Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1925, p. 3

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the home ol ftr arhm 3ftrrr prpjsa member canadian weekly ncwflpapcr association mcnibcr selected town weeklle ol ontario the acton tree press 10 publillied every thursday morning at the free preal building mill street acton ontario the subscription price is 100 per year in advance postage ii charged additional to offices in the united states tjie date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advertise roenta 10 cents per line ugate measure far first i insertion and 5 cents per lin lor each subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents n per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid bnd charfred accordingly ii p moore president and editor o a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- edltonal and business office nw residence of president nj residence of manager iji canada house at london in opening canada house the new official head quarters for canadn in london england last week his majesty the king recalled with pleasure the associations of himself thequeen and other members of the royal family with this dominion and added thnt is was tight and necessary that its officials should be housed in a manner adequate for the discharge of their evervowing and important duties it had beorr felt for many years that canadas various activi ties at the capital of the empire ought to be as sembled at a central point and the government ap- oppeurs to have made a satisfactory choice in ac quiring the former home of the union club this building is on trafalgar square one of londons main thoroughfares and its most famous open space promotions at the public school list of the pupils who will be pro moted after the summer holidays thursday morning july 9 1g25 editorial do your part to bring item ontario motor vehicles owners paying more than costs of highways at the annual meeting of tho ontario motor league the president mr t n phelan k c showed conclusively by his carefully prepared state ment of official figures thatthe motor vehicleowners of the province have contributed a million dollars more through license fees to the provincial govern ment than all its expenditures on provincial highway construction he argued very logically that the motorists were paying their share and more of the cost of highway construction before the gas tax im posed a couple of months ago was put on it was vividly pointed out that in eight years on the present basis of taxation the motorists of ontario will contribute tothe province sixtyeight millions of dollars plus plus due to the ever increasing number of cars nnd trucks this amount exceeds by millions tlrr total expenditure on road construction and main tenance and the investment in road building ma terials plants pits and machinery in the province during the past seven yearg or since the inception of thi provincial highway system when admittedly ex penditures have been attheir peak expenditures arc declining and will continue- to do so as more and more of the system is completed by far the most costlynmlper impr h been com- the final examinations of the year are now overj apfcted lands purchased and expropriated the more for numbers of young canadian men and women it important bridges rock cuts and fills etc ditching nawyjehoyesall such to stir themselves intoactfon culverts drainage tiling grading rnuch of the perm- and get settled into their future every day activities anent paving as well as a large part- of the minor the young people who continue to expect to be bridging and s forth the license tax should have provided for now that their school or college days are over without doing then- part who anticipate good fortune that they have not earned and talk about their ship coming in when they sent none out should not be regarded as optimists but as simple tons optimism is not unreasonable nor senseless thvbptimist takes it for granted that if he does his best he will succeed good fortune is naturally in store for h because he has worked and planned for it some day his ship will assuredly come in with a rich cargo because he has sent it out freighted with faith and personal effort tho following lists of publlo bollonl promotlona wul bo road with interest by tho pupils of acton public schools und tholr parents promoted to senior fourth isabel lantz jean smith ivy holmbs violet currie rb1ta mcnabb annie smith margaret prick evelyn tubman jessie atjcinson promoted to junior fourth marjorie garden doris mcdonald helen ostrakder oral chalmers tommx gibbons allen marshall jack reild stewart malcolm bert gibbens arthur gamble edna cripps aubrey gervais william wilson isabll smith eleanor clifford gordon cooper melvin lambert bert hinton melvin locker lillian perry carney byrne lorna mccomb fred waterhouse jimmib noble on trial aebie price on trial lbn abd watson on trial newton hurst on trial clarice morton on trial georgetown mrs r j verth and non bruco of edinburgh scotlund huvo been vibh ing at tho homo of mr and mra it b poulls during tho week mr and mm j a wllloubhby and family have takon up tholr rcsldonco at tho golf links for tho summer mr and mra albert matthew anj aon roy of now mexico uro vlaltlni with mr d j motthow and family mr and mra clayton dick and tholi daughter marlon and mian trancea homo left on ithuraday for a vlelt to mr charlea dick of clevoland mr and mm j w kennedy woro at london laat wcok attending tho fun eral of mrs kennodya brother tlio late g q jones of tho civil service department ottawa mies s pueh and mlaa m rlmsoll have returned to glenwlllfama from molvllle snsk where they havo been living for some 10 years they intend to remain here promoted to senior third adabel brown kathleen mccomb doreen masales gordon babcock charles