Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1925, p. 2

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cup 3te jtoa thursday july 0 1925 friends andoeq said a kiss to a smile why how do you do im hiiro i should ii ko to hvo always with you said tho smllo to tho kiss im ouro i shall bo delighted to huvo you hvo always with me so thoy hvo and they love and nelthor offends theyre always together and always are friends said a rrown to a word now dont look no a our lota boo if wo cannot be friends for an hour said tho word to the rvown vm willing to try although im af i ajd to look in your eye in iosh than a mlnuto a quarrel aroso thoy fought and they parted and now thoy nre foes arthur macy fn 3fm inran hortfcmj agathas telegram by marian bonsalii j1avis 1 gentleness in women it is not nearly bo truo as it used to bo thut men earn money and women opond it but it is considerably true still men still have control of thu chief agencies for wagepaying -ankl- oarn most of tho wages paid women have tho spending of most of tho money that is earned and brought homo for tho support of the families tho chief end of man is still what tho westminster catochlem soya it is but his neat important end la to satisfy woman mon find or miss satisfaction in ufa a goodddul according as they satisfy or fail to satisfy the womon they uvo with all men prefer to live with contented women and all sensible men do what they can to secure far themselves that privilege women are- more content when thoy have their own way part of tho time so are men women s wishes should be dominant in certain departments of life mons wishes la others but thore is no de partment of ufo in whlchwomon can igrnoro the wlshos of men or mon the wishes of women yo a nua to stand up for what is his and a wo man to stand yj for what is hers is sometimes necessary bat in the main life eoos best when the women la thole department please the men and the men in their department please tho women and so it is that in public life as well as in private dealings between the men and women persuasion works bet ter than compassion against tho ex acting women men are instinctively on their ffuard they usually avoid such women if they can no man can af ford to be driven by women into posl tion that he does not approve and if he cannot- run away he is likely to turn obstinate on worse but most mon arc very open to persuasion and if led around to look at a proposal from another point of view their ob jections to it may disappear mrs wilson the wife of the late pres ident of the united states who died two years ago was a good example of a woman of persuasive efficiency her methods seemed always to have been gentle she had interested herself in a matter that bad to do with the local government of washington tho aboli tion of tho slums that had grown up in tho alleys running behind houses that front on good streets it is an evi that has l and cd iis stanfard really does want agatha to corao mrs mil ler said to her husband and im suro i dont knov what we ought to do porhaps i wasnt as frank with mrs stanford as i ought to have boon tho chance might not come again said mr miupr and it seems too valuable an experience for agatha to miss mrs millers foot tapped tho floor neivouely and sho looked worried 1 think that is what i think too but it will bo all we can do to manage agathas railway fare and sho realty hasnt olothes suitable the stanford girls have everything after seeing gucbfl and games uftcr wards oh bu it will bo boautlfu1 mother i heaul jmrs stanford talking to the flortot oi so telephone and she said sho wunttd m to make it look uu much liko u gar don as possible and that sho wans od all thcr rones to hb- dink and thoij wfll be a harp and two viollno and a eollo for muulc and ult kinds of fancy doodpdums to oat when we first talked of it i said i was afraid i had nothing to went to such a party yod soe mother wo dtffj not dream of this kind of a paity at homo but mrs stanford said that my whito dress would bo juat the thing tho simpler tho better she euul thope 4s no trimming so charming us ttenwith their maids and automobmrroah flowers wo will decorate itwlth that is peculiar to washington an abuse of tho excellent provisions made in tho plan on which that city was laid out tho power to correct it lay with congress and when it became known that mrs wilson as she lay dying had said that she could die xnoro con tent if the alley slums were abolished tho necessary measure was at once brought up in the congress and pass ed amfclothes it wont bo easy for ag gie to come homo to wash dishes and take core of tho babies and feel how different her ufo