Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1925, p. 1

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fiftyfirst year no 3 thursbay morning july 10 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning july 16 1925 single copies five cents the acton united church of canada minsstor rev r ezimmerman b a paraoriueo willow street 1100 i m the mlnlstck subject a surprising answer to an earnest prayer y 700 p m the mlnlator subiect contrasted ideas of greatness 1000 a m sunday school service thursday evening 730 prayer and pralno service presbyterian knox church acton minister rov a c stewart m a manse willow street l 1000 a m sunday school 1000 a m bible ciuhh acta 14 1100 a m itev ben spcnce of tor onto 7 ym rev bon sponce strangers leaving address wilhihe ushers will bo called upon by tho pastor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 945 a m sunday school 1100 a m the pastor- subject an- exposllon of the twentythird psalm 700 p ni tho pastor subject the love of god text john 3 16 monday fi p m young peoples meeting friday 730 p m prayer andpraso meeting bright singing helpful talks am welcome special notices advertisements in this column a cents per word mi chargj 30c per imertion for sale black collie pup seven months old kind dog for children apply to c h harrison flat for rent a flat for root g rooms and bath immediate possession- apply to w r talbot 45tf hardwaro store acton for sale cheap bissell carpet sweeper almost new ulso galvanjzed ico boa 39xl6xl6 apply to cjr knapp church street holstein bull for sale a pure bred registered holsteln bull 12 months old with a pedigree of hlgh- ciabs chtonctervtubercu lartested rtha present owner his no uso for animal as his herd jh related will accept a reasonable offer charles a darvell rr 2 acton third line esquesing card of thanks tho undersigned deslro to express sincere thanks to their many friends for tholr ttindswordi of sympathy and numerous deeds of kindness on tho oc casion of the great sorrow which has ooroo to us in the loss of our beloved wife and mother wo deslro aso fo acknowledge the much appreciated services of uov r e zimmerman b a the musical tributes of the quar tette and of the misses graham and the many floral tokens of love and of esteem james moopie and daughters western canada 7requke8 men tractor experts enrnslx to twolve dally start training now and earn biff nionoy this harvest wo alflii teach tho following paying trades bricklaying bar boring and mt chanlcal dentistry earn wiiilo learning theso trades call or write 163 kipg st w toronto or 143 st lawrence st montreal laetori flowef shost the fourth annual show will be held in the drill shed wed aug 19 a good prize list is now in course or preparation and further particulars will be an nounced in due course make up your mind to be an exhi bitor and start to work for jt now fab vy- hall pridnt prank scriven j qertarytrurer wonderland fridays july 17 the navigator starring quster keaton com edy oct out ami get under starring tlarold lloyd t felix cartoon 8aturday july 18 tampered youth adapted from booth tartrtng- tons prize novel tho magnifl- cent arnbersons comedy why hurry cartoon props ddsil for cash tuesday july l apquejne or biasing barrlprs 1v jas oliver cunvood chapter 1 of tho new serial the ttlddlp rid er comedy dont worry oominq east of suet with tola negri h lgregory son w nm i k lovely fashions low priced one smart fashion group includes rayon silk frocks from new york secured by our- resident buyer at a special price enab- jingusto sell them at 2098 sizes 16 to 46 straightline models a nurnber in fifty- jifty patterns lower and upper dress sections in contrasting yet blending patterns airy fairy dresses in georgette crepe and fascinating affairs in canton crepe also from our resident buyer in new york secured at a price concession that pnables us to sell thirtyfive dollar dresses for- just pib5 and 3iyy5 sizes for misses and small women three lovely groups of summer frocks at july reductions 795 values up 1050 fuji silk broadcloth ioile and crepe included rose copen blue gold and sand shades represented in the group sizes altogether from 16 to 42 9k for specially priced dresses in another group values to 875 broadcloths linens and voiles peach color orchid white rose sand blackandwjiite sizes j6 to 44 repre sented iruius gathering 398 for pretty dresses in a third group values up to 600 linens and broadcloths solid- colors and smart stripes in the grbup sizes 16 to 42 among the colors sand rose- green holland blue and apricot v guelph0 leading and largest store officers w mrs united church