Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1925, p. 3

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gftg artmt 3to lrrnb thursday july 16 1025 a thought for you you hinyiead a liorno to water hut you cannot make him drink you may tfonu a boy to college hut you cannot make him think you may preach jiomo men a aormon lint youll nevci change their way theyll go right tomorrow ab theyve started out toduy vou may tell them tn ho bunking hut theyll never luivo a cent vou may urgo them to be building hut theyll keep on paying rent you may write a lot of verses that youll never ace in print you may tell a bore youre busy but hell never talto the hint you may lend on men to business hut theyll never make a start you may show nomo mon their duty hut theyll never do their part you may lend a horse to water hut youll llnd this true i think that unless the horso la thlraty theres no way to make him drink appreciated opinions of experts cornmonts by conftrea reapactinu at tainment of jubllae yitar tho acton fjikb pxtsaa two wcokaago completed fifty yeara of publication to say that it improves with ago dooa not fully describe -tho- advancement which has been continuous fjclean n dress and honest in dealre tbe ftacs pioess is the prldp of its publishers and the envy of those who are unable to equal its excellence may it continue tq prosper brampton conservator tho acton fsasm press haa poased itbcqu anniversary it jtejla editorially of the progress made during half a century and of tho pride felt by the management and staff in its accom plishments the note of pride la amply justified across half a continent the itoff later extends heartiest congratu lations r to an exchange of the most worthy type and hearty good wishes to the veteran editor for many more yeara of appreciated usefulness neo- powa man register tho acton fmes pkhss has reachod tho fiftieth milestone in its journalistic career and is still showing no signs of old age of course a man at 50 years these days is considered young but in tho case of a newspaper when has reached tho halfcentury mark it ictlm allo signs of decay noi so however with the frxs pwras it is still going strong and has all the op pearances of youth and sprightlineas as if the passing years meant nothing to it in tho way of slackening its pace it la now heading or the non- tury marjc with all prospoctoof roach- inff it milton reformer tbat dude of weekly journalism tho acton hum pukes has com pi o tod ita fiftieth year and it is today of that some high standard set for it so raariy years ago v cnref ully edited well printed and always holding to that which was good for acton and its community the un fiutsa has render ed an invaluable service to its town tho old man of the- big clock fcower is one of the feature of this paper and through its reminiscences week by week much of the daily story of acton qjid its people fr pianod on its records as time passes thefre prates is now doing a similar work for the present may tho fttaes fitsss cpntlnuo to enjoy prosperity colungwood bul- letin- tho acton fnex puses has just com pleted its fiftieth year of publication tito iirejaont editor mr h p moore haa been af the helm continuously for fortyseven ycara the nun prows is one of the select canadian weekly newspapers and has always been re garded as a model for small town weeklies fearless in its stand for all that pertains to good cltlxenshlp uplifting in spirit clean in tone and typography the fjuob pnsss has wield ed a big influence in its territory the publisher of this sheet as a former employee is pleased to tender the fi ppmtsa heartiest congratulations and tho very kindest regards with the hope that its veteran editor may long be spared to continue his actvltlcar povrassen news ror rosllveretl and in removing tho backing found thla old papoi had been put in between tho glaarf and the backing it had prolmluly rested thciq all these nlxtyoifit years you ore welcomo to multe what uno of it you please yours truly j w mcpiirk toronto july 6 1925 thla old onkvlllo paper one of ho earl lent publiahcd in thla county li certainly quite a llnd the impel ih vujmfnto 42 offlco in tho ntuvy block colborno street tho subscrip tion prlco was 200 per year in ad vance 1250 at the end of the year there la nothing to indicate who wih tho publisher or editor a- numbe- of mimes familiar tp old folks like myself appear in tho news and adver tising column a among these ar robert balmer postmaster e j ogden surgeon and oculist doty co oakvllle steam engine works i j b chlshofm druggist w ii young undertaker cabinet maker und up holsterer henry gullcdge saddle and hurncaa establishment john mooro a co nkihufuctu of ti wm waaa licensed auctioneer r k the htfmestead front its windows lamps have shone night by night for fifty yeara fires have warmed it to tho bone laughter love and aftcrtcars are inwrought in beam and stone now the clearnamed lamps are dead solitude and ancient night over it their mnntlo spread void it stands of old delight laughter even tears are fled yet o houao of hlindedeyos life in death doth ever cling and