will probably always bo better put tho matter straight to aggie is shos willing to go with the clothes she has and come homo jo the pots and pans and children without discontent rd say yes accept it the youngest two miller children wero in bed the two noxt in age sat at the diningroom table with their school work and agatha was washing the dinner dishes mrs miller called agatha agatha hung up the dish towel null- ed down her sleeves and hurredlnto the livingroom anything- wrong she asked her mother and father noticed the keen jook that went with the simple question it suggested that agatha was growing up unconsciously alio had expressed in look and manner a new sense of responsibility agatha said mrs miller mrs stanford called when she was passing through tho village today she has invited you to visit her girls in boston for two weeks during this vacation and your father and i wont to know how you feel about if i o motherl tho tremble in hie girls voice answered for her then mrs miller told agatha about her talk with her husband you may decide for yourself she said but if you come home discontented and un happy it wiir prove that your father and i have made a mistake for a moment resentment at what seemed to bo her mothers lack of sym pathy and understanding dulled the 4oy agatha had so often sho thought her mother took tho fine edge off happy things but in a second she was very much ashamed of tho feeling oh thank you mother and daddy i she said and ran to throw her ams about them in two weeks agatha was ready to go a simple white dress fdr the prob able party had been made by mrs millers busy fingers while agatha after school when the suit case was little buds wont it bo adorable mother only i do wish that i had white sllppors black will bo so ugly dont you see with such a dress frock us they say here and im sure all tho othei girls will have slippers to match yielr diobs- e whon this letter was read aloud a homo mr miller did not smile its inevitable i suppose ho sold can wo afford the white shoes mother and mrs miller answered quietly with a tired look no georgo wo cant tm sorry but wo really cant by the time that her mothers reply reached agntbaa pair of white sllppera of margorots with iaco butterflies for buckles had been found that although jx little tight would fit agatha the- day of the party was one of complete enchantment to agatha tho girls had decided to dress together in hesters room agatha had gone up stairs before tho others what can t do fpr you miss agatha asked mrs stanfords maid who had just laid two filmy dresses across tho bed oh you need a llttlo light in a moment soft rosy lishts glowed from tho walls and from cither side of hesters dressing table pretty slip pers of pink and blue fit for princessej wero on the table tho sirls ahinv mering scarfs hung over tho backs of chairs oh breathed agatha i love it i love being rich i love h then the girls broke in upon her reverie the three wore chattering like magpies when a little later mrs stanford already dressed came in to soe whether sho could help them that is right agatha she said your hair is just loose enough and just low enough on your neck yours is too loose heater yes margie a simpler band would lie fcetter she went from one to the other and then with tho dexterous use of thread and needle tulle and rosebuds mado agathas dress into a garment of rare heauty hester tuning from her dress ing ta gave a cry of deligh why at first glanco scorned to bo a shopping list wi itton in agatha scrambling handwiltlng thursday corn pudding for fathoi start to get sam interest ed in history toll him aboat visit to bunkci hill dont forget again to watotv tho plants for pitys hikko mend a pali of blockings for pooi edith soo if mis qioon can jcomo to wash boder tho wash holler if 1 can doum it ah- homblo tho kldu and toad thorn paul uoverou hide and toll thorn about it clmngo the shoots and pillow cnticu mi mlllci carefully put tho llttlo hllp into hln pocket ho did not hvai agatha coipo into tho loom and uimm him gootl night hudrionly trite mpoho at his aide and for a momont ho could not answe hot you aie n vofy meat coiiifoit to mo agatha ho said finally homo iluyh pant dining whlult atfuum lout hoi tempci burned a rtjii- nei got dibooulagod ami called to mi- compllhh nil sho had plan nod but mill sho kept on trying and all tho whilo she fought out tho burn inn dis appointment alone of tho intel iiiptmt unit at tho and of the wetfjc mis mlllui came homo aunt cliaoo washout of all dangot that oven in g oomrury to tho custom of tho family tho family hnuci- cd lound the dlnnei table later mm sillier and agnthn woio wnnhmjr the