Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1925, p. 6

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births marriages- jind deatlli are now charged or at the following rate blrthi spc marriage jo deathi soc memorial carda 50c toe per lino extra for poema bobn gibbons at dotrolt mich on sun day july 5 1025 to mr and mrs j it gibbons a son king at milton on tuesday juno 1925 to dr and mm j l king a daughter mary kathloon nhwetsoiv- on saturday juno 27 102d to mr and mrs a r howot- son brampton a daughter sohkhit13k at kltchonor on wod- ncsday july 1 1925 to mr and mrs ii c schrelter a daughter siatxhbws at wollcsioy hospital toronto on wednesday july 8 1925 to mr and mrs chaflo a o mat thews n son ihxvld graham pijanagan at private patients pavilion oonernl hospital toronto on tuosdoy july 6 1925 to mr and mrs oliver lasby flanagan n daughter married thompson-mcbachebn- at tho manso acton ontario 4n wodnos- day june 17th 1925 by bev a c stowart eitlo anna daughter of mr and mrs ronald moeachern t alexander thompson erin grievemegregoit at tho homo of tho brides parents nassairttweya on wednesday july 1 1925 allco isabel youngest daushter of mr and mrs alexander mcgregor to mr modford charles grieve youngest son of tho late john grieve and mrs grieve of pasedena california diets itea on thursday july s 1925 at fergus david ttca formerly of ern- mosa in his 91st year flavettk on saturday july 4 1925 at his home lindsay ont john dundas flavelle in his 75th year moore at the family residence lot 4 con 7 eramosa oh saturday afternoon july 4 1925 olive jane abbott wife of james moore in hjr r 49th year cunningham at her fathers roslr dence 7 princess street bollymcnn ireland on wednesday june 21 1925 anla daughter of william and annio cunningham darbt at the home of her son chas a xkarby nassagaweya on thurs day afternoon july 2 1925 mary jane easton beloved wife of edward darbv in her 71at year in memoriam mcintyre inloving memory of our dear wife and mother mrs john mclntyre who passed away july 12 1924 god saw how her footsteps did falter and how the way had grown too steep so he closed her weary eyelids and gave to his loved one sleep sadly mimed by husband and daughters newsf of local import splendid communion service tho regular quarterly communion service of knox church was hold last sunday rev a o stowart ma prouchod an impressive sermon thir teen new mombers wore received oovon by letter and hlx on- profession of faith there was a lurfio number of communicants nt tho service appointed saction foreman mr thomas close who has boon tho section foroman at branchhn for tho past sovernl years has been promoted- to tho foromanahlp of the acton sec tion of tho canndlan national rail way mr closo takos tho plnco of ihellajc- hugh chmpbeh many friends welcome the family back to acton a splendid sample of strawberries a bnsliot of very fine strawberries from tho farm garden of mr and mrs d h young main street graced tho editors table on saturday they wcro unusually large and luscious ih re minded us of tho excellent berries we were privileged to sninple in tho height of the season in belgium last year neighborhood news- town and country banisiockburn the boy in camp mother may i go camping this sum mer a- boot many homes in town have heard this question since the boy scouts camp was decided upon the very name camp sends a shrill through a boya volna a properly supervised camp meana much in rood character building and eel reliance former deputy minister- marries on monday there was an interesting marriage in the chapel of wycliffo college toronto when w a mcjjcan former deputy minister of highways for ontario was married his brldo wtls mlsa marjorie ruth omera daughter of principal omcora mr mclean has a host of friends in halton and all parts of ontario who eytendod con gratulations tho monthly mooting of llannocl- hurn womens instituto was hold at tho homo of miothoa kennedy gtli llneslxtoeo ladlca wore present after routine business was disponed of it was decided to havo a jiurslnp course curly in august tho clashos to bo hoid in tho school house full particulars will bo given at tho next mooting or from tho secretary two splendid papors on everyday comtosy and rural educationi and a roading wort- given community singing was also entered into heartily the report of tho district convention compiousi an excellont prograrnmo the next meeting is planned to bo hold oil wed nesday afternoon 22nd inst at tlc homo of mlsa creo 5th hue eden mills leslies school uttffrstthm tw jfoegg thtjbflday july 9 102b