the rose falls not to rise at tho summons of tho spring patience house of memories by helen bulhs islas infirmities overcome his desire to write further isla who has contributed a number of interesting columns to tho space allotted to me finds that the infirm ities of age prevent his further writing for publication ho says in this last letter to me and now i wish to tonder my very sincere thanks to tho editor the old man and all tho rest of my readers for the kindness and tho patience they have shown toward the crudities 1 have inflic on the in the screeds i have written for this column there are several reasons why i tako leave of you in thismnannor but my physical inability is tho greatest yours gratefully isla but the- dear old man sent a preface to his letter which illustrates hla love for the place and his desire that all should know that ho haa no disloyalty to it in his makeup hero is hla presentation i fear from the comments you made respecting my remarks on the old time jdeihonstratlons in acton that i con kjffliargcd with being disloyal to theiradutjons of my old home town ye ken laddies its an ill bird that fyles its ain nest and i would not wish to be clasbed among that kind from my very stupidity i may have seemingly given that impression but t wnigj wrftmng l w ti strenuous expression of our love for our great country with all her resources and possibilities feeling that- wq aro a people blessed in that we have such a goodly heritage to you sir i award the palm for the article you wrote on tho inauguration of our dominion the means hy which the word dominion was chosen and its vivid outlining of what the future holds in store recognizing that we as a nation must live up to high ideals if we would fulfill all that god would have us do islav gocre- m arid- publisher of the fnn prates at acton ontario for 47 years has been celebrating the jubilee flfty years of ptittlcatlon of that model country weokjy it is the only rural weekly newspaper that my wife regularly reads so it must t be a specially good and interesting family journal tho fxutb fjacss has never missed an issuo during its half century of existence and lias been an able and conslstant supporter of every good cause espec- iauy6t itfebmevhsldnoot chufcn find temperance the fm press is unique n that it is printed on a higher grade of paper than the ordlnofy town week ly tho statesman was 75 years old in 1924 the senior editor and magis trate moor have been associated rem several organisations and no publisher is more highly- respected i than hevtho bowmanvillo statesman the acrotx fakb ijxasa has passed fiftieth consecutive year of publication in its issue of last week with the uttiqutereeord of l never haying missed one issue the finapdjcss isbhe of the best of all the canadian weekly papers published the proprietor and publisher lrfrh p moore is receiving the congratulations of fellow members of the fourth estate as well n many of h smhffclipe hnvft hflftii well wevenll enjoyed talas re miniscences very much nnd regret he is obliged to censo from penning them i am sure my readers will join mo in the sincere wish that all hla future days may bo happy oncsand that he will yet have the pleasure of an oc casional visit to tho old homo which ho loves so much reading the pewsy columns of his paper from the beginning and has good reason tobe proud r the success attained it is a bright and cheerful publication and contains all the news of the dlstrlcc with wellconsidered and interesting editorial reviews of world news in general the celebra tion of its semicentennial jubilee con stituted an event in acton as it should particularly in those days when news papers everywhere ore experiencing more than ever the effects of outside conn petition the mercury extends its congratulations to the fium pnxss and its publisher and hope that both may continue in order to celebrate the pub lication of a centennial number the guolph dally mercury r the following pow from mr j e career exprosidwnt of the ontario horticultural society is very greatly appreciated dean mr moore conlsratulatlons to the acton fnns pftkba on reach1ng the 50 m etono without mlbslng an issue this is a record to be prpud of and i extend to you and your able stfifc the best wishes for the future i remember quite well an example of how well your paper stands with its readers when going io ochobc wh re as i sat conning over the past out in the sunshine of our back porch i said to myself i wonder who rememr bers when mr webber tho millers residence stood on a little hill across from the mill just about where blily andersons fine brick houao now stands and the narrow deep gulley between tho garden gate and the road side and tho twentyinch hardwood plank which tho boys had to walk across toget to tho webber homo fltieaiowhenthey-callcdto-sco- tho glrhi and that there were four of them as fine looking girls as were to bo seen in all tho country side and i wonder who remembers when there was a dulcimer factory in the shop where tom ebbageran a pump factory and made the best wooden pumps to be found anywhere in the