Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1925, p. 1

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j fi f tyflrst yeano i wednesday mornjng july 11925 acton ontario canada wednesday morning july 1 1925 single copies fiv- cents the acton united church op canada minister roy r e zimmerman b a r parsonage- willow street- sunday july c 192b 1100 rev ii e zimmerman b a tlio now pastor will preach tho apooj- ingsermon of his ministry here 700 p in tho new minister 1000 a m sunday school eervlcb thursday evening 730 prayer and prajse service 1 presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c 8towart m a manso willow street 1000 a m sunday school 10 ato- brblo class acts 13 2g- to 13 12 11 am communion service sub ject of sirch is the kingdom of heaven 700 p m tho minister subject a searching sermon titrangers leaving address with the ushers will be called upon by the pastor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 946 a m sunday school 1100 a m tho pastor subject the lords supper the ordinance of the lords supper will be adminis tered at the close of tho service dv 700 p m the pastor subject nobuchadneziar the man of pride and hts fall monday 8 p m combined b y r itarul prayer meeting all welcome ailvcrtiaementain this column a ceuts per word minlmumdiarne c per insertion flat for rent a flat for rent 5 rooms and bath immediate possession applyto w d talbot b hardware storo acton l voters- lists 192s m u n jctpaltty of f h e village of acton in the county of halton man wants is here notice l horoby g th i have owrpiicctwlth tioctlorrit of the voters lists act and thafc havepostwj up at my office at acton ontario fth the 27th day of june 1025 he list of all persons entitled ten votp in tho hat 4 municipality for members of parlli meriir for members qf the legislative assembly of the provlpce and tor municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection i hereby call upquah voters to take lnmtiuiato piojcodinpatghftvo any errors or omissions corrected ac cording tolawjtho lst dyf oraddfial heing the 18h day of july 1926 h n farmer 12 clerk of tho village of acton wanted 10 men to qualify for work paying 100 to 200 monthly as motor an 1 ignition experts chauffeurs weld ers battery and tire work also bricklaying harboring and me chanical dentistry we pay money port umo while looming thoso tr rcsjltt w j tlorj hemphlue ltd 103 king st i r- removal notice h w hlnton jeweller watoh and clockmaker ota is remov- 1ns his bublnoon next to tom wortons barber shop on mill street on june 11925 i where ho will continue to do all repairs and rota ii the same unas as cheaply as possible f- thanking his numerous pat- rons and soliciting their further patronage he has also taken over c c jewellery store in georgetown where he gill ajgo give of hia best to old and new patrons h whinton jewollor watch and clockmker y acton und georgetown 1 j ffwonpeslni f fhidav tjunm coming through i with tom melghen comedy from hrttid to mouth fttar- ring harold lloyd felix ciir- loon 1 i o r gafoppav7otv raping for life i z huirrinn he mtoniifbnirfcneol itink riph doplm cotnerty jifrenclj 4oatcrj iipox-new- ttoaftjl cartoon beauty ueaovy july 7 fnj jbwinrrlnb loureda tayl i iltom moore chapter v hjt taromtf aylor nnj i ln of iniokfi tlnltlnj f i i tho net comedy oottlne trimmed r l gregory son i boil business down and what is it every nian wnnts on hot days or cold just this the most for his money in all trfata man needs for sumnier wear he can count on macdonalds jjf the very best there is in clothes at the lowest possible pcitsst twopiece homespun suits of fine qualfty heather tan and grey shades at 1850 bermuda cloth suite in exclusive sumnier fabrics tailored by society brand at 240 lightweight threepiece suits in tweeds and home spuns various good models 1485 iam and 2450 donblebr uluca in plain english vicunas pr serges new two and three button models 2950 to 440 golf knickeib in tweeds linens whipcords and palm beach cloths 400 to 1050 english flannel trousers in light and dark greys the seasons favorites 450 english cream flannels and fine serges in summer trousers 450 to 1050 outing trousers of palm beach whipcord and white duck 250to 600 ikhaki trousers at l95 to 365 mengspprtbljttzers in r a variety ofsmart pattefhs and cotors at v50 boys sizes at 600 mens lustre coals- in black or grey plain or color ed to 475 all wool gabardine coats special values at 1950- guelphs leading and largest store dherhwatdonald brottdt daily closinfif 50 p lit excepting wednesday at 12q noon and saturday at 030 p nv news of local import this week isau day earlier owingto 6omnion day coming qn wednesday und it being an important public hplhlaythdjtiuasrnkso thisweelrj htlssueda day earlier than the regular day of issue