Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1925, p. 5

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thk member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton tree press is published every thursday morning al thetree jpress building mill street acton ontario the subscription price is jxoo per year in advance postage la charged additional to offices in- the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on tbe address label advertising rates transient advertise meats 10 cents per line nffate measure or first insertion and 5 cents per lint for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise merits for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents- per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and ch arged accordingly h p moohe president and editor 0 a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office tiw i residence of president f ifj residence of manager 13 neighborhood news- town and country milton the appointment of j c matthews postmaster acton is well satisfied- and well served in the ap pointment of j chester matthews as postmaster to fill the vacancy oausqd by the death of his father the lata james matthews trjia appointment is emi nently satisfactory to the people of this community ana the electors generally arp much pleased that the appointment was made not on the grounds of party patronage but on the basis of personal experience and qualification for the office and in response to the almost universal request of the residents win are to be served mr matthews is a man of ex perience nod ability and ripe judgment andenjoys the respect and confidence of the people of this comunity clly f hornby the wlntl a is foftunfttewdoedi hnvwgthie4iead of- in i i bmaviuingiumpi this important andresponsiblepubncjnstitutionn man of the characterandab4lity of james chester matthews thursdayjwormng june 18 1925 editorial party lines forgotten a feature of the week in the house tf commons was the allday discusssion of the bill of joseph t shaw west calgary placing women on an equality with men insofar as the grounds of divorce are con cerned after many divisions the bill was given a third reading in the house by a majority of 51 in all the votes of the day four altogether party lines were largely disregarde3auhough the progressive party preserved a fairly united front through all of them- s real ontario highlands a new tourist booklet just issued by the pro vincial government with the idea of attracting more visitorsfrom across the line has several references to the ontario highlands which it enthuses over as presenting i summer climate lar because the district lies from seven hundred to two thousand carefulness is worth while when the motorist slips along over a smooth wide roadway such as the provincial highway that runs through acton at or above the speed limit with no traffic in sight he has a tendency to laugh at the necessity for regulations but occasionally the necessity from which laws arise is borne in on one with- striking force the writer saw a young lady knocked down on a city street one morning last week with serious injury qesulting by a young man who drove carelessly and doubtlesgjy unthinkingly around a corner it is safe to say he didthink rather more seriously when he saw the victim of the ac cident picked up limp and unconscious and hurried to the hospital while he himself went off to the police station and it is just- at such moments that accidents occur and it is to protect the motorist himself as well as pedestrians that the laws are en acted it may seem absurd to be expected to drive fifteen miles or less at intersections but experience proves that carefulness must be forced on some of the people laws are made for the greatest good to the greatest number a principle which pervades all th lives thinking pe and us such the speedregulating laws should be regarded with much seriousness and consideration filonrih of churllo johnston of limiufoici formorly of milton rogrel to loam tlmt ho la in poor health at present chicken thlovctt recently viulfed the ftu m of vi od stovena of poatvllle some go blrdh wei e taken mm dr oollop of georgetown formei ly of milton hau ona to chic ago whero blio will vlalt for a few weekh with her hon and daughter rev h w watts of guolph form- the united churah of canada the impressive services of the consummation and ha of th united church of c at tor onto last week commanded worldwide interest th fusion of the presbyterian methodist and congre gational churches into one body with the avowed purpose of wider fellowship and service and to fulfil more fullythe sacred mission committed to the church by almighty god was officially consummated