Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1925, p. 6

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i i hlrtlip charged format tb 50c marrlaffea 50 tarda sc t following ratea birth deatha soci memorial lino mr for pocma or married may 27 losgbjr ov t h bole eva mary aaushtor or ernost and minnie mcphnll or trafalgar xo daniol f wrlrht of esquoblrib i died kbwly at cleveland ohio on mon- d june 1 192r goqrse welly fattier of mrs chas hoaro and mro morrow georgetown sanderson at st josephs hos pital guelph on sunday juno 7 1025 mrs ellzaboth sanderson of shlloli ngcd 102 years tubby at 8an francisco cai en friday may 29 1326 s mo knywlfq of w qeoreo tubby ana slater of mr oliver mckay gaorgo town in memohiam haxfl in over lovlqsr memory of iour mothor mrs joseph hall who de parted hu life juno 8 1924 a tow short years of evil jjaat wo reach tho happy shore when deathdivided friends at last shall moot to part no mora the family news of local import want pael daneino places suparvifed resolutions recommendlnc ia vary strict supervision of pools danco hallo and of tho salo of 4 user ospoolally in tho cauo or younff pooplo and of tho pormlts itrantod for nuchnle wore passed at tho 23rd annual meotlnif or tho fool womens inatltuto hold at brampton on friday north wellinoton proflrmslvs candi date tho progressives of north wolllns- ton nominated john prltchnrd m p of harrlston ns tholr candidate at tho next federal oloctlon at arthur on saturday afternoon j c nixon of muryboro and ross mcewlnff of arthur wore also nominated but both retired in favour qf the present mem ber knox lodiss aid played l choitenham tho ladles aid of knox church journeyed to cheltonhamjaot friday ovonlnc and presented their way the ladles aid of mohawk crossroads in tho interests of thowbmons inbtlfulo there about forty acton membors and friends motored over to cholton ham ajqd rvvero greeted by an appro clatlvo audience the glory of a day in june no matter how full a life is of work and worry we ought viot for any reason to rot ourselves of tho enjoyment of that indescribable thing tho glory of a day in june it has always seemed to us to be a tragedy that god should make a juno day and then that there nhoultl be so many people who could not seo lfc because they wouldn-t- christian guardian arrested sit erin dance a young erin man arrested at- a dance at stanley park erin on satur day night by inspector j grunt paid 910 and costs monday morning for be- jnglntjix1rntrt1 thfrr nwr during the heat of june and july is the cury must bo something wrong at these erin dances it la reported that a georgetown young man jpjmjzpro girli the united church of canada consummation of union celobrated with great daoriimcntal servio neighborhood news- town and country brief local items tho continued heat aifd ounablno took- tho velvetty exeenness from many flno lawns halton farmers cxcurnlqn to the ontario aerlcuiturol cphcffo guelph was held yesterday charles r wboelock olvil engineer and treasurer of dufferln county died at orangovlllo on friday tho holding at school examinaupna refinement of torture star tho motbtrafflc through town over tho torontasarnia highway la growing in volume every week whitby town council has suc ceeded in reducing- tho tax rate this year by two mills it is flowj 36 mills ten days of torrid weather nearly molted a good many people the hot period which moderated yesterday has beenttrecordbreakerfor juno mrs john mooro of eanueainff township suatained a double fracture otnijr right anldo- rftrhen she was thrown from a buggy on sunday of ter- nooh 4tiwwaa4heipthepmtwoblchaft had onondvantago anyway too dont have to loolc out in themornlng to tell whether there has been frost durlw r night- jimmlo jones lt nowiconvaj38clng nicely the leg which was fractured last wlrilcr la doing we he was at kjmx church sunday school on sunday jmonjlair 4- rtho churches were about the cool- efit places in the community on sun people wore unwilling to ascertain this for themselves ta parade of peel county farmers and their families passed through acton on monday forenoon for the o tac- guelph to attend the peel county gathering there that day tho council has had the bad spot choir of the old hom church miss bertlofsmlth came home from toronto on thursday evening to take parttln the proceedings of the last annual congregational meeting t with