Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1925, p. 2

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is blrthi 1 marriages marrlajei and deaths are now cheedfo let jollowta tairth q9 death socj rda c loe per lino extra tor poems r married wriohtslophau on wodnosday may 27 102bbr ilov t h bole eva mary daughter of j- a mlnnto moplmll of trafalgar to panlol p wright o esquealnit died keiiy at cleveland ohio on mon- da juno 1 1928 goorel molly father of mrs chaa houro and mru morrow georgetown sandeilson at st josopho hob- pltnl guelph on sunday juno 7 192e mrs elisabeth sanderson or shlloh aged 102yoara tubby at san francisco cat m frlday may 29 192b mo- ssyrwlfe ofwt36orgo tubby and slater of mr oliver mckay goorbo- town in memoriam hajjl in ovor loving memory of our mother mrs joseph hajl who do- parted this life juno 8 1921 a few short years of evil past wo reach the happy shore when doathdiyldod friends at last shall rnoejtopartno more the family thursday june 11 1920 brief local items l- ii xv c vr- s v w trr- tho continued hoatarfd surishlno took- tho volvotty grconnrss from many fine lawns hajton farmers excursion to tho ontario- agricultural college guolph was held yostorday charles h whoolock olvll onglnoer and treasurer of dulfcrln county died nt orangovlllo on friday tho holding of school examinations luring the heat of june and july is the roflnement of torture star tho motor traffic throusrh town over tho torontosarnla highway is growlnjr in volumo ovety week- whitby town council has suc ceeded in reducing- tho lax rate this yearby two mills it is now 36 mills ten days of torrid weather nearly molted a good many piiople tho hot pe wh been a vecbrdbreakcrfor juno mrs john mooro of bsqueslng township sustained a double fracture rtlha nnmnsahn tlirown from a buggy on sunday after- nobh 1 l- tho weatlier tho- post weolc has had one advnntngo anyway you dont have to loolcout in the mbrnlnjrto toll whether there bos been frost during the night jlmmio jones is nowiconvnlesclna nicely the leg which was fraoturod last winder is doing we ho woo at knox chureh- sunday school on sunday morning news ofjlocal import want pel dnnoino places supervised resolutions recommending a vary strlot supervision of pools danco hairs and of tho sale of 4a boor oapoolally in tho cauo of young poople and of tho pormlts granted for ouchale wore passed at the 23rd- annual meeting of tho pool womens institute hold at brampton on friday north wellington projrenlvo candl i dt the progressives of north welling ton nominated john fritchaijl mp of harrlstbn as their candidate at tho noxt foderal olocllon at arthur on saturday afternoon j c nixon of maryboro and ross mcewlng of -arthur-wero-alsonomlnatod- but both rotlrod in favour of the present mem ber t knox ladles aid played at cheltenham the ladles aid of knox church journeyed to cheltenham labtfrlday evening and prosonted their play the ladles aid of mohawk crossroads m tho interests of the womens institute there about forty acton membors and friends motored over- to chelten ham and wore irreoted by on appro dative audience v the glory of day in juno no matter how full a life is of work and worly wo blight not for any reason to rot ouraolves of tho enjoyment of that iridoacrlbablo thing tho glory of a day in juno it has always seemed toustoboa tragedy- that- godbhoulov moko a juno dayand then that thoro should bo so many people who could not see it because they wouldnt christian guardian arretedt erin banco ii young erin man arrested at tv dance at stanley park erlri on satur day night by inspector j grant paid 110 and costs monday morning for be intr intoxicated there guolph mer cury must be something wrong at these erin dances it is reported thai a qeorgetown young man and two girls who had accomppnip6v-him-to- adanco there friday- night went homo lntoxl cated the united church op canada lelbhvat coniummati6n of union gelobvated with gpt sucramsntal service lnferghborhood new town and country iho conoummatlonaorvlcoa of tliv unltod church of canada coramoncni yoatortiay ln tho arena toronto in tho prosoiico of 8000 person- tho day wau roffurdqd 8 a holy day by tlioni cmberfl of tho thro o unitlnr qhurcjboa a c ill i wont out from prosbyterinn methodist and conffrognt tonal pulplia on sunday for tho observance of wod nebday noxt an a- holy jay ond to blvo up tho ontlro daytdtho colobra- tlon of tho inauguration of tho unltoil ghuroh of canada tho mornlnff aervico commenced ut 1030 tho