Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1925, p. 5

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thursday july 0 x02g the birdland morning news sun aroao at fobr thlrtyono tho aymphbny concort h juat bo buil wfathci prtwuctlonw iartly air 40 the alngcra wero each one there torriblo accident parent llatreuacd a mower destroyed mr siarrovh neat s ilobbery from mrs ilobllnk wero atolon throo orffa what do you think from ble atono houao philanthropic feat wore thrown out crumbs for birds to eat a fearful scare boy cjlmbad a tree how many robins were hatched to ate for sale some wool mr finch can spare good to ifho nestat ajuo some hair to lot on paay shares at very easy terms a lot juat full of oncle- worinti wanted by mr and airs cuckoo a neat to hatch an eprc t two watch next weeka issue twont be dry for how swallows catch food aa thoy fly a word from tho publish pra if theyre wise all birds in ncws will advertise a- f caldwell the sdndav school lesson for 8unday july 12 twenty years ago yir from tho lasue of tho freo press of thursday july 13 1905 now potatoes and greeji peas have come on again contractor mackenzie has purchased and 4s remoylns tho old g t r sta tion mr newton hurst has purchased from w h- denny the stafford proper ty on bower avenue for vg0 labout sixty young people chaper- oned by mrs i francis picnicked on rockwoods romantic plcni ffrounds on thursday afternoon and ovonlng v a now taction hose for tho fire on- arine is now on tho way from tho manu facturers considering tho heavy rain there was a largo contingent or orangemen ac- companled by acton cornet band went to the celebration at bakvillo yoater- day the annual garden party of stalj bans church was held on monday evening op tho lawn of miea moore wilbur street- the grounds were very prettily docorated with flags and bunt- jngrwhtledohenbof chineselanterns ht up the place creating a- falrybmte effect the customary ice cream tables and refreshment booths were presided over by the young ladles of tho church the programme was an interesting uno messrs beordmoro co have pur chased the thomas mclam property on main street knox sunday school picnlc will be held on tuesday 18th at victoria park berlin acton coronet band vlu accompany the excursionists about nlno oclock last thursday morning the dry houso at storeys tannery was scpntp bo on fire the alarm brought the fire brigade very promptly and through their efforts the fire was cpnflnod to the one- building though a couple of smaller buildings adjacent wero considerably scorjshed tho-loas-watf- 7s01 born lasby in acton on tuesday july a j 1005 to mr and mrs s m iaaby a daughter married fotnujswttison at tho residence of sundenland taylor acton 1 on wednesday july ljar rev geo w barker avilliam hdward foulda of acton to mias eleanor b wilson of rockdale lancashire england- i jigginsramshaw in guelph on july 5 1905 bylho rev dr tor- i ranco william frederick jlgglna to miss luclnda ramahaw both of acton died bennet at tier home 5th line erin township on wednesday july 12th 1005 mary c zimmerman beloved wife of thomob bennet aged 7jj tiik cqhpri- in antioch of pisidia actn 13 42d2i uad acta 13 1341 time a d 45 place ajiuoch inplsidla 1 the toxt explained 1 many jewish- converts andmucl opposition 4247 misalonary work prove too hard for john mark at this time vers6 13 bu the day camo when mark dlj better wo must hot conclude that bocuuso a man fall on tho flrat trial that ho never will bo of any ubo god often glvea a man n second chance aa ho did john mark and the man who aeems to fail utterly the first time mny become one- of the very bot later this same john mark la tho man god later chose to inspire to write tho- gocond gospel paul al ways sought the bynagoguo on the sabbath day verao 14 it was there ho could meet the ptfople and preach jesus to them ho put himself- in th- way or opportunity and thooipbrtunl ty came paul like peter on the day of pentecost and stephen -before- tho council libganhls sermon with an ex position of old testament scripture and jewish hlatory but uses all to lea j up to christ paulmade it jloln aa day that jeaim is the messiah and tha sou of god verses 23 25 27 29 31 33 34 35 3637 that god raised him from the dead and thus fulfilled the promise made unto tho fathers verses 3233 and that by him every one that belleveth la justtflod from ah- things verses 38 39 this sermon pro duced imtnerlate and abundant fruit the converts wore of two classes tho regular jqwb and proselytes paul and barhabus it is- ho longer barjiabus and paul followed up the work by words of privato instruction and ex hortation tho substance of their ex hortation was to steadfast continuance the sphbro of their steadfast contin uancewas to bo the of god it was pure grace that paul taught and it is only in grace that one can continue ox stand tho word of god mightily prevailed- the whole city waa shaken and almost the whole city came to hear what they heard waa the word of god and that was oli thoy came to hear hearing