Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1925, p. 4

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m the home of ijr arum jteffoah member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton free press is published every thursday morning at the free press bnildlnr mill street acton ontario the subscription price is 100 per year in advance postage la cbarsed additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising ratestransicnt advertise menta io cents per line agate measure for grst insertion and 5 cents per line for each aubse qucnt insertion contract display advertise- xncnts for 50 inches ot more per a 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisement with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h p moore president and editor 0- a duls manager andaasistant editor telephones editorial and business office v nw residence of president nj residence of manager 131 doctors liquor prescriptions further limited theameadment to jhe ontario temperance act passed by the legislature at the last session limiting doctors prescriptions for liquor to thirty it month is now in effect notifications of this fact is contain ed in a circular letter sent to the medical profession by the board of license commissioners this nrnen ment differs from the former rcguhition covering pre scriptions in that the number if stipulated in the act itself further if a doctor exceeds the author ized number of liquor prescriptions he may be hailed to court and charged with a breach of the ontario temperance act since the ontario temperance act came into force this is the fourth reduction in the number of prescriptions issuable originally no limit was fixed then the number was pinged at 100 a month a further reduction to 75 a month was made and the last reduction befpre the new amendment brought the number downio so a month neighborhood news- town and country ma88aqaweva thursday morning july 16 1925 r editorial y the value of a dollar day 7 jptpllar day sales are growing in popularity among the merchants of the various towns of on- tirio these concerted sales accomplish various gratifying results they bring the business people intocloserbusiness relationship and helpful co-oper- ation they appeal to purchasers fronf a wide area they enalle the merchants to reduce their surplus stocks satisfactorily at a minimum- of cost and they supply the community with needed and desirable good at substantially reduced prices theoakville record says last year a number of the merchants vpf the tum participated in a dollar day event in which- the buying public benefitted to a considerable extent this year it wilj be under the direction of the oakyille business mens association and twill be made a much larger possibility the dearborn independent on prohibtion arecent issue of mr fords paper the dearborn independent devotes an entire page tp a discussion of prohibition in the united states the centre of the page contains a panel display type which is ar follows an arm is raised to kaifethe constitution of the united states in one of its most vital parts the eighteenth- amendment is the object of this menace the country is hot behind this jt is the work ofthosewho arte deprived of piling up fufealtht oil the weaknesses of their fellowmen there is no thing sincere in any movement based on the assump tion that law which is for the benefit of thtf com munity as a whole must be bad because it deprives a section of that community of the opportunity of preying upon others the burglar and the boot legger as vioiatersof the law are in the same cate gory they are as one iri their opinion that those who seek to restrict their activities are doing them and injustice are we on the side of the burglar and bootlegger or that of soilnd citizenship then fel lows the main article which is an unqualified en- dorsntion of prohibition coming as it does from a great captain of industry who is not only a national but a world flgurte it has peculiar force mrp kdwnrd darby of lcnatchbull fled on thursday nxternoon of last voolt in hor 71st yeur deceased had boon in ioor health for somp time and oo wodnosday evonlhff previous sho took u paralytic stroke which caused her death the funeral was hold on saturday afternoon from tier late rest donco knutchbull to trie isbanexcr cemetoiy roy e milton car-tor- b a a former nuutor preached the funoral aormon the pall bearers wore mesbra j mhrshall david wilson i y nor- rlah george mlchlc george gordon and john lister rlerhiisband and two aona charles a and w i darby and her nffca mother mrs tiros boston of guolh two brothers john t and alfred survive tlie bereaved ones have the doepestjsymimthy of tho community in their sorrow special services held in tli eboncior church last sunday moralnr and evenlns were held under tie auspices of tho ladies aid society of the church rev air marsh spoke ond a garden pjirty was held on tho church lawn on tho loth inst rev mr marsh the new