Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1925, p. 4

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the home of uhjr acton 3frr mifl member canadttn weekly newspaper assbcfatioa member selected town weeklies ol ontario the acton free press is published every thursday morning at the free press buildlnv mill street acton ontrffio the subscription price is ioo cr year in advance poitase is cjiargcdaddittonslto offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advertise- jsnents to cents pef line agate measure for first insertion and 3 cents per lina for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 indies or more per annum jb cents per inch each insertion auvertiacments with- out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ii p moore president and editor v a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editorial and business office nw residence of president uj residence of manscr ijt many towns are similar in action wo suppose wr will tctnllya upon as usonl to pay n streetoiling tax this year and no doubt a lot of oil will bp applied on the local highway before int end of the season but what the average taxpayer mry have difficulty in getting through his head is why it wouldnt be better to put oil on tho strcots at the beginning of the season and get some use out ofs it- we- have to pay for it anyway the town streets during the month of may were just about as dusty as they over are walkepton telescope negative selfishness evidently stirs things up at home since the very pleasant visit to this office last wednesday of mr john mcnish of acton england a copy of theacton gazette and express has been received containing the following comment so engrossed was mr j mcnish in his task of putting the local conservative house in- order that hetiwice delayed his projected tour to the united states can ada and egypt however he actually left england last week oh the tuscnnia nhti the officials of the conservative association are looking forward to a brief pereiod of comparative peace we understand that mr mcnish will be back in about three months time which will leave him ample opportunity to ma ture his plans for the next municipal election thursday morning juneti7 1825 editorial canadas literary achievements interesting evidence that canada is making pro gress not only along material lines but in the world of letters is found in the fact that a canadian literary exhibit is one of the features of the canadian pavilion at the britishempire liitfitiiiioirmm its second- year in london england the exhibit represents both french canadian and english can adian iiteraturefromeearkesttlatesliolvhowir to the publications of 1924 and has becnnssembled by the cotoperation r between the canadian govern ment and the canadian authors association cata logues of canadian books both in english and in french have been prepared for distribution at the exhibition and bear testimony to the fact that can ada has already a sturdy native literature to her credit wipe it off the twen tyfourth of jflayandjunethird are both official holidays for the first there is a good reason that date usually marks the beginning of theneal growthjit occurs just after the first rush of spring work is over ori the farms and when everybody in town longs for a sight of the green grass and tree- cladjoadsidesoftheopencountry -for-tho- second holiday occurring but a little over a week later there is no justification whatever because this sec ond holiday is too near both the twentyfourth of may and the first of july at the other end it will niver be observed save in baiks and some public offices and the closing of these on what the- public generally will continue to regard as an ordinary busi ness day is an intolerable i nuisance the third of jne should be written off the list of calendar holi- jlftvs farmers sun editorial notes the united states highway department of pen- flsylyaniarannounces- that during 924953driver9 licenses were revoked as aresult of intoxication on the part of the operators tlio world in full ot tho oulitlo cult or oolf it takes nil horta of fortos ovudoa nnd oludes anil tleoelves ua 1n all aorta of ways but it la omnl- liroiont instead of donylnir jt wo should moot it nnd understand it there la u loud typo of selfishness uauortlvo agerroeslvo dornundlng that ovcryono yield to it that tho good thlnim of llfo bo accorded to it na it rlrlit tlioiu ih tho hoft insinuating- typo of unselfishness which domands noth