Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1925, p. 5

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ic art nti jffrggfflrggfl ff i tlluitsday june 11 192g the invitation quito miridenly a ttpoclclod trout powu in tlo bvlft cleiir river ittktn to butc all about ills fishy chin aqulver lie rulheil ho blii a foam and tuna tho ilahehall ahuumblcu why at iv hlppopotaknuh hem bcarcoly no iiuvq trembled the sunday school lesson for sunday june 14 you atikcd broth or what alio trout whuth wrong- inquired a minnow alan were all invited out ho ruhlverod to a dinner- they cried why thata a jolly plan whpnhked uh out to- dine oh sobbed tho trout a flsnorman he juat dropptyl me a line uy nancy pyrd turner twenty years ago from tho lasuq of tho frco prcia of thurodny juno 15 1905 the vegetable gartlonu arc showing up attractively- now i30ticltoth were aold at acton for the tent annual excursion of halton farmers institute on monday tho fine residence bf d henderson m p bower avenue bus been in tho handh of painter walker the j past two or ttupo weekp mill street has been in an almost impuhhiblo condition the past week owing to the improvements to the road bed actoiitwoffwdll represented at- tho guelph horse show last week- mr a a white councillor warren and w p matthews were all exhibitors nnd prise winners v tho big new 102000 touon water tank at the otr wtation has been in uho for several days tho oldtanlc he t to l for u m tho jlne there the acton cornet band playod a conero us program me on the town hall square on friday evening and drew u- crowd of appreciative citizens and visitors v born statham at exeter on wednesday may 21 to mr afld lira w j stat ham a son married kitokingmccullough at the maple cottage ouelnl by rev ff ki tchlng assisted by rev wesley this chultch at antldch acts 11 1930 golden text the disciples won called chrlstluns ftrht in antioch acth 11 26 v time a p 4243 p place antioch tho lwmoivexplainod 1 great revival at antioch 1921 it took yearu for them to learn that tho qoopol was for mon of every na tion there are a goood many pro fessed christians in these days who have not learned it oven yet they think the gospel is only for tho eng lish and americana and tho scotch and a few other nations but- while tlioso early christians had not as yet learned all things they had learned nomethinbs well 1 what to preach the word what u nfythato many of ouf twentieth contuy preachers da riot knowthdt the word of god is the ono thing and the jnly thing to preach 2 lusw to preach speaking tho word rv they juat talked the truth in a natural un- h til ted conversational vay 3 who ought to do tho preaching tho rank and tile of tho church for they that were scattered abroad were riot tho apostles god had led on step by step first jews then samaritans then jewish proselytes but at lust genuine gentiles the first missionaries to tho heathen were just ordinary every day chrlstluns who hud gotten so full of the truth as it is in jesus that they could nit longer follow the slow lead of tho authorities in -the- church but were forced to break the bonds of the jewish prejudice and riarrowneaa and speak out to tho perishing gentiles tho movement was of god arid soon carriedovfeaviroto cnurcir withretrho word for preaching in verso 20 is not the same as in verse 19 it meano telling good tidings those good tidings which they told are summed up in three words the lord jesus they did not expend their -strength- in attacking the heathen superstitions and immoral practices nor in trying to reform polities thoy told tho good news of salvation in jesus christ there is no proof that these men had tiro hand bf bishops presbytery- or council upon them but thoy had the hand jt qod with them the great the tourists eternal triangle audrey mcculiough of guelph 33eardmoremckenzib at christ church cathedral montreal on june 7 190e by rev dr simmons mr tlssant beardmocc of toronto to misb evelyn daughter of mrs h jtfafikonzp mpn treak bridal wreaths tho way of a man with a maid is usually the brldak path 1 some have a hopo chest others it hopelctm- case bettor a brido at home than two at a bridge party she believes long engagements take too much powdev brides who go in for light house keeping are often at sua if hubby has the dough theres no baking done by wifio fellows tangled in widows weeds are not in clover a lot of bridal couples now seo tho niagara falls at the movies a new groom sweefih clean new smp enameled sink behind the plow the farmer took the new man out to a field and started him at plough ing behind two horses two hours later the new man re turned to the house- uttorly exhausted the farmer asked him how he was getting on not gettin on at all snapped tljo man disgustedly how do you ex pect mo to hold a plough with two big strong horses trying to pull ft away from me all the time price cotnplelo it deat value everoffered