characteristic iriterest in tho on main street opposite 2 a hen dersons property repaired as sug- seated m this columnsome weeks ago a lino of tilo was put in and the trouble mrercome acton lames team ijeifeatej who had accompanied him tda- danco there friday- night went homo intoxi cated y w a- entertained at fh manse the yoqng womens auxiliary of knox church held tholr closing meet ing for- the season on tuesday even ing at thjs manscftgujatsoxeov andtfllrs a c stewart at 630 p m a- picnic lonch was served- to the girls about ttrontyflvo members being pres ent following the lunch the young ladies were taken on a motor drive to guelpb the hospitality of rev and mrs stowart waalappiorlft t ed nyaju womans institute district annual meeting r the district annual meeting of the womens inatltute ot the county- ot halton will bo hold in te arena- st georgetown on wednesday june 17 morning session at 000 a m and afternoon session at jls0 pnx miss e chapman of toronto will- speak and there will be election of officers etc a largo attendance la asked or the conoummatlon services of t- united church of canada commoncil yooterday tho arena torontu in tho proboilco of 8000 person tho day was regurdod aa a holy day by tho members ot tho throo unltlii churches a call wont out from presbyterian methodist and congrogutlonal pulp lib on sunday for tho obsorvfanco of wod nesduy next as a- holy day and to give up tho entire day to tho celebra tion of tho inauguration of tho unltcil church of canada the morning service commenced- ut 1030 tho afternoon aervice a 230 and the evening servlco at 800 all doors were open to tho public at fifteen minutes before ho abovotlmea tho seating capacity of this great auditorium was taxed at bach mooting rn connecton with the morning ses sion a communion servlco was bold which was apentlcostal ovont two hundred and sovontyflvo ciders stow ards and deacons of tho presbyterian mothodlst and congregational chuvohca of toronto- 4uletedthiswondorfur sacramental service under the loader ship of rev w nv young dpvo cbllego street methodist church and kev r c tibbecretary of torqnto presbytery among thetao 275 laymen were many of the leading business and profoa slonal men oftpronto arid every man was keenly interested and devoutly eager to have this part in a aacra montal servlco whlph will sund out in tho history of religion in canada the task assigned to these men was that of serving the sacred elements of the bread and wlno to tho multitude of pesalbly eight thousjmd in the arena jtho plan xor the carrying out of tho entire servlco in aalorderly and- ex peditious mannor was ably carried out every onoof tho 275 men had a specified duty to perform at a spe cific seotlon of tfte auditorium and ltwaaleo iutagedthat tnerntlrp garnering engaged at one tfmo in a unified act of worship that symbolized the union of the three great churches in all parts of the dominion qhurchill l mr and mrs bert cook and children os guelph visited at mr albert smltbi over sunday the hall storm just touched this se tion no serious damage was done tho hot spell made outsldo work rather trying but- it brought on tho crops eitfondidy a few loads of giavol on tho fourth lino from lots- 1 to 10 would bo ap- preciatod tho socond lino is being put into good condition perhaps the third and fourth will bo given the at tentlon they need crew80n8 corners police couktnews mr a s- foster exmayor ot oak- yllle and editor of the star was awol come yistqr to biuo spring park on sunday miv and jutia w a murray have come to blue springs toopend the summer there mr dlck- t w leased suburban parkiaatsprlnff finds it- has no prestige now and is likely to discontinue tjporatlans therd ho lids advertised danccr tui although ho brought an qrchoetrafrom guelph had no patrohs- his ventuxe has boon iri fortunate financially for him lorne school tho jollowing 4s tho may roport for lome school jriv lualiu swackiiamor geoigo praff lcona waller wilfred mc- kachurn sr ill barbara guthrie tod hnrron- vorna murray willto har- rop- chrlssle bwdckhamoi ronetta waller y jr iu coriniib macdonald haryy murray tlietma graff roy donnby ruby murray pansy troup brandon crowson howard graft class ii laura johnston wallace swatikhamor class i douglas guthrie grace oraff isouel anderson teacher hall family annual- reunion record attondanco at family qatbert inn it churchvillo lsat weak