Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1925, p. 2

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1 ghr ttmittteb thursday july 15 19ss a summer evening lloiv fine has- tho day boon how bright was tins nunl itow lovoly anfljoyful the course that ho run though ho roso in a mist when his race- ho boeun and thcro fpllowcd some droppings of rain but now tho fair travellers come to s tho west lils rays nro nu gold and his beauties tho best ho paints tho shy say as ho sinks to his rest and foretelln a brlgrht rising again just such is thoehrlbtlan his course ho begins ulto tho sun in amlnt when ho mourns tor his sins and -010118- into tears thin ho breakb out and shines and travois his heavenly way butwlum he comes near to flnlsh his tfko a nno sottlhcsun ho 16oks richer in ernco and glvos a suro hope at the end or lus days of rising in brlshtor array isaac wattii if intlwmo mt i i mt ll imi al ituf mu1 11 1 uuw ul ml i hr mmjfcta ljnrt fcmr the hundredth wish by j3eth b oiichrist mmmnmw loves target i announced i s u lk- bfcw- ps t cant and j wont vinnlo mercer volubly you will and you mustl insisted mrs mary dodge with resolution and vim v th runaway from home hofbrol do h continued vinnle it isnt that i should havo done it i am sorry i did but it is buch a trlflle not worth tho humiliation whoever he was ho hag probably forgottmatl about it by this time forgotten cried mrs dodge with i wrathful rising refleotlonln her tonoa ho was coming into- this very house an honored and respected caller and auhea wan disappointed you wicked child xou dont know how much damage you hay done aunt mary spoke winnie very seriously and earnestly i am no long- er a child and i wont bo treated as one i was behind the hedge and as i had a full target view i couldnt re- slat i made a snowball and throw it but honest aunt mary im through wltk such mischief i wont do it any moro pleaso forgot it wont you no vinnle answered mrs dodge with obstlnato determination you must go and admit your act to its victim and apologise for the same ilrun away from home first in sisted vinnle very well do so if you wish 1 shallnot seek to hinder you in fact for some time i have felt that it is useless to attempt to cop with your headstrong nature vinnle wont to her room with sot llps darkened face when mrs dodge declared that vlnnie was head strong sho had uttered tho truth fatherless motherless vlnnie had al ways lived around with her relations but she had always paid her way vinnle proceeded to pack her shabby little suit case sbe had in jnlnd ho- cousin ophelia farr who lived in the nerct town miaa parr was a spinster erratic and glooxnyj but kind hearted in tho ma vlnn lit wafhwftwt es i can thlhlc of a hundred things id chin go if i only could clorinda had said you think i wouldnt but i would ea telle i dosptso wearing cousin graces lnk handmodowha when ffue la tho color i love and tho town of merrlok looks smaller than ever every tfm6 i como hqmo from boston and i wish mother would have dlnxier t nlliu anovthentheoolof of tills house dont you hate it and im craxy for a big iiaaza- tho strangb and may strongs going lo europe and wants mo to go with her and of course i cant t plainly she remembered levery breatriless tumblingword as sho sat now huddled on tho bed with the latter ira her hand tho1etter could not mean what it said she read it again to make sure dar clo a little bird has told mo that you have a hundred wishes stowed atvay in that rausy head of yours v wishes that you wouldnt heal ta to fit all to make come true if you coull now iaun not a plutocrat and i cant indulge myself iti the round number but i will under- take to finance a hundredth- of thena you may havo ono of your tvlshca any one if you wjli namo it to me dont pick out the least orpengivoi or tho least trouble some i put you on your honorto select the one you most want to como true aunt molly sho roully wantod sho was tirod of racking nor brains in tho iiope of squeezing out one moro wish she ato wlshfis drank wishes- dreamed of wishes tho nocoaaity for wishing perched on hor pillow night and morning und kept her awake it was a matter of pride with her that oho should not fail the bileofblanke was yory small now scarcely a dosan remained jeacli fresh ono that she wrote waa a victory clorinda thought that when sho had written he- hundredth wlahjdib wjum he happier thdn she had ever been be fore long ago sjio had given up tho idea of making her last wish her great est she woujd write a hundred and then arrange th6m in order of thole importance whenlino- had written nlrietysovon she bogan- her