it is interesting to note tho the first issuo of actons new- paper apjicarcd on dominion day fifty years ago today sam ckilrtars again nominated sam charters m p of brampton was the unanimous cholco ypsterday of tho liberal conservatives of peel county aa their candidate in tho feder al elections his mover and seconder were w j v mt pleasaiit und mrs margaret broddy bramptqn david wilson albion president of tho association occupied the chair saturday evenlno band concerts tho band concert fanned for satur day evening at tho acton athletic as sociation grounds was the second one of tho series to he postponed owing to unsuitable weather the band is having a busy time these days but plans to fulfil the concert dates as scheduled and suitable weather is hoped for for next saturday evening for this post- jmned concert two hundred at family reunion tlio fourth reunion of the gunby family was held saturday june 27 it the old homestead nelson township where tho grandparents settled ninety- three years ago and now the residence of burdge gunby and his on william over two hundredwere present for tho all-day- celebration william ferris sr or lockport n y ably fulfilled the duaies of chairman i- j generous contribution at knox church- tho coifliregaubn at knox church was aflked for- a- contribution of 400 on iftstsupday tocover theeostofthsj recent decoration to the sunday school and class rooms and for other special purposes when the offerings of the day were counted it was found that i4g0o0 in cash had been contributed and promises aggregating f 16000 moro were pledged off to south america mr h n parmer ma barrister and municipal clerk left on monday for paraguay south america to visit his slater and her husband the hoa dlgby a wlllson united states consul there mr farmers trip will occupy three months his friends here wish almqyer enjoyable trip it will be interesting inasmuch as mosof time he will be in environments quit unlike those pf this northern hemi sphere the beardmore employees picnic the toronto and aclon employees unite in a pleasant gathering beardmore co annual plcnlc here on saturday was us usuul un event of keen interest to th their fumilles and friends the tor onto employees were convoycjl to and from actoh by five huge new motor buses of the toronto transportation commission and arrived in acton about 104g a my over two hundred of the toronto visitors were in the party this contingent- was conducted through the plants of beardmoro co here which occupied tho time until 1216 when the picnic lunch was held on thobpaclous grounds of boverloy hdtise the residence of mr and mrs gordon beardmoro a orange church parade eloquent sermon to member of tfie oranao order by rev james w boyd hz the lurgcst annual church parade ever held bythe orangemen of actoii took pluco on sunday evening to tlio baptist church acton l o l- no 107 was accompanied by vialtlnff brethren and sisters as follows mutoit georgetown glenwiillums stewart- wjekknd specials quaker kissejpthe 6rdf ashioned molasses candy oo- delicious for young and old weekend special pertbc metcalfes assorted chocolates in a wide aa nrigeofflavorsrweekenct speciat price per lb assorted chocolates regular 40c and 0 t we 7zrrrz- j2c- koka bups a wholesome chocolate candy at per oo v ice cream we have a full line of ice cream jn bulk and brick at pi times- we will deliver flame to any house in town try a cantelope sundae mill street acton m wiles it t ial prices -on- ite cuwg shes sandals -and- tewi3 ghqerwhite pndl brown all sizes in the lot v come on in harry hakrisonthe shoe man 1 we close wednesday afternoons ail the year round with the exception of december unh pint when somebody owes you money and malfeg no attempt to nay and is not even moved to action when you maif the party an aooount well leave u tq you dear reader doesnt it give you a depreuslnit feeling but on tho other bapd when somebody owes you money and bends it along promptly without being billed or sends it along promptly on being billed oh boy isnt lta grand and glorlouofeellng wo thank you a new glove factory mr robert scott has commenced tho manufacture of fine gloves of all des criptions for ladles and gentlemen he is operating in the old baptist churcb lgln street and has already executed some very fine samples mr scott is an experienced glove manufacturer having been for thirty years engaged in tho business most of which time was spent with the storey qlave vorka of acton he- is oll quljflojby long cxperlcnccah7fcpptl tq execute he finest h g6va qulph onqgnfimrrlpi probyury j tho npncpiicuprnt momhprs of the aueiph presbytery mh on tuesday of ipst wpek kpo ohuppll guelrh the moderator hay j- k froaeri of qolt was in the eh alp present at the meet ing wa jtoy d- g mcqueen of ed- fmonton who acted as