afternoon orvjco at 230 and the evening oervico at 800 am doors wcro open to tho public at fifteen minutes before tho abovo- times r tho ooatinff capacity of tjua great auditorium was taxed at eaolf meeting in connecton with tho mornlnff sea glon a communion aorvlco was hold which wab apenticostai event two bujidred and sevontyflyo elders bow drda and deacons of ilia presbyterian mothpdlst and conerobaflonal churches of toronto assisted at thli wondorful sacramental jservico under the leader ship of kev w n younsr 1 dot colleso street method 1st church and rev it c tlbbqcrctaryjof toronto presbytery among these 275 laymen wero many of leading business and profes sional men of toronto arid every man was keenly interested l and dovoutiy aarer to have this part in a sacra- montol bevicawblchilljiluiidoutin the hrstory of rolifitbnin canada tjic task assigned tcr theso monwas that of eorvlnp th6 sacred elements of the bread and wine to tho multltmlo of possibly clffht thousjond in tho arena tho plan for the carrying out of the entire seryico in anorderly and- ex peditious manner was ably carried ouc every- ono of tho276 men ha4 poclfled duty r to perforin at a ape- plflc scotlon of to auditorium and it was bo arranged hat the entlro gathering engaged at one tlmo in a unified act of worship that symbolued the union of the three great churches in all parts of fee dominion churchill mr and mrs bert cook and children of guelph visited at mr albort efmitli uver sunday the halt stormjust touched this ho tton no serious damage was dope tho lyt spoil made outside work ruthor trying but it brought on tho crops bfllondldly a few loads of gravel on tho fourth line from lots 1 to 10 would bo ap preciated- tho second line is being put into good condition perhaps the third and fourth will be given the at tention thby nood y w aenteruinod t ffia mania the young womens auxiliary of knox chucjcili hlr closihg meet ing- fjor3uimp zon ing at the manjio the guests of eov and mrs a- c stowarl at 630 pm a picnlclanch was served- to theglrls about ttyentyflvo jxtembers being pfos- wouowlng ladies were taken on a motor drlvo to guelph tho hospitality of rev arid mro stewart woo appreciated by alu it mr- w sw p- mw m fr s- nfc hu tt jdl fiffesf v t- kf v rtho churches were about tho cool- ect places in the community on san- day morning- manifestly a lot of the people woro unwilling to ascertain this k ita parade of peel county farmers and their families passed through acton on monday forenoon for the o ac quelph to attend the peel county gathering there thatday i j thocouncll baa had the bad spot choir of the old home church miss bcrtlo smith came homo from toronto on thursday evening to take part lit tho proceedings of tho last annual congregational mooting v with charaotorlstlc iritorobt in tho on main street npobltgjd a hen dets0nsiiropery repaired aa sug gested in this column some weekaogo a line of tile was put in and the trouble yfaa overcome acton ladies team uefeated womans institute dwrict annual- metlno v the district annuoj mooting of the womens institute ot tho county- at halton will bo hold in the- arena et georgetown oh wednesday june 17 mornlna session at 000 a m and afternoon session at 1180 pjn miss k chapman of toronto will- speak mo there will hiv election i of o otc a largo attendance la osd0 as tho meetings will bo vor- interest log i mdala won by faroff studsnts miss ella gardiner b a procop- tress of albert college bclfoville the secrotary of tho prlz0 commltteo in a letter to the editor this sneek- fur nishes the following information tho recipient of the h p moorei silver medal for proficiency- in commercial solence- last 3rcar was miss barbara brett of mortons harbor newfound land the winner this year lives in nova scotuu so yousee your modals holp to makp alhert colloffo widely known r r- police court news at a police court scsolon in the court house milton on saturday morning poiico maglstrato mooro sentenced young rtnonwithotit visible means of subsistence to jail jtor five days thoy wore charles k hughes horb fotterby samuel cur- rlo ojid or arch trny hnd h crew80rjf8 corners mr s poster exrmayor of oak- ville and editor of tho star was awou come visitor to blue spring park on sunday j mr andjuiiflijlv amurrayhavo ciimo to blue spririga toppond tho summer thero mr dickie of toronto who leased suburban park last spring finds it has no prestige now and is likely to discontinue operations ithero ho has advertised tlancjjsr but although