country or the trunk and hand bag factory in the samo building where lew mcbrlno made fine trunks and billy frlck made flratclnss club bags and valises for moore mcgarvin back thirty years or so ago and then i wondered who remembers the bigordnge parades fifty years ago when john kenney sr- carried th bible in the procession and when tho procession aiwnya ended at bells tav ern on mill street where william bell s hla br orangem wjtll the nest roast lamb now potatoes and green peas for dinner and liquid re freshments galore to wash the big din ner down and as j sat there i wondered again if there is anybody here now who can remember when john holts woollen mills stood on main street just where river- street intersects it and what a fine cltlxeh john holt was and how everybody in acton was sorry when bo decldod to give up business here and move his family to michigan c his holm issuer of marriage licences jno mcdonald co importers of british french and american dry goods toronto j baateuo surgeon and dentist hannahsvlllo dr jones trafalgar j a beaty dealer u in dry goods groceries llquora and room paper j prestons hotel hornby gdlbert t baslcdo attoruoyatlaw milton g j baker livery btablo keep er near tho brick achoolhouaiujft-t- villo winter howitt provincial land surveyors milton the following aro named aa the councillors of trafalgar j d lyon j f orr j a chiaholm r k chia- holm and- jacob lawrence insjiectora of houues of public cntev- tainmerit- joseph patterson wlllfnjn wasji george j baker and lawrenco hager the sentinel appears to have jioju more attention to foreign news than to local happenings its leading editorial shows very- distinctly its politics for it berates the grits und polnta out tho bungling of george brown and william mcdougal of tho globe hero ju a sample of the politics of the day wo aro surprlaed that any body of men purporting to have claims on society should admit as one of their number a sacrilegious ghoul who makes hia hideous repast among the lono tene ments of tho dead and steals through unguarded open doors to violate the hearthstones of the living apart from this however- we discover ovidonce of weakness and failure- in tho movement now under consideration and thats the kind of- stuff we read and looked for in our local newspapers during election campaigns 60 or 70 years ago the sentinel had its jokes through in thdse days in the columns ad joining the above leading edltorlall dis covered the following bon mot of that timo down the hoops tho lost wicked thing said- about hoops is tho following thanks mutterod our bachelor friend no more women in heaven thoy cant get in their hoops are now so broad that they will havo to go the broad rdad7npno of thoo fashionables can6ver crowd through the narrow gate here is another what la the dif ference between a maiden of ubcuen- and a maiden of alxty one in care less and happy nnd the other is hairless and catty say wouldnt you rather havo the kmtftl nfv ft rittc doinqsat acton england news of the week from the columns of the gszette fc dean inge preached at acton parish church on sunday morning three lads were each fined 2u gdu t acton police court on wednesday playing cricket on the streets at ac tun green there was a largo attendance at tho acton brotherhood meeting on sun day tho occasion being the fifteenth anniversary of tho male voice choir an old resident of acton has passed away at the age or eightyfour in tho person of mrs annie bleaklnutop spence canon lewis donaldson of weiit- minster abbey will preach at tho st peters church ac ton green on sun- th 00 p m tli of the patronal feast taking advantage of the recent spell of fine weather and- tho long dayj some actonlans have been holidaying making early this year thomas gilbert fletcherroad acton green was fined 4 nnd cyril aahforil grange road ealing 3 at aoton police court on wednesday for ex ceeding the motor speed limit it is estimated that tlfe approxi mate gross saving in acton through 4ho application of lord burnharris award on teachers salaries will he 650 this year and 1000 next william t a ulfigie maoroad of kew was fined 4 at acton police court on wednesday for driylng t motor bus to the public danger in tii acton vale tho mayor has been congratulate by the- education committee upon so- curing election on tho executive com mittee of the association of education committees residents of acton had an opportun ity of helping the fnuds of dr bar- nardoe homes on saturday when its thoresult of a flag day the aum of 3d 4s was raised for exposing for sale loaves of bread not weighing an evon number of pourlds john harjreavflarosfiornf tho hociui- ilfo of tho workcrh f tho nolghoorhood organized an outliik for tho children of ita membora on satui- day and it proved to be ho aucaeasful that it will beooniv an annual fcaturo of trie cluba actlvitivt piiie amounting to 70h wore impos ed lit acton police court on monday op john foater a laborer of dearaell- routl who wiih charged with hcliifr drunk and disorderly and using oh- sconc language and with aaaatlulng a policeman on tuesday evening a collihlon