at the annual meeting of tho wo- mona missionary society of tho meth odlut church the e of officers weekend specials marshmallows the favorite summer candy in ijo- vanilla- and toasted reg 40c lb weekend special lb ajc assorted chocotates in a large variety of fancy and -plaia- centres made-by- the- makers- of- smiles n- -yjmj- chuckles weekend special per lb v 32c assorted chocolates regulpi 40c and 0c lb weekend special per lb smiles v chuckles bars the finest bars on the market try them and be convinced t ice crealjl our ice creani cabinet lis jalwaysfiuedwithjce creamin assorted flavors and a large variety of bricks mill street acton h wiles m white canvas shoes sandals -and- tennis shoeswhite and brown j all sizes in the lot t come on in harry harrison jhe shoe man we close wednesday afternoons all the year round with the exception of news of local import succeisful at normal exami at tho provincial normal school ex aminations in the courses of training for public school tcachors miss vera m hurst of acton was successful in securing an interim flrstr class certifi cate and miss nellie e hall acton nn interim secondclass certificate both were students in acton schools tho farmer in july jjul aint ii month when a farmer jinreiulyjay- quttocniuxlvhimsoif tho weathers too hot for ono to think and theros too much to bo dono in the hayin about all the- real comfort ho cn git out of suchparchin weather is in sayln to himself that hay mado quick is mudo well and that it takes swelterlit nlffhta to fill a corn tihi caleb peaslce hut wlth garden par- hen ad sunday schooiplcnics and an bcciisloiiul circus calebs- friends and ours tho farmers do mitnago to scrapo along with a fair degree of sat isfaction even in the good old summer tlmo boy 8couta in camp twcntyflvo members of acton boy scouts went to huttbnvlllo yesterday to spend a fortnight in carnp there scoutmaster ferris bad all the plans well matured when ho received notlco that his mother was seriously mil in calgary ho left at once to bo at her bedside it was with sincere regret that he was unable to accompany- thy scouts and they as fully regretted the circumstances which caused his ab sence the- boys were accompanied by keva c stewart and mr n p- moore assistant scoutmasters who will do everything in their power to nssuro the outing pleasant and health ful layinrj tha dust of the straeta municipal oillcer mcpherson hus been busp coating portions of main bower and church streets with calcium chlorine during tho week this sub stance u js jelaimed will control the dust if aumclont lo ueod thocoating being given as an experiment is only about onehalf what la recommended by the manufacturers of the dowflake talclum chlorine preparation tlie re suit can hardly be as satisfactory as if the directions were followed it la hoped however that the pest of dust will in some measure- be abated the calcium preparation is not kui table for the mill street roadway in tho busi ness section as it would have a ten dency to disintegrate the tarvla and damage the present good surface of the roadway a coat of tarvla and flno slono may be given this section of tho street every candidate was successful twentythree candidate wrote at entrance examinations from acton school 4wosdef erred until the reorganlaatlon as the united church of canada the meeting for the election was consa- quently held last thursday whon there was a large attendance officers for tho year were elected as follows president mrs a t brown 1st vice- president mrs malcolm mclean 2nd vicepresident mra john it kennedy 3rd vicepresident mrs samuel held 4th vicepresident mrs h e somer- vlllo recording sec mrs j reld cor responding secretary- mrs annlb johnston treasurer mrs c c speight christian stewardship secre tary mrs itev it e zimmerman strangers secretary mrs james moore pinnist miss lottie e speight assistant pianist mrs j k kennedy with the increase of ex perienced workers the society enters upon ilta work for the year with re newed interest and determination to accomplish- greater things in mission ary activities and objectlychi atan aftar sixty yaaxt awl cqmevlbltorntoaclonrolv mon day was mr- archp hemitreet of tjngersyille archie was a son f the inte floorgo hemstreet who was a meat dealer here back in tho slxtlss and a nephew of miller hemstreet who openpd the first grocery store hoc over eighty years ago and called it the danvillo grocery archie and hip brother robert attonded school here as boya when mr robert little lyas principal with their parents they re moved to walpole in haldlmand county sixty years ago archies visit on monday was the