Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1925, p. 5

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lt fk- aritottjrrggfhfggg thursday july 15 1935 a qarden vhut a thing a gardon lu for- awoot ioiima ami qutqtneyn honea nnil miles nnrclnhus daffodil let irikoh and phlox upd atocua ami tho kultun hollyhockn loveiiohblcehng lovq in u i pamilcir howny and umotliyntr what ii tiling u burden for medicinal hour team im lilac white and lilac blue and a bird boiler hi tho dew aiplo bloaaomu white and roue blue -forget-mo- not and thoe pinks that havo a spicy amoll honpmt lavender aa well what a thins a jjaidon ih kor tho blrdtu for tho bees oli from tho dark errth to hulo tullpa fion tie prlmroao pale hyacinths all that run before the full summoru golden store for to create for to bid live these ho hwoet ho fugitive wlyit u thlnp a garden ih to old grow to increase katharine tyman ifa sunday school lesson fob sunday july 10 i i dreamt that i dwelt in marble halls twenty years ago from the issue of tho free prats of thursday july 20 1005 the ciospioilln lystrav- acts 14 80 rteud acts 11 17 212 golden text blessed are thoy which aro persecuted for righteousness- salt- for t lit irs 1h the kingdom of heaven matthow c 10 time 40 ad place lyntra the lossoii explained 1 a crlpplo from his ulrtih mado wholo 810 f t fall wheat harvest will com mence this week a curryall load of young folks pic- nickod at rockwood on monday after noon rev j c wilson b a preached for rev j t hall b a at rock wood on sunday rev james argo of uuart occupied the pulpit of knox church here ipthcbasoball match at tho oraneo tlomonstration at oakvlilo last wetl- rs neday acton and oakvllle played v innlqgs and neither aide scored a run thon it was train timo acton fire brigade- received their fine new uniforms on monday even ing they wero ordered through r v b scott of tho busy store and are declared satisfactory in every way tho grocery section of the new premises in course of construction for hondersoix co la completed and the business is now being transacted from f that department thejricnic and excursion to berlin v held by knox sunday school on tuea day was a record breaker tho prea- once of acton cornet band lent a new interest three hundred and twenty- seven tickets wero sold 12 adults and 155 children the results ot the entrance exam- lnations havo been publlshod andevery member of tho class at acton passed miss jessie mcklnnon is congratulated on her splendid work born grace in acton- on tuesday july 11 1905 to mr and mrs w grace a son j as to bands thero seems to be no definite idea of the exact number which should consti tute the wind band the bnghsh j wands of tho lino regiments for many years about forty members at times they wees jn4erjhjsbioand at times larger it may be uajd that while- a band of from slxtoen to- twenty produces vory interesting results a really effective band does hot commence until tho numbepreaches twontyf our or twenty- flvo a goodconcert hand in qui to dif ferent hv effect from the brass band 7 evohwjth the addition of brass clari nets used in england and oh the con- tlnenti occasionally the brass band which has a distinctive place can hardly compete with the concert band in which both brass and wood jnstru- ments aro used the brass instru ments are learned with comparative eaao and their massed effect is very striking this has lea- to the great numhor of industrial bands in england and amorlca there are jlterajly thousands of bands now the band contests held in various parts of eng- land are watched as eagerly as the olympic- games the contests aro be hoved to have promoted a splendid spirit among tho workers very often the ignorant music lover gets an idea that the great masters lghordlhe military- band qultethe r contrary i b truerthe f cheated many of them and several in eluding moearboothovcil cherubml berllo and mendelssohn wrote es pecially for the band in thia day when inventions have improved tho wind instruments wonderfully and ex panded thejr compass is it not sur prising to and composers turning to tho pnletto of the hand to and now and ingenious color effects the wltty widow an irish sheriff- had to servo a writ- ori a clover young widow and on coming to her residence said very politely madam i have an attachment for you you have said oho blushing then i may tell you that your affec tions are reclprocatod it was the