Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1925, p. 3

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1 fiftietli year no 51 f thursday morning june 18 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning june 18 1025 single copies five cents the united chuttch of canada acton rev j ctllp pator 1100 a m tho piiator rov j culp vensfhs of ministry 700 ii m tho raator rev j culp the supreme joy of tho mlnlstor fnrowoll service sunday school at 1000 a m a t brown superintendent- fbesbyterian km6x church acton mlnitttr rev a c 8towrt m a uanao willow street 1000 n msundny school 1000 n inblble class acta 12 121 1100 v m dr scofleia of ouelplf 700 l rn dr scoflcld strangers leaving address witb the ushers will bo colled upon by tho pnetor the baptist church- acton- james w boyd pastor subject btbib meaning dnd 945 a msunday school 1100 n m tho pastor baptlsm- modh 700 p m the pastor subject a wedilipff invitation thq ordinance of baptism adminis tered at both scrvlcos mondnyr i p mr young peoples ana prayer meeting all welcome special notices advertisement a in this column a cenu per word minimum charge 30c per intertion so much that is new brht aid cheery in this big store 1 moderate prices everywhere cattle for pasture wanted lots of raea- andwauiwapply nttiie john mcini k k no 2 acton for 8ale cream wicker babiitduffky in ko6 condition apply to pi o box 80 want for saturdays- only freight rcr guclph and return rate rcoeonablo 612 phone 136 acton for 8ale i puroibrdd cow due to freshen ap- ply to path kbnnhdt lot- 26 4th lino tr flax for rent aflat for rent 6 rooms and bath immodhxto possession apply to w jx talbot 45tf hardwaro store acton tub frocks to enliven summer scenes with joyously bright colors scores and scores to choose from marked with those distinctive details which place them among the most attrac tive of summer fashions yet retaining that smart simplicity which exemplifies good taste the styles are varied so that customers are sure to find their preferences be it a frock for sports or afternoon wear or the evening dansant aoent wanted- 75 retwy selling mens tailored clotlilnf 12235 delivered money bock buarnntee blgr commissions experi- enco unnecessary full or part tlmtf outfit free write box 2022 montreal -htereford-8ale- w b jowls r it orton lot ib 15 cbn2 erin will hold a dispersion sala of his hrfl of cholco purebred cattlo on tuesdojr juno 2j 10 cows in calf 6 bulls urul a number of yonntt helfera alsobonno sows wltlr piss at foot 7 r sotf hlndleyr 602 as mcdonaid auctioneers notice to creditors creditors and other personhavink claims asaliwt tho into mrs mary orr iiljlndiysondthe same on or before june 30 instant to alexander orr b avenue acton whllo not leffally responsible tho son alexander la endcavorlnsrto male an equitable adjustment of tho claims taoaacnrsseet purebred rop hol8tein cattle the uutlerslffnod has received inr striictlons oram robert w rupdell owliw to iii health to sell by public auction on his premises lot 9 sixth liner esauosdnff monbay june 22 1925 at 2j0pm tho follqwins cowf bed cow8 years calf at foot coxv syeara calf at lootcow 7 years calf at foot cow 3 yoars milking heifer 2 years mtlklner- holler 2 years bred september 25 24 cow 0 years bred oct 11 1924 cow syeirs irod oct 20 1924 helfor 2 years bred decembor 17 1024 3 veal hives 4 calves rising 1 year sow ntfiplkst olio tbrmsveal calves and silo cash alt other stock g mohthb credit on approved joint notes 5 por cent off for cash- ben petch auctioneer rk r claries rowe painting papeihangiho and decorating firatcloss work by experi- encedtnan- work pfornptly tfndsiitisfactoriiy executed 0rber8 left at 8prv8 meat 8hop i- 5- w03nderland friday june 10 the golden bed wltli an all storvcast directed by cecil b te mlllo felix cartoon tho slrt time movie juilt nt ureaented 13 yoara ako one rel drama btnrrlnie mary plckfoni illustrated onir my xittlo kangaroo one reel eom- saturday june 20 rtie great divide blnrrinb allco terry tho hcro- ine of searnmonclie conricdy tho riicancer with our igang foxnowa tuesday june 23 mia bluebeard fclnrrlnk bojo panlels chnl- tbr 7 of into the net- comedy dally doionljf i coming taetn l vltlr5l the three maskrteetb willi douglas olrbahka f r iigrecmly son voile dresses are light and airy for coolness as well as prettiness 675 jo 15 broadcloth drosses just as serviceableas they are smart 700 to 1125 fuji silk frocks liked by fashion for both sports and dress wear solidlcolors-and- stripes 900 to 16j50 printed silk frocks in dar ing color combinations 195 to 25 friicks ofwillbw suiting a texture that looks likelinerl but does not crush so easily 695 to 10 gingham dresses for morn- ing hours at 129 to 30 foxfjorch and streetwearat 375 to 500 millinery accessories fabrics childrens apparel mens sunimer rthingrgrass rags veranda shades summer draperies pictures and picture and photograph fraining- in every corner of this big store something to make your visit to guelph