Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1925, p. 8

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r-a- rrs dlrtha lfarrfauo and dulli mre now cturatd for ot tnc followlns rteil dlrtbi c marriage 501 death socj memorial atdo 50c ioc per uno extra for poema cardi born smaltp1bld ort saturday juno 13 1926 to mr and mro h a 3mflil- flold at tho quolph oonoral hg- dltul a bon j married smithmclaughiiln in victoria colloeo chapel toronto- oh thurs day june 11 1026 rov joueph xavoll smith son of rov a b smith b- d formerly of acton to emily may daughter of bov prof j p mclaughlin of victoria tjnl- voroity mactaggartrskaw saturday juno 0 1020 by tho rov t t ij mokorroll elizabeth w shaw daughter of tho lato mr and mrs hugh shaw toronto to charles c maotagrgart son of j a mactap- kart v s and mrs mactaggart nnanabawoya died kennedy on friday juno 12 1d25 at toronto miry olivo kennedy widow of the lato jan kennedy georgetown patterson at tho guelph general hoopltnl friday juno 12 1925 edna may tolton beloved wlfo of jobn k patterson in her 24th year- in meworiam gibbonsln lovlne momory of jane snyder beloved wife of robcrtgib- bonn who passed away juno 23 j920 the famhy cripps in loving momory of mary ann smith whe died juno 20 ono your ago gone but not forgotten daughter martha cook in loving memory of our dear husband and father franklin rao cook who died juno 18 1923 often our thoughts do wander to tho grave not for away where wo laid our dearest daddy just two yeara ago toda wifeand children h arfcm imfmffl thursday june 18 1925 brief local items mondyejs moat- wel come thlnisrff irttho jurdenattroiirowjnff fino now j yjpyy fast now the mercury stepped down very agreeably last week news of local import car abandonod at albion when koovo w n iuddoli of albion got homb from churoh sunday ho found a now vord coupo in tho ditch- just outoldo his farm two boys aro oald to havo drlvon tho car north through albion and lorilnff control of it let it run into tho ditch whilaehoy made off mr rlddell took tho number of tho car 201017 and will bo glad to hoar i of tho owner tho car waa not damaged a brampton wedding x woddmb took placo at the homo of air and mrs robert mccullouffh brampton ht j when their ybuntjor daughter abblo luvlna bocainp tho bride of mr jamoa wilbcrt marshall norvalont tho bride who waa given away by henofathor wore a gown of ivory canton cretfo with veil and orange blossoms and carried u boupioto an i ft t th valley mra guy wilson played the wedding muuicv margaret cornwall mode a dainty flower glrl paal liberals held plenlo today a huge plcnlp and political rally a arranged by tho peel county liberal abbociatlon to bo held ut eldorado park near brampton today the days programme includes softball matches for both men and women races for the children and a dance at night amonffthe speakers who have been no- cured are hon james murdoch m p minister of labor hon w- b x sinclair k cm pp leador of tho opposition in tho ontario legislature and hon duncan marshall dominion liberal organlter car jumpi embankment at caledon on the caledon mountain sunday afternoon a large nedon driven mrs mcmahon of toronto wont down tho high embankment bho had as cended part of the hill and while changing gears the- car got beyond her control four other occupants of tho car were badly shaken up ono roeohv lng a deep cut in the hand another man requiring six stitches to close a wound in bin leg it was necessary for a derrick to go from toronto to get the car back on the road several accidents have occurred at this spot recently walker lodge gets fine address the inaugural services mr h linney of broccbrldg- traced history of masonry in canada there waa n fine attendance at n- cmcrgeut rneotlnffin tho maaonlc hu on monday evontng when liftor the dogreo work of the ovonlng mr harry ltnnoy of brcvcubridgc gave ah in tones ting and instructive locturo on masonry tho lecturo was- illustrated with lantern views in tho course of his address oil masonry mr llnncy reviewed the history of masonry since its introduc tion in canada in 1749 when a lodge of freo etasons was instituted- at hall- halton coniervativea elect pfflears tho annual meotlng of tho halton conservative assoctatlon hold in mil ton on friday afternoon wojarjkoly attendod every part of the county be ing repreaentejvdresaea were jle- hvared fcy ljrrxtriandennmrhdp7 of milton 3eorgo hlumer mp of oak- vill and m c 3mlth of burlington tho following officers were elected presldont m c smith burlington saturday evenings shbwer