Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1925, p. 5

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i wpttw 3tttktm aviqdnksdav july 11025 the hayloft through all thy pleasant mpadowslda the kra inowuhouldorhlgh till iho hhlnlnp hcythos wont far n wide and cut it flown todry xlioaoceiluuidcetlyainelllncccoijil they led in wiitfitha homo ami they pihjd them hero in mountain tops for mountaineers to roum ijero la mount clear mount ruuty- nail mount kaglb and mount ihgh tho mice that in these mountains dwell no happier than i o what a joyip clumber thoro u- o what a place to play with tho sweet tho dim tho dusty air tho happy hill of hay robert louis stevenson the sunday school lesson for sunday julys from ox team to auto truck twenty years ago from tho issuo of the free press of thursday july 6 1905 tho raspberry crop ih ripening the farmers are in tho midst of their haying mr kobert holmes fine now brick residence on main street will be com pleted in u wook or bo thenow freight shed at tho gt h station is up and enclosed abaee ball tournament was hold on saturday dominion day the rain somewhat interfered with tho gamos but a good crowd attended and tho scries of matches advertised were all played in tho forenoon the young 9 of tor pluy tno loung stars of acton the visitors won with score of 52 herb fyfo was 1kb umpire in tho afternoon tho vic torias of ouelph defeated the kureka team of toronto tho score being 108 tho victors then played acton ixnd went down with a score of 32 a deputation from tho manufact urers committee of tho board of trade waited upon the directors of tho niagara welland power co at tor onto last thursday to point out tho advantages of running an electric trunk line frpm brampton through acton toguclph tho matter is being considered the beginning of foreign missions acts 13 112 read acth 12 25 time icattc placrf antloch salamis pnphos tho lesson explained 1 barnabus and saul called by the holy splrk sot apart by men sent forth by men and by the holy spirit 14 the church at antloch had hyft pro phets and teachers worthy of mention by name this early gentile church became a fountain of light and life to many other place tho holy ghost spoko to them as they mlnlatcrcd to tho lord and fasted u wo would spend more lime and strength in the ministering to tho lord and fasting we would havorrnorcfrequent and clearer leadings pf the spirit a splrjtfillel mind rarely accompanies an over- filled stomach greater publicity in our liv ing would be conducive to- a clearer perception of the mind of god it is not said howtho spirit apoko whether in an audible voice or allontly in the inner recesses of tho heart but he spoke in an unmistakable way it was no vaguo uncertain impulse such as men sometimes call tho t of tho spirit he is ready to speak today if wo will supply ther propor conditions and listen it was the holy spirits work to sail it was mans work to recognize uio call and sot tho one called apart for tho work those who ignore ordination by man aro as un- scrlptual as those who ignore a call by god but it was for the work where unto the spirit called that- they were place potatoes in pot and coverover with water whm ftsutwt drain sffwttf through rtnbur apotat llamuc uxk ttrwr on ho caldtoclor tcorcmflf btlng pun smp eetmalvd war it comts t boll far qiiicker un other wvres th- poulowot nm ly pwfooth boiled srv with butter in oovtyedduh c fkaf 0jp potato 9wt r pots mbmi v james symon i railway time tables at acton nadian nati0nalr ooiho wt no ia no 30 no 34 no30 for sale by mill st acton to be set apart too often wojaet men apart for a work whereunto the spirit never called them spiritcalled men are a great need in our day we have far too many men whomon have call- edi or worst yet who havo called thompelycg every step in that early chur was taken in prayer an i it wu fanny crosby hpw many thousands of the bcreay- 2 ed sitting drjcywrta the presence or death have found relief in tears whtn tho singers began- some dayvtho sliver cord will break ijow many of them know that the writer of tho hymn was a women blind almost from her birth but radiant with that inner light that seems so often to illumlnato hie lives of those whb cannot see with tho eye of the body and then fanny crosby herself died land because the sliver cord that had bound her spirit to so many other lives was loosed people who never saw her face mourned for it is one of the characteristics of human nature that we yield