marjo of iron coated wltlj puroit firf whit enamel centre dnilnj with or without tap hole price include all fitting also the smp enameled drain board whltcenanledarincoirontrotiffrigid very hituly value fitknucly i to rink a real plumfalns waaatloo price includes all flttintf sold by plumbera hardware toreor write direct to smeitmtal products caslt i houmiai ytaatomto winnipm jli tomowtom vamcvin cauarv la railway time tables atacton anadian n jlalng wnt no 20 no- 31 j1 no 33 ir no 3b no 30 no 25 sunday 1041am 800 am 1015 am 220 pjil 5j00 pbl 839 pm going ert no 20 i no 30 no 3t no 30 no 38 n 24 sunday 721 am ll27aro 395 pan 017 pm 813 pm 708 pm old machihs taken as pari paymen-i- k an rev h caldwell wmi l 1 wtl l a k tcrfciniig7naiag7iya deiaconemmejrson at the flrat baptist church dorchester nb on wednesday june 7 1905 by rev b h thomas fred h pchcan abn of j doacon jp 8 j halton to miss etfiol record el dost daughter of hon h r emmerson minister of railways and canals j died chisholm in actonv on sauirday mary corddock yrlte- of to ff i chioholm in her-sovonty- fourth yar c ubry at- h is -homo- esques inar on wednesday juno 7tb 190g j m tracy curry riddles what motive led to tho invention at railroads the locomotive why is it lucky to meet a rooster when your hair is untidy because aroo3tcr always carrlos a comb when a boy fulls down what does he fall against rst his own wish why is a tight boot like an oak tree because it produces a corn acorn jha bridgo haano human being cyer crdssct the bridgo of tho noso when was it that tho rose rose when it saw the vain drop when hollaways corn cure is ap plied to a corn it hills the roots and the callosity comes outt without injury to the flesh remember them while thev are livin da- not- keep the alabaster boxes of your love and tenderness sealed up untll your friends are dead fill their tlvei with swootness speak approv- jnar cheering worda- while their ears can hear them and whllethelr hearts can be thrilled and made happier by them the kind things you mean to say when they go the flowers you mean to send for thoir cofllns send to help brighten up their homes beforo thoy leave them if my friends have ala- boater boxeslaid avy full of fragrant perfumes of sympathy and affection wiich they intend to break over myl deadody i would rather they yvould bring them out in jffy ycary and my troubled hours and open them that may bcheered by them while i peed r them i would rather have a plain coffin without a flower funeral without a eulogy than a lifo without the sweet ness of loye and sympathy let us learn toranoint our friends beforehand for their burial postmortem klnd- incsu does not cher their burdened spirt t flowers on the coffln cast no jtragvance backward oyer the weary ay davids resignation r two brothers who owned a fifo- shlre croft had never married their sis tor keeping house for them by and by sho died and tho nien folks just lld the house work themselves for a time then one day the elder one said davie this wey -o- daelnll no tftab x hao tak a wife na na replied davie its you that phould tnkone your oldest anhnr the bbet rlcht tao the place but you bolng the youngest would be malr likely uiofot on wj a wife than an 61d fossil like mblv argued the other n m rlcht then bald davie re- blgriedly its uyo the aamo hero when theres- iny dirty work tao be dumc juj mo lmt hoh tao viae it t sentence sermons is it worth while j tospondtlme nnctmottey acqntrlnfirj habits you will be ashamed of to bulld gymnasiums for boys and jffirls who ride to school to argue with a man who is un- iwllllng to fnco a fact j to get a job for a man who is igrald he will and work to expect u policeman to be honest if we ank for special favora7 to spend money for good govern ment and break tho laws that dont suit us ta wave the- flag over desecrated ideals a 1 way a ready and reliable prno- tlcally all pnln arising from inflam mation can be removed with ir tiiomahqcioclrlc oh simply rub it on tho wore spot and it will qulcklybe absorbed the skin its hoallng fower us conveyed to the inflamed tissue whhjji is figlekly soothed this flno old remedy isalso ii speclflr manner for all manner of cuts scratches briilsch and ypralmi kcop ubottle handy al ways j hero indicated tho olitcome of tlm i hand ofthe lord being with them was a great number believed and turned unto tho lord statements similar to this abound in the acts wo would dowellto ask why the gospel does not mako the same uniform headway someone has jiiat published a book about canada it la only a little boqk about eighty pagos but it contains an aslonlshtng amount of jnformatio it- will tell you howmajiy cities there are in canada jiow many people tliere are in those dltios how many bushelr of wheat were grown- in 1924 and how much money jhe government maker out of the business of governing it will also te you incidentally thnt victoria b c is