Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1925, p. 3

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h 2ittim 3ttt itafl thursday junk 11 102b a sloweddown romancer whon spiiner spreads it ullurementa up an down qur woodland woyu its then i start romancln on til thrills of other days my neighbor gits his uuto out an shines it till it riowh llko butter from a babys bread a- btnoarln up ts none f my neighbor wants to hit th road an drive hko homeono mad which only slowu irio down to dreamb of nappy days ive had tho more i see of auto folks tho more it seems to me i crave old boss an buggy days like them that uhed to be perhaps im antiquated now or yellor ns they say- dut my speed aint as apeody aa they aro speedln it today givo mo a hoas an buggy ono thitb got a httlo class a purty girl a shady road nn you cnn have your gas i recollect back yonder when on sat urdays in june id wash my redwheeled buggy up fe sunday afternoon id manicure th harm- too sit out my sunday whip then tic a bright red ribbon near th cracker at th tip id dust my sunday lap robe off git r dolled up as it were then count th hours till sunday como and i could be with her wo bought a burry her an me soon after we were wed c but ah no children bleat us we took neighbors out instead nobody ever speeded then wo liked to take our ease an git full satisfaction from th shady spots an breeze but that was back in other years now sunday aeejns decreed to fill th monday papers full o news im scalrt to readr by william herschch the fus8 cat will you pull tho shade down a farther dear aunt tinas weak voice asked no not so much as that not more than an inch and straight- enthat table scarf please take- thoso papers from the foot of the bed they rattle so when i move unda pulled tho shade down tho acquired inch straightened the scarf and picked up tho newspapers any thing olao she asked she did not try to mako her voice pleasant no matter it aunt t w a she need not bo so fussy nothing else aunt tina replied in a hurt tone im sorry to be a burden linda if you knew what it is to he here day in and day out xtlnda went out quickly she jad heard that so many times a week later linda in her own room across the hall was trying to readjust herself to the new world into which shejiadbeen thrown six months on jhcxr back in torture to he sure tho doctor said that she would be all right in time but all months why six hours seemed endlsa quick stops dashed upstairs arid betty was in the room she swept only waiting only waiting till tho shadows are a little longer grown only waiting till tho glimmer of the days last beam is flown till the night of earth is faded from the heart once full of day till the stars of heaven are breaking throughtho twilightsoft and grfty- only waiting till the reapers have the last sheaf gathered home for the summer time is faded and thje autumn winds have come quickly roaporo gather quickly the last ripe hours of my heart for tho bloom of life is withered and i hasten to depart only waiting till tho angelo opon wide the mystic gate by whose side i long have lingered weary poor and desolate even now i hear the footsteps and their voices far away if they call mc i am waiting only waiting to obey i could reach it and onjojod aeohnj j news from the other acton weekly fashion hklt boh uculnnl tho cclllne tlio uoatn j t u riiii j were not cushioned ua they mo t6 i tlw owncoimiry town h ulmhae cushioned day and on all sides it was practical utility and not great luxury that came into use tho engine was a crude uffuu small er than uro now used to haul timber in the canadian woods and the steam was generatod by burning mapio an beech hardwood you youngsters do h izuui is to bo held on the st uubriel not sec any thing like the smoke church site in noelroud acton in aid stacks nowadays they were fiom two r the now church to three feet high with a flaring cap problems with the now mtah mury norinuu 196 avonuoio id shcton a life governor of tho national 1 onovolbnt institution iau been elccted i lifeguard of acton hospital jsext wednesday and thumduy only waiting till the shadows are a little longer grown only waiting till the glimmer of tho days last beam is flown then from out trfe gathering darkness holy deathless stars shall rise by those light my soul shall gladly tread tho pathway to the skies half a dozen thing u of place-ln- her impetuous progress betty always did linda winced involuntarily o betty if you wouldnt whirl s you shako the bed and look at that pile of letters you knocked off tjie table and those photographs you swished down betty picked up the letters and the photographs anything x can do she asked awk wardly you might lower that shade people seem to forget that the sun doesnt keep still and that i cant get out of ita way betty lowered the shade now is there anything else she asked again ah her gay spirits had vanished she looked only uncomfortable and linda fu anxious to get away nothing else ahe answered very shortly betty went soberly out