leblie8 school b no- 8 maud- viola at a police court session in the court house milton on saturday morning polltjo maeristrato mooro sentenced four youngr ttien iyithout visible meansrofr bubsistojictotwr lornve dayir3hoy charles il htuthcs hcrbv itotterby- samuel 0ur- rio and a p archard tbey had beori arreatea at oeorotpwn tho eyenlnff bofore gchilo atcalliiff gridon a can adian national frioffbt trains jae- iwrtohoririidtteni wiffi breaking into wprkmohs cars j at palbravo and stealing fpodi- theschoo roport for- s s erin for may 1b as follows class v morjbrle rold clnsb iv ioybla forestall mccalg r knthleon mckeown allan hector mcarthur class jit 0r wlllo joluiatpii joseph forestell lawrence forostoll calvin altken class ik jr7xulu mccutcheon thyra stono gordon leila tomihy cpole aijnlo aloen mary mccalir bessie forestell class ttiols bvolyn pearenv japies mocabjr bvellno iun bart lloyd mcjcaowh elalo nojson primer sr orval stone marjorlo mccalp john forestell hobblp- allan primer jr jean burt jean mann marlon leslie lawson mccutchoon elsie maude marion mcdonald archie mcdonald m mcdonald teacher nab8agaweya tho flno weather on tuesday of last wcok induced tho largest attondanco of years at tho 33rd annual reunion of tho hall family at chutohvllle juiagather1nbfi0 repreaentatl vob iiftho tamil jt metst thoithomostoad settled 102 years ago and now occuplod bywisnor hall t oranbovlllq quolph st catharines acton oeoratown kitchener and brandon man were represented q b- hall of strootsvalo vas tho oldest member of tho family proflont andbaby alan younscat son of harold hall of stroetsvilie tho ybungost vdr colder of st catherines paid hlb first visit to tho liomootead in 37 years 4 sc the omccra elected lor 102526 j president s l hall strootavlllo vlco prosidont montloth hall jr of kltchoner- socrotarytrcaauror miss myrtle wilson purine the afternoon addresses woro mode by rev j a- fetch roy wa mckay strootsvillorovw jr kitoh- lnsr hornby rav ernost payno hut toilvllle- victor hall and dr cdldor mrs john nelson arid miss ruth missionary wero representatives ot tho family who attended from actoiiarid they report a mpst interesting tlmo bramosas oldest kesuent j a smith insurance and weal estate agont for confederation itifo as- j soclatipn london lancashire flrt tnsuranco london fc lancashire guaranteo and aodldont dominion of canada guarantee and accident insurance company ifarm and town property for sale prompt careful and courteous at tention givon your busine88 solicited rosidencermlij and wallaeo stn tolophone 105 r 2 ii i painting paporhanging and- decorating firstciass work tiy experi- errpeu man- work promptly irid satisfactorily executed oboers leftat spry8 1 meat 8kop the castle garden orchestra of toronto will supply tho music for the dance at stanley park ebin friday evening june 12 est places in me community ou oup- ij i jayjnorningmiwifytloofth ssjhswlstine1ljahsvttsnteaat burntpieadi izip madals won by faroff studspts miss ella gardiner b a- procep tress of albert college beueville ho secretory of the prlxe committee in a letter to the editor this week fur nishes the following- information vtho recipient- of the h p moottt silver medal tar proficiency in commercial solence last- year was miss barbara brett of mortons harbor newfound land the winnpr tfils year uvea in nova scotia so you see your jnodnls help tii make albert collcite widely known an aamssdrlika our ovin coqrt ot revision for the town of aylmcr wnsj held last jprldoy uvonlna thereoere only- ave appeals rnvol- last wednesday ralph farrelly and peter burns of quolph and cecil at- trldsx of wtaterdown were betprb police magistrate mooro on tho charge of trespassing on the flshlner preserve of tho grttnd river fishins club on tbo farm of mr william tuck nimsi eaweyaion tho 23rd of may i mr rife of toronto- the president of tho club 4ms prosecutor farrelly and wont down bafore the georoatown nine uttwmk the local ladies softball teammet their first defeat of tho season at the hands of strong georgetown team in qeorsretpwn by a 1110 score last wed nesday evening tho oldtime rivalry between anton juullaoorsotown wi evidence georsrotown was out to win and took advantagro of every oppor- tunity- offered by the acton ladles in fact both teams were out to win tho fixture and the acton ladles tried hard to shove that one eount6racrosa tho plato that would