holmes katharine stewart mary gibbons v velma blair iharhti bhucf- slxtynvo guestn availed themselves or the opportunity of visiting tho armonfan boys farm at georgetown on saturday afternoon whenthe ith and laat reception was held under the auspices of thho toronto womena leaguo of the armenian rellaf asao- clatlon at the recent examinations at tor onto conservatory or mualc tho follow ing pupils of mibs matthewa su cessful miss dorothy kylo junior history mra anson thuraton prim ary theory firstclass honors mlaa alloen moore primary theory first- class honors misb francca kennedy primary theory arutcnas hpnora the congregation of the united church hoe secured for rov dr dickie their new associate minister the houso of mr w a main on durham street mrs dickie and tholr youngest eon george who have been spending tho past- year with relatives in south dev on england arrived in town on thurs day july 2 and the family have taken up their now home our annual journey every yoar wo travel far and view a largo area in apaco without roallllns it and yet a moments conaldoratlon is sufficient to convince ua of this we aay that tho dlamotor of tho earth la 8p0o miles and that tho distance round tho eartli at tho ouuator 1b 24- 000 miles that would soem to bo tho maximum measurement attalnablo by man tho longest dlutanco measurable on earth yet thoro la an actual lino thnt la straight which instead of- being only 24000 mlleo long la 180000000 miles long that in fact la mans longest measuring rod and ho can us6 it he uses it to measure our dis tance from tho stars he takes a geo metrical observation of a certain star say at tho vernal equinox mnrch 21 and another ono nt tho autumnal equinox or ho may chooso instead tho summer and winter solstices in either case in the intervening months theenrth has dono half a lap round tho sun in other words it has just travelled at an average speed of 18 milca a second 201500000 miles and the dlatancobotwoen tho points whore the obsorvcr flnda hlmsolf nt any por tion of tho year is in round nuirtbors ono hundred and eightysix million of miles distant from tho place ho was in in space six months before love keeps tho cold out better than a cl6ak henry w longfpllow i bonds stocks and grain private wires to new yorft chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannigan priene 574 guelfh business directory med03al dr j a mcniven phyelolah and 8urrjeon ofnco and rcsldonco corner bower avonuo and lolgln street phone 88 dr e j nelson frederick street aoton ontario legal burlington been reduced coincident with the imposition of the gas tax said mr phelan editorial notes a wheat yield of 350000000 bushels for canada which is now estimated by the dominion bureau of statistics for the present year should go far toward putting financial conditions especially in the west in an excellent position appreciation of the weekly newspaper i would rather have six weekly newspapers than all the dailies in canada to champion the interests of a cause was the welcome tendered the members of the canadian weekly newspapers association by mnyor ralph h webb of winnipeg atthe opening of the 6th annual convention of the organization at he royal alexander hotel the winnipeg free press in a leading editorial on the occasion of the newspapersconvention said the editors of the weekly newspapers represent the country better than almost any other possible bddy of men could do be cause each is so closelyin touch with all phases of the life of his own community that the greater part of the country is outside the large cities may not have occurred to some people who live in them and imnrjinerihatfthejrlrtgely constitute thehn country while the towns and rural parts are of secondary consideration the last few years have demonstrated rather forcefully that the cities do not stand up very well wheanyfhing jtberpftrtfk the annual gatherings of the weekly men have a national significance they should be a factor in spreading mutual understanding between different sections of the country and in bringing about more effiective national unity the sugar crop in cuba has broken all records for nhiinrlnncfe of vieldrbut it is not expected to re- duce prices much when the preserving season is on it should however mean lower prices during the late autumn and winter months canadas declining purchases in the united states purchases which have dropped 72000000 in the last twelve months are shown- by detailed official figures available this week this ensures the balance of trade largely in canadas favor billie williams herbert taylor phyliss lasby frank winter terance oshea nora waterhouse edith mills glenn ryder olive rooks clara bauer ernest brouohton irene cross thoss gibbons willa lasby howard switzeh stuart lantz gordon hansen joe woods lois atkinson on trial john barber on trial gordon reid on trial gordon currie on trial bfclryl tucker on trial promoted to juniorhirdtt esther taylor andrew buchanan catherine mackte bessibrawiijs burlington orangemen will celebrato tho twelfth at kitchener on satur day mayor jau s alton enjoyed a trip down tho thousand islands over tho holiday ist lukes sunday school plcnlc and congregational outing to driving park dundas will bo hold on saturday july 11 a garden party under tho auspices of the ladles aid society of tho united church will be held on tho school grounds appleby on thursday evenlnir july 7th budllngtons big banner garden party wlir be held under tho auspices of st lukes church on the rear lawn of mr ed holtbya home on water street on wednesday evening july 23 mr and mrs langtols visited their daughter at toronto island over tho holiday on sunday they celebrated the b7th anniversary of their wedding miss mabel breckon who has been nursing in cleveland spent a few days at her home hero and left on friday