in the hall she met malcolm linda could hear their voices caretullytowered sad- denlya sentence of malcolms reached her i know a regular fuss cat like aunt tina for minutes linda lay stunned the phrase repeated itself over and over in her mind then she began tq sternly review things- t that night her motherstender arms- she confessed it all and i have been shut up only six days she cried and aunt tina has lain there for five years q mother t didnt understand 1 never dreamed how it really was to learn to- understand utile daughter is the greatest lesson in life answered her mother lightning versus steatyl years ago when the eloctrio tele graph was a new idea and a mystery to the masses there came trouble one saturday night in the bank of eng land the business of the day had closed and tho balance was not right there was a deficit of just one hundred pounds the interesting incidents that xollqwed are aet forth n harpers weekly it was not the money but the error that must be found for the officials and clerks there could be no sleep until the mystery had been cleared up all that night and all sunday a foroe of men were busy the money was sure ly gpne from the vaults but no one could discover whence on tho following morning a clerk suggested that the mistake might have occurred in packing for the west in dies some boxes of speele that had been sent to southampton for ship ment his chief acted on the sugges tion there was on opportunity to test tho powers of the telegraph lightning against steam and steam with forty- eight hours the start very soon the telegraph asked a man in southamp ton has tho ship mercator sailed tho answer came back just weigh ing anchor stop her 1n the queens nam unshed back the telegraph she is stopped was returned have on deck certain boxes marks given weigh them carefully and let me know the result telegraphed the chief this order was obeyed and one box was found to bo somewhere about one pound and ten ounces heavier than its mates just the weight of the missing sovereigns all right let the ship go wns tho next order the west india house was debited with the one hundred pounds nnd the bank of england was at peacb again my friend capt1 jo again death has come into the ranks of my iffelons friends and taken choice spirit whom i esteemed for half a century as one of my best friends captrshaw was a man worth knowing and a friend worth having a friendly smile always characterised his visage and a kindly word never failed emanate from his lips when one met him john shaw was a farmer dur ing all the days of his residence here but tho farm did not occupy the wholo of his attention though he never ne gkioted its claims and responsibilities he took a fair amount of social inter course with the folks of tho community tjeiovcd by the interests and altivltles he championed he was a real free mason and lived up to the beautiful and helpful tenets and principles of the craft and he had an innate loyalty for king and country so much so that for years he gave tlmo and study and attention to thto perfectloh of hilary tactics and as a soldier was faithfully ever ablo to say aye ready 4- used to wonder why john left the old kirk where his father was tho faithful psalm- loving precentor for so many years and whero wo attended the old sabbath school together but john evidently found something in the methody folks which appealed to jllra andwhenho oast his lot wlthhe people of that church ho did it to stay his worth as an upright practical christian man was soon observed and he was elected to tho official board and- 1 believe he not only- remained faithful and steadfast to his position and membership but so deeply cm- planted were his affections for the old homo church theyve colled it for many years that when he left the old home and removed to the states to be with his sister there that he left his membership hcrjq jind here in acton jt remained until death transferred it to the celestial reloams the affectlonj of the people of the old home community were strong for john shaw ample proof of this was given when a farewell party was ten dered him at the homo of mr and mm james tt warren at cedar creek farm twenty years ago- when ho was about to remove to his new surroundings he was presented with a gold watch as a token of affection and esteem and tho scores of lifelong friends who wore present sadly said farewell good wishes from all accompanied him to his new home on the several occasions of return visits he was alwuys joyfully welcomed everywhere verily a good man has gone to his reward nono will miss him mora keenly than the old man of tho big clock tower the old man in which there was a ataong wire screen to keep is much as possible the sparks from flying about and causing damage from are i am not sure ns to the speed that can led us on our journey but it was not to fast for us stevenson who invented tho first railway englno in england answered when asked what would hap pen should a cow get on the track said i would pity tho coo