have given them another choncato win but the breaks of the pimejttaoieellenkwork by the goorjtotown ladles proved too much for them they offer no excuses for losing th3 ffamo and proved themselves to bo good losers which is after all one of tho big- points in the sport- a return gome is expected ot an early date and a good crowd of tho teams admirers should be on hand to soe their first home fixture guelph drover killed by motor viatax whits diss jnsfantly in accldnt nar wlnaham pinned beneath his motor- car when it overturned about- throe nillos from wingham shortly after nooh last thursday alex white wellknown cattle buyer pf guelph was instantly killed two other men j 8 bosom worth ftf elora and ajfviri smith i young man of that district who woio with him in the car miraculously escaped injury other than a shaking up smith had been picked up on the road ojiq was being given a rldo into wingham mr white startod from the city yesterday morning for various towns north of bore to ship cattle aggregat- imt ilbo head to toronto according to he story told by the other occupants of the wrecked ma chine mr white hod been driving at a very moderate rate f speed near tho hamlet of carruthers when tljo motor struck a patch- of soft looso grnvelon tho wheels skid ded on tlio- treacherous roadsurface and when the driver attempted to pull pvor to the centre of tho highway ho loot control of the automobllo wjjich after swerving sharply from one side tphfrtherrnrneflcompleferynoverr pinning mr white beneath it anj two of tho appeals were not sustained tho result is a compliment to the as sessor mr 13 a hemstreet and shows that he is performing his dntiesof this most difficult office with diligence fair ness and good jqdgment- express alymers obacasor is an aoton boy son of the late william hemstreet esq four point four in fergus jldat thursday was the opening day for fergusons new beer thf ffimoii ob fergus was concerned there was no great amount of excite- ment once upon a umo lt took 14 hotels 6 liquor stores whiskey being sold from tho grocery stores 2 distilleries and abrowery to quench the thirst of the citizens of straus there was no need of waterworks in fergus in those days now we have had prohibition long enough fo tho younger folks to forget- what a bar room is fok suddenly the government decides to havo a new beef put on sale and itia most widely advertised joked about denounced or hoped for according to the taste of the individual yet in spltebf euchfayorhblo auspices and such a lot- of free advertising only one place in the wholo village offers it for salenewgbccord was aggravated by refusing to obey tho order of william dennbvthb ovbrseer of the club and leavo the promises they were lined ggoo jind costs coct attridgp of waterdown said that technically ho was guilty for lie in advertently wont in flahinar when jio saw cars at tho- streamslde and others engaged- in fishinfi there he lm- modlately 16ft wren mr dennlsordcr- ed him but the charge against him was dismissed- wth costs- it is re ported that d b6od deal of poaching ls done on thin and other premises the r law protects such preserves and provides heavy penalties for viola tion it soys 1mb- person shall with out the permission of tho owner o looser fish or employ or induce any other person toflshorassutlnflshjnb 1at that portion of a pond stream or any nt inwhlchrftsh ar revicprrle of camphellvllle isvcry gratotui to mr a i hemstreet of milton for returning o sumef monejf which ho found last week the hot and dry spejl is having aserloubjoffect on the lhaxlbbl paatwsr anlto brown in some- places mr and mrs costello smith form erly of nassagaweya visited friends in knatchbull last woek mr j0t bostoh of guelph- visited relatives and r londs in knatchbull on sunday mr and mrs david nightingale of guelph sperit the weekend with mr and mrs a nightingale at knatch bull mr george gordon of nassogaveya is ttttundlng tue general assbniblj of pi churc in toronk this week he jo with rov j v stewart of rockwood rs 8anderson of shiloh died sunday aflod 102 years mrs elizabeth sanderson 102 years qd nf tlmmoaa-tonahlp- passpd away at st jpsephbhospltal- guolph tnwlilch institute- sho had been for tho last four months on sunr day of ternoort j jtho aged lady was removed to tho hospital following an accident in iior homenearshnblitwnen she foil and broke her hip an injury f rom which