brief local items july is doing well in tho supply of rain all crops aro showing fine srowth now the perfumo of the garden afte rain is always delightful dont put excise stamps on your cheques for 500 arid under july with its sunshine and genial hbuwe l delightful so far the strawberry season is about over raspberries are coming in now the hot spell which came on mon day was rather humid an enervating tho maple leaf and summer butter fly how lovely are they just before they die the original cooltop system the old awiming hqje in the good old sum mer time the quiet of tho summer eventide- is most enjoyable these glorious moon light nights some of the wheat and barley around hero will bo ready to cut lu another week the showers which ore appreciated for the garden play havoc with the garden party the best rule of tho road ia the 0olden rule always drive as you wish others to drive when in doubt when on your motor trip the right- procedure alo stop- lotlcanallsten no excise stamps are now required on cheques or- postal notes or money orders for sums of 500 and under malcolm macvlttier welknotn at glen will urns tiled in tho general hospital st catharines on saturday as a result of a self inflicted rifle wound orange celebration at kitchener sat urday july 11 canadian national railways wil operato special train service to kitch- oncr and return in connection with the orange celebration at that point on saturday july 11th patrons will and avery convenient service in both directions tou can leave acton at skolt a m arriving at kitchener at de0 am and returning- leave kitch ener at i15 pm- the above times are eastern standard reduced faros in effect for party of ten or moro travelling together full particulars from canadian national agent officers busy in guelph on dominion day provincial and local officers r had a busy time in guelph on tho holiday three places suspected of handling moonshine liquor were raided with significant results at 183 alice street ave gallons of a particularly potent brand of liquor woo discovered and a 42- gallon k6g of mash at 187 alice street 1 gallon tins of alcohol and 15 bottles of whiskey were found a place on morris streetyielded a ten gallon keg of ntlshliniiahanda forty- two gallon barrel of rhubarb jnaab veryeviaontly thebootieggers traffic is not wholly abolished yet school section no 8 erin promo tions rosulted as follows jr iv to sr tv viola allan kath leen mckeown hector mcarthur maud mccraig sr iiltojiv iv joseph foreslu willie johnston lulu ivfccutcheorf calvin altkcn thyra stono liawronco fores tell- jr iii to sr iiiitommy coolo annie taltken bessio forestoll maiy mccaig jr ii to- sr ii evelyn pcaren james mccaig lois forestoll eveline jutmbort elslo nelson lloyd mc- kcown sr primer to jr i marjorlq mc caig orval stone john forestoll rob bie allan jr prlmortrjeap burt jean mann marlon leslie lawaon mccutcheon elsie- maude marion macdonald archlomacdonald m mcdonald teacher on tho ovo of tholr doimrturo to tholr now held of labor a farewell social gathering was tendecod to rov and mrs jyuro stowart by tho con- regatlonat edon mills unltod church in tho town hall community slnglni and addrasucs oxpreusing appreciation of tholr setviccb to the church and community wcro important features of tlib ovonlnga prograrnmo after which airs stewart was prcsontod with a beautiful slk umhrolla with amait celnlca tips uiid ferrulos to harmonize and air stowart with a black leather writing companion with loclc and kty dublin eram08a na8sagaweya new minister for knox church oakville an important mtfetlng of the knox church congregation was held on mon day evening- for tho purpose of extend ing a call to a new minister the first ballot revealed a varied cholco of men but the final dedndon which was mode unanimous was for tho ex tending of i call to nov e g thomp son formerly of richmond church vancouver b c mr thompson was heard at a morning- service in february and again at both services a- few sun days ago he is highly spoken of by those who have heard him preach and it is expected that bo will accept tho call to oakville star in the school report pf s s no j nassagaweya published last week the name of margaret ingle who paoaod into sr iy class with highest marks in- a class of seven was omitted the homo of mr and mrs alex mcgregor nassagaweya was the scene of a pretty lawn wedding on wednes day july 1 whon tholr youngest daughter allco isabel was united in marriage to mr med ford charles grieve youngest son of the late john grieve and mragjleajofjasadona california at two oclock the bride