waa vicepreaidentfl q arnold of goorge- very gratefully received town e miltn w mddre oakvilloa tax rate has heon set rcampbeuviue mra dr mcniven of at 49 mills for this yoar acton and a nixon kilbride treas urer j f little milton i soorotary rttho united church of canada aetqn formorly the methadltt church mb h linney bracobridge fax with erobinub james philips as first master ten- years later at tho ancient city of quebec on november 28th 1759 which was as aoon as con venient after the surrendor of tho city to his britannic majestys arms the maatojlndwardensoflodges192 in tho 77th7oginientr218in the 48th eg 15th itcglment dlsponsoition 195 in the artillery- nil tho consummation of union in acton wan celebrated inst sunday ln the united church of canada with tho order of service arrungod by the church union committee it was uni form with similar services throughout canada a considerable- number of unionists from knox church attended tho ser vice t at the oponlng rev mr culp the mlnlstof spoko cordial words ot virel- como he said ho understood qui to fully what it meant for those who upon the patter of conscience ana principle folt that they must odver tics- whloh had been very dear and long continued and associations which had lasted throughout several genera mods ho could realize to a largo ox- tont also what it means for air con ce mod in the new church to surrender to the church names and brmtt of government and udmlstlstratlon which they hud held so deurly but when tho unltynndprobperity of- the church t jesus christ is tho object thero is good reason for rejoicingin- the gracious providence which has led us to a wider fellowship of fn lth and acr- vice and it is ours xo pray that god may confirm our solemn purposes make us eiual to our high trust govern- our counsels and endeavors n all jabors of love raise up and pre pare the younger generations to carry forward tho work of tho lord and auhtufn the church in days to conic tenderly and kindly ho spoke of th desires q work unitedly in the effort to accomplish much consistent with the wider vision and greater opportun ities afforded by the consummation of tho union otthe presbyterian con- fitogatlbna add methodist the following was the order of ser vice obsorved 1 call towofahlp o come lot us worship and bow down let us kneel before the lod our father for he is our god and we are tho peopjo of his pasture and the sheeil of his ihand ps 95 7i 2 doxology followed by invocation 3 praise pa dim 00 all people that on earth do dwell 4 kosponsive reading psalm 118 14 1928 6 choir selection thou lord guide ub 0 prayer followed by tho lordbf err in concert 7l prnjso o for a- thousand tongues to sing jcowteatament lessoneph iflnl l neighborhood news- town and country georgetown tho funoral of tho late mra mary kennody widow of james kcnnody who died at tho homo of her son mr bert kennedy 2g0 codrlc ave- tor onto on friday wum hold at george town on monday ballinafad drumquin next sunday juno 21 re union ser vices will bq hold in tho balllnafad methodist church services wlll be hold at 230 and 730 p m rov dr dickie ot- georgetown- wilt conduct the afternoon services and exmayor w w hiltz of toronto a former resident of this vicinity will conduct tho evening sorvico a cordial invi tation is extended to all this will bo one of the last services hold in tho old church before it la closed and the members attend services at tho unite church ospringe he is a presumptuous man who thinks ho la wiser than nature ksauebing township council held thdir court of revision on monday tho roses are blooming june la therefore keeping up her reputation tho county council equalised the assessment at the sesalon on tuesr day owing to the scarcity of rain tho hay crop generally la expected to be rather light tho fresh cool air of tuesday was most refreshing after monday humid atmosphere the splendid rain we had on sat urday night was tho beat weve had tor six weeks hay cutting has commenced in thisw partooftthecotihtryir thecropa looks well where cut acton athletio association will hold n big oneday bowling torna- mont next wednesday owing to tho prevailing rain on saturday evening the- weekly band concert waa postponed canadian grown strawberries are now onthe market they sold at 25a at hamilton on monday tho beardmore co employees plc and field sports is being ar ranged for saturday juno 27 r the swoet briars ore in bloom again and the drivers on the highways enjoy their fragrant perfume pqlmerston is making preparation t a hutchinson milton writ against