interesting- d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store news of local import sodom garden party juna 24 annual garden party of 4he noa- bacuwoya presbyterian church will be hold on the church lawn on 1 juno 24 tho rodert mcfarlnnecdncort co if hamilton will supplyhvery hleh- clans programme admission 35 and 25 contii a painful fall on saturday while deacendinff the cellar htair way at the family realdonco on take avenue mibb minnie z ben nett principal of acton public school made a miflstei near the foot of the atalrs and in falling- unfortunately- foil against the waferworka faucet two rlba- wore injured at the back with admirable courage ah undertook her duties aa usual on monday onday bowling tournament great preparations- are belnqr made for the one day tournament to be held at the athlefio assoc la t ion grounds hero next wednesday lumbers of rinks fromoutsldo pointahavo elgnl- flod their intention of partial pa tiny with the splendid faculties provided jhere for tho howlers there is sure to bo gathering of the bowling fans from far and near when a tournament is staged hero the greens are in the pink of condition now and the local bowlers are busy every night w c t u convention at milton tho annual convention of tho w- c t u of halton and wentworth will be held iir tho united church of canada at milton today sessions will be held at 930 and 130 oclock- thero will be interesting addresses reports and discussions rev t albert moore d z of toronto is an noun red for an address in the afternoon a plcnlc lunch will be partaken of at noon and thjnwlll give an opportunity jcorsoqlaj intercourse there should be o large attendan of w of this co niun- ity the mothers especially are inter ested j chester matthews is postmaster the post office department has honored actons biff petition rev mr culp farewell sermons hev x culp will preach farewell sermons next sunday and complete his ministry in acton during his year jin actonhohn9 firiendaby hta faithful fearless preach ing and bis earnest and kindly pastoral worh the people generally regret his ill health which compels his re tirement from actual work for the present rev and mrs culp will leave for boamsvule on monday for a short visit at liis brothers home they will then upend a short time with mrs empa bister in st thomas before going to california where they will take up residence with their son at mountain vlow weekend specials assorted jelly beans in ten different flavors a favorite with young and grownups reg 40c weekend special 32c 32c koka jbuds- a- purechocolatcpiecer special price metoilfs assorted chocolates with a large assortment yiq of cream and taffy cetnres wepk5shd special lb tf c assorted chocolates regr40c ands0cr lb week- qo end special per lb qi we have several new pieces in smiles nvjehuckles also a new line of smiles v churckles bar we are carrying a full line of ice cream in bulk and bricks a new line of smiles n chuckles bar try a pecan nut sundae new highway booth when out for a drive call at the booth on the seventh line half way between acton and george town mill street acton h wiles tatstsaruvaayfternoon was tho day chosen for the annual picnic of the local u f o and u f w o and if was an ideal day for a picnic cars drove in from all the surrounding country and blue spring park the place chosen was a busy spot all after noon for the younger members of the party races were arranged and even some of the older folk lol footwear look here a bargain in uptodate foorwenr for women gore pomps in patent leather ancl tanjnew shade worth 500 dj qc other lines in 450 and 500 values o not all sizes in each line but all sizes in the lotsee window 35 alkhs oxfords tan brown patent and blackkid tf i q jworth 550 and 000 for pi j mens fine boots from 35 to50o dozens of other lines for women misses and childrens sizes lit bargain prices r workboots play shoes dress shoes for everybody womens holeproof hoser100 15 170 all colors harry harrisonjhe shoe man we close wednesday afternoonti all the year bound with the exception of december y m ml m i ff xy- first arreat at stanuy park fn ten yaara in t connection with the arreat at stanley pork of a young man at the tj f0 picnic a week or so ago conversation with mr austin brlnffn out the fact that in tho ten years ho has conducted this summer resort this is the first arrest for drunkenness that has taken place herep- mn austin has always endeavored to djacourage th drunkenness and rowdyism at these affairs and haa been- working with- tho authorities to apprehend the offenders and to this end has had special offlcors at all dances taking place inspectors of tho vicinity claim it to be on of the cleanest parks they have jurisdiction over u fp and u fw 6 pionto at blue springs after- about five months jof coneld- ecntlon the post oitlce deijarlnierit and tho civil service comtnlsslon of tho dominion of canada flmilly decided to comply with the petition of the nearly twelve hundred cltlsens of acton and of