mother while the daughters sit in the shade or go out to gossip with the neighbors aqe-nohafloicap- a little while ago the cry too old at forty sounded like the knell of doom in the ears of those who were noat their first youth now however age- 1st having itst revenge- and the newspapers recently have been full of the activities of tho old folic ityr instance an irishman of ninety eifht lias ju8temlgratcd to the unltod states there to start life over again that ja pretty good going hut polos before tho plans of a weymouth ng land grandmother who it has been announced intends to swim the chan nel women have been rather more no- -live- tbn the men hut mr thomas hardy wlio is olghtyfour recently ad dressed tho dorchester debating and dramatic society and aroan seven teeny eara older wrote a letter to the times v age of course- is not always the handicap wo ace apt to imagine it ri31ndbtpt103niazirgfr seventy ntvtho time of tno midothlan campaign and was prime minister of britain whan oyereighty we huwe to go back a few centuries however to and a parallel to the re cent coses of the mexican woman who was sent to jail at x6fl angeles at the agiof ioshienlklliad- 1l ln british iiistory old parr was obliged to do ik cur eaucalod llko a btcam calliope as roger barlow camo to an abrupt stop out ho sprang his lo ng oldrasnlorieil linen coat flapping out batliko behind him glad to get them for you girls no trouble ntallf he trotted up tho canon road as fast as his stoat legswould carry two hundred pounds roger at twenty considered himself quite a ladles man fand he was nothing if not obliging vera stacey and c lor anion hendoe bright chiffon dresses showing at the opening of their coatslcaned out to watch him even ruth carflon tho quiet soberly attired stranger in tho front seat could no t help turning around ten yards back walter left tho road and started to scramble up the rugged cliff with surprising agility a climb of twenty feet brought him to a blossomed covered bush from which he began to cut off lar b then suddenly a shrill high pitched yell rent theair and the boy was seen to catapult down the steep des cent threshing tho air wildly with his arms he struck tho road and hestltated a moment turning a red strangely- distorted face toward tho cor then whirling about he galloped up the canon waving a cluster of sprays in eacljl hand and whooplng like an indian tho girls viewed hut antics with tonguetied amaxement the young people in the car that june morning were on their way from the california town of sycamore to at tend a wedding at winchester thirty miles distant rogers cousin marie barriiurton was to be married and roger a remarkably good pianist was to play the wedding march vera and claramon were to- act as bridesmaids somewhere in the attic roger had die- covered an old linen duster dating a generation back which he thought would bo fine to protect his now tux edo- and- light overcoat on the dusty- trip v all three enjoyed the trip thorough ly until they canto- to burtons cort ners where the hattess girl in gray sweater and blueokirt had boen stand ing beside tho road as she noted tho empty seat in thereof jihe helduphcr ponnahco for his sins at the door of the pariah church in alborbury when ho was 105 years- old the picture ef another venerable briton who looks lively enough des pite hl years hangs in the royal hospital shelsea the original a cheuoa pensioner married at 100 and his portrait painted when he was 110 shown rain handing a sword in quite a businesslike way stopped wfyp tra rath corson cxplalnedthtrj girl and i live on a ranch five miles west of here this morning we had a telephone message that ray brother had- been knocked down by an auto- ltithllaawrthmi trrfrfln hf l qlr cor is out of commission so i start ed to walk on tho chance that i might get a ride if youll take me ill he glad to pay you roger and the girls looked at each other they had been havings such a good time that it seemed a pity to spoil it by taking in a total stranger how could they bo mean enough how ever as to deny a girl who was going to the assistance of her injured brother quick to notice their hesitation tho stranger flushed and bit her up she understood that they really did not want her roger broko the silence feeling that he was in duty- bound to extend an invitation he opened the door of course well take you get in beside mot ruth climbed in her face showing relief and thankfulness but also mucn embarrassment you dont know how much t appreciate this she stammer ed the car trundled on but the pres ence of the stranger cast a restraint over the merrymakers their high spirits vanished at lastythey reached i a point where the road was forked roger brought his machine to a halt and faced v 4pj nw he founds friend a thinly clad young mail was walk ing ulon a city street one winter morning- eating peanuts from a five cent sack in his coat pocket in lieu of a breakfast when he saw a number of boys trying to attract the attention of a flock of hungry pigeons jn th street by tossing cracker crumbs at them he stopped and joined in the fun by sneuing out some of his peanuts and breaking the kernels into small pieces which hethrew on the- pave- ment near the birds recognising