escorted by iter- father joined tho groom at the wedding arch the bride wore a gown of verbena georgetto over satin with lace trimmings and carried a bouquet of sunset roses her only orrianent being a string of pearls tho gift of the groom- tho brido and groonl wero unattended rev a c stewart m a of acton conducted tho ceremony some fifty guests were served a buffet luncheon on the lawn at 530 tho happy cpuple amid showers of good wishes left on a short honoy- moon trip to toronto the bride travel led in a brick satin dress with coat to match with fur trimmings and black hat on their return they will aponj afew days at tho brides homo prior to tjrlcavlngfox their home- in pasadena california r following is thoreport for s s no 8 eramoaa for may and june sr iv lauretta moore mnry rluck joan mlllorrunsull pattoraony jrr iv lloyd maofhall george day gordoniinelson harvoy bayno eddie maud class ill earl mncphail jdnrlon mlllor tom troup sr ii duncan macphedran mrti- jorle miller charlie mcnabb margaret lenfeaty colin miller jr ii gertrude watson gertrude crowson vorna lonfcaty first class roy day tpm maude senior primer isabel watson mary tono edna maude jr primer nell miller stella lon- festy ppomotione to senior fourth harvey bayno gyeprgo may eddie maudxy gordon nelson lloyd mncphail to- junior fourth eail macphak tom troup marlon mlllor to senior third murlbn day to junior third duncan muc- phodran charllo mcnabb margaret lenfestrymarjorlo miller rec to junior second roy day tom maude rec to flrstciasa isabel watson mary tone v morlfcd missed examlra- tho result of the juno promotions examination at s s no 8 dublin ii given below- tho names ore ar- riiiiel in order of merit br iii to jr iv howard webster sr ic t jr hwjimcr fryoiv stowurt ituddlck rachel kolly and rllly mcrrodoran and wilfred wa- dlo ootial hr i to jr ii annie black jr i to sr i hazel waldlo iron sifrnn wobstcr frvlirivr to jiv j viola robertson martha orr teacher school no 10 e8que3inq tjio roport for s s no 10 esqueslng for juno examinations is ufollowikr jr iv to sr iv ruby flint lion hcona macarthur hon aracoroh- ortmon si ill lillian merrltt jriri to sr iii mary mills hon atmttn dunn itogglo wlnflcld stanloy joo jr irrttfo tanclll voima merrltt ernonto tanclll arthur dunn jr i to sr i vcrtia joo grace fllntnft angelo tonelll jr prlmor to sr primer mabel pago n jr primer lawronco durin e m hon tor teachor novelty dante at stanley park erin friday july 10 bud suitors melody kings 7 plevch of toronto will sup ply tho music you may havo heard them on your radio now you havo tho opportunity of dancing to tho music by thlh highclass or- chestru something different usual admission wood3ide those tlons mary c masai ca toachor crew80ns corners knox church sunday school plc nlc was hold at eldorado parkyester day there was a fine list of prises for competition tho prize ihjt whp be given next week hov i aif moyer grand chaplain orontloiwcbtvin be the principal speaker at dufferin county orange celebration in grand valley on mon day july 13th tttsb william ireland went to toronto on saturday and had the mlsfortuno td collldo with a motor cor he sustained painful injuries and is in toronto hospital for treatment what a- new and glad and sweet delight and a sense of infinite out of sight with an inward joy when into tho great glad woods we go these bright midsummer days mrs bessoy of georgetown sister of mrs h s wilson sang a solo the good shepherd in knox church tiu sunday evening the solo was very much enjoyed by the congregation please and enclosed 100 for f5ak etjinothete4uvwen joy tho paper and look forward for it like a homo paper wishing youcont tlnuod success i am bb fdiielph rtho circus still has its devoted admirers aoton sent its quota of citi- xens to tho big barn urn a bailey rlngung bros agsregation to toronto on friday and to kitchener on satur day harold corbott tlie little twoyear old son of oeorgo corbett of trafalgar township fell from his fathers auto mobile oh friday when ono of tho doors suddenly opened and sustained a badly broken right arm hearing of the applications otf congregations and of minorities on aide pf the church union issue for adjustment of their claims will not likely begin until september accord lag to j d falconbrldge chairman of the ontario property commission r x unanlmousscaluiendored to tho rev h d cameron ba of forest by the port hope presbyterian church acceptotl tho call and his induction will take place the middle of august rov mr cariieron is tho son of the late key lachlan cameron for many years minister