sho failed to rally thodeceased was born- in eramosa township ahd- lived mtho viclnuy of shlloh all her life her husband tho lata william sanderson prede ceased her in 1873 sho was a devoted member of stpeters roman- catholic church oustlc and although sawoll advanced in ago rotalned her facnl ties to aremarkablo degroe surviving are flvb sons edwin iaico dauphin man james glondvod igils montrer flaskrt and ko thnniiil hornby ylng a total of less tlftm iibuoo ojuj fully cultivated owned and maintained by an owner or lessee or remove or carry away or employ induce or assist any other person to remove or carry away ash therefroni every person who contravenes tho provision of this section shall incur a penalty of not less than 500 nor more than j20 an j100 for each ilsh taken halton militia have sham r tglg a tactical engagement with qeorgo- town tu the stateflic point causing- instant death mi exfremw drury at milton the annual meeting of tho halton sogresslvo assoeiatlon was held id 1 ton on tuesday afternoon and was largely attended the principal sjibak- or was hon b c drury expremier of ontario who received jitrenlepdou voyatlon on hsigg to speak ur prury delivered one of his oldtfine flpry speeches and wasqulteatliomelnthp county town if ha fermer1maitltriv npy other wmmrj owf jlpgton 4no jshjr otjrsk mo jb ijnd ef oento bd j mvvarren floeretry ot thriro gresilvoparty ing offfeprs trthbaflui -swl- njkjow istw j f brakt inn burned tussday known to- hundreds of motorists and pleasuresookers the brant inn at tho junction of- burlington beach and tho torontohamilton highway was- des troyed by fire which was discovered at 4 oclock tuesday afternoon several other structures were threatened th loss la estimated at from 110000 lo 1 16000 sparks set fire to the toof of the burlington armory- and or born owned by j dingle these were soon extlngulahed an lee- cream storo ad jacent to tho inn was savcdlrom des truction at a considerable outlay tho brant inn was renovated prior to open ing- this season the lessors wero g stroud j sweet and robert askow of hamilton they wih he heavy losers ii is stated the property is owned by a b colernhn and was insured riistin visitor from aoton england the fkai piuws hjid the pleasure of a visit last week from mrr john mcnish of- ixindon england who la closely asshclaled with aoton middlesex mr menlsh is a iiersonal- friend of mr parsons edlfof of the acton gazette and express and came to acton from toronto to brlns greetings to the flosa pjuns mr mcnish fs o free lanes writir thoroughly conversant with the national and conti affairs and trior tlfp pntireetooii parliaments and whether or not an army should stop on- the way to bnttlo in order to liavo innch was oho of tho tactical problemh which caused sbhao heated discussion during the course of tho halton rides staff ridp at georgetown and mlltor over the weekend tho exercise centred around an im aginaryraid on ooorgotown from the north and tho task assigned to llout- col j kmahonoc halton rifleb was to move reinforcements from milton in imp to relieve tho small georgetown garatsoh and save h jown mr and mrs w- hodgo of stew- arttown wish to npnounco the on- gagement of tbelr youngest daughter beatrice maudj to mr calvin slpwnrt bailey youngest son of mrs- and tho late mr w h bailey of hornby the marriage to -take- place quietly about the middle of june mrjand mra j p beattleireeta villb announce the engagement ef their eldest daughtpr muriel marycathar- ino towr clarenco gladstone hull only son omr r e hall of hornby the weddlngvto toko place june 20 thetraliojjnjlay-school-assoo- lauolf tten flllp hihnnln of tho anglican bapust methodist and presbyterian denominations with a total membership of 2119 tho an nual couvention held in bethel church at drumquin last friday was one of the largest and most enthusiastic in thalong history of tho aasoclotion- rockwoodr tho- ball game betyeen acton and rockwood last saturday resulted lp a victory for the visiting tw ihn score being 86 in tho earlier pare of the game the homo team wero in the lea theyr went down to defeat cheer up ftoys it is an -opportunity- to study ryour weak places and ondeavor go in to win the many frlohdsorjohh fitxslm mons who was operated upon last week for appendicitis wlutio- pleased to know that he is doing as well as can bo expected lost weekend richard harris took trip on