luff wrests nothlngc by violence but hornoliow creeps into ita own and by aorno mysterious nppoal of fascination ol- woalmess makes ovoryono serve it and tend it and wnlt upon it there la atlll n third tjpptv wlilcli lirldcm itaolf upon not holnor aalflahneau nt all nnd wliloh wo may call negative uolfliilincsn thut typo makes no dl- roct apporont domanda whntovsri or thinks it dooa not u is strong self rollnnt uolf sufficient sots itaolf apart in lis own little corner uvea a ufa iniloitendont of othora and asks for nothlns from them it vivos nothlnor declares that it hun no time to five thatlt haa ita own purpoaoa to work out ita own destiny to fulfill which leaves it nololsuro for the soft plena- antnoaa of mutual intercqvrao and for comtoit but since it dooanot exact ot others- their aootety or their service or thoir time or their sacrifice wily should- not othera bo content to let it alono thu muument rimy- appear to have a certain justice so lone na- things so araoothly if there were no sick- nobs in the world no trial no suffer ing wo might bo able to preserve at lonat the ujualon of lndependencelbut alfclcnoaa and trial and sufferlnp come to erveryone boonei- or later and then tho illualdn of independence fades like a dream in fact none of us la ever for a mo- mont independent it la aometlmos tho trtujody of human life but it toatall tlmea its greatest beauty that all llvoa njmund up to in an intricate web onho strictest moat entangled unity from which there la no possible escape except death tryas you will to be independent every hope of youra neods for ita fulflllmoht the faraway touch of aomo hidden human finger which you ought to divine ovon if you cannot see it every hour of your life you take seo tliatydu alao glvo otherwise tho world haa no place for you neighborhood news- town and country milton mr nnd mr ii w clemont milton announco tho engagement of their daughter vera to mr william hoftey jr of milton tho wedding to take place in juno j a rummage sale und ante of home made baking will lie hold in tho metho- dlat sunday school room on saturday juno 13 at s pm mra snmviel dlco loft laat wook for camroae alberta whero uho will apend tho aummer with frlenda chief conatablo chapman loft on sunday for winnipeg to attend tho oonvontlon of chief conatablea from all parta of canada allan juraden of london who fatally injured when run over by a car and who died on saturday woe tli ulxyeurold son of j a 15 drndon barrister formerly of milton complaint haa roachod us nnd it la un old and recurring complulnt as tho aummera come and go that- the fiowcp bode of our oltlsena nro vlalted by vdndolai and some of tiro choicest blooms picked arid carried off during monday nights heavy thun- deratbrm a bolt of lightning set are to a fence belonging to b e hill at ieru two miles west of mm ton and burned over 100 yards ot it before the fire waa discovered and put out by neighbors wedneaday of last week aoven or olght of our cltlaena loat their doge by the rrolaon route some of the dopa wore valuable ones andv much prlnod bythelr ownera wjej thajiqlihin ing waa an accident or dealgn la not aa yet khownneformer fbrsale in all good drug stores dr caldwells laxative syrup pepsin order from your grocer hi beat tea and hell usually aend lied roe business dirbry v medical dr j a mcniven physlolan andsuraaon office and itealdonce corner bowr avenue and elgin street phone 8 dr e j nelson btibdbbick btreew aoton onurlo lbqal wonders of chemistry theservice given by the local newspaper hundreds of columns are printed free every week by the country press advertising various church en terprises social financial and personal other hun dreds of colunms of plirely religious matter appear each week so rarely is a word of cpmmendation received for this service that it is refreshing to read the- folio wing letter published by the editor of the almonte gazette dear mr alujr le me thank yon heartily for theeditprial a- week ago on the bible society last sabbath i drew the attention of the congregation here to if and asked their cooperation in two important matters you dealt with and expressed public thanks to your- paper for having such an article 1 affljiotjeallyiisubscribertd your paper it is through i kindness i get it i find i can not afford to increase the numbefof papers v get but i want aparfincirculatinbyour paper and there fore enclose two dollars which please use toward my subscription or any other way you desire sincerely rev james