first in sixty years though never more than sixty miles from t heboid homectho aid ohlg friends here that he had retained very favorable impressions of his boyhood homo through all the years but he was delighted to find tho town such a lldy and attractive place with its pretty homes and surroundings with its cvldonccs of business thrift anl its possession of proper operations his father mn george hemstreet lived in the house on church street next to moorecroft and his meat shop was on tho corner ot the lot during his visit mr hemstreet was glad to meetsuch qld school mates aa john hill a e nlcklln mrs james moore mr ahfl jtfrn h p mooro and a few atherp ihp and hla cousin from quelph mr hnll were entertained at moorecroft where he was always welcomo during his boyhood days when mr and mrs edward moore ro- aldcd there recognition of faithful sarvicaa on thursday evening a company of the friends of miss llphardt and miss m emcpjjerson superintendent and assistant superintendent of the g a hospital colli ngwood who haye resigned their respectlij posu tlons gathered to bid them goodbye during the evening rov s farley m a and dr mckay expressed the regret of their friends at their depart ure and also the high appreciation of their services miss llphardt us super intendent for tho past six years and miss mcpherson assistant superinten dent for the iast five years during their regime the hospital had been woll managed and had onjoyed a llfrh standard amongst the si itiftriy lhtfju- tions of tho province fom a flriqltl polm tic viaw th hospuy was pn if sounv basis and eacyi year hai pp in a position wllh v bnlflnco ft actual ujtiititlnyiiit nlgh ell up lerfflpl iifluj hijnil4nlg s9 friuntly ololng hlp yoifrb work with dencltu ah bouvcnlrthelrtar incolltnirwood and a smnll appreciation of tholr ser vice the ludles were asked to accopt a handflome leather hat box bearing their initials in gold lottors bref re plies ot thankfl were mudo bymlsflob llphardt and mine mophernon aftoi which a short time was spent in a social way atlas llphardt and miss mcphorsbn lett on friday mornlnir for now xprk whero thoy will attend a summer course ajclumbla univer sity lutor they will take up new duties elsewhere in doing so thoy aro accompanied by the ls wishes of tholl- wide clrclo ot friends in calling- wood cdfllngwood saturday news mrs o a dills met her sister in toronto on itylriay und sont the day with her prior to her leaving for now xorfc miss mlnnio z uennoh tho ex perienced nnd successful principal of acton public schools la rocelvinff con gratulations on all skies for tho suc cess of her pupils who wrote on tho rocont entrance eichmlnatioim she sent up u class of twcntyuiree every one of them was successful and elgh- teon of them won honor standing this result is very brntlfylng to tho pupils who wrote nnd to ther parents it is certainly gratifying to mlss jjcnpott the palnutalilng toachdr and it amply sustains tho reputation of tho acton school for jim invariable high standing in tho oxamlnaltlons from yeurtb year mlas liennett has an enviable record for yeurs her iuplla have been re markably successful but this year tho climax has becl reached with a com plete lst and fourfifths of them hohor candidates this is tho list of 41 successful can didates out of tho 45 who wrote at acton aoton 8chool he1j3n maybanisek iion hazel coxb hon eileen m grindbll hon mildred hollin0ehhon mabel huard hon kathleen kelly hon arthur lawson hon tvy littley hon robert mcarthur son muriel mccomb hoh doris haddock hono lois malone hon marjorie mann hoi velma murray hon dorothy smethurst hon hazel smith hon phyllis tyler- hon eva wheeler hon dorothy m gampbbll jnorman h1ntont margaret mncdonalo dorothy macpherson gordon smith outside sohooli maudie forbes hon alice e kennedy hon donald mcdougall hon margaret waldie ffon tyra wilson hon harvey young hon lincoln copeland william pqbbie melv1n joe lillian krlty alvena kingsbury ivan lollycrop jean miller stanley morrison elva g murray- ivan richardson eranklin robejitson chareessxyers the highest three in standing writ ing at acton were alice kennedy a pupil of miss n isabel mahon s s no 7 nossagawcya moryl b- orlndell and mildred e holllnger rupils of miss mz bennott principal of tho acton public school the honor of tho highest mark in this examination in tho county of haltbn was won by rutli rainger 12 yearold pupli of j a jlockhart principal of burlington central school tho second place was- taken by laurene galbraltll also 12 ycrs old a pupil of mr p d shoroy prlnolpal of milton school and tho third by alfred homer thirteen years of off