Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1925, p. 6

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births ma rr laces and deaths are now charged for at the following rules births 50c marriages 50 deaths 50c memorial cards 50c 10c per lino extra for poems born wilding at crowaonn corners on friday july 101026 to mr and mm albert wilding u daughter mchnlsry in erin township on tuesday juno 22 1025 to mr und mrs a s mcencry 11 son died awri3y iii hillsburg on friday july 3 x02h martha ann dyer tho widow of tho lute smith b awroy in her 72nd- year edge at tho homo of his daughter mrs albert meredith llmehouse on tuesday juno 30 1026 wm edge of waterdown in hie 07th year uikd at tho homo of hor eon john blrd lot id con g esqueslng on sunday july 5th 1925 sarah ann nbblo widow of tho lato joseph biyl in hor slat year imjt artott 3frgg jtogg thursday ju li 1825 brief local items raspberries nro becoming plentiful now tho mercury la creeping up to 00 in tho shado agalri publicity for any town la of value to that town and its people a close observer says you will never find a man with a sound stum- muck a pessimist the boys and girls are having- real sport these summer days in their re spective swimming holes i motorists watch out for children at play theso holiday months slow down sound warning signal wo are going to bo good tomor row and do great things but let us not forget to bo kind today mr john mcarthur is improving his fine residence on lake avenue by the addition of a porch and balcony the salvation army band and songsters of guelph will visit acton on thursday night for an open air service l in the list of promotions from senior first to junior second given lntho fnen pkkss lost week tho name of ella marshall was omitted a warning has been issued by tho authorities to all selling 44 beer that no beer may be sold on sundays ex cepting with a t ullcourso dinner news ot local import thraa cars in smash in trafalgar rhrco cars wero wrecked as tho re sult of u triple automobile smash on llio dundns hljjhwny on tuesday when a cur drlvori by a guolph motorist collided with a car driven by u b davidtion of hamilton nnd then run into a toronto coupe nono of the oc cupants ofllio three curs wuro nerloua- ly injured moro good roads for trafalgar at tfio rcgului mooting of trafalgar township council lust week a deputa tion which wan present put up a strong argument for tho laying of gravel on a atrotcllof the 8th lino and on aide- road no 10 it was pointed- out tho trnfhc here was considerable nnd tho road badly in need of improvement after bomo hesitation and discussion tho requobt was granted s neighborhood news- town and country churchill 11 smith pupil of s s no 7 was successful at tho cntruhcu oxamlna- tionn mihh arllno towrius was ills toucher r erin j abbot m austin hon c bar bour 1 caninuoll c wilson c gib son w grundy ij king hon w teoter hon m robinson f erin public school puhsert tho tcntranc examinations miss pen fold was the teacher crew30n corners mjsijtiss maiy blaclt nhu luurottu jviooro pupils of mihh main i o muhuioh at s s no 8 wero nuccesuful ut the rccont cntrantio examhiutlonn i acton wins two games defeated rock wood twice this weak t in loaguo games o8prin0