Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1925, p. 3

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the home of ijp a rton xw rbfi memlicr cinadian wcclly newspaper association member iclittctl town weeklies of ontario hie acion i itee press is published every lliursday mornitiff at the i rec fresi building mill street alton ontario the subscription price is 200 per year in advance postage is charged additional 1o ofhecs in the united states the date to which subscriptions arc paid is indicated on the address label i advertising rates trausfent advertise- merits 10 cents per line agate measure for ursf insertion and 5 cents per hntf for each subse quent insertion contract display advertiie- ments for 50 inches or more per annum is cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out apecigc directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord in sly ii p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office residence of president residence of manager 1 shorter speeches in the house of commons canada may have a sprightlier parliament if ths recommendation of a special committee goes through and speeches are limited to forty minutes the pro posal reads no member except the prime minister or leader of the opposition or minister moving a government order and the rncmbcr speaking im mediately after such a mjnistcr or a member making it motion of no confidence in the government and minister replying hereto shall speak for more than forty minutes at a time in any debate popularity sonvu boys want to rnhk high 11 ucholaruhl some boys want to bo did tinkutahcd athletes but all boys want to bo popular hut ulthough effort to win distinction in scholarship athletics is worthy effort that la di rected at tho achievement of popularity is unworthy and wherens tho efforts to win distinction in scholarship in athletics ure pretty sure to meet with some reward those that are directed at tho nchicveinentqfjlojular- itynrelndio long run unsuccessful popularity la awardod to the fellow who is simple democratic good humored and ful of spirit who harbors no grudges and who knows spontan eous kindness who takes tho good will of the world for granted and bears toward theworld good will because tho fellow with such a makeup is usually healthy and vigorous the im- ular fellow la usually an athlete but wednesday morning july 1 192s nova scotia goes tory after fortythree years nova scotialast thursday in the general elections rejected the liberal government which has been in power for the past fortythree years and decided- with unmistakable emphasis to afford the conserve- jathictic prowess does not nocessariiy tivc party under hon e n rhodes an opportunity of administering her affairs the final count shows 40 conservatives electedas against a liberal opposi tion of 3 premier e h armstrong and all his ministers save hon william chisholm minister of mines were dofeated the attorneygeneral hon w j ohearn trailing the liberal ticket in halifax the old time slogan its time for a change didf th trick separate dry unit for canadian border in addition to the regional organization that general andrews assistant secretary of the trea sury at washington has devised as a substitute for the state directors charged with the enforcement of editorial canadas natal day this is canadas birthday her fiftyeight can ada is a young country its only fiftyeight years since confederation and her youngest province is only eighteen years old but what she lacks in years she has made up in achievement canada holds to day a commanding position amogg the wheat pro ducing countries of the world and prizes and cham pionships have come to her sons from successes in grain growing and other agricultural achievements over one million workers are engaged in agriculture alone and in 1924 her revenue from this source was 1500000000 yet only onefifthof her arable land is under cultivation prohibx tiontfierets tobe a separate unit entrusted with the stopping of smuggling over the canadian and mexican borders the treaty with canada has ben ratified the commissioners charged with nego tiating an agreement with mexico have returned and th ir report will be put in treaty form as soon as possible it is sincerely hoped that our canadian 4uitharitieswillcooperate in every reasonable wav in heeffort to stop the illegal shipping of liquor out of canada into the united states imply he possession of the qualities that produce popularity and because tho follow with those qualities laftcn too lively to settle down to a studious life it doca not follow that it la im possible to- attain scholarship and 811 be popular it is foolish to think that tho road to popularity la by following ahletlca and by shunning study it la even more foolish to think that the wuy to attain popularity is by court- j ins the friendship and favor of the popular the qualities that makes men and women popular in not their faculty of endearing themselves to those who are successful but rather their faculty c winning the confidence and