adoopijr love tp those who move lis to tears than to those who make us- laugh whttfarnoteworthy lifelttvaa even the physical aspects ofit challenge at tention miss crosby or rather mrs vn alstyne for she woo married many yoarsago to a blind musician wasninotynvo yeaxo old her mother lived to ba 102 and her grandmother reached the ago of 100 bo that the three lives together spanned the whole period between tho revolution and the pcrjctttns iatibihyflical was th6 least interesting phase ofpanny crda- byfl life her title to the lovo that he von was the spirit that enabled her lo face with cheerful courage a r 1 llf oftfroht so much thjwoare it accustomed to rogarfl as indispensable to happineps evenat twelve years of wrote what bht wellao called a hymn of good cheer and all r throoghbut her days r brave optimistic outlook let every- one- otrlvo to make the world a httlo happier for other people she wrote in her 6ld age that is the best senti- mentandthe fhwst eoapelicanglve r you- and agafn a few years before herdedfh i am younger than ever 1 nevcr fret never worry never think i disagreeablesthough tpr qpd vhxl with any olio or anything llfegndes 7 orr like a littlo boat on a waveless stream with beautiful lowers on either side if jn the whole world you can find ahapplermortal than 1 am bring hjrato rae i want to shako hi hand l v of the almost incredible number of hyirins that mias crosby wrote from seven to eight thousand nany of course failed to rcacjl the level of ex cellence nocobbary- l give them a permanent placo in oiir religions lit- oraturo but so too there in much that is- mediocre in jwatls and wesley her nearest rlvajs in prodactlveneas tfio best of her work wottld not willingly be spared was no more formal prayer a prayer to which mon gavo themselves so heartily that they withdrew them- j selves even from thir necessary food to pursue it verso s the promptnesn with which this church obeyed the spirits command is worthy of note ho hod demanded tho beat thoybad for the foreign mission field and they gave them up without amurmur they would have liked to have kept barna bas and i8au1 but the spirit called them elsewhere and they sent them flwnv if- tohiin thuv sent them the question of transportation and mtetxbnrinunicatlonlbeo vjtal to our growth as a nation that every cana dian lg actively interested v way back in 1887 when mr ed ward chambers main wiro chief of tho boll telephone co toronto took h vd tranaportatton aa ofcrvlrct he inistahcd iho two instru- work ox teams still held u irapor- tatnt place mr chambers in speaking of those days tolls of walking from bay streot to toronto junction carrying as standard equipment two telephbno sots one tool bagvanjl one cnllof ments and arrived back at tho start ing point in time to call it a day things afo different now the au tomobile truck and the auto trailer together with numerous other gaso line driven inventions some 400 in all -are- making poiraibl a a amount of work in a shorter time who will be recognized a puzzled lecturer p- gilbert k chestertbn tho pngllsh essayist was very abflentmlnded in deed if it were nottfor his wife he woulflbo in somfc difficulty or other alt rbf he unj mrs chosterton issaid to ccompany him on almost every journey in- order to ee that he getn the proper tickets fob the proper placo it is recorded r however says t- js weekly tit on one occasion mrs chesterton was unawo to accimpan3 her husband flo she sent him off with thewords kow gilbert you know where yoii are to lecture nd what your subject is mr chesterton went to iho railway station and itrrivlng there threw down ii sovereign at the booking office where for asked the clerk s tree trade hall replied mr ches- terton voh glasgow then said tho clerk aftbl mr chesterton asaontlrfg received the ticket fbrjitbat station stepping into tho street at glasgow he was hailed by a friend t hollo chesterton what are you doing hero oh im lecturing at free trade lah oh no yoiir not protested tho irrlohd oh but x ami protested chester- r ton- i booked the engagement bomb months ago that cant be so t persisted the ftieilil- the place is being reriovatod and tbepalntersaro at work thpre l it slowly dawned on mr chesterton that ho was at tho wrong place and he sent his wife the following telegram glasgow am here where ought i to her locomotive of plants rm hfi there arpsorno plants which can ho- jbw for rtietnselyes a moro suitablo rocothin if the brfe hr which they nnrt themcives is not