one of- tho moat beautiful cities in tho world and that vancouver has th secon fi h boittirtinvliefe7 that is the right sort of book to pub lish there js nothing vague nor in definite nor yet inaccurate about the information it gives it errs if ht ail in being a trifle too pi odes t victoria iatndeed one ofhjnostr4eatitif cities in the woid butthat is not all oneean say about it it is the capital of brllsh columbia and as such is tho centre of tho provinces recreational industrial and social activities and thats saying a whole lot then there is vancouver look ut its bathing beach no wonder the citizens have built the secondjlnest harbor in tho world when they have a great and beautiful slab of the pacific ocean to fling themselves and each other into to revive their weary bodies and their mlhds whenever the business of oper- atin tl fuiiiituh harbpinljecami burdensome these two cities are linked with each other and with seattle to the south by whtit la known as the trlanplevj route of steamships of which the prln- cchti kathleen of iio canadian pacldt coastal service is a member the kathleen recently made nor inaug ural trip on this rpulo and in now permanently v in the service to day the answer in parrhtleosi la huggeiited in acts 242 c4 the filltji of those converts in antioch prbyed lta gnulnonsij by its effect they turned fo tho lord what la meant by turningunto the lord is in dicated in 1 thceu 1 0 acta 28 18 o wte have in these verses a ery clear setting forth of gods port- tho workers part and the converts part iri rapen- tance andeonversion tha- jyorkers irpached jheiffdjpx-lhalrd4verflcs- ij0 thtflbrd blessed the word thus preached his hand was with them vbrse 21 thpse converted believed the message and turned unto tho lord this shows the relation between faith and ijepepitanco believing the truth about jesus leads to roperitanco from sin unto himself 2 barnabas follows up tho work 2224 as soon as tidings of tho gontllo revival- at antioch reached jerusalem there was great- interest there thoy sent one of their best men to investi gate and cooperate he was a good man it is far more important that aman be good than that he be brilliant if h is to edify young converts he was also full bf tho holy ghost he was also full of faith and no man that is not need undertake tho work of instructing and developing young converts especlally converts rpni neatheriismso hark as that in ay- tfoch ho was freo from the love of gold chapter 4 36 37 ho was free- from personal ambition and jealousy in his work vcrbes2 20 waa- very aharp- eyed to see the sincerity and promise of a young convert when ho was come and had- seen the grace of god was glad barnabas was in sympathy with god and his work it is sad to say- that not a fow who see the grcq of god wrought through othr hands tljan their own are mad and -try-46- belkhei fc jote tb echarac terf of the working of gods grace in an tioch it was a grace that could be soon wo need more of this visible grace in our churches today barna bas knewjust what to do exhortion was barnabas forte his exhortation was precisely that which should bo given to all young cbrivorts it is not enough to turn unto the lord they must cleavo unto the lord or con tinue in the lord this must be don with purpose of heart there is al ways much in the way of persecution or worldly allurements of one kind or anotherto draw a young convert away from tho lord and uritcss they cleave to him wktrflxcdness of purpose there is little hope the natural outcome of the visit of such a man as barna bas and such work as his was that much peonjp was added to the lord they were not added to barnabas nor to the barnabasiftn denomination but unto tholord 3 tho ministry of barnabas and of saul at antioch 2530 barnabas showed his largeness of spirit in still another way he said to himself this is just the place fdr saul i- will go get- him- for a wholo year barnabas and saul worked togejlrcrjn antioch and their work was greatly blessed their ministry con sisted lorgoly in teaching systematic jncalculatlon of revealed truth the disciples got at this time the name by which they are best known since christians the name was givon lo them by others perhaps 4n contempt it was a glorious name and thoy dun to it the real prophetic gift was man ifested in the church verges 27 28 tho self sacrificing love of this young but rapidly growing gontiloyrch in antioch tg their jewish brethren in juda is- very touching no sooner did they hear of the hard times cqm- ing than they determined to send re lief uno the brethren that dwelt in ai judea they regarded hard tlmch not as tlnes for- retrenchment but for eic- lanslon daily readings for next week monday june ib peter imprisoned acta 12 15 tuesdaysjuno 1 opeter pi vflred acta 12 6610 wednesday june 17 ap amazed church acta 12 111j thursday june 18 suffering for righteousness sake 1 peter 3 1332 