pastor of the nubsagaweya circuit ot taj united church of canada commenced htq pustorntvjuat sunday july 5 la tho eboncuorjjfchurch his sermon was interesting and instructive session passing accounts r the june meeting of nassagavveya council was spent in consider- ino bills georgetown editorial notes j- our canadian timber iands the total stand of timber in canada is estimated fn rrrgpri attfin million fcft hniir mea of raw material and 1280 cords of pulpwood fuelwoo posts etc a total of 246826 million cubic feetr of this 108946 million cubic feet is in the eastern prp- yinces sm23million in the prairie provinces and 81657 million in british columbia but british gol- e umbia has 70 jyjr cent of the saw material in the do- 1 minion over eighty per cent of the timberland in ji canada is owned by tjhrc dominion- or the provincial jk governmehts and the timber is- disposed of almost pr entirely under license to cut over definite areas for jwtrichjin ahtttial groundrent arid a royalty on the timber cut is charged these licenses are for the 4most part renewable ariiiually the govertaments re- fgs- serving the rights to alter the rates of rentalorthe rcryalty and to impose such regulations as are deemed expedient the direct revenue to the federal and governmehts from the forest amounts to about 12 0000 annually of w abo 45oo0 is spent p- jn proteqtion and administration- exports of paper and paper products from can ada during the fiscal year 192425 were ynlued at 99941910 as against 96957962 in the previous twelve mbrrths newsprint exports accounted for nearly 92per cent of this total all over the country thinking people alarmed by the lowering of moral- standards arhong the yourig are taking counsel to see what can be done to meet thesituation is it really not due to re missness in moral training in the home it is not difficult to understand thepopularity of field marshall earl haig now on a visit ft canada music lts attractiveness and its influence l- it isveportedthat in a fairly populous community in the west a careful study has veen made by social x workers of girl life- in the open country and in the small towns of the district a questionaire was sent outandamongthe questions asked was this i- what china is again in serious internal fejrment and there is great- reason to fear that the restlessness may culminate in another serious civil war it is no secret jhatcgrtain revolutionists in russia hope psr7ofru ostiruplhaarrd thus destroy the- commerce and li replied 238 named music the second prefer ence whish was for embroidery had only nine votes in its favor as the love of music is not exceptionally great in that particular neighborhood what a light i the answers throw on the puzzling problem how tu cretite an social jife for young people in isitjje country the oldfashioned singing school so jjjar tothe hearts of our parents and grandparents jsllquld be revived it mightbe difficult to get again iithe oldfasmoned singing master but it isquite pos- dblc toforrn a singing club and to select from the tiajghhorhnnd the pe wh hnsljadtheuhest train- r jbg for itiusieateadership if no itttmg persori csltl befound some one from a nearby town should oemployed much has been done in some places through the church choir in one case the minister rfffado a notable success he gathered tbe young i people from the farms into his choir in the church the village and trained them so well that they tsrinqt only a source of joy to their own community sbdttheywere invited to sing at festivals all over toe countryside he revived the beautiful old idea of ithe taster serenade and also brought music to cheer ilie old and the- shutins through his young peoples ofjoif the local band and the school orchestra can p used to advantage and fn this respect this si50mmuiiity is especially favored one successful bdiiintry pastor reached some very rough boys arid gfybung men in his community through a band which ijlid a soothing irlfluence upon their turbulent spirits tfijike the strains of davids harp had upon saul not jj ony docs music meet the social need of the yourig fseopie but the habit of singing together fosters the iirjt of toperation this was shown with very fjgritifying effect during tiis late war when com- jtruriity singing had a large place at nearly all our jpublfc gatherings jn speaking of the improved rural ifcijife in derimark prof carver of harvard university ipscfcysy evtilry student who is intimately acquainted sjwthe history of the movemeiit agrt the plpbpulflr recreations and festivities have been powe- fill aids in creating this spirit and that the popular wns and hymns and the habit of singing themtb- scther on all occasions have given to these rccrea sgtljiiis andfetivitiesl a patriotic and religiou cha- js to btr fourfd nowhere today on so at calgary the other evening when the honors were being generously conferred in connection with tho great victories in the war he only accepted them as honoring the