affection of tho humble and the unsuccessful magnetism tho charm of personality is the gift of making people like you tho moment they look at you or hear you speak that cannot be acquired either it is yours or it in no jq neighborhood newf3r towd and country milton a complete new system of electric wiring has been installed in knox church greatly improving its light ing mr wmije stewart of upper canada college teaching staff lias gone to tho artillery- camp at xebiwaiyii ji toronto battery commanded by liout- c1- e- k p armour his broth robert jately graduated from the toi- onto normal school hat secured m engagement in a toronto pujillz school the choir of tho illlfmburg chonl society won first prize for choiui sing ing at the wellington county rural musical kestlvul at cculph othr competitions were jcvei ton kclen milln mimosa fergus and arthur the choir had been truinodly g strick land thompson organist of the unite 1 church milton and wur conducted by him champion the cheerful japanese ad burlington immigration to canada other dominions appear to be getting more favoi able publicity in the british press than canada in relation to immigration in spite of that fact how ever it is pointed out that during the past year while south africa had immigrants newzeaand 1 1061 australia 38500 of which 25- 000 had travelled free under assisted passages can ada had brought jn 63616 of which there were only 6000 assisted passages the difficulties which face a government today in the matter of bringing immi- grafts to the dominion were fairly well exemplified in the courseof the debate which occurred in the house last week upon the estimates of hon james robb for an amount of 1350000 for immigration contingencies the vote in question was passed at the conclusion of several hours of debate increasein dairy products the oldfashioned sunday wore and mqre it seems that the oldfashioned custom of spending sunday quietly and going to church and sunday school is being thrown aside by many otherwise carefulliving people in favor of the pleasures of the auto to get the- wife and children in the car and sail away for a pleasant holiday is the idea now it is not the children but the parents who are responsible for this newfangled way of spending tht sabbath it means a good time for everybody but the oldfashioned sunday is sacrificed the old training that taught restraint and that trie careful following of certain duties in life as being essentials to good citizenship are becoming it would seem relics of the past we are moving on to something different but is it something better what our future cilizens will turn out to be depends upon the training the children of the present day are receiving one is more odious than tho person who makes you feel that he is con sciously trying to appeal to you through tho charm of his manner if you are honest and kind you will have all tho friends you need and you will not envy the boy on whom the star of popularity shines more brightly what aqshoulbn0l in the homes the responsibility rests with the par- ents will the coming generation outdistance the last in character and worth we hope so but certainly some of the old ideals upon which sterling characters of the past were builded seem to be held lightly surely we lose something worth while when we allow ourselves to drift away from the best tradi tions we have inherited from the fine old pioneers of this country walkerton telescope can you drill a larger hole in jfhe end of this the stranger asked the machinist holding up the propeller shaft of a boat motor sure was the genial reply then fixing the shaft in his vice he touched his nie to it and said cant do it casehardened possibly old mose can do it the stranger sought old mose amtj found him in a small rickety frame building that looked like a junk shop as he entered mose glanced over his glasses at him they were perched far out on tho end of his nose his eyes had an indifferent gave he looked very tired they tell me you can mend any thing the stranger said cheerily oh i can mend some things he re plied drearily he adjusted the broken leg of an old stove prepara tory to welding the piece together i have been at this kind of work for fifty years and im tired of it it la not the only kind 6f work i can do what is your other work asked tho stranger there on the wau was a framed landscape painting somewhat conven tional to be sure but not without merit ehailatho kl nd rofyorlcilikehe a garden party under the auspices of the ladles aid society of thn united church will bo held on tho school grounds appleby on tuesday evening july 7 a large gang of men are at woric making preparations to change over the boll telephone central to tho new quarters on brantstreet mrs w j barr returned homo from the hamilton hospital on saturday last and her manyfvlenda will bo glad to hear her condition la jmpoved mr e a harris attended the annual convention of tho canadian weekly ewspapcrva3hoc1attorrni3rtvcetcr on sunday last a resident ut hose- land park had a stray bullet