Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1925, p. 1

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wht jfrn ft j fiftyfirst year no 2 thursday morning july 9 1025 acton ontario canada thursday morning july 0 1925 single copies five cents the acton united church op canada minister rev r e zimmerman b a paraonago willow stieot sunday july 5 192g xx 00 h m the minister subject 3 the secict of a happy life 700 p m the minister subject wham nay men that i am 1000 a m sunday school aorvlco i thursday evening 7 30 prayer and prittro service presbyterian knox church acton miniotor rov ac 8twart m jianao willpw stroot 1000 a m sunday school 1000 a m blblo dims 11 00 a mtho minlhter subjoct subject that moat excellent gift 7 00 p m the- minlhter obeying thohlgher call strangers leaving addreaa with the ushers will bo called upon toy tho pastor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 9 45 a m sunduy school j- 11 00 a m pastor j mcdermott of toronto 700 ji m pastor j mcdermott como and hear tho ldfashionod goapel for nldfaahioned sinners mohday 8 p m combined b p uaud prayer meeting all welcome special notices advertisements in this column a cents per word minimum change ioc per insertion car for sale ford car for sale in o k shape t morton for sale cook stove crown prince capital order 1400 rogers 13 crescent rooms to rent two comfortable rooms for rent central location board if dee i red box 10 free press for sale two pure jei aey cowsi freah mi tic young apply to a l patterson b r no 1 milton flat for rent a flat for rent g rooma and bath immediate posaesalon apply to wd talbot 45tf hardwarqb tore acton shorthorn bull calf for sale i have nt present one very promis ing calf ten months a dark red roan in color the beat of breeding a jilt by rosewood slroand priced to aell ctb swackhameu lost on saturday june 27 on john church mill or frederick street acton a ladies bilk scarf white ana mauve finder will gretlyobhge by leaving at free press office card of thanks the ladles scout auxiliary desire to thank tho residents of acton aih vlolplty for flq nobly rospondingand helping in their patronage of tho apona day on dominion day they alao wish to thank all the artists who assisted on the programme and all ohtera who helped to any way to make the duy such a success voters lists 1925 municipality of the village of acton in the county of halton notice is hereby given that i havo compllod with section 10 of tfie votert lists act and that i havo posted up at my office at acton ontario on tho 27th day of juno 1025 the list of all ersoh oklltldd t6votoit municipality for members- of parlia ment for members of tho legislative assembly of the province and foi municipal w elections and that auch list remalna there for inspection and i hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to hnvo idiy errors or omlaalons corrected ac cording to law the labt day for appeal being the 18 th day of july 1925 h n farmer 12 clerk of the village of aoton western canada requires men tractor experts earn ten to twenty dollars dally start training now and earn big money this harvost vo also teach thofoliowlng paying trados bricklaying barbcrlng and mechanical dentistry earn while learning these trades call or writ igaklng st w toronto friday july 10 dantes inferno starring gloria grey and r l ralph lewis through- hell with panto on tho road to happiness fcjomtedy bull ami sand cjhhtitjn wonderland feljx atwrday juty 11 a man must live hood encitalnifient lphprd pix ns tha her fleolijep hytrin jthy ipnt woth whllo on an pmpv atomaoh nnl atarta to treat he world rough comedy oooit spirits fox new- tufe8day july 14 taming he west western stairlng hoot olli- son tho last chapter of into tho not comedy powdered chlckena coming the navigator with buster kenton r l gregory son heres a suit saving sir which youll jike to pocket two groups to choose from t at at lo0 1485 suits worth up to 2450 suits worth up to 2250 please note that we are not advertising 3500 suit for 1800 or making any such exaggerated claim which you couldnt possibly believe eventhough some people do like to be hoaxed this is a sound business proposition a great number of smart suits popular sellers have reached the stage oft broken size ranges and now prices are marked down for a quick outclearing that means a genuine saving for every man who finds a becoming color the right style and the right size t young menshigh school youths- and boys first longs at both figures mens sizes included at eighteen dollars arrears of taxes still discussed the council will require prompt payment from all delinquents the regular session or the council held on tuesday evening had all tho council present the finance committee presontod