gallant fellows i was privileged to command dont park your car wltliln so feet of btrcct intorseotlons or flrft hydrants lntown or you may get into trouble bandmaster williams of guelph has started his class of bofilaners tor the georgetown band w c bartlett of bramptom has purchased the boot and ehofl buslnpss formerly owned by mr ruraford a grant of s60 was made to cover tho expenses ot representntlroa fronri the fire brigade to the convention at thorold mr and mrs j h cameron and mr and mrs h robb and son of toronto were vlslrocs at mr george wrlgglesworfhs on sunday mr h r mlmmb has been appointed auditor for the municipality of george town at a salary of 200 pev year tho- council has declared monday august 3rd civic holiday for the town of georgetown a shower was held last nreek at mrs r i creelmdns for jclises mil dred itennody and helen robs- both tho above young ladles were alsb tho recipients of bhowers in the towns in which ttiey were teaching mr a g green who hha rcsltnied as principal of our public school nag ac copied a position as principal of the burlington public school and will com mence his duties iil the lnke shore town at the beginning of the fallterm mr green came to georgetown thirteen years ago and has done excellent work as principal of the arfiool here his entrance classes have dlwaya had a higher percentage of passes ttiah any other school in the county and as an educationalist ho is in the superior claas- his placb in the public school life in our town will be hanl to fill as a cltison he has always taken an active part and interest in anything that was for tho betterment- of the community herald at tho mooting of the nussagawalva council on june 29th tho following ac counts were passed rbt forrler wintor roads j jucxan mavelllnk jas stokes gravelling w king gravollrng w i31acklock rcpalrh and ox- press m w howard grading j service grading austin iredgc nllfng wnsh- r c menjilcs wire goo morris grading geo harris grading goojarris jiuporlptendunco geo hurrlb exponsea r j anderson crushed stono contract w r wilson crushed iltpne contract ivan flanders spreading stono robert inglls gravelling w johnson gravolllrig j marshall postage nnd ex- press municipal world advlco fjleo- harris- grading v acton fiura pracss printing climax machinery co repairs j binck ulvert qvcreerrroro gravol c ramshaw rrlovlng grader j w moffat pbfltuge and ox- 00 24 20 20 15 8 0s 12 2g 8 25 s go 240 25 7g 137 go 2gs 7g 226 4c 8 00 400 00 416 92 28 7g 25 05 4 40 10 20 1 0d 00 25 j s 69 93 4 75 0 90 2 75 wtitjorffet excnsiop usuutvofflnifnm ucttl0nurwwbui aciokaourifu 7wt0nont you wont forget the name once youve tried excelsior flour i acton flour and feed mills d h lind8ay proprlotor- mill strteet acton ont 5 150 u82it80 ah will be observed nearly tho whole of this ambuntwas expended for im provement of townahip roads erin j 1nqto mr bam nurse has purchased tho property of mr huffh hofftr at bris bane mrs suffatmah- has returned from a vifllt with friends at portlan j maine mrs hugh white of pasadena california is the pueflt of mrs alex mclnchuin and other friends a respected cltlsen of our vihags passed peacefully away on thursday evening july 2 in the person of mary jane mccalir relict of the latosrymjua mclean in her 74th year mrs sr p bush and mrs huffman have returned home after spending a month with mr and mrsp c mac- lean at st john nr b they rtoport a yery pleasant trip on saturday last mr wm wheeler 22nd slderoad delivered to mr s win ton- it eln station 4 janlw which netted him 1350 oh the average the best lamb weighed s lbs and brought 11550 rev e r hall b a of caborb ia the new pastor of the united church of canada and preached lili introduc tory sermon hre on sunday last when a large congregation enjoyed a splendid service in the death of john preston at the home of his soninlaw mr f j anthony of this village- tin friday tho 10th inst- one of the oldest citizens of the village and an early pioneer of east oarafraxu township paused his reward in jils ninetieth year advocate climax bug killer ja boon to potato growers ammarket v gardeners it destroys potato buffs without jnjurlnirhe plants as lntho case or paris- oreen l saves its cost in labor of applying- it- stimulates the growth and increases the yield it adheres to the leaf and does its work after considerable rain it is a perfect treamont for cuifeint gooseberry and cabbopo wornw cucumber or hose buors or any insect that feeds upon tho loaf come in and abk about climax bag killer and get our prices phone 76 wdtalbot sole agent in acton main 8treet acton f when usntf- wilsons fly pads sx l d dirfctions v- carc cully- and jllqw fhtfly cactlv there is one all the flies this itdukcn the zoom mm mad as possible clou tha windows xtise one of the blinds where tbe son shines in about dr chqrles comselt chairman of the dominion fuel board warns canadians to fill their coal bins as soon as possible inview ot the possible industrial