however is not believing and obeying it is not always the city whero there are the roost hcarors hat thore ar ahc m conversions tho great crowds awak- to a boon to potato groweiis and market gardeners it destroys potato huga wlthouv injuring the plant as in tho caso of paris green it saves its cost in- labor of applying it stimulates ttie growth and incrcuntth tho ycld it adheres to tho leaf and does ha work after conaidoraiblo rain- it la a perfect trcumont for currant goosebcrry and cabbage worms cucumber or koso bugs or any iiaect thai feeds upon tho leaf come in and ask about climax bug killer arid get our prices w dtalbot phone 78 sole agent in acton main street acton railway time tables at acton nadjan nati0nalrailways oolnonwwt no 29 no si no s3 no ss no 39 no 25 sunday 809 am 1045 om- 2j9xk4lt 609 pan s 39 pm 1041 am m no 26 no 30 no 34 r no 36 no 38 no 24 sunday going east l 721am 117 oxn 135 pjuu j 17pm 8jl8 pjqo 708 pan onedihe jcaloysyofthe jowa human nature is pretty much the same in all janjds and all ags let a new prcachci come to any city today and draw great crowds of eager hearers where the crowds have hitherto been small and interest feeble and eomebodye jeal oiisy is prcttyauro to be aroused op position dd not frighten paul and barnabus it rnado them tho more bold tho word of god according t3 gods order must first bo spoken unto ithejow but as they would nothavo it it was given to others this waa foretold by mcoaes and hy chrlat to day england and america nave tho word of god if thoy put it from them aa thoy seem hkely to do it will be given to others jl matt settles his own destiny by what he docs with the word of cod to thplord had cqramantied paul to go to the what is it that goes over tho so3 under tlie sea and never touches the sea apropos of what hoi gone before and to complicate further ho puzxle another question is suggested is it possible to ford- the ocean in a ford the correct answer to the aocond question is yea and no and now let thero be light the thing that gocs tho soa under the sea and nevor touches tho sea s no not an egg in a ducks stbmach kbut a ford car in tho hold of tho s s tueina so that in liwayit is possible to years collision with an alligator todlvo into a pool and unexpectedly strike an alligator with your head does sound as if it might no dangerous in mbatcasgo ber bnt that is precisely what an early settler of texas did and escaped unhurt deciding to take a swim on satur day evening ho backed off a fow steps and made ia running dlvo that sent him clear- across tho narrow bayou an alligator about twelve feet long was lying in tho rushes on the dp- podlto sido waiflngfor anything edible tbat might comb hht way welj tho texap wentiia way as if he had been thrown from jfeatupuit andstruck hin fair and hard in the side with- his head v probably tho alligator thought ho was some formidablo enemy for with a rush that made tho waters foam here- treated down tho bayou the texaal meafi while cut a blue streak for his own side jot the stream for rhevmatio pin tho aches and pains of sciatica and rhoumatlnm bhpuld bo treated with dr thomas kclectrlc oil the sootblnfrflndheolinj properties of 4hls famous remedy has boeiv demonstrated for over flf ty year use it also tor inflammatory pains l cuts scratches- bruises and sprains either inhumah beings or tho lower animals the honey guide one of tho cleverest birds in the wprhl- is thohonye guide of africa which has learned to entice men to j9pjulao3allln3l thohonoy hasji very sweet tooth as well ji a liking for the jarvae ot bees buthe 4a a small bird and beehives are hare for him to cratik bo he seeks out a man and when he finds one perches in a tree and begins trt chatter this means that ho knows whero there is a hive and that n wants tho man to follow him ho leads his humanassistant to the hive atop- r plng at intervals to wait for his slower partner to catch un these birdsare highly valued in africa and to r kill them in a-mlsde- meanor punishable- oy law a cautious sentinel it was the small brother of pretty margaret who opened the front door in response to mir qoodyears ring and his face took on a singularly alert ox- nraflalon as he surveyed the caller no she isnt in said margaret brothcrr are- w y mr7hamiin no said tho young man ian mic goodyear does that mako any j dffrrenco- abut hor being homeam s he looked searching y at tho boy course notl said bbbby i ly 1 dont tewstorles normirgaret doesnt but if you had been mr ham- ifm was fo tell something about her coming hoipo and get ten cents if i did it right and didnt tpll the wrong one i need rnonoy and so you v see i didnt want- to make any mis- takejqoodby oust cmu aithmijven a little spock too smalt to boo will lead to agonies which no words can descriho the walls of tho breathing tubes con- tract flndvitseema as ifi v life must pass from h is condition pjr jld kelloggs asthma remedy brings the ufler to porfeat tsl v it ro t passages and normal broiith- insls restored again gentiles he lad given him this com mandment