friday juno 19 god the strength of his people psalm 40 saturday juno 20- the guard in tv angel pflulm 34 18 sunday juno 21 security in jo- hovah psalm 01 112 orpnrr see the poimt v i a stfnnger who arrived lh this country about ten days ngo remarked lo a uatlvo that he understood tlmt tho ferguson government was giving a pretty strong beer 44 per cent 44 per cent hardy that wan the reply yes i have read about it and it was 44 jcr cent wimt country do you anno from im scotch well sumt explains why ypu didnt ee the point r q ofxripught god would edu a m h compels him to learn bitter lessons- ho bonds him to school to the necessities rather than to the cracesi that by tho knowing all suffering he may know also the- eternal aonaoatlon cclla bdrlolgh tact is a gift it h likewise a grace as a gift it may ormay not have fal- lon to our shareixas a grace wo are bounrt ft toinihnhh ttw m- tn m- qulre it christina- uoaaetti wo viewr the world with our own eyes each of yus and wo mako from the world wltnjn us the world which we see w- mjlthackery a goodsneaker must be snmewhat of a poet and cannot therefore adhere mathematically ta the truth bismark it is absurd that ho whodoes ijbt know how to govern himself shoull presume tp govern others- perfect conformity to the will of god is tho- solij ttoverotgn and complete liberty d aubdlgpe look out for the choices thoy run into habits character destiny malt- blod babcock tho bravest arts tho tend or est ba yard taylor wieo mothers who know the virtues ofmotlr erqcavitljwomv- ex te rmina tor alwayohnve it at hand becauso 4t proves its value story of the english penny the english penny heart upon its twtj faces or back and face several interesting things unknownto the ma jority ofpenny usetjs the figure off brittannln which appoars upon it is actually the famous or infamous frances stewart afterwards duchess of richmond one of tho most beautiful of the many lovely women of tho very scandalous court of charles 11 sure ly no woman was ever so immortal ized or had so many replicas of nor graceful figure reproduced she lias in her hand a tridept tho weapon lep- tuno la auppoirtu to cany init in her case its three prongs stand for faith hopo and charity her helmet is the helmet o salvation spoken of by st paul and her shield whlcn bears a cross is the shield of faith the head of king charles on the re verse side looks to the left but if you look at an edward jhjnny you will see that the head looks to the right vlo- torla- like her gland son looks to tho left u is usual to reverse them with each succeeding reign millers worm powders not only make the infantile system untenable pfor worms but by theiraction on tho stomach liver and bowels they correct such troubles as lack of appetite bil iousness and other internal disorders that the worms create children thrive upon them and no matter what condition their worminfested stom achs may be in they will showlm provement as soon as tho treatment begins 80me difference typographical errors are one of the chief banes of a newspaper mans ex istence states art oxchange in tho rush of dally newspaper making the proofs arj read hurriedly or some times not at all and occasionally thc result in the printed product is as tonishing for ins tan co tho utoryla told of an editor who recently wrote it puff for the belle of the ball saying her dainty feet wero incased in shopa that wight have beon twiori for fairy bootn but the bjuhdarlmr- compositor mndo it read her dirti jeot wero incased in shoes- thai might havo bon taken for ferry boats 7 7noattactlbn look wore qo harold naiil th father to ids ltto son who was very naughty if you dont nny your prayers yiuwnt go to hoaven i dont want uf go to heavon sob- lied the boyiwnnt to go with you and mother aone of year daily dozen shine tip witjh- r 2 n shoemish keepiyoii yout shoes tit if clothes were 80ld by weight im off to a party said june the fair with her very merriest laugh you are asked her mpther and what will you weari- sald june a pougd and- a half youll have to hand the lightweight championship to tho modern girl for hero is posltlvo- proof that her sum mer costume will weigh only a pound and a half this includes a dress hat shoes hoseandeverythingolsou essential the weight of the outfit could have been reduced a few ounces more by cutting off some ornamentnl buttons but whoever dreamed a girls outfit would weigh leas than 2 pounds here is the exact weight of each ar ticle shown on the scale stepin one ounce and half brassiere one outice hose one ounce- and a half satin shoes ten ounces plcturo hat five ounces gown five ouncos sentence sermons it la allright tohayc for a rainy day but you dont need to make it rain for others to own your own homo but it costs more than money to lot charity begin at home if it does hot become a hermit to oxpect boys to bo boys but eventually thoy will be men to say wo worship