Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1925, p. 6

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thi uarrlnbo and duthi are now jcd for at tin following rat birth 5jc morrilirei jo dcthl oc mtmorll cards 50c 10c per lino pxtra forpoenl died stark in esaucslnc townajiip on mqnday juno 29 132c jnmoi stark in bin glijt eiu petty on friday juno 2cth 192s at his into rcsldonco 13 kinb stroot guolpli rotor potty in ilia 80th year hdnry at oraneovlllo on monday juno 39 1926 dr t h henry ueod 07 eldest son of the ioto dr jbniei honry of oranbovlllo bpydon at her tato rosldonot 35 raglan stroot quelph on sunday juno 27 1925 mary luttrell of widow of tho lato llobort brydon of eramosa in her 7th yoar johtrnnejalndor tracy clerk of tho township of eoqueslntr and third division court aeod 73 years a unr arton 3ktteictba sudden death op j a tracy esquesina township dork passed away very guddonly last with aluimlng suddenness death camo to john a tracy township cleric stowarttown lout thursday vor a couple of years mr tracy had heon troubled with occasional attacks of angina poctoras lately these at tacks had become more froquont on wednosdny ho attended tho session of the third division court of which ho was tho clerk at aoorgotown dur ing tbo session judge elliot noticed that he was til and sent him home with his eon his physician followod and after giving hit tho usual treat ment he felt better later however news of local import neighborhood news i town and country tss wednesday july 1 192e brief local items schools out ah hall dominion day july 1st dominion bay the good old summer time this is canadas own holiday the winter wheat la yellowing have a good loyal holiday today picnlcklng parties will bo popu lar today haying- is going on in fulf blast now tea just onehalf of 1925 has gone the early potatoes are now in full bloom see that your name la on the vot- eds list for 1925 what a thine a card en is foraweet dreams and quietness this is the nftyfirst birthday of the acton fot pjntse the holidays are here and every school pupil knows it the 1925 voters uata are ready and may toe had at the clerks office many know how to say tho right thine but tew know the right time to say it strawberry short cako has been popular on the home- bilhsffnre murine the week jn planning for n gior4ousglrgtr do not forget that it win be followed by a second the congregational church at guelph will now be known as trinity united church look ror the sundries in your cash account they are the little foxes that spoil the vines shelbnrne and durham are trying caucum chloride on the roads this year as a dust arrester the brides have been saying the last few weeks a ring on tho hand is worth two in tho store make up your mind to be a leader remember this who rises every time he falls will some time rise to stay a mans clothes are lnstyle aa long as they are wearable a voman wearable as long as they are in style if you do less work than you feel yoursolf capable of doing you cannot help losing some of your self-respect- correct this sentence now that im home from school said the girl to her mother you can rest all sum mer tho results of the promotion ex aminations at acton public schools twill appear in these columns next woekv y- it is very unfairly sold what ever jionesty a man has is held bock when he trades in his old auto for a now one lol no 68 stowarttown wlll itionditexvicaatflt johns chnrch and after otfew hours-iwmausod-pouco- fully away mr tracy was tho son of the late richard tracy and was born on tho property at stewarttown whore- ho died in 1852 his mother was miss flora monabb she survived her hus band and later married col john murrayl mr richard tracy was the first township clerk of esquoalng at hi death ho was succeeded in this office by col miirray tho lato george h kennedy was tho next who hold tho office for a tow years and hla success or was j a tracy whon a young man mr tracy entered tho bank of hamilton and proved hlmaolf an oxport accountant and manager in 1803 while in tho bank at wingham mr tracy married miss alicia harnlyn daughter of the late thomas harnlyn their marriage was a very happy one and having no children they were very deeply attached to each other twentyflvo years ago mr tracy re tired from banking and returned to tho old homo at stowarttown- where he lived until his death ho was i vory capable man and was busily en gaged as township clerk secretary of ksqueslng agricultural society and clerk of the third division c6urt mr tracy wjjb a member of st johns angllcah church at stowart town and was for years superintendent or the sunday shcool he watfalwas interested in children and doltghted in seeing them happy the funeral was held on saturday afternoon after a brief private ser vice at the residence a public service- was held in st johns church in which rev dr kyle tho present rector took port