djshofl suddenly mrs mlllci put down hoi towel and looked at hm daughter agatha she said more sharply than agatha had ovci hoard her sponk i dont want you to think that yout father and i didnt leallso what it meant to you tof loavo boforo your visit wan out and in tho midst of thit paity wo dlol and o agglo her voice broke in n sob j so wanted to havo those whito shoos suddenly it seemed to agatha os if her mother jvoro n girl and sho a woman a gicat fooling of lovo and of tenderness swept ovoi hor and sho knelt on tho floor beside her 4 mother mothor i love yau i q mother yourq such a comfort to me then in tho midst of their sobs thny both gnvo a hysterical little laugh that was the seal of a now companionship proper motor lighting the seasons packed mrs miller tenderly placed in the white box that held agathas few treasures a little oval locket of gold that sho had worn in her girlhood and on tho top laid a parcel wrapped in tissue paper a little surprise i wish it could bo more aggie but pve been so busy i could only do some little thing like this al odd moments in a rush of feeling agatha realised something of her mothers sweetness that was a remarkable tribute nvtiy7howhpretty her mother was with gentle leading the woman says william james loves the man the more admirably the stormier he shows himself but the woman in turn subjugates the man by the mystery of gentleness in beauty and the saint has always charmed the world by some thing similar watch your weak spotd the partners in a business firm were dlbcusslng the question as to which member of tfao staff should be pro mated to a mora important andt better paid post yes sold the senior partner x as you say would fill the bill all right if ho broke off and shrugged his shoulders significantly tho junior partner understood x had a little falling which upset tho discipline of the office so another man was promoted xwas really the better of the two and had be not ht1 that little falling his employers would have pushed him along before tho falllng oh how a ladies uwu ulu hum was a mixed one finallythere was perhaps it shouldnt be so but a fallinga very llttlo one possibly will often cancel a whole collection of virtues think of any twelve men yob know in most cases it is their failing that como to your mind first no their good polnts r entirely disproportionate and unfair her cheeks so flushed and how sho seemed to care and how- hut her fathers voice called from below that she would miss the train if she did not hurry mother and daughter closed the siittcase quickly and ran downstairs agatha hugged and kissed the four children and thon turned to her mother to say good by they will lovo you dear mrs miller said if you dont put on any thing tont pretend to bo anything you are not be just yourself then from her long habit of hiding deep fool ing she addevtwith her old sharpness now dont do anything that youd be ashamed of good by again some of agathas joy was dulled as she went with her father through the crisp snow to the station but toward evening as she sped along in the train the sense of some thing spoiled vanished lights began j to twinkle through the darkness vil lages and towns grew thicker and thicker the train was approaching the city of boston agathas heart beat joyous andhejrjeekjghwedj boston the confusion of leaving the trail then familiar faces laughter kisses and agatha was borne away in the stan- fords big touring car that night before she went to bed agatha wrote a letter home agatha youre lovely yorrre youre beautiful agatha stood gazing into tho miror b radiant flowerdocked vision she did not seem to understand whose re flection she saw thero sho touched tho tulle and flowers lightly lovingly this was indeed being a princess a lovely princess tor a night there was a knock at tho door and the maid entcrod a telegram for miss miller muam immediately mrs stanford tool hester and margaret out of the room on some pretext agatha left alone was afraid to opon the telegram something is wrong she said thon sho tore opes the onvelope and read aunt grace sick am going to her at once we need you at home take evening train to night mother fv- certainly but there it is have you a lxxb failing if you have and mind be honest with your- holf then wring its neck be sure it- is no help to you very probably it has boon a great hindrance wring it nook a quick temper is a llttlo falling the nipping habit is another the bor rowing of a casual quarter is another tho humor which hurts is another tho jist could bo extended for pares and then might not include your own special llttlo shortcoming if you know what it is wring its nock if you have