interim moder ator pf the now general assembly previous to the election of xr soott- a call wh presented to the presbytery by knox church of hlora in favor of e a thomson of- monk ton in the stratford presbytery the charge car ries with it a stipend of 2000 and a manse encouraging reports were pre sented from the various vacancies of the presbytery and interim modera tors were appointed to each of them knox church choir picnio the members of knox church choir held an enjoyable plenlo to roekwoodl last wednesday evening before th choir left for the picnic grounds theyi assembled at the manae and presented missalva harveywlth u planter clock and a pair of candle sticks ln view of her approaching marriage when tliel party reached their dmtlnatlpnthoyj spent a short time enjoying tho beauti ful scenery which the hamlet proudly possesses a very bounteous plcnc lunch was served by the ladles afte supper a ball game was indulged in by some of the members and some of their guests in spite of the few drops of rain that fell as the rain increased the picnickers djeserted the gameemil departed for homo members and their friends report a brief but very enjoy able picnic and look forward to ait other such happy occasion when bet ter weather is hoped for the load of hay lawsuit dismissed it will bo remembered that a few- months ago mr cunningham had the misfortune to upset a load of hay on tho second lne near speyaldo ho left the load on the side of the road and came to acton foe help n tho medntune a motor cr contlnnt fly sflhtw jnv ww the qapaufta loj4 aft a fair rate of speed and wont into the ditch no one was sprioualy injured but the car sustained ooilplderuule dunnage the owner of the ear- brought juit in thedlvialon court hero for the costs of repahs tj the car und the railway fares of tha occupants from acton to toronto the bill amounted to some 1 2500 the caue cume up t6r fleorlng betore judge elliot at the session of division court here on thursday a toronto lawyer prosecuted and n jeffrey k c ap peared for mr cunningham evidence went to show that there was nine feet of tho highway clear between the load of nay and the ditch that the driver of the motor car was able to see thv obstruction 100 feet away that ho failed to stop and lnvestlgat hut took a chance at passing at a speed of 26 miles an hour the judge while remarking that the capslsed load should have been guarded or havfl hnd a light to warn psslnv trfh3 held that there was contributory negl gence on the part qc the driver qf he motftr car ho theroor albmlbood thr hutiop iyuh tha ooata of the couart at 130 daylight saving time tic crowd assembled at the park where the afternoon sports wcro conducted a softball mtchwas held between the following teams representing the acton and toronto plants acton employees a white n garden j kontner n gibbons j ail am son w kaley g huffman f glbbens m tyler t mochrle j wood j m mcdonald toronto employees a barkoy j avlson j morton t frlazelw hard ing t shea n carr a crowley w stone this was a closely contested matcn and was won in tho ninth innings by acton when bud mcdonalds pop fly was mussed up by the toronto pitcher and third baseman the scor was 1015 ln actons favor acton thus won the baseball shield by j g to jfi points and it will remain here for the year immediately after the ball game all were gathered together for a group picture which turned out very satis factoryond a proof waji-dlsplnyedthat- evening in- browns drug store win dow two solid hours fun for everybody was provided in the races and other contests these were plentiful- and novel and every one of the movents was filled with entries some of them had to be run off in sections to ac commodate the contestants tho win ners of these events were as follows ladles clothes peg race mibs e johnstone acton miss m it gal- brolth acton miss glngell ttordnto mens 100 yard dash j kentnor acton w kaley acton-j- dunn actoii boys race under 10 years w taskertorontp nmorton torontu av withers acton ladles 50 yard daah miss e john ston acton miss mot tram toronto mis vanslckle menvhwseeggcd race whito- mpchrle acton reldmachie actop kentnerstone acton girls race under 10 years v swackhamer toronto d booth tor onto dhoiloway acton mixed thread und needle race miss mot tram e blrkctt toronto mrs toskerh tasker toronto miss davldsong barkey toronto mens race to poveare service j morton toronto n h garden acton gtv beardmoro- toronto boys race 10 to 15 years j han- dorp toronto j morton toronto b marshall aeton mixed cinderella race miss booth mr ashley toronto mlus mclntosh- mr long toronto miss gingcllmt applegath toronto mens plgaback race kentner- khley acton fouardfvlzzett tor onto ashleybirkett toronto girls race 10 to 15 years p tyler acton b tucker toronto d booth torontp