the community seijvgd by the rural routes emanating from acton fost oltlce and have appointed mr j chestev matthews as postmaster of actotfr on friday documents were received from tho deputy postmaster general and the ostrlct superintendent of tio postal service for this division as fo- lows pfost ottlco department canada ottawa ontr juno 9 1325 poat offlce acton electoral district of halton slri i have to inform you that you hftvo been appointed to the post- mastership of tho above orlce and that instructions havo been given to tht district superintendent to transfer the offlco in question to your charge at the earliest con venient date it will be required that you and any person- whom you may desire to employ as an assistant shall before entering upon any post offlce duty subscribe to the oath or declaration of offlce in ac cordance with the post offlce act tour obedient servant signed it j gabourt deputy postmaster general to mr james chester matthews acton ontario j3fflcejf district superinte ofpbatat5brvice london ont june 11-1925- mr james chester matthews postmaster acton ontr dear sir this is to advise you that you have teu appointed postxpastcr of tiio acton post offlco and i am enclosing herewith your letter of anpolirttnentr it 1b pointed out that as this oltlce was temporarily transferred to your charge as acting post master on the 27th january last it will not according to depart mental regulations bo necessary to again effect a transfer of it to you yquto truly signed w j may dist superintendent too two teams wore chosen among tho- ladles and soft ball was played not to b outdone the mon organized and played baseball when supper time came about one hundred and twentyflve hungry folk sat around the tables and did justice to tho sup per tlfe ladles had provided tho an nual picnic is alwuys an event keenly looked forward to by the xi f o and u- f w o and his year was most en joy ably spent by all who attended knox young peoples guild visits georgetown on monday evenfhg members of knox- presbyterian church guild num bering about slicty journeyed by motor to georgetown to visit the toung peoples guild of knox church there mr rosa cameron tho president wel comed tho visitors on pehalf of their guild otter which miss mao wilson the president of the visiting guild took tho chair the programme con sisted of tho following numbersselefc- tlons frpm tho mixed quartette com posed of mrs a c stewart mrs m r mobro messrs alex minn and victor rwmiey ycal solos by mr taylor- cornet solos by mr amos mnson reading by mr b v kertyoc a splendid paper was given by miss isabel anderson tho subject being the woman of the nineteenth cen tury which described the habits and mode of living in the early part of tho nineteenth century rev mr stewart gave a short address in his usual cheery manner rev kenneth mclean the now minister at georgetown also extended words of welcome to the visiting guild after the programme waa concluded a dainty lunch was served by tho georgetown members of the guild st a i bans holds annual garden pmrty st albania church helj their annual garden party in tlte park here last thursday ovonlng it was the first r the season in actoi and a fairly larsd crowd was in attendance the on tire programme was in the hands of actott cltlzons bmtiti mndcr- bandmaster mason the band membership includ es a number of talentebt musicians and they put on a progtainme varied an interesting they were band choruses vocal bojos by mr alex mann cornet and saxaphotie solos by bandmaster mason band selections numbers by the rand male quartette comic songs and jokes by the bandsown comedian harry rlgby and a couple of black face numbers which brought forth vociferous applause from the audience by jim smith the band played sev eral numbers previous to tho pro gramme proper and during the inter mission mlijs viola rumley was the very canablo accompanist for the per formers the toand hfca aecured special scenery for the stage and this woe used with good effect at this first per formance- rev mr bouajh the rector very efficiently fulfilled the duties of chalrrnan for the proceedings al- though tho ovunlng wiis rather cool the refreshment booth did a lively business and hbe wholo affair was a moat buccosarul one the appointment of- mr matthews has called forth expressions of satis faction on all aides ho has been serving the public in tho capacity of postmaster for the past fifteen- years and is in all respects well quallflcd for the responsible position mr matthews is a native of acton about fortyfive years of ago a man of sterling character one who has had good educational advantages having been a student of acton public school and albert college belleville as well as having the opportunity of obtaining a valuable business experience in one of the largest commercial enterprises in the west where he occupied position for several years our new postmaster succeeds his father who filled the position from the days when acton was a small