work of rearrangements slio locked herself in and spread oul tho pile of slips out on tho floor thoy began at the bureau and reached to the closet cldrlndt tucked hor pink skirts in under her and on her knees begun new line oh this was easy it waa fun tho black kitten popped into place near the head of thevllat tho blue r i ring followed it after a dozen other wishes after a becoming interval came mothers fashionable skirts clor inda scuttling about merrily picked the least important wishes out of the first line and added them to the second the first column dwindled rapidly the second outstripped it her heart sang within her then bho paused with a puuled frown after a minute she smiled she frowned and went on with the work again then ahe paused again for ave minutes this tune which was it she wanted more din- net at niffht or tho blua dresses tho real struggle began the weighing arid balancing tho headracklng struggle to decide which of her doarest wishes aho flickered through blossomincr oulddow1tnoutj clorinda wehtdown the constant heckling of her aunt and the sneers and rudeness of her daugh ter althea prim and full of vanity and heartnessness as ytnnle paaaod through the hall she caught the toned ot althea lother go motlior tbeychoed i shall be glad if she does you see thorpe was surely going to drop in t on us when he felt- so rldleolous over that- snowbait aasanlt that he passed on ho has como here a good deal of late and who knows how much ho is interested in nib t very friendly with vinnlo and it will be a goocl thing to have her out of tho wjf4y 1 vlnnle pauaod with d dharp gasp but she i did not linger nor turn back mr thorpe warren thorpe i he then- was the unseen owner of thu hat that had been hor target her lips quivered as she reached tho street m didnt know i never guessed bhoibreathod in a troqblod way oh of course i will tell htm it was ony aoho and funrrad althea haspe her cop for him why she is five years older than warren mri thorpe clorjndas brain whirled in delight ful uncertainty- could auntjktouy mctn it but aunt molly always did mean what she said and she was very wealthy and could easily make good her promise clorinda could take her at her wrd tho ffirl gave free reign to hor fancy her ltttlp room disappeared sho waa on a broad veranda sun shine vinos a wicker table orxwb and wick er chdurs with gay cuahlona atpod comfortobly about in tho chaljc wore blrlfl laubhlog chattering dollghtful- ly pretty girls among the girls thore were trays of ices clorinda drew a long breath of satisfaction then the bed on which she sat be gan to rise and fall jwith a rhythmic motion tlie walls of the little room widened into- a for watery horizon salt wind blew in her face america lay behind ehirope beckoned lnvitlng- ijr after a while clorinda buopod off the bed sho surveyed the familiar room like one who after gaxtng on stranere ilffhts and accustomed- things a littlo odd how ahuui x ever be able to chopae one wlshr she demanded of hor pink collection in the mirror how shall i evor i able to toll which i wish for tho iwirdest the reflection smiled gayiy back at olorlndau it was a jolly rumplybolred reflection evidently it had no advice to offer x kacw clorinda said suddenly i will cliaose my hundredth wish she nodded amiably at the rilmply- haired girl in the mirror but ill see to it that my hundredth is- the one i really wish the most 111 make a list of all my wlsties largo ahd small to dinner with an impatient scowl on her brow nothing went right solly and ted were cross tlmmy was crosser jack was in an argumenta tive mood- clorinda heard her own voice growing high and shrill as she answered him mother looked weary and father was- absentminded mary had burned the muffins shohadnovor been known to burn mumhtf clorinda waa so much annoyed by the burned muffins that she did not notice that mary had beencjylng jack noticed it and stopped arguing after dinner he went out ho the kitchen nnd laterhe encountered clo rinda as she was unlocking her door from tmjiow rose the voices of sally and tlmmy and ted uplifted in al t creation huh socrota jadk glanced at tho key in harid cnv da ginning of lotters that slo had written into tho wasfebaaket und started on a fresh ihet of jiaper sho wroto daar aunt molly i havo tfhoaen my hundrodth wihii iloro it lit just au x wiahod it i put it in ao you may 000 how i wished it tho writing la tired and acratchy nnd that is the way i folt did you over try to v 0110 ivlnh out of a hundred if you hnvoiit you cant know how it ihakcua person fool you want them all and llion at last you do not want nny of