their fourteenth report uhd rocani- mondod payment of the following ac counts j general account b nunn teaming and gravel 928 co w j reld supplies 88 actoj fiucc pjucsa printing vot ers llata r 00 00 j7 b mackenzie supplies 6 40 j w f moonoy sup plies etc 4 41 h andorbon teaming 21 00 canada ingot iron co culvert 31 co w d talbot aupplies 14 bell telephone co senlcca 6 15 hydroelectric power comm light at town halt 1 80 hydroelectric paor comm atreet lighting 170 00 jas 3ymon supplies 2 68 news of local import the glorious twelfth on saturday 1 acton orangemen and acton truo bluea will pat tide with tho members of the order in theic demonstration it kitchener acton cltlzena band wj accompany them and discourse a mim ical progiammo during the day an apprentice of 49 years ago mr fred h smyth of toronto who was tha aecond apprentice of the fittis press and whose apprenticeship started august 1876 called on his alma mate on friday mr smyth has successfully conducted a printing business on his own account for many years prior to which he was mochanical superintend ent of tho truth publishing company 3 the new minister of the united quirch social and personal so many individual suits in the gatherupthat every one who comes to choose is likely to flnd mighty good luck good fitting styles and serviceable cloths in light and dark shades twopiece summer homespun suits also featured for this week at the special price of 1800 as well as this price- reduced clearance groupof regular suits values worth coming many miles to take advantage of jj main store lower wyndham street branch store upper wyndham d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store 364 6 waterworks account w j held postage otc r 7 go acton fjoze pjieas advertising 1 50 j b mackenzie aupplies 4gl 79 w i moonoy supplies 10 co bell telephone co aervicea 4 31 hydroelectric power comm power at spring 43 62 hydroelectric power comm power at flro pump 18 76 jaa symon supplies 1 00 1 weekend specials assorted fudges in maple strawberry and vanilla qo flavor reg 40c lb weekend special per lb ocic koka buds a lovely chocolate bud with a rich oo vanilla flavor extra special per lb ooc assorted chocolates in a wide range of flavors in cream and caramelcentres reg 40e and 50c lb qo weekend special per lb wuc j jelly beans in a large variety of flavor at per on ice crfiam we have a full line of ice cream in bulk and bricks we willbwpleasedtodeliversameanytjljrcemtowtr special for the weekend cantelope sundae try a yt ginger ale mill street acton h wiles bpeciahprices -on- white canvas shoes andals rrranq tennis shoeswhite and brown m aix sizes in the tot come on in harry harrison the shoe man we close wednesday afternoons all the year round with the exception of december j 108 97 thereport was adopted mr a mclsaac requested permission to romove the old blacksmith shop n main street across the atreet to bo used ua a garage and also permission to lnstal a gas tank permission was granted proyided that traffic was not interfered with on the highway the matter of continuing the side walk on wilbur street was dlacussed and it was thought advisable if pos sible to continue it through from church to mill street ft ai range ments could be made the matter of painting the tank at tho waterworks plant was discussed and it was decided to get in touch witli the film which erected- the tank anl negotiate for the necessary work tho taxes in urrears was discussed and throe- more items were reported to have been settled to help straighten it out some more work on the booku was necessary to correct the small re maining balance tho advertising signs designed by mr c a g matthews of toronto were submitted to the council moved by e t thetford seconded by a mason that the clerjj be instruct- od jo write mr c a g matthews expressing tho councils appreciation for the diagrams submitted for ad vertising nnd welcome signs for acton carried 60000 bail required from three stock salesman for the flanagan smoke consumer co we are not prepared to go on with tho case and would like you to allow us out on ball said t s mccutcheon when ho and it m flanagan an4vthe offence would not be repeated t 10 melvin cayman came before h p moore police magistrate at the-mlt- ton court house last friday after noon v cnn the three of you furniah ball amounting to 60000 queried w i dick county crown attorney tho charge is a serious ore having satisfied the crown that tho bondsmen were financially able to cover thcr amounts respectively under taken bonds for 10000 each jyore en- teed into by the defendants and by uirootber f rlonds for an equal amount 60000 in all the charge upon which the three defendants had been arroatcd tho day before at welland was as follows that at the