before he left jerusalem this commandment was also implied in- old teatament prophecies concern- lng tho messiah which foretold that ho was to bo for the gentiles verse 47 in the old testament ns well as tho new the worldwide purposo of sal- vauon was clearly set forth unto the ends of tho earth the finger of god always jyjhated and tho grace ot god always strove- 7- 2 many gentile converts and bitter persocutfon 48 the gontileaiclorifled the word of god that the jews dlsplsod the very practical evidence then that any one ordained co eternal life is that he be- 1 loves veriio 48 the others who did not believe could have if they would and if they had believed by that sign they would havo proven they too weie ordained t eternal life tho jews lnthe lesson adjudged themselves un worthy of eternal life by putting tho word of ood from them- verse 46 theaa gcntllesadjadgedthemselves or dained to eternal life by believing the word of -god- what one docs with the word decides his destiny tho word of tho liord made great pro gress this awakened flerco opposi tion and bitter persecution notablo success of tho sospcl always does the devil will riot allow the gospel to triumph- without a mighty fight the jews like oppierb of gods word in al rages took undorhanded means to thwart the worlr it looked llko a do- fcaubut jt wtunt at all for- it sent thorn to other places with their mes sage of life vjt brought a blessing to the converts in antioch also they wero filled with joy and with the holy ghost we can afford to lose any hu man teacher if god by tho way of compensation nils us with tho holy spirit oftentimes wo got so taken up with the human teacher that thero ms rib opportunity for us to be filled withrtho holy ghost it is to bo noted that in this caso the 1 jows stirred up the best people in the town against paul and barnabus good religious people will often do the dovils dirty work paul and barnabus obeyed tho direction chrjst guys for such an emer gency they only toft temporarily the phrase by which luke describea the oompenaatlon for tho loss of paul and barnatius that came to tho young converts in ant loch is worthy of muci thoughtful connidcratibn the- disciples were filled with joy no littl dr ol 36y or cfctflgig strcamst but mighty rivers overflowing their banksj and with the holy ghost the holy ghost mado hla glorious presenco felt in overy nook anacorner- of their be ing the being filled with joy camo from being filled with the holy ghost persecution and the joy of tho holy ghost often go hand in hand dslly htsdinos fornsxt wsak monds july 13 pauls message at anuoehl aots 18 12g tuesday july 14 pauls mesbogo at antloch acts 13 263 s wednesday july 1 tho doubjo ef fect acts 13 4252 thursday july lft tho message of malaohl mai 4 16 friday jufy 17 the ntnovltes re peat jonah 3 e10y saturday july 18 the gospel of a ford tho ocpan in a ford and the prin ciples concerned in the performance of this unusual feat aro the fox family mf and mrs c j fox and their small daughter- miss- josephine tho s s mellta and the atlantic ocean tiks family are from parkatone england tho ss mellta is a canadian pa cific iiner plying between antwerp southampton cherbourg and mon treal and the atlantic is of course whero overyono suspects it is it seems thatehe poxes oftcr motor ing all over tho bltlsh isles not once but several times al nee they covorsa 17000 mllci all told and we too ore told that great britain and ireland could be fitted into a small corner of one of our larger provinces though we find it somewhat djfllcult to relay that information to tt britisher anyway to get on with tho atory this english family conceived tlie happy idea of conqiierlng other lajids in thelr veteran car and keonintr thtclr triumphswlthip the empire chose tho dominion of canada as an old to victory half way across the broad atlantic the news of the hiapondhig landing was wirelessed to tho canadian pacific headquarters in montreal that com pany immediately got in touch with the ford motor company of canada limited of ford ontario and when tho ship docked special representa tives of the car coinnaxty were on hand to meet the invaders a small army ot fordmechanica quickly assembled tho i enjv the custonisjncn were dealtwith a license procured and tho 3000 mile trek across the continent from mon- itreal to vancouver besun all in uo sarno morning their routing will bo north to ottawa and on to winnipeg via north bay from winnipeg to tho coast they dq not anticipate any difficulties as they arc confident their car will overcome tho best and the worst in the way of mountain roads that the rockies can offer their- advance will bo considerably facilitated by favors from tho car com pany letters to ford dealers clear across the contlnont have been given thorn repairs and incidentals will bo supplied gratuitously and detailed di rections thrust on them all because they happen to be tlie first party fron across the water to bring their own ford to tour h we wonder if wo landed in england with our daimler