Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1925, p. 4

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wttttanmhtlftvebb thuitsday junr 18 102gt the useful plough tho a country lffo la owcetl in moderato cold and boat to walk in tho air how pleasant and fair in every jlold of whouir tho fairest of flowcru adorning bowers and every meadows brow so that say no courtier may compare with them who clotho gray and follow tho useful plough thoy rise with tho morning lark and labor till almost dark then folding their shqojv tljey hasten to sleep shjf 3tst prwfl ihnri tar the positive mark buk wheelers judy by dennis h stovaxl nmuih bvtry pleasant iiarjc next morning la rinsing with b -that-aroolneine- on each green under bough their days are spent whoso minds are bent to follow tho useful plough old song buckwheat as a farm crop buckwheat is a valuabe1uloiiton to let mln koop nopo- there aint nothing your into the sandblown yard to brother could do right now minnto hon h blu ulu wordb had not urr hud llttlo car td 1i halt within a few step of the rancfthotibbliwr kdna hnnd- ed him a slip of paper on which were written all the articles she and her sister wanted him to buy while he was at san bernardino jeff glanced at it and frowned he grinned goodnaturedly however i when ho looked at the two girls and shouted say i ought to leave a few things 1n san berdos for somebody iirtno least ho straightened in tho pfflildle tinil rnokedanyototit leoti en sky theres goln to bo a bl blow ho informed judy thought a uuctiouuful teacher of young chll- hen has wiltten i am tiylng to use the merit mailc in my school as well hh the demci it mark the posltivo muik us well us tho negative murk i think it is tho light idea in handling t htldren it is the light idea in handling clill- ihen and grown pcopl too foi that i mattei phychologlats agree that it la he hope of expectation of lewaid that gives tho main foico to all forms of human effort tho reward is not al- was money or indeqd anything tang ible often h is praise nmo power leisure the happiness and welfare of others or merely tho satisfaction that tomes with accomplishment tho greater the reward or the more it is ilqjiir4ultue4uar- a town is known by the cemetery it keeps 1 a wise man has sai that c da not pixy because timv wuuui u vuiuudio wiqiyun o e then ho stuffed tho paper in tho general run of farm crops it often o of hla khaki shirt leaned nerves aa a means of malting xta farther over and spoke just loud money by rounding out tho arm husl- nou to bo heard above tho yvua ncsa rather than replacing some other banging of tho motor dont look for j important crop undoubtedly mors mo ba po five and please dont would bo grown if its ad- wor if im not back by six ill have f buckwheat vantages were better known and un- dorstoodi buckwheat has sturdy troits which makes it valuable in many w3t tt is ono of the most successful poorland crops that can be grown it has tho added advantage of generally being sown in early summer when the usual spring rush of seeding is over and af the same tlmo requires about as llttlo labor to handle aa any crop worth i growing it is practically immune to insect and plantdisease pests on account of its rapid growing ha bits buckwheat makes on excellent green manure and for the same rea son is valuable in checking the growth of weeds the cereal division has found that by growing two crops of buckwheat in succession and ploughing each under as soon aa the first flowers bloom we can control couchffraaa al most invariably buckwheat la a real money crop to the beekoepcr and sl few acres of this crop will mean a considerable source of nectar for the bees tho avorage yield of buckwheatruns from busrjtels pec acre but yields ofyhirtyflye and flfty bushels have been recorded under very favorable conditions the prices paid for seeddo not vary much and the de mand is usually quite steady buckwheat requires a cool moist clima ond undrayerage weather conditions a crop will maturo in from to wait my turn at tho land office i am going to have old buck wheeler nailed down good and proper before i start home waving a brown hand the boy then started off say girls jeff called over his shoulder dont forget to put that pesky roan colt in the stable real early this afternoon youd better get tho powa in from the alfalfa pasture by ilvethlrty pluto can help you with that job- if buck wheelers judy comes over on her polkadot piebald dont let her annoy you dont you worry edna answered hurry along big brother we can run this ranch for ono day anyhow without your help the little car skipped out across tho bronzed spaces of the llano flats as if bent pn making the long trip in one leap and for the first tjme tbe two girls were left alone on the isolated ranch old buck wheeler was the nearest nelghb6r to the keppers his wife was 6iad njkllieand judyiiis only child a girl of six to en ran tho ranch and raised a continual crop of trouble the keppers had scarcely token possession o the red crag when hos tilities had begun buck whoojer and judy hod como over to serve tho cus- tomaryiuiuinatum old buck had very- llttlo to say about the scenery or the climate but he had offered the infor- etght to eleven weeks imation in unmistakable language as far as soil is concerned buck- a certam corner btaj or m0numont wheat does well on almost any aoll a- long as it is