satisfactory take for instance the loronthus a species of mistletoe if this plant finds itself jnn eltuatloiv unfuvoroblo to ita growtli tt avntthrow toutni root toy which u ls7- enabled to move to- another slfc tho men n of locomotion bolng a flat tened disc unit acts as a sort of foot the morln pvucos 1 repeatiwl until a satirffrtctory position for dcyolon- nient has hooh found anothor plant cho cfttsla lodges its sends irt- tho h i of a tree wlionce tho rops downwasd ahd btrlke in the olij iyom j theao snhpitridod rojia tnanohoji grown n all aides pntil ttij treecjiikwhich tboy die bufrprirted bv iorn0- ut0jrajlyuffocfttd back of it all thoy were really sent forth by the holy ghost wonder fully suggestive and inspiring wprjs thaae with what confidence a man can go forth wheii he can confidently affirm i have been sent on the errand by the holy ghoat ho may not know just where ho fs going or just what he is to do or just what awaits himno directions aeem tohavb been given na to where they wore tb go so they made straight for tho nearest port and thence for the old home of barnabas cjj 4 36 2 triumph of sauufllled with the spirit over elymaa full ofjul guile and all vinarayi 512 thoy wero true to thoir commission thfey preached thoword of god mnny t-forth-by- tho hdly ghost who has afterward for gotten what he was sent to preach and so a mission thatwas divine in its origin- lias come to nothing in- its execution if there was over a day to which their example noeded imitation it is today when men are preaching anything and everything but the wordof god comp 1 thess 2 13 2 tim 4 2 opponents of the gospel who make great pretentions and do amazing things are not at all now one need not be frightened because men who make astonishing cjalmg ad who d lsplay e j traordhmry gi f ts arise to lead men astray it was so in the first days of the churchs his tory and yet tho churth went night on ih face of this apparently danger- jllfc theosod aadl chrluan scientists and occultists next sabbath the sabbath bolls will peal out their initiation to gods house wors w qm nnrly f their places the organist will be seem an ho compresses tho air into music and pours it forth in waves of melody upon the soul hearts will be gladdened because ho expresses shades of thought and emotion that ore- too dellcato lor words tho choir will take its place bach one jwlll be known byname and each one will ho appreciated because in psalm and hynin tho choristers wall lift burdens from the heart and teach the woakwllls to bo strangogha tho tount hlft unlucky thirteen kin a or spiritualists of taoay are no more dangerous than the shnowand ely- mases of early daysl splrjrilled jpen were heeded to oppose and ctfnfound them then and spiritfilled hien aro heeded to oppose and canfountf thorn now the proconsul sergus pauliw gayegood proof tbat w ind ced- va man of understanding hrfoalled unto him barnabus and saul and he- sought to hear the word of god what ever claim to prudence and wisdom and common sense a man may make hels not a -thtiin- of undcrstandlnff if he lb not desirous to hear the word at god klymas did not give up with out a fight the devil never does j2 tim 3 8 his chief business is turn ing men aside from the faith verse 8 but the opposition of elymaa for all his marvelous powers was vain for he had run up against a spiritfilled marl paul jiad been filled with- the holy spirit soon- after his conversion chapter 9 17 but now a new emer gency arises and there is a new fill- lng for the now need we ought not to be content because we havo once or fifty tunes known what it is toiiave the spirit of god come rushing upon us and taking possession of our mtnda and giving up words of wisdom bold ness and power to utter as each now emergency arises we- should east our selves upon him anew people often ask have you reeclvod tho second blessingr we need not only th- second blessing but the third and the three hundredth etc pauls words aro veryi eyere- arid very searching they expose the depths of tho infamy of euymns pfalnneser and boldness of speech fs a characteristic of a splrit- flllc in god endorsed pauls words thero iad already fallen a mis t and a darkness uixn his soul and now the judgment also touches tho body w have here a glimpse of how god will deal with men who choose darkness upon his soul and now the judgment also touches tho body we havo hero a glimpse of how god will doal with mon who chooflo darknessrather than light and oppose his