township of erin in the county of wellington and in the townships of esqucslng and trafalgar in the county of halton in the years 1024 and 1025 unlawfully did conspire togethor and with 8fher persona un known by deceit or falsehood or other fraudulent means to defraud the pub lic or any persons who then wore might thorouftr beeome- h r holders or members or creditors of the flanagan smoke consumer and fuel sar company or to effect the public mtutet prlco- of aharcs or units pf tho flunagan smoke consumer an j fuel saver company contrary to the criminal codp sactlnn 444 it u nlwsgetlthat stack tn the abov corn pa py nffgrffatinff 20000 or 30- 000 was sold by defendants to resi dents of he townrtnlpa named und hnx a very considerable portion of hit amounts bubscribed have been pahl for in cash the case will come up for prelimin ary hearing before police magistrate moore at the court house milton to morrow at two oclock bannockburn garden party jmly 80ftball league tiiei e has not been many games played in the lcaguo the past two weeks on account of bad weather and other reumons ttje standing of the illeaguo to date is as follows won hown s cton tanning co 0 hewetaone 4 board more co 1 married men if pltfyeuj u th league hewejsfyva and the tqwn roee tnbh th tlie srame hflwoyr- vf qfltopt p thp anillnff pi iholttaaw tho tpw tiim thpjefore are evident ly winners of tho league police court news ikjflt 0 t 1 1 p warden was charged before police magistrate moore on june 30th wkh beintf intoxicated in a public place a conviction was registered and a pen alty of 10 00 and contrt imposed de fendant swore that he got two drinks of moonahlne qt it house in st pnt- rirkii ward guelph for which he paid 25 cents each pleading guilty to leaving the cn- glno of his motor enr running with no one in charge w j court land of uqckwod wan assessed one dollar without costs by magistrate watt on friday magistrate creasor imposed a are of 10 and coats on an owen sound young man who was convicted of re fusing to turn off to the right df fe road when another car endeavored io pass him lust weeft m i i oj 3clio annual gjiiden earty of the united church ut teira cotta wul be held next tuesday evening there will be a good prograauti a quiet wedding last week a pretty wedding was solcmnlped nt knox church manae on tuesday juno 30th at seven oclock when mlas alva harvey daughter of mr and mrs j harvey became tho bride of mr wi- lium thompson aori of mr and hra j henry thompson of erin rev mr stewart m a officiated tho bride was becomingly attired i an ensemble ault of meteor crepe in a bola do rote shade with picture hat scarf and stockings to match und carried a bouquet of ophella roses after tli- ceremony tho happy couple left fob niagara fqlla on a brief honeymoon jamas fairbanks baker satis out mr jamca fairbanks baker hus purchased a bakery business at chlp- powu and will remove to that village on august 1 he has dlaposed of hh huslnesshereto mrrthornus watson a grocer of grand valley mr fair banks has spent a over a i years her hus built up a large business pui- chascd the piopcrty in whltih the buai ness la located and greatly improved u he hab been an industrious cltfzen and hus taken an interest in tho pro gress of the town for these reasons i tho people of acton generally regret very much his decision to lemove i sad sunday school plonic catastrophe a shocking tragedy occurred at eight oclock on monday evening on plha foe lake st thomas when a swan boat containing one lhan two wo men and twentythroe children meni- bcrs of an anglican union sunday school plcnlc upset in tho middle of the lake a lady teacher and six chil dren from 4 to 11 yeanr of age wcra drowned these picnic catastrophies are so frequent that sunday sohool offlqera and parents hesitate about taking responsibility for plcnlcs where train trips and water attrar tlons are a feature not permitted to work on sunday on the guelph ham ii ton highway ahead as speedily us poaslblp the men employed on the contract havo made it a practlco to carry on part of tholr work on sunday various complaint to this effect reached the ears of pro vincial constable melville who prompt ly drove out to tho scene of tho paving operations and put a stop to it as a result of summons served to tho of fender ten men mostly foreigners ap peared at police court next morning on the assurance of tho contractor thut rev it- e zimmerman b a preached his first sermon on sunday in a11 irobibility a goodly number who hfcurd the mat sermons of rev r b zlmmormon b a tho new mln- iatei of tho united church in acton on sumuiy xvcatlcd barrlcp stilklng stqry of the first aoimon of tho now nilnlater at drumtochty thero la a- wnyp an intiigue for both congregation and pajitar in