wll drained but it does its beat on sandy or light looms willi the seed will germinate and grow en light dry soil the yields will be ro- duced especially during periods of drought on heavy rich soil it is in clined to lodge and this tendency makes the crop difficult to bandit at liarvest the yield is not lowered however if tjtipctop l grwn nn gno iwr there are three main varieties gea- erally grown but the ones most com monly found are silverhull and the japanese the amount of seed to sow varies from two to five pecks depend ing on tho type of soil it id sown on the lighter soils require more and the better the land leas seed tho crop is generally sown any tlmo from the middlo of junb till the middle of july the earlier seeding is more apt to be blasted if a drought occurs when tho blossoms appear the crop is harvested as soon aa the ilrst seeds ore fully mature the re maining seed maturing in the btook the crop can be cut either by cradlo was not at tho location tho former owner indicated instead it was burled undor the sand soveral yards wegt this meant that he hadtrlght and tttlo to a considerable strip of land along tho bottom of tho arroyo which the new owners of the red crag might wrongfully claim lot him have his old land- edna and mlnnlo had said willingly enough whats a few acres j mudsill wed bettor come over and tell you an warn you to keep inside keep insido why whats goi to happen edna stammered tho broken question in a voice of anxlctj her gaso on judy the latter had i fin ed the little calico pony up neat the stop nevor had aho been so close and nover had tho two girls aoen ejes thit wore so blue her lips were as rod is wild hutnac berries and her features were attractive in splto of freckles untl tan again in judys calm look edna and minnlo caught a silent appeal is if tho girl wanted to epcuk to thorn but lackod the courage i you folks are tendcrfect out in this country declared old buck with his frank sincerity ive lived hero in those parts a long timoi and my advice is for you to keep in the house for the next few hours judy and me have already driven your calves and that roan colt in tho stable your cows will be safe over against tho bluff with these words the bearded ranch- i er turned his mount around and rodo off hurriedly judys spotted cayjuso following close behind edna and minnie stood speechless and watchel the two riders drop out of sight into tho arroyo suddenly thoy woro aroused b a puff of wind which lifted a cloud of duat and sand from tho dry yards hurling it against the side of aho house thia was quickly followed by another puff and then another with a multi tude of dust clouds rising from every where like tho smoke of a cannonuie off to tho cast the hoilzon had turn ed to ink and all tho sky was over- cost with a leaden curtain something dreadfur la going to hap pen declared edna in n low voice of subdued fear as she laid a trembling hand on minnies arm i can feel ill we must heed buck wheelers warning and gd inside we ought to know foratnre thatnivery thing is ull 7l iy bccause they are young hut that they are young in order that they may play that is in order that they may feat tho impulses of their naturo nnd le lrn by innocent expcrl- tmco che uufc and tho unsafe roads of life tho right ones and tho wrong ones it is the duty and privilege of both parent nnd teacher to help tho child to make a good beginning and they can do so fai more effectively by rowardlng it for a right start tljan by punishing it for a wrong stmt a teacher wjio had to leave htr- young pupils alone for a few mlnutoi once told them not to get their feet tangled in tho i ungs of their chairs while sho was away whervsho re turned every child had its feet so entangled ami in consequence evcrv child received dismerits how much better it would have been hid tlu teacher left tho pupils some work to occupy their minds and hnd promised them credit marks if they did tho work well deaf mi edllot have you evei viultod an old derfert- td cuhoteiy have you ever tramp- d hi oiinu in uncut grass picking jour way tin oujjh buahca and briar in seaich of some- neglected gravo of long ago looking for information of tho lifo story of a pioneer family theic nro two klnda of men in every clinetery ono who takes caio of his cemetery plot and tho other forgets and whenover anything is said dn tho sub ject the one who jin remembered will bo likely to observe that its every- 1 bodys duty to kcephls llttlo corner looking worthy of thoso who are gone and of tho children of to morrow he will then assume tho air of a tan rpv f d c niun wi16 hus done all jicclcd o-hint- tfiat can be ex- osortof iettheother jeff in long btoolca until dry enough to thresh it has teen found that sweet clover seed may be sown quite safely with the buckwheat and usually will add very considerably to the feeding value of tho straw in fact these crops go very well together both thriving under es sentially similar conditions j g carl frnaer cereallst more or less in a region where jhere is morp land than atmosphero jeyr however had not been inclined to pass the matter over merely on tho desert patriarchs word to him this was i plain case of bluff he was not going to lie down and let buck walk over him boot and spurs he had taken up the challenge and the fight went on just as it had been going or years un numbered this made matters unpleasant