nature but wo must not forget god who designed miture to stand up for our rights if we dont lay down on our jobs to criticise the preacher but he la not tp blame if the truth is uncomfort able j lytittiiinhihhmihrriimr m fr heatings kills wtimmtic4ft uaa irmmly in dos kanau nib iotoda tcoat to kill lice and vermin year amounted in the aggregate to 1463s68000un increase of u03000- 000 over 1923 field crops alone contributed nearly one billion dollars to this total and dairy products 234- o00000 as the- land physically suit able forogtieuitureis estimated to be 3oooqoq0oacres and ns that under cultivation to field crops lost ypar was inly 5752000 acres it follows that the potential np cultural- resnnrnrfr jt the country are very great from the forest urea of 1200000 square miles which the dominion is estimated to possess products in tho form of logs lumber shingles pulp paper etc aro annually being obtained to the value of 527000000 every province except prince edward island is more or icbs rich jn minerals and although extonslvo nown mhleralized areas have yet to be prospected let alone doveloped the output of the past two years has had an annual nveraga of j212000000 canadas fisheries which both in extent and in quality of product are not by those of any other country annually yield ac cording to the latest official figures a value of over 42000000 the water- powers of the country which by the end of 1925 will be developing electric energy to the oxtent of four million horsepower have within the hist de cade or two become important revenue producers three years ago tho elec tric power doyelojetl wojj valued- by thebomlhion bureau of- statistics at 8238000 but since then there has been an increase- of approximately 25 per cent of jlho power under develop ment so that the value of the electric power at the present being generated in all probability exceeds 100000ooq- wealth of canada was estimated at j 530350000000 national w a to latest figures of fhe dominion bureau of statistics is estimated at 22200000- 000 this is a remarkable increase over 1910 whon it was placed at 10- 300000000 forty years ago accord ing to statistics then compiled by the canadian government the national wealth of canadt wns estimated at 30350000000 used tractors for sale cheap wo are overstocked with isteam and oil tractors of nearly all sizes and makes and must unload at once regardless of price 1 waterloo steam tractor high- prossure boiler only threshed in twelve barns like new can save you 100000 1 rumloy oh pull tractor 16x30 runs like new can savo you 760 a real engine at a real price sold with a guarantee other engines from 20000 up special terms write today for particulars hannabros distributors for rumoly oil pull traotoea 9698 mscdonnll troot quelph phohje 1121 120000 lbs wool wanted r r earbour hillsburg will be at the canadian na tional railway station acton on june 4 11 18 to buy wool for the guelph worsted and spinning co highest market prices paid rarmers market your wool direct to the mills wealth in cfnapa agricultural- re von ueef canadar last the oil for tho athlote in rubbing down the athlete will find dr t homos eelectrle oil an oxcellont nrlcle it renders the muscles and sinews pli able takes thosqroness out of thorn und strengthens then for strains that may ho put upon them it standspre eminent for this purpose and athletes wjiofor years have been using it can testify to its value as a lubricant the septic tank it consists ofa large concrete tank divided into two compartments by a vortical partition the sice for a single houso is about four by eight feet and three nnd a half feet deep this tank holds the sowerugo long enough for a certain kind of bacteria to destroy the solid matter when tho liquid ac cumulates to a certain amount a non- mechunlcal affair called a siphon emp ties one of the chambers jnto a system of field tile calledthe absorption bed md shallow under the ground and remaining sewage is destroyed in the soil by another kind of bacteria that uvea near the top of thes ground in this way thosb friendly bacteria aro enabled to do a very valuable w for uo this is science applied ta a useful purpose ye supply oqllotln and bluoprint tq any one wish in r tq build a septic tank all necessary information is given in bene and by their helpful suggestions any handy man can hulbl it cost fqr ecraant mtphim- ilmlngp and tllo amounts to about 53 thp tank may bo located close to th hpuno and the tile laid under the lawn or garden 1 r qraham o a c at quclplu the myth the- teacher was about to give her elans a lesson some of the most fanioua myths and legends of the paht bo- foro opmrfionofpg however slio thought she could ask the scholars a question or two to see what ideas they had if any about the subject now can anyone tell mo what a myth is she asked a solitary hand was raised and n utile voice exclaimed please miss uh ji