under auspices most reverent and manifestly felt by all who participated in them or witnessed the cere monies of consecration qnd hallowing rev r e knowles the wellknown writer and author tersely jeetatjove sea level which in itself is all very fine did you ever stop totfiihlc7tio wever thattacton lies over a thousand feet aove sea level rather more than some of these muchvaunted resorts and that we have the same advantage in climate and a good deal more convenience in the matter of food supplies than the people in the same resorts a good deal of whose food is shipped in from wholesale houses in tor onto it always pays to go away jojnew sightsnd scenes for a holiday of course but it is somewhat comforting to think that we have right here at home hat thousands of visitors travel hundreds of miles at considerable expense to enjoy lets think about it you live in a lovely country a visitor who was motoring back to toronto said after passing through sections of esquesing and nassagaweya the views of those ranges of hills and the green in the valleys is inspiring 1 wonder how much the people of this district think about it a real reason for wonder surely most of us are so much immersed inbusiness and household worries that we seldom take time or thought for the beauties in the world around us but the city man who spends nostof his time amid manmade things and the artificialities of presentday highlyoganized life is driven by the sheer beauty of it and the marked dissimilarity from his ordinary habitat to remark about it likewise the man who lives in a flat country is struck with the beauty which only comes in the rolling country such as holton presents in such measures it is this sort of thing which makes ntte really worth living7gettingawayfrolnthgrid of daily duties and thinking about tbb really fine things that we have as a heritage suppose we all think more about it and really rejoice in the glory we haye in natural beauty right here in and round about acton about that motor camp the ontario government tourist booklet which seems now to be an annual publication and which certainly does a great deal to bring in visitors from across the border has just been issued anu we under stand some fifty thousand copies are being circulated through touring bureaus motor clubs hotels and other agencies in the united states jjie list of motor camps at the back of the book is headed since it falhtfirst in alphabetical order with an item some thing like this acton camp on fairy lake boat ing bathing municipal water supply buildings for use in wet weather inow we are not aware who is originally responsible for this information but since the booklet is issued under government authority i willbe assumed by the tourist to be authentic and we have rathera humorous vision of campers impressions of our good little jown when they begin to inquire about the boating arid bathing isnt it flfemljimeaitheeiicrpress suggested several times jgjjabxitajnjwiuamistinpreparjng canadas last year that this matter of the motor camp be taken up seriously the location is there certainly and a splendid one but some definite provision needs to be made in the way of enclosure and di rective signs the traffic omheprovincial highway is quite dense enough to assure such a camp being used if it is known it cannot be anticipated that campers will stop when there is no local intimation that facilities for their comfort and convenience exist one knows several towns smaller than acton and with less favorable facilities where the motor camp idea has been developed seriously and has re sulted in a mightly worth while business for local merchants where people sleep they cat and in variably before a motor party starts put iirthc morn- ing they want to see the local shops and lay in the days supplies for the car as well as t for its passen gers the matter is worth the attention of the council at its next session i r and vividly d this great hi event the thing is done a quarter the star as follows oftcenturyof waiting hoping struggling has be come today an hour of palpitating joy the united church of canada was born to-day- its advent at tended by high revelry of rejoicing hearts not in terttple or cathedral nor amid longdrawn aisle and fretted vault echoing the note of praise but as if symbolic to make the place of its feet glorious the holy festivities were held within an area set apart to athletic prowess and physical endeavor now these do it to obtain a corruptible crown but we are incorruptible great and impressive was the scene eight thousand reverent souls were there they too but representative of the great host which no man could number from ocean unto ocean who have lived to see this day and