struggle in the united states coal fields importa tion of british fuel he added had reduced imports from the united states in the past year by nearly a million tons good roads do othpr service besides milking gobd going for the auto7tlie truck and the horse dray they make farm life more comfortable give pride and-inspiration-to- the farmerlanttfoster neatness and thoroughness in farm work as atule where the roads afe good the houses are imposing and the farms have a prosperous look- jinthe prestige 1 great britain france and the united states in that c6untry nine vacancies in the senae in canada may in fluence the views of a considerable number of good liberals on the subject of senate reform mail and empire and what about the views of good con servatives jthere are many good conservatives and good liberals in canada anxious for senate reform and reform of a drastic character rdaldelhejfrydro camparxmelson aveirtie were made wards to ui chil drens aid society and an ahsavult case was adjourned for a week tho chamber of commerce held a meeting in the council chamber on tuesduy when matters of internal to the welfare of the town and comhiunlty were discussed the question ot the erection ot stsns at the entrance to the town was considered and several de signs were shownqasette 7 that canaaiancrajms property destroyed through german war measures are being recogniied now by that country and that 2250000 hav6 just been received by two canadian companies the jwasseyharris cdmpany has receiv ed 1500000 for its berlin factory and the thompson company 700000 for two ships interned a wheat yield of 350000000 bushels for- canada in 1925 is estimated by the dominion bureau of sta tistics in its latest rop report thisilgure is based 4ipon the acreage of last year and according to re ports received by the bureau the area sown this year is approximately the same as last a yield of 350- 000000 bushels would be ten million bushels above the average of the pastflve years the craze for speeding- with motor cars a craze- which means constant impairment of the best con stituted highway no engineer has yet discovered jatsr to build a highway which a foolish driver of a modern automobile cannot smash into ruts mound and hollows by speeding over it neither ttfe roadbej nor the general public is safe when a motor car is driven qver twentyfive miles per hour hoi gv0 ferguson premier of ontario spoke atth dbiflfriioff da ing londoni of hi realization during his present visit of considerable- wiconception among public men in 6nglind toward canadaattitude toward tjie british telyiik- br of jdeav- he declared it no l slbte gqcp dioiriid ttrnieibp hkitilh iveftjp bveix fenadran owwxifl john mcartliur- has been appointed assessor at a salary of 40000 councillor mallett has been connned to the house- with an attaclc octon- flllitls tho i o o fvnhd rebekahs wlllhoia their joint plcnlc at dundaa driving park on saturday afternoon jculy j5 mr und mrs blmer hall have gono on ji motor trip to lakeland jtlorlda where they expect to spend a month mr george w alton arrived home on saturday froma weeks trip to the coast mrs alton remained over at winnipeg to visit her daughter mrs a mcoibbon through the death of her aunt mrs b x cannell of toronto who left- an estate ot 180000 mrs w m sopor a farmer resident of- burlington and now a resident of london ontario as fallen heir to 160000 work la progesslng on ther renalra to thjgstowh hall which was recently damaged- by jlro the roofs havo kedn completed on both tho townhh and thonrehaliahdttho work on tholn- tcrlor is wall under way councillor breckon chalrroar of the board of works informs the qaxette that every effort is being raado to have a tanjf of oil brought hero to oil the streets which have been joelltlonexl for but the companyhasbeen so busv that they have been unable to deliver it owing to the serious illness ot wab istrate barrs wife magistrate bnlelas of oakvllle presided at police court here on monjday two juven who 1t-tj- t- r x z h it i eon milton mr robert stewart of court stroet is attending the summer school at nor- mandale s r r fl dron have gone to wassaga r beach for the sanimer mrs fields and miss myrtle fields left lost week on a visit to friends at ottawa ond montreal j m mackenzie is spehdint this week at ottawa attending the conven tion or the ontario retail drtirdita association mr and mrs gordon w mckensle got home rom their wediusuf trip some days ago they have begun their housekeeping on queen btreec mr t mcfadden and aholly of trafalgar have taken up their reel- denco in the homo recently pudrchuised from mr george gowllng on martin street r hamilton of new york city is homo on a visit to his father wm hamilton he has not been aulte well lately and hopes as do its friends that the rest and the change of air will restore his- usual vigor to show how great a demand thoro is for milton brick this year eve may state that in the spring tiro llilton pressed