these flrat aoivlcea which make ttcm unusually interesting air zlnnmorman had airlved in town during tli week and gotten acquaint ed wltli a aoctlon of his peolo at tho weokevonlng service on thuisday and to these ho had already placed himself with ix alncere smile and a warm taoiinlngf ul handgrip but a largo coitgregition preotcd him at the morn ing atrvlco t lie ia young in uppoar anco puriiipa more so than facts just lfy for lie has had nineteen years of minis teilal collection ho is young ortolan however to bo blessed with a good deal of virility and old enough to have had a deal- of experience both in the pulpit and in pastoral work both clmrncteiistica were evldont on sunday hib pulpit hfylo 1h direct dignlfloi and imprcnlvo fiom tho invocation at the boginning of the mornjng ser vice followed by the reading of the grand old morning hymn unto the hills around 1b was evident that slncoi ity und tax neatness will find a largo plnco in jil le ofwpji ship hc3iealari eely in very clear- cut stylo with notablo consecutivo- nesaof thought and in a manner whici malcea litrn very eaay to listen to though i was a warm moinlng theie wko- exceedingly few nodding heads in themjbrurch during the flrat ser mon speaking on the theme tho energy of faith with tho text from matthew case was allowed to stand until called on guelph mercuryi ball game in the park georgetown and acton met again op saturday and tho locals ugaln loat tho game the score was 04 for tho vis itors after tho first few innlrj things went pretty fair for acton for couple of innings and then the locale dropped right back into the om rut failure to hit in the pinches was one of the big rsaspns for defeat hlllaburg won at kockwood again the league is now away onesided hlllaburg and georgetown will fight it out for jlrat pjace the league now tanda georgetown hlllaburg acton rockwood woir 6 0 2 1 lofet 1 2 5 n acton flower show a meeting of those interested in actotrmworsnowwaaolaottmoh day evening tho report of last years show was presented by tho secretary it was satisfactory to all and showed a small balance in hand to start this years work the officers and thtfdl- itfctora for this year were elected aa follows president mrs w j hall 1st vtcepresldont mrs j mcarthur 2nd vicopresldontr b pargoter sec retary treasurer frank scriven di rectors mrs w anderson mrs w mcmillan mrs e t thotford mrs h s wilson messrs w williams m ramjihaw j walton e t thotford g mann c woodhall an attractive prise hat is being prepared and tho support of all flower lovers la con fidently hoped for ladies aid of the united church a m of the la of the united church of canada was held in thp school room on tuesday afternoon tho new unionist mcmbeis were coi dlullv welcomed by mrs john c nel son the piealdent and all present be came hicnjbora at the election of of ficers there was a fine spirit ho new members being offered executive ppsi- tions in preference tp he former mem bers tje officers for tho year wo o elected as f ojlows pi ealdont mrs jojhfl c- feiaou vlcepicaiflont mm duncan mctayiah socrotaiy mis h p mao re treasurer airs f cloavi pafsunrge commhtoe mrs malcolm aclen mrs a e nloklln mrs b cjnmulo vlaltlng committee mrsl samuel held and mrs r l johnston various impiovements to church and parsonage are in contemplation the saturday night band concert an exceptionally interesting pro gramme waa given by tho acton citl- sena band last saturday t wan vailed and meritoiioua nnd comprised the following numbers march friendship march the sharp shooter march salute to canada cornet solo bandmaster mason tho commodore polka march anaconda copper miners marchwar of th nations waltz doris match tho booster club walts sweetheart days selection of hymns abide with me nearer my god to thee and leau kindly light god save he king these toncerts aui appreciated not only by oui citizen nnd the lesldcnts of tho community but by tourists going tluough on tlia highway several putlas whoso des tlnation wiyi yoriflntcy irked iheji gurtt aha vpjift n ourins the con cert tfjiviv opmrnftntm respcctiig the quality pf the music rendered by hp bund were y cojnplmenary indeed this sattiiday the band accompanies tu acton orange lodge tp kuchenei and tlio band concert for thii weec 17 20 ho vividly painted the plctuio of tho scene auggeated in the passage when tho dl3ciplea disappointed ani baffled bccituse of their failure to heal the demonpossessed hoy appealed toij jesus witli his pionouncemont follow ing toothing hhall be impossible faith la an energy force ho said the mightiest dynamic the world knows the world belongs to the man who says i can i will the query of how muchfjiltli wo havo is answered by tho result of tnq enterprise we undertake applying the principle