thorn will you forgive niof it seems ungrateful to write this letter but you know im not you do know it dont you and will you lovo mo just tho hairio youra cto aunt mollys answer oimo by rj- turn mall it said a good many things it jcft clorinda in no doubt as to aunt mollys love accompanying tho letter como a thin brown package directed in aunt mollys unmlstuknblo handwriting clorinda- untied tho cord that hold tho wrapping paper and opened the package wonderlngly a slim leatherboundboolt lay with in aunt molly hod written on the flyloaf to tho oirl who wishes to mako tho best of things clorinda turned over the pagea slowly- some chapter headings cuught her eye tho wishing bog tho things no girl can vo without how to live with- lp your wlsliea the way of a happy heart irmt aiudj clorinda with a little smllo its a kind of a reclpe bok i suppose that tellu how to got nfy hundredth wish appreciated opinions op experts comments by conferaa respoctina at tainment of jubiloe yesr clerlndabegitn- at onceshe fbunfl bianstsiips sfio wrotewipldly some- 8 launch little soul that she was vi c- nib thought of warren thorpe with tlfo lntensuy of genuine liking he had made several evening calls at the dodsjo homo and bad been just as attentive to vinnlo- as to the widow arid her daughter a rising young law yer and a hard fctudont he had seemed to enjoy thp bright natural ways of vinnle sho was auit a singer and a venomous glance vinnle had received fr the b eves of hrr rnnnln wiiilo revelling in a duet with warren thnrpfi some hoolvt white paper cut it into ob long cards and scribbled feverishly xn the unit dot en another dozen she wroto more deliberately a third dozen very slowly it take a a lot of wishes to make a hundred ahc sighed biting tho end of her pencil thoughtfully when tke supper bell rang she had written fortyfour wishes tho forty- four made a curious collection they relieved clorindaa mind of a good many latlxfmctlona big- and little grave and -frrvcdoasr- botlr with tieraeirrarict with the uf arouhd her clorinda hid them away carefully at the bottom of the lowest drawer in tho bureau not for worlds would sho have any one discover them- ono slip wished that her mother would wear smart dressca oj mrs emborly did an other wished that her brother jack would stop buying rod ties a third wanted to sec the taj mahal a fourth desired ol ring with a bluo stone in it a flr tti hoped- for a- black kltton without a single white hair ijgejlpclft3flsijnrk balled hopfrom the dlnrr table his red tie flamed upflna j3flllid wo whats up w csi tjit hote worth saying goodbye to the only one 1 care for in mayvhto rodected vlnnie i will atop at hla olllco on my way to the trolley and ill tell him how sdrry i am that i turnad iilmoalde frpmaoelng althea and a sudden jealous pans made vjn- nle feel uncomfortable aa well an un- happy yinale wont up tho stairs of the byalneaa block in town porren thdrp4 looked uf with a welcomeanallo oh hla open handsome faco ana arbso to his feet quickly as the forlorn lllttc llgar came into the room wwy vinnle he exclaimed closp- lrir hor hand warmly are you folns trkveningr 1 l tea plooae warren i mean mr thorpe i can 1 get lqng with aunt jjfary and i think its better i hool bo back to couflln ophellae and oh inuatnt forget if waa m who knocked your hat o if with that snow ball warlron threw himself back with a hearty resounding iaugh then hla faee grew stkve as vinnle melted her store ih its entirety ahdaunt mary wantad xa to apologia to yom sho added arid i do yes indeed and pjeaso ga arftund and see althea for she soys i scared you iroroher i l wny np vinnle what would i coll there for when you are gonet you didnt think i went for any- reason except to seeyoiii did youf oh mr thorpe iinrdu mean warren corrected he vinnle dear f dbnt want you 10 go to cousin ophelia or to anybody else t want you to stay in mayvllle jut my wife gill alderson you know whats up marys golnjr to leave sisters elck going out to van couver dont know when shell bo back novor maybe- furthermore jack continued- mother doesnt know of anyone to get in marys placeantt shos half a pilnd not to- try sho thinks we might manage- to get alonff by ourselves this summer and savo money jack pounded downstairs and clo rinda opened her dqor onone ofjicr mr wooveb ai w4 ptps te5iv- fe sppaiclng ta tho greatavertlainff convention l at houston the united sian j3ecretfityuf commerce gave following reasons for the success of rfewapaper advertlngv tmconsttmeiv ewehlbg for arueln or service turns to the advertising oplumn of our press to learn just whoroto go of ter it and