mens raoe 20 years service j morton toronto n hgurden aotonr j wood actohr mens potato racee frlzxel tor onto- w kalvy acton w pollarj toronto ladieakfihrondspoonracj misn mk galhraltli aotonr miss m booth toronto miss c thompson toronto ladles nail driving contest mrs pollard toronto miss mccuntock toronto boys boot race l smith acton e mbttram toronto b gibbons acton time race j wood jr mens obstacle race 100 yards j kentner acton w kaley acton j dunn acton athree oclock acton citizens band paraded to tho grounds and played during the afternoon the toronto peoplo were very complimentary in their expressions of the bands play ing and expressed their appreciation of the music furnished following the games and races the crowd re- assembled at beverley house grounds for the picnic tea and the distribution of the prises and award ing the shields the athletic shield was also won by acton the win ning f each event in tho races and contests counted points and acton scored 29 to torontos 13 tho presen tations were made by mr gordon beardmore bothhebabetmiriofd athletic shields come to acton and will hang in the club house at the acton athletic grounds mr a o t beardmoro tud a alk to the employees on the new employ ees suggestion pjtu and mr jqb of toronto yrno was for fiftyillyo years in ne service of fho company mnd a presentation and a yepy nice speech to mil dunbar of toronto on be half of her fellowemployees in tho toronto office the plan for the evening was tennis and bawling tournaments on tho acton athletic association grounds and a band concert from 8 to 30 pm at the grounds however the rain inter fered with these arrangements anl they had to be cancelled the town hall was engaged howevetf and fho makn orchestra called upon tq suixply thq nuslc unci a dncp ws put on to entertain ho visltoiv until they pulled away at io pro the events were all run on daylight saving time uu the toronto and actoi plants are both operated on this time the bowung toufwametft hasaarda rink of aeton took tho 8acond place in the days playing the oneday bowling tournament on the greens of acton athletic asso ciation last wednesday proved ex citing and interesting the contest was keen throughout put of the twentytwo competing rinks the following were the winners first place 8 laws rink of gait score 4 wins plus 29 points second place e j has sards rinkj of acton score 4 wins plus 26 pojlna third place j huethera rlpk pf guelph score 3 wins pw jrtf pflrttht fouri nhpe pr- mcamirown rln of georgetown scpve wilis plub 30 iplie vlhltore all expressed pleasure in the days outing tho weather was ideal foe bowling tho lady true blues from georgetown and the lady orange benevolent as sociation of guelph the parado was lod by tho actor citizens band anci accompaliled by tho fife and drum band of the sons of ulster lodge of guelph tho brethren entered thqi procession at tha lodge room and marched to tho baptist church byway of willow churcli main and mill streoto the seating capacity of the church was insnnicicnt for the- members of jiheorango order and the congregation whlcli assembled arid a considerable number were therefore unabje to gain admittance rev mr boyd tho pastor of tho church preached a fervent evangelis tic sermon from joshua 24 15 choono you this day whom you will serve tho time waa very flitting a crisis a chal lenge and a choice every soul ln this life is destined to face the crista of a momentous choice said the speak er the time invariably comes to mako a decision rlt came to the children of israel it comes to us joshuas last charge to the people of israel his caro- f d review of the lords leading and hi stressing of the crisis before them woro vividly portrayed there is- a moral crisis in all our hves toduy godi charge to my soul and to yours de mands a decision from each of us ws have national crisis the strongth of a nation la caual only to its moral fibre the hlstoryjtfrqniexvascted and- itwas vividly shown that the des truction of rome was not due to its outward influences but to the contempt wfthlri it started a tho parthenop ani permeated tho nation outwards orir present lndlfferenco o the things of god was injpressed in his discourse the speaker referred to the principles of the orange drdor and remarked that the baptist church hnd some important featuros in com mon with the teaching of ornnglsm first thero was the separation of tho church and state then there was the personal right off choice the equality ofrlghts for all and an open bible the individual choice was spoken of as of paramount importance whpt shall i do with christ each mart must decide for himself the bands played sacred numbers on the parade to the church and back totho -hail- af tor a press ions generally formed was that of a due spirit of revofenco character