hamlet and saw th6 place- grow through all tho years with taconatantlyincreaa- liiff postnxbusineb8uhtiiit become one of the important industrial towns of the province v withthe aplendidlpostnl ticcommpji datlons vihlch now prevail equal to most lacs- with a population four or five tuifea the sixo of acton the grow ing postal business is handlod with a facility and convenience which means much in promptly and satisfactorily serving the public that postmaster matthews and his deputy miss fern brown who has had several years ol experience in tho oulce and who has proven herself thoroughly capable courteous and popular will serve all who have business with tho post office with aft attentive and satis factory service la a foregone con clusion news of local import poultry men elect officers the officers elocied by tho ontario poultry federation in session at the qac guolph last week arc aa fol lows r h essex toronto presi dent w j roberta vicepresident r w wade secretary the executive committee is as follows j h sajindorar london 7 prof w7 it graham guelph georgo robertson of ottawa p j kerr stratford r- motor thieves at burlington one night last week thieves broko into greenslades gaiago at rambohltt and cqrriod away all the proprietors tools and stripped the hind tire off sam- oaken truck which whs in tho building the thieves gained entrance to the premlscs by forcing the pad lock they left rib clues chief smith was notified and is busily engaged woflung on tho caserburllngton gazette poisoning dogs at milton detectives have been investigating the killing of twentyfive valuable dogs which died as the result of strychnine poisoning in milton recently seven dogs on mill street died on tho same day and it is believed that the dogs got their poison from that neighbor hood the detectives have searched tho druggists books in an endeavor tp find out the party who has been buying strychnine in unusual quantities jumps 50 feet to escape train on thursday jimmy hewson 10- yearold son of mr and mrs hewson of brampton jumped from the cn r bridge over etoblcoke creek noar queen street east a height of at least 50 feet to escape an approaching train and was badly hurt when he struck the stonycrcek he has a bad gash in his knf ft qprjniiq wrjilp wound snd is cut and bruised everywhere from the pebbles in tho stream ho is in a critical condition drug addict arrested at oakville a sentence of not less than sbr months and not more than two years was today imposed upon dale p- mur- thn drug addict by magistrate j ii shield 4awt thursddyrmur tha waff convicted of having stolen a hypoder mic set from tho office of dr a c brenner at palermo near oakville motrtha who was arrested by chief of police kerr of oakville came to can ada from tho united states only a short time ago but has already served terms of imprisonment in chatham and brontford miss crays piano recital enjoyable evening spent at hor by thepupils on monday evening miss lauretta m gray held foe an nual recital of her pupys at her homo church street on monday evening mliis gray had a large class this year twentyfivo puplltf taking port in this function the following is a list of those taking part ivy uttley kathorlno stewart ida nelllbi margaret brown helen ostrander jeannlo orr doris mac- donald dorothy mcpherson helon coxe betty llttloy elsie storey edna henderson kitty savage hoxel coxe marjory garden beatrice mc- isaac margaret young clara jlnntx knowles schram jack- symon johi black stewart lantx harvey haasard mao stewart arthur henderson this was the closing of tho terpn anl during the two months no tuition is given after tho programme miss gray entertained her guests to llght1tho identity of tho new hired man refreshments acrottdefeats george town tna football game at the park here on saturday aftamoon georgetown visited acton- lost satur day and played a league football match acton won tho tossand de- elded to play with the wind in their favor the play was mostly in the vlclnltv of the visitors goal but the home team who not successful in scoring georgetown persisted in awarding acton with corners but despite thv well placed kicks by rlgby and bayllsfl acton did not scoro thq acton oajjpas visited pnect during the first half of the match halftime score georgetown 0 acton 0- at the restart georgetown was hope ful of winning which indeed was quite reasonable having played suchra good defensive game against thor wind acton ndw playing against- the wind had a hard job on hand miller open ed the score after is minutes of play later r ray las added two more but georgetown could not withstand the repeated attacks and bran nan added a fourth goaf shortly bofore time was called miller acorod- the fifth goal time- acton g georgetown 0 crewbon8 corners thr pakchere on the trout fishing vroserves on tho qrand river in this aeoiion are now belnp brought to tbjntv the bundnys fishing naa bben partic ularly objectionable it i iuroore4 that two sunday fishermen from r ramp ton have been