interment was made in the cemetery at stewarttown the pall bearers were reeve ap pleby and councillors gowdy col brown m j carton and thos leslie and george leal i o treasurer more chicken stealing hoiuort post of tjafulgui townhlij litful over a hundiortohicltoim fltblor from ids lion jyotiso lust snturdt night no tincc of tho thieves ri boon discovered another gang 11 or dently training for- jntltermn i garden partynn esqufliing a garden party under tho nuhpicen u tho toadies aid of boston church ed- qucslng on tuesday evening july 7 tho kennywilson company ind other talent will supply tho programme ftc- froshment booths on tho gioimd ail- mission 3cc and 2gc a youno patriot at two in the morning hlsbed ho i- saornini at three in in p nnium lib hhowfl us how fondly his count hes loving with a crnckctylmnsl a day and whqp whlzx go tho rockoth to empty their ioclcets of flashed oil over tho sky ho pities tho poor little eskimo children who havent a flrit of july a california oil guahor- mr r campboll formerly of aoton who is now interested in tho oil busi ness at gardens lallfomiarhasbort tho fjuas piuses a photo of an oil well gusher at demnlgns fourteen miles south of los angels tho gusher brouo out on juno 6th from a twolvo lttcfh well 3800 feet deep the photo shows tho oil gushing up morn than twice m high as the derrick which worked thi well whichis 120 feet high erin thu wedding was quiotly itolonmtzctt util wcdneadny by uov amoq tovell at his homo ofuelph of ethel peail hobcrtson dnughtcr of mr and mrs oooigo robertson eiln tonwahlp and rijomus h bar don sontof mr andmik icmabljartlon bramosa towimhlp tito couplo wore unattended and following tho ceremony roturnod to diamodi whoio thoy will mako their icsldenco in the future a6hgrove 8 8 no 0 naq8agaweya honymo6n trip from bc exmayor fred bushby of nanaimo b c was recently married in tho far west city and is now on his podding trip which will include a stay in hti natlvo town of oakvllle with relatives and olctfr lends who will bo delighted to see him and to welcome his bride mr busby went west about thlrty- fivo years agoand has succeeded well on vancouver island being mayor for several years of nanaimo the brlda pair are travelling by motor car star shopping conditions greatly chanqod the old days when tho average former hnd only one town to do his shopping in aro gono forever nowa days he can chooso between a half doxen market towns- all brought within his reach by tho autogiobllc thtb means too that tho locnl mer chant who is enterprising and pro- gresslvo and cordial in hla invitations to shop at jaia btorewjllhavofl nmol larger flelfl than formerly to draw the farmers- tradefrom champlain monument un veiled today apimy wddino-jn- trflar gract- trcnjtnary celebration historic lnterit at orillla ot stowarttown on sunday cvcnlne july tat 7 pm the tax rate for the townof hat- rlston this year has neen placed ot 44 mills a decrease of 4 mills on lost years rate editor t r k clarldero of tho slujlbarne eonomlt was elected ber- rotary of pafferin county prohibition association last week the cltisens who keep a neat and tidy front and back yard is a ffood ex ample to a less particular neighbor let each of us try to be an example tho man who starts out bravely to save for a rainy day is sometimes disappointed that it does not rain tho n9xt time the pay envelope comes his way the circus in tnrnntn rn trlrlr k- an event of deep historic interest uaterplace nt orillla on tho 68th do minion day there a superb monu ment second to none in canada la to be unveiled to tho great explorer samuel do cbamplaln tho monu ment is to mark tho advent of tho white race into ontario and aa tho inscription upon it states it is intend ed to bo a symbol of good will be tween the french and english spook ing people of canada the memorial la to be unveiled oy the hon rodolphe lemieux speaker of the house of commons in the pros once of a distinguished gathering of prominent mon of tho two provinces and it is anticipated of an audience running into many thousands contributions to this national and interprovlnclal monument were made by the dominion governments of both ontario and quebec of the total cortt of 35000 the dominion gavo 12500 the provinces 5000 each in addition the federal government remitted 5000 in sales tax the remainder came t from the town of orillla tho county of slmcoe and ciuzeas and other sources tho inscription on tho memorial is as follows erected to commemorate the ad vent into ontario of the white raco under the leadership of samuel do cbamplaln the intropld french ex plorer and coloniser who with ten companions arrived in those parts in the summer of 1616 and spent th following nter with tho indians making his headquarters at cahlaguc the chief village of the hurona which was near this place a symbol of good will between the french and english spooking people of canada