ho brought an qrchbstrafronv guelph had no patrons his venture has boeh un- fortuhato nnanclally for hint j leslies school the school report for- s s no- 8 erinrmay r class y marjprle reld 1 cljass ry loyola forestell maud mccalg icathleon mckoown viola allon hector mcarthur class viii r willie johnnton joseph forestelf iawronce forestoll calvin altken class iff jr lulu mccutchopn thyra stone gordon lealle tommy cqole annio altkvjn mary mccalg bessie forestell class tl lois forestoh evelyn pearen james mccalg eveline ilam- bert lloyd mckeown elsio nelson prlhier sr- orvnl stone morjorie mccalg john forestell robbie allan primer jr jean burt jean mann marlon leslie lawson mccutcheon elsie maude marlon modonald archie mcdonald m mcdonald teacher lorne school tho following lu tho may report for lome tfchooj jr iv lcullo awaokhamer george graff leona waller- wilfred -m-c- eachern br uibiirbara qutiirlo tod harrop- vorna murray whho hor- iop chrlanle swdckhamor ronetut waller jr hi corjhno macdonald harry murray thelma gruff roy donn6y ruby murray pnaytroup brandon crewaonr ho wit rderfrrt clas it laipajjohnston wallace swackhamer class i zooglas guthrie graco isobet andersonttcachor hall family annual- keunioist na88agavy eya arrested at georgetown tho evening before while stealing ridoon a can adian national frloght train- a re port 6harged tham with breaking into wprjanons cars at palgravp v and stealing food- r revcurrie ofcampbellvllle la very grateful to mr a l hemstreet of milton for returning a sumtif money which hofoiorinsrtweeltr lseuzqboth-sandorsojij- 102 years oldu natrvo of eraniosa township passed away at st josephs hospital guolph in which instituto she had beon for tho last four months on sun day jaucoio on went down before tho gsorgetown nine lt wosk the local ladles jt toautoam met their first defeat of the season at the hands of strong georgetown team in georgetown by a 1110 score last wed nesday evening jthfl flldatlmorlvfllry between aoton and georgetown was very much in evidence georgetown was out to win and took advantage of overy oppor- runity- offered by theacton ladles in faot both teams were out to win tho fixture and the acton ladies tried hard to shove that one counter across the plate that would have given them another chance to win but the breaks of the- game and excellent work by the georgetown ladles proved too much forthem n l they offer no excuses for losing tha game and throve d themselves to be good losers which is after all ope oif tho big points in tho spott a return game is expected at an early date and a good crowd of tho teams admirers should bo on hand to seo their first homo flxturo j i isi p is sffj- 1 stt- guelph dbover killed i by motor an aussorllka our oyvn court of revision far the town l a was hold last frid eyjniiuc there wore only nvo appeals invoj- vlmr a total or less than j45000 an two of tho appeals were not sustained the result is a compliment to the as sessor mr l a hemstreet and shows that hols performing- bis dntles of this most dtfncult offlco with dllisence fair ness and aroqd judjrmenu ebrpress alymers assessor is an aoton boy son of tho late william hemstreet esq four point four in fergus last thursday was the opening day for fergusons new beer tbe famous bo- far as fergus woo concernod there was no great anbunt of excite ment once upon a tumo lt took 14hotels 8 liquor stores whlskey being sold from the grocery stores 2 distilleries and a brewery to quench the thirst of the citizens of fergus last wednesday bojphvlparroily and peter burns of guelph and ticcllat trldge of waterdown wero beforo police magistrate mooro on the diargo of trespassing on the llshlng- preseryo of the- grttnd jtlver fishing club on the farm of mr william tuck nitssa- baweyaion the 23rd qt may i mr rlfo ront tho pro iwos prosecutor forrolly and burns pleaded guilty their offence wqb aggravated by ref ualnglo obey tho order of william dennis- tho overseer of the club and ieavothe premises thoy wore flnodfcoo anatcosts cecl attrldgo of waterdown said that technically- ho was guilty for he in advertently went jn flsblng when lio saw cars the streamsldoand pthora engaged- in flshlrig therer ho im mediately loft whon mr donnlsorder- ed him but the charge against him was dismissed- with costs it is ro- ported that it good deal of poaching jsjdono on this and othor promises the p and r provides hoavy penalties for viola tion- it aaysno person shall with out tlie permission of the owner br looser- fish