enter hi 3 kitchen door fortunately the bullet did not hit any mark but this should be a warning to people using fire arms the appointment of mr sykes as town cleric nnd treasurer was con firmed at last council meeting and in addition to hlsregular duties he was authorledand instructed to prepare japanese advectisoro according to tho cosmopolitan in tho i3onton evening transcript believe in a iiivihii use of superlatives tho paper v seu rims tho announcement lir a tokyo stationers window i as uolld as the hide of an elephant step insido is tho call of u big store in the same city you wilj ho welcomed no fondly as a ray of uujw shine after a rajny day our assist ants are as amfablo as a fathci seeking j good are dispatched to customer houses with tho rapidity of a uhot from tho cannons mouth bonds stocks and grain private wires to new york chicago winnipeg andtoronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannigan f hona s7 i ouelth internal and external pains are promptly relieved by r thomas ecle oil that it has deem sou for nearly fifty years and 13 today a greater seller than ever before 18 a testimonial that speaks fob ito nuuerou3 curative qualities and mall all tax notices and receive payment of taxes at his office as a result of these increased duties his salary was increased from jl 20000 to 160000 per year about ninethirty on mondtty morn ing the firemen responded to a fire nt a cottage at station 28 on the beach the cottage is occupied by the hustlers club and urblak6startea on this ro6t but the hustlers did some hustling and extinguished it by the time the flro do partment arrived look money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis nocollection no charge wo place 34 years experience at your disposal and assumo all your collection troubles send us your list we will do tho rest no noto or account la considered too small top large too old or too far away wo will tacklo any honest debt kelly aiken collectors orangeville owen sound j m aiken manager jos j kelljy manager reference sterling bank of canada bujsiness directory medical dft j a mcniven phyalofan and surgeon qfflco and residence corner bower avenue and elgin street dr e j nelson redeftlcic street acton ontario legal phone no 22 n p o box ssi harold nash farmer m a bnriater solicitor notary pub ho conveyancer etc perryman block acton ont money lent on mortgages hours 980 tun to g pm saturdays 1200 ocloclc dental georgetown editorial notes official figures show an increased production in dairy products for both ontario and quebec in 1924 tbe total value of ttjese products in ontario last year is placed at 95005000 compared with 94- 875o0gin 1923 a fo qu 6325 in 1924 as against 63165000 in the previous year th production of cheese in ontario last year was 103- 000000 pounds valued at 16480000 of butter 59 000000 pounds valued at 20355000 quebec in 1924 produced 41661813 pounds of cheese valued at 6624228 and 65596627 pounds of butter valued at 23286803 bofli provinces which are the largest producers of dairy products in canada also account ed for a large output of condensed milk milk powder aalice cream corisideraolequantitiesof cheese and butter are exported from ontario and quebec the british isles being the principal market our juniors as citizens a noted educationist said the other day the most useful knowledge is that which will make us the best citizens since knowledge is largely ex perience rather than mere information it follows that a good part of the knowledge that makes good citizens must come from actual work for civic order cleanliness and beauty what we learn from working on our own responsibility we never forget th natural place for the child to get that kind of educa tion in is of course the home the old household chores that modern improvements lz made no longer necessary are inadequately replaced by work in the school athletic field at the school carpenters bench and in the school course in domestic science those things are all good but they fail to inspire in the child the sense of reality and the sense of pro prietorship that are necessary for the best educational results to supply that need some schools and com munities are making use of th opportunity offered by the home plot or the back yard they set the boy at work first in his own garden there he learns by experience something about trees and plants and insect pests and birds he finds out what makes a good path he perceives that the debris and the stag nant puddles that spoil the fair face of his little domain are breeding places for flies and mosquitoes it is easy then to interest him in the preservation of trees and plants of birds and animals the extermin ation of flies and mosquitoes roadmaking it is easy to lead hint on from pride in his garden to pride in his street his neighborhood his town with other enthusiasts he wages war on everything hat militates against civic cleanliness order and beauty up has mastered the primer of good citizen ship by the time these boys reach their last year in the