oc- durred in higlfatrcot acton between a motorcycle and a bicycle ridden by mr t collins learn roe street hani mersnjlith who waa treated at the irs aid dyessink ntatlon for cuta on hi hands hut required no further atten tion a noteworthy gathering of public men and jo utrtn lists wan hold in the iliircourt room at the house of com- mona on wednesday afternoon it was a luncheon given by sir harry brlttaln chairman of theconfereine arrangementa committee a wedding of considerable interest took place in the acton congregational church- on satuitluy- when misa- mary macaulay daughter of the hi to- mr r macaulay and ixa macaulay of aber deen wfth married to mr- a leslie harris aon of mr and atra- j hnrrld 5 graveroad acton 1 came out hero because you were a rich man to fool you and a11 i have done ih fail in love with you and fool myself la the confesaidn of tha heroino of thcwomiui who fooled herself which will be shown hero at tho globe theatre acton next mon day tuesday and vvedneaday that gangs of boys from surrounding dlatrlcta came to acton during the weokend and made a noise in tho dis trict was stated by inapcctor boagley- at acton police court on monday wheri-gcorge- shepphnrra costormbri- gcr of rowton house hammeramltli waa fined 10a for insulting worda and behaviour in churchrood acton an interesting ceremony took place at wembley on tuesday when tho boys of actou and chlswlck- junior technical school visited the exhibi tion astho guests of the australian commissioner mr lee nell during tho afternoon mr st claire grondona on behalf of the cori miss loner pre sented the school with the australian flaff fi mrs roao bcnnot windsorroad of eallny purchased oneshiliingsworth of strawberries from two boys who- were hawking fruit on tuesday not having any change alio gave tho hoys a 1 note saying that they could not change it one of them went round the corner to get change thoy did nonreturn ahd after soma waiting mrs ucnnet informed tho pollco tho boya woro arrested weekly fashion hint teach your children that homo la a plnco where everything should bo pleasant and you will have- taught them one of the most valuable lessons in life gems of thought the smart cape dress the cape dress is the rage of the fashionable club3 and restaurants having first made its appearance on the riviera the model pictured is in crgpe satin in a beautiful soft shade of gray the open neck of the model pictured is undcrfaced and rolled to form rcvcr3 the lower edge is trimmed with scalloped bands but the cane hartga in straight effect finishing- the heck of the cape 3 a collar cut indnc with tiestrings medium size requires 7 yards 3 6inch material suppose you were somebody else would you like yodrsolf would you like to be in your own company would you want you for a pal would you go to yourself for advjec encouragement and sympathy wouhl you trust yourself in a pinch would you aglvo youraelf a job a raise in salary would you like you for a tenantt would you pick yourself for a father a mother could you suggest any improve- ments quite right tho school inspector waa examining a clasa of small boya now can any of you toll mo what lshnets are madoof ho asked yea sir said tho boy at tho bot tom of the clans a lot of holea tiol together with string jot into the habit of looking for the ullver lining of the cloud aiid you havo found c continue to took at it rather than at i ho leaden gray in he middle it will help you oven very many hard places aviliutm a ulble and a iicwspnpoi- in every bouse a gooiachool in every dis trlcl all- kyrfdled and mmieciated ii they merit are the principal support of virtue7moiality and civil liberty franklin ho that despairs measures provi dence- by hla own little contracted model anil limits infinite power to finite apprehensions south the mighty memories of tho pus are of use only aa they servo to spur ua on to work in tho present theodore roosevelt put oft thy cares with thy clothes so nhall thy rest- strengthen thy labor and so thy labor shall sweeten thy rest quarlcs i v jkenyau willwont onefir 7our ovntftckm sup tho vory feci of it will mako you want to own it it balances bo nfcoly seems to to just right the handle is jiff id and docs not tip around like a hinged handle that means no slipping- scalded bands or acclcicnto sco how you fill itt you lift tho hinired lid and can fill it right under the top or by dipper because the opening is nt tjfio side not the centre mot importnt thcmtww uplodiu krulc ctiua thu uio old fuhlaned buie en li tea kettle for sale by james symon mill st acton donf buy a lire we offer partridge quality tires at prices which make them absolutely unequalled tire value you can buy partridge tires right here in- your home town at these low prices there is no uncertainty no delay you see before you buy call and inspect our stock buy from us and avoid disappoint ment sold by partr0g i quality lirem ha coxes send your answer today i wrtfl o- memuer of the firat commercial class hold in the public schools our teacher was david younr and to show and the more i wondered tho more my wondering grew and i tried