ized tho proceedings throughout eloquent sermons by rev dr moore a son qf acton delights to minis ter to the home church in its new relations social and personal it is oulte evident thart pr tv albert moore has vory warm foelings for tho nbyrebts 4 church when ho occupied the pulpit and conducted both services of the united church on sunday this was manifest flrt in the fact that ho chose acton as the- first place to present the id4ats of tho united church- since tho honor of being elected secretary of the general council of the great pew body came to him at the recent meeting in toronto and ugdln in tho several references to acton and the old church as yvell as in his earnestness during tho acrvitps jft mpst surely be grati fying to fourpeople that so many of tho ministers who either began tholr pastoral work in in the chorch or who served a term here have such high regard for tho church and congrei tlon as to be ready to return quite occasionally particularly when as- in moat cases their services would be welcomed in much larger churches at the morning service speaking frorn mark 9 8 and dealing mainly with the spiritual outlook pf tho unit ed church dr moore compared the spirit of the recent service in toronto conaummatlnjr actual church union with the transfiguration scene pictured in the text where he said those who were present were conscious that as ln the experience of tho throe dis ciples on tho mountain they saw no man any more save jesus developing the spiritual ideal he went on to picture god as a wonderful aclvetiturer who today entrusts tho ihurch with itsotiornrohs and varied responsibilities and tho work of estab lishing his kingdom on earth to us nere humans and with this the hpeuker suggested the necessity of th widest vision for us if gods plans are to be at all realized the church and particularly the union church was pictured not so much as a means of salvation albno as was the oldtime conception but rather as a developer of people as nn organization in which the strong are to help the weak asa force to remedy the troubled conditions in uhe community and in the world so that in this way pads kingdom may bo brought about the sermon closed with an earncdt appeal to trust in the promises of god and to have faith that the way to a better world and happier conditions is opening out with the application of christian principles ln society and thattht ngs w lliwchroutaswein dlvldually carry into our lives the benefits of the trans figuration experi ence and see jesus only baptist y p u rally 200 delegates attend gathering in the baptist church on monday evening the b y p u rally of tho eastern district of the guelph association of the baptist church held at the baptist church hero on monday evening was attended by 201 delegates the young peoples societies of georgetown brampton guelph preston kitchener cheltenham hlllsburg and orangevllle were represented the interesting gathering opened with a song service conducted by rev g w brown of orangevllle hevmr boyd the new pastor of tiw church extended very cordial words of welcome to tho visitors a devotional- service was conducted by rev t e meld rum of chelten ham the address of the evening was given by rev andrew imrle of kitchener his theme was overcoming the humanly impossible and was intend ed to stimulate the young not to bo bound to diffic but divine strength rev mr imrle was visibly affected by tho sad experiences through which he had come- during the day it was his trying lot as pastor of tho hym- mon family of kitchener to bury the mother and a sop who had died as a result of a motor accident a few days previously special music was contributed dur ing the evening by the georgetown duet and the acton malo quartette at tho election of officers the follow ing were chosen president rev j w boyd acton vicepresident stanley austin of brampton secretarytreauurer leslie martin acton press reporter miss l ingram of georgetown a dollghtful social hour was spent at the close of the programme supper was served by tho ladles of the con gregation softball league owing to a misunderstanding a mlri- ltakejwasmftdeinjieatandlngofthe league gtven last weok the game re ported tn last week paper as a win for the actqn tanning co over the tovn by a iufl aoore was won by the town team by a score of 109 this game gives the town team a standing of wan fc amllosts 0 while tho acton tanning co have won i and lost 3 the town team now has i margin of 2 full games and the leaguu leaders are out to try and run through their schedule without a loss the corrected standing of the league is won lost town 7 fl 0 aatpn tanning co 4 z hewetsons 3 3- beardmore oq 1 8 married men vm 1 5 owing to the fabk press going to press earlier this week on account of tho dominion day holiday we have