thero was a largo and very pretty wedding at the homo of mr and mrs j p beattle of tho tenth line trafal gar a week ago last saturday of ter- noon when miss muriel mary cather ine tholr eldest daughter became tlto bride of clarence gladstone hall son of robert e hall of agerton rev e hall of agerton officiated after tho ceremony mr and mrs hall lett for a honeymoon trip in a new car and will visit now york boston and other points before returning to r- sldo on tho hall homestead at agorton postao stamps not for remittance according to advices recelvad by postmaster matthews from ottawa hereafter postage stamps may not be used for making small remittances the use of postage stamps in payment for small accounts is stated to bo con trary to post ofllco regulations postal notes it is pointed out may be obtained for 20 25 30 40 50 70 75 80 and 90 cents and from 100 up to 1000 in oven figures odd cents riro made up by attaching stamps to tho postal notes and their uso for re mitting small amounts is strongly recommended as being most convenient for sender and receiver pay now a double favor newspaper offices differ from most other businesses because subscriptions expire mainly with the calendar yoar and so less money cornea in during btimmpr bllq tftft qtrppnqoh nrfl ffff the whiter thafmyjng in tllf rppap slanatng oftho pupils of s no 0 nassiigawoya for tho torm ending june 1025 sr iv aivona kingsbury lily kilty prom t 1v tn flr jtv irono darby florenco nlgitthfaio mlldrol wilson melvln kingsbury thomas mclaughlin and edith nolhs on trial promoted sr iii to jr iv mao mclaughlin 1 imfloronco campboll dun- cartttctpgobury william ingle jr hi john wllaqn mansoll no his coorgo ingo prpmotod sr i to jr ii melviit brldgman sr i john ingle promoted piimorto jr i marlon watson lion ross gordon mary vanattor teacher lorne school tho juno roport of examinations at lor no school esqueelng is as fol lows n jr iv leslie swaclihamor loona waller goorgo graff wilfred mc- eaohern sr hi barbara guthrie toddlo harrop verna murray chrisslu swackhamer wllllo harrop rcnotta waller dr and mrs t p hall and two ilunghtcih of vancouver b c wero iiclo last week visiting mt and mrs john wrlgglohworth while emouto for monti cal whoro they will sail on sat- mday for eiuopo thoy wlji upend hovoral monthtt in oteat britain and tho continent tho dr- and mrs hail who la alsa ti quail fiod medical dootoi intond visiting tho hospitals in swlt- snrland and at other points dr hall lq a brother of mrs wrlggloaworth tho stono masons mo busy on tho foundations of tho methodist church which was elevated bodily a few woolen ago to pormlt tho construction of a basement whon tho work is dom- jtlotod tho pew accommodations afford ed will bo of much interest uyiiiliuiamw nf u 1 1 owing tlnr crop gone ally is a good avorogo one tho alfalfa ylold is vory good quito a number attondc1 tho sunday school plcnlo on saturday a lurgo number of tho lonldents hero attortdod tho funeral of mr j ajracy township clerk on saturday afternoon many of tho pooplo had dealings with mr tracy through his various publlo ofllcos the united church in milton etdora and stewards elected conaroaationdl mootlna 0rw80n800rert8 ji lit thelma graff corlnno mac donald brandon crcwuon roy donny ruby murray harry murray howard graff pansy troupe- class ii laura johnston wallace swackhamer class i etta swackhamer douglat guthrie graco graff pjimer roy hansen elwood john ston dora donny robs swackhamer beatrice graff isajjekand erflonjteacher- oakvmle great as in the winter months for wages paper ink electric power the postage etc so this request mode by another publisher applies to every one of tho newspaper offices in canada if you receive an nccount from this office kindly treat it promptly hun dreds of others have been sent out during the week tft iscorrect pay- it andw feel bolter and so will you if it is not correct show us wherein wo aro wrong ontario turnip growers annu me nat lots in operations for the yoay amounud tb 238516 1 will attract a big crowd from this com munity even if wednesday was a holi day and 4be hay crop is ready for housing pansles to feel of roses to smell foxglove to look at and canterberry bell all you give a garden is a bulb and a seed but a garden glyps you everything you need walter s buschlen has received the appointment of postmaster of arthur tho position was made va cant by the resignation of dr allan ovef- two months ago its nico to find flowers and food right in the dirt around the seeds and make your arms ache pulling weeds said a school boy whos having his holidays yesterday the automobile when properly used in needed ir the farmer perhapa slonrimiclrotipoanion being voiced to more than any one else it can be roado q laborsaving timesaving and moneysaving implement several members of the acton i o o f no 204 attended the decoration services of the loof lodge at