or sunbeam would wo have it he same luck we are not certain for is quite certain of course but wo have a fair idea look tiig take notice that vo will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basisno collection no charge wo placo 34 years experience at your disposal and assume all your collection troubles send us your list wo will do the rest r no noto or account is considered too small too large too old or too far away we will tacklo any honest debt keuty aiken collectorer orafjqeville owen 8qund m aiken manaser jos j kelly manager eefercnce sterling bank of canada canadian national railways wmtbound daily except sanday dolly i r dally dally fdaily dally dally dally doily electric 743 ajn u 943 am 114s am 143 pjtiu- 343 pm ms pm 743 pjn 943 pm 1212 n m goodbbead is the i staff of life and we have the reputation in acton and vicinity for making the finest of bread it doesnt matter whether it is white or brown or our delicious fruit loaf every loaf is of the same high standard cleanly baked and the best ingredients used homemade could not be better and the housewifejs saved the worry and fuss of baking at home fnirbanks bread is truly the staff of life have ffie wnegon call evfiry day phone 116 fairbanks bakery m1j1 st acton cobtbaund dally dally except sunday dally- dolly douy ddiiy dally daily dolly m m 74s ajn j 9is fun 31is rnm 14s pjn 34s pm w 64s pjn- 743pov 04s pjn u40 pim m freight delivered by special ozpressj freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto a new golden rule rev 22 1720 sunday joly 19 joy in galilee djluz isa wi8e worus of wise men character jhas a scent like flower you have seen the cartoonist drawing the humnn ace one little lino drawn will change the whole expression a wise person will nd moat of lifes joys in the little things there are few great jy but there are multl- tudes of httre ones these abided to gether mako u a happy life thi best things in lite money can not buy sbme dull fellow oeejlg to behold the rosy tint on one hundred miles of the alphlne summits in order to get a thrill of plfiasure another man wilt glow- with ecstasy as ho look into the petals of tho roso or watches the frost on a window pain it is the appreciation of the ihtlo things whmhbrtutines for tho greater tt w tho y6uth who mnstor9 tlfingn l hundieds of tho details 01 aribiisinesh who is call v- testimonials yecolved annually provoul to- higher jptc frnd larger foapon- its effective ness 1 albmtlos ilflv- 3i fb ainsworui said tho lato g stanley hall there is no greater heroism in all chivalry than this toforegotorios personal desires in the interest of healthy happy children is tho hlghestform of patriotism and true religion it is part of that larger religion of humanity which l think is laying hold of mankindrthat religion which octends the golden ruiolhto tho future and says i do until both tho born and the un born as you would have both the born and the unborn do unto you lot us seetho amazing and happy fcesihta- which camo immedlotelywhen one young man married himself wo are iold tbaf race improvement woul1 take a thousand years to show im provement of any marked effect i do nor beilcvet it t studied ono family back for 150 years which had noyef prpducod a sinee member with enough brains andenergy to securo a high school diploma or save up 500 but in this generation thore appear ed a young man who has reversed all the family tendencies of over a con- tury his father was like the general run a gooirf or- nothing good fellow and oddrjoblabpcejc by good f octuna- he married a girl from excellent farm er stbclc a girl q moderate intellfgencoj but- carrying tho germ cells of a flno ancestry- j thoy had three children the oldest fa boy is similar to his father the next child is a woman of immoral charactor the third tho hero of this story was graduated ns ho valedictor ian of his class in high school ho then took a technical training and now holds a high position in ono of tho largest corporations in america now this boy had the instincts and tastes of his mothers people h1h ed u cation elevated these tastes and led him to seek liner companions wliat is education for- except to lend a man to liner and richer companionships ho could not evcnasspclate with glrls hko his own sister ho married girl of excellent family and now has two daughters in the state university education will enormously improve individuals but wise marriage selec tlon will elevate tho race more through heredity hf a day than education will do in a hundred yearn what sclonco hopes to do is to en- courago such wise ma to selection as this story illustrates registered pedigree oultry some wall paper history thehlhtdryofwall paper goosbapk quite a distance in the past for we and itftehry tv of franco grtihtlng a charter to- at guild of pnjierlianglngs as- early as 1609 and going by tho precedents established in tho caso of other guilds such as tho great cabinet makers company tho industry must hrtvo been in existence for some tlmo before i was so to speak incon by