or employ or induce any the continuod hot and dry spell is having a serious cfcept on tho hay an j pastures thoy- are turnlngquitb brown in -some- places mr jina mrs- castouo smith form erly of nastiagaweya ylsltod friends in knatchinul jastwoek mr j t boston ot ouolph visited relatives and frlonds in knatchbull tin sunday mr andmradavldnnihtlngalo of guelph bpedt the wookend wlth and mrs x nightingale at knatch- bull jlr george qbrdonof nasaabawoybr isfiittondlng the general asoombly of the presbyterian church in toronto this week holp with rev j j stewart of rockwqod in umrtpottton stream or any other water in which ush are law fully- cultivated owned and maintained by ah owner or lessee or remove or carry away or oinploy induce or assist any btter person to remove or carry away ash therefrom kyery person who contravenes- the provision of this section shall incur a penalty of not leas than b00 nor more than 120- and 100 for each ush taken ferguir in those days- now we havo hadprohibition long enough foii the younger folks to forget what a bar room la for suddenly the government decides to have a new beer put on sale and it is most widely ad vortlsed joked about donaunced or hoped for according to thptaso of the individual tet in bpltebf such- favorable auspices and such a lot of froo advertising only one place in tho whole village offers it for salenew8iecord alx white die instantly in aooidant nar wlnoham pinned beneath his motor car when it overturned about- three mllosfrom wlnghom ahortiy after noon last thursday alex white wellknown cattle buyer of ouolph was instantly killed two other men j bosom worth of elora and alvlri smith t young man of that district who wow wltfi him ih tho car miraculously i escaped injury other than a shaking up smith had been picked lip on tho road and was being given a rldo into wingham mr white started from the city yesterday morning for vorloua town north of here to ship cattle aggregat ing soo head to toronto according to tho atory told by tho other oooupanta of the wrecked mar chine mr white had been driving at a very moderate rate bf speed near tho hamlot of carruthers when ttio motor struck a patch- of bqft loose gcavevon the road rjthe wheels akld- dod on tlio treacherous- rbadatirfaco and when the driver attempted to pull to the centre of thvhlgliway ho lost control of the automobl6 which after swerving- sharply jfrom one side to the othervturned completely over plnnlngi mktwhlto beneath it an 1 canning instant death brarit inn burnd tuesday- icnown to hundreds of motorists and pleosureseekers tho brant inn at the junction of burlington beach and tho torontohamilton highway was- des troyed by arc which was discovered at oclock tuesday afternoon several other atructuroawere threatoned the loss is estimated at from 110000 to 115000 sparks set ire to the roof ot the burlington armory and abarn owned byj dingle these were soon extinguished an ice cream store ad jacent to the inn was savedtrom des truction at a considerable qutlay tho brant inn was renovated prior to open ing tbls season the lesser- were o stroud j sweet and robert askew of hamilton thoy wm he heavy losers 11 is stated the property is owned by a b colemitn and was insured jimsnw lyptttta mavteham a tactical noagamsnt with george town- as tho 8tatsglc point hornby mr and mrs w jjhodgo of stow- arttown- wish to apnounoe tho en gagement of their yodrigest daughter beatrice maud lo mr calvin stewnrt bailey youngest r of mrs- and the- ldto mr w h- bailey of hornby the marriage to take placo quietly about tho rolddlo of june record attendance at family qathe ing at churchvijio laat week thb lino woathcron of last stelniluced thn lurtfoiit attohjiinjo of yearsattho 33rd amtflai rbunlbn of the hall family at churohvlllc tho gathering of 100 rcpresentatlvcb of tho fojnjly mot at thohompalead settled 103 years ago and nowoccuplod by- wlsner hall oraiigevllle guolph st catharlnos acton qoorgetown kltchenor and brandon man were- represented 3 b hall of strootavlllo was tho oldest momber of thefomtly pvebont and baby alan youngest son pf harold hall of strobtsviuo tho younfiifat dr calder of st catherines paid his flrst visit tohoomofltoadlnj17i ycarst tho bmccrs elected for 102526 4ro president s i hall strootavlllo vlco president montlcth hall jr of kitchener j secretarytreasurer miss myrtle wilson duringthe af ternoon addresses wore made by rev j a- fetch rev w a mckay strectsvilionov w jttutch ing hornby rov ernest pdyno hut tonville