an idea that you might have a little falling hut cannot honestly name it ask your best friend to- do tho naming 01 ve him orhe license to bo frank of many- talents r wf yes said one ot the old captains who aiwaye enjoyed a jnbath oil the plasza of the baberry inn that is kph hallet going by 4p the star office hes the best allround journal 1st theyve ever had nat bond the proprietor tells me you mean he can write any kind of an article r asked the travelling man tjmfn weir i presume to say he could sold captain hall with his lips pursed but hes got no notions thats what nat means he can put on- his overalls and mop up the office or hq can ton to a fire or go to a select concert atbe opera bouse and make s firstclass job of any of em thats what nat means i take it he told me hes suffered a heap fron some of- these harrowminded young fcllershes irledrbefore he struck tifiph hero dearest people in the worw heret am in boston i arrived without a- mishap and the stan- fords met me at the station in their big automobile i can only say that the house is grand and mrs stanford is grand and that all is like a novol 111 tell you more about it tomorrow i have a room to myself all white and yellow and a darling bath room all white for my own tomorrow rm to see whichever i wish the house where louisa alcott lived when they were all uttle women or tho placo where they had the boston tea party or plymouth bock and o mother i opened the surprise bundle and the collars and cuffs are beautiful tfleyul make my dress look like a different dress every time i wear a new set the stitching in them is beautiful and it almost makes me cry to think how dear you were hugs and kisses all round j your aggla the letter was read aloud at- tho dinner table at home i think we did right to send our aggie mother said mr miller mrs miller looked up with a happy smile days of wonder and deep joy follow ed for agatha the stanford family had become very fond of her laughing eyes her clear bright face with its freckles and her capable manner a manner that came from her being the oldest of five in a- family that needed the help of each member blester an 1 margaret stanford gave her their of feotlon and confidence without reserve ft seemed to agatha that only five days would make you used to a llf tabiet and of sleeping in a big lacy white bed but she thought that flyd years or fifty years of dishwashing and taking core of babies could not make you used to drudgery again but m ft- more or less walking when hjttosfu examinations- oil his new patients was at last complete the bpocioljqt looked far a moment in silence at the tall stooping figure on posits his own you need more exercise he said with hi most impressive manner you must walk walk walk man throw bock your shoulders fill out yourohet expand the lungs and walk l trmin said- the toll man dryly tja you know itm thft tfther of six -weefc-qh- ly ins e t t c tofjtwiton are invited andf ihehr bousjn thqm i nights as their inotherls very boo delicate r govaqrae ewrtflse hvft way but i cant jtomtyly expand lunge m muob as youd jikevpd warning and although she prised the luxuries round her hfa suu reraed cheerful and natural itwaj jbr con stant happy naturalness that trtudu the stanford love her schr great event of the visit at he end of the first week was in prepara tion agatha hod written of it to jie mother ah the girls whe o to hester and aarjgarts ioftool wjiole trt first a feeling of relief surged over agatha nono of them were sick of atnrtrgracot whom shehad never seen she did not thnk then came violent disappointment and resentmont thoy could have got mrs flaherty to help till my visit hero was up- sho said to herself i think they wero mean mean to break in just now when mrs stanford entered a mo ment later sho found agatha sitting on tho bed white and angry please read this mrs stanford agatha sold there ore threequarters of an hour before you havo to lo tha iragm ariortwamnotatrrir you as if you were already a woman do you think you can understand agatha looked squarely into her hostosss eyes yes mrb stanford then i wih bo frank ive wonder ed sometimes if my girls life with every tiling made easy for them haj madeyour busier more reap onaiblo ufo seem a llttlo hard to you no dont answer i want to give you my confi dence agatha i envy your ufo for marglo and hester pont you sea how hard it maybo for them to bo como unselfish women if they nover got awake to a world in need of ser vice aggie every day at homo aro doing your share tlnk of the ro- hponslbility of being a helpful com panion to your splondld busy mother contributing member to tho- family good do you see how happy