to re member how many people aro still in acton who were here when charjlo symon decided to net out his storo to x t christie and david hendcr son and go to parry sound to become the general manager of tho guelph lumber company there or tho years hefore whon dr mcgarvin tory would go across tho street to ymona atorc and talk politics with charlie symon grlti and go backmad when charlie would open the morning qlpbo and read tho dr some of george browns editorials proving that tho grits were right and doing tho best for the country and tho torlea head over heals in tjie pacific acandal i wonder who remembers 0 the old man totrtaxtoti7walitmedjro nt asfijfv pollco court on wednesday the junior primroac league- will hold a garden party at franlfii meadow boat acton tomorrow every bud has received an invita tion and 6d tickets have been issued enabling parents nnd friends to at tend at the wost london poli6e couit pn wednesday joseph hart hawker south alton waa charged with be i riff drunk whilst in pharge of a iwny anfl cart cyril atherston of here fordroad acton was fined 1q if highgate xollco court last wek tor having driven a motorcycle at a high speed dangerous to tho public in hampateadlane the mayor was tho central figure lit a pleasant little ceremony at trio acton hospital on friday even in tj marking the formal inauguration of truj wircleaa system which hua bcon install od at the institution ivcdk spearey a laborer of no fix ed abodorcwho aald that he had no monev and noohomo wafl fined 7a 6d or one days imprisonment at aoton police court on monday for being drunk nnd incapable on saturday oven haltons first newspaper i received tho following lottor this l l week frpm my venerable friend and what neatn meant he held up a fo b0h of 0 yearb n copy ox tfce acton rub prawi akoi jonn mcphoo tor copy of mm other paper and showea on the dlntoronco mr youni stated at r that llmo tha thero wero few papers 1fuud that would compare with tha anonlkm ftrral in setup and neat ness sou have sir kopt up tho flno record wishing you continued success in the years to come tours very truly 1 b caktbu ouelph july 11 1026 tho old man of the big clock tower dear sir i am sending you under iioparnto covers wluut may pouhlhly bo of nasajrur interest to you a klnncc will toll you thai thin ih a copy of the oakvlllo sontlnel published at oakvllto on friday january 0 1867 tho way i- came acroslt waa this i was having an old rplr- incr- at a meeting of the acton conserva tive association last week it was de cided to organise an lntonslvo propa ganda for the ensulnff three months features of which will be inflnor and outdoor meeting and tho dlstrlpuir of literature 3vedk ileed of soymdurroad acton and john lmeonl of actonlane acton were charged in acton police court on saturday with gambling a- turnham green common at police court pn tuesday stanley qrlnt fin nrtlhclalflowcr maker of spencorrdad acton was charged with wilfully damnglhg a glass door- panel valuo ios at tho same address tho property of isaac conoy a contrajctdr he was fined 10s tho south acton qlub 69 strafford- roud whloh play an lmportant port in rsipirm of ncwipsptrs carrrlor tbu adtwtiae- bimt abattld nat mtir boohl the contataat sdectvs b7 th jniftm for nnvsrm wrj tli litwill be lirfgiil all sslstuns ate and akall rffashl thppt7 ef til canaauui bjlsv arena ceatntaats um to aaut y tha daclalaa of ih 1tf tnrn whkh tatre ahall b as appeal doyouwontoplnno ararllooraphonofrraph someone fa going to win the grand prizes with just a few nunutes work it might just as well be you i piano contests have proved so popular that the canadian selling agents arranged with a piano a radio and a phonograph manufacturer to con duct thiscontefit three big prizes and a number of other rewards are offered if yon want a piano a badio or a phonoirraph send in your answer today start at once and count the dollar harks and remember prizes go to the best neatest most original correct answers dont wfim i o a tie the first answer received wins the prize read the rules an instructions carefully then send in your answer this might be your lmy day every correct answer receives a reward let prize instructions write your name and address plainly and carefully with your count of the number of dollar marks to the neatest best most original correct answer will be given absolutely without cost a beautiful 46000 piano for the next best neatest most original correct answer a 27500 radio set will be given to the next boat will be given a 15000 phonograph additional prizes purchasing vouchers valued at from 10000 to 20000 will also be given- i send your answer to things remember answers may bo sub mitted on this or a separate sheet of paper or any other material there is no limit to the alio of the solution somebody is going to win the prizes and cverj one of them is absolutely free read tho rules and instructions again send in your answer now today 3rd prize canadian selling agents 32 water street south galt ont coupon my count of the dollar marks is namr addius88 i un ine

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