truth opposi tion to- god dangerous business godvs judghicnts are not always as swift ns this but however slow they are always sure rod and gun for july bright stories and articles appropri ate to the suirimor months feature the july ntimber of rod and gun in can ada a typically seasonable story be ing tiny first one in- the issue- from fbrt francis o windigo byv m martin mcvey which is an interesting accounf of a canoe trip in the jialiiy river district the regular depart ments by bonnycaatle dale j w win- son f v williams martin hunter and guns and ammunition by c s landls uhow tholr usual high suindard outdoor talk contains many useful wrinkles for the corriper and the ken nel department is a full and compre hensive one published monthly by w- j taylor limited woodstock ont memorial to women in recognition of tho service f thv women of cahada in the great war a bronso memorial wns presented to tiio government of canada recently by a delegation from new- york rcprerfen ing the george washington huigrhvu institution the memorial piece which is by gutztm borglum tho amorjcai sculptor is of hronxo oh marble podi- mont htmut four feet high it is n group of fomnlo figures of heroic ftize bearing the earth on their uplifted hands pulpit throno and give the message for which ho has wrestled like a strong man in agony frlepds and neighbors will crowd pows and aisles with kindly greeting aha tdndller- faces fashion may flaunt her feathers avarice may calculate the comthercial value of the church attendance the weak and the broken will seek solace not found apart from tho burden bearer the prodigal will arlso and como to bis fathers house all these will bo in tho church and their presence will bo noted over tho dinner table men and women will dis cuss whom and what they havo soon in tho church that day for as a point of social contact and a place for in spiration to better and ns a rovoalor of fherpathway brpeacer thechurch has a place that is all her own there is to bo heard better singing than at a concert thoro is to bo hoard bet ter speaking than is done in the couit room or in parliament loveliness on wall and in window thero greets thp eye that shams jho gaudy hldeousness of the theatre but will the recognition stop with the choir srrid preacher and friend it was not bo with isaiah that morn ing when ho forgot the unsurpassed magnifljmnco of solomons temple smoking altar and mystic veil gold ahdproelouu stones all fadedfrom his vlalo the chanters of the melodious hebrew psalmody nil passed into the b hence forgotten were the awful d and heartbreak because th jtlng tho superstitions significance- of tho number 13 1b of course religious in it origin tho principal event which gave rise to i beimj th lo which thirteen were presont the fact spread through europe when the minds of the people were peculiarly recep tive of superstitions by many odd numbers are believed tobrlngluckybut they make an excep tion to thirteen this appears incon sistent the number 13 played a curious part in tho- life of richard wagner ha was born in 1813 t iimornla ftf cullings from the prfs8 only a few days novlund your lawn will need some mower attention when there are vacant seats in a thearlwyarorauaily at tho back whereas tho vacahtbcatsii ore at the front the running of a special train- from kehtudky to windsor so that ameri cans may got some of ontari0i new beer suggests that the unit od states must bedryer than opponontaof pro hibition admit who had led israel to a prosperity and prestige unknown hitherto bad passed to givo an account to -the- king of kings why n because the prophet realized tho presence of god he knew himself that hour to be in the presence of hint whbcrcateathowtnd and wlietdeclared untonianlxiathoughtflt he recognld god again and again had this cul tured- and wealthy young aristocrat board th call let us go up unco tho house of tho urd and gladly had ho responded but on that day for tho first time had iho known how dreadful was the place and only that day bad he found it to be tho gate of heaven hencoforth for him god was to be found not only amid the incense and chanting and gloryof tho temple but in society in tho counting room and among tho people of every color affd of every allme will this presence be recognized on sunday will those thronging multitudes lieiur- in lesson and psalm hymn and message tho quiet but aw ful voice of him who must rule till all- enemies ore- placed beneith his feet and loves ministrations