of knox church acton rrthoprixa ustof the renfrew fair for 1925 is already out and ready for distribution it contains over flfty faithful farm collie injured last saturday afternoon about threo oclock watch the collie farm dog of mr a g clarrldge was on tho highway atthabrldgo over tho-clar- rfdge creek attracted hither by the dog of a fisherman engaged on the south aide of jthp bridge a motor car came along and watch was run over the left foreleg was fractured above the knee joint the broken bono protruding through the skin mr clar ridge had the log bandaged with splints and it appears to bo doing fairly well the motorist drove off without flm ascertaining the damage caused by his car he may not have realized that an accident had occurred but that seems rather unlikely the electric railway popular passenger traffic on the canadian national electric railways line be tween guelph and toronto was un- precedently heavy on dominion day according to the superintendent n s cununlng- passengers over tho lines were also numerous throughout tho day to cope with the extraordinary number of travellers it was necessary to press into service coaches from tho steam lines and operate the cars coupled as electric trains controlled in multiple unit running as many as six cars at a time the toronto trans porta tion commission lino to lamb ton which connects with tho guelph subur ban- line was simply swamped with outgoing traffic it was stated a community gathering was hold on tuesday evonlng of last week at tni home of mr and mrs norman burno to extend a welcome to the brido and groom and give tangible evidence of friendship and good wishes a hand some pleco of furniture was prosonted and a very enjoyable evening spentj it was a great pleasure tohavemr and mrs james moore the parents of the bride present for the evening this community was shocked last saturday afternoon to learn of tho sud den dearth of mrs james moore at the home lot 4 on the town line above this village for tho past six years mrs moore had boon in poor health with a very troublesome throat troublo but was not thought to bo any wono than usual on thursday she drove to guolph with mr and mrs j h denny for consultation with a special isl on the roturn trip she took a chill as soon as they reached home the usual7treatmontwaa glven7 and the family physician summoned for sev eral hours sho suffered greatly tout on saturday forenoon sho seemed bettor the doctor vlaltedf her afiout noon and left hor resting nicely shortly aftor however sho was obsorvod to bo fall ing and in a short tlmo passed peace fully away her husband and daugh ters were at her bedsido mrs mooro was a devoted christian womon and was much beloved by those who knew her her parents william abbott and mary talbot wero both natives- of jera moan but when deceased was born thojr wero residing in park ontario erin mrs s w berry and daughter and son of montreal and mlsa katherlno howitt of toronto visited mrs j d leltch during thoweok t a social evening was spent at tho home of dr and mrs abbott on mon day evening last it being tho occasion of tho fifteenth anniversary of their wedding rov edward r hall of canbdro is tho nov pastor of tho erin circuit of thoupiudehurchfcanadaandha comes highly commended by tho authorities of the church shortly after tho rocksldo lime- house bajl game commenced on do minion day elliott mcdowell contro field player for rocksldo suffered u painful accident whllo standing near tho batter waiting foe his turn to bat whon a foul ball hit him in tho face breaking his noso and otherwise bruis ing his face prior to the removal of rev mr evans and family tho ladles of thy mothodlst church erin assembled at the homo of mrs roy grundy a short programrno was enjoyed but the- event of tho evening was the present ing of a purso to miss hazel evans as- a alight expression of tho esteem and regard in which ah la held ad- vocato f niidsummer school report for woodsleio s s no 10 erin gives re suits of tho promotion examinations held in tho month of juno ns follows jr iil to sr in riazcl faroy 630 hqn edith russell 436 daisy foster 420 pass 420 sr ii to jr hi louise swackhamer 498 hon mildred foster 389 pass sco sr i to jr ii jack colo 252 stew art russell 222 kathleen fnrey 215 pass 210- jr i to sr i roy foster 293 frank svackhamer 276 vera mac eachcrn 273 pass 210 jr i rcna molto w macmulan teacher sacred concert stanley park erin rockwood sunday afternoon july 12th at 3 p m by bud suitors melody kings of toronto j flomo and bring your friends and spend an afternoon in tho shndo at