burlington union vote through their solicitor frank morri son of hamilton a number of tho nonconcurring members of the con- k p to celebrate the semicentennial of the town during the first week in august acton council hoa made a grant of 200 to the village band and now theyll have summer concerts once a week- milton reformer i tho flower beds at the canadian national railway station havo been filled with plants and are already be ginning to look attractive the bell telephone company have installed a telephone pay station at the canadian national railway depot for the convenience of the public the solos by miss bertie smith of toronto in tho united church of can ndaon sunday were much appreciated ai wore also those- of mr rudolph spellvogel i new guiding signs havo been placed along the toronto sarnla high way directing motorists as to inter secting highways curves steep hlllo and speed permitted gregaljoti 1st church have issued a supreme court writ against certain offlclala of knox church to set aside the- recent vote taken on church union as illegal tho plantiffs ask for an order to havo tha courts declare that the poll and allpro- ceedihgs were irregular and of no ef fect they also ask for an order re straining the trustees of the said church or any other partyfrbmln any way disposing of the property of the said church the writ is returnable at osgbodo hall in 10 days gazotto man s overnight it found dead in batc when a peddler by the namo of livingstone who has been in tho habit of staying with isaac teeter a farmof living- at lot 8 on- the town lino be tween erin and caledon did not an swer when called on monday morning mr tee wont to his room to find that the man had passed away somo time during the night he was lying qn his back and had apparently died very quietly for his body was com posed livingstone had been a fre quent visitor to the locality during the past ten years buying furs and wool he was about 60 years of age of n very quiet disposition and was weu liked by the people with whom ho had dealt it la understood that an in quest is to be held thortsl of ireland and no 1 of louisburg warrant mot in form and john price guinnot loiutcnant jn the 47th regiment was unanimously to the- great satisfaction of tho whole fraternity proclaimed- grand master being properly installed in tho chair he chose bro augustus span captain in tho 48th regiment his deputy who was thereupon proclaimed as such and bros hungerford and prontles wera chosen senior and junior grand war den and bro paxton grand secre tary thus is recorded thp formation of tho first grand masonic lodgo in 9 intimations 10 offering- followed by tho offering- prayer 11 praiao come holy ghost onr souls inspire 12 sermon rev j culp 13 prayer 14 praise o god or bethel 15 benediction rev mr culp preached a fervent sermon on the words from tho lords prayer thy kingdom- comethy will be done on earjh as it is in hcavon christ is training ushere he said and expects a lifetime of servlcethebloja m wiv gitsrv- wf jks yer by a majority of 466 in a vote of 609 tho ratepayers of guelph gave thelr- approval tp the expenditure of 45000 for a new central cheating plant for tho general hospital messrs h harrison j bauer j leishmah and w j gould participated in t ha bowling tournament at milton on wednesday of last week they were bowled opt of the finals by a rew shots sp t hill of jtforkdalo has offer ed the citizens ot that town v free altefor a skating rink and 100 should any action be token before nejft winter to replace tho rink recently destroy byflre a chicken brooder fat fire to the residenoedf thomas mclellan- west calodon a week ogq while the family were at the barn a neighbor passing saw he smoke and with- the assist ance of neighbors the fire was ex tinguished the new sigh placed at the third line which says speed limited to 20 mllett in act rather conflicts with ftw corporation sign suaateda fw feet iwoxv whiohs in patty th laving at port prsdit four petty thefts believed to be the work of juveniles were reported to the police at port credit sinco saturday morning tho first report was- heard on saturday morning when painters engaged in redecorating the presby terian church discovered that 100 pounds of paint valued at about 30 was missing on saturday night tho dredge on the river bank was viblted and a quantity of tho workmens tools removed while sunday morning the door of the thompson bros office on centre road was found open despite the assertion of w n thompson that it was locked the night before the owner of the