sovpdsth9 wnto motton and joss of time and strehjfth involved in blind search for fulfjment of his desire all theje thlrigs eliminate waste notion and time r- the sliml notion of w jite mollon in national merchandising feduoes selling dxen w wewspeper mdvrslhg judiciously umtf in ood merkete gtm distnbullen sw es atmlmhoasi ot v w hwmr vjeu tinli the aittwtalta w telf trhere lfls prodtict may he round vjurteiawjvhtfnity people utilise the aaron t to obtain tjiis information yon look aif youd just bought tho earth any good news at that moment the baby upset hts glass of no 11 1c and to clorlbdas joy the attention of the family was divert ed it wai a noisy merry uncoro monioua- meal and clorinda who liked ceremony noted a fortyilftli wlsh in hfcf mind to bo written down im- medlatoly after dinner but immed iately- after tho meal sally clamored for moro paper dolls that clorinda had promised to cut and tlmmy and ted besieged hor with demands for a new game im busy dears terribly busy clorinda told them her eyes sparkled at the tnotigbt of the delicious kind oi business that absorbed her three pfri ov shoulders dropped ab jectly three rnournful fafqsturnedio ne aecdhtngiy clorinda relented who could withstand sally and tlm my and ted perhaps ill wish all tho bettor for having a bit of a vacation she- said to herself a she get the material for the dollfl and started the game later lo llio evening she shut lior- olf in her room ard wrote wlahe sounds of gayty floated up the stairs cjorinoyi wrote slowly not because her attention was distracted by the merry jausrhter but becnuse-the- wishes came vetyhutrd sho hod not imagine they coukl come so hard tth0 next dtajr and the next thoy cam even harder finally in- desperation clorinda votajitit jacks help jacjc she staid just supioso you could clmngc anythlna you wanted to that l the way wo do things the way wo live you kn6wyclorlnda mnde a comprekenelvc sweep with her right arm what irould ybu change s npthln slid jack whntd i want to go amt easssge things for i like em allrlgita but there tire lets of things wo cant do that wed like to do sure mot jtftllows cant do overy- thlnv they wtfnl tb i guesfl unless they hustle rcund and get busy them selves getting busy worit help you to do everythinr tthats i bs orln und go with out then iv noticed that the fellows in his own and the girls too whohavd a lot moe than we do dont havo any better timet father ahd mothor aire prsttystoed to ua clevis even if they haventtfli much money as some othei people- f of cqunwe theyre good tou the girl rtnjle1 vcijitnsjiuy rtheyre the bes parante til the world twell fhet mm6re do yuu wmni nywtfyt sald ok as he turned iwacyi- l cjorlnds liitlasnd wtmtwsaijy totfer piiet boanlt lipsfihe wa body to take marys place if mary goes to vancouver- then she carefully gathered up the cards in thu long row on the floor twisted a rubber band round them and returned them to the lowest bureau drawer the 4ozen slips romatnlhff in the short row she stuffed into abox on the bureau o dear sho said im sick of wish ing tired and cross she went in search of lier- mother tm abnpsjsure 1 was going to chobso europe liut if mary gods away and mother doesnt get nnyoneclse in herpiuce i cant wiah it por how could mother do everything all by her self it would take two moro wishes to get me to europe now and i can only havo one odear clorinda mother smilod fromtabove a flashing needle im glad youve come cloey see if thoao buttons nce1 fastening will you she tossed jacket to clorinda poor mary it is her- -only- sl0erund she ls half wld with fear for- the telegramdld not say- muchiexcept to italchcrrotabre at once and vaitcouvor is so far away -perhaps- you cou id finish tho bruidon this skirt for her sho hardly soonis to know what bhos doing no better weekly our congratulations are extended to the acton rush pjuss on reaching its fiftieth birthday during tho 50 years it has novor missed an issue and that is saying very much no better weekly newspaper is published in ontario than tho acton fuch press win chester press a leidlng weekly iast week the acton itass pufcss completed fifty years- of continuous publication- the paper starting on do minion day 1875 three years- later tho presont owner mr hp mooro purchased a half interest from mr s w gslbrsltfe onevyc luitur tha oticr iinrtncr retired tb enter tho methodist ministry tho retiring mnm ber being tho prominent divine wo all know as rev t albert moore dd h p moore continued steadily at the helm and in march 1023 g a dills was- admitted into partnership the krkb pnjcss has becomo one of tho lead ing weeklies