female inoth attacked by asthma the first fear ful merihatlon is of suffocattop which hour by hour becomoa more desperate nnd hopelops to such a case tho re hof afforded by dr j d kelloggm ahtlltna remedy seems nothing less than a miracle its holp is quickly parent and soon the dreadful attack is mastered tho authmetlc who has found out thdc4iejodabluty at this sterling remody wiu never be without it it is soid everywhere gladly makeyoit- a definite reasonable al lowance for your old ramcwine any jxiake or style make the exchange now your most profitable milking season is just coming now is the time to stop loss and waste your old machine will apply as part pay ment on a melotte ask us to make you an offer tjow ballinafad ont ferguson i biros phono- georgetown 95 r 6 a canadian national railways wstboiind dally except sunday dally bally dally i dally daily dally dally dally electric 743 am 043 atn 1143 am 143 pm 343 pm 643 pjn 743 pjn 943 pm 1232 ajn m csjtbound pally 743 om bally ebcoopt sunday- 043 am dally dally dally dally dolly dally dolly freight delivered by apodal expfeaa freight freight picked up at any ad- dreu in toronto 1143 ani 4 143 pm 343 pm c43 pn 743 pan oasjqjn 1140pni r j noticeo creditors of the estate of ernest albert roge deceased the creditors of ernest albert jloae late of the vlllaiye of acton in tho county of halton tanner who dlod on tho eighteenth day of may 1025 and all persona having claims ooalnat his estate are required on or before the twentysecond day of june 1026 to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to the undersigned solicitor lthelr full names addresses and des criptions and full particulars of their claims on and after the said twentysecond day of juno the executor wilt proceed to distribute the assets of tile said es- tate among tho parties entitled thereto and ho horobybiveb notice that ho will not be responsible thereafter for any claim or elaima off which jieshajl npt haverecoivett notice dated this twentyflrst day of may a d1025- henry philip moork exojutor by h fanner acton ontario his solicitor 478 tr j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist wijl be at a- t browns drug stdre acton monday july 6 anyone suffering from eye strain defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity ofcoqijltinff this eyesight specialist appoint ments may be made with mr a t brown druggist consultation free office hours 9 a m till 4 p m it often happens this time it was at a nice social function in town and mrs blanks cake was much in demand in fact it wns so well liked thatshe was asked for the recipe forit and then she had to tehthatshehatl beensobusynsheust went lotairbnnks for it why fuss and fume over the baking when fairbanlts can do better fairbanks bread cakes and pastry better than homemade phone 116 fairbanks bakery mill st acton mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil pnrjsgoric teething props and soothing- syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children nil ages of constipation wind colic flatulency torsweeten stomacte diarrhea rerjulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness eestand natp to avoid imil p dirrriinm nn etich packay physicians everywhere recommend it natural sleep without opiates nltations always look for the signature of z notice to cjeditors opthestateoftlcvtjrchel campbell decea8ep t tho creditors of wly haohol camp- boll lato of the village of acton in the county of halton widow who died on tho twentyeighth day of april 1925 and alt persona having clalma- nftnlnst her estate ore required on or- bef 6re tho twenty ninth day of june 1925 to aohdby post prepaid or other wise deliver- to the undersigned solici tor their full names addresses and descriptions und full particulars of their claims on and after the sold twentyninth day of june the administratrix will proceed to distribute- the assets of tho said estato among- tho parties entitled thereto and she hereby firlves notice that sho will not bo responsible there after for any claim or claims of which she shall hot have received notice dated this twentyeighth day of may a d 19s5 mary ann fisher z- i administratrix h n farmer acton ontario her solicitor 483 m m j 1 a t e gibbons expert shoe repairinq prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main strbkt acton m advertisers thjl free press is anxious to rvo you nnd serve you well wo can glvo your advertiu- mont bottor uttontion and there fore mako it moro attraetivo if the copy supplied- to us on monday or tuesday if copy falls to roach us until wednesday forenoon there is a rush to set it up before the forms close and the resuk is likoly to be issa satisfactory send in your ad8- early m get your job printing at the free press does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario m m ry essaiitjsiijimt j-i-

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