haveban- jshed care and tears and heartache unseen will ho stand at every pew looking into every- eye and searching for tho sign hi cach heart that tells thostory of now hatred of all that is inean- and false and cowardly and of devotion to duty for his sake wretched from asthma strength of body and vigor of mind ore iriovltt ably impaired by tho visitations of asthma who can live under the cloud of recurring attacks and keep bodyahd mind at their full efficiency dr jt- d kelloggs asthma remedy dlsalpatoi the cloud toy removing the cause it does roliovo v u does restore ho suf ferer to normr1 bodily trim and men tal happiness the colonels boy an affable book agent a familiar character in lipplncotts paragraphs approached a prominent texan colonel hald he those are very hne boys f yours- r the finest ever stranger ac quiesced the colonol tho finest vl texas i reckon you buy j anything they want why sure stranger j buy anything thpy need whothcr tliey want it or not then colonel lot me sell you a cyolopredla for them theres nothing else that will benefit them ao much the colonel looked at tho agent in asfonlshment why strangora wild hethem boys of mine dont neod nocyclpposdla they ride mulos a long trip 1- lifers he wnn a collego professor who was greatly iwloved bocnuso of his kind hoart but who had the moat un common scholastic falling of absent- mindedness ono day his mnrricd niece favored him for a long time with loud praises of her firstborn when at last she iiatiaed for hrenlh the pro- fessorolt that ho must nay something th i follow walk nuked the professor with evny appehrancaof interest walk cried the mother indignantly why hes been walking how for five months 7 dear me exclaimed the professor again relapsing lrtv abatraotlon what a jong way h mujfhaye tfonfti v- r year of his birth added together make thirteen and ho was given a name richard tho letters ot which added to those of his family naroo wagner also make thirteen tho famous composer finished the flying dutchman on september 13tb 1841 and completed tannhausor oil april 13th 1844 the scoring of u rheingoid- was cfincluded onmoy jlstlt 185i thit pautslfarap jan uary 13th 1882 wagner was exiled from germany for thirteen years and realised his fondest ambitions of giving his own operas in paris with a production of tahnhauser on march 3th 187b while the first performance of the ring complete at bayroutb was si ycnjonaugust 13thi 1876 thirteen was the number of com plete operas composed by wngnerr whose death to complete a remark able numerical sequence occurred on february 13th 1883 the hens should not retire from business when eggs get to be 76 cents per dozen they may bo havo been egg ed on to it inany case it is nothing to cackle about the ferguson government will be re membered as one which raised tho strength of beer from 25 to 44 per cent v and reducedthe rate paid to tho provincial savings bank depositors from 4 to 3 per cent thus giving the public more alcohol for its investment in drinks andtess for its investment in thrift 1qricinal mrgmfems many of our machines have been in use continuously for 30 years and more if yott have been using a melotte cream separator for this of time ask us to retekrop-its- operation we are pleased to render this service to our customers at any time no 20 no 31 no 33 no 35 no 33 no 25 sunday 80s aatt 1045 ajtl 230 pjn coo pm 839 pm 1041 aro going eaiv 721 am 1127 oro 335 pm pjlt no 38 ojrpmt- n63 24 sunday 708 pjn canadian national electric railways dolly bally dally dally dally dally daily dally dally westbound exoopt sunday l 343 pm 643 pjn 743 pjn 943 pn 1232 am etbbund dally 743 ajn dally bxcopt sunday 943 ajn dally 4jl4sam 143 pjn datiy douy dally dolly dauy dally 13veljrhttdblivorea by special oxpraa freight jyeiffht picked up at any ad- dreaa in toronto 343 pm 543 pjn 743 pm 943 pjn 1140 pm dk without- g ask us afihers worm powders are- complete in themselves they not only drive worms from the system but repair tho damage that worms cause and o invigorate tho constitution that it speedily recovers from tho disorder of the digestion that are the result of tho work of these parasitic intruders thoy do their work thoroughly and strength and soundness follow ther use it is childish to believe that the mon who have always urokcn tho laws in- tended for tho regulation of tho saloon idl-willrioiollwhlsly-inany- places where light wines and beer are permit ted to be sold do the people who talk up the light