victor hall and ir calder mrs john nolbon and miss ruth missionary wore representatives of tho family who attended from actoniand thoy report a most interesting tlmo j a smith in8urance and real estate agentfor confederation life as sociation london lancashire flrp insurance london fc iancasbtro guarantee and accident dominion of canada guarantee and accldont insurance company farm and town property for sale prompt careful and courteous at- tentlon eivon your business solicited roaidoncemiil and wallaco stn telephono 10b r 2 tt charles rowe ti- painting iajwhaning and- tt7- arjcpiaoiifir firstiass wprkjy-experi- incei manr work pr imptly and satisfactorily executed order8 left at 8pry8 t meat srtop ebamosas otdest hesident sandaraon of jshiloh died sunday aged 1q2yoar the aged lady was removed to the hospital following an accldont in hor homo near shlloh when she foil and broke her hip an lirjury fom whloh dhe failedj torollyj villo announce the engagement ot their oldost daughter muriel mary cathav- ino to mr clarence gladstone hall rily son of mr r e hall of hornby the wedding to take place june 20 otherperspn toflshor as in fishing t trnfnlgnr punov-phftot-awiiao- i includoaslxtoeh sundai schools of the anglican baptist methodist and presbyterian denominations with atotal membership of 110 tho an- nual conycntlbn- held in bethel church at drumquln last friday was one of the largest and most enthusiastic in the long history of the association- one consoling thought whon a moforlst nils his tank with gasoline and paybthp tajc-thereon-he- mivand jvjra jiethitroojjhabcliffwnsfactiok of knowing thatlis- ib helping to pay tho increased indem nlty of members of tiio leglslaturo that should perhaps make onp fool rockwood tho- ball game between acton and rockwood lost saturda resu in whether or noton armyshould stop on- tho way to battle in order to have lunch was oho of tho tactical problems sil waterworks lrjj which caused somb heoted discussion durlngthecourseof the halton rifles staff ride at georgetown and mlltor oyer tho woekend tho cxerolflo contreov around an im aginary -raid- on georgotown from the north ahdthc task assigned to liout- col j kmahon0c halton rifles was to movo rclnforcomcnts from milton in tlmetp reltove ho small georgetown goratson and save the jown thb oagornesa of the young aubal- terjis for battle c wbn over the contention of somo of the officers tnat the troops mubt have their rations en route there was a sharp action and the northern onemy foil back defeated on terra cottal ltoutcol mahon then halted his forces undor outpoal protection for tho night tho taotleal dispositions and do olblonsjvero made under the eyo of colonel h s cooper ob e m c o c 2bth infantry brigade nod lieut col r v conovor and major j h pcdley mc the brigade ptoff the tbrk rangers sent tile adjutant capt glg as ualsbn ofllcflr- at- tho con clusion of tho exercises the officers aa- somblod at goortetown armories whon the days work wis discussed- krpmlar0ruiyatmllleibv the annual mooting of tho halton progressive association was held in milton on tuesday afternoon and was lnrgoly attonded the principal spoak- er wa hon b c drury oxpremior of ontario who received a tremendous ovation pn rising to speak mr drury delivered one of his oldtlmb flery speeches and wasqulte nt homo in tho county town of his former constitu ency other speakers ware j dor- jingttn and h- i- inglohert of pnlar- mo jr ltndaay of geprgetawn and j w warren secretary of the pro- gfesslvo party ot ontnrlb the follow ing bntcers wero elected for tho en suing year pxetutntn wrgglea worth ksqueslng vicepresident l chlaholm rassarawoya bectreao o harrop milton rjlitinaulahod visiter from acton england the fton pnsbhi4 the pleasure of n visit last week from mr john mcnlsh of london jfilnglahd who ia- closely asstiolated with acton middlesex mr mcnish is a- jiorsonal friend of mr parsons editor of the acton qasotte and exprcsb nnd crnno to acton from toronto to bring greetings to the fobs pakss mr mcklsb fis a free lance writer thoroughly conversant with tho national and conthrentol urtalrs- and has the entree to all parliaments and assembllaa national and infornatlonnl ntheringa his facile pen surs up many public issues and being a canny sooumatr lias the faculty of getting andornoath -xhany-clondeil- pnbllsrji- sues mr mcnish is a world traveller andls now on his ninth trip to can ada his acquaintance with canada her natural resources and her virile population leads him to