sheriffs turn to blush explained you dont understand me madam you must prococd to court well i know its tho year after leap year sho repued but id rath eryou- did the courting yourself madam he said- sternly this m no tlmofor fooling the justice hr waiting i will have to go but ifsajl so sudden and besides id muchprefer to have a minister do ll was the u final answer an experienced mother w the ploaoantfacott matron who was looklnff through the elcglnt and com- modloudweuinghouso in a doslrablf nighborhdod wiirf katlsded with it exctfit l one particular the ttr- mtrade oh the front atalra i ani horry you dont like that intllng isid ftho ntiept we think it 1 unusually ornamental ah our jirevjoub tenants have artmlrcd it very rauph myl nek your obpeetlbn t itr it in too amobth and polished tho children will always bo wanting to slide down the stairs on it j3ut i thought you told me that your children were- all girts dp you think that makes any dl- fereaes retorted the pleasantfaced matron- with a twinkle in here eye tltvlnq up the country an antlhtter cnmpalgn was entered on iy the national sdcratlon of wor mens institutes in oront britain at tho annunl meotlng of t poploty the following resolution was passed thit worhens institutes should tcullio that they can do valuable public service in helping to rsafeguard the beauty of thecountryslde byoflrryiiig out a vig orous antlllttor caroiinlgn ihat this sjinnttliig wntildu ask xhe junlalry i f c health to urge nil pariah councils nnd okher local authoirltlcsto provide jtxlfdi tr faollities for tile collection afid tho destruction of rubbish and the wo mens institutes shoflldjipeclally en- douraffe- thoachool tp train the chli- wren in tbls matter na man or woman should hobble- painfully about because of corns when io certain a rpllef in t hand in ilolla- way porn kemover man- had never walked tho cixsewuh beyond mans skill hopeless hut there aro no hopeless cases with christ there was no magnetic touch no treat ments just a look a word and thon u perfect and not an imaginary euro paul did not attempt to heal ovory lunio man ho met goddlrected hla at tention to this man and gave him to see hat he lmd faith to bo healed how did he get it by hearing paul speak somothing of- this kind was neededytj gain paul a hearing in ahtlpch paul thoroughly- stud led and understood tho case before he spoke the word lit commanded tho man to do the natur ally linpobsthle but all things aro pos sible to him that bolloyoth the marr prbvedkis faith by obedience 2 paul and bacaubas wprshlpiieu asaods 1118 thepcople were now ready not only to listento paul but to worship him the human heart always wants a man to worship men aro always ready to ronder unto the instruments god uses the adoration and gratitude that bo- long only to god himself underneath the hoathen idea that the gods visited tho earth in the likeness of men there was a great anct glorious truth tho action of thjese lys trans seem very ig norant and foolish to us but do not many christians bow down and lay their differings and garlands atthofect of men god greatly uses as if the man was himself something paul and barnabas quickly showed the stuff thoy weremado of as soon as thoy saw wluffthe people were up to they re fused their proffered homage with mlngied horror and sorrow paul and barnabas would permit no mistaken notions about thcmsolvcs they would have it clearly understood that thoy wore of tho same stuff aa other men why do ye these things v these iiycaontana had probably never stopped to ask that question they just did them without asking it is a great think to got people to asking thom- solvos why they do tho things they do it is a great thing to got people to thinking itleads to repontance it is indeed good tldlntfe verse l5 re vised version to proclaim unto a man that ho can turn from idols unto a god who lives who luis niighty powort and who is ready to hear and to kelp those who trust and serve him the idols of the lycaoniuns were vain things because thoy could not hear nor act nor answer nor help nor save tho idols of the world today are different in forin but essentially thosalne in character but tho god of tho bible is tho living god not the god of tho rationalist and deist a godwho onco lived and worked but the god who uvea and works today the god who- hears and answers our prayers and saves ho made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that