mil ton goorge hlllmer m p p of oak vllle was ono of tho speakers bronte village council has do elded on the following schedule of prices foif tho use of the firetruck and equipment for fires at points outside the village 40 for the first hour and 10 for each hour after st andrews presbyterian church fort william at a congregation meet ing last week extended a unanimous call to rev h e abraham of st andrews church guelpb to become tho pastor of the church there mr o b henry has presented tha womens institute at drayton with twojos atthocornerof wellington and wood streets with the under standing that the property be put in condition and used as a memorial park mr frank justin son of mr joseph justin and nephew of judge justin la among tho young lawyers fccontly called to the bar he is in the office of hon w r hearst jffor onto former pr era lor of ontarloutho brampton banner the usual scare respecting tho short peach crop has just appeared as follows peaches ace going to cjst tho consumer more than usual int3tif tario this yaar that is the ganonu concensus of opinion of men in tho wholesale fruit business tho restaurants whcb are selling candloe ico cream cones and cigars and cigarettes on suhday for the con sumption off he premises ore ytptotlnlr the low and are liable to iti heavy penalty respectably lawabiding clti sens will not be parties to such vol tlems a fiveandahalf hour pension of the ontario turnip growers cooper atlve limited was held at gait with over 600- in- attendance it was tho annual meeting president j p ketchen fergus was in the chair and in opening the meeting announced that the association had 1180 members ho dwelt on the difficulties encount ered from tho independents and then spoke on tho overhead expenses stat ing the association had mado a mistake in arranging a commission for tho manager but f a slater- had agreed to reimburse tho association for all over 8000 for tho year thop announced that on aprji14 last they had entered into an agreement with the federated sales agency of new york to handle their turnips this announcement caused quite a stir and a prolonged dlscun new postal regulations the war tax on postal notca of the denominations from 20 cents to 500 both inclusive will be discon tinued on tho 30th of june on and- of tor july let all postal notes of tho above mentioned denominations mudt bo sold for tholr face value and co misbiun un us f u 2jg 3jc juc ono cent commission per note 50c goc 70c 75c 80c floc 100 l50 tw cents commission per noto 200 2 50 300 400 500 throo cents com mission per note on and mfter tho 1st of july 1025 no war tax will be collected on money ordors issued in canada for sum a not exceeding 500 tho young peoples society of st johns uni tod church are hold ingn grand garden party on july 11th victoria park was the scene of a big picnic on wednesday afternoon whon 176 furniture dealers and travellers from hamilton and toronto assembled thero for an outing last saturday ovenlng j t lilllo whtrfor the past four years has heon principal of tho oakvllle high school surprised tho board by handing in hla resignation lillian qulnn tho cloven year old daughter of thomas qulnn of oakvllle who is now an inmate of the ontario school for tho blind at brontford has mado a remarkably good showing on her work for the term just completod she stood second in a class of 10 pupils having- completed years as master at appleby school rev w s blytho has accepted a charge at st clair shores michigan adjacent to detroit for some time mr bfyth has been desirous of re suming church woik and welcomed tho opportunity after standing idlo for many yean tho building formerly owned by tho oakvllle leather company la once more echoing to tho hum of machinery mr r kendall who has for tho past several months been busy making th preparations for the establishment of a leather plant in the old building has commenced operations and now a force of eleven men aro busily at work record mr and mrs goorgo graham visited at tho homo of mrs john murdock mar don over tho weekend tho popularity of blue springs park i0 ovldontly growing with each season thero havo beon a number of noted gatherlngatho past couplo of weeks a wook ago last saiurday tho third biannual kltchlhgwatson plcnlc and rounlon was held thero thea- wero 235 members of these old families in attendance and ho party comprised of persona from a wide area thoro woco 30 from kincardine a car load from michigan ono from wisconsin and a party from california tho com pany mot ot 10 a m and spent tho whoio day at tho park ha3 two meals enjoyable social intercourse games and a musical programjnjorev johnllttie of rockwood was chair man and tho company included rev honry cajdwell goorgotown rov w kltching hornby rovgeorge hitch ing schomberg robert campbell kincardine it was a most interesting gathering last wednesday members of chal- mcrs church choir