in a big way it may mnko you now and will for a certainty after a whlln for you are at tha age now when tho thrill of tno meanings of things begins to come to you and you have the best of all gifts tof make it wonderful health and imagination as mrs stanford leaned forward to kiss the girl beside hor agatha put her arms round her with an impulsive hug but she could not reply mm stanford wanted no reply in words and as she began to unhook the girl s dress and to help with the simple paeklng sho spoke only of the journey home clad once more in her old black coat and fur cap agatha stopped in the hall for a quick goodbyo t tho family the guests had begun to ar rive and the excitement of tho music the bright scene made by the girls lovely dresses the fragrance of the masses of flowers gave her high cour age to hester and margaret and the young guest agatha was in mnntlc sltusjtlon as she stood at tho foot ot the stair surrounded by a crowd of girls and bbys giving grce ings and farewells at onco trying to express her thanks and her gratitude to often we meet people who say they dont like the summer others dont liko tho winter occasionally some who donj like autumn and once in a while some ono who doesnt ilko thoeprlntf seldom will anyono admit or boast that he likes all tho seasons equally and yot if a man were to keep record of the days in tho year that simpli from tho point of vlow of w oath or and physical comfort ho enjoyed there would probably bo no season that would establish a decisive claim to hi favor and if there wero any such it would almost certainly not be spring people aro generally governed n their likes and dislikes of the seasons by the extremes rather than by the average weather displayed persons of choerful and optimistic spirit aro likei ly to remember a scqeoruby its shin ing days rather than by its stormy ones and persons who aro easily af fected by adverse circumstances takd strongest impressions of a season from those days when it is at its worrl by that reasoning it might appear that to buch a person all seasons are equally bad and that to the others all are equally good but impressions aro rd atlvo arid anyone who shudders and alii vera in coldveatner is pretty sure to prefer summer however hot it may bo and one who really suffers from heat is likely to think that winter la the beat timo of the year the law of compensation that mr emerson preached applies in our at titude toward the seasons if wo did not have foggy and windy and rainy weathei wo should not appreciate nearly so much as we do sunshine ard blue skies and soft breozes if wc never looked out into utter blaokneps of night with blasts of wind and of snow beating against the panes wo should not look up at the moon and the stars and the silent spaces of the heavens with quite the same love of their beauty even the most wonder ful things in nature might grow staid in our eyes it there were no contrast in the circumstances of their appear ance the hon oeoigo 6 henry minister of public works and highways today nnnouncor- that it a tho intention of hln department to immediately take iitopn forward in onforclng tho anti glare regulations of tho highway traf fic act loqulrlng tho headlamps on ovei y motor vehicle to bo equipped with an npprovod device for the elim ination of ghuo and at tho recent os- ii ion of tho loglniatuio tho act wis amended so as to piohlhlt tho uro of u headlight bulb of ovoi 21 candlo power tvttftoiirilfrvoulri ho woll ndvluod to lunpnot tho lighting equipment of thtlr rain and make muio that thoy have both an npptuved device and proper bulbil tho main difficulty iium boon thut motorists havo not herolofbio five n oonnlderutlon to tho focusing of the bullni and tho ultnlng of tho uimpri tint motoilstn whoiin headlight kioto and ilar mo is not receiving the host l outfits ft ctti hln hunpn if his lamps worn pioporly ndjuntod and f- uused tho light which in no objection able to apploalhlng motorists and which is ft equantly blamed toif a- ohloium would be concentrated on tho foudway wheio it ih needed instead of in tho ttootopb the department has jumi inuuod a pamphfot explaining j simple lan guage tho proper wny tu foouu and adjust automobile headlight mi homy also intimated that tho prac tice of dtlvlng without a tall light must alno bo discontinued those are nht now tegulatlons but one whloh nro commonly neglected motorists clam or oach ytai for a luw which will ro- qulto horsodrawipvohlole to dlnplay lights and yot thoso same motorist will operate thoircars on tho highway with but one headlight or without any tall light both are dangorous prac tices and offences for whloh ponaltioh mo