taylor hardworking and not too gentrously rewarded country editors are quite- fam- k iuar with the textfwhen ye have done ail ye are tv we te say we are unproatable-servants4utan-oc- jgj casipnal wordof recognition helps them on their way rev james taylor and the almonte gazette man- will be the better for giving and receiving of the epistle quoted abbver r the canadian trade commissioner at liverpool england is taking steps to interest canadian busi ness men in the export of crushed oyster shells to great britain the united states exports 20000 tons oftcrushedshells annualljrto thebritish isles the death rate iir the united states dropped jour percent during 1924 according to fatality records from 61 cities reported by department of commerce evidently the closing of the distilleries breweries and saloons hasnt brought an epidemic of disease such as was predicted by thewets should canada export hydroelectric power with the very general demand for electric energy and the prospect for having it more generally made available for riral use as it should be the ques tion of continuing the exportation of electricity to the united states has become one of very serious kv question at the present time hydroelectric energy can only be exported that is transmitted from the canadian power plants to united statesconsumers under licenses granted by the dominion government these licenses are given for periods of twelve nioaths only and mubtconsequently be renewed from year to year each day thii question whether canada should or should not export power under longterm contracts is becoming more widely discussed vriry lengthy articles in- the press and reports of debates in parliament fiave laid a mtes of information before the public which cannot readily be digested it iv t easy matter to judge impartially between the rival opinions on one side those favoring to ex port car to some extent demonstrate actual benefits to be derived by following the poiicy they advocate and can support their arguments with facts and figures those against export are dealing more with probabilities and hopes which while perliaps 4ot quttfrso convincing at afirst glancfvare none the less important and it may welf prove none the less cjrect in actual application they aver and thet number in theif ranks some of our ablest and most pjblicspirit men that power once exported can never be relied to awn the heritage of our children and our childrens chil dren for our own immediate gain it isorihe truth onhe fallacy of this assertion that the ifftlre question hinges if power once exported can be re- a led and diverted to canidrii consumerv witti and as required the arguments in favor of ei port are sufficiently sound to warrant the lminediat adoption oftiomesuch policy with of course proper safeguard if it can be fully demonstrated that power once exported is forever alienatej or even if thel6 is any rest doubt aboiit bur ability to re capture sucb power at a future date then this m swaration should 7 putwbigh all others ejeo erection of monuments 20 miles apart n the can adianamerican boundary line by the united states coast and geodetic survey and the canadiari govern- ment is to commence immediately canada has un dertaken to establish the monuments on the eastern portion of the boundry and the united states on the westsider r j gn- andaf ter january 11926 every jhotor car driver other titan a chauffeur must have a driving license which can be procured for a reasonable fee the amount yet to be fixed but which will probably be 10 pr 25 cents no examination will be neces sary it is stated but later on all drivers may have to pass examinations the new amusement tax is going to affect dance halls considerably in addition to collecting a tax of ten pet cent on admission tickei6 the govern ment is persisting in collecting an additional tax- of twenty per cent on dancing tickets the total tax will amount to about thirty per cent special tickets and crushers will also be required v a poinfrespecting the 44 beer has been establish ed and one hesitates to record it ontario the ban ner province of canada ishow an oasis for united states drinkers v border towns and cities are in fested with that class of individual who will travel far in search of booze ontarios fair name is trailed in the mud her honor as a dry province has been lost nowits0nfario and beer canadian baptist tireaverage cltusertven ortho more educated class unloaa he la following clooely the adyancea of