in thorn is and thcreforo there is nothing too hard for him conversion is simply turning to god from idols to serve the living and- tho true god conversion therefore is a very rational thing god has never in the darkest heathenism left hlmsolf without witness his care for men in doing them good and giving rain from heaven fruitful season filling their hearts with food and gladness has borne witness to his fatherly love and forgiveness even with these won derful words paul found it very dif ficult to keep them their proposed idolatry and it in- hard to keep men and women from- idolatry to day 3 paul stonodby man raised 7 7 riddles what aro tho moat unplcauarit ships srnudtb why did tho apple poil because it saw tho bruuiu sprout which should be the lift a llghthotiuc mhtt houso to why lu a railwayporter like an ele phant becaiiko he cilnloh a trunk it river reminds you of jl num- sevcrn why irj an ojster fish uerauho ho has to bo take lied lo be tucked in when ia a window like a when its a ukyiiplit immt curiouh i out of his railway tiine tables at aoton nadian natiqnawailways no 29 no 31 no 33 no 35 no 39 no 2i going west sunday going esfc no 0 no 30 no 34 no 3g no 38 no 24 sunday 800 am 1045 am 220 pjn 600 pjdx 1 8s0 pm 1041am 721 aot 1137 am 385 pm 617 pml 813 pm 708 pan canadian national railways electric jug of creanj like when is koldlor whenit stands at lean at cane fhe thing he forgot 1 the chateau lake louise 2 the patio and bin telescope 3 a section of the diningroom 4 the lounge leading to tho din ing room this new ninestory hotel occupying the ground space of an entire city block was takon over from the con tractors two- weeks before its opon ing on juno 1 by tho canadian pacific railway it is tho new chateau lake louise built last winter at a cost- of two million dollars on tho banks of tho famous lake louise gg00 foot up in tho canadian rockies to- equips this now- hot ol and stock it with food for guest occupancy on june 800 bes 390 bureaus 780 chalrfi 39p pieces of upholstery 300 desks for rooms with neeta and pillow cases box bed springs and other equip ment to mntch ftad to be uansported three and a half miles up a narrow- gauge mountain railway tho perish able food which hud to bo stocked in tho hotel the day before the open- ing included 11000 pounds of turkey 8000 pounds of roasting fowl 18 whole lambs 12 whole hogtv 1000 pounds of new cabbage 40 cases of grape fruit nd50 cases of fresh spinach ap proximately 7000 eggs had tojbo rush ed from tho canadian pacific supply farms at strathmore alberta and were placed in rofrigoi itoio of other foodstuffs five tons of pot atoes 300 sacks of flower 20 tops of sugar 3000 pounds of butter one ton q tea arjd a thousand pounds of fresh coffee had to be plaocd in ho larllers r all told a special train of eight cars carrying 350 tqns of foodstuffs was re quired to opeii this remarkable edifice and all this had to ho rushed in at the inst moment for at tho opening banquet the new dining rooms wero almost full a staff of 425 men and women in cluding threo managers had to ho on hand a week before its opening these employees have a building to thein solves equipped with rooms with batb7 hot and cold running water a rotunda anda ballroom the- new chateau lake louise has 400 rooms with bath all outside rooms 210 of them with southern exposure facing tho famous lake there uro telo- groph and cable ofllces in tho rotunda and each hodroom contains a phone which can bo connected witlilong dlar tance a resident doctor and trained nurse will havo olllces in the building to look after the health if its guests and a special dining room bus been built for tho maidu nurses arid the younger children of tho guests chateau lake louise is now said o bo tho largest and moat iriodern equip ped chateau intho world the absentminded german profes sor continues to contribute to the gaiety of the nations lately he had into nt night in- his chamber dlh- rofjecl hlijiuelf whon he sat down wiih hla head in hlo hands donnerwetter ho said thero was somothing i was to do what was xt how he sat and pondered intensely for half an hour growing colder and cold er finally ho sprang up ah i have it he exclaimed i intended to go to bod i akkep youf shoes veat dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally westbound excopt sunday 743 ajn 943 am li43 em 143 pm 343 p m i g4s pjn 743 pan l 943 pm 1232 ora