highschooi thef are probably learning some thing about the government and the economic condi tions under which v live at the stage when they ars receiving this information in civics it will bs most beneficial to them and to the community if some group of responsible men will let them share tn work that the town needs to this the boys municipal councils and boys parliaments are doing mucrj to inculcate interest and information in tbe things in citizenship y action of sennte in regard to racing legislation seems to indicate that the old gentlemen of the red chamber like to go to the races themselves occasion ally telegram after allthe advertising given it very little is heard of the celebrated fourpointfour beer it seems to have created more stir in the united states than in this province the closing moments of the sessions of the united church of canada were marked by clearcut unequi vocal pronouncements against war the liquor traffic and race track gambling the premier of australia is pleased with canadas trade treaty ministerial circles there are of the opinion that the commonwealth parliament will very readily agree to canadas measure the minister of education has decided to retain for another year the present mode of apportioning the legislative grants to rural schools trustees will now be able to estimate fairly accurately their revenue from the legislature for the- year 192526 the senate has again taken the opportunity of showing the people of canada how much at variance they are with the public opinion they slayed the bill of the house of commons intended to curb the evil of race track gambling and they mutilated the home bank bill reducing the relief intended for un fortunate small depositors canada could get along very well without her senate it is estimated that the motorists will pay the ontario government 6000000 yearly for the privilege of driving their cars over the highways of the province if the money is expendedt entirely on new roads and road maintenance very little complaint will be made but if any part is used for other pur poses there is likely to be a protest that will rock the parliament buildings aylmcr gazette in one of the district schools in illinois the public- f jjrited teacher spends his summer vacation in giv ing instruction to his pupils in farming there arc twentynine boys and girls who have leased tracts of land from their parents cultivate them keep a enrolled record of expenses and profits and have savings accounts in the local bank jtis worthy of conjecture that therell be no trouble ih that district in keeping the young folks on the farm a birthdtiy is not- worth celebrating unless the life that began n thqt day is a life that has honorably faced its earthly responsibilities and grown with the years into something finer and more useful than it was at its fcirth on the first of july then it is not enough to take pride in the deeds of the men who won political unity for our country we must resolve to do our part in making the nation the force for raatice and peace and righteousness that our fathers meant it to be said but i never had a lesson in my life when the two wero back in the htue shop he pointed to a little portrait neatly framed that the stranger had not noticed i did that mornlnffn whjlo waiting for the milkman to set here he casually remarked his talent was beyond question my great mistake he continued was that i woudnt go to school nvhen x wnaa boy i just took the first job that i could get to earn a little money and drifted into the machine ahop business every boy ought to go to school until he has found out what hi is good for and would enjoy doing all his life the greatest thing in life in to enjoy your work i arr ylfrfrymfht years old it la too late now but you can bo an artist in the- work you are doing the stranger sug gested r yes i suppose ao he replied mus ingly but it is a great thing really to love your work eternal snow of scotland there are large areas on the moun tains of scotland wheio the anow never melts hidden away on the mighty slopes of ben nevis and cairngorm are gullies and chasms to which tha auns rayft never pierce there the snow never melta and has possibly never melted- during thousands of years tho northern precipice of ben nevis is always covered with a coun terpane off doxsllng whiteness and erven in the hottest days of summer when the valleys are sweltering in heat snow falla up there in one of the clefts there is a miniature glacier the last remnant of the age when one continuous glacier extended from the grampians to what is now known na the irish sea and which carved out tho hollows in which now lie such lakes in loch lomond and windermere in england and wales there is no mountain which has even a patch of snow which never melts but there la gully on snowdon called tho deep cut where snow often ilea while sum mer visitors are disporting themselves in tropical heat at llanduhon mid summer snowstorms are by no means uncommon on the summit of cadet i idrht while in the lake district anow often