seeing have rejoiced and who there bujc felt the clouds of witness the throng of men once like us with suffering tried but now with glory crowned who in the calm eter nities must have realized long since how trivial is so much that has divided us how sovereign so much that unites it is an hour for nataional pride and hope fnthehighest things of lif can has led the world precedent for this there is none the adventure is the sole work of these forwardlooking pilgrim and the pilgrims god blended forever are these three great churches now each living still each glorifying in the sacrifice of much that it might be possible for all to show to the world that nearness to christ means nearness to one another and to call the whole christian commonwealth to the yettobefulfilled hope and drrjam of the christian brotherhood of man one great line from an english poet beat upon my heart as i surveyed he epochmaking scene in reality if not in words it had its sacred custody over all ths subdued and wondering multitude the words were these on to th6 bound of waste on to tho city of god the subsequent meetings from day to day of the 350 members of the council of the united church in the deliberations upon the plans for administration of the new united church have been fraught with a fine spirit of endeavor to ac complish in the best spirit of endeavor in the best possible manner methods of operation for the suc cessful carrying out of the functions of the union there is an admirable spirit of reciprocity and con sideration on the part of the members of the council and the outcome may reasonably be expected to be satisfactorily adjusted purlshlonorauund heratlia pout waoitc ben fk mcgregor a ti afalgaibo f and second son of chorion mcgregor uuh one of tho liberals selected in the saskatchewan general election hold on juno 2nd good boy bon in tho football match played hero at saturday milton defeated tho tfalrbnnk united by 30 tho dry spell of wonthor is having un effect naturally on our water sup ply and it shows the futility of going on with the installation of a sower sy h tem hero until tho question of on adequate supply of water has been propctly settled in tho meantime notlng is surterfifigr very badly an the matteis stand at pre ent nevertheless tho matter of procuring an adtfitionnl supply of water for all purposes tho sowers included should not le unduly delayed by tho authorities reformer mrs wm panton and daughter miss helen left yesterday for a visit of homo months to her son dr k ix pan torn of vancouver b c tho milton lawn tennis ciub held thoir first tournament inst week ladles singles mona singles and mix ed doubles were played all toport a very enjoyable time wm j jlattlmore of syracuse ny fs spending two weeks with mr and mrs j a stover iteovq cross of oak vi lie got home from philadelphia last week looking well after his long hospital experience last weok 4t was reported that tho toronto wire and nail co lttl man aged by messrs b h hutchinson and geo h boblobon late of p l rob ertson co ltd hod boon burned out mr hutchinsoirwaa here tor thoweek nd ho said tho are was not a serious one the lose was not heavy and it was covered by insurance champion erin mih muijjaict bingham hpent the wcokend with georgetown fj lends mum mcintosh of toionto is visit ing with mr and mrs elmei millet mr and alts d l mumlell and babe spent the week t end with toronto friends mr john matthews of brandon man is visiting with iiih bi other mr h matthews mr and mre t v smith of ouulpi wore sunday vlsltots with mr and mrs george cooke misa v hurt of ottawa visited her sistei mrs a hurt heio foi a few days this week mrs vt s mcklnnpn and iftttlo daughter of olds alberta uie visiting with dr and mrs abbott d and miss jna graham wore suu day visit ornhttlte home of mi geo istnond norval mr and mrs robt dunbar mi richard webb mr w a jiuntei mw ii hunter of quelph were sundnv visitors with mr s yehh mr aind mrs richard tinea and eon austin nnd mr and mrs noi- man mcenory motored and visited friends at camp borden on sunday mr elgin lnughlin has beon suc cessful in winning the silver cup ai the public speaking contest recently held in brampton far tho j ij i a and jwi of peel county the watson family of shelburne lncltdjiii1rut fifty of tho family connection assombltd at stanley park on sunday and spent a pleasant day in the shade of the beautiful grove mr and mrs malcolm ferguson mr and mrs e lllley mrs ralph peterson and daughter miss dorothy ann peterson of chicago 111 aro tho visitors with mrs mcdowell and mr alex ferguson advocate you might meet a fool on tho rpad at tho foot of tho rock ies la a sign that readij 1dangoi sharp cuivtj you might moot a fool such a sign is