for edna and minnie in that thoy were denied the opportunity to get acquaint ed with buck wheelers judy ex cept for that first day when she bad como over with tier father to make tha right out at the barn though left the stock in our care lets skip to tho corral wo can get there and back in no time min nld always the impulsive one of tho two seized ednas hand and they went running across tho yard a fierce gust of wind struck them and almost hurl ed them froth their feet before thoy realized what hud happened they were caught in the blinding swirl of flying sand envoi ope d in the smothering cloud buffeted by the gale they were driven wihymilly instead thoso who aro responsible for the training of children both at home ani at school are too much disposed 10 teach children by saying dont do this and dont do that better than constant prohibition nnd warning and punishrhent is keeping tho childs mind so full of profitable things it will enjoy doing as to leave it no tlmo for anything else it is not always easy to carry out but dt is worth doing as far as possible it is sound in theory nnd successful in practise once tho dlamerlt mark tho nega tive mark was the only mark known in the educational wprld it was usod to punish the child for the poor lesson or tho broken rule to humiliate and shamo i befo the o pupils and al its tiomo the teacher has adopttd t bejr pjajnwejippfi ifcat the number of teachers who uso tho merit mark the positive mark is increas ing and thatmore and more parents will deal wlfli the problems of child hood lnthatjvay fellow do his part expression true ho has been faithful unto his own his is by fai the better example but how about his obligations to the community can it bo said that any man la absolved from duty while cer tain of tho cemetery la lacking in unity and attractiveness for tho moment let us forget that cemcteiles are tho children of sontl- ment let us forget also that they are treasure houses of imperishable re cords view them if you please from the standpoint of civic prldo all the more responsible citizens like to jseo their city or town mndo more influential and aggressive aaldo from all consideration of financial better ment most people are interested in having their home town look as well as tho next one and in these days no community which neglects its ceme- 1 terlts can be called thoroughly pro- 1 gresslve nor can it have tho beauty of setting which rlghtfullly belongs to it men are known by the company they keep yea and so aro towns towns cannot afford to keep question able cemeteries much is being done in canada to day to develop the garden idea in cemeteries with real memorials in the place of tombstones it is a war against gloom an effort to do away with surroundings which ore ugly and forbidding this movement is reach ing out to all parts of the country and the tlmo is coming when a neglected cemetery will bo a badge of disgrace which no town will want to wear it is not expected nor la it desirable that all tho oldfashioned graveyards shall bo converted into gardens such treatment can only bo applldo to the newer sections which aro yet to- bo laid out but tho older grounds can ho well kept and enriched with sult- ablcplan tings of trees and shrubbery 1 in that way thoy can bo brought into harmony with tho modern plan aa a matter of civic prldo then or ko sttte it moraptain7yrus a matter no 3 on giving advice a tectums what in- dicates best what people think of their motor cars s nswer whether they buy another of same make when they come to buy a new one more than 75 of the mclaughlin- buicks built each year are purchased by former mclaughlinbuick owners otteacmhjrtlre eomretue liirnnsytiaia r iuo uy iuio i preliminary announcement about tho or self reaper and too shewes putfy corncr 8ta h hnd f- handling natural swarm there is a swarm of bees clustering in one of my trees what shall i do comes the tolephone message if you have no beekeeping equip ment invert a box oyer the cluster and smoke or crowd the bees up into it then place them where thoy whl be undisturbed and secure a hive as soon as possible a beekeeper would use a complete hive containing frames of full sheet i of foundation or drawn comb and would have a smoker going in cose of need to prevent tho swarm from desert ing open brood is often used if pro curable or an excluder is placed be tween board and hives body bmh on wh the s 1m -j- clustered la unimportant it should ho cut without disturbing the bees carried to the hive and the bees shaken frota it in front of the entrance direct beos into hive by a few puffs of smoke should the cluster support bo im movable brush jar crowd or smoke bees into a box from which they are dumped in front of the hive entrance in case of a queen with clipped wings procedure is- more almnje while the swarm- la in the air the dipped queen should be found on grass a tew feet frqm the hive entrance and cogl next move the old hive t6 a now lo cation substituting in its place complete hive already described and stack the partlyfilled supers removed from the old hivo above the caed queen is placed in the entrance ojid all la ready for the swarm which soon returns anotenters the hive in search of the queen when a goodly numbtti of bees have entered the hivo tho queen is released and enters too then all again start work with renewed vigor a h w birch apiarist i lost