covers tho mountain tops till the end of may i gulls fly around world that gulls and terns inhabiting te great lakes region scatter tiver a wide range during their migratory flights has ben indicated by a checkup on turned birds according to william i lyon of tho inland bird association who marks more than 3500 of the fowl yearly in an effort to learn their length of life mating habits and their travelling ability ehen those reared in the same neighborhoods of the northern climes have been found to- follow different toutcs on their winter flights a pair of terns released after capture and banding in northern lale michigan were trapped in columbia and another specimen taken along the niger klver in africa bore a marker which had been attached to it on the coast of maine others identified by bands were found to have traveled from the great lakes to points in georgia florida and texan holiday land8 near the water holidays are muchmonnjirjoyilhle when spent near the water on tariff has a wide choice of beautiful lake lands from which you may choose a healthy inexpensive place for your va cation the iuqjaau lakes tn eastern on tario otter splendid camping and ash ing tbtt beautiful resorts of iho muskoka lakes lake of bays ka- warthn- lakes algonquin park j0000 islands of the georgian bay nnd timo- gqmi in central ontario or nfplgon nnd quetlco park in northwestern pnrt of the pmwnojrhl provide you with a never toeg houduy a great diversity afforded in the varj fxluding fine fishing ahr any canadian natloi agent for illustrated booklet information regarding rdutee cores to any of those resorts mr ack ryan who has completed hls studies at university of toronto in chemical engineering has accepted a position with the nichols copper co woodslde long island new york the men of knox church george town and llmchouse to tho number of about 160 enjoyed a banquet and social evening in the church here on friday last tho gathering was arrang ed by the board of managers communications wero received from mr a g green principal and miss e robinson tendering to tho school board last week their resignations fro the teaching g movc jhr i mcnally and mr kontner that tho resignations of miss robertson and m green bo accepted with regrets the closing meeting of the womens auxiliary of st georges church was ijeld last thursday afternoon at the home of mrs j ricc 7th line tho president mrs s beaumont who is in her 86th year was present with somci 40 other ladles arthur braisbey who was n resident of georgetown fifty years agoand now tf beunos aires brazil south amerl- paid a visit on councillor and mrs william barclay ltnd many other old friends last week mrs r d coutts and miss isabel gouts were guests of mrs r i creel man on monday they leav for their trornra in tire west this week after spending some months in toronto where miss coutts has been completing her l t c m course nt tpronto con aervatory of muslc tho following appeals wero disposed of in tho court of revision h t arnold on factory assessment reduced from o650 to j6c0j william clcava estate assessment on 3 acres reduc ed from 195 to 120 farm land re duced fro 1625 to 1400 and build ings from 4000 to 3000 mark clark assessment on property on john st re duced rrom 2300 to 2000 and busi ness assessment from 385 to 335 o b dayfoot assessment confirmed one of the largest church gatherings ever held in georgetown took place in the park on monday evening when over six hundred members and adher ents of the united church of canada from georgetown ashgrove and lime- hrouse assembled to celebrate the great event of church union in tho dominion and spend a social evening together a marked spirit of fellowship was noticeable and the evening will long be remembered as one of the greatest events in tho history of church life in georgetown herald good bread is the staff of life and we have the reputation in acton and vicinity for making ihefinestafbread itdoesn4mattorwhethcr it white or brown or our delicious kruit loaf every loaf is of the same high stapdard cleanly baked and the best ingredients used homemade could not be better and the housewife is saved the worry and fuss of baking at home r fairbanks bread is truly the staff of life have the waggon call every day phone 116 fairbanks bakery millsc acton drl jftrbeix d d s l d a dantiat honor graduate of toronto unlvcp sity tho latcit anesthetic used if desired ofllco at residence corner of mq and frederick streets- dr f a gollop rds lds donta surgeon offlce over bank of nova scotia hotjr8 j0 to 6w evenings by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds roads to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street guelpn out over wuuamst store perhaps not the new teacher had arrived at tho uchool and tho children wore doing their best to form an accurate cstlmato of her abilities temper and general character the first lesson was to ho on natural history and the teacher had chosen the interesting but com plex subject of the catt now children she said tell mo what sort of