provided in tho pamphlet just issued by the department tho suggestion is mado that motorists cany sparo lamp bulbs tho samo as thoy carry a spare tire another logulatlon which is frequently ignored is that of mirrors on trucks aside from tho fact that tho law ro- quhes a mirror on a truck it is in tho opinion of mr honry an artlolo of equipment as as a horn tho special traffic officers attaohod to the motor vehicles branch of the highway dopartment are receiving in structions and will shortly proceed io enforce thoso p sections of t law randomremarks a saying ofrtnyfatherb was that clover men are as cqmmon as black- berries tho raxjtfilng is a man of character dr huxley it is my cxpoilenco that domestic servants attain a much higher stan dard of charaotor than girls in office countess bathurst a good character is a thing upon which a man is entitled to draw in time of troubled mv justice branson it is easier nowadays to mako a young man blush than a yourig wo man princess bibesco since baro necks have been in vogue women have been much better tem pered than they used to be dr leon ard williams a inn at a billiards table as in tho churoh- rov henry cook always be nice o the ladloa but not too nice general sir ian ham 1- ton i am afraid the yorkshlrcman is not so proud of york as of leeds mr g k chesterton too clever by half achievements of the aged tho aged aro t jos twinning recogj nltion and pcope are straying away from the opinion that this is purely and simply a young mans age every morning an old man of ninetyflvo leaves his suburbaruhome fqr london city where he is manager of a large business his la probably a record but there are other old folks whose a9tlvl- tles are ramarkable a woman painter who died not long ago at the ago of ninetythree did not begin as on artist until she had passed her soventlett birthday in the following twenty- thr- tra nnv a painter of religious subjects many eldeily people travel when they might be excused or preferring a chair by the fire a london woman only flv years off her century enjoys twelve mile trips on the trams and thinks nothing of walking through greenwich park on fine days whilo at the age of seventy- eight an enthusiastic wolkor iecently tramped from john d groats to lands end a dish i nee of nine hun dred miles in 3ports too many nlrt people line up with the youngsters an elderly lady began swimming when she had passed her sixtieth birthday and she still freqaents the baths but the prize for athletic old age must go to two inmates of an institution for the agod the yare sevcntysovon and eight rospectivolyjandhave iflkennjtj boxing their ambition is to give an exhibition for charity a young englishman says tho boston qlobe wns walking up and down the platform of a country rail way junction looking for a parriage with a vacant seat ho couldnt find it and so assuming an official air he walked up to tho last carrlago and announced in stentorian tones all out hero this car isnt going there were exclamations of annoy ance from tho occupants of the car but all got out with tholr bags and mode jhetr way to cars ahe th j ydung man smiled as he took posses slon of a seat and filled ano w his luggage ah ho murmured its a grand thing to be born clover now i wish they would start by and by ther station master put his head in the doorway aro you the young man who said this car wns not going yea said tho clover one smiling well said tho station master it isnt the guard heard what you sold jmdjitlnflupialit he thouirtxtjkftuj wero a dlroctor where nature stopped tho single woman was protesting against tho increased waterrates and the town clerk was watting his turn but not expecting to get it its a shame anyway she con cluded emphatically to havo to pay for what nature supplies so bounti fully but naturo doesnt supply tho pipes maam replied the town olork rather happily it seemed to him conventonal niceties beating the world brim in will possess the longest tun- nel in europe if not in the whole world whon the scheme for carrying the waters of loch treig and loch laggan to a hydroejeotiio station nt fort william has been completed the new tunnel is to be driven un der ben nevis and will have to be blasted a the way through solid rock and granite the excavations will pro ceed from both ends and from shafts sunk from tho surface and adits ad mitting to tho tunnel from either sldt in places the tunnel wilr run 2000 feet under the mountains it i to be is miles in length or two and a half miles longer than tho slmplon of sightseein of b w tj a h hos ussurl stanford that she was about ready to start nnd hug gmg the bunch of pink roses that mrs stanford had sllppod