esttbound dally except sunday dally dally dally dally dally dally dally 743 am 943 am ll4 a-m- 143 pm 343 p m 543 pjn- 743 pan 943 pjn ll40 pm vrelffht delivered by special oxpreea freight freight picked up at any ad dress la toronto white shoe dressing cake or liquid gems of thought the lord 1020 how llttlo dependence is to be pi arced upon popularfavor it worshipped to day atoned tomorrow it was fortun ate for paul that ho wusnpt depending upon mans favor but gods thlb was npt onl experience of thin kind that paul had this ia tfie sortothv treatment all who are loyal to christ and his trfath may expect in this qod- hatlng world but there are abundant compensations there are some who think that it was while in this condit ion of apparent death at lystra that paul was caught up to tho third heaven and heard unmistakable words this treatment did riot stop paulfrom preaching he got up and went back into tho city and thenonto derbo where he preached the gosp a t btmttagath toyfra 0hfor men of auch courage persistence and un quenchable love for christ and man abundant success attended his preach ing atderbe it is not enough to bring men to ciirlst wennust strengthen and build up young converts verso 22 this is tho point of calliireln rifuch evangelistic work it- is not enough that men start in the faith they iriust continuo in the faith men heed to be told today that wo- must through muph tribulation enter into the kingdom of god our modern soft and selfindulging piety is v the religion of- the bible pauls sort is a mueh more hardy and noble sort the christianity paul taught was not achtiatlanity of fllettchahdt5alisaat3 ahdthe frolics and interchurch ball matches etc otcrlt wojra chrlatlap- lty of endurance and much tribula tion and service a christianity like our lords own that is trie kind that is sorely needed tqday but it paid there was to be much i tribulation but through that much tribulation they were to enter into the kingdom of god vere22 into what- do we enter through tho easy going frollc- aome churcblanlty dally reading for next week monday- july jortho gospel in iconlum acta 14 17 tuesday july 21 tha goapel in lyhtra acts 14i 8-18- qt wednesday july 22 triumphing tover tribulation acts 14 1028 thursday- july 23 a priiapcutlng prophet dan fl oisv jprjilay july 24 persecution per dieted 2 tim 3 1017 saturday jiily 25 god ourdellver- er2 con 1 1l sunday july 2eur holi in ouf troubles ps 4 17 whatchange he was holding forth from the sum- nflt of the proverbial soapbox in the marketplace around him were de posited his bags containing cures for every conceivable disease under t the sun also the usual crowd who air though they never dream of buying anything stood and listened to hit clogant orations these pills indies nnd- gentlem he shouted are one of the wondota of thjjuworld they ar absolutely mar- vellous why in my own caae let me tell you lhat four years ago l was a miserable wreck tny fao wan yellojy and haggard my figure bont andi looked tflce a hounded man wlutt i k joni i ask again and cigaln what has biought thljchanro in mo the alienee was bioken by one of tho audience who mildly inquired what change hate not each other because you d-f- fcr in opinion rather love each other for it la impossible that in such a variety of sentiments there should not be some fixed point on which all men ought to unite zoronater j thero is no finer chemistry tfcan that by which the element of suffering is so compound with spiritual forces that it issues to tho world as gentle ness and strength george s mcrrlan the great work of tho world is hoj- being dbnoby the aolflsh bargain aoek- ors or by thode who are carefully counting hours and prices and watch ing thq ckck for quitting time- i will not hujit or kill any uvlni croaturo nor destroy any beautiful thing but will strive to save and com fort all gentlo life buskin religion is an awful- ton dor earnest soiemntrubtfuf sense of our relations to tho great sum ofunlvcrsal llfo and lawvjolm child wick i will noj boas tabse whopend tho day in- cojnplainlng jof head ache and tho night in drinking wine that gives it goethe a man that is born a conqueror over his own corruptions and over himself la greater than oven was the greatest conqueror v it is only by labor that thought can bo made healthy and only by thought that labor can bo made happy ruskln offjilj created comforts god is tho lender you aro tho