of theprovlnco under mr moores guidance and this achieve ment is the more remarkable when we consider that acton has a popular tlon of but 2000 pooplo the merchants and cltlxens of actoh generally nra loyal to their newspaper and messrs mooro and dills richly deserve tha success they tiara achieved the cc wishes thena many more yeararpf con tinuous success carleton place can adian one of the 45 graruatjbs who has foronehntf its fifty yrs boon intimate withthe freapireis tho following loiter from ono of the fortyllvo graduateu of tho frbb pjubbs will ho road with interest by those wio havo boon noting incidents in connection with tho completion of tho fifty yours off tho pupora history toronto july 2nd 102g mix it p moore o acton ontario deai mr mooro during ono of my chats with my old grundfathpr lust year ih which i was asking for certain in formation ho sltowad me his diary of 187d at that time i thought what a splendid idea it would havo boon if ho had kept tho diary con sistently during all of his long life j the fiteq piuses irf fifty years old during ah these years it has been a diary in the fullestson so of the word and i slncorbly hope that it may continuo many years come under the sftmo editor who inis guided its destinies- for forty- seven of its fifty years if i remember correctly it is twenty years this year since i first went into tho office- as an apprcn- tlcv bveh before that tjme posr slbly fowr or flvqyears i used to enjpy being around the office especially on -press- day and ro- member particularly well pulling the arms- qf the press folding the nowijpniorscuttlnur wood and also delivering papors for herb fyfe ern wilson bob holmes and allan smith so that you see x havo had some connection with the ivusb pjtbss for nearly half of f its existence it has occurred to mo that it might bo of considerable interest if you would publish tho names of the forty or fifty graduates who have come through the olllco in the last fifty years i can recall most of them twentyflvo years back arid would certainly apprec iate having a list of those who graduated before that time and since- if all of the graduates nro as grateful- to you for the training received as i m for the seven years spent in your office you must fool that the work accom plished in this connection has been well worth whllo to say nothing of tho lnfiuenco of tho news and editorial section of the paper dur ing all this time may tho good work long continue slnceroly charlie matthews we gladly comply with tho rqaueat of our estcemod graduate the list ju3kil rev t albert mooro x difred h sinythe john taylor willianf ieb- bnge william nickllnj georgo thurs ton jbo m mooro georgo stout martin e mccann john itamsay mitchell cobban georgo boston wli- liam kennedy ernest ebbago chas h mooro archy perkins arthur e mooro charles mccann john mar shall e j mooro john s moore a m smith horbort fyfo ernest wil son robert holmes jos b lake philip holmes percy griffith- charles a g matthews cliff prd rarashaw w o c kehney john l moore ga dills j victor coleman ernest brown earl vincent robert stowart joseph swackhamer anna carnahan clara b- mooro lloyd t forbes j campbell currie if nobody smiled x n if nobody smiled and iiobody chberca and- nobody helped us nlong if each every minute looked af tor hhnholf and the good things all went to tho atrone if nobody carefl just a littlo for you and nobody thought about me and wo all stood alone to the battle of lire what a drcury old world it 1 would be tho cheapness of mother graves worm- exterminator puts it wltlilu reach of all and it can bo got at any druggists v famouahistonicvolvme ono of tho most famous books great britain is tho property of thq royal society and la known as tho charter ioolcltjs bound in red volvot with gold clasps and cornor- ploces its pages of tho finest vellum beautifully illuminated contain tho signatures of all ltn members during tho past two and a lutlf centuries probably tho moht worfderful collec tion ot signatures of great men in the world the signatures of almost all british sovereigns and princes are- in tho hooks from charles it founder to king edward king george and tho prince of wales keatwgs kills bcctlcs spriokli in ckictam bcmamr mmh airliuat jwitkilllice ttnj tdufz ld caf2 clorinda sewed herself into a better humor tho sight of marys tear- stained face as she hurried away to the station pricked clorlndas heart oh she thought penitently hero ivo been wlahlnganjorts of nice things for myself and its made me cross and selfish and horrid when mary was in such dreadful trouble what a pig i am her mothers band