summoned to ap pear in acton police court for their more chicken thieving there had beewnonioro chicken stealing up to last week in the north part of halton county since tho arrest of ijoward martin who was sent tu tho ontario reformatory it looked aa if he had done all the stealing in the neighbor hood but- whether he had or not somo other thief or thieves or busy now on friday night of last woek forty birds were stolen from walter jones of moffat and it is re ported that there have been raids on pusllnch hen houses milton champ ion sermons by officsr of the united church of canada on sunday 28th inst the united church of- canada of acton is to be favored with an officer of- tho new united church as the preacher for tho day rov talbort mooro d dl no of the secretaries of the council of tho onltcd church at the great meetings of consummation and organis t ordination of rev jas w boyd interesting- ordination service at the baptist dhurch on tuesday the ordinatlonbev vices in corinecv tlon with tho setting apart of rov james w boyd to tho gospel ministry werp neld in tho baptist church oh tuesday afternbbn and evening rev mr boyd accepted this pastorate a few weeks ago ho graduated in tho theological course at mcmaster uni versity at tho recent convocation and tho impressive services carried out this usual formula of tho baptist church in tho ordination of a minister the delegation from the churches of tho guclph association to which acton is attached was very large twenty of tho twentythreo v of the association being represented by the jurstora or members and a number of cases by boh rev andrew imrie of kitchener was chosen moderator and rov t e mcldrum of chatham clerk mr boyd gave an extended state ment of his views of truth which ellc itod numerous questions by members of the council ho also gave an ex plicit rehearsal of his conversion and call to tho ministry these wereeon- slderod so satisfactory that the council unanimously decided to proceed with the ordination ceremonies this impressive service took place in tho evening tho ordination ser mon was preached by prof kerr of mcmaster- university toronto tho charge to tho candidate was given by rev w j h brown of toronto tho charge to the church by the rev j a johnston of toronto a predecessor in the pastorate hero of revmr boyd and rthe hand of fellowship was ex tended by rev a imrie prayer was offered uytteyrdra burrisrevr mr boyd pronounced the benediction rev- mr boyd took a high standing in his course at mcmaster university he is highly spoken of and has al ready made many friends in hla new charge best wishes for a successful pastorate were extended on all sides at tho close of tho afternoon session the ladies of the congregatio tatinedairthe visions pumberingabbut one hundred to tea which all enjoyed the church choir and the quartette conducted tho service of praise with much acceptance rev mr stowart of knox church and rev mr culp of the united church of canada were also present at the ordination servicer jhecokmnitinn pwcyirv- social and personal terians rev ephriam scott d d of montreal elected moderator two weekfftiifcer ifie onerous dutlea entailed at the sessions of the council will spend tlie weekend in his homo town and will occupy the pulpit of the united church on sun day dr moore will take for the subjects of his sermons these timely themes in tho r morning the united church of canada its spiritual task and-potontlaltlea- and intao evening the united church its challenge and its programme the congregation will bo glad to have such interesting themes expounded by ono who has been so close to all the actlvltlos f administration and organization and will look forward to the special dti- fcouraea with much interest guards after escaped prisoner guards of tho ontario reformatory guolph were scouring tho country for miles in search of qeorge lawrence of st thomas who mud the second at tempt to escape this year from that institution lawrence who was serv ing a term of from three to twenty- four months had served six months of his time ho was at work in tho dairy barn and when no guards wero in tho immediate vicinity he success fully made a getaway it la not yot known stated officials of the reform- atory in what dlroctlon the prlsonor went ho was 48 years of ago and in excellont health officers were here a few days ago searching for the escaped prisoner lateiv-rafter- four daya of liberty lawrence was arrested at mil ton whore he waa working with a former tho farmer found tho man sleeping in his born and employed htm to work on the farm getting wind of rov dr kphrlani scott of mon treal was on thursday morning unan imously elected moderator of the general assembly of the continuing presbyterian church at tho initial ses sion at toronto prior to tho election of dr scott as moderator a devotlonafrarvico was conducted in st andrews church tha interim moderator rev dr d c mc- queen preaching the sermon hevchurch was crowded long bo fore tho opening at 10 