aclence haa not the fnlntcat idea of tho jyondertul strides being made in tho of btrerfflatfy nria phyalco kevolatlon otter rolovatlon- follow ao rapidly ao tij jbbowitching amonif themajor discoveries reported by the moat eml- noiit xnn at the recent annual nieeti inn pc tho aroericun chemistry society in bjlltlmoro may be noted hie follow ing the discovery that ruat andi corro- clon arc- duo topoaltive electricity and that negative electricity la an antidote this discovery promlaea to conquer rust which deatroya 30000bo00 worth of metals every year gorman synthetic woodalcohol from water gasthrcatens the american wood njcohol industry with extinction morcurochromo combined antiseptic and dye injected- into the veins of rabbits carrying typhoid freed them of the diaeaae kldaoya eo dlaeused oa to prevent eurelcnl aid have been restored by a new cpul 4ar derivative hciyl rooorcinar la a new internal antiseptic fio times aa powerful aa car bolic acid yet lens injurious to the organs metaihon a new germicide- of which ton dropa in the noatrlla cbech- cd colds in pioueands fbf caaoai a product of the pituitary glands useful in obntetrlca nnd in the treatment of diabetes is so powerful as- to beper coptllily actlvo whsn diluted with ib billion tlmea its- volume of water- by invlslblo light signals can bo marleiwhlch may- only bo aeon by a receiver cquipped with spoclally tint ed slasaca erin mra j p bush and mrer huffman left last week for st jobn n b whero they wlu apend a month with mr and mrs f c mciean mr and mrs b w tyroll and family who recently sold their bust neas to mr fitchett have moved to winona where mr tyreli has pur chased nblackamlthbuslneaa a garden party will be held at con- lngaby on tho evening of june 18 under the auaplces of the trustees b the union church mr and mra g t scott of erin annolhce the engagement ot their nloce klale may scott to mr calvin weddoll erin only aon of the late robt- woddell andr mrs cirraa wataon ot cookatown the marriage to tejre tm8ihjanet mr and mrs william armstrong announce the engagement of their daughter ethel mildred to mr er phonno 32 p o b6x ttf harold nash farmer m a brrutr solloltor nocary pubfja convtyncr eto pcrrvman block actonomt money ixmt onmortoaobs hoar mo mjo to 6 pjni flaturdayljoo oclock dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dntit nestteeter eon of mrs and the late mrrjafteeterrthvtnmrrta place early in june meflbra geo b fletcher son at gipcen oroye stock farm krln have reeently sold and dellvored by truck to messrn araos and black flyo head of choice shorthorn cntteof their own breeding and sired by their notd bolls master marquis and brodhoolca comet durtnjr the storm which passed over this district last week a quantity of hall fell much of which- waa as burfu large plums no damage other than a few windows being cracked was re ported the tbrren t of ram- war or bleaalnv to veffetatlon which already la much improved advocate geeorqetown radon a ffasllke emanation of radium costs 5000000 an ounce to irqduoomit is 1600 00 tlmesas active na radi urn iteelf these are only a few of the very toceat dtacoverlcs of which there are do zona equally important in other bfilentlfto fields similar stories of ach- lovcment are ijeiniptold the council at ita last meeting voted 50 to the new football- club mrs t t- moore of kitchener la vlsltlna at the home of her son j m moore- j mrs dr gollop left last week for chicago where she will visit for e few weeks with her aon nnd daughter cmof toast ot the fire brigade addressed tho council re cars park ing near hydrirnts and asked that the bylawb covering the same be en forced it- will the annual district meeting of hal- tonwomanh institute will be held in the arena georgetown on wednesday june 17th mrs xr bennieond twasonajef t last week forthelr new home at iro- quols falls wherb mr bennle hasbeen its the old fashioned staff of life milleohsta modern way excelsior elour acton flour and feed mills jillindlypronrictor mhlstreetractomront the happines8 of qivinq the provincial elections were held in saskatche wan inst week and resulted in a clean sweep for the liberals having woji 51 seats out of a total of 63 the defeat of provincial attorneygeneral cross in regina is the only drawback the conservatives won 3 the progressives 5 and independents 2 seats l results indicate that the liberal party is coming back t its old strength in the west rt6ne c drury expremier of ontario and ex- ember for halton county in a