corncr stake she had nover ap proached within speaking distance tho girls knew her hair was rod red as the ochre cliffs when tho desert sun flamod on them they had lookod straight into her eyes that morning too and had noticed how deeply calm and blue they were indeed judy ham the manner and bearing of one who could toko care of herself in almost any situation she neither smiled nor scowled bat there was something in her silent gaze that had touched n responsive chord in the hearts of edna and minnie the sisters were thinking of judy when they returned to the ranch house that morning jeff left on his hurry trip to san bernardino not for two days had they seen the redbalrod girl i wish she would come over and give us a chanco to be decent edna re marked with a longing glance in the direction of the cluster of unpointed buildings and corrals that covered the floor of browngrassed bonch on the opposite side of the arroyo she thinks of course we are loaded for trouble and have drawn a dead lino between their ranph and ours we didnt start animosities min nie reminded but judys dad lost i no tlmo in gqtgthmjinder way rymrnknrparnydlaroo jeff for flaring up the way he did it isnt human nature to look pleasant when some body goes out of his way to step on your toes thats all true enough still judy may have little or nothing to do with it possibly hot as far as im con cerned judy is wolcome to come here and stay any time she pleases its her place to call tho ranch house and all the red j crag with its encircling demesne of j sun -blistered- ridges- ravines and tho sand hills seemed unusually lonely this autumn morning an oppressive stillness accentuated by a dull gray sky made the isolation more com plete whewrww i feel exactly ns if wo were thelone inhabitants of the moon ejaculated edna tossing off her big sun hat lets get busy nt something dont you notice what i funny feeling there is in the air right now this must be earthquake weather i intended doing they were driven across the open lot and on toward the bluffs before they know if thoy had lost all sense of direction they could see no distance at all for a chocking mass of flying sand was hurled upon them to breathe was impossible so dense and stifling was the avalanche of gritty stuff that rained from every where pelting their cheeks like a mil lion bits of flint unable to keep their feet and afraid of being separated tho girls droppad to their knees groping their way over the ground but clinging tightly to eafch other while thoy struggled and pushed through the swirling maze gasping and choking thoy heard the muffled clattering of hoofs for a dreadful moment they sat in a close huddle afraid of being trampled on then the hoofbeats died away and tho two were starting on again when a girls figure suddenly thriist through the blinding swirl scarcely daring to open their eyes because of the flying sand edna and minnie became aware of judys presence they felt the grasp of her strong capable bands as sho helped them up and led themon without a word yt with the unerring certainty of one born to the terrors of tho desert she pulled them forward from the shelter of ono greasewood bush to another until they canteup under the pro tecting lee of tho bluff several hun dred yards behind tho ranch hoyao here close against tho bronzed cliff was an old powder house or cave in which explosives had been kept forj safety at tho time whon the blasting wasjlono ori tho red crag thia proved a welcoming haven judy let go her hold of edna and minnie long enough to strain at tho thick wood on door at last she wrenched it open and with llttlo cero- mony shoved the almost exhausted p thr the narrow one onco inside the three sank in a huddl it is quite probable t that there are more tender feelings hurt dally by the proffer of unsolicited advice than by deliberate or careless unkindness moie warm likings for people suddenly chill ed by that ostensibly friendly act than by any gross betrayal and it is not xnly tho supersensitive person who resents unsolicited advice that free gift is annoying to everyone if you will consider th tt hnrftpfrtfmthtfrrrj it 13 to give tho lawyers an ri octots you will observe that thoso who are most successful and trusted i re shy about advising anyone on any subject unconnected with their profes sion theli tolerance of habits of thoughts and methods of doing thing that are not their habits and methods is astonishing thoy have pcrhans learned by experience that nothing else shakes confidence in anyone so much ns tne free bestowel of advice and criticism and that nothing is more productive of unpopularity of court o no one should shrink from unpopularity where his duty is con cerned but the amateur giver o ad vice is prone to mistake the expres sion of an inherent bosslnoas for the call of duty he issues his coi rectivo comments with satisfaction in his ability to see an error and point out a better way ho betrays tho sense of superiority which is to tho others he most obnoxious of all tho senses if the giver of advice reaily felt pain or discomfort nt having to offer tnesuggeatlons the advice how ever unwelcome would not react so unfavorably upon the relations be tween tho glyer and recipient ver seldom however la it issued in a spirit of reluctance thero is usually some thing smug and consciously efficient about the expert in advice tho wise man