a new behefactpr they fiockcd around hlin eagerly picking up his offepjngrs but keeping an eye on him meanwhile prepared for instant flight in the event of his becoming too familiar long experience had nl ways taught them to be suspicious of strangerst r stooplni down and holding a tempt ing morsel between his angers he called the birds gently at first thoy shrank back- but pres ently an old bird having first in specte him critically with one eye and then with the other stepped forward gingery plucked the titbit from his fingers and darted away not find ing tho experience so terrible the old btrd came track again and was re- warded with another choice- bit of pea nut the other pigeons speedily fol lowed the example thats ior than theyd do for any of us said one of the boys r the yotihgt man gave the pigeons t about half of his stock of peanuts and then straightened up thats all i can spare you thin time he- said starting away j a uilddlflagol man who had been watching the performance with con siderable interest tapped him on the shoulder young nian he said are you looking forv job if so i have one for you anyone who can coax the birds like you has a good disposition gfihvwe must make a choice we can keep to the- main highway or wc can malfe a detour to the left through cinnamon canon which would you like fifteen miles of smooth hot dusty road across the open country or ten miles through a shady canon on u- road that is a little rough ho had glanced at tho western sky where i great mass of bluoblack clouds wau gathering threateningly above the summit of tho mountains looks as if a thunderstorm might bo coming but i guess we can beat it to win chester the girls were not long in deciding i say try the canon said vera and claramon seconded her the stranger said nothing under tho circum stances her opinion did not seem nec essary ten minutes later tho car was roll ing down a narrow ravine between per pendicular rocky waifs over two hun dred feet high the air here was much cooler and absolutely free from dust great masses of flowering shrubs clung to the-jcllffs- and shed- their fragranco through the canon parallev with the road and only a little below it a foamy atrean purled among the boul ders ruui carson sat quietly on the front seat her sober attire in marked con trast with the pretty dresses of the bridesmaids she realised that she had introduced a discordant note into the morrhnont of the wedding party roger felt obliged to address her oc casionally but she took little port in the interchange of talk and laughter she knew that the others wouitt bo alod when they could drop her arwjn- chester necessity had compelled her to force herself upon them and sho could hardly expect her ride to be al together pleasant wont you let mo drive volun teered ruth ctuson timidly ini used to a car tho cur proceeded on its way not qulto us fast as before kugcr did hin best to cheor tho pnrty dcsplto hln claramon folt that she would rather guldo the car hersolfi she did not foe at all suro of the stranger no ive had u good deal of experience i can do it jubt aa well as not ruth abashed ut tho refusal of her wellmeant oftojr hhrunk back and closed her lips tightly t swollen omartlng- face ho could not holp noticing however that the engine was sklppfng more thun over kvory- body began tcfoel nervous the bunk of clouds in tho west were invisible behind tho lofty cliff but the muffled roll of distant thunder was heard al most continuous the mountulns a few milqs awayworo evidently being lushed by a heavy storm conyerfiotlpn langulshod al 1 wcr 3 looking eagerly forwaraioroachlrsjrtho ond of the ravlno thoy swlrlod past the mouth of anqthor canon coming at right angles from the went and clat tered over a low brldgo under which a swollen brook- was foaming skip skip skip then lno motor stopped entirely it started stopped started stopped and did not start again the car was stalled- v thats bad rogers volcoshowed ji is alarm he tumblod out awkward ly five miles frora winchester und the wedding coming off in not much more than an hourl the girls exchanged jnanlc stricken glances what couldt they do roger lifted tho hood and began to tinker with the engine ho fussed for five minutes- bu accomplished noth ing i cant see well enough- to lo cate the trouble although claramon could drive neither oho nor vera knew much about the mechanism of a car besides they were dressed- in their- wedding finery therocanao a rush of water tho stream nearby jhad rlsenaeyeral ihcnes aridiis murmur deepened to a low roorl tho cloudburst among the western peaks was making itself felt in tlo canon tbe flood wouldjiot havjitoxjaeniuchhiahor to highway let me see what i can do remark ed a firm voice know quite a bit about machinery ruth carson was speaking go ahead accepted roger gladly my eyes are no erooov tho girl unscrewed a spark plug tlrepoim wuro u shoriald 1 t-on- thef cylinder head step on the start- lohmohed ahead the qpun country ijathed in hunngtit approached with tiititalijslttgslhwness the two other girls wero whlto with terror lsven itoger was shaking tho dlatanco to the road was only u fow yards farfhor as tho front roller curled up to break tho car gave ji final leap it darted out of tho can