a m dr mc queen said the church should take a great survey not only in canada but of iho worm aoout it tho church has anew lease of life before it ond shoull take heetl of tho need for the gospel a hd find how it could beat eupply the need thero was great opportunity for service ahead of the presbyterian church he appealed for a great con centrated effort toy the church such as was evidenced in france at the end of the francorussian war 4 what france did surely this pres byterian church can do said dr mc queen dr scott was given a great recep tion ho mounted the pulpit and his first words we a recitation of god an3uraycr tho milton police apprehended him and turned him over to the reformatory authorities on saturday acquitted of arson charge anthony leece of streetsvllle ap pearing before judgo b f justin at brampton on tuesday b last week on a charge of arson was acquitted after a trial lasting four and a half hours judgo justin in acquitting him stated that tho evidence brought forth- by tho crown was insufficient -to- destroy tho benefit of tho doubt established by tho fundamental principle of british law that a man is innocent intil he is proven guilty the chief evidence cf the caso was produced by john j rofyblns formerly a hotel keeper in streetsvllle who said that he had bver- tieard a conversation- betweenr georgfe- glbbons owner of the hduoe in ques tion and the defendant in which he claimed that leece agreed to destroy tho house for a consideration which was first agreed upon as money and which later changed to a tot which bobbin was unablo to identify from the conversation rex hume star wit- heas fortfie defonce created a sensa tion whon he stated thai ho had re fuaod to admit to fire marshals dlhgfc and burnett that it was possible that leeco had been out of his sight for even twenty minutes on the night of tho fire may 24 1924 uhtll after the fire was well under way and gave evidence corroborated by other wit nesses that leece had been taking given a second charge of conspiracy including george gibbons was dropped by w s morphy crown attorney wh was assisted by roy lent j m cor- ley k c and s w burns appeared for the defendant miss allco johnstone visited in lon don during tho week mr and mrs john erwln of sarrtly tri sited actonfriends last wcelc miss gladys huffman was home from toronto over tho weekend mtsamargatett3ennett was home from toronto over tho weekend miss l ronishaw vlbltcd friends at mount denhla over the weekend v mrs g mjudge of toronto visited friends in town over the weekend mr angus kennedy- or guelph was homo on sunday with tho homefolkk misses jean and anna undsayv of toronto were homo over tho week end mrs j c- willord of toronto spent a day or two with mr beswlck thla week mr ernest brown of toronto spent the weekend with his mother and sister mr w hecttj macdonald is spend ing a couplo of weeks- with friends in sam la mr and mrs john klnnard of guelph visited old friends in acton on tuesday mr s gunton of toronto is spend ing a few weeks at tho homo of hla daughter mr rains of richards landing visited at the homo of mr d c russell this weok mr richard somervllle of london spent sunday with hla mother and sister here i rov a e loots of beeton visited at- mr thomas rumleys park avenue laat saturdny mrs russetl hawkins -and-babo- if guelph are visiting at- tho home of mr a t brown miss margaret dyer of hlllsburff la spending this week with her aunt mrs d mcdougalt r mrs thomas rumley park avenue spent tho week with het son mr roy rumley in toronto m m vy miss alice cook of guclph attended tho induction services at tho baptist church on tuesday mr and mrs albert brow- of kitchener spent the woekond at tho parental homo bower avenue mr and mrs j p mcpherson of toronto visited with mrs alice mc pherson und other friends in town at- tf rawson left for klngs- 11 ml ofbothtsl our church ho said has suffered grievous wrong divided families split congregations shattered churches is tho result disunion overy whore and many were coerced and misled ho declared another denomination had been created by union ho said those pledged to defend tho church ha failed unionists dr scott asserted should have gone out quietly- but they had not they had sought to blot out the presbyterian church forced federal parliament and legislature were bills which wero the worst in canada a moral crlmo unequalled in the countrys history had been com mitted howovor the church- stood still on its old foundations wmch wero too deep for any storm tho presbyterian church is not wood or atone it was not created by civil power and it cannot be killed by civil power it refuses to dlo he said the presbyterian church will live and todny we give thanks for relief from 20 years captivity tit menace to freedom thbpresbyterianajjsembiy now pro claimed the return to scriptural ideals presbyterians claim liberty of doc trine for others as well as for them selves ho claimed that presbytcr- tanlsm did not allow one person to make up