olso a pupil of burlington central school knox swntoay school picnic a moat enjoyable time at eldorado park last wednasday pouqe colflfttnews chief mcpherson is doing ho vest to avoid accidents by motor cars on tho streets during tho weolc h w sturnkitchoner waoflnei and- costs for speeding jmd sfor driving on the wrong aide at the sii1i and main street intersection arthur young of toronto paid 10 atnd costs for speeding and george icowse of guelph 5 and costs for driving with out lights r mcgibbon georgetown was fined 1000 and coats for speeding in acton on the 6th of july on acomilaintof chief mcpherson on tuesday on complaint of provincial goaatablo atkins f t evans of toronto was fined and costs for drains his mbtorcycfo street highway the charge against the u two stock salesmen for tho flanagan smoke con sumer and fuel saver co came up for hearing at the court house milton before h p moorepollco magistrate on friday at the request of 10 crown the case was remanded for a week tho 60000 ball wasvencjved fred hilson was charged at mil ton last friday with he theft of a motor car tho property of f semifine milton heights htlaon failed to appear and police magistrate mooao- issued a bench warrant for his arreat nasso alico street quolpti who was fined 500 and costs and sentenced to one month in the county jalvfrlday morning when he pleaded ecu illy through his solicitor for keeping liquor for aale vas the first person to bo sen- tensed under this section ot ttie recent amendment to the ontario tcioiicrance act which states that ffrst offenders must be given not less than a month in jul in addition to a fine last week william nlehol of tor onto a middle aged man won brought to jail from oakvllle to nerve thirty days in default of pay me nt of a lino and cotjts 33 ixmalty for a ilrunk he was convicted by police maglatrato shields john bennori ot georgetown yras fined 1000 rind cws or orlylnk nlltfs hpur an thp hjbhiway in esqueafng on monday py pollpo mnt- lrato mopra vim pftmimimni of trafllo ofllqer laniun john smith of stowarttown was fined 1000 and coats on monday by police magistrate moore fur driving down the silver creejoiill on do minion day with a trock load of georgetown girls who had beoa lilaylnjr ball at erin nt 86 mllea an hohr mr smith said his hired man was tho drver and he discharged him ns soon as tnoeompjalnt wan niftdo t jh alton countyfall fairs oakviho september 18 19 acton september 2 23 burlington septem ber 29 30 lilton october 1 2 and georgetown october 3 tho director of these various fairs will shortly u- suetho prlie lists for 1025 procrnntlnntlon is not the great est thief of time after all a great er waste of time is in doing tit lrtge we have no business to one of tho most successful plcnlcs ever field by knox sunday schuol wrts held to eldorado park last wednesday this is saying a good deal for tho school has a long list of successful and enjoyable plcnics tot ita credit tho attendance was largo and in cluded not only the members of the hchbbl but nearly all the membors of the congregation and a large numbel of other guests about jlfty motor cars drove tho twenty miles to tho park and 1g0 went by the canadian national tslectrlc cars tho attractive features of the park wore much onjoyed and the wellor ganised programme of games aim sports was carried out by experience 1 managers of such ovonta the parki merrygoround was especially enjoy ed not only by the little folks but by many of their seniors even up to the grayhaired plcnlckcrs of the after noon the prizes in the various contests were won us follows girls racel tots jorothy clarrldge jean graham boys itacc tots norman mcleod martin hassard girls under 7 isabel itoszcll lena nicol boys under 7 iconard coxo jack graham gflrls under 10r adleen clarrldge edith bracken boys under 10 murray smith thos nicol girls under 13 edith bncken margaret chaumers boys under 12 allan marshall stewart lnntz girls under 15 margaret grindell mary chalmers boys under 15 gordon cooper bill patrick teachers race mrs whitney mra m moore t married men john kentner ell masters single ladles mary clarrldge mario lantz ladles bible class mario lantz nellie hull 1 married women mrs davidson mrs kerney young ladies bible glass helen mcdonald helen cbxe mens bible class ell masters c boll women over 40 years mrs clar rldge mrs mcgregor boys tot special hassard norman wright potato race chief mcpherson of course the picnio lunch and the ice cream treat wero features- which lent much to the pleasures of the after noon there was an abundance of good things the planning of itev mr stewart and his band of