refreshment booth in the motor park was also a loser some 25 worth of chocolates candles and cig arettes having been removed saturday night from his stand this is not tho first time this season that- he has been the victim of such an occurrence he stated adding that he had lost at least 76 worth of goods in this manner during the past six weeks canada jprpm thosp military lodges masonry gradually became spread over the frontier of canada westward as far as detroit and in 1800 at de troit and vicinity then british a num ber of lodges were obedient to the grand ldtfgo of bower canada in 1792 the first grand lodgo of upper canada was established with william james as provincial grand master william jarvls was provin cial secretary to john graves slmcoe lieutenantgovernor of upper can ada ho received his masonic appoint- mentfrqmthb grand lodgo of eng- tandrhdreuuncitvunuuthkrm of his death in 1817 his grand pasrf was at niagara tho capital of tho province between 1792 and 1804 he issued many warrants for lodges in various parts of the jurisdiction in 1797 the provincial capital was ro- tnovedrto york toronto and the brethron at niagara with the assist ance of robert jcer a surgeon in tho mllltlo carried on largely without jarvls robert kerr wrfs deputy grand master arid- enjoyed tho unbounded confidence of the niagara brethren legislative records show that william jarvia was a busy man govern ment affaire spent- most of jiia time traversing what aro now tho frontier counties of tho province then re ceiving their first settlors with gov- ernor slxncoo-and-was- thcfiijatoftliro provincial secretaries to occupy tho the crops in this locality are cer talnly looking immense after tho big rain on monday which was badly need ed in this section and from prospects tho fall wheat anct tho hay crop will bo of an avefagp yield being a few weeks late in receiving their supply of rain to- be bumper crop many- of our worthy farmers aro busy sowing turnips whllo tho more progressive ar busily engaged in hoe ing corn and mangels x largo number of our cltlrens motored to guelph last week and vis ited tho noted o a c which is cer tainly time well spent to our pro gressive citizens interested in modern agriculture all roads led v guelph last satur day and many of our young people attended tho big musical festival held in memorial hall in the ovenlhg under tho auspices of the junior farmers improvement association of welling ton which was a hug success the funeral of tho late mr john weatherson of eramosa lost monday afternoon was largely attended by friends arid neighbors tho late mr weatherson wad a highly lcspectod pioneer of tho seventh line and splendid -neighbor- the- services at tho homo and grave were in char g a of his pastor- rev mr lindsay- of erin and vero very impressive in- miss krma fcathorston of rbso- dalo villa farm 6th lino hore is at tho present timo teaching in tho junioivroom of tho milton holghts public school mr t v mcllugh of actoo but formorly of the 6th lino- drumquln was homo for tho anniversary services and banquet held jn tho bethel metho dist church drumquln on sunday anj monday may 31 und june 1 it seemed quite natural for mr mchugh to tako ms place in the bethel choir mr frank thomas of toronto visited friends in this neighborhood lately tho beokcepctb of drumquln egev- ton and hornby report tho prospects for a good crop of honey for tho aeason-ofit025- acton badly defeated in a league fixturo at hillaburg last saturday afternoon norval tho inaugural services in norval united church last ysabbath were largely attended following tho ser mon in tho morning by rov mr ms- lachlan of toronto a very impressive reception nnd sacramental service was conducted by the pastor rev wh douglas nt which ono hundred and six were enrolled as members rcy m- mclachlan stated that the spirit 61 fellowship was one of tho finest ho had observed in any union church in canada ia further celebration in the way of a garden party was to have been held on monday evening but o account of rain was postponed unti saturday juno20 when weather per mitting a record breaking crowd ts anticipated to hear the far famed kenneywllson co and the campbell orchestra entertainers eden mills ontaro wonderful ita spirit is forgiveness it is the uni versal qualityofjeaus christ christ is training us hero for service and unitedly with a single purpose before us great things can be accomplished the welcoming committee endeavor ed to make all the new members foci quite at home and there was a flno spirit of ainity and