personally ho evidenced three kinds of faith in as cending oidei first fulth in onosolf personal ability which enables one to work out his own auccessv second faith iri o- call to a great task auch as la evitrcnt when men aro fired with great ideals foi a world enterprise aid go on i and accomplish it third tho sublime form faith in god which en dowed wltln tho moat tremendous of energies let a man believo with his whole hem t und soul in god ho sug gested and how much more may bo ac- j compliant the working out of these truths is manifest in tho history of the church aa was pictured in one or two missionary stories tho address closed with an earnest prayer for- faith fpr tilnffifiiniikitho foik6r tnb chthihantr tho community so that gods plana tho q i eat things of the goapol might be carried out the evening sermon on tho sub- pcu tho groat vonturo of faith was an enlargement of the thomo of tho morning following tho text jcu i 32 9 mi zimmerman very strikingly i explained trie context of tho passage i noting that joiemiah who at tho timo was a prophet of gloom till hla warn ings gota hit on the pooplea nerves became wh en the invader came into tho conntt y as ho had warned a prophet of hope foietclling tho future gloiy of the city to be ho had faith that the spirit of tho nation would sur- lve that a gloilous nowday would dawn ii nd this was directly evidenced in his purchase of propcity in the then strlckon city a sublime evldonco of great faith wucrrono lotvinihff to back hm faatl ui in a tangiblo way said tho iireachei wo must admit a lealfty about it ho proceeded to noto further that in biblical lucorda tho faith of tho old htoea was- manlfestid in tho fait ot tholr having done mir acles by faith abtaham otc and also thut in the mhaclcs of jesus tao subjects nil showed falththo sick of pulwy the blind man the othcrb all gave direct ovidonco of it like wise the meuauio of our faith is di- termlned by the extent of the invest ment of ourselves and our energies in oui acttlew we aay wo believe tn ceitnfn things for instance in tlio gdspel of jeiiua christ in social re demption in tho nholltlon of- war how much do wo bdlicvp them just as much aa we aie willing to put into tho ciuvnen they lepresont is the faith of our fu thorn living still wfth niked in the closing appli cation vc may not uae tho samo methods today in oui chinch and our social work but wn should havo the name glorloih aplilt shall wo not evidence oui belief by moio wholo- heni tul christlmi aoi vice wo lovi this cliui ch tho pi cachet aald wo have fiiieh in its place in tho com munity ami in 11h power for good here shull va give of our utmost in the highest faith to carry out the greit ponnltilliuch ueun of ua not tho leant lntei em in h iiiuhtiatipih lu both moiih cinip it vit pytdeut from the pieachcim own leiidjng itrlaqulto ap parent he han not alio won his library to bo neglected ince hisstudent days und lins littut in touch with some of the tymt prpsontday though this and hl whoo manner evidenced in hih qylet ypt yory acomly wpa9 of liitipdiiction at the morning aeytct and in hlh froqucnl plejaing smite without doubt made a ploaslng im pression imd 1 is certain that my mlaa saiah mcdougall la vlaltmg filondain biln mrajamea gibbons si ih vlaltlng frlondb in detroit mlaa olivo mownt la visiting with filonda at buffalo mr joa hynda of dotiolt spent tho weekend at his homo mr w a nlcol of now yoik was here ovei the weekend mr harold cosh hpent the wcekond with friends in toronto mr george agnew jr of detroit was homo ovor the holiday misses gwen and poi is maddock aie visiting fi lends in brant ford miss ma cap rot kennedy was homo fromtoronvs for the weekend mr w stuckoy was homo from bowmanville over the weekend miaa gwyh of hamilton is visit ing her sister mrs g h switzer mlaa vera harvey apont a few days during tho week at wasaga beach mr c c hewstont of hamilton apont the veekend with friends hero mr dingman of oshawa spent tuosduy at tho homo of mr a ander son- mr and mrs e h near oftor onto visited the homo folks during the week mr und mrs jeremiah bell motoied to lucknow to visit friends during the week mrs william xjiird of walkerville spent a few days during tho wcokwlth acton friends jilrs wllkeroftavisfbckv is holi daying at mr august andersons on church street mrs reld of orton has boon visit ing her son mr james h reld dui- ing the woek mrs robert bennett went to alma on monday to spend a few days with relatives there mi and mra w c besaey and doris nf georgetown spent sunda at mr w h wllsona miss m b currlo of bronte visited at mr a curries brock avenue during the woak miss clara ebbage of toionto hpent a few days with friends hero during the week mr und mrs nelaon garden and children