helpers were behind this successful and happy event the united church of canada acton the union will be consummated in acton church on sunday august 2 social and personal ladies ball team at guelph defeated guelph team in fine gamo laet thursday evening an exceptionally fine exhibition of ladies softball playing was given at tho exhibition park guelph lost thursday evening when the acton ladles team anda guelph team played an exhibition game- this game wan not one of the usual exhibition of aoftball with gigantic scores wild throwing and much excitement but was more after the real baseball style of a battle to win coolly played and efficiently won of course there wero exciting mo ments but never once did acton lose their heads and allow guelph to even tho score tho story of tho game is best told by the following box score acton abr hpoa e jrjlumloyix r 3 1 1 -0- 0 m chalmers ss 4 2 1 0 1 0 l mason p 3 2 i 1 3 0 b masters 2b 6 1 2 2 1 0 e richardson lb 5 1 1 5 0 1 j anderson r f 4 1 1 1 1 0 m ryder c f 5 0 2 2 0 0 m gibbons 3b 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 t 10 0 0 30 10 12 27 6 i guelph ab r h po a e d richardson 2b 4 1 1 2 2 1 mrs king lb 2 2 17 mrs pulton ci 4 110 m erin a a 4 1 3 1 mf botbnrr f s lehmnn r f g gunt 3b j pcnfold c f j plait p tt0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 31 5 8 27 9 i 0 2 0 2 310 12 02 05 rumley 4 e score by innings acton 2 0 1 o guelph 0 0 0 0 stolen bases v richardson 2 mrs king erin sac rlflco hits l mason 2- 3 baso hits b masters 3 base hits mrs somervlllc doublo plays mrs king struck out by l mason 13 by x plaff 4 baeo on balls oft j plaff 2 wild pitch l mason wild thrsws mrs fulton 2 special mention hiight bo made of tho 13 strlkoouts by l mason for acton and of a fast double jilay by mrs king the guelph fine first base man who in eighteen chnnccs had only 1 chror another horn that helped acton win by a 105 scoro was m ryders two singles that drove in 2 runs in tho sixth innings and 2 more in tho eighth acton defeats guelph in a tanriia tournament at aoton on tuaiday eeynlna the members of the acton athletic association and pafbcuar4y thaw in terested fn ehiuu haye lota to do in tholi- leisure bourn those flno evenings the ennls courts of tho association arc in aplondld condition and many good games and tournaments have been plnycd on them this season on tuesday evening the tennis club of st james church guelph wero the guests of the local club who enter tained their visitors by giving a tennis tournament acton was victorious by a score of 4 to guelphs 3 tnp scoring in detail lrf osfollows mens singles mr mckcnxio vs mr g t beardmoro 62 108 mr allan vs hector mnodonnjd 48 mens doubles mitchell and barber vs laird mcdonald and hector mai- donald 85 ladles singles minn strachnn vs miss jean kennedy 86 miss uarber vs miss fen brown 18 ladles doubles mrs mokentlo nnd miss gethlh vs miss v harvey and mrs a mason 18 mixed doubles mr jamjcson and miss chatter vs mr k salt and miss helen mcdonald 68 summitry acton 4 points guelph 3 points- the visitors wore loud in their praise of the acton courta and all say that they 4 onjoyed tho evenings sport im- 1 niensoly at a mcetingof the members of the official board of the farmer mcthodut church and representatives of the unionist members of the presbyterian church was held in the school room of tho united church of canada an monday evening rev mil zimmerman tho minister presided he explained thnt the nieoi- ing had been called tp consider jpluns for- the official consumniatlpn ortho united church mytl to take steps to ward the organization of the church courta necessary for the successful carrying on of the churchs actlvltlej spiritual and material f ter a friendly discussion as to tho plans of organization and the provls ions of the basis of union action was taken to effect formation of actoii united church of canada it was shown that the basis of union provld cd that in tho management ofthelr local affairs the churches or congrega tions of the negotiating churches shall be entitled to continue the organ izatlon and practices including those relating to membership church ordin ances sunday schools and the young peoples societies enjoyed by- them at the time of the union subject- in gen- oral affairs to the legislation principles and discipline of the united church the group of the methodist church present decided however not to take advantage of this provision but to proceed with organisation as if it were a new church formed subsequent to the coming of union and thus place the unionist members coming from the other churches on tho same statuo