tho enlightened fronoh monarch tho original samplois in the cabinet do sullyattho arsenal in paris and it dates back from the first decodes of tho seventieth century in tho qoven- tleth century chinese paper importers imparled by tho est india t campany had an extensive voguo- but paper made at frankfort and worms in ger many ran it a close race for popularity wall paper was a logical development fom tcpostry and embossed leather wall hangings uiough the intermediary stages of paintpil and handprinted canvas cloths made in imitation of the rlchermat6haisrv notablo progress has been mado in poultry raising in canada in recent years to which the xaylng contests held in overy province in the iomlnton htlve materially contiitbuted a great ly increased average throughout all tho contests has been reached in a fe years which is direct evidence of a re markable improvement in tho breed ing work behind hundreds of entries representing thousands of mating with the advent ot registration for poultry the standard was raised from 150 to 200 twoqunco eggs as a mini mum for qualification and the bird must also conform cloaoly- to certain standard characters- laid down for tho breed tho standard for- the male is still jnoro severe ho must bo bre from a dam and a grand uua that bavo each laid in a contest atlcttst 200 twoounco eggs and bo free from standard dla- qualiflcations to breed such a male is an achievement worthy of an official record and a number- of such males will be procurable this year with au thenlc pedigree and tatoood with the breeders registered onaxk and carrying all the identification marks guaran teeing jthelr broodirjff 1 the number will be limited this year but the supply will increase with the number of daughters of registered dams that qualify in tho contest in creases in breeding up to tho excellent standards demanded ua the registered males there is certain to be surplus stock of lesser uncnge not qualified for registration many of these are ot good breeding but not tested to tho same extent as registered stock theso birds aro available la largo numbers from breeders of registered stock w t scott the ten commandments op a mail order house many mothers havo reason to bless mother graves worm etxterminator because it has relieved the ilttlo ones of suffering and rnacfo them heajthy the best little town tbero ore foncleir towns than our little town there ore towns that aro bigger than this and the people who live in tho smaller towns dont know what oxcitetient they naiss thero aro things you sec in thy wealthier towns that you cant in trjc towns that are small and yet up and down thero is no other town lllto our ilttlo town after all it may bo tht streets aron long theyyo not widto nor maybe pav- 5 but thonlghborh you know in yoar- own little town all welcome a fellow its great in the glilterlnar streets of the glittering town wljth its palace and pavement nndviul in the midst of tho throng you will freojuontly long for your own ilttlo town after all if you live and you work in your own uttle town in spite of the fact that ifsamall jroull find it a fact that our little town la trie beat htge town after all tho usor of mlllera worm powders insures heal thy chlldron so far as the ailments attributable to worms are concerned a high mortality among children is traceable to worms theso bap the strength p infants so that they are unable to nruibntaln the battle for life- and succutnb to weakness the preparation gives promise of health and keeps it protect brltiajhsonqbirda clean to sold by m groccrs and aensstot a bill is bccoro thtmperial parlia ment aiming nt tfio irotcctlon of great britains wonderful -jong- blrje from the menace of the iirofesslonal blrj catchers ancient as the trade is it haa always been an unpopular one with all bird lovers by far tho great er number ofsnull eaklfsh birds lin nets goldfinches ret- polls nnd so op that appear in the bird shops in tho autumn are caught by means of jo not and decoy bird totllrod by a brae a device which the sill makes illegal the brace is a little beltl tlmt runs round the blras body under he wings it ts hidden by the cvthersj and only an exjiert could nick out a welt braced bird from among aw rtenriber not so treaied if a btrdcaler lit to have any success at all it is necessary that ihe decpy bird shall be tanie and live ly calling and peeking seed from the floor of the trap if it tries to fly away or remains inort the wild birds will not approach the net 1 you shall sell your farm produce for cash where you can- for wc buy nothing from you 2 you shall send your money to us in advance so we can buy tho goods from tho factory with your money you may have to wait- a week or ten days but that is our business method 3 you shall believe in us and best because we do not know you person ally 4 you shall get help from your near est city or village to builoftgood road so you may easily haul our goods from thedopotrbutdo not ask- us for hoi p we dont help to build good roads 5 you may buy church bells and