guolph and their friends to tho number of soventyflvo hold their annual plcnlc at tho park jnatujtfoyajointr pienic ofthfi pupils teachers and parents of school sections nos 8 and 0 had a splendid plcnlc on tho grounds another plcnlc of interest was also hold onsqturday it was a sort of family gathering and was comprised of mr and mrs w h speight mr b speight and miss hogarth and miss aim eo speight rov t albert moore d d and mrs moore mr and mrs daan maxwell and mr e j moore of toronto mr and mrs fred adsett and miss dorothea if trenton mr and mrs h p moore and miss lottie e speight miss em ma robinson mrs james moore and miss clara of acton they wero loud in their praise of tho park and of the attentions of mr andmrs murray to visitors a huge nuinboe attended tho congre gational mooting hold in tho unltoj ohuicli milton inst week it wnn do- cjfjou that tho session have fifteen members with three rctlilng ouch yoai nnd that tho torm of mombermhipho llmltod to ii vo yours so the meeting oxprossod itself in favor of a torm eld ership instead of 11 fo elders which cholco 1m given to tho local church tho oldoth oloctcrt wore judgo el liot j m denyoh c ii stuart col ftolomy s r bow w b clemontit w j j 13 hofl ei nest fay r p harrison p d haitley jus o ford allan mu tton and w h stewart board of stewards j j wilson john irving a l macnabb gordon macnabb j w blight wm humo sr r m clements e fharl c fl turner alejcrlawson x k mcmastor w j hartley victor norris joo will mott t a hutchinson tho now united church comrnenqos with a membership of 600 tho meth odist rflllcomprlcd560jncmborand tho presbyterian unionists 102 milton wins in tennis game wiops of wisdom tho man who novo has to got uvrc difficulties novei gtth very far idleness tiavelu o slowly that pover ty soon o voi takes it tho moot effect i vo mormon n that given by a good oxumplc aftor putting up a bluff it man ij suro to htumblo over it tho bank of contnntrnnnt lwi no ln- tciest un until wo huvo mudo in it adepault- tit hoiviooj flelntf a thoioughbicd dots not de- pond upon your awftttors but lipor you f tiioho who aro freest with orn- plaints usually havo llttln olio to of fer a spirited contest on tho court of acton athletlo association was played last wednesday afternoon with a quar tette of miltons crack players against acton the scores of thoafternoon wero as follows showing that tho visitors ex celled by three points doubles mr mlijs and mr robert stewart vs wrod nnd laird mc donald score 04 46 64 dr braund unu mr houston vs dr nelson and f mcintosh score 64 80 slhgicra dr7braunavat dr neiabnt scoro 03 02 mr march and vs ralph henderson scoro 64 46 6j mr mills vs mr salt score 1g 26 result of tho tournament milton 4 polntsiacton 1 point a return game will bo played on saturday july 4 at milton ontsrr has good crops the rockwood minister of agriculture says crop a never looked better despuelhe dry spoil wijtchlhe pro- vlnce recently experienced ontario limehouge 7 this agreement being made before tho annual meeting the financial statemont showed total net loss of 238510 which how ever is subject to such reduction as may result from adjustment made with manager slater the total sales amounted to 47344127 whllo fhac0s of sales was 36060807 leaving tho amount available for distribution be tween- tho growers at 10380320 not onefourth of amount received for the turnips shipped the final business of the meeting was the election of tho directors resulting as follows j b ketchen fergus and q bayne rock- wood for wellington county w a cockbum oxford county j manson waterloo county and g telfer paris for brant county jim forbes regains in jail an appeal a pa in at hja juaat conyjo tioi is dlamiiaad by judga elliot 1 after the conviction of james forbes by police magistrate moore on may 30th the night of tho dance at brook- vjile on april 22nd an appeal was entered by t a hutchinson barris ter milton on behalf of forbes ffhe required deposit of 100 00 was made in behalf of forbes and it was decided to have the prisoner main in custody until the appeal was heard instead of paying the 00000 fine imposed the ease come up before judge elliot for hearing on thursday afternoon after examination of the evidence and hearing the arguments ot counsel the judge dismissed the appeal hold- lug that there was sufficient evidence to warrant the magistrate in his flnd- fng and that the said matrate having heard the evjdetoee was in a petition to say who would bebelleved and whoee evidence woe disbelieved 7 thh jttdv illowwi eoets ahdthltte premiwoiot foot have beta pttfd- tfqt of in wv deposit a j the dunlop trail the dunlop trail won great pop ularity last year with motorists its route maps were clear and distinct ani travel information definite and read ily followed a now road guldo undr the same title has just been issued its maps are improved and this now edition has eliminated