for a holiday trip to scotland last week mr frank johnson ap peared beforo magistrate barr on a charge of assaulting mr f pclletterlo he wasallowed out on susponded sen tence but had to pay all costs a letter was read from tho firo brigade asking the council to fix wed nesday august 5th as olvlc holiday so as to enable the brlgado and cltlsons phono no 22 s p o box ml harold nash farmer m a barrister solicitor notary publlo conveyancer eto perryman block acton ont money lent on mortgages hours 980 aon to s pan saturdays 1200 oclock dental excelsior kssshmss rumfuiurulmus ouuhdsnr jkctonont are you travellinache purefood road to good health if so youll order excelsior flour acton flour and feed mills h lind8ay proprietor- mill street acton ont dr j m bell d d s l d dantlat honor graduate of toronto unlvrw olty the latest anosthotlo used it dosired ofllco at residence corner of mh1 and frederick stroots 5 dr f g gollop dds lda dental surgeon offloo over bank of nora scotia hours 0 to ei0 evening by appointment miscellaneous at if- l r important newspaper change the announcement that e roy sayles the very efficient and popular manager of the canadian week ly newspapers association bad purchased the ren frew mercury and that w r davies of thejwercury had become owner of the kingston daily whig came to their hosts of friends last week ns an unexpected surprise that the double transaction is an important one all will admit mr sayles is an experienced practical and judicious newspaperman and is in every respect well qualified to conduct the reputable and in fluential journal he has been so fortunate as to acquire his experience- covers both daily and week ly newspapers and his association witli the weeklv papers throughout the dominion for the past six yeirs has given him an insight into the best and the most successful methods in vogue mr sayles will conduct me renfrew mercury on tho high moral anc intellectual plane which has characterized it for the fiftyfive years 6f its hjstory he is the fourth to possess this splendid journal it was founded by albert smollflcld rfis successor was his son w e smallfield whose fnjility is known throughout can ada and he was succeeded by mr w r dnvies who for six year has conducted the paper with marked success and maintained its high character and ideals the retirement of mr sayles from the manage ment of the canadian weekly newspapers associa tion is a distinct loss to the weekly pre3s of canada to his astute intelligent efforts the associationhas bn brought to completeness of organization which bos made it an institution of real and constant bene- audrby mccomb isabel switzbr lloyd bruce kathleen cook basil mellon doris hollttway- amelxa evans margaret oshea tommy nicol murray smith colin mcnabb tbdde elliot job kelly lloyd kenyon william near may bruce john nicol ford hillman edith bracken delltlah jocque gordon lambert doris ecclebtone lena matisby joe mccann gordon cook george holmes to restrict the home brewing particularly in tbrj jacwaterhoube onto it is reported that ever since the new beer was another newspaper has given up the struggle for existence this time it is canadas oldest daily the quebec chronicle first issued in 1764 it has been merged with the quebec telegraph and quebeccity has now hut one english daily apparently the fourpointfour beer has failed put on sale there has been a gradual increase in the number of applications for- homebrewing permits- star the fourth session of the fourteenth parliament of canada began on the 5th of february and ended on the 27th of june in the long period between these datesalmost five months many speeches were made of which record is preserved in several bulging volumes of hansard and a number of important bills were negatived by the senate ki lo the nundretlsot m throug the povince5of the dominion it willube difficult in deed to find as competent a man to fill the vncaricy mr davies has com into possession of the oldest daily in ontario with- arecord honorable and success ful the jttagston whig hasbeen a journal of in- nuencefdr a complete century it has been con ducted sod edited by men of rare ability men of experience and of vision and is a valuable franchise for any man or company to havo under control mr davies will he assisted by hi two sons and willun- diibtedly maintain the whig and its traditions as ratiruif the members of thh weekly press will regret excee4inglyhis removal from their ranks speaking in edinburgh scotland recently before the womens christian temperance ltnionlady astor told her audience thnt great britain spent more in strong drink than for education and much rfibre fnan before the war what with drink and the demoralizing pauperizing influence of the dole the outlook for britains future is not inviting protests against horse racing declared to be de veloping the spirit of gambling and detrimental to business in the province have been made by the manitoba retail merchants association the same protest and declaration might justly be made in every province the various states adjoining canada has in effect made similar declarations and now prohibit horse racing for fiftyeight years the georgetown herald has been the worthy newspaper representative of george town ansl district the present editor and owner mr joe m moore has had a longer connection with the herald than any predecessor he has published a paper which the people appreciate and loyally support and personally he stands high in the estima tion of the community j exports of 462632 gallons of whiskey from can ada to the united states during the twelve months cnuing may are shown in ojfioial trade returns just issued by the dominion bureau iof statistics the whiskey is valued at 77645990 ale and beer ii the value of 4638497 were exported to the united states during the same