aro upending a two weeks va cation at otter lake mra a c stewart and children hao neon spending the paat week with relatives at riversdtle mibh hot tie smith waa home over sunday her solo in tho united church was much appreciated masters wfllio and hurvey hodglns spent a few days last week with mr george mlno limehouae cit en h s nlcldln mis rtlcklln and the boy scouts celebration mia 3iary of guelph the old home on monday mrs hartley harrison and children visited mr and itfra stanley jlussoll oakvlue during tho week- mr joe kennedy left a couple of weeks ago for south norwnlk conn to accept a position thero mrs p w worthington and master lloyd of paisley aie visiting at mr g hswitzeis main street mi ami mis green of guelph visit ed mi and mrs frank gamble and other fi lends here on sunday mlai lottie e speight is spending tho week at the home of her brother mr w h speight toronto mr and mrs a h moore and missus lois and margery of toronto were callers at moorecroft on sunday mrs newton powell and little vera of brampton visited at tho home of mr j r anderson last week miss jean currle of campboliviuo is spending a couple of weeks with her sis tor mra rosa alexander mrs follet misses janet and grace and master gordon of toronto visited at mr w j halls during ftie week miss mary mcpherson of colling- wood general and marine hospital spent the weekend at her homo hqre miss wjlma and mr duncan mc millan of terra cotta wero guescs of mr and mrs rchle currlo last week mr and mrs robert mclood of woodstock spent sunday at the homo llmrg alfredulcjnfliavea nvnnlngs wl so per misses maud marlon and grace mc pherson of toronto spent the week end ut tho home of mr william john stone mr and mrs m d campbell gort- t udo and clayton of buffalo spent the ameilcan holiday at mr g h lantzs mrs a p scott miss constance and mr john scott of brampton spent a few days with acton friends during tho woek mrs dr gray and miss lauj a liavo boon enjoying a motor trip to blyth and other points west during tho week mlas clara lantz is spending her holidays ut buffalo k y with hr uncle and aunt mr and mrs charles l jgamble- mr and mra chaa hynda and chil dren and mr and mrs r fawcott of toronto spent the holiday with mrs george hynda mis g h brpwi apont last woek in kitchener nnd attended the tattoo while thero mr brown motored up for the weekend misses frunces and veia hurat loft monday morning for toionto whore they will tako a summer course at the ontario art school mr ind mrs w h gurney miss marjorle and master wallace of wlngham spent a day or so this week with acton friends mr jack kennedy was home from dotrolt overtho weekend mr ken nedy is making good progress in hla position in the ford works mrs itobci t johnston and mli johnston leturncd homo on frldny lifter a pleasant vjbu with mr and mrs w g gamble eramoba mrs frederick s helwood of cil- gary alto arrived lust woek to make a pi olonged visit with her parents mi and mra a b nieklinbower avi mr c a do wiles and son rogor loft by motor sunday morning for busy quo to join mrs downes and family who procedod them last week mr and mis john a moffat misses jean and elizabeth moffat and measrh d chimney nnd j daunt spent tho dominion day holiday at tho homo of mr arch mnnn mr alex mcdonald the veteran hmong the mail carrlois on the rurafi routes who has been quite 111 for floveru1 dnyn lust week was able- io lenuw hla duties at tho end qf the yock miss kuth walker of kendall west- inh eland england arrived in town an enjoyable holiday with pro gramme morning afternoon and evening on dominion day it was tho oppor tunity of acton and vicinity to do aj good turn to help tho boy scouts in raising money for their camp fund and thoy responded well tho ladloa auxiliary of tho boy scouts provided cl full duy of amusement for all in the morning a callthumplan par ade was arranged and although not us largo aa some previously held in recent years proved interesting and amusltfg for participants and spectators u got tho days activities off to a good start i in the afternoon at two thirty tho boy scouts and their scout brethren from toronto tho ladies softball team and the maypole drill team lined up at tho band hall and headed by acton citizens band paraded to tho park hero an exciting softball game waa played between the acton and rock- wood ujdies it was a thriller from atartto finish and was won by acton in the laat innings by a score of 1311 score by innings of the game rockwood 43000000 g 11 adton 30220010 c 13 two wero out when tho winning runs woio scored 3 baaoliuff v rumley t mason 2 baso hits h mauon m bolton stolen bases p richardson m locker e johnson m chalmers- i sacrifice hits v rumley o clar- ridge base on balls off chalmers 3 olf richardson 0 