brick cos works had millions of- bricks piled all over the yard today these have all disappeared and at present trucks from omronlo are taking them away by the thousand mr and mrst a hutchinson mot ored home this morning from en out itig of a week at wosaga beaoh ore tho georgian bay and nottawasaga river mr hutohinson tho nshlngj in the river used to be extra gooj but now it could hardly be poorer on ac- count of- the chicago water steal tho river is about two feet below its former lovel revn a hurlbut the new jusstor of st pauls vnhed- church hilton preached his initial sermons here last sunday to large congregations espec ially at the morning service wftm the church was filled to lhj door theto two sermons we understandl lisva created forthe rev gentleman a very favorable impression among his con- gregatlon who have every oonndeno that his pastorate here will be a very successful and pleasant ono n- former stocks and grain private wires to new vorlt chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bqnbs tj hannigan h wm oupjh eight inches place as many- wilsons fly pads as possible on plate properly wetted with water but not hooded on tbe window ledge where tbe ligbt is strong leave theroom closed for two or three hours then sweep up the hies and burn them see illustration below pot the plates away out of the reach of children until r gttired in another room e right way to use wilsons fly pads there is one voice big enough to reach everybody i that voice is the newspaper and it reaches us all every week we talk about people places and r events that have become worldfamous in a few hoursthrough the newspapers and while we talk millions of men arid women are also discussing the same topics in all parts of the vorld because they are newspaper readers- tell the wide world or tell the whole town through the newspapers that is why newspaper advertising is successful i newspaper advertising makes a con stant call and exerts a daily influence upon all who read this service the acton free press performs for this community busmess jkrectory medical r- j- amcniven physlolan and buroson oluco and resldonce cornor bowr avonue and lcigln street phone 83 dr e j nelson prbdlarick btriilhjt aeton ontario legal phone no 23 p o box ssi harold nash farmer m a barrister solloltor notary publls convsysnosr etc perryman block acton omt money lent onmoiliaaoes hours 930 aun tb 6 pm saturdays 1200 oolock dental drj m bell dd s l d s osrrllst honor graduate of toronto rnlrasr- slty the latest anesthetic used if desired office at residence cornor of and frederick streets mil dr f g gollop dds lds dental surgeon offlce over bank of nova boctlav hottrs mo tom0 evenings by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made t order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly aad promptly done wyndham street quelpb out over williams store hxkerit auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience tlst your property with mb acton ontario amy aatvuoises 03iiichucd3ia3t tigronto ganaqo aenickun insurance agent life fire auto accident health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plate glaaa insurance trustee for estates collections business entrusted to- my care wilt be- carefully looked aftor and troated conflaohtlally money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for re payment box 444 bower ave acton yes george im starting a course of trnln- ing at fhe guelph business college on july 6 mary alice arid william havo just flnlshod their courso and locatod in good positions tonvand andy havo arra osuirtonseptemberfsj but by otartlng now 1 shall oo ablo to tako a position ahead of thom you got individual instruction at tho guelph business college a l bouck principaj and proprietor session the entire year natrona of this establishment please notice during july and august examinations for- glaaa oh j thursday friday and saturday only of each week lens grinding and quick ra- pair deportment operating is usual write or phono 10ww fur appointment a d savage optometrist and mfg optician v right at the post oflico savage building quelph the old and reliable granite and marble works wo are manufacturers and dlrec i importora pfall kinds of monumentaj and hoadstono work wo sell direct tq our customers at wholosolo prices thus saving our bustomer 40 per cent w6 have the best appliances and tha only mochanloa in the dominion who i can oporate pneumatla tools proporly wo can give references from hurulredai i ot our qustomorg in toronto and other iplaoos where others have to have law sulu in order to cblioct we have the i largest and beat stock- of granlu in i the dominion or more than any thre dealers in the west- wo are- leglu- imate dealers n employ no agents and do not annoy- or peat customem by senfflng out binorant agents solleit- ng order o employ only meohadiosi laftddfy oomoatltlon piiistopnrsons ouilph ont ivi i 4

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