rested lightly on her shoulder wo will hope dear that mary will find better news at the other end of her journey clorinda turned impulsively dont ybu wish she hadnt gone mothoi7 dear me no her mother answered i am sorry for mary very sorry bqt ijcdnt affordto-wasto- any -energy- in wishing when theres so much work tojbe done come to the kltchetvcio- rlpdavand ipts begin to do itl clorle wiped dishes for a while in sho community proud of their paper the acton fkjsffi jftusa celebrated its fiftieth birthday this wookv the first number was published on dominion pay h k mooro became so a owner and as such conducted tho puperuntll threo years ago when he admitted q a xllls an old emplpyeo into partnership among weekly news papers- the acton fiuaa poefla has hi- ways been considered ehe of tho best printed and edited newspapers in can ada acton has always been a om newspaper town thus giving mr mooro abetter opportunity fprflhnin- clal success and mr mooco has always lived up to his opportunities and given his town and community a paper which thoy may bo proud of markhnm economist 7 a halfcintury paper with its tssuo of lost week the acton fiucs p4sss8 completed fifty years of publication without having missed an issue for fortyseven years if hag been owned managed and edited by h p moore- who today stands high among ontarios veteran weekly pub lishers during- ah these years thfr paper hasbeen a ntrong ouprorter f every movement for tho welfaro and advancement of the thriving town of acton and its surroundings and is to day as vigorous aa over rfor est frew prees a uestion what is mclaughlin r buicks sealed chassis and what are its advantages stolen laughs one of canada brightest weeklies tho acton ftikbj pnass eclobrated its fiftieth anniveruary yesterday and of these fifty years mr hi jp moore has been editor for 47- years the fmju j of canadas weekly newspapers and bnt mjmpprcinn flparecl toguiclt its destinies for many years to come is the wish of his many friends in the province as mr- mborosays in an nounclng tho anniversary it has been tho constant aim of this journal ra advocate tho best interests of tho com munity to stand for high principles in all moroiiaaucsand to issue a family iiapor uplifting in opirit- cobourg sentinel star hlflh 8undrd on mors issues the era extends hearty congratula tions to the actoi bua pnsss on the completion of its jubilee of publication last wttek lis hlsrli standing on nil moral issues its large budget oif week ly local newfl its clean family reading and high standard of typography has given acton on enviable place amouj the towns of the province- theweckjy ottorsrromthoojdmart of the big clock tower wihlch have appoared for several years in which reminiscences oftho people in daysgone by aro re corded possess much value from an she are thoy qui to sure tho poor fellow is dead ho i think so ho comes from aber deen and when thoy went through jils pockets he didnt move an inch i shewhat makes tho loaves turn red in the fall hothey ore blushing to think how- green they have bcoh all qummert burr a young clergyman dolivering his maiden sermon said before i- came here only god and i know what i would talk about now only god knows wht -it- was hor do youlovo mo him do i what do ybu think i bought that bag of peanutsfor last wbok first convict wore you addressing mo second convict you didnt need to ba1 addressed you a re already where you are fcolug tennessee tor the lady tm very sorry to hear your wife is ih tom its too bad not dangerous i hope old tom thankee miss but she bo too woak nbvto- bo dangerous finger prints photos nnd songs can bo sent by radio but wo stilt uso the oldfashioned methods of sending a ham x mswer every mclughunbuicfe driving partis enclosed in ah iron or steel housing to keep dirt and water out and lubrication in the fanhub the motor the startergenerator the flywheel the clutch the transmission the universal joint the pro peller shaft and the rear axle all are completely protected the mclughanbuick sealed chassis is one of th mdlaughiin- cars last longer and are more trustworthy niin s v king representative for this section georgetown ontario on one cabby itniuatbq trying to a uroat psraon- ngo to hayo his clulmti to distinction ull unknown but liowovcr trying the bituutloh iib bud best be cautious about luttomptlng to so it rlht a scottish gontlemun learned this by ex- porlonce ho had a dispute with u london cabman over an oijthteon penny fare lie offered a shilling only but- fhocab- nian remonstrated with him rirawlns himself ui with dignity o said eh mon but r think yo dlnha ken whom