all guesswork for mo tor j 3 ts tho mlleago figures for the entire province given for tho first time are proving so valuable to tho jruckjihlppora that-one- publisher re quested permission to dovote nino pages of his annual to troll statistics a largo oil company which never lets anything of doubtful value cross its doorway recently requested the dunlop people to supply it with books aa a reference for every ono of its toronto stations the guldo 1ft in books form convenient to carry anil very legible it la complied for a a biggs for the dunlop tiro rubbor company and sells for 50 cents guetph poachar on anqther stream a farmer whoso land la located nea marden inflicted a novel nnd yet ef fect i vo punlshmont on a young man whom he caught poaching on hla trout creek on wednesday evening after do ing the chores he sfateuvhe had taken his polo ond was slowly moving along tho banks of the tiny stream when hn camo upon tho young man who nlao had a polo and was busily engaged in luring tht speckled beauties from theli tildlng places he was succeeding too for his creel contained six falrslsed trout he shouted af the poacher and asked him if he hadnot seen tho no treaposslngir fishing signs nt tho on trance to tho property the young man replied insolently that he had not hadnt looked in fact the farm er ordered him off the property ai quietly us possible but tho angler re fused to budgo ho would not tell hln name when ho was asked but ad mitted ho was from guolph tho farri er lold him that if he did not start to make tracks off hla property at once he would puuhlm off by force he was invited to do so after a short scuffle in the grass the stubborn disciple of isaac walton tumbled into tho creek whloh was about three feet deep at thd point selxed with tho idea tho farm er grabbed him by tho shoulders and dpxke4 bfm three orfour times sput- torlng feebly after tho ducking tho yoqfur man was only too glad to lcavo the previses u foot tho farmer confiscated the flsb meroury tho unionists members of the church hero joined with the unionists of georgetown and ashgrove at feathering in the georgetown park on tuesday evening of last week tho pastors of the pariah rev mr cald well andttov cr dickie- addressed tho people and a splendid programme fol lowed supper was served in thi armories upwards of 800 people were present rov henry caldwell of georgetown preached an excellont sermon in the union church on sunday evening a new sunday school has been organ- iced with mr johnston as the super intendent rev mr mclean of the georgetown prosbytorlan church preached in tho church here on sunday afternoon h lsgrmftmlry bottin7ncnuatnteawtfir the members of the congregation mr edge who has been residing with his daughter mrs albert merk- dlth for somo time has been very iii lately mr jojly who has been the very efficient teacher of tho limohousa school the past two years has tender ed his- resignation his removal is much regretted by many here ho has been a useful member of thb com munity mr william gowdy received a cable gram from his son mr douglas gow dy last week announcing his safe ar rival at manchester england barrypicking will commence in the wild patches very shortly now principal reynolds of the o ac at guelph mrs reynolds miss nertlo gowdy and mr edgar reynolds visit- etl at m ther girls softball game last frl- term of v day ovonlng with chalmers church of guelph resulted in a victory for the homo team tho scoro being 15 to 5 the ball game between georgetown and rockwood playod at georgetown on saturday afternoon resulted in a victory for tho georgetown boys tho scoro being 16 to 6 miss ednajvi pcaron of amhorst- burg and miss m milroy of toronto are home for tho holidays our teachers here miss m clarke and mias d douglas of tho contlnui- tlon school arc away to tholr honrear miss bessio gardiner of aeton la at her homo hero for the holidays last sunday rov mr donaldson lately of elora occupied tho pulpit of tho united church tho services both morning and eveni w wel at tended wo wolcomo him and hla helpmeet to our midst and trust that their stay in rockwood will bo bene ficial to oil mr wm burns left saturday even ing for a visit to friends in milton as john fltzsimmons was returning homo from church sunday afternoon after giving arthur bolton a rldo home one of the front wheels of his sedah came off ho escaped injury and tho car la none the worse of tho mishap and managed to got it homo aftr putting tho wheel on again those who have been shut in on account of mcasjos dro progressing favorably and expect to bo at liber y in the near future the results of promotions in the public school for thti end of tho term are as follows crop prospects are in the opinion of hon john s martin minister of agrl culture most promising a tour of the entire province has just beon complet ed by hon mr martin and his optim istic conclusions aro based upon