in those days the farms you now see with but little tlmbci too little pn them were almost covered with wood that today would o worth fortunes theso were then an encum- bcrance nnd tho quickest way to get rid of them was what the nettlua wanted to know it was a vciy piovl- dence to them when tho railway used wood for it gave them bomo cash for that for which they had no use nnd returned cash money for which they had a desperate need and every farmer all along the routo was an xious to get a contract for supplying as much ao the company needed so at georgetown or acton and all along the line tho winter season was the time when the cutting and hauling was done and i have heard the farm- ttadlscusslncthcjr a th s tom clarks tavern ani iclr hopes were that xindlay mccallurri one of the buyers would be as generous as possible i havo seen acres and acres of land covered with tho wood brought in then in tho summer tho- company would send up tho cutting gang who would cut it up about 18 inches long suitable to throw into the flro box and thus supply tho heat in this i am not sure but i think that ronsom adams and old billy tho stallion drew water for the cutting gang from nlckllns pond to tho station for tho engine for several seasons in any case i wish to impress on the young people of today that all the comfoi t and luxury we enjoy come from the sweat and toll of our forefathers and we while enjoying all this novcr should forget to honor the memory nor forget it is the plain duty of all to preserve the heritage that god has ptn tit ttnfr kfifipinffc well i expect to havo the- ro- forestratlon article for next issue isla a welcome order wise 8ayinq8 by great men they are slaves most vase whoiia thought is wily for themselves nnd not for all the race lowell i that is an incomplete day in which you have done nothing- to brlghton the lives of others all common things each days events that with the hour begin and end bur pleasures and out discon tent arerounds by which wo may ascend longfellow nothing at all practicable until it is made so by the will of dauntless raon how poor are thev fhatf have not patience what wound did ever heal but by degrees shakespeare the old man of the bio clock tower dear friend it is just possible you have taken part in a kind of a dance or promen ade in the present school when it was new this is my recollection of it the girls would lino up in two rows as to the moves they made i cannot recall it is possible by making en qutry among the older scholars you could find out they sang this re frain v fire on the mountains run boys run fire on the mountains run boys run hi jim along joe hi jim along joe hi jim along joe hi jim along joe chickens in tho dough try run girls run v chickens in the dough try run girls run hi jim along joe hi jim alonff joe hi jim along joo hi jim alonjf joe those arc repeated until the line is turned down this refrain runs fresh in mmlnd and if it could bo that tho movements could bo found it might be a novelty to have them reproduced what thought i havo given to it i imagine we would and that its qrlgin goes bock many decados and from in ternal evidence it was produced away down in old kentucky or virginia the words plre on the mountains and chicken in tho dough tray re veal much by which to place its na tivity see what you can do if you feel that way to resurrect the whole game tho lato admiral jqhn w philip was exceedingly kind to his men us one would expect a man of his slncei e christian character to be when the texts was lying in hampton roads just before the war with spain there was abquadron ordcra gains t ll leave this order bore heavily on vas fined 5s one of the machinists who lived at phoebus his house wheie his wife nnd children were was visible from the ship just behind old point com fort one morning admiral philip then captain saw the man looking wist fully over the rail philip knew that the man lived in phcebus it was the custom among tho ships of the quad ron then to send a boat ashore every afternoon at one oclock with the mall orderly and the stewards to purchase supplies the captain stepped up to the machinist and said i want you to go ashore for me this afternoon in the one oclock boat tho man turned aa the captain spoke to him and saluted aye aye sir he replied captain philip went on looking about the ship and tho incident passed put of his mind at one oclock hewus sitting in his cabin when a messenger come down from thc watch on deck and sold machinist west has reported at the gangway sir and says ho has instruc tions from you to go ashore on duty but doesnt know what tho duty is sendjlachlnlbtjwest dqwnhcre ordered the captain a moment latcs the machinist stod in the doorway of the cabin with his cap in his hand the captain looked up at him and sang out intho gruff tono known in tho service as the pai ade rasp west do you- know where the vliu age of phoebus is yes sir replied the astonished machinist well i want you to go ashore in this boat and go over to phoebus and