his wheel up to oxford county coaaiderlng the continuing dry weather corn- is coming oh very good clover in some places is looking well while on the other hand some pasture fields are drying up for want of rain tho highway between paris and woodstockjs undergoing improve tho eagerness- of tho ypnha-ubaw- l be one of- tho beauty spots of western ontario thomas and charles of tlvan bask tho funeral took place on tuesday morning j from modormotta j funeral parlors tluelph at 8 oclock to st peters church oustlc for requiem high mass at 10 oclock and thence to st voters- cemetery v roy father mcrcay of aoton tho parish priest at oustlc conducted tho funoralsarvicps v t one conaollnb thsuaht- when a mptorist fills his tank with gasnjina ahdnays tho tax thereon he has thp batiafactlon of knowing that ho is helping to pay tho increased indem nity of members of the leglsinturo that should perhaps make onp foal bettor hut it wont aylmor express terns for battle anally won- over the contention of some of the pincers thnf the troops must have tholr rations en route there was a sharp action and the northern enemy fell back defeated on terra cottal ijoutcol mahon thon halted his forces- under outpost protection tor tho night t the tactical dispositions and do olsions were made under the eyo of colonel h s cooper ojb e m c o c 2gth infantry brigade and lieut col r v conover and major j h pedley m a the brigado staff tho york rangers sent the adjutant capt glgg as uaiaon offlcer at tho con clusion of the exercises the offlcors as sembled at georgetown armorlps when the days work was dlscussodc assemblies national and international gatherings his facile pen stirs up many- publie issues andbolng a canny scotsman has the facility of getting underneath many clouded publie is sues mr mcnish is a world traveller and is now on his ninth trip to can ada his aoqualntancb with canada her natural resources and her virile poulatiofi leads him to prophecy- great future for our country he was much improssd with acton aaa busy llttlp manafaotarincontre wltri its udy auffitfrtlr homes the absence efij6lbths3nei properties nn irwer on trial th piujmpt oondett mr scouta gallantry prsvsnts- fire it baii juat boon broiight to the at- tshldn of tljo scout officers hero of the gallantry and- presence of mi of one of the local troop scout ulurier hovsrs while delivering papers noa- hls home on- the beach he was in formed by mrs smith a resident thero that smoke was issuing from the shingles no ladder was available so havers by climbing a tree at tho front of the house made his way to the roof where he pulled off the smoulder ing mingles retracing bis steps he carried up a pall of water and put out lhqemhrm rreatocro4it lsjlueto havers pr his proparsdnes and very plucky actlonburllngton gazette oakville violation of egogradinq aot mr a- l morris of itndon egg inspector under the dominion xiepart- raent of agriculture paid a visit lo port elgin lust week and loft jtapors with constabloqeorge to be served on tt anderson egg buyer of kincardine chargod with contravening tho act ro spectlng- tho grading of eggs ft seems that andersons father who is in the eggbuying business with tho son- had been previously warned against buying and selling eggs at a straight pries without cnndlfng or grading them ro cently the son bought a quantity ot eggs from mr mckeeinap of glamis on a flat bnela and aold them to a montreal firm wlthour grading- tliahon fruity this case will be heard be fore police maglstrnto mocartney at junciedidein thensox tuturewalk telsswope sfibjii ir v wi- r wn5uf zx3 iffisswtisier ife5ffiif to3 i the town council has passed or- by law prohlbjting the sale of tobacco to minora tho oakvllle masons aro making big preparations for their apnual garden party on thursday juno 25th- mlinnls congregation will hold their annual garden party on the ohurch lawn on wednesday evening june 17 the sunday school of wesloy church will hold tholr annual plonl6 at eldorado park on saturday juno 13th mlja daisy a- mcclcary of shorl dim was one of the nuraegraduates ut tho recent graduating- exisrclbes of the western hospital toronto key c b and mrs riley eft on tuoodity on ft motor trip toboston much of the beautiful mountain jebunu y u thffferhstateb will be traversed mrs alox mekerlle died in nelson township in her ogth year her maiden name was mnrv mclaron a membor of one