fellowship during the day r as soon as rev mr zimmerman the now pastor gets settled in this dflold matters of adjustment and division of work and responsibilities will come up for consideration and adjustment schools roll of honor the final school report prior to the long midsummer holidays icrthotcverlon cemetery tho weather last sunday was surely ideal for- motoring and many ofr our neighbors entertained friends from town miss nellie cooke of tho genoni hospital staff guelph spent lost week holidaying at- the parantalhpme mr smith mccutcheon of brant- ford enjoyed a fow days visiting frlonds in this- vicinity last week the congregation of our ospringo presbyterian ohurchi ore busy pre paring for the big anniversary services the first sunday in july tho ladles of the womens mission ary society of the union church mot afc the homo of mrs burton last tues day a shoct devotional meeting was held a sewing meeting then followed when- splendid work was dono for ono of tho indian schools in tho northwest two quilts were pieced and ono f them was beautifully quilted mr and mrs max mil no and little son visited friends in saginaw mich last week miss calvort of woodstock who is in the nursing profession visited for a few days last week in the homes of her brothers in the villager messrs edward and william calvert mr and mrs abbott and mrs ron- niejeftjafltweektqjyl8ltjithhpio of mr and mrsballagh of harrlston it is expected a now- station will be acton bascbnlt club journeyed to hulsburg last saturday and met do- feat at tho hnndh of dugglo car- mlchacls fast team that ropresonts that hamlet in tho haltonwolllngton league the losetmild about tho game the hotter l tho acton boys could not do anything right und practically every man had an error tho boys wore plainly off color und showed llttlo of the dush and color that they displayed in rockwood tho week before whort thoy came from behind and defeated tho scenery vllligo- aggregation by a score of 86 the battery gibbons and kentner wero about the only bright lights of the acton team while gibbons was hit hard- ho pitched good enough ball to win having 7 strikeouts and only walked two men tho battery had ru the hits made bythotcarn gibbons had two hits while icentner a one safe single tho acton boys bit hall who served enrup for hlllburg hard but could not hit tho ball safely many an extra bone hit being driven straight at a waiting fielder whlfo at short for acton play ed a nice game up till tho lost two innings when he hud an error in both the seventh and eighth innings mcdonald at first piayed a fair game but tho alleged slugger of the local ag gregation foil down badly the only thing resembling a lilt was a drive down the right field foul lino that waa just foul by inch oa it would havo been good for tlurcc bases if it had been on the other side of tho white line the scores in the league wore -hills- burg 11 acton 0 georgetown 17 rockwood 5 tho league nowstands as follows won lost georgetown 3 jl acton j1 2 2 hlllsburg m 2 2 rockwood 1 3 games next week aro georgetown at acton hulsburg at rockwood j a smith insurance and real estate agent for confederation life as sociation london lancashire fire insurance london lancashire guarantco and accident dominion of canada guarantee and accident insurance company farm and town proporty for sale prompi careful and courteous at tention given l your business solicited residence mill and wallace sts tolophono 105 r 2 removal notice h w hintori jowpller watch and clockmaker 6tc is remov ing his business next to tom mortons barber shop on mill street bn june 11925 where he will continue to do all repairs and retail tho same lines as cheaply as possible thanking his numerous pat rons and- soliciting their further patronage ho has also liken over c c floyds jewellery storo in georgetown where he will also glvo of his best to old and new patrons h w hinton jowellor watch and clookmauar acton and georgetown built on the canadian natldnal blec- tcrm took piace summer embers ol tflocountsccpunchhznf halton and wellington- counties met hero lost week arrange for tho buildins of the brldso at tho mill tho contract wao awarded to chas smltb of erin it iff estimated tho brldco will cost albout 1509 f rockwood acfyg m itttter emdoiiwasuinisened compries wltbl the highway trafllc july 1st sports in the- afternoon and garden party at night under the auspices of the womens auxiliary of the boy fieouu full particulars will hf wiven in nextlbbue guelph fr chief has motor accident mrs christina brown wife of fire