makes allowance for human perversity people would fai rather learn by theli own mistakes than bo steered however capably by their clever friends of cofd business it pays to mako the cemeteries beautiful other things bo ing equal that town will thrive most which presents tho best picture to those who visit it watch tho picture therefore and tffro that nothing is al lowed to cheapen it verj reapefctfully yours m g wardell chiirmnn of cemetery committee of menrot lal craftsmen of of ontai lo d1m csught in his own trap a scottish professor waa a terror to students with bis catch questions but ono day he met his match ex amining a student regarding tho class es he attended ho said apd you attended tho class for mathematics yea sir tell me then how many aides has a circle two said the student tho professor smiled broadly a3 ho asked what are thej but his smile faded away with the laugh that resounded through the room as tho student replied an in side and an outside this rather tamed down the pro- fossor and he asked ordinary ques tions for a while but finally he could not resist hla ruling propensity so you attended tho mo nil phtl- 1 osophy class also he asked yes answered tho student then you must have heard lectures on various subjects did you ever hear ono on cause and effect yes sir give me an instance a man wheeling a barrow the professor asked no more ques tlons s v king representative for this section georgetown j ontario end of canning in sight what do you do whety the sales are slow survicals in clothes by a largo number of interesting survivals anya tho london times i- lts report of mr wilfred m webb lecture before the ethnological so clety dress illustrates tho lnnato con servatlsm of humanity i ajnong thoso eur vi volar- i3t h o hirt i band the original purpose of which was to hold a plecoof cloth or linen round the head a darkness while they quiet your nerves blg sister we i dont have such weather out here we amendments to the highway trafflc act provide that headlights on motor cars must be cut down to 21 candle power instead of the s2 candlepower allowed previously such litfhts ahalt be equipped with a novice for ellmlnst tlon of glare as approved by the do pariment and to be so deflected or ad justed- thut no portion of the reflected light shall be more than 7 feet n feontofthe lnrriph and rise above 43 inches from the tend the net ajsoj provides that the driver of v every vehicle shall stop before entering or crossing a through highway as desig nated by the department of highway or by a bylaw passed by a munici pality and approved by the depart ment stop signs will be erected at all such crossings to comply with the regulations interest rate on farm la no ontario farmers benefit annually to tho amount of about 42600 through the reductions made by the provincial government of the interest rate on farm loans from 6 per cent to 6h per cont which comes into effect im- mediately the reduction is retro nctlv to the extent that all loans made to date under the agricultural oevolopmopt aot will bo reduced to g per cont farm loons nre effected to tiio amount of 8500000 covered in between 2000 and 2600 contractu the stocking bag and a book making- themselves comfortable on the living room loungo the two sisters promised themselves three hours o more of this occupation for it was oply eight oclock and there would btt few outside chores to do till noon a they darned and read they paused now and then to took at the graying ky and to note with a growing nenso of uneas1nessrtholeaden pall that hung ovart hejagged tooth of old grayback minnie who was the lost to read laid the book aside for lunch time was drawing near edna proposed tht they drive the roan colt in before dinnevbolh tfod started toward the door when they heard a clattering of boors an if pne or more riders had rushed up to the house v this wan followed by a deepthroated call of salutation hallaoaal a bit frightened and uncertain tho two girls went to the door to dis cover buck wheeler and judy in the yard the ranchers beardod face wore nn expression of grave concern arent you girls alone when edha answered with an affirmative shako of her head the rian continued brus quely i thought i saw that brother o yours hlttip it off toown early this morn in is there something you want of our brother minnie inquired rather indignantly a quick look of reproach from edna prevented her from say in y pi aro cleared their lungs and got thetr breath they heard the walling moaning and shrieking of the storm as it beat and ragod against thojiuff and howling like a million demons jyer the ranch finally the gale subsided nnd edna and winnie still sitting in a closo huddle exchanged a few low spoker words judy kept silent but her com panions heard her climb up to the door and attempted to open it e dently she was having difficulty getting open for sho failed to push it back wed hotter help her edna suggested getting up when all three of them put their united strength tc the door however hey still could not budge it what shall we do how shall w ever get out edna exclaimed in muffled tones of despnlr i wo shall suffocate if wff have to u luucu 01 ciom or mm j round the head a picture exists of i egyptian figure dated 3500 b c th s headgear of which consists of a piece of linen with a band tied round it thac terminates in two talis at the back a survival