ons jaws and a werved sharply to the lght up the unflooded road bohtnd tho flood roared by in baffled wrath ruth halted tho car on tho hilltop korti minute nobody spoke then roger broke- tho silence mighty lucky for uo wo took you hi ho ac knowledged handsomely vera and claramon ud not stint then- pruiso were coming over to hoc you whon you get back home promised the latter we wuht tokaow if you will let us the four rode poht snldcra ranch whero ruths brother lay and found him very comfortable im afraid i spoiled your trip to the wedding regretted tho girl as tho others bid her good by 0 if it hadnt been cor you snld claramon we wouldnt bo hero at all 1 the iruesta at the barringtoh homo all voted that thoy had never heard aicndelssoiinh march played hotter ven thoutfhtho plnnitlt insisted on bfc- injr hidden belilnd a japeneue screon k she said to claramon who obeyed unquestlonlngly a fat blue spark jumped across the gap ignition systems all right remarked the stranger this cylinder at least j should have fired the canon floor was now afoam wltn tho boiling flood every minute rising higher already it was almost ievcj with the road it licked the planks of the bridge the ear had just croascdj roger suddenly woke to the danger of the situation what if the car would not start evidently there had been a remendous downpour of rain a few miles west if the water contln ucd to rise the highway would soon be covered for miles below the cliff was too steep to climb ja few hun dred feet up the ravino however je- yond the torrent pouring- under tho bridge there was safety run girls t shouted the boy mover mind the car back across oie bridgo claramon and vera -cast- frightened an artful architect one of the most remurkublo cauos of an architectural joke- may be seen by any vleitof towinduor england high- er up the hill so well known by tlio visitors to the cuatlo stunds the town hallwhlcltr has- often beendscribedto sir christopher wron but wren only finished it for it was designed and moro thun half built by unother archi lect who died before his work was accomplished 1 the mayor nnd corporation of thit time wero not satisfied that tho hiu was safe for it is built over tho open corn exchange througli which -podea- triuns pass dally at first it was sup ported only by great beams and thoy requested wren to erect four pillars in the corn exchange ibelow to give tho bcumson which the upper struc turc rests additional support ifc was in vain that tho great archi tect assured them that these- plllard wero not necessary so the four pillars to all appearance udded their quota to the security i the hall- above now it bus been discovered that sir chris topher left a space of air inch at the top or eachjulhir so that the four pillars have never given tho town hall the least support tho space be tween tho plllur and celling was hid den jay a thin- crust- of cement and now that this has fallen out the spaces are clearly revealed the united chijrch of canada its courts how it i to be governed and by whom one hundred years of benzene benzene has playod a big part in the development of our civilisation but its discovery although a blessing in numerous ways has proved a curso in- others from bentene we get carbolic acid which as an antise saves many glances at the angry tream and flod up the canon ruth hesitated oyer tho engino dont wait cried roger reluctantly she followed tho others tj10 boy came last they were too late howover before the two brldcs- maidscaehod4ho brlflfforatiulck eurgo lifted the wooden structure and swept it raftlike out into tho main canon in its place raged thirty feot of turbid water rogers face grow white back before the four gained the car shallow rills wero trickling across tho road once moro ruths nlmblo fin gcrs busied themselves with the en gine while tho two other girls climbed into tho ford reaching down to tho carburetor the stranger unscrewed tho needle valvo tho outflowing btream of gaspllne carried with it soveral pieces of lint and dirt further examination brought to light more dirt on the seat of the valve wiping- it clean the girl replaced and adjusted it now claramon stepped on tho starter bang- bang bang shes alive again whopped roger joyfully all aboard as ho and ruth stepped on the run ning board water lapped their foot better let me drive ventured the strange girl and claramon surrendered the wheel without a xvord again the car- etnrted down tho j canon- already tho flood swashed two or three inches over the road and it was still rising when a louder- roar drew clarampns eyes oack tho girl could scarcely repress a cry of torror outof tho mouth of the other canon a great whlto wave fully six feet in height was bursting it filled the ravlno from wall to wall and accompj an led by tho dull rumble of rolling boulders came after tho racing car should it overtake the car it would beoyerwhelmed andu fjhe occupants drowned roger leaned out a single filttnct told him of the danger his voice was husky if i could only hcc drive lives every year yet the chemistry putpostscwhich can be adapted to this noble purpose can be made with only slight variations to yield a means of- destroying whole communities it was the dlecoyory of benzene that led sciontlflts