borrower not the owner rutherford sbwgood eervi oesr swee t-wmem- brances will grow from thom madam do staol o world how apt the poor are to bo proudj shakespeare wise and- experienced mothers know when their children are troubled with worms and lose no time in supply millers worm powders a-most- of- fectlve vermifuge it is absolute in the clearing of the system of worms and restoring those healthy conditions -wlthout-whleh- there- can-be- noebmfoft forthotchildrorhope of robust growchr it is a most trustworthy exterminator an original story a- countryman clergyman vouches for the truth of thjs story having ar- rived at that point in the baptismal servlco where tho infants name la conferred h namo tho child origlnal btory was the reply what did you say ho asked in surprise original btory she repeated in her clear deliberate tones its- a very odd name isnt it are you sure you want him called by the name of original story v original kory thats right- she declared jlslt a familyname the minister persisted named after his uncle hlr ex plained the nurse getting red in the face and so as original story tho un- otontngjltufulpwrib christened it was somewceka after this eybht that iho miniiter mado thoacquathtf ance of tho said uhcle a fhrm laborer lnarfother vlllagowhoso name was reginald story cured she wns visiting a certain zoo and gathering as much information about the animals as was possible tn onq slfort aftornoon are thoso bonrs carnivorous aho inquired of a keeper who happened to- be standing near r well replied tho keoppr nlowly they was when they arrived mum but theyve bebn all right since we clean o4 cm down with carbolic- introduced the maoris or aboriginal inhabi tants of now zealand says the author of round the world with bod nn3 bide are gipat fla poachers ono of them was walking rjear a rlver wheha white man asked him if thero vore any fish in it bh yes said tho maori- plenty how do you know continued thj stranger voh t catch some of the big oilo yenterdny veplledthe native xo you know who i am- asked th stranger i an tho game ranger where la yourliconso po you know who i am retorfad the maori not at nil abashed no- 1 dont said thho other well lmthe biggest llnr in tho district n never flrlhlng at all boy own paper powerful medicine the healing properties of six essentia oils are con centrated in every hottfo bf dr thonine eclectric oil forming one- of the most bonoflclal unirfionts over of fered to tho use of hifin many can tofltlfy to its powers in ojlaying pairi and many more can certify that thny owe tholi health t h hb wonderful power is not expressed by the small prlco at which it ea how they were married years ago there lived in n massa chusetts town a justice of the peace known as square simmon ds a man noted for the shortness of his memory ho carried about with him a slip of paper on which was written the brief marriage form which he used when called upon to unlten pair in tho bonds of matrimony he- never trusted him self to begin the ceremony without reference to thla document pne flay at a county fair irt neigh boring town ho was approached by an elderly- cttuple who expressed their wish to bo married then nnd there after some conversation the square agreed to perform the ceremony on the spot jynd tho three accompanied by a growhup daughterof the man and- a sister- of tho prospeclvc bride stepped into a convenient horseshed there the square bogjan a fruit less search for tho important paper growing more and mpro perturbed at each succeeding pocket that played hlro false at last ho abandoned the search are you willing to marry this wo man he asked tho man who replied with a prompt yes and you to marry him asked tho justice turning to tho bride i do said he with prompt nous equal to the bridegroom then said they in hla most unpreuiiye tone i hereby pro nounce you married according- to the memorandum left at homo in my other trousers pocket r spare the roads do unto others the merchants of trenton recently inserted pnge advertisements in ther paper addressed to the general public the message while intended particu larly for trenton people could bo ad dressed to the people of almost any community it is headed paylnj your b p la ono of tho bea ways of- following- the golden rul and ft reads as follows first in fairness to the merchant or professional man who has invested caghnnjl timo in the merchandise or service you havo received