calculated to make a driver sit up and take notice tho lat ter soos at almost evoiy ohm p curvo a notice to pi oceed with caution or to blow hlh horn mil comes to mo a httlo impressed by them ho has con fidence in hi ability to avoid running into another car hut if there is fool in the otliei cue tho cffoits maty bo futile there would bo fat fewer automobile mishaps if veiy dtivdr would beat constantly iij mind tho possibility that fffoio nmy be a fool ahead not only on the sharp cuivs but on tho straight stretches of the road it is unwise to assume that each thfi li iq experienced drlvci who knoj uatlh ruloh and will obey them you may think that inasmuch an you arc keep ing on your side of the load thero ii no dargoi of tunning your car ji v high i ito of speed hut von might meet a fool who will not stick to hid sldo of tho road mil eves whoiesonib ciiiniug refreshing business directory medical powdering their faces georgetown geotgetown court of revision juno mrs f harloy is away on a motor triptomontreafc mr and mrs l f denlson spent las week with friends on lake brie from g 30 to 8 30 p m are tho nodrs specified by council for watering your lawn wo ore pleased ly seo mr g t coo around again after being confined ti his home for somo time through illness mrg gollop of windsor was in town on monday and made a short visit at his home in norval while on his way to montreal i sheriff webster of norval cele- brated his s3rd birthday last thurs- no hurry to the natives or central america time is of very gmall importance tho word man ana tomorrow is tho key note of their existence nothing need to bo done today a llttlo of this spirit waa in a goodhumored now mexico indian that mr charles f saunders tells about in his book tho indians of the terraced houses hj had picked up the quakerish namo of edward hujnt and enough american jways to make him think that his little store at tho foot of tho ancoma cliffs would be a profitable vehlolo in which to mako ufos journey to him aaystho a we unfold ed our plan of spending a fow days in tho pueblo village and wo asked him if he thought ho could help us to rott a houso no he thqught no one had any and smiled genially thon see ing our disappointment he added wel you eat your lunch and i if women honetoauract with paint thoy nio mistaken men nato imita tions said rov r j mccormlck in his sermon on a woman with a paint ed- face at hyatt avenuo jmothodiit church london on sunday evening women like jqzebol concluded the spoaker seldom raako good mothers all great men sometimes have fine fathers but always havea noblo and wonderful mother tho great mothois of history did nor paint their facijm thoy needed nothing to attract their golden spirits shono out and obliter ated tho surface keep yo u r shoes aba t 2n1 white shoedressino cake or liquid the has and the are id rather be a could bo if i could not be an are for a could bo is a may be with a chance of touching par id rather bo a has beon than a might have been by far for a might have been has nover been v but a has was once an are long distance trucking local and long distance trucking stock delivered direct to toronto stock yards arrangements made for picnics may be your patronage solicited fred ecclestone phone 135 main street acton p j a mcniven phytician and 8urgon offlco and rooldonco cornor bowtr avonuo and biffin stroot phone 88 dr e j nelson fliedeuick strteist aoton ontario- h legal phono no 22 v o box ssi harold jnash farmer m a bprr liter solicitor notary publle conveyancer hto perryman block acton ont money lent on mortgages hours 930 aan to g pjn saturdays 1200 oclock dental dr j m bell d d s l d dentlrt honor graduate of toronto unlrr- slty the latest an orthotic used if desired offlco at residence corner of mill and frederick streets day congratulations sheriff mrs arthur holmcu and daughtor of toronto visited at mrs harleys last week mr lloyd thompson has huccesa- fully passed his first year in med icine at tho toronto univeralty mr george brown of norval who has been quite 111 during the past week is now nlowly improving miss ryan of tho public school staff who has been 111 was able to return to hei duties on monday mr and mrs j w kennedy re turned home on monday from a visit to friends in london and detroit mr fi ed hutt who has been taking pout graduate course at wisconsin itnivcislty madison has secured eh degree of master of sciencemr hutt is roturnlng to winnipeg ythjs week ashgrovo young peopienjave a splen did programme at thd league meet ing in the methodist church on mon day evening itefreshmenta wdro served and the occasion proved very enjoyable for tho largo gathering that was present rov j m millar dd principal of robertson theological