as themselves to this end ltwas decided to recom mend to a congregational meeting to be called on tha 6th of august tho election of a board bf session of fifteen members and aboard of stewards cf fifteen members the official board of the new church will be composed of tho members of the board of tho session the members of the board of stewards and the cxccutlvo head of each of the organizations of the new church- this will give an official board of about the same size as that in the former church tho members of a local church under the united church of canada aro per sons in full membership whoso- names are on the roll of the church the- new church will be consurmtted on sunday august 2 with an order of service similar to that used at th3 consummation of union on the 10th o june at the great arena meeting in toronto the presbyterian elders will present their roll of members of the presbyterian group the methodist of ficials will presentlth grnnp d p- mlss ettlo dills of toronto woo homo forthe weekend mr william hall who has been quite ill is now recovering mr and mrs g h brown motored to kltchoner for the weekend mr qeorge jlgglns of aurora spent tho weekend at his home here mrs a anderson visitca friends in waterloo and kltchoner last week miss phyllis starkoy of aurora vis ited acton friends during the week miss adah clarke of cooksvlllo spent saturday with acton friends mrs jas harden of mount dennis visited friends here during tho week mir william mcnabb of toronto spent the weekend with acton friends mrst john crawford- church street has been critically iii tho past week or mrs leslie r atkins of georgetown visited miss annie corrlgill on mon- day pbrtunlty will be given for tho presen tation of the roll of any other group of members there will be appropriate hymns aud responses by the congregation a ser mon- by the minister and the commun ion of the lords supper will cdmplctn this memorable service committees have been appointed to prepare the rolls and tp issue u souvenir programme and order of ser vice much interest will contre about this impressive consummation service on sunday august 2 and the congrega tional meeting following on thursday evening these two services will sea the complete consummation of tha jetted church df canada in acton and the effective organization of the work ing forces of the church in preparation for aggressive activities outlined by the honored moderator of tho general council which was broadcasted in the new outlook last week roickwoodwooixenmnjls closed tiiis reputable and otdeatabhahed industry indefinitely closed rock wood la now experiencing a serious evidence of- trade depression which comes occasionally to numbers of manufacturing communities the unwelcomo notice has been given to the employees of tho harris woollen mills that operations have been dis continued indefinitely no one regrets this outcome moro sincerely than the president of the company mr wil- llamhnrrtsjrjnder very- dlacouragli trade conditions he has endeavored to continue the mills in operation but finding that this could not bo ac complished without serious loss thi step referred to has been felt to bo imperative the harris woollen mill was estab lished in roekwood in 1867 and has been the leading industry of that thriving village through tho interven ing sixtyeight years at tlmos thoro has been as high as seventy workers employed nnd the product of the firm was recognized as ranktnjr lmong the highest quality produced in the province high grodo- suiting for men and women was the principal output and the fame of these was well known throughout canada and beyond an ex cellent market being onjoyed jilypmji prospered as before the goneral con sensus of opinion being that ihw british preference tariff had been too great a handicap fot tho canadian mills the business was established by tho father ofthe present owner and ho had two brothers associated with him the output ofthis mill has always en- joyed an excellent reputation for hon est material nni skilled workmanship the future of the mill dopends large ly upon ho adjustment of tho british preference and our own canadian tariff the closing ot the mill is serious to numbers of residents of rockwood and the hope is general that the near future will see the resumption of the im portant enterprise acton avon this time defeated milton in tennia tournament at milton laet saturday a return game in a western ontario tennis league was played oft last saturday afternoon on tho milton courts tho following was tho scores for the afternoon doubles rex hume and clifford houston viv ib brown anjd hector