into her arms she r indeed for tho moment a little heroine of romance aiuhadli fitftllrd ond ome at wfrund who ro to l emu- uttiwr with loi of ialisx to help afatha with th bfeajtfuat hla intended jmltanc delayed thins ktmswfint bat a tw aotnradhl bo- gnto prll ul btwevi father and daughter x tlio6 were not easy days lit iraa vacation time and asath had to look after sain and keter and btidce and uttle vdkh and she hal o do tb days work with it meals land dlhe and oleanjni several venln before mr miller wa jottd to return mr miller wajteartlntfttiene in the living room jlorofpier which he thought httjubped book ly on th boon m pinked it lift and jtw what her first opportunity faithfulness to the memory of tho lost la one of the most amiable of tho human traits why bridget exclrflmod a lady as sho met nn old servant unexpect edly for whom nro you in black for poortlm mo furrat husband mum when ho died i wns that pacr i couldnt but i salfl if i ivor could f would and mo new man miko la us glmrous as a lord ufo the requirements of polite conversa tion occasionally puzzle tho student of tho english iangruage says tho author of a lovantlno iiogfiook but ono who has a governess will soon acqulro thorn all thuh a young frenchwoman who was ledmlng english whilo on tour with an anglican attendant exclalmedt oh my i am all of a swoatl miss morceau exclaimed her at tendant never use that word agalnl horses sweat men perspire padles merely glow u4b- sws 2n1 shbepofish fcrydur hoe it aves ih leather and imattwttyotfrpereofla gyp the best sink valuta ever offered pntiraly nnr urn of sink at nmrk- ably lew orteev tho bm u nutrtalatlnc armco iraq coated with puitt white naml mm rethtcrs electric nam t bold ceptswt rlth all tt una aad laatruetmm smp enameled sinks a ft price complete snjp enameled drain board price fi wondfful nhw whitaiititdarinc6 ironbm vryjrtroomihndtotmthmndr tbe new 8jp lofc and drain board old lftuinbtfiudbsutnrrjtoftv ermtdiretto shm mjetal ftiooum ct 4wtriai touohto wtrfmtpee u i dhonvom vancouver caujamv ick wwswmimieemj all lines of 8 m p carried by james symon 1dware mill stf hardware street a good neidhdoh under the heu1in a qooa neigh bor an exchange says what kind of a nofirhbot aro you 7 you may be ulet and lawahldlnu not given to unduo borrowing and not flllngy about lendlnff in tlmo ot nmw boncy have a vloaimnt look and word tor those who live mofind you nnd yot fall in a very important jmrtlrulnr how about tho uppeiuuticn of youi house your lawn youi boulevard youi backyard your lane 7 if in addition to the othor qualities already mention ed you can how a clean nhoot in re gard to theftfi thing yu will utwti no me right to call yourxrlf u ono hundred cr cent good nelghboi the darwinian vhvohy at tho- trliih a nurnttfir of tntitnl i a wtro dint ithhlnt tho hurvlnittt tiny and on ot thtio otfhtirvjttu it i un hoy htundlntf hy ohhmvhl jvjow anrt wfiil an yint think aoiit u theory my lutv i dont thliik ii u thing nhoat i othcrvfrrt tin innti jhvtybt you gun tlernen huvi tmo tromtaouuoytt hu 1 know toi f urtutnty ttiiit hou rn mrmlh uuu trout hurray tif liith wviflbor ho turn tin i otri or fitiw urowlu it ifiiiht ytfut to tloiiow t a corn tlmntrfffr mmmmmiiiiiiimmumx iceatinds skills w kill mqth m llm 4- f s standard c jf9k wrtant what is mclaughlin- buicks sealed chassis and what are its advantages ttwefs every mclaughlinbuick driving part is enclosed in an iron or steel housing to keep dirt and water out and lubrication in the fanhub the motor the startergenerator the flywheel the clutch the transmission the universal joint the pro peller shaft and the rear axle- all are completely protected the mclaughlinbuick sealed chassis is one of the reasons why mclaughlinbuick cars last ongera are m s v kino representative fob thi8 8ection georgetown ontario nidgi tfrisis ike reason why the acton free press is this co best advertising medium always because because it reaches the highest class of the buying public in halton and south wellington and surrounding territory because because its advertisers are always of fering values which make a special appeal to the public because because it is the only local paper in this locality giving the home news and is read more completely than any other paper b ecause xaie itcarries the weeks news in concise f orlalt carries news which has not beenpnnten constantly increasing jts circulation so diavitranlis first in this section of the province these are onlya nnmnreasons why the acton free press is the iittmsisci ifis community and therefore stands mmbtmdtpomt m ni m i- l k rij 7wjpa fed

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