wrlnes and boors really fhlnk we are all so gullible as to thing that sbmethlng stronger will not be sold ideas aro like dollars they have no valuo in themselves it ih what they will do that gives thenrwfffth moro imagination will not develop them a plan is necessary carefully worked out nnd tested and trleda system ad vertise in tub frux jpiucss- tfavihat-kkl- eminent doctors in the united states havo joined with tho kings physicians in urging an abandonment of the pres ent mad pace of living and an effort to return in some degree to tho talmplo lfc-tr- mayo aifd dr peck of ihin- l are both i aord thoojdst urgbtrenuoubilfeisaccqun a very largo proportion of modern iii and that tho deathrate is materially enhanced thereby dr peck has introduced tho inter esting theory in the discussion that tho pace of living today hits the man higher up the hardest even his sleep suffers for it is more of ton than tpot broken his brain working under too great a strain re fuses- o obey nature when it ought 3 do so tho whole machinery is overstrained with the inevitable re sult that some time some part must fireak down sooner than it would under normal conditions st js all yery well to advise mankind to return to the simple life but will tho doctors please tell us where the simple life is to bo found 7 there are a lot of honest normal- minded ieopie who would be glad tt start living it tomorrow if only they knew where to go and how to be gin unfortunately thoy- are caught in the mesh of a web that embraces all rnodern civilization it will need tho rentless and persistent hammering of a genorqtlon of teachers to bring the people to a realization of the fact that in their effort to got the most out of life in the shortest time thoy are in reality missing the best in life much practical wisdom is contained in the apostolic admonition godli ness with contentment is great gain for we byought nothing into this world and it is certain that wo can carry nothing out for catarrh it is one jl the- chief recommendations of xr thomas bc- lectrlc oh that it can be used inter nally- with as much success as it can outward lysufferera f chtnrrh will find that the oh when used according to directions will give prompt rellof many sufferers from this ailment have found relief in the oil- and have sent in testimonials making it emphatic she sailed into tho telegraph office and rapped on the cpiinter as thp clork cane forward to meetherb re membered that she had been there about ten minutes before he wonder ed what sho wanted this time oh she said let mp jiavo that telegram i wrote just jiow i forgt something very important i want to underscore iorfoctiy lovely in the acknowledgement of the receipt of that bracelet will it cost anything extra no manm said the clerk aa he homlej over the message the young lady drew two heavy linos beneath the word and said its awfully good of you to let me do that it will please arthur ever so much i best of all fly fflljers 10c pr packet at all drnfftfists grocers and general slores where thev paid in 8ugar in st tcitts or st christopher ou island in the west indies during tho great days of its prosperity which ex- liondod frbnv tho reign of william and mary well into the reign of george iv there was little or no handling of money- everything says sir freder ick theves in- thfk cradle of the deep woo paid for in eugor or tobacco servants wages were paid in sugar a skilled- artisan after years cf free service received four thousand pounds a year that curious salary he would exchanged for goods sent out fromkngiund he must have found it dimcult to find a bank or a strong box fprhis savings for four thousand pounds of sugar takes up room and a thrifty man who spends much less in a year than he earned would find himself in a fow years with enough sugar laid away to flll a barn slaves were bought and sold in terms of sugar tho purchaser of an estate could pay- for k either in indigo or in tobacco or in sugar the wife of the governor of the island once set her heart upon a piece of smyrna carpet the price of which was seventeen hun dred pounds of sugar of course she didnt pay for it over the counter a woman who went downtown shopping in those good old days must have taken a slave along trunding a wheelbarrow ofugaru for- her insignificant pur chases of needles and pins and soaps and perfumes when she went to look for faster inery shentust have been uccompanled by a fourhorse dray a sad case why do you sign your name j john