of tho earliest families to settlo in that township reeve cross returned to oakvlllo on thursday morning from philadelphia and uriqpklag well after- hjs hospital term ho gotsnbout briskiynnda few wopks n the- congenial oakvlllo- air wlthmakerhlmmuch stronger rev dr aofdon balnll contlor will preach in the united church on sunday evhlng june 14th dr gor don is one- of canadas best known authors haying written school pays in qlengnrryrand soyeral other books a shower was given by the motho dlst choir at the residence of mr and mri w- t merry last thursday in honor of miss lucy rlohardson and howard- french voth nro valued membors of the choir the brldetobo was dsluged with gifts from tho choir members and others a delight f ul evening was spent clerk ryan reported to the council that tho band books nhowed 71 on hand ond liabilities of fesij after it lengthy dlspussipn a resolution by counolllnra ashbuiy a bain was oat- tied voting fsoo to oll- marsh who ngreod o wlpb off all dsbts if given this amount this t give the bund a tbance to stnrf again irt a uh3 oxponslvs mannsr star jrl o de i lawn tea the juhior 1 0 id e holding a iawnteaoh vnesdaipne 17 v at thehbmoyof mihh ro amfanan a cordial invitation lscxtend- ed to all the ladles tea 8erved at 630 p m 81lvsr collection removal notice h w hinton jowellor watch and clockmakor etc in romov ing hla buaincsa next jko- tom mortona barbedshop on mill street on june 1925 whore ho will continue to do all repoics and rotail tho aaine hnoa as cheaply aa posblbibi thanking hla numerous puc rons and sollcltlnar their furthor patronnero ho has also taken over c c- ployda jowollory 8toro jn qeorgotown whore he will also glvo of his boat to old and new patrons hwhinton jeweller watch and clpckmsker acton and georgetown ns have you had a dance in oiir tell us we nave the best floor in the the windermere so seven pieces of toronto dancing 9 to 1 hot weather specials at mclean co mens bnibrjggan underwear- pieces shirt and drawees at 75c and 100 mens muslin combination special at 100 and 125 merrs lisle socks at 50c mens silk and wool socks at 65c mens fine cashmere socks at 50c meqs worjf socks at 25c f 1 j- boys wash suits boys print waists boys jerseysf l big demand for cnimbe prints in stripes very suitable for boys waists mens shirts etc colors fast special oa at per yard- r mens straw hats at 175 200and 150 common straws at 20c and 25c r cut prices this week in curtain materials v floor oil clbthb neat patterns for bedrooms in 1 and ccv 2 yards wide per square yard wc j watch window for specials in grocery department mclean co mhx street acton ont store closes wednesday at 12j0 i j at hutton ville park on wednesday june 17 the following talent will provide the programme duncan r cowan torontos favorite comedian fannie rogers contralto beatrice l smith pianoaccordioniat children 25c what about your hat for summer now is the time to get it light hats of all descriptions at exceptionally low prices miss j galflraith mhupory nd fsny gppda tor phona 109 acton ont ii m 9m law u n a ap i iisi i nnmuu serve you better must of our patrons coming to our store lately have been surprised atthe transformation in the arrangement of the store interior weve installed a new display refrigerator across one end of the shop so that you may view the tempting meats that are all ready to fulfil your order and they may yet be kept right new glass cases havebeen installed over both counters so that the various cuts of meat may be displayed and yet kept properly we have done it all with the one idea in mind that we may serve you better throughout the summer especially mwmi ail fml au t huttonville park come and visit us i v if you jjayent seen the jtore since tjje ctlange come and visit us you too will be surprised t the fiew appcarancj o will haye an added relish for the meat that ew pavilion try okchestra ill supply the music friday june 12 gentlemen 100 including tax watch our wmdib itlsjbiift v ifiismrtir saturday night dance 7 we have bemi requested by so many to hold a saturday night dance so drive around saturday evening june 13 and enjoy a danct dancinjr from 9 to luo fprojtjtq pianist gentlemen 76c including ja frejeearking space fvv t jiaialai space we solieit your pienlc- tj aiai liaiaiai f mmfyrpz m 7 iafibfci sshtrtjiwwv ife 1 -ijy- gf yi iy-

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