i want you to stay there until tomorrow morning at eight oclock and keep a sharp lookout to sco if you can make out the general recall on tho texas aye aye sir and ashore the machinist went and had a night at his borne and got back to tho ship b the first boafe in tho morning and dui lng the fighting that foljowcd served all tho bettor because of his captains kindness tho bourd of education lias up proved of plana for tho iroioaed now school at east acton and has sanc tioned an expenditure of not more than 5 000 oh 101 two eirand boys giving thoh acl- dreaseh in acton wero flncd 5b each at acton police court on xilday in last week for gambling in hanbury- i oad v mi j e smart bccietury for the cton education committee has thuwn up a ochemo for enabling par ties- of children from tfce acton scnoola to visit the brltlhh empire exhibition on saturday afternoon sir hai y nnd lady brlttain paid a visit to 6t qeoiges school where sir hurry hud promteed to tlcllver nn nddese on itou- maifm ror rushing into a ciowt in bollo bridge road acton with a atlck and uslpg threatening and offensive lan guage william plthcr shoftsbury- road acton was flncd 10s in tho acton police court on wednenday mrs blount recently eleoted aa an acton guardian is one of tho three delegates chosen by tho assessment committee to represent tho jjrentford board of guardians at the- meetings of j ho national association richard r gattey layergardens acton stated to be an official of tho kensington council was fined 1 and costs at acton police covt n wed nesday forjricgiectinc to stoia motor car at tho direction of a police officer next wednesday mr h c worrllow r r c o organist and director of music at the national institute for tho blind will give an orgnn recital at all saints church acton jt r three bottles of whiskey a bottle of port wine cigarettes and threo tennis bags wero among ho quantity of goods valued at 37 10s 6d alleged to havo been stolen from the west london sports club pavilions gunnersbury- lanc acton detective hector macpheruon who has been promoted to sergeant is now on special duty at the empire bxhlbl tion he was stationed in acton for about ten years and during that time ho was awarded a medal for saving llfo from fire f statcd to have ridden u nxotorcyclo at forty miles an hour ajlhur e h rice ap si cy- terrace hornlane was fined 10 at acton tollco court on wednesday for exceeding to speed limit it is proponed to cloao actoxi central school on thursday july 8 to allow the scholars to attend the wcstlon- don central schools association sports competition at tho stamford bridge when directed by a constable to taki to a side road with a load of hofl owing to the traffic congestion in u street acton edward baker of buls- hd used an offensive- expression at acfon pol leecourt onwcdnbdayio a city that ridiculed king8 i am writing this weeks article wljh a view to placing before our younger generation tho difference between this dny and sixtyodd years ngo the occasion arose when mother had to go to guelph on u business matter and aa a great treat i wns taken along novor before having been la a railway car for remember tho 0 t r wns only built about the year lwalibarn and my recollections wore ylyio ndugh and my sensations w butfh that i can recall them r w tho coach was but little ynger tah in fact wero not ns large ns tho cars now in use in toronto for street card tins ceilings wero just high cnoughtj clear the head of a fairly tall person the way i noticed this was in coming back mother had bought np a toy balloon ranch the snme as you see for ood will be satisfied with nothing salt at tho exhibition tho string at- lessthan our best in ancient days the impudent wit of the young groico egyptian dandy w is nrovcrbiai says mc arthua tx p brome we i gall in ithct life nnd times of cleopatro that wns espociallv true in alexandria whoso people wero characterised by the emperor hadrian as light wovcrlng seditious vain and spiteful although ns u body wealthy and prosperous no sooner did a statesman assume ofilco or a king como to tho throne than the wags of the city gave him somo scurrilous nickname that stuck to him throughout the remainder of his life thus ptolemy ix was called tho bloated ptolomy x tho votch and ptolcmyxih the piper selou- cas they named pickledfish peddler and w later times vespasian was nam ed scullion wben king herod agrlppa passed through tho city on his way to his insecure throne theso young alexandrians dressed up an un fortunate madman whom they had found in the streets put a paper crown upon his head and a reed in his hand nnd led him through the town hailing him as king of tho jows nnd that in spite of the fact that agrlppa was tho close friend of causuhv thalr emperor against vespnslnn they told wlth do- light the story or how he had piretered dne of his friends for the payment of a trifling loan of six oboli and somo ope made up a song inwhlch that fact was recorded thoy ridiculed cnra- calla for dressing himself uko alex ander