altar utensils from us and send the money in advance dont fail thais our rule 6 you shall get all the help you cun from the business men in your locality although we may have more profit from ydu than they have it is against our rules to give to your churches 7 you shall convert your neighbors also la your faith in us for wo nave room for more money- 8 you shall look at tho pretty plc- tures inourcatalpjrup aspftenasyouj can ao as to strengthen your desire for things you do hot need but which you mny order with other goods to save freight send us all your ready cash so that you may not have any left to buy the necessities from your homedealers 9 you shall believe us rather than your homo business men for wo want your trade and your money we want to be millionaires on your support dont be bluffed 10 yoa shall cail on the business people of your own vicinity for holp and credit if you meet with hard luck or sickness its your money wo wan we dont want to listen to your grief- its your money we want wo dont know you unless your orders are ac companied by cash n your lancelieih is a receipt por both housa and stable there la a good deal of similarity physically speaking between human beings and the lower animals both aro subject to many ailments arising from inflam mation and to all manner of cuts and bruises dr thomas eclectrlc 6ll is on entirely reliable remedy for such ailments and mishaps in boths human beings and the lower order of animals gems ofthought llfo0 a reckoning we cannot mako twice over george eliot discontent la tho want of selfre liance it is tho infirmity of will k w bmmerson tod many people today aro more eloquent in their disillusions than in their visions there is the manliness of manhood that a man has a reason for what ho does and has a will in doing it alex ander maclaren it is not necessary for all men to be great in action thd greatest and sub- llmest power is simple patience my horace bushmill if i fcreto pray for a taste which would stand by me under every variety of circumstance aid herschcl it would be a taste for reading nat every love is generous or noble lor merits high enconium but that love which prompts and imp61s man to live generously and to net n6bly pluto tho chief secret of comfort ilea iti not nufcerlrig trifles to vex one and in prudenily cultivating an under- tfrowthbt small pleasurers since very few great jnes are oft of lonfr con tinuance i friowfeeling dciierul booth in ihe courno of hlii addrosa in toronto recently told this one u air illuhtrotlon of the sym- imuhy which wuu bought to bear by membern ortle nrniy in dealing with pbople a salvstlonlat in a crowded atrest car offered his acut to a man wlio waa nomewhat inebrlatod remarklnk here my soctd follow alt down 1 can better htutid thun you thank you replied ttnr-othrr- o you oro tho only gentleman lnlhlb car who knowa what it la to ba drunk i f you pay each account by cheque on the bank of montrealthe man who gets it automatically signs a receiptwhenrheendoreefrthe cheque to get his money from the bank he- c can not cash your cheque without first signing his name on the back thus acknowledging payment it is because of this method ofdoing business that payment through your bank is the sure safe eco nomical way you heed not even call to pay a bill just mil your cheque to the person to be paid open a chequing account with us bank of montreal established 1817 btalaueu in excess f 4 7ooouoo where do we sleep has someone called up by long distance and reserved our rooms why run the risk of spoiling a holiday start out with the def inite assurance that comfortable rooms and a good nights sleep await you reserveyour roomgby long distance it will bhlyta and wliat a difference it may make to you s7u evening rate on oeok testation calk after sso standard time i only about half ax day rate the night rate after midnight etandard time u only about one guortar tkeaaynte kverybcll telephone it a long dixtance station m 1 j expert shoe repairinq prompt attention xo- orders lept t e gibbons main 8treet acton vl m advertifiers j tho free pre88 la aruclou to aarva you andaarva you wall wa can glva your advartiaa- mant battar attention and thara- fora make it mora- attractive if the copy fa auppliad to ua on monday or tueaday m copy fail to reach ua until wadneaday forenoon there la mhtq atit ju jwferuia jorma oloaa and tha raautt la likely to ba laaa aatiafactory send in your ad8 early harmless substihitetor castor oil pslregoricvteetjilng drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind oolio flatulency to sweeten maoh diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness resfan- natural sleep withoutppiates w to avoid imitatkim always look for die signature of ozaj pi6ven direction on each package physicians everywhere recommend tt does your watch keep time f ky ourrepaijrte partment we are getting wonder ful results and we knof we can please you savage co guelph ontario m a fsx sm ms hjmzl awij imm ji v- i

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