this beauty spot and enjoy a highclass sacred con cert j a smith insurance and real e8tate affont for confederation iifo as sociation london lahcasniro fire insuranco london fcnncashlro uunruntco and accident dominion of canada guarahtoo and accident insurance company- farm and toivn property for salo prompt careful and courtoous at tention given your business solicited residence mill and wallaco slo telephone 105 r 2 midsummer 3 big days july 2 3 and 4 300 yards wide width fast dolor gingham at per yard 75 gingham house dresses all sizes at each 25c 98c 19c j m savage dealer in highest quality of lake and sea fish beautifully eresh and wholesome deuvery tuesday p m for wednesday thursday p m for friday honest weight and absolute cleanliness guaranteed addkpss churh strot actonportt po bo 302 a tittax solicited 100 sets i gingham apron i cotton apron and an dust cap for ri oc 80 yards of colored curtain material 04 renular 40c for t f z4c ladies black belts regular 40c sale price each ladies silk hose regular 60c sale price aq per pair 4uc mens silk and lisleheserrcgnlar 75c sale ch p ouc boys cotton jerseys regular 50c sale oo price ooc pillow slip sizes 40 42 44 regular 50c sale price 29c bath towels large size heavy quality regular j0 75c sale price 4c reduced prices on mens and boys suits overalls underwear work shirts etc for the three days selling july 2 3 4 mclean co mill street acton ont store cloeb wcdncbitov at 12jw the contipulnjr presbyterian services ltibt sunday v conducted by mr cowle of toronto has been study ing with mr l little of paialoy st guelph in medicine in preparation for medical mission work last thursday afternoon tho sunday school and congregations of rockwooj and eden mills continuing presby- terlana meatbiuosprihgs ahrjten- joyed a pleasant time togrother last week a farewell social gather ing- was tendered- to rev and mrs stowart of this village at doh mills after a programme of community sink ing arid addresses expressive of ap preciation of their services to tho church and conynunlty mrs stowart vaa presented with a silk umbrella and a black leather writing companion to mr stewart wo aro pleased to know that they uro not going far away and hopo to meet them occasionally and also wish them success in tholr iowjreld pfjabpr acton flower show therfourth annual show will be held in the drill shed on r wed aug 19 a good prize list is now in course of preparation and further particulars will be an nounced in due course make up your mind to be an exhi bitor anl start to work for it now mrs w j hall r frank scriven 86cretarytieaurar ladies blue bird beauty parlor upstairs over mr datas office mabcelling curling cutting 1singeing massaging etc orders taken for switches and combings made up miss francis phone 201 main street georgotown jx- change of ownership the partnership plumbing and tlnaml thing business carried on by drummond and latliam has been dissolved and the btulneas jm- becn purchased by sir zeatbam who will make all collection tha same courteous and prompt attention will be given all orders for work and i bespeajc the continued patronage of previous customer and solicit the work of new patrons leo latham -phone-99- main street actom sustaining u bad cut ontlift left itanj thoy roturned to bverjiinnnaitwnfrfjiowabtakei tonrdocty and thocut cllad th editor a dadhaad horrywooda edltorof th welirifff- ton kansoff nna went to ft churcn slipper some unto ago to which ho had been given a frco ticket as he neared ttie portula ho heard one good later wfilapcr to another here come one of those deadheads keflectlvely ho atehla chicken wins and returned to hla office and got out hta trusty pencil he found that he nad given that particular supper jubt 346 worth of free advertllng and in return there fore had received onb chlokon wing and the name of deadhead slnco that day he ha collected cash for all church suppers and other payfunctions has never accepted a free ticket to anr thing and he also gets the choice part of the chicken which ho purchacu for himself with tho cash paid for ad vertising which ho used to give froo a rullpage cut of mr w e small- field of auelph an honorary president of tho fair of mr smallfleld ft is said thht ho was one of the greatest boosters that renfrew and renfrew bflir has ever known renfrew mer oury the vtrana elact offler on wednesday evening tho regultr meeting of the acton branch of tho o w v a was held with a large num ber of members present much import ant business was transaotedt which was considered very satisfactory a number of pensions claims