clothes pussy wears no answer come come said the new teach er trying to extract the right answer by naming something thnt pussy did not wear does she wear feathers no reply or does she wear an apron on the teacher facetiously or a silk blouse or a cotton overall such ignorance was more than a little boy in the front row could stand please maam he asked earnestly aint you never seen a cat can adian homo journal counted but a crowd of small boys was gather ed about theentrance to a circus tent a man standing near watched them for a few mfnutes then ho walked uj to the ticket collector nnd nald with an air of authority tct all thoe boys pasti in and count them as they puss the ticket collector did na requested nnd when the lust no hud pasned in he turned to the bun and said thoic were twentyeight sir oood the mun hmlllngnsheff wulked away i thought i gucssc right 8entence sermons ego- im- we call it selfrespe in ourselvph and lam lniher people 7 cleverness in our children and pudence in others children temperament when we are irritated and temper when someone else is angry shrewdness when we get tho profit and graft when we pay them independence when we are different and stubborness when our friend is selfishness when a friend is stingy dence when w nre when another wins and good ltwhen our own plans work htgrmeir barrister wishes to announce that his acton law office i will be open for the afternoons only during the summer months and on friday evenings until 9 p m 0 r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years xpcrlenco ijst your property with mb acton ontario climax bug killer a boon to potato growers and market gardeners it destroys potato bugs without injuring the plant as in the case of larls green it saves its cost in labor of applying it stimulates tho growth nnd increases tho yield it adheres to tho leaf and does its work after considerable rain it la a perfect treament for currant gooseberry and cabbage worms cucumber or rose hugs or any insect that feeds upon the loaf come in and ask about climax bus killer and get our prices phone 76 w dta1jbot 80le agent in acton main street acton ascuuoi moi h3riauiondsrifat toronto canad4 a e nicklin insurance aqent life fire auto accident ov health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plate glass insurance trustee for estates colloctians b entrusted x my care will be carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorablo rates and terms for re payment box 444 uower ave acton yes george im starting a course of train ing at the guelph business college on july 6 mary allco and william have just finished their course and located in good positions tom and andy have arranged to start on september 1st but by starting now i shall be able to take- a position qhead of them you get individual instruction at the guelph business college a l bouck principal and proprietor seaaion the entire year be a scout and comfc to acton on wednesday july 1st acton citizens band afternoon and evening parade at 230 oclock ladies softball came rockwood vs acton t water sports childrens races athletic sports of all kinds may pole drill evening programme eight oclock haitl opening selection a iiy tho band vocul solo mlns jean kennedy vocal solo mr taylor cornot solo charlie landsboroueh male quurtctto f band malo quartetlo comic duett ray agdow and rudolnh speilvoeol quartetto number by tho mixed quartette baxniihcno duett maaon and mr geo mason camp fire programme including numbers on tho banjo accordion mouth organ trombone and cornet duotth excellent booths on the grounds rev a c stewart chairman undor tho auspices of tho ladioa scouts auxiliary mrs j symon prasidant mrs a ma30n sactraa afternoon adults 15c evening adults 25c v admission children under 12 free children 15c dont neglect your eyes tako advantage of specialist services offered by this cstab llflhmont and know your glasses oro right experience is a good teacher 10031625 wo have had over twenty yearn at it and hero patrons are assured of thei best in op tical service a d savage optometrist and mfg optician savage building right at tho post otqco guelph ontario i the old and reliable granite and marble works get your job printing at the free press wo oro manufacturers and direct impjrtora of all kinds of monumental and headstone work wo soil direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus aavin ff our customer 40 per cent wo have the best appliances and tho only mechanics in tho dominion who can operate pneumatic t tools properly wo can sivo references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other i peaces where others have to have law suits in order to collect wo have the largest and best stock of granite in the dominion or more than- any three dealers in the west we are legiti mate doalors and employ no agents and do not annoy or pest customers by sondlngr out ignorant osenta solicit ing orders we employ only mechanics and defy competition hamilton sons guelph ont ai j

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