jirophepy great future for our country he was much impressed with acton na a jjusy uttle manufnotorlng centre with its tidy ami attractive homes tho absence of ddwn in tho heel properties ana the general air of thrift and prosperity he visited the local police court dur- without cnndung or grujllng them ro scouts qallarrtry pravanta- fire it bos just boon broilgbt to the at- tantipn oftlo scout offlcors- hereof the galluntry and presencq of mind of onoof the loeal troephbout garner havers while delivering papers mvtv hla homo on tha beach- he was in formed by mra smith a residont thero that amoke was issuing from the shingles no ladder was available so iluvera by climbing a trceat the front o thbv house made his way to tho roof where he pulled off the smouldor ing shingles retracing bis atops he carrloa up a pall of water and put- out the embers great credit la duo to havers br his propnrodncjlg and very plucky acttonrburlington gaiette violation of egg grading act mbt a- l of lowanjsgif inspector under tfie dominion depart ment of agrloulturo paid n visit to port elgin laat wook and- loft flapers with constable george to be served on ti anderson egg buyer pf kincardine charged with cpntravcnlpg the act ro spectlug the grading of oggs it seema that andorabna father who is in the oggbuylng business with the son- had ben previously warned against buying tind aelllng eggs nt a straight price ing aesslon whon dshlng poachers and autopibblle apeeders were on trial 0d expressed interest in the prompt dispatch of justice and the considerate treatment of violators of our laws mr mcnish aaya it wlh afford him pleas ure to make a second visit to aoton ahould an opportunity offer nrvlctory for ultrvisiling teamhie scorerbclng 86 in tho oarlier part of the gome the home team were in the lead but unfortunately they went down to defeat cheer up soys it is an opportunity- to study ryour weak places and ondeavor to go in to win tho many friends of john fluslm- mons who was operuted upon last j week for appendicitis will bo ploasod to know that he is dedng as well as can bo expected last weekend richard hnrrls took a trip on his wheel up to oxford county considering the continuing dyy weather cornhtcbming on very good clover in some pjacos is looking woll while on the other hand some pasture fields orb drying up for want of rain the highway botwoop parle and woodstock js undergoing improve ments and in the immediate future will be one of the beauty spots of western ontario tfibdeeeased was born- in eramosa township and- lived in the vicinity of shllobfraiuher life her husband the late william sanderson prede ceased her in 1873 sho was a devoted member of st peters roman catholic church oustlcand although sa woll advancod in age retained her facul ties to a remarkoblo desree survlyliucaro flvesjans t3dwin lake dauphln man jainos glenavon saslc john montrb sask and thomas and charles of tlvah sask- tluv funeral took placo on tuesday morning from mbderznotta funeral parlors guolphj- at 0 oclock to st peters church oustlc for requiem high mass at 10 oclock and thence to st motors cemetery g roy ttather ilcrcarvyl of aoton the parish priest at oustlc conducted tho funoral services the castle garden orchestra of toronto will supply tho music for the dance at staiileyjpark ekin jfhday evehinp june 12 istance t i jgjjnjjjmdiohgbiance frucldng stock deiivtrtd direct to toronto stock yards arrangements may be lmadefor picnicsr r hot weather specials at mclean co mens at mens mens mens mens mens bnlbriggnn underwear 2 pieces shirt and drawers 75c and 100 muslin combination special at lisle socks at i sik andwoo socles at fine cashmere socks at work socks at 100 and u5 50c 65c i 50c 1 25c boys wash suits boys piunt waists j boys jerseys big demand for crumbs prints in stripes very suitable for boys waists mens shirts etc colors fast special i oa at per yard mens straw hats at a common straws at 175 200and 20 20cand cut prices this week in curtain l materials- floor oilcioths neat patterns for bedrooms ih 1 and cc 2 yards wide per square yard ji5c watch window for specials in grocery department mclean co mux street acton ont store closes wednesday ot li30 bettor but it wont aylmer express jr io d e lawn tea 9he junior i o0 b or holding a lawn tea on wednesday june 17 at tho homo of 7mihs3essle anderson a cordial invitation is extendi ed to all xtho ladles tea served at 6j0 p m- silver collection oakville- ceiaily the son bought a quantity of egg frpmmr mpkoeman