havo been adjusted and other matters have re ceived attention the election of of- floors for the year resulted as follows president comrado j v- savsgj vicepresident w coles sootroai irssi a scnrrtrhr piecutlvi committee a trotter j j coijnoy j d ijjulut it was decided toehold a poppy day campaign as last years effort was such a decided success on behalf of disabled veterans tho sectreas was thanked for the use of hls homo as branch- headquarters any veteran having difficulty with jiis pension claim should communicate with tho secretorytreasurer of the branch barrister and municipal ffllerkh- ft farmer sailed froninowtrorkto buenos aires by the mulson liner the american legion on july 4th dur- jng wsthres months abaonce abrmfl 3ome and entoy- yourself att th dr bvirmer will assume charge of the bannookburn- cardan party next wel- law ofllce and praotloa inasaay venlnf is a- there that mrs moore ollvo june ab bott spent her girlhood twohty0110 yoara ago sho waa joined in holy wed lock to her sorrowing husband tholr home hfo has been very happy anj was entirely apant on tko mooro home- fltoad whore the death occurred- mrs mooro waa passionately fond of music in hor girlhood days sho and her sister sang together at many church and social entertainments mr moore and their two daughters olga who married mr norman burns just throe weeks ag6 and lauretta who last month wrote her entrance examination survive their only son earl died at tho age of five months sixteen years ago mrs alooro wuh a member of tho methodlsl church acton she whs cnablo to attend slnco tho church bo- camo tho united churchof canada thfffuhokit on tuesday afternoon which was largely attended was con ducted by rov it is zlmmormar b a the pastor of tho united church much sympathy is felt for mr mooro and- his daughters in tholr great sor row tho flrst of july dawning brightly mr murrays woodland park could- not help having a croird a club was put from ciuolph and iut in tho day as pleasantly as any ono could wish then tho lamberts who often come vroro there not tuono from tho nearer places did people come but smaller gcoups adrlved from georgetown hamilton and toronto the second of july also saw n largo picnic at bluo springs tho rock wodd and etiort mills presbytorian churches attended in full force hard ly leaving parking space for cars about 200 attended tho children had an enjoyable afternoon in sports then rov mr stewart of acton wab there and upon roquont addressed tho gath ering on the third of july ono of the best planjtedpicrilcs that has- over attended those grounds was hold dur ing the whole afternoon and although well over 200 attended everything ran jmoothy- nothing was forgotten by st andrews church- lemonade ice cream dishes and ovori soap to wbhc the dishes wore brought out from the royal city by tha picniokers as noon us hey- arrived mva hr wal laco along with same other ladles ba gun tor set the tabloa oven to oovarins them with white linen tablecloths then while the older ones were busy the little folks onjoyod themselves this wits an easy matter for all was provided of interest two bagplpor ployed all afternoon anil led the happy poopfe to nuppar tho mon lollowiuflc tliem carried many colored balloons which were afterwards gjyen to tho children then when all had all tho george torrance of mimico is at his home hero for tho holidays ad mr and mrs rutherford hewat and son bruco of mlmlcoaro hero for a weeks visit to tho homo of mrs t hewat mr and mrs alex munroe and mrs munroe of hamilton wero holiday vis itors last week richard harris took a trip on his wheel to hamilton on dominion day going down through halton county to burlington boacli wliiio in hamil ton he hnd tho mlsfortuno to bo in- a collision with an auto being thrown off jus wheel against tho windshlci j was attendcd to and hi obliged to return by train the wheel escaped damage tho saddlo and handlebars only boingthrown out of line this week miss bessio gardiner is leaving for a trip to the west going by sarnla and up the lakes sho- will vlbit in munitoba and go on to tho coaat everett levlnes of niagara falls ont was a weekend visitor in the village tlie boll ktimo here lost saturday be tween hliisburg and ioal team ro- fniltcd in a victory for tho vlsltlui team tho score being 7 to 2 mrsm p barry- returned home lat wook from a visit to the states sho was- accompanied by her daughter helen of london more measles -have- broke- utr lately both in thevlllage and country somo of thoae who were shut in wore given their liberty last saturday mrs dr clancy of modforo oregon