ot that is to be found in tho tails of the presentday scottish bonnet and the sailors cap again the clocks on stockings were original v a species of ornamentation put on to j hide the seams wheie tho stuff wra joined together the polnte on tht backs of gloves originally were strips of braid used to cover the fleams in the gloves in the early times men of fashion when they tired of particular suits have always given them away to their servants nnd the practice- has resulted in some style of scivants costumes fumlliar to us in modern days tho groom for ex ample represents a gentleman of tho beprliinng of the nineteenth century a generation ago an orange or a banana was a luxury to be indulged in at christmas time or only on great occasions today they and the othsi fresh fruits and vogctablea are staple all tho year around and arc moderately priced j better methods of transportation have brought this about nnd tho pro- cess- is advancing with a hop skip and a jump all this is happening just in the nick of time for we are learning more and moro about tho necess of fresh yi uitsulidyj3ge4 tables in tho diet about their vitamin valuo and minernj content in tho frost two ycaia shipments of fresh fruits and vegetables from pro ducer to consumer have increased ono third this will materially reduce the volume of household c inning and will i relievo tho home of ono of its heavy burdens man with plush breeches and powder ed hair is a gentleman of the time of george iii the sheriffs coachman with fullaklrtod coat and wig isa gentleman of the time of george ii nna tho xtord mayors coachman and sulto are very fine gentlemen of the time of george iii in tie twentieth century we hand on our evening clothes to the waiters who stand be hind us at our dinner table bwuit duuucuic ii we have to re and he still wears the belt that ladies jmain in this black hole much longer used to hold on by when they were minnie added tho storm must bo ovci riding behind in the pillion tho foot- by now for its so very quiet outside judy continue to hold her silence but in the still period that fojlowed both isdna and minn is folt thp joul of her strong- hand never had they experienced anything more assuring than this kindly caress she climbed up to tho door again and began jm pound with her flats against the pane the other two girls- shouted nnd called but their stifled voices seemed to go nowhere at lasl come tho crunching of fcot on the sand just outsldo the heavy door howeveivhindtho deep- throated voice of old buck wheeler was plainly heard followed by the digging away the sand from the door and it was not long before the girls were re turned from tlielr temporary prison i but the oxperienoo of the girls wlthj judy had given the touch of friendship the girls had desired to have and in spite of the bad beginning of nelgh- borllness the kindly feeling grew stronger when jeff returned the way was made easy for him by the neigh borly calls of judy for confernco which to a fietuement between buck you mr merchant believe that you are entitled to a fair share of the patronage of this community at the out- lay of considerable capital you have laid n a stock suited to the needs of the people they certainly give you a chance to do business and make a living the free press is exactly in the same position as you are we have in vested money in a weuequipped printing plant weissue what nianyreaders say is the best country newspaper they have ever seen s wheelor nnd jeff of the boundary line dlemte jeff felt h could not hold an enmity ngralnst his neighbors after the way they had saved his sisters when left nlbno at the ranch iut when jeff offered to let buck hnve all trn lamf even muck loosened ui nnd said they would split it oven a home motto what better verse eould we frnmo and hansr on our walls us a motto of our home than this by max khrmnnl whoa or thou are that entcroth hep korget thcstruffellng woi hi and eveiy trembling- feai take fi om thy heart each evil thoual r and nil that selfishness within thy life hath w for one within jhls plaps thpult find no barter wnshfa fcoi ijor masters voles unkind hero all are kin of qod above thou too deaf heart and heio tim ule of life is l h t a safe and sure medicine fpr a child j troubied with worms is mother qiaved j worm extormlnator sflrtresmm for quid hotwaterl rill an smp enamelad tea kettle set it on the store no kettle will boil water quicker that ateena con venience tine saved too all smp enameled otenalla are ray fureomlnjr to tto boil and in their jobof cook ing- not only quicker to cook with but caller mora qujckly cleaned after jae bestanrwmr yon look at it think tbi over smp enameled teakettles save fuel this office has in stock commodi ties that you need they are of the very highest craality 100 per cent efficiency the goods are a staple but the stock isnt moving as it should what da you do mr merchant when the goods dont move as you think they should well this is what we are doingtell ing about the goods you need in the hope- of convincing you that you need them we are advertising our goods we are advertising advertising dont you think that is a pretty good plan why not move your goods the same way n all lines of a m p carried by james symon hardware mill 8treet the acton free press the home paper that goes to the homes nhii j-

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