to study oxploalvo compounds many of which ben zene is a basis and as a result some of the deadliest destructive agents known to man have been evolved whether the benefits of tho dis covery of benzene outweigh its power for evil has yet to bo decided only a few months after its discovery camo the announcement of the invention of aniline dyes and through it to open ing up of many new undertakings it was not however until an eng lish scientist sir william porkin-pro- duced aniline purple that thevastyo industry of today was put on a firm foundation now there is notrvoijie of us who la nqt indebted in sprpe way to those pioneer chemists whol by their d au nti ess effortgand in thnjaco of the fiercest foreign competition have filled our world with beautiful colors an original hymn tune an amusing story of u quaint hap- pep lng in the church at west end earsonthamptonremandyisotay braleg mrs a mw stirling in her nowly- publishod and most interesting book lifes little day there used to be nh instrumental choir and the orches tra consisted of three or four old men who played the fiddle fluto and double bass they also performed dance music nt evening partlesln tho vil lage- one christmas tlrob there hap pened to be un unusual number of theso festivities und by sunday the musicians wore tired out and they fell asleep during the sermon at tho end of his discourse the parson gave om tho hymn dead silence followed tie gave it out again whereupon the lender of tho orchestra nwoke with a horrified fitarf nudged jhis fellow musicians and still half usleep all struck up sir roger de coverley tjp jumjcd tho squire in his pew turned around and wrathfully waving the luckless musicians to silence exclaimed for this insult upon me to my family nnl almighty god yoii ahull no longer piny in this church i will give nn organ and hvdd the first general cquncltof tlo nftw united church of canada will bo con stituted on hme 10 af liasoy hall toronto oiirl its oanhtltutlji marks tho comiilotlo of tho uiilrin of the ilebbyteiiat mothodist and congre gational churches of th dominion arid tho boghudng lit cahitda f i now churcli opibraclng homo 9000 cngre- gatloiim and u membership of over 7mj000 as this gpnoval council will lo the chief deliberative and legislative court of the new church it iri of in terest especially f o presbyteiiona to know how it- compares in its powers und junctions with the old general assembly of tholr church the flrnfc general council will dif fer from otbers to follow in that its embers woro appointed hy each of tfiovunltlhg denominations the methodlatgeiibral conference of 1922 nppolntedhv methodist representa- tlvos whllo tho prosbytortan assembly at owon sound iffst year appointed tholr 1g0 and tho congregational union lanfyoar appointed tho 40 con gregational representatives und thoj local union council 10 tho first gonoral council will have tho historic tusk of completing the amalgamation of tho three churches i us provided for in tho basis of union copiblning the various boards es tablishing its mission policy with tha direction of the 648 forolgn mission- urles sdccthodlst presbyterian and congregatlonallst that work in its fields the colleges will also come under its controlanddlrcction tho general council according to j tho basis of union can legislate un matters respecting tho doctrine wor ship membership and government of tho church the first council will j probably- not entor li j preroga tives in the field but leave it to later councils rsjtpersthusdifjcirij but little from thoso formerly exer cised by tho general assembly or tho methodist general conference but is still subject to what is known among presbyterians as tho bulwark of pros- byjterlan democracy its legislation on matters of doctrines or worship membership and government must re ceive the approval of tho presbyteries and if udvjsablo the pastoral charges also before it cap become a permanent law of tho church all the decisions of theilrst general council are subject to review and must bo ratified by tho first regularly appointed council thplateijt governing- body in tho united church is he session of each congregation composed of elders- men chosen by the congregation ordained if is desired after the presbyterian system who have the oversight of the spiritual interest of the congregations the administration of tho sacraments the administration to membership tho conduct of members order of worship the methodist local preacher and tho congregational 1st deacon oxprclbod somewhat similar power to those of the elder tho basis of union does not force the methodist congregation to have a session it ntay continue with its of- flcf a i board if i td osires bot congro gatlons foimod after juno will s to follow the rule laid down in the basis of union and have a session and com- mjttco of stewards or managers whoj combined form tho official board the presbytery is tho noxt court and is composed of the ministers in charge of congregations or work- with in us bounds and an equal number of nonministerial representatives o- lcctod by tho session or the official board of the congregations tho presbyteries in tho new united church are much what thoy were in the presbyterian church- they tlavb