college of edmonton alberta preached in tho mothodlt church last sunday morning and rev f l brown ex- president of toronto conference preached in tho evening tho f membera from c lodge a f a m georgetown at tended tho masonic church pacade e t guolph on sunday evening last a norrlngton w m e y barraclough hugh dlclcle s kirk geo ford j b wallace wjao long elmer thompson and alex keen herald guess i have to gowith you peopl pretty soon up tho mesa and book around you wait a while protty soon i come again with that ho dlsnppearoalntothoreces0efl of his little abode dwelling place we ate our luncheon in leisurely fashion then had a bit of siesta and finally went to look for edward in through the open door of hl9 houso ho was discovered in tho midst of his family changing his shirt he smiled at us benignantly and remarked you wait pretty soon i come wewoitoil twenty-flve-mimiteo- -y- the watch at tho end of that tlmo lie came out and glanced round tho storepicked up a largo gray sombrero- adorned with a magniflcant hatbarin sot it carefully on his raven lockb viewed himself in a square inch of mirror that hung behind tho door took one more look about wont into the noxt room patted one of the children on the head and then stepping forth into tho sunlight observed as if we had been keeplxn him waiting you ready lets go s people who use red rose are usually thqae who like tea of extr good qu tejkis good tea dr f g gollop dds lda dental surgeon offlco over bank ot nora sootla hours 980 to 6s0 etvenlnsa by appointment n 111 1 vfl miscellaneous francis nunan- bookblnder account books of nil kinds prade to order poriodlcals of ovorydeacrlpuon carefully bound ruling neatly and promptlafdono wyndham street over williams ouelph on store the orange pekoe is extra good try it editorial notes tft is reported from montreal that a general elec tion for the house of commons is very likely to take place this fall and that liberals there fix the date for october 27 or 28 claim to arctic territory and make any representa tions decided on if the controsversy between cariada and the united states develops the total watcrpower developed jn canada iip to february j 1925 was practically 3570000 horse power and the capital invested therein including transmission and distribution was 706758000 in 1910 the investment stood at 121000000 so thit the average annual increase over the 14 years has been nearly g40 or 14 per cent per annum the right of the tjniteji- states to interfere in the affairs of cuba is being objected to by cubans although they agreed to it becoming a part of their their constitution when they accepted their liberties at the hands of thhe united states the intervention clause in the treaty between the u s and cuba was an afterthought it was added by the- senate burlington mrs l syken has resigned ns organ ist of knox church mr and mrs jack mitchell heft on tuesday on a boat trip to prescott mrs j r mopdiehoilod fronr eng land inst saturday and is expected homo in the curly part of the week mrs dr d w parsons of ro chester n y hpont last week with her hlhtec mrs r w dingle mr russell dingle has been success ful in passing his examinations iff mediolno at tho western university mr and mm a stevens wore in st catherines last week attending iho wedding of mr george crompton formorly of burlington to shss agnes bennett burlington is free from contagious diseases not a coho being reported in town since tho end of april this is nn unusual record and shows that tho town is a healthful resort to live in rov q v tebbs delivered an ad dress oh his 100 mile trek with a bunch of boys at tho regular luncheon of the lions flub at the royal con- naught hotel hamilton at noon on monday last tho nrst home grcjwn strawberries mado their appearance at the ham ilton market on saturday last and were grown by stan long and prod lemon on tho plains the berries brought from 40 to 46 cents a quart on saturday afternoon mr w w boyd and family drove to the city and mr boyd parked his chevrolot car on mcnab street when ho returned to get the car it has disappeared ho immediately notified the police but no truce of the missing car has been re- colvod as yet whilo out fishing last wednesday mr wm toolo had tho misfortune to fall out of the rowboat and into tho lake nnd which might have resulted disastrously but for tho timely assis tance of some friends who went to his rescue we understand that water it t p w two feet deej j31u escaped however with llttlo more liaim than getting his feet wet a mixup in automobiles occurcd at tho corner of brant and pine streets on monday afternoon but fortunatolv no serious damage resulted except a fow bent fenders albert billings was turning off pine