his personal observations crops never looked better hon mr martin stated yesterday at tho parliament buildings 4 dry period did not effect a largo area it ex tended west from toronto to london or even further but the rains which wo havo had havo improved conditions immeas urably outside tho hay and straw berries most of tho crops are going to bo good ovon inthla dry bolt similarly optimistic views of tho conditions of the crops in eastern on tario aro also glvon the reproof valiant an artisan and his assistant came to a houtfo to do somo repairing aa ho entered the lady of the house said in loud tones anna before you do anything else lock all tho sllverwaro in tho vaultl tho man heard this and aftor he had put on his overalls ho called to his assistant so that tho m le tress of tho house should hoar him fritxlo i think ypu had better run over to tho shop with my watch apd purso evi dently thoy are not safe hero charles rowe painting paperhangino and decorating firstclass work by experi enced man work promptly and satisfactorily executed orders left at sprys meat shop obpringe these bright sunny days aro suroly ideal for motoring many of our citizens entcrtalncdtheir friends from town during the weekend a number of farmers in this locality have commenced haying operations from tho reports the crop is somewhat bolow tho average people generally hereabouts are looking forward to attending tho fie sports and races in stanloy purk erin our osprlnge school closed last fri day for the holidays and the pupils will loubtlctis enjoy a jolly vacation during tho next two months assisting with farm work part of the time anniversary services will bo held next sunday in tho presbyterian church special services will bo the feature- both morntngtinflr evening the annual sunday school plcnlo will be held on friday at stanley pnrf erin and all are invited to attend and enjoy the time mr and mrs clarence mccutchcon of summerlund b c enjoyed a motor trip from tho west nnd nro at presont vlaiting relations in this vicinity mr looker thresher has purchase i n largo modern new separator from ernest bros of mount forest and will bo prepared to servo our farmers with a a plead id service mr clayton cooke while out driving a jiorso nnd buggy ono night last week near k vert on corners was run into by a motorist from guelph and the buggy was badly damaged mesrn albert young and son of the town line aro having a fine largo implement building erected the formers wives from this vicin ity who attend the market at guolph on saturdays are not in favor of the egg rcrndlng aystem now in force and from roportn many will in future ship thotr farm iroducts to toronto nnd clarke teacher honors melvln wat son pass herble jplummor lauri lister clifford flummer harold royco edward pasmore elsie gordon char lotte ridge way clone harris and na- thun cheswell equal recommended edwin watsqn from sr ill to jr iv misa m woatheraton teach or honors angus mcpheraon arthur harrla lloyd mars- den george harrison einora rudd r pubs harry waro muriel peart char lie pavls qevtlo lulng rocommonded earl bolton from jr ill to sr ill pass flor ence richardson hon margaret paa- moro lloyd oaburn ida royco ber- nlce saunders margaret henderson josephine ltetfcr hon eileen mcphall hon edgar johnston joseph oakos recommended clarence royco from sr ii to jr ill pass johnny -lynohj- henry hoi man alfred ert wards evelyn wuro russell hepburn jr ill miss jrsanderbon teacher ruth peal hon ruth sammpn hon john royoe john laycrty blanch saunders roy oaburn boav trlco petteraon james edmopdaon grace mckcrsle ii class winnlfrcd thompson charllo harrison wesley harris sr i frances richardson helei rudd minnie lister betty martin doris dyer ivan milne george war harvey ware botty edmondson qr primary donald grayt john aylea marlon hepburn joseph ho- innn haiei thompson bobbie patto- 8on s beginners betty peart edith royca marjorlo martin lachlan mckersio l dyer george oaburn joy peal lome thatchor tommle ridgeway bobbie stumpf charlie royce mr harry tato of hulsburg form- orly principal of tho public school presided over tho ontranco examin ations last week thlrty-four- candi dates writing frank guild of new york wao a visitor in tho village last week officers elected at winnipeg cour ccattt 1hii by the canadian waskly newspapers aaaooiation t tho annual convention or tha can adian wcokly newspapers association concluded at winnipeg last friday with a banquet and election of officers tha following officers wero plected president l j pan vernon p g news first-vloe- president j a mao- laron barrio ont examiner sooond vlcoprealdent s n wynn yorkton saskatachewanr enterprise ontario directors elected were- f s j davis carleton place canadlun v other points and local merchants will i evn strathioy age d wllllamu bo honefitod as many of them spent bulletin and b w r j their cash in guolph mason