tho great although hih stature was- below the average but in that care they hnd hot reckoned with thoh man his frightful revenge upon them was the almost total extermina tion of all tho welltodo young men in the city whom ho collected togothtr under a false pretense nnd then butch ered in cold blood ip nobody smiled r itached io it was not too long as i would bo if nobody smiled and nobody chceipd and nobqdy helped us along if each every minute looked aftor himself and the good things al went to the strong if iottbdy cared just a little for you and nobody thought about me and we nil stood alone to tho batlo r of life what a dreary old world ttlalwnyn floating or flying nboi an application asked the acton magistrates on monday what course sho should adopt aa a neighbor had put a curse on her to her dying day tho chairman answered i ahould not bother about that as nobody will bo oj penny the worse the good work done by the girl guide movement was pleasantly illus trated on thursday evening- in last week by an interesting and varied en tertainment given by the 7th acton girl guides and brownies in the st saviours hall the mayor of acton spoke at the 84th annual meeting of the hoyal asso ciation in aid of tho deaf- and dumb which was held at 27 groavonorbquaro on wednesday afternoon alleged to have come outroc the lino of traffic with a motor laundryvan during a congestion in acton vale on march2g and to have collided with two other vehicles edgar j heavans colvliieroad acton was fined 3 at acton police court on wednesday so readily did tho ac top public respond to the appeal ofe behalf of the civilian blind on geranium day saturday that the supply oc the at tractive crihboneroblcm wucil looked all the brighter in the brilliant sun shine was practically exhausted by 11 a m tho anniversary of the united meth odist church bollo brldfferoal sourjj acton wasoelobrated on sunday and monduy on sunday inspiring ser vices wero conducted by sister elleon in the morning and the itev e j webster mc hon chaplain to the forces in the evening told by a police officer to get up and go away jumob piatt a laborer of battcrsea who wus lying on tho ground in highstreet acton flght- lng with another man said to tfu officer if i cant fight him ill fight you at acton police court on trl- day in last week he was dried 10s for being drunk and disorderly the death of mrs hiram moro croft wife of mr hiram morecroft public works contractor of armltago and twyford- crescent acton ivos an nounced in last weeks actoa gazot to mrs morecroft who wast in her 08th year died after an operation in a 7hiswlck nursinghome a vivid patch of red has been in troduced into tho color scheme of the playingfields in tho rear of st thomass church acton vnlo by tho arrival of two obsolete general omni buses which have been presonted liy a generous donor for tho une of tho wolf cubs and boy stouts attached to that church tho death occurred in london on tuesday of miss isobel clayton who formerly lived in acton and did valu able work among the local laundry hands sho was he elder sister of the rev p b clayton founder of the toe h and vicar of all hallows barking mr e huchlnson was driving a motor car ulong the vale acton on satutday afternoon when his tearalde headlamp got loose and jammed the steering gear tho result was thu the car came into rather violent colli sion with a tree at tho siilo of tho road and was badly damaged the school management sub com m it tee of tho acton education com mlttoo has received lettcis from sir benjamin gott secretary to tti mid dlesex education committee drnw- lngattention tq the opening iy tho king on the 30th titnt of the great wcstrond and intimating that space co u 11 be reset ved to enublo acton chil dren ti witness the opening bad lutfk otffl we acton hchool- boys yhp stolp jl n of jeggs from premises in cjoanstraef acton last woek not only wprp mffy crmsccl and caught by the watohman a the prom ises but the eggs hud smitiberi thij pockets of one of tho boys jnd nju clothes were found soukeri the thunderstorm which nnfjlrolfld london on monday night vran rftthoi severe over apt on but no nerlmu dam age bun been reported the drains were woll flushed by the surface water from a comparatively hhort hut very heavy downpour and some flooding ousurd especially in the low lying pait of actonlono tho acton town council uitd the acton butchers uie graphing with a recent public health order embodying now regulations for the better proteor tlun of meat exposed for sne from con tamlnatlon by files nnd by the dust and minute particles of filth which are thi the jumper dress smart becoming and easy to repro- duo is the jumper frock and it is equally as amiable in tho matter of materials in which it may be ogec- tively developed thlb model in check flannel is worn with a blouse of na tural color silk crcpo de chine the front is cut in a deep v and gathered below tho shoulders in yoro effects pockets may be omitted if preferred or patch pockets substituted for