street on to brant 8 tweet rtarry denlke was coming clown brant st root and the two cars met in attempting to avoid tho ac cident mr donlko struck the fender of h huge mclaughlin car parked op posite the corner matters were soo ndjuhted and tho owners of the csri continued on their way ouxette never tom evil of a man if you do not know it for a certainty and if you know it for a certainty thon ask your- solf why should i tell it bible in 572 languages i at tho 121st annual mooting of the british and foreign bible society in london some astonishing facta were made known regarding tho transla tion nnd sale of the biblo in various imrtsjof tho world tho society lias helped to produce the biblo in 672 lan guages and within tho last year has issued 10045g7g volumes forton years the society has printed tho bible in one new language every six weeka the chairman lord daryngton re ported that the soviet government of russia continued to prohibit tho pub lication or sale of tho bible in that country all the societys efforts to gain admission to the russian market have failed the worst offt flnnigan came home late from the club but in such a temper that he knocked about a lot of tho furniture mrs finhigan was aroused and sitting up in bed asked what is tho matter flnnigan im mad mad as a hornet whats mad you so flaherty down yonder ho called me a liar v but man why didnt you mako him prove it thats why im so mad ho did an efficient saleslady i see you now havo a lady to drum up business for your photographic studio yep how is she getting along all right she says its easst to josh tho average man into thinking ho ought tohave his ploture taken pittsburg sun bonds stocks and grain private wires to naw york chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hanniqan phna 574 ouilfh 120000 lb wool wanted r rbarbour hillshurg will be at the canadian na tional railway station acton on june 18 to buy wool for the guclpli worsted and spinning co highest market prices paid parmfirs market your wool direcj to the mills ssculostirunut ncjonfiouwftawus dhuhd3ay acton ont you neednt take duft worp for it ask your neighbor aijout excelsior flour acton flour and feed mills o h lindsay propriotor mill street acton ont r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experlonco list your property with me acton gardening and lawn tools yos wo have an excellent stock of siiovoih hoes rakes etc to mako your gardening work a pleasure and for work on tho lawn wo havo woodyatt lawn mowcra lawn ahears edgo trlmmoia in fact all the equipment you need our rango of colors in paints for all classen of work is complote namo your color and clnya of work and we can recommend a suitable paint for tho job w d talbot phone 76 main street acton our gallery of river captains catt hj little y n canada stearvshlps sscape eternity 1 1 te os cavp tbhr hlty a e nicklin insurance agent life fire auto accident health insurance guarantoo bonds burglary and plats glass insurance trustee for estates collections business entrusted to my caro will bo carefully looked after and treated confidentially monoy to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for ro- paymont box 444 bower ave acton ihesupestway trained mon and women aro always in demand at salaries that aro very lucrative hun dreds of guelph business college graduates have been placed in excellent positions wo can do tho samo for you get in on this today guelph business college qummor bldg guolph ont a lbouck principal session the entire year dont neglect your eyes take advantago of specialist services offered by this estab lishment and know your glasses are right experience is a good teacher 19031925 wo havo had over twonty years at it and hero patrons are assured of the best in op tical service a d savage optometrist and mfo optician savage building right at tho post offico guelph ontario the old and reliable granite and marble works wo aro manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monumental and hoadstono work wo soli direct to our customers at wholesale prlcejl thus savins our customor 40 per conl wo havo tho best appliances and tho only mechanics in tho dominion who can operato pneumatic tools properly wo can glvo references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places whero others havo to have law suits in order to collect we have the largest and boat stock of granlto in tho dominion or more than any three dealers in tlie west we are legiti mate dealers and employ no agonu and do not annoy or pest customers by sending out iffnorantairentp solicit ing ordera wo om ploy only mechanics and defy cbmpotltlon hamilton sons quelph ont 31 tjwr

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