you should reciprocate the favor of credit by tak ing care of your obligations in reason able time jjy tour morchant or professional man docs not require security ho demands no interest you he i a actually loaning you cash second in fairness to your own good narao and reputation your bills should be paid on time you aro granted credit according to your past record your character is basis forconfldeneelnyourvabllltyto payw pa your par l pay your bills prompt- ly if you- cant pay all at once pay half or whatever ypu can and seoto it that your creditor knows you are play ing the game square thats one way we can all add to the good name of the- town no need fort anxiety anold scotsman travelling from tho old land of his birth down to b-lrm- ingbarn decided that as the weather wnsbltterly cold jind the trains badly heated he would v tojte a bottle of whisky tvlth him and every time ho felt chilly hed just have a nip he had been on the way bomb for some time when an old scottish vv happened to get into tho same carriage and spotted tho whisky bottler at once he proceeded to deliver a wollntended lecture on tho evils of taking strong drink he pointed out that he wus no seventy years of age and hart never tasted llifuor lit his lift weel fweel returned his fellow passenger theres no need to worrit ma guid mon for yeie no gaeln to begin the noo hi8 party ldy warwick told many good elec tioneering stories aa overybody known her sympathies- aro with the labor party and in the paiit she has often engaged in canvassing for labor candidates tius engaged sho knock- edntlthe door of a houso in a moan street her knock was answered by severe look ing matron who fltood witii arms ktmbo regarding- her in nofriendly spirit may i pee mr blank t sho naked you canl replied the matron bqt w to see whftt party he belongs to pleaded lady warwick well take u good look afme ro torted the matron im the party he belongs to millions of dollars are belrig spent in highway improvements these days it ls money takon from us it should always be remembered and wo have a definite interest in the result of itu expenditure good roads are necessary to the wel fare of tho nation wo pl agree upon that and are willing to furnish money to make them but these roads are hot intended to be torn up by idiotic speed maniacs who can see no further uso for a finely surfaced highway than to hurl their automobiles along them at top speed tho craio for passing the car ahead or for preventing another from giving his dustto oxe jresionalble for good- deal of damage to expensively made roads no one has yet discovered how build a highway which a foolish driver of a modern heavy automobllo cannot smash into ruts mounds- or hollo wa by speeding over it competent engineers have decided that it is unsafe to attempt to pass another car when either bf them is running at over twenty- five miles an hpur wo aro also told that the damage done to a surfaced road is over sixty per com greater when the speed limit is increased from twenty to flftymiles an hourv tho automobllo is already as danger ous to life on this continent ae war itself would bo although most valuablo as a time saver and as a means of easy travelling unless however automoblllsts loam to control their speed and to respect the rights of others it will most- cer tainly become necessary to invoko such legislation as will seriously impair their use fulness it might well bo considered a sign of- llly- vulgarity toaeean automo bllo travelling- a loner ourhlglrwayffon ordinary occasions at a pace exceel- ing fwontyflvo miles an hour if youd like a littlei better tea than you are using please by red- rose j a smith insurance and real estate agent for confederation llfo as sociation london lancashire fire insurance london lancashire guar an too and accident dominion of canada guarantee ond accident insurance company farm and townprppcrtyfor sala prompt careful and courteous at tention given- your bu8ine88 solicited residence mill and wallace sts telephone 105 r- 2 vtfl r m excellent for croupy children r when a child is suffering with croup it is a good plan to use tr thomas ec lectric oh it reduces the inflammation and loosens the phlegm giving speedy relief to the little sufferer it is equal ly reliable for soro throat and chest earache rheumatic pains cuts bruises and sprains dr thomas eclectric oh i i u pen sable of- the xdmily medicine chest tailor8 