not been able to rejwrt tho games for this week a full report and tin up-to- date standing will be published in th noxt issue police court news pleading guilty lp breaking custody ut the ontario reformatory thomas cochrane of stratford and jack whltn of toronto two inmates who made a dash for liberty last monday ovenlng but were caught before they left the farm premises were on wednes day sentenced by magistrate wattjmo two years in kingston penitentiary j collier of georgetown was brought before p-olioo- magistrate moore on saturday evening hy cmvf jncksqp of georgetown charged with being- intoxicated and assaulting hia wifip collier alleged contributory chuao for th quarrel but admitted that he had several drinks of moon shine he jiud obtained while visiting john h maudv who was iii and upon whom he made a friendly call- ho waa fined 1000 arid casts and promis es improved behaviour toward his wife mr- anguskennedy ot guolpic wira home over the weekend mr arthurxano of ottawu visited acton friends last week mr aaa mrs c r knapp arc visit ing relatives in toronto dr ond mrs f g gollop have left on a motor trip to chicago mrs mary langford guelph visited at mr g lantx last week graced with tho presence of a girls choir differed somewhat from the usual order giving evidenco of tho fact tht union with its less f ormoluadherence to precedent has really arrived pr moores scrnion dealt more particular ly with the practical outlook for the work of tho united church being very properly based on paula letter to the phllllplans written to cover somewhat almilui clrcumstahres as exist ln can ada today treating tho significance of nomenclatiiro tho preacher noted the unfortunate connotation of chris tianity in turkey today by reason of the fact that the name of jesus for the turk has largely boon associated with war and slaughter the same conditions exist to a large extent li czechosioyauia by reason of unfi tunute political conditions in the pai though this concoptlonus rapidly- beln removed referring again- to tho wordi of paul to the corinthians ho trans ferred the familiar phrase for all thingfi are yours to the peoplo of the church today and went on to suggest thatthe islgnificanco of any -name- de- ponda absolutely on what people put into that name passing to the pro- granihaeofllhejiniteilchuroh heout wee the possibilities of the mission fields of the three churches in union of the wonderful outlook for the educa tional institutions scattered here and there all over canada of the efforts toward social welfare one of the larg est outlets for service in the organisa tion of the publishing interests the organization for religious education of the children and young people and then spoke of the financial plans laid for carrying out these plans under tlio now conditions of union again tho discourse was closed with a strong dppea for the people of tho local church to go for ward to larger things trusting in god with whom all things are possible rev h hi zimmerman the new pas tor will arrive in town this week and will preach the inaugural sermons of his pastorate next sunday mr william robertson of toronto was home for the weekend mrs r e nelson of toronto spent tho weekend with acton friends mr c b graham of detroit vlsltod his sister and other friends last week s mr ijjprdan lawuon of toronto ia spending his holidays at his home here mr earl cooper of- guelph is spending his vacation at his home here mrs j h wordon and miss jean of fergus visited acton friends last week mr and mrs thorn and babe of oahawtt arc visiting at mr thos mor tons home miss frances b hurst returned homo from richards landing on mon day evening miss gladys webb of guelph spent tho weekend with her friend miss lorna kennedy mrs g a dills attended the gradu ation exercises at macdonald hall at guelph on friday rev dr and mrs t albert mooro of toronto were guests at moorccroft over tho weekend miss mart tor bpemvthoweek end with friends at cheltenham brampton and elora mr and mrs ewart stophens st toronto wero guests of mr and mrs c r knapp last weok mr and mrs j leask of hamilton visited mr -and- mrs- knapp church street during the week miss dorothy roberts of toronto is visiting at the home of her grand mother mrs george storey t mr j p mulholland and little son of port arthur are spending a week with friends in this community mr and mrs g h lantx miss clara and mrs vannormon spent the week end with friends at keomore nx mrs l mitchell of toronto spent a few days at the home of her sister mrs a reosor mih street lost week mrardarneor returned tibmo last week from mitchell where she had been visiting at the homo of her sister mr nnrt mra wm mrarthiir ftntf w m acton loses third straight mat defeat at hlllbura li wetfnea- day evening actqn againmeldofcatonwadncs- day