tho mind of another the general assembly ho said had no more power to transfer the presby terian church into another chdrch than the dominion parliament had to transfer canadians to mexico or rus sia the united church had its ideals and dbcroce made by parliament he maintained much damage by monday storm in the- vicinity of everton where several buildings wart demoliahad the storm which passed around aotonon monday afternoon with little offset assumed cyclonic proportions and did considerable damage in ncar- by- plao at geor a- lively hall storm was experienced with hail stones falling in large quantities of an average slse of marbles at everton a regular tornado was experienced and a great deal of dam age was done mr r j kerr acton was in the vicinity at the time and witnessed much of tho destruction wrought tho barn on roy losllos farm wan unroofed and somo buildings around demolished at the premises of wm smith blacksmith at everton corners tha barn and house wore bo tit seriously damaged the upper story of tho house was oatrlod right awuy and furniture ajiev utensllcu in the house jwerevstrewh about tho farm the path of the tornado seomed only tickets at his picture housetdndaaj about thirty feet wide but in this otherwise employed at the show fronk radius not a thing was spared rail 70 until after k when tho alarm wasffenres were carried along stalwart maple treehwere spilt in two or up rooted and buildings of all kinds were aquatic sports at huttonvillo park july l see next weeks paper land saskatchewan monday evenlnff to visit his uncle mr john rawson mrs jane leslie of huttonvillo waa in totvn for a few days last week visiting with her friends tho mcciuro family misses schantx and raynor of kitchener spent- the weekend at the homo of mrs august anderson church street miss mario galbralth of milton spent a few days last weok at the home of mr and mrs george ritcblo church street mr and mrs n f mo0r0 at georgetown on monday attending tho funeral of the late mrs james kennedy r mr and mrs george hall and chil dren and mr and mrs thos- lcatham and children spent sunday with low- trlllo- friends t mr and mrs fred bell and mr and mrs jannca harrison of goderlch spent tho weekend at the home of mr d carnahan postmaster godfrey and mrs god froy of elora wero in town on sun day visiting postmaster matthews and other friends mr and mrs a kunnawln and misses marjory wardlaw and l t macdonald visited with hamilton friends during the we rev mr stewart john cameron and mrs spencer- husband attended the meetings of tho continuing presbyter ian cfiurch at toronto last week mr and mrs g w thompson and little daughters- vera and doris of hamilton spent tho weekend at the home of mr airreeaor mill street councillor tjiejjord is slowly con valescing ahdis now able to perform part of his duties as agent at the canadian national electric station here mr noll mcmillan mrs j mc millan mrs m perfect and mr e s dyer motored from toronto and spent sunday with mr and mrs t mcdougall mr and mrs duff pattorson and children and mr haunter of mount forest spent sunday at the homo of mrs pattersons uncle mr duncan mcdougall mr j h cameron of saskatoon r spent a few days wrh mr and mrs s william johnstone this week on route homo from tho general assembly held in toronto mr and mrs- n f moore mrs t gamble mr and mrs g h lantx mr e cleave and mr f gamble wero at georgetown on monday attending the funeral of mrs jas kennedy mr and mrs w w dredge nassa- gawoya announce the engagement of their eldest daughter mable young to mr thomas gerald morton of acton tho marriage to takeplace early in july- mr and mrs ronald mceachern f acton announce the engagement of their daughter efilo anna to alex ander thompson son of joseph henry thompson of erin township tho mar riage to be soon mr and mrs alex mcgregor an- nounco tho engagement of their young- eat daughter allco isabel to modford charles grieves of pasadena cali fornia tho marriage to take part the latter part of june rov william mcleod of silver water manitoulln island who had been attending tho cotniommirtton 8erf vices of the council of tho united church of canada at toronto visited acton friends on saturday mr and mrs a a spoors bronte announce the engagement of their daughters mary evelyn to mr barlo sidney manning son of mr and mis sydney manning forest the marriage to take place the latter part of this month mr william t q haokett of tara formerly of acton last year winner of tho john mccrae scholarship at tho collegiate ijpajjtutc has boon success ful in passing his second year political science course in class 2 of the arts course at toronto university mr and mrs a t brown mr and mrs a- t mnn mr john r ken nedy mrs r ljohnstort mrs mal colm mclean mr and mrs r j kerr and miss mnnjo b nelson at tended tho groat consummation and communion services of the united church of canada in toronto laat woek m 3 s1 m smsmmmjtm yy aosfflsgirssssw

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