in serted ones medium size requires 1 yards 54lnch plaid and 2 yards 30 inch plain material thfe lucky- one a thorough skeptic ju the cloakrooms of tho houses of congress are famous marketplaces for tho exchange of humor and now and then a good story finds its way into tho legislative hall itself and so into the solid typo of the congressional rocord here is ono told by mr hef- fin of alabama to the delight of his colleagues i am reminded of a story of old uncle johnny a friend said uncle johnny thoy are going to build n railroad through this settlement and undo johnny replied my judgment is thoy will nev buihjlit- but hfithfhenotljala they aro sur veying now just a few miles from here to which uncle johnny observed there is a sight of difference be tween roadsurveying and roadbulld- lng well undo johnny said his friend a few weeks later thoy arc digging dirt over on tho hill now the old man replied dlrtdlgglng and road completion are two powerful different propositions rihally his friend said undo john ny thoy have got the road made they have finished tho track and tho train has arrived tho engine is out there on tho track now go and look at it uncle johnny went out and looked at it cold and lifeless tho engine stood and when they usked what do you think of it now uncle johnny ho said theyll never budge er why he says i dont see any traces or any singletrees and besides that it aint a fit track for mules nohow but you see his friend said they aro going to run it with steam they will unite the forces of wood and water and fire and send it down the track pulsing uko a thing of life but uncle johnny said with conviction theyll never budge her at lasu when they had got up bteanv tho englno went down the track with whlstlo blowipganaaparks flying well undo johnny said the man what do you say now and ho re plied by golly theyll never stop her there gooh a lucky fellow sull billy auhton as ono of htu young friends dashed by in a high powered automobile why lucky asked undo tom becauso his fathci gives him aljl tho money ho wants replied dill he has everything that ono can think of my father cant afford to glvo nm any all tho money i get i have to earn hes lucky all right uncle tom seemed to bo thlilltirik the matter over onco upon a time he bald af lust there were two httlo boys ono of them becamo very fond of a certain kind of candy that had a veiy aubtlo but dangerous poison in it his nurflo let him have it to mako her worfc easier gradually the little boys no voun system became sorlously injured and at length he became pirnlyzcd his body remained alive foi yeara nnl grew a little his mind didnt grow i little his mind didnt grow at all the other httlo boy never knev about the candy and never had any ho grow up like moat other boyo year by year his body and mind grew bigger and stronger which of them would you call tho lucky one woll said billy there isnt anj question ubout that no there isnt said his uncle and there lsnx any question that you are luckier than that friend of youra with all his money in a year or two you are going to college you w31i have to earn your money whllo you study if your friend gets to college at all he will havo all the monoy rjo can spend probably he will take moro tlmo away from his studies to upon his monoythnn yours generally his kind become ao engrossed in speeding their lncomea that the faculty decides to allow them to devote all their tlmo to it probably ho will not finish his course but suppose he docs un pose you both graduate xet us also assumse what is unlikely that ho has got as much from his studies as you have then how will ydutlwo comparo at commencement well- at best ho has some know- itetlge gained front his four years course and he has his money still you have the somo knowledge and also a knowledge that is only gnlned from tho rough experiences of llfo for four yeara you havo been standing on your own tout and making your own way you have gained a strength of character that j makes you faco hard things confidently and enables yoa to conquer them you can look back on your college course aftd sayt0 yourself no other mans money btt my own strength got that for me your friend starts life all jaded and bated with tho good things of ufe you start with tho proapcof that each year wiirbrlrig some new and legitimately earned enjoy moat why to put it on no higher ground its moro fun to want everything in the world and havo nothing what ever than it is to havo everything and to be tired to death of it all tvliy billy my boy you aro the lucky onel dont you see that you are7 buily was not quite sure that ho uaw it but it is true bajillof montreal established 1817 summary of assets and liabilities 30th april 1925 assets gold dominion not and silvr coin dapoiit with cnlrgold rurve baunc du by bank and banking corra- pondant alawhre than in canada call and hort loans on bond debenture and slock dominion and proincial government securi- tl railway and other bond debentures and stock cauadian municipal securities