evening at tho hands of the hllls burg agregatlon by a 102 score loose flolding and weak hitting were responsible for the defeat gibbons pitched good ball and kentner was his battery mate the hlllsburg team played snappy ball and showed their usual aggres siveness all through tho gome as was expected georgetown won tholr game on saturday by a urge score the strong rockwood team of two years ago seems to have fallen to dmtrqotfanv tm league now stands won lost qborfffttown b 1 hlllaburer 4 2 acton 2 4 rockwood 1 5 qamoa scheduled for next week are georgetown at acton and hlllsburg at rockwood the local boys are out to break their loslhff streak and aro all ready for georgetown on saturday a bumper crowd la exuected to see tho icaguo i end era in action halton pair dates the time for holdlno fall falra and school fairs fall fairs in halton county have been sot for the following dates oakvlllo september 18 10 acton september 22 23 uurllnelon september 20 30 milton october 1 2 georgetown october 2 3 the dnten for the various school fairs have been selected as follows bafiuejflng september is milton september 16 naastiffaweya september 17 trafalgar septomber 1819 bronte september 22 ncladff september 24 irorntry september 26 hurllngton september 20 30 tho cbamplonshlp for tho school fairs will bo decided on october 1st and 2nd family and mr and mrs w j hall spent a day last week with kitchener friends mr laird mcdonald of the bank of montreal staff left on saturdayeven- ing fpr detroit where ho will spend his vacation mr and mrs fred adaett and miss dorothea of toronto and miss adsett of guelph visited mr and mrs h p mooroon saturday mr and mrs james symon and sons spont sunday wfth friends ln toronto miss marguerite who had been visiting friends ln the city returnod with them hon- lincoln goldle of guelph tho provincial secretary leaves next wetk onra trip- to thedldcountry whore he will take a sixweeks respite from official duties mr dougald kennedy m p and mrs kennedy spent a few days during the week at the home of- mr fyfo somervllle before leaving for their v iibmoat drydon y messrs john and archie mcgregor qfbrandonmah h are vtthingw1th friends ln acton and vicinity mr john mcgregor was a delegate to the gener al assembly at toronto mr and mrs w h speight miss almeo mr ernest speight and miss mackle hogarth and mr and mrs dean maxwell of toronto wero sat urday visitors at mooroccroft mr and mrs clarence mccutchoon and their sons bob and hugh of west summer and b c visited at mr hugh mccutcheons last week they motored the 3800 miles from their pacific coast home mr nnd mrs george a kennedy hornby announce the engagement ot their daughter florence isabella to dr george a king dentist milton son fo mr john king hornby the mar riage will take place early in july miss nora kenney nurse daughter of mr and mrs w r kenney church street was appointed superintendent of brampton memorial hospital last week and is now installed in that po sition of responsibility fifty years dear editor a half- century is a long time to llvo in this bustling and out breath ago but it is more worthy of record to note that our good friend the editor of the fjuod pjucbs has occupied the editorial chair for well nigh that num ber of years congrafufati6ns most hearty and sincere- on attaining this joyous period ih your faithful and successful career in acton it may be comparatively easy to run a news paper for two or three years and sus tain the interest but to do so for forty- seven years is an achievement of whlcft you may be justly proud for nearly forty years thofiucn prasss has- been a welcome visitor to our homo ulways clean ln tono and typo graphy and uplifting in spirit what a variety of prose and poetry fact andi fancy and what numbers of rcad- ors have been helped by this weokiy argosy of moral and intellectual bless ing the fluat piuses is not run on tho patent inside or the scissors and paste- pot plan but tho individuality of the editor is strongly in evidenco evory week the brief editorials are of tha broezy und sometimes humorous char acter f jud also hr the acceptance or rejection of con tributions i hope this squib will pass editorial censorship a local poet once sent an effusion to the editor for publication and it did not appear thojnr the contributor wrote the editor etating that if he declined to publish it he wished it fo turned as he had other irons in the fire the editor returned it with the suggestion that ho take one of tho irons out of he fire and put the poem in its place but enough i must not trespass un your space wishing you much continued health and blessing ln whicn i am confident hundreds will join yours moat sincerely d rogers st thorn june 37 4 mt 1 9

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