chief james brown of guelph and their daughter mlsujennlo brown suffered severe injuries early sunday afternoon when a motor car drlvon by mr brown skidded on the dun- dan street highway about ono and a half miles west of brlndnle and was overturned in a fourfoot ditch mr brown his son and the latters wtfs making up tho party of five escaped unhurl tho motorists were proceeding east toward toronto whan the mishap occurred about 1 pm- mrs brown and her daughter weie pinnod under the touring car each suffered a fracture of the collartkhie and hip injuries monday night at st josephs hospital to which they were removed it was stated that while both wero suffer lug from shock in addition to the other injuries it was fully ex pec tod that botb would recover highway constable shanks and d jyrecking crew from waterdown responded- to a call nndwere en tha scene a fewtmlnuls after the accident lupppned mrmc the removal of tho ladles to tho ho- pilal poucb court news f oft ball league i two games were played last week in the town sftftball league last thursday acton tanning co defeated the shoo fractory by a ib- and on tuesddy igt bardbe a co 4e- k tho marrud men by a 3614 ore 1 0 the league now stands won lost saoton tan co- 4- 1 vtjrswfctgqinrs v a a married men l 4 jqaardmore a xro i s oarnesiext wsak tuesday married mw fa hemtsona thursday aetori ten utile hoys most of them rqsl- dents of sl patricks ward wero each fined s andcosts on saturday morning in mnglstrnto watts office guelph for breaking and entering tho partridge rubber co plant and steal ing a auantlty cotton c c meyers of toronto- who was chargedhy trafflpjoffioer lotnonwlth speeding on the highway wus fined 10 and costs by magistrate moore on saturday george graham a tramp who has been on that job for many years and who has a long- previous police record office of grand master of the grand- masonlc lodge in this jurisdiction the second ono being m w bro sir j m gibson ono hundred years later and i mcpherson in 1913 finally in 1822 tho grand lodgo of england authorized simcm mcguhv- ray to proceed to canada reorganize tho craft and unlto tho craftsmen of tho province this great work ho acv complishod and tho result was the opening of a provincial grand lodge in october of 1822 thlswas tho sec- ond provincial grand lodge if upper canada this grand lodgo under mcgllllvray an lmportantbfnclal in tio north west fur trading coi with the as- b la tan co of james fitzgibbon the deputy provincial- grand master met regularly from 1822 to 1830 and tim ing that period j effectlvo work of fitzgibbon it has been said that no man merits moro in affection from canadian masonry ho having brought ability and untiring effort to the of flco i r wo bro sir allan napier mc- nabb a wellknown canadian states man received tho appointment of tho grand master of tho scots and eng lish grand lodge t bodies jn- 182 and 1844 respectively sfiortly after this the revival of masonry in upper can ada began the third provincial grand lodgo was established and flourished with sir allan at its head it owo1 much to thos g ridout and francis richardson tho former was deputy provincial grand master and the latter provincial grand secretary lender sir allans rule and with tho assistance of these two active workers masonry mado progress in october 18515 the grand lodgo otcanada was organized with william morcor wilsoii ns tho first grand master the date is a memornblo ono re prosentatives of 41 lodges assembled in the masonic hatflrrhamilton aoitic of thcao wero from lodges that ha 1 boon under away of the grand lodgo of e3nglandsomo from lodges in can 5 wnrranted by the grand lodges 0finelqjid-aadscdtland-thls-grand- lodge under wilson was madb up of lcginrtnhinrnttpteralntlwvor aja rival to this was tho j grand xbdko ofi upper canada fprrnetl in 1867 and composed 6t 47 lodges nil in upper canada with mcnabb at tho head- on july u 1858 tho third annua communication- of tho grand lodge of canada was hold in toronto and it was nttnls meeting that a unlop ws formed between tho grand lodge of canada and tho grand lodge of upper canada the later body dissolving and the union declared pafeotcd the united body was proclaimed as tho grand lodpe of f and a m of can senior fourth merylo grlndell 494 mildred hoi linger 476 lois malone 465 volma murray 46fi total 650 junior fourth jcnn smith 234 isabel lantx 21q ivy holmes 212 total 400 y m z bennett principal r senior third mnrjbrie gardeti 738 eleanor clif ford g48 doris mcpbnald 645 totdt 800 d folate r teaoher r jmrterth