masterful address beforcthe laymens association of london methodist conference exalted the petition of thii christian church in the world todny he declaredjhat church union is leadingio bigger better and broader things tr drury was tendered a most enthusiastic recep tion by the 900 persons present g fetsftiufroh of temperance and in which was expressed deep regret jf- fetrograde step taken in ontitrio was passed ist week during the concluding session bf the mem bers of the canadian congregational clnirch atlpt- tatiriiartd which marked the passing of a body form ed thirtjriiile years iigo into the united church of canada jtaenu to me that mrs wlllli dooa nt look vry well youns mm mills eallor rtd out in tho hall aa ohtri btencorl back nt tho old icmy who satlltlossly by the window i dontknow what is tho mattor with her youtia mrs ayilus had an swered with a touch of lrhrtatlence in hor voice tm sure nobody could be kinder tdhla mother than frod is sho tins tho sunniest bedroom and we al ways try to have her otd traends in whonover she wants to see them of course it must be hard to vivo up her own home atfer sho has been mis truss of it tot- over forty years but what elao can wo do as hie caller went down the ate tho pobtnuincamauii thorewas only ono letter rind that was for old mrs willis her daughterinlaw handed it to her nnd then wont off about some household task when she camo back fifteen minutes later old mrs willis excited and oager was tylns on her bonnet r i ive got to go downtown julia alio said til bo back in time for dinner she came back at exactly six oeloclc hor bonnet had slipped to oneslde and there wan a tired flush on her face but hor arms wore full of bundles and her eyes- woro sparkllnflr joyously ive ffot ydii those towels you were wnntintr jullavahe announced- and theres a b of preserved arlnffer for frod you didnt know heloved it did you and thats a handkerchief for norart nnd tho rest aro little thlnh for other popple y v but t dont understand julia stam mored old vtr willis lifted her shinlnff face if that isnt like mo to forgot to toll you why twas an old deht id xorsrotton about ton dollars that cutnc today from mary dodnbri think of it ten dollars all my own to spend as t pleasodl- my but xvo had a sooi tlmol 1vo ftot three dollars left- and imi ffolng to give lyddy bakor a real treat- tomorrow julias eyes mot hor husbands with tjriden comprehension three years without ix dollar of her own with which to stvd any one a treat mother to whom riving had boen tho very breath of llfel oh jijllaorlod under her breath ho could wfrhow could wo conservatives were advised at a meeting in tor- bronto list wk to againtake the tjffensive in the dominion budpfoitiairdtfiatayoit in speesbr ollmfyttitefytlp hoj s martin pro- rtjwl 6grciureiind john r mc- imymeuhi- m iff the meeting jjfljfroni yjrk peel ipbtfeitlib near future i in business for somo time mr j b wallaco on bebalf of the hortrtulturol society asked the coun cil for a grant of 10to help beautify the town the council granted the so ciety woo among the methodist missionaries appointed to posts in china and who will sail for the orient in august or september is mus emily c caldwell daughter of rev and mrs caldwell flftynlrio years ago on june nd sergt wrn h godfrey and his com rades of tho old 20th battalion left qebrgerown for niagara to repel the fenian invasion of the old guard- wllllum is the only georgetown man that remains today all the others having gone down the- long long trait mr b stone of srrirth sfono and a representative of a arm which inbtals sprinkling systems addressed the counoll with reference to laying larger water- main to the electrical works to provide better are- protection the cost of the proposed change would be between 13000 and 15000 the counoll decided to take pressures and look into the matter herald let s get acquainted you really dont know the values and quality you are miss ing when you dont come in and get acquainted at sprys meat shop experience ih buying and cutting and the handling of meats help us to serve ybu well r fresh cooked cured meats and canned goods comprise our stock f j spry successor to orrd3 lamb mill and main streets- aeton ont onotoraaaiiu of toronto dnrrstv sity the latost anesthetic used ut desired office at residence corner or mm and frederick streets dr f o gollop dds lda dontsl sufooon office onr bank of nor sootte hodhs m to b49 btblng br appointment miscellaneous franqs nunan baokbirufar