oversight over the pastoral charges tho right to induct and instal ministers and deal with petitions or appeals from sessions form new congregations and hdsrb oversight tvor tho conduct of ministers they also transmit petl tions and appeals or courts tho prcsbytorieb alepjaelecl-npnxalnistor- lul representatives to thd conference and nomiiuufireprosontotiyoatptho conference- settloment committee therp is a divergence here from the presbyterian system but it is not in offect what tho components of union picture it y the conferences tho next higher courts correspond to tho presbyterian synod but they have powers more ing candidates arid extending a call to a mln later this call luid to bo sus tained or approved by the presbytery in tho unltod church the settlement committee formed of representatives of tho presbyterlbu in each conference is given this right to sustain a call or decllno to do so n tho basis of union docs not givo it power to interfero in tho relation ship of a congregation apd its mtiw later the initiative must ciimo front tho minister or the congregation either of them desiring a change may make application to the hottlcmout cbmmlttoo and minister or congrega tion must approach tothe settlement commlttteo through their presbytery in tho case of a vacancy whcite tho congregation falls to agree in tho mat- tor of a call the committee may after a reasonable time as did tho presby tery settle a minister in charge t but for only one year the cojtferonco as already pointed out selects the commissioners that form tho general council ttyb final court of appeal or purllament of tho united church which under the pres ent basis is to meet onty jblonpially people seldom improve when thv have no model but themselves to copy goldsmith in t thp full charm of salada is revealed the flavor is pure fresh and fragrant try it black mixed or green blende d j 1 k et l o g g strima femepy a aurtano efficicmt relief for asthm it l composed of hfnoswhicfj when fomuhauoactgpyuaj- si sta 1sj 43a rjfj e xdjpz uemtaom whydoyou ftear mclaughlin bu ick mentioned favorably in every motorcar con a sationr tlswciir this cars many years of invariable quality and outstanding reliability are common knowledge mclaughlin buick beauty captures the eye on every highway in canada mctughlinbuick owners are insistent in their praise of this famous motor car xhm sv king representative for thi section ontario georgetown improving your surround- inq8 the hardestworked words ft is ntated that after a long series of observation nnd lasts that on- fourth of our dally ask of talking nctrmnclishcd hy the use of nthewords the longest of which has but four lct- tora thesw nine are and be have it otxtheto will nnd you it need hard ly nje naidl that theso simple words are all pur english it is also aiwerted that these nlrur together wltrt 34 additional wofds form a full half of the words we use inoonvcrsatfon every day the i4ad- dltlbnnl words alluded to are about all ht tut can come day dear for et go hear hen if in me much no on sayvshfsso that these they this though tlne wo ithwtlttnil suddenly without warning tho en gine began skipping roger noted this symptom with some apprehension dont like that this cars never made me any trouble and i hope it isnt going to begin now we cant afford to be late for that wedding another mile went hy the skipping grew worse props of perspiration stood- out oh the drivers brow just then cloramons eye lighted on a bush covered with magnificent pink and white blossoms oh look ut thono flowers i wish we hnd some of thorn to take wiyi un to winchester roger stopped the car gallantly then followed his climb his rapid des cent and his mysterious dash up tho ravine they h watched him in wonder as he ran several hundred feet up the- road arid hen descended to the stream to batho his face in a few minutes now he camo back slowly carrying the flowem vera and claramon gasped os lie approached his foatures wero red and so swollen sh fo be hardly recognizable both his eyes were almost closed lie grinned ruefully heres your blossoms girls whon i broke off these sprays i stir red up a nest of hornets and they ht into me like a thousand of bricks 1 ii had sonse enough to run up the road to keep em away from the car tho only- thing for mo to do u- to keep a stiff upper up ill have to be put behind a screen when i play for that wedding dont look at me i reallj dortt think i can see welt enough to drive fou jret od the book seat with vera ordered clara mpn tjl tok v i the- wiwei- v j jcarefullyl ruth nodded jve been through here dozons of times i know the road roger said no more he could not help four t uvea deiionded on tha i calm slim stranger in the gray sweater- who was driving so- ipertly appar ently unmoved birtfie loaring white- mrthod ogre behind the car had a good start and it made a gallant race on it rushed flinging back a shower of sand and pobbiesbut for tho dratr ofltho rising flood on ru four wheels it jould have outdlstancou tho nursulne wave very easily ruth drove magnificently her sun burned knuckles showed whlto as she gripped the wheelliard on the stralgiit road she put on extra speed and moro than held her own hut the flood gained on the turn clara ui on and vera