period this is surely any thing but a creditable shwing for canada the kincardine reporter came into the possession of john j hunter in july 1905 jpojrfl score of years he has conducted the paper witrr jonsuntmati skill and success the constituency has been ably represented there is only on jack hunter and the community is fortunate which has him as repre sentatiye from a journalistic standpoint he has successfully as he has the journal from which he is made a success of the past and has broad visions for the future in which the town and county of his adoption largely share george tyler marguerite itoszell ella woods enid mcqill willie hodginff oil trial tommy elliott ont trlaj charles waterhouse pn trial promoted to senior 8ec0nd- tedpy hansen harvey hassard louise latham earl cole medina prejoini irene elliott beth harrison viola masales harold moonby vera vickers lillian woodhall marion hillson phyliss macicie walter oibbons nadenia btuckey ccare garden on trial elmer white on trial promoted to junior 8econd vera rawlinds violet white edna hinton robert kerr edna stuckey isabel bruce bobby marshall george switzer helen redburn marguerite currie mervin reid helen campbell lorrainewilson ruth jennings eddie footitt elsie anderson lloyd erwin dprothy coxb dorothy moarthur jack smith gertrude kerr bubt crewson dorothy babcock mf f waterhouse jessie trotter grace lant mabjorib near on trial promoted from primer to the first class margaret arnold lois cripps helen evans frances jennings leonard tubman aonbs chisholm jlorrarnsljacqyb warren tubman annie holmes cecil gibbons maiuorie mann jack moqill mary ryder eileen brebn violet elliott ruby allan annib gibbens blanche smith frances kelly audrey chalmers kennj8th watson leonard coxb roderick ryder inez talbot barbara taylor bthbb wood8 narnea marked f bays taken 76- during the yew and wera not reaulnr to wt on the otax vxwnlaatlopa get your job printing at the free press h g meir barrister to attend tho plrcmone convention tffirtmmbrihf wis to a next meeting tula year the drummers snauk outlngr ito b one bier day gathering here on friday july 10th and all the roadfl to burling ton should be main lines for travellers and their families and friends on that day on monday afternoon several mom bers of the entrance class at the contral school paid a surprise visit to the homo pf principal lockhart and presented him with a 10 00 gold p loco on behalf of the class an a slight token of their appreciation of his kindness during the year gazette efige- will be open for the afternoons only during the summer months andon friday evenings until 9pm francis nunan- bookblndsr account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly dono vtyndham street quelpfa out over williams store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years bxporlcnco list your property with mb acton ontario m s household clearance many a prudent housewife has found- itjprfitable to call upon free press want ads to effect a household clearance sale in many homes are stored away dis used articles of household equipment sewing machines baby carriages articles of furniture and even- personal apparel and other individual things all pf which may be turned into ready cash tfcrerhekfcin- insyrance agent life fir auto accident a health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plate glass insurance trustee jfor estates collections business entrusted to my euro will bo carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm proporty favorable rales and terms for re payment box 444 bowbil vb acton j ml v by taking advantage of the free press want ads a market may be develop ed for all articles thatr may- have-anyin- trinsic value a household clearance sale conduct ed through free press want ads has been the means of ridding many a household of discarded articles free press want ads will bring buyer and seller together use them the cost is small classified advertising rates two centra for uwfiremnserttonrtlrminiroirm charge of so tents subsequent insertions one cent per wqrd with minimum charge of 30 cents free press want ads bring results phone 11 w in acton and vicinity m08t people read the free prebs yes george im starting a course of train ing at the guelph business college on july 6 mary allco and william have just finished their courso and located in good positions tom and andy havo arranged to start on september 1st but by starting now t atnttfub ablo to tako a position ahead of them you get individual instruction at the guejuph business college a 1 bouck principal and proprietor session the entire year 1 4 dont neglect your byes tako advantage of spoelallat services offered by this estab lishment and know your glosses nro right experience is a good teacher 10031826 wo havo had over twonty yoars at it and fcoro patrons art assured of the bust in op tica service a d savage optometrist and mfa optldlafi 8avaqe building i right at the post offloo guelph ontario 4 vri 31 the old and sellable granite and marble works wo are nianufaoturors and dlraot importers of all kinds of monumental oid iadatone work wo aoll djroot to onr customers at wholesale prices thus saving our customer 40 per oent wo have tho boat appliances and the only meohanlcs in the dominion who can operate pneumatic tools properly we can give references from hundred of our rrustomers lntoronto and other placos wherp others havo to hva iaw suits in order to collect wo have the largost and best stock of granlto in tho dominion or more than any three dealors in the west we ate irih- mato dealers and employ no agents and do npt annoy or pest customers by sending out ignorant agents solicit ing orders we employ only mechanics and defy competition hamlton sons quelph ont 1 1 r tif fi jsa ff n 4 stfssf

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