b b b bronson asked mr hawkins because it is mynaraev said mr bronson i was christened by a minister who stuttered bush fires summer has come- with slurtllrff swiftness and the stage is again set fhr the con flngat ions that rob this country of millions pf dollars annually bring suffering to- many settlers and too often result in loss of life modern methods of ire fighting have dono something to decrease tho heavy bill of costs and the enlistment of the aeroplane and all the inventions ot modern times entho side of the guard ians of bur wealth havo in some degryo minimize the damage but it is not enough men and wo men rrtual bo on guard all day and every while in or near the weeds they must take no risks whero the price of failure may mean the loas- of thousands of dollars to someone the man who tosses lighted clgoretto stubs ih the woods thofool wholghts he camp pre with gnnollnoand the imbecile who leaves the fires burning when he breaks camp should be re strained in htraltwalstteont with tho man who rocked tho boat and the other felow who didnt know it was loaded time has tested it dr thomas eel ec trie oil hns beevttm the market upwards of fifty years and in that time it has proved a blessing to thousands it is in high favor throughout canada and its exccllenco has carried lis fam beyond the seas if it were doulju tho prlcqjlt would be a cheap liniment to call and demonstrate ferguson bros ballinafad onv phone georgetown 95 r 6 j cadesky of toronto eytghtseeciaijst whjt be at a t beown8 druq store acton monday july 6 anyone auflterlnff from eye strain dotecuvo vision or heactncbo bhquld not mlsa tnia opportunity of consulting tola oydsleht specialist appolnt- monts may be- madowith mr a t brown druggist consultation- free office houra 9 i m till 4 p m long distance tracking local and long distance trucking stock delivered directtotorontostockryards arra madefor picnics m be vo path 80licited fred ecclestone phone 135 main street acton m notice to creditors n the matter of the estate of neil gillies late of the township of en queuing in the county of halton farmer deceased it often happens this time it was at a nice social function in town and mrs rlankacake was much inemand jti fact it was so welmiked thattshe was askeotiorthe recipe for it and then she had to tell that she had been so busy she just went to fairbanks for it why fuss and fume over the baking when fairbanks can do it better fairbanks beead cakes and pastry beater than h03wemade fairbanks bakery phpne 116 mill sl acton mqtheri fletchers ctoriiris harmjess substitute for castor gil paregoric teething drops and soothingsyrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of i constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerf ulnes3 rcst natural sleep without opiatcfe to avoid imitations always look for tlic signature of 4iawv5x directions o eac packa pip aiciana everywhere tecommend ft notice la hereby erlven nccordingr to law that all creditora and othera hav ing claims affnlnst the estate or the said nel qlllles who died on or about the 10th day of january 1925 dro-ro- 3ulred on or berore the 4th day of uly 102 to deliver to tho undersign ed full particulars in wrltlngaf their claims verified by statutory declar ation and further take notice that after the said 4th day at july 1025 the executors will proceed to dutribntov the asiiots of the deceased am oner the partlfcfl entitled- thereto having- regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notlco and that tho said executors will not be liable for the said- assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice has not been received by them at the tlm7s ofdhjtjrtwillon m tjatoa ttiotutfi day- of jumsujii h g meir box 42 acto onu bl3 solicitor for the bncutora- t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons maiw street 8 vsi advewisers the free press is anxious totrve yom and ssrve you wrell wa can r giva your advertise ment battar attention and there fore make it mora attractive if tha copy ia aupplistjl to ua on monday or tuaaday -if-gopy-falla-to- raaoh ua- jtrntll wadneaday forenoon thara ia a rush to tat it up before the forma close and tha result is hkafy to ba lass satisfactory sendin your ads early m 2m 3 free press job printings always neatly done does your watch keep time try our repair de- partment we are getting wonder- fulr results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario

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