who was bore on a visits to her parent mr and mrs robert pasmore roturned home recently bnieron crlpps of elorn was a recfent visitor to the home folks a few from hero attended tho an niversary services at oaprlngo that sunday r- the pinny friends of mrs norma flurns tttce miss olgil moore will aympttthlxo yith tfif f thfi sudden death of hor mother init 9atvudiv afternoon sho was present ono oy oil ing last week at the home of mr and mrs norman burns when thoy wore presented with an oak library table bannockburn jgardeitparty will bo held on wednesday evening july 13 at tho jwoirat farm lot 28 corner acton crossroad and fifth line the eva gourlay concert co and the acton citizens band- will provide tho prograrnmo refreshment booth on grounds patrons of this establishment please notice during- july and august examinations for glasses on thursday friday and saturday only of each week dont miss ed johnsons regal orchestra of toronto admission adults 35c children 15c 08prinqe to farmers and others shall you be needing ferti lizer this fall jshnu bo glad to take your order for any of tho widely- known national branda for farm or mrden uso at closo prices in larjyo or htnull auantl- tlcb alao tnnkajfe for hoss ani various other cattle fecda try carboea the new disinfecting white point in powder form instead of whitewash foiv your poultry houses etc cries pure white and dooa not hake or peel on and la a real disinfectant once ypu use cnrboids you will novcr eo back toxvhllowash pull par tlculars frm frank scrivejnf aaent for natlonil fertilizers ltd weil toronto box 150 acton ont a inrflro congregation attended tho thlrtyhovcnth anniversary services on sunday of osnrineo rreflbytorlan church they were in ohargo of rov mr comerbn of toronto who gave splendid sermons ut both tho mornlril and ovenlng services thoso worovory much appreciated by tho largo con gregations tho anrden party hold on monday evening under tho auspices of tho church hoard was a dollghtful affair hut on account of rain tho attandanco wan mthor small a splendid pro- grnrnmo wan he feature and actons nouii jjnil nro certainly worthy of special montloa fhelr splendid boioc- tlons being greatly appreelated by tho audience present mr austin mccutcheon and on have erected a flne now wood shedl on the farm of mr john altkens mr albert young of the town line is erecting a largo modern new im plement building on his farmr mr locker fit jsvorton our local rfthltall- 4ina nnl v th nurohoned a big modern ice cream and lemonade they could sopurator frombrnest itrcs of ii wish ttioy mt out till homa jtorea- wedding gifts when selecting wedding gift ior- birthday presents our stock will bo found lo comprise an assortment that will mnko the choosing easy ami tho selection suitable- otlr stottc of sliverwarc- and fancychina and jeweller is most complete repairing our repairing- service of expert workmanship unl years of ex perience arc nt your disposal for ro pairs to clocks watches jewel lery and optical repairs tlia prices aro renuonable conslatcht with good worhniinnshlp vo solicit u trial 4 l i jh w hifttori jawellar watoh axil clookmakor acton and georgetown wwnbrr 8vvis sik v huttonville park fri july 10 this sixpiece orchestra is becoming quite famous in toronto for- its wonarfrttancenmusic csme anothearit huttonviixe pakk the peoples popular playground one way to make baking- a success is to uso kimgs choice flour it ia light and it will mako your- bread delicious it is pure wholesome and economical begin today to discover tho valuo of kings choice flour its highly nutri tive qualities and tho satisfaction your buklng will give kings choice bread four fjonyal blenp rational paatry norvai flour mdjls w s browne co fropa norval ont summer meats if there is one particular time of year that meats require extra good attention it is the surhmertime we have the facilities in our shop for caring for ah meats properly and every piece of meat we serve you is right our large refriger ator- at trie abpatoir and our excellent cold storage plant and- newly installed refrigerator show case at the shop are a guar- antecr of meats served right all sumrftcf j i 1 djrlng the summer months many people jq n wont fj cook meats and have hot dinner we always carry an excgl- lerit stock of the finest of cold cooked meats ready to ecrve cooked i ham jellied meats cold roast pork bologna jellied tongue meat loaf watch our window for friday and saturday specials v jk jtterson p4sanans acton ont sfmff i4lrffti3sf vr-ii- i immmi

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