macdonuld score 810 26 a marchand and dr braund vs wllroso reld and harold brlckrr scor68io 16 singles hex hume vs e brawn scoro36 62 62 clifford houston vs hector macdon uld score fl1 64 v a marchand vs wllroso reld score 26 36 result of tho tournament mutoi 2 points acton 3 points owing to tho hcoro of points being milton 4 rind acton 1 n tho prevtquu games however acton has been unv- inatcd from- this league mr r w stowurt of port colborno visited his mother here over tho week end miss nora statham of brantford visited at the homeof mrs thosrstat- ham last week mrs rov r w rosi of halifax was a guest during the week at mr n f lindsays mr and mrs earle brown of kitch ener spent a few days last week at the parental home dr w somcrvlue and daughter of halley bury visited with the home folks during the week messrs flndlay and calvin wilson of toronto visited with acton friends durlrigtho week miss laura black of kelso is spend- lng a week or two with her friend mrs ross alexander miss marguerlto stewart of milton was i tho guest this week of mrs john brown church street miss marjorlo booth of toronto spent tho weekcndat tho homo of mr andmxs c r knapp rev und mrs mcleod and children of toronto were guests this week of mr and mrs r j kerr mromd mrs a g clarrldge misses mary uhd dorothy7 spent the week- end with friends in toronto miss jessie russell went to toronto on wednesday to visit her fathe wh t in the w mr whbert craig and miss pearl philips of toronto spent sunday with mr and mrs crewson mclaughlin mrs robert la lng has returned homo after spending three weeks at the homo of her brother in waterloo mrs hubert mann and family of fergus visited mr and mrs thos burt lake avenue during the week mr fred porter of toronto and miss- law were guests of mr and mrs mclaughlin main street this week mrs crewson mclaughlin has re turned borne after spending throo weeks very pleasantly with friends in toronto mrs david ross and messrs will and james ross of toronto spent a day or so with acton friends during tho week mr and mrs matthews mr and mrs b and mrs e j wright of s41 iv toronto spent saturday visiting mr and mrs a soper mrs gordon mckay und children and miss lule hippie bf toronto spent a couplouof days at it h wanb- broug last week mrs thos statham and master her bert burling of milwaukee are spend- lng a few weeks with mr and mrs w j statham at exeter mrs leonard easdown and children of london have been visiting during tho week at the- formers- br mr alex crlpps frenetttreec mr andmrsavvjsjtatham and lola and miss lulu macdonald motored from exeter and spent a few days at the homo of mrs thos statham misses j galbralth and madge chapman are leavlhg today on a trip to chatham n b to visit with rela tives there they will be away a month mr and mrs wesley nell miss agnes nell miss mildred graham an j master arnold grahamt of toronto were guests of mrs maud mcbain on sunday mrs ahnetta barnes and her daugh ter mrs john mossup of toronto re turned home after a fow weeks visit among acton erin and churchill friends mtvqjiverlaabywhqjiafl seriously ill for several months is able to be about again the old gentleman la quito smart again and looks fit for years to como it mr and mrs thorn and babe return cd to their home in oshdwa wednes day morning after a short visit with mrs thorns parents hero mr and mrs thomas morton dr and mrs e j gray and misai julia gray of st thomas mr h- park of toronto and miss agnes tovell of toronto were guests of miss mamie mosaics last week mr david williamson and mls jessie brock avenue left on thurs day for scotland they will visit their friends in glasgow and other points and expect to be away for some time mjss semple who has been tho ef ficient teacher of stowarttowjt public school for the past three years has re signed and accepted a position as teacher at humberslde school tor onto mrs j lfiynn of peulbo colorado has returned home after spending a few days at the home bf mrs thos statham mrs flynn who has been spending a number of weeks here re turned home with him editor forster of the oakvillo star has been making another pleasant trip to the united states he was a dolegate from the rotary club of his town to the great rotary convention at cleve- land ohio a week or so ago at which 0900 rotoriana were present mr i c russell who has been suf fering very much from sciatica for several months wont to toronto lasa week for further 4iagoesla and treat ment at wellesley hospital ho is much encouraged with results already attained mrs russ hqt paen itith hhn diulng the weak vl m

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