account books of all kinds made t rderjeerjojtails-oi-evf3tdeserlptta- csrefully bannd ruling neatly pranpuy done wyndharn strset oulpri onr wmisxmr stars i r j kerr anetioneer and real estate 20 tmrsexperienc ijst your property with me acton ontario l lbaasaio3rijr i ttrerro oinioa a e nicklin insurance agewt ufe firm atrt accidnt a health insuranctt guarmnta bonds burglary and plat glass insurance trusts for estatsa collections business trusted to my csro mpl b carefully looked after and treated confidentially uoacr to loan on farm property favorable rates and tenn3 for re payment box 444 bower ayr acton bunlinqton minn c i davidson and mlsa hw cleaver weret succesifful in pass ins their examinations in faculty of arts at tho toronto university mr and mra h b mcknlght and son kenneth and daughter isabella of plttaburs ore vlilttnff at tho home of mayor j s alien dr and mrs claude freeman and two children missionaries homo on furlough from china axe spending- a few days with his father mr b b freeman the field crop cbhipctltton in oath nnd potatoes in conneotlon with ho nelson and urhng tort agricultural society closes on june 11 mr harry peart has been- successful in passlnr hfs nfth year exaihlnatlonu sti medicine at toronto tthiveralty mr gordon 81nclalt a former- burling ton boy but notv of toronto was also successful in his fifth year examina tions in medicine mr and mrs g il nicholson of burlington announco tho ongttgemont of their only daughter lillian mae tf mark btephonsoh alton son of j c alton and tho into mrif alton of nelson the wadding ta tako place quietly in june dr and mrs peart have received a letter asking them to invito au thj members of thepenrt family in this district i6 itio first reunion of tho family to bo held in tho form of u bnsket picnic at tho homo of mran mrs t i peart moplo hu oneida on saturday june 13th mrs w id groves of toronto wjio is known for her llfo work lit connec tion with canadian childhood and whose repuatatlon as a speaker is con tinent wido having spoke in london kngland and in many places in canada and tho united states has boen pro cured to deliver an address at brant inn on saturday afternoon june 20 at 230 oclock sharp mona parkins and doris smith had narrow escapo from being seri ously injured on the highway on sun day afternoon about five oclock tho youngsters wero attempting to cross che highway in the hitavy t raffle and were iaswipod by a car proceeding ta toronto they were both thrown dn the pavement and the llttlo par kins girl who was struck on the head nad to be carried home dr speen was summoned and both children es caped wlfh a bad shaking up the driver of the car a toronto man did his best to avoid the accident qaxette j gardening and lawn tools yes wo havo aft excellent stock of shovels hoes llakos etc to rnake your sordenlnff work a pleasqre and for work on the lawn we havo woodyattxawn mowers lawn shears edge trimmers in fact all tho equipment you need pur range ot colors in jialnts for all classes ot work is complete name your eolorand class of work and wo can rocommond a suitable paint for tho job phone 76 j wd talbot s- main 8tbeet acton our gallery of river gltam trained men and women are always in demand at salaried that are very lucrative hun dreds or gadph business college graduates have boen placed in excellent positions we can do tho same for you get in on thl3 to guelph business college qummir blda guelph ont a l bouck prinolpsl session the entire yeall caft i hv j little canapa steaiish p cape effirnity jssba- the tss cave xnxkm dont heglect your byes take advantage of specialist sorvlcea offered by this estab lishment and know your glasses ro right experience is a good teacher 19031825 wo haye had over twenty years at it and hero patrons are assured of the best en op tical service a d savage optometrist and mfg optlolan savaqe building riant at thetost omco quelph ontario the old and bdlatrie granite and marble works wo are inanufaeturera and direct importers of all kinds of monumenul and headstone work we sell direct to our customers t wholesale prloea thus aavln our austomer 40 per cent we hare tha beat appuonou and the wsr aieiumao lb donilhlob rio- r operate pneumatic tools properiy we attlve references from hundreds f 0w customers in toronto andother plwrwkip tb- kgv law tntaar to collect wiit tha i vm itfotit of qranlte ttf ualog wore than any three aab app wm lea mm yar vl vjw j

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