trt adabol brown 428 kathleen mc- comh 425 isabel bruce 421 toul 550 m r moore teacher senior second andrew buchanan 495 catherine mackle 487 teddy elliott 471 total 600 i anderson teacher first and second first vera rawlings 363 violet white 351 isabel bruce 330 totil 400 second teddy hansen 364 joe mogann 339 jack waterhouse 334 total 400 a macdonald teacher flrat class a marguerite currio 182 mervin reld 176 helen redburn 159 lloyd irwiht i0 total 250 b james 0shea 119 ellen dunn 110tnormnn scarrow 97 total 250 n anderson teacher primary a margaret arnold 19 lois cripps 18 helen evans 17 total 2ft b roderick ryder 19 ethel wood 18 marjory mann 17 total 20 c harvey mccutcheon 18 kath leen huafd 17 morguerito- given 16 total 20 b gardiner teachev lost week mr thomas kelly had the misfortune to fall down the cellar steps with the result that ho received a bad shaking up it was feared that somo of his ribs wero broken but ho escaped with a cracked rib and a sore chedt wo are glad to see him able to bo around as usual for a man of his years leslie swanston who has been in tho royal bank for tho past two years left lastrwoek totako- up his duties in one of the tjranch banks in toronto- roy mr 2 tcquoonof vancouver bc who has been attending the general assembly in toronto conduct od tho sorvlcea for the continuing presbyterians last sunday in the ball games last saturday rockwood played at georgetown the aoore- being lf6 in favor of- george- town and acton at hlllaburg score in favor of hlllaburg 110 wo ore having much needed rain now with the result that vegetation of alt kinds is revived of ter tho hot dry weather of- the past week a bad storm passcdover ever ton on monday afternoon doing considerable damage to property the- students of tho- continuation school wroto on their juno examina tions last week wo hopd for good results o t part o miss douglas who has done her best for those under her supervision fred hamilton tho highway over seer is having the highway through tho village oiled and treated with fine gravel in tho courso of time wo will get tho benefit of clean travel on our part of the toronto sarnla highway wo welcome all motorists to our midst and also invite them to look around our rocks and down tho valloy rood mr and mrs hern of exeter are visitors at the home of mr and mrs s r peart the services in tho presbyterian church 3verp well attended last sun day rev j tjro stewart speaking in tho morning and rev j a dlltz in tho evening notice to creditors in the matter of tho estate of neil gillies late of the township of e- queaing county ofhaltoor farmer deceased notice is hereby given according to law that all creditorsand others hav ing claims against tho estate of tho said noll gillies who died on or about tho 10th day of january 1925 are re quired on or before tho 4 th day of july 1025 to deliver to the undorslgn- ed full particulars in writing of their claims verified by statutory declar ation and further take notice that after tho said 4th day of july 1026 the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the- deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which thoy shall then have notice and that the said executors will not for the said assets or any parttthcreoihtb ahy person of persons of whoso claims notice has not been received by them at the time of distribution dated the 12th day of june 1925 h g meir box 423 acton ont 513 solicitor for the executprs mclean jco the store with the slock if it is price and quality you want youare gingham honse dresses at lxmyou will bnd these dresses extra good value all sizes in stock fast colors special 100 100 48c holeproof silk hose at siootah sizes in stock colors are black and all the new shades special pr ladies silk hose in black and sand shade sizes 9 9j4 only on sale saturday atper pair mens silk and lisle hosea job lot in black and brown grays etc this is a few odd pair of our 75c sock to ph clear onaturdaytfelair penmans merino sock at per pair i mens balbriggan underwear our regular 85c two- pieceshirte and drawers special saturday at each boys balbrlggan shirts short sleeves good value at 75c special this week each mens merino shirts and drawers at each mens work shws kjhaki and blue sizes 14 to 17 this shirt is good yalueat 125 for il mclean ircb mill street acton ont store closes wednesday at 12j0 oakville tho wjnrtormoro socloty orchebtra of toronto la aupnlylng ttio rtuftlo nf huttonvlllo parle innco friday nlglit lots go rev dr pidgeon is moderator rev t albart moore d ix qenarnt secretary