sudbury star ice cream brings a lot of genuine joy to tho sum mertime the croam wo sell is fla to your 1 irig with pure fruits and is mado of tho finest cream and other food materials it will add materially to the happlnoss of your din ner parfy qur usndy msksa good be- euaa fts made good saturday treat choeolnte iwarefrronllow fudge 23c a hinootti hflll futfgo uf chocolate flavor nog 30c and 3co saturday treat fo lb weekend chocolites 32c lb equal in quality to any 60o chocolates saturday special 32o lb milk chocolate tda 39c lb fresh and i rich in t smooth milk chocolate a wonderful value at 39c m lb ice cream dont worry if company drops in suddonly just phono and wom deliver you bricks or bulk whatever you prefer try a frozen suokar only so tt sa8sasi i tmffcflctn the m 6 rn or y tho cynic never makes a afo rrltlr fear that is foolish doublch tho dan ger 0 try working instead of wishing tomorrow in- shaped by today last guelph presbytery meeting tho now proabytory with south wall- ingjon prcrbytory ilobitbly tho lust meeting of tho guolph 1rfflbytcry before the machin ery of tho now united church of can ada is finally ai ranged mot inst thurs day in chalmers church guelpo about tblrtyflve rinkgates wore in at tendant e tho wholn situation with rogird o tho vurlotm congregation wfi discussed and mmy mutters were referred to thf rouperitlve ounc1 for adjustment it was reported that a un llttlo thoughts homejniulwelhf gshy tery were now tvhat your eye8 tell wo are told that tho eyes of tho in tellectual man aro gray and it is t fact that molt men of genius have gray cychjjrown eyes aro itald to ex press temporament rather than intel lect although brown eyes flanh with an ger light up with joy and chango vey swiftly with jealousy blue und gray eyes can express greater sadness greon and black eye ace supposed to bo moat wicked becky sharps greon eyes played an important part in her various conquests tho vamp in modern fiction usua ly possesses flashing eyes of either a green or black actually htere are no black eyes dark brown or dark gray eyes have the appearance of being black in certain lights plated in congregations splendid reports of the general as sembly ami tho first general count ii wero given by mcssr craw mc lennan and woods approval wos given to the local union formed in ltd wood mimosa and rockwood and to afl outlier unions which will be considered in the read justment v tho presbytery commended the gen erosity of chalmers and norfolk churches in guelph for assisting tha union in aberfoyle the clerk reported five of the non- concurring churches aa not paying the presbytery assessment namely elora knox and central at gait and knox and st pauls guelph and the clerk was requested to notify theno congre gations tho rov stuart woods being about to remove to east toronto his resig nation of the office ot clerk of th presbytery wa accepted and rev a m hamilton wai ippnlnted am acung clerk tho presbytery adjourned to meet on september 30 unless its powers ceased by the consummation of union in the presbytery guelph mercury midsummer 5bigjay8 july 2 3 and 4 300 yards wide width fast color gingham at per yard 25c 75 gingham each house dresses all sizes 100 sets 1 gingham apron 1 cotton apron and dust cap for 80 yards of colored curtain material regular 40c for ladies each black belts ladies silk hose per paf mens silk and lisle hose regular 75c sale price boys cotton jerseys price regular 50c sale pillow slip- price sizes 40 42 44 regular 50c sale- bath towels large size heavy quality regular 75c sale price 33c 43c reduced prices on mens and boys suits overalls under work shirts etc for the t days selling july 34 mclean co mol street t acton ont- store closes wednesday at 130 one way to -make-baking- a success is to use kinos choice flour it is light nnd it will make your bread delicious it is pure wholesome and economical begin today to discover the valuo of king8 choice flour its highly nutri tive qua i ties and the satisfaction your baking will glvo kings choice bread flour vv b browne co props nobval blend norval flour mills norval ont summer meats if there is one particular time of year that meats require cytra good attention if is the sumnjertinie we have the facilities in our shop for caring for all meats properly and every piepe of njeat we serve you is right gfur large relriger- btor at tfie abbatoir nnd our excellent cold storage plant and newly installed refrigerator show case at the shop are a guar antee of meats eryej right all sumnjer iofc meats r during the summer inonths many people do not wnqf to cook meats and have hot dinners we always eaxry nn excel lent stock of tho finest of cold cooked meats ready to serve cooked ham jellied meats cold roast pok jellied tongue bologna meat loaf watch our window for friday and vsnturday specials i xrilli l ss

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