and british foreign and colonial public 5acuritie other than canadian notes and cheques of other bank united states and other foreign currencies loan and discount and other assets o- bank premises liabilities to customers under letter of credit as per contra 7203700591 1400000000 1087t8s248 4857207034 9901114103 431513243 457s833881 279924314 g16d4588 26936531740 1240000000 u7ss9x0m s718i9470tm ljabjlitiesjto public notes in circulation 3823001140 deposits g048sillt letters of credit outatandins 1 175592096 other liabilities 7821mi1 8569n8480 excess of assets over liabilities to public 695 j cadesky of toronto eslghln3pbcatittis whi be at a t browns druq store acton mondayjulyir anyono sufforlnj from bye strain defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consultins this oyoslsht specialist appoint ments may be made with mr a- t brown drumrist consultation free offics hours 9 m t 4 p the prophet-without- honor tho benighted condition of many of the small european towns of sixty or seventy yeara ago writes lady doro thy nevill in her entertaining hook under five reigns would astonish tho traveller today for- tho most part the jnhabltantmverfi entirely ao- sorbed in their own small concerns with themselves stirred their interest at all somo even of tho larger town know httlo of men famous in the political world this is well shown by a story of monsieur thiers stopping at lux embourg while on a journey the burgomaster came forth to do him honor and by the way of com plimenting him thiers was born at marseilles mentioned that an old man a marseillnls had performed the func tions of schoolmaster in tho town foi twenty years tho exminister dc- slred to be introduced to him thiers began do you pot kn6w me 4 no sir yon dont remember litflp adoiphe theirs one of your pupils at marseil les walt wait yb i do recolject such a namo a sly little monkey who used to play such pranks just so ah it la you i am very glad to see you have you tiuoceoded havo you made your way sufficiently so i thank you so much tho better so much he bettor pardon my curiosity i should like to know what you havo been do ing aro youa notary bunker or a merchant i have retired from business but 1 havo been a minister piotestant inquired the old school head and this was glory tho old man had novcr heard of thiers minister of tiie jnterlora- thiers minister of foreign affairs or of theirs author of the history of tho consuiute and em pire what do you do when the sales are slow saved by a fjamera busy thoroughfare of utmn districts as a rule orang utaps are caught young and tamed before thoy uro sort to eurbpo mr w p danda tells in wild animals nnd cameras of such an animal thut arrived in london with thp best of characters he was con sidered a docile steady going old thing and mr danda was engaged to photograph him i onttred tho orang s cuge ns i had entered many othertc i had not ex posed many plates before i saw ihat the tin i mul was intent on mischief he was a very powerful beast and i should have stood no chanco at all if he had attacked me my only chance wns to uso tho camera as a weapon making a sign to the keeper to keep silent j pointed my hand camora at tho orang and with u slow steady step approached him the keeper was outside the door reirfy to nien itj but nolthei of us ut- femj a sound i was relieved to aeo lie orang refreut giadunlly and at the sajrtu tlrno slowly rise from th citfuched anq menacing position ho had taken ono ho wa on the move i know i had a chunee 1 succeeded in working him around to the cornn farthest away fiom tho dpop which he keeper hud silently nnd very stowv opened t still pointing my corners at tho orang i very very slowly backed out of the cuko tho door wos rtlammen to and i wns safe even when i was part ly through the door opening any quick movement on my purt would have bean fatal rn la take tho animal coulci have reached mo in am instant- you mr merchant believe that you are entitled to a fair share of the patronage of this conimunity at the out lay of considerable capital you have laid in a stock suited tq the needs of the people they certainly give you a chance to do business and make a living the free press is exactly in the same position as you are we have in vested money in a weltequipped printing plant we issue what many readers say is the best country newspaper they have ever seen i this qffice has in stock commodi ties that you peed they are of the very highest quality 100 per cent efficiency the gggds are a stapjer but the stock isnt moving ps it should wrat do you do mr merchant when the goods dont move as you think tbfey should wijljj this is what we are doingr-tell- ing about the goods you neejd in the hope of convincing you that you need them we are advertising our goods we are advertising advertising d0jntt y6u think that is a pretty good plan why not move your gopds the same way i the acton free press the home paper that goes to the homes tl ivv 4 t

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