yero speaking to im the mc intosh v the cocknoy waa not properly im pressed ho retorted sharply t dont carb if youre thohumbor olla i mean lo have that ulxponoo s vl and aro na doubt greatly appreciated by the pars ing genoratlbn wowiak- the fata piuna and iti gonial editor contlnuol prosperity and uucfuviio new morkot era wish for things yourself 7nother asked at- last v i used to said hor mother when t waa a little girl i think 1 had- almoat aa many wishes aa thera were minutes in the lay i wanted o ehiuigo- nearly everything round me a llttla old aunt told mo once that i jrould and it much more interesting to make the beat of things and j havo itb not bo exciting try lahd aee said her mother making the bbjrt of things la the moat exciting thing i know it tikes courage and persistence nnd splrlfand grit tind you never know exactly how you are coming but i shouldnt say that it lucks excitement two blank aline confronted clorinda from the top of tho dresser when just boforw six oclock she hurrlod nto her- room- she eootd kef hot faco in cloar water ran a comb through hot hair and changed her pink gingham for a rosesprigged dlmlty a pencil lay near the cards clorinda caught u up wish x may learn how to cook biscuit and not- cook myself aho wrote impulsively then she laughed a little put down the pencil picked it up again aud atared at the laat btank card- with her teeth shut oyer her lower up sutt- denly she drew a long breath and wrote deliberately while a aueer littlo smile puckered one corner of her mouth i wish i may nofc wlah any more wish this summer i think she said to herself as she ran out of uiorooml think that after all 11 going to choose my hundredth iahii v it waw not easy to wrlto to aunt mouy the next lay what would aunt kolly think vwouhl aunt molly un- deratandt- at last in determination a qam e for boys knock a tent peg liortly into tho ground and then ntnnd the players six feet away blindfold ono player arid into his hand put a mallet toll him to tuvn around foitr-ilnteer- and thon march forwara and try to jilt tho peg- the players try in turn the task is not at all an easy one and niubh ahiusement will be alcorded tha spec tatdra hy tho enattc oourses taken by tho players tired of trrmru think of twna that oloruida swept all th letters and be- l i theooctoraiimswer v a woman who had given a dinner party met her doctor in tho street tho following day and stopped to apeftk to hirt t am o sorry doctor sho said that you wcro unable to cometo my dinnerpnrty laat night it would have done you good to be there it has alfeady done mo good he replied tersely r have jut prb- acribd for thrco of tno guosts just so although i am probably the biggest smoker in the unlluo klimdoni sir thomas lilntbn remiarked to a friend the other day i nover smoke dears ypa prefer n cljaretlo or a pipe perbttpe the friend queried politely no r never hmbko nlthor was tlio reply then niay i ask what yyou amokott i bacon waa the laconic reply do tofarmersandothers sfiall you be needing ferti lizer this poll i shall bo fflud to take your order for any of tho widely- known national brandt- for fnrri or piirden uao at closo prices in largo or amall quanti ties also tankage for hosb anl varioufl other cattle feeds try carbola tho new dlslnfeetlns white paint in powder form instead of whitewash for your poultry- houses etc dries puro whlto and does not flake or pool off and is a real disinfectant onco you use cnrbolayou will novor tm back to whitewash full par- tlcuhrrs from fiunkscbiven aftent for national fertilizers ltd west toronto b6r 150 acton ont v many a prudent housewife has found jprofitameto ads to effect a household clearance sale in many homes are stored away dis used articles of household equipment sewing machines baby carriages articles of furniture and even personal apparel and other individual thingsall of which may be turned into ready cash by taking advantage of the free press want ads a market may be-develop- ed for all articles that may have any in trinsic value a household clearance sale conduct ed through free press want ads has been the means of ridding many a household of discarded articles free press want ads will bring buyer and seller togetherruse themthe cost is small classified advertising rates two cent a word for the first insertion with minimum charge of 30 cenul subsequent insertions one cent per wont with minimum charge of 30 cents free press want ads bring results prkss i iktfisa ssissns ii psi vftivr itr jif v sxft staffisiabwfielai fljprt sk is fitiiswaemamat jjw4kwsic v

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