of the united church fif canada uron nas taiien tne honor or first moaprator of tho gen- cirof thotjnlted church hlu to rov dr oeorffe campbell n reon exmoderator oa the presby terian church has fallen the honor of being the oral cbunciror election tuesday ntffht to the headship of tho blithest court of the new bhurch hejnfft unlmousrtirr thomatlofnf rev dr s d ghown general jhpper liiiondent of tho erstwhuo methodist church z iiov dr t albert moore ceneml secretary of the board of bvanffellflh andocial service of tho methotljst church avanunanlmciusly elected ns necro4iry ofuio co u he ii thcso unanimous elections create quite a dramatic scene at the meogiik- ado vrl wso as 3 m rl nid u as d o- m othora who wete romln ent in masonry prior to 18gb wour john h dunn ffrand treasurer j hn relic le d piiolph and c dnnby ploturoa of theso men tc cotlior wlthi the flrst meeting places wax waa arreeted in palormo on a chargajrahts renbrts minutes and other in of caualnr a distufbanoe ho waa sen 4enoed by police mjrltrat- shields to not tea than 1x months and tint mor than two yar tflrcstlnar docnimentii yere thrown on a aoreen the warrant of authority to wm jarvls as pom fiorn the omnil lodjre of emund and the caruooate of aolect lodte no b bolnp partlbu- lnrly intcrestlner the history of masonry was thon iracod fromthe formation of tho grind iodflro of connrfa in 18g5 thi same helnr fully illustrated atatlstl cal tab i ok bolwr made lntereatuianl dliteatlble in this way mr lan ney n history oea buck hunrtrtfda of ers and is said to be us cornnlete an any reourd in exfntoncf walter lodge certainly felt favored nnd upiroclated thlq fine lecture at the close of tho lecture refrenhmenta wore nerved in thu antl room of tha lochia gcorgo ingram has secured a per mit from chief kerr for tho erection of a gasoline station on colboruo street near kerr street to cost about 2000 friday juno 26 is tho date set by tho board of education for the closing j of tho hlffh and public schools tho st andrews garden party wiji i be held on tho presbytery grounds on tuesday evoningn july 14 mrs w f eaton who lias been in england for some months js expected homo thuvweek- melcrs are now being installed in the houses of water users by tho stmy of the water and light cornmlsslon at tho last meeting of the school board miss alexander school nurse asked that an oculist be brought from toronto at a cost of f go to examine tho eyes- of tho school children tho board in considering this proposal inat night decided that before taking any action dr stead should be con- mjltert if ho gives his approval jtho scheme will bo curried out j h shields p m acted ds arbi trator between two men on tuesday one was a motohat who ran against n pedestrian on the highway east of town grafting his leg so that it could be noticed but not much more mr terryrtho ft npasfiota hutwasjrulkjnff from hamilton to toronto ho wanted tw0 damages but finally consented to take 0 and call it square v what enmo near being a serious accident opctirrod- ou saturday ovenlng whene hi post of snldcrs corners was suddenly prostrated by the heat whle driving his- car south dn the seventh lino hear ii s wilsons farm- tjio car turned turtle in the ditch but mr post wan fortunate onptigh to without injury when found ho was suffering from prostration but after being attendod by dr w m wilkinson ho was suffl olently recovered to fotiirn llqme bi eclnl t orvlcrti to eclobrato tho n uujcuwit m of tho united church of canada in oakvllle were held in wh it was mrmeily the methodist church on sunday to mbrntnir service was of a devotional und inspirational chur u titer and the s lcrnmeit of tha lord s supper was rolobrated at the even ing hervlce the pulpit was occupied by j hev dr c w gordon of winnipeg hotter known an ralph connor k the rtfnownad canadian author racord miss j g albraith millinery and fancy goods stora 40c 70c 50c 100 98c clearing sale of hats all hats reduced to 15 and up phono 109 aston ont end meat market full lines of the very choicesfor meats wc always have the cuts you want and cait supply your every need in the line of meats cooked meats beef pork lamb homemade sausage veal r canned goods we carry a line of the finest canned goods and the prices are the lowest consistent with the quality just phone your order for these lines and have them delivered alone with vour meat order phone 16 atch our window for friday and saturday speeials w j patterson 1pu and main stoeels acton qnt -v- ll ki

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