struck out by chalmers 0 this ovent was followed by the beautiful may pole drill performed by scholars of tho public school and thou a hat of athletic sports was run on with winners in the various evonts as follows totsracc glen garden 100 yard dash mens j kentner alf bishop grenville masai es 50 yard dash ladles genlevo ciccfridge eva johnston threelegged race mochrle and white macklo and harold reld mens race over 4b years georga warrlner toronto f spoil vogel girls race 10 to 16 years dorothy campbell ivy holmes time race beasle ruwllngs nail driving contest lottie mason mrs f spellvogel pigaback race melvin locker and gibbons joe woods and andrei buchanan boys race under 15 years gordon cooper ernest warren rehjy race 1st jack kentnor ball kaloy s mackic 2nd blahop e coope c kentner g masulea the acton citizens band enllvencdl si tho pioccodlngs with a number of band numbers and to mako the afternoon a good n measure of fun the toronto and acton boy scouts staged a soft- ball game which acton won the re freshment bop tha operated by the ladles did a lively business air after noon in thp afternoosv rain threatened but it stayed off until evening and the crowd had assembled in the park for the evening concert and then tho showers were intermittent tho artists proved themselves as good scouts as the good crowd that braved the ele ments to help tho boy scouts be tween showers tho following pro gramme was given may pole drill vooal solos by miss jean kennedy and mr taylor corntft solo by charlie landsborough quartette numbers by the band male quartette composed of messrs aloxj mann a mason j smith and r spellvogel and by tho mixed quartette which is comprlaod of misses h mason and jean kennedy and messrs alex mann and j lewis and a haxaphaho duett iy messrs a mason und geo mason tho artists gave their numbers under difficulties but delighted the audience with their willingness to carry on during the showers the scouts led in community singing and enlivened proceedings the accompanists for tho various performeia wero misses l gray nollle anderson and mr fred salt tho rain ceased sufficiently to allow tho scouts to present their campfire programme which was a presentation of the manner in which scouts amuse camp about the campfire rev a c stewart assistant scoutmaster was the genial chairman of the evening the objective needed as funds for tho scouts summer camp which starts next saturday near huttonvjuo was more than met and tho ladles scout auxiliary feel amply repaid for their efforts in providing this day of good wholesome amusement to jpejid the juimmac with zinunnmiin starts on the work ot tho her slater mrs fred wright- miss now ohatb with the hearty oo- walker camo overseas on tho s s ppfcrutlons of- people of united church reglna miss phoebe amory of toronto high school of commerce has been promoted to aecond form mlaa amory formerly of acton passed hor on- ance under tho direction of miss m z bennett mr and mrs george wuterhouse of belleville spent a few days at tho homo of mr and mra frank kennedy dur ing the week mlaa lor na kennedy is returning with them and will spend a few daysat bolloville mr und mis harold holmes of komptvlllc visited the tatters grand father mr james scott 3rd uno lost thuisday on their honoynfoon they wore accompanied by the brides mothct mis david barclay of guelph mr and mrs john flynn miss florence hcrbort and edward of buf falo n y wero hero during tho week vlaltlng tho old home and other acton frlonds mr flynn and his family havo prospered in buffalo for which their numerous friends hero aro very glad miss ruth nelson missionary has been appointed to an important po sition in the mission school ut vic- torla b c miss nelson expects to lcavo shoitly for her new work sho has already givon five years of sorvico in educational work in british columbia mlas rachel second who has been lit for sevsrul months has been re ceiving treatment in the private pa- tionts pavilion toronto general hos pital for somo weoks her progress toward jvomplet0 recovery has boon qulto satisfactory and she returned to her home ip guelph pn saturday mr alfred sopcr is now slowly pio- gresslng toward recovery ho is abo to sit up dally now for u time his brother jonoph of preston vlsltod him during tho week mrs margaret gluasoy and mrs 15 j wright tor onto and mraibort kentner george town wero also visitors during tho week mrs dr b fosso and her son and daughtei and mr stuart kllnger of blolt wisconsin mr and mrs b con- ovor and mlaa conover of erlndulo mr and mra i van natter mr roy andmusuary vannatter of george- town and mr t e bounett of tor onto wero sunday visitors at the home of mrs r bennett lake avenue i yl ml

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