of quints on it lut bnsls and apld them to u mpntreal firm without grading the hen fruit this cos will be heard bo- fore police mliglstroto mocartnoy at klncardlno in the near future walk orton talesgope thetowh- council has passed a by law prohibiting the solo of tobaocbto minors tho oukvllle masons are- making big preparations for their apnual garden party on thursday juno 25th munnrs congregation will hod their annual garden party pn the ohurch lawn on wednesday evening june 17 the sunday school of webloy ciiurch win liold their annual picnic at blilorndo pork on saturday juno 13th t miss daley a mccioary of sheri dan was one of the nurse graduates at the recent graduating exercises of the western hospital- toronto rev c sjnd mrs riley left on tuesday on a raptor trip to boston much nt tho beautiful hiotjntaln country of the- eastern states wlllbo traversed mrs alox mckerlle died in ncloon township in her 06th year her maiden name was mary mclaron a membor pf one of tho earliest families to settlo in that township iloovo cross returned to oakvlllo on thursday morning from philadelphia arid- is lopklng woll altiir hjs hospital term ho gotsivbout brlsklyanda few webks in the congenial oakvllo- nlr will make him much btrongor rev dr gordon ralph connor will preach in the ijnlted church orr sunday evening june l4th dr gbr don la ono of canadas peut known nuthbra haying wlitlen scnppl days in qlengnrryandrievoral other bppks a showorwna given by the metho dist choir at the residence of mrond afrb w t merry last thursday in honor of mtsa lucy richardson and howard french both are valued members of the ohplr the brldatobe waa deluged with gifts from tho choir mbmbers and others a delight ful evening i xraaspeiit clerk ryan reported to the council that the band books showed 71 on hand and liabilities of 681 after a lengthy dlsousslbn a resolution- by counolllora ajrhbuiy fljid bain was car ried voting s00to bbb macsh who greetl to wlpo off all dabta if given this amount this should efvi the band a chance to start again in a issaj removal notice h w hinton jowehor watch and clockmajcor etc is remov ing hlb bublneflb next to tom morton barber shop on mill street on afuneli925 where ho will continue to do all iopair3 and rotall the eame linos as cheaply as possible s thanking hla numerous pac- roha and soliciting ttielr further patrooago ho has also tnkon over c c floyds jowollcry stora in georgetown- whore he will also glvo of his heat to old andnew patrons h whinton jewsllerwatoh and clockmakor acton and beorqetown huttonville park on wednesday june 17 the following talent will provide the programme duncan r cowan toiwntosfttvonte coineaifflti elma angus classic dancer admission 35c fannie rogers contralto beatrice l smith pianoaccordionist children 25c i what about your hat for summer t f t now is the time to get it light hats of all descriptions at exceptionally low prices mis3 j galbraith miinor ni fancy sp9da qtora pfona109 acton ont a to serve you better jhtfst of our patrons coming to our store lately have been surprised at the transformation in the arrangement of the store interior v weve installed a new display refrigerator across one end of the shop so that you may view the tempting meats that are all ready to fulfil your order and they may yet be kept right new glass cases have been installed over both counters so that the various cuts of meat may be displayed and yet kept properly we have done itall with the one idea in mind that we may serve you better throughout tne summer especially expensive manner- huttonville park have you had a dance in o new pavilion d crjtlca tell us we have the best flbor in the country the windermere society orchestra seven pieces of toronto will supply the music friday june 12 gentiemen 100 including tax 1 saturday night dance we have been requested by soc many to hold a saturday night dance so drive around saturday evening june 13 and enjoy a dance dancing from 9 to 1130 toro pianist gentlemen 75c jncludlng ax we solicit your picnic dancing 9 to 1 puee parking space i v come and visit us if you ayent seen the jtore since tjje change come am t us you too will be surprised ft the new anpearaic 6j the interior find will have an added relish for the meat tha we bell that watch our windows friday and saturday for specials wj patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont free press job printing is always neatly dnoe t fefe4jiffiiii vv v

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