faces pule watched her with admiration roger wns spanning tho bluffs ni closely as his blinded eyes would al low a splash of red flashed by pointed noho only lililf a milo go yet tho boiling water holifnd was draw ing nearer and nearor howover hoarse deafening ronr alnrjont drowii- ed tha cars oxhauht two mlnutou more would docldo v tlio car would win or lose just beyond the road turned sharply upward to the right could this ho reached safely and in tlmp although ruth pressed tho car fo its limit the deeponlng- yatnr slowed it down tho huge whitecrested tor rent behind camo roaring on like a dovourlng monster steadily the gap fellow cltlzeris bo out and look about your premises doos the fcno the shed the other outbuildings look us though thoy needed some repairing sorrio paint to brighten and presorvo them would your surroundings be made moro attractive moro cheerful by tho planting of a shrub a tree a bed of flowers does your lawn need attention does yoyr homo need paint ing acton has earned the reputation of bolng an attractive town will you help to mojto it more attractive if every otlzep would do a little ip that direction how pfllfih mpro aftfrtpflyoj our town would look am it rpqulrei la a little thoughtfulness h- iulp ener gy and tho expenditure of a cmiplo of dollars in act n dollar paid for membership in tho horticultural so ciety will bring you sufficient shrub and plants to maksyour flurroupdinff so much more attractive that you will be more than repaid too much silence along tho irish coast are lighthouses which fire a signal gun at threo-min- 11 to internals during foggy weather to a vlsftdr tho noise is irritating and un bearable making hicor an impossibil ity but to the seasoned lighthouse- keeper not only docs tho monotonous boom pass unnqtieed but a break in its regularity reacts as u disturbance one- old iriuhmiti of long- service slept soundly and peacefully during u winter night whllo his wife fired tho roaring thrcomlnute signals that is ho rented comfortably uull by some shortening one of the clutrges fa hod to explode instantly ho awoko sat up gazed wildly around and shouted maggie what tho deuce was that ialatlve bouy thun were the synods as according to the basis of union tho geneiol council meets only onca in two years it was necessary that it should givo moro power to the lower court the conference has boen given some powers formerly possessed by presby teries hut in its personnel it includes tho members of the presbyteries with in its bounds and is thus entlroly rep resentative of tlio pastoral charges it is composed of all the ministerial mombcrs of tho presbytery an an enual number of tho nonmlnlstcrlal members it meets annually it de termines tho number und boundaries of tho presbyteries has oversight over them examines and ordnins candi dates for tho ministry who have been recommended by the presbyteries re- i celves and disposes of nppenls and pe titions subjoct to tho usual right of appeal to tho general council nd it selects an equal number of its min isterial and lay members as repre sentatives to the generalcouncil this was formerly done by tho presbyteries but us all congregations are repre sented in the conferences the difference is not great tho policy of tho united church is that every pastoral chargb shall have a pastorate without interruption url tlmo limit and that every effective minister shall have a pastoral charge in nd it is to bo the duty of thocon- feronoe to effect this through a con ference settlement commltteewhlch it shall appoint annually frpm the rop- resontatives nominated by tho pres byteries thin settlement committee is to consist of ministers andiay men each pueabytery being ropresont od on it itmeets annually before tho meeting of the conference next after that which appointed it unionist presbyterian leaders deny that this settlement committee is tho arbitrary body that nonconcurring presbyterians havo dascrlbed it to bo thoy declare that it has more of an advisory than a- legislative capacity and that if it has powers regarding tho placing or refusal to place minis tors it is merely exercising the powers formerly hold by tliopresbytory a congregation in tho united church has tho old prpsbytorlan right of hear- jvc vkeyis refreshes fired eyes writmmldcychlemofercrdaot dr sopfr dr white bprclnllit in dtsoomi of skfn blood nerrcs blmller aud special all- montfl of men onb visit odtlnnblo f if liupoallil liondlilstory for frco opinion una nd- tlce question blnnk and book on dlmica at men free consultation tree medlolno mrnlsueil in tablet fofm hours 10 am to 1 pm and 2 tn 0 pm bundays 10 am to 1 pm dr8 sopkr whitk toronto8ltmt toroal ont the engine wm wrigley jr the cliewing gum king of chicago in explaining tlie rapid growth of his company said it was all due to advertisirig but interrupted one of his friends travelling with him t the par cine coast you have already built up a remarkable business why not save some of this ad vertising moiiey and run along on momentum for a while well mr wrigley said we have had a fine fast trip west from chicago so far how much pro gress do you think we would make if they took off the engine safe t rirjqtgsgc

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