have difficulties french tailors have decided to charge an extra x0 per cent to all customers whose waistline is over forty inches it la said thatan english tailor ad vertised that for a space of two weeks he would book orders for suits at tho low cost oftflo a suit tho next morn ing a whaie of a man six and a hajf feet high and weighing about 250 lbs entered the shop and asked to be npy sured for one of the bargain sulti itll cost me money said tho tailor after surveyi th proportions of his cds1metpkut ilpnialce you tho suit -on- condition you recommend me to your frlenda the man agreed and tho auit was made fiye days later there entered tho shop a mail about aeven feet high and weighing 280 lbs vmy brother tom toldmo to coom to ee he boomedt to tho dumf ounded tailor i wantee to mako me six suite like ee jnade mm noise of motorcycles the drivers of one or two motor cycles operating about town wjlcdo well to ponder over the provisions of section 14 of the ilghwhy traffic act jwhich says jbmary motor vehicle sliall be equipped with a nolsje muffler and no contrivance for releasing such muf fler shall be attached to tho motor- vehicle so that h may be operated from any seat inthe vohlolo a person having chhrge of a motor vehicle shall not make an unreasonable noise nor enune such motor vehicle to make any unnecessary noise any person who violates this provision shall ineuiy a penalty of not more than 600 and costs for first offence 500 to1000or the second offence and 1060 to 2500 for any subsequent oftence and in ad lutlbn his permtt may bo suspended for thirty days a sunday pi two rifeo a motorcycle drove about town during the church hour with his muffler wide open to the great disturbance of the worshlppere thete are a fe motorcycles drivers also who make the senseless habit of driving about town with opeivmufflcra to whom tho above provisions apply drives aathhm like malo tre lnmedato help from dr j d kel- joggs asthma remedy aeoma like the work of magic neverthelcas it is only a natural remedy usedln a natural way tlw atnofte or yapor reaching thn moafcremote paaaagea at the af- erted tubts bi uahes aimdri the trouble and opens n way for the freahv alf to enter it la sold by doaleie throughout the lend the same good tea for 30 years try it good bread is the staff of life and we have the reputation in acton and vicinity for making the finest of bread it doesnt matter whether it is white or brown or our delicious frnit loaf everyioaf is of the same high standard cleanly baked and the best ingredients used homemade could not be betterarid the housewife is saved the worry and fuss of baking at home fairbanks bread is truly the staff of fcife tavelhe waggon call every day phone 116 fairbanks bakery mill st acton ladies wuebird beauty parlor upiuir ovsr mr bslss ohico marcelun curling cutting singeing massaging- etc orders token for switches and combings made up miss francis phone 201 main street gaorgotown riciimondstvibt ttront ganad4 3 sl vj j cadesky oftoronto eyesight specialist will be at x t browns drug store acton monday august i anyone aufforlnb from ere- b train defective vision or hoadaoho should not miss the opportunity- of consultlner thla oyealght apcolallst appouh- ments may bo mado w mr a t brown drueelst consultation free office hour 0 m till 4 p m t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left tjegibbons main street tsfl hi m ten cry for mother fletchers castbria is a harmlesa substitute for castor oil paregsric teething pops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and ohildtcft all ages of constipation flatulency diarrhea wind colic to sweeten stomach regulate bowels aids inthc assimilation of food promoting checrf ijlncss rcstand natural sleep without opiates z to avoid imitations always look for the signature of caic74etcaa i toww directions on eich piqkigc physicians everywhere recommend it advertisers the ffe press is anxious to aerye you nd rv you well we can glvo your advertlta- menbatler attention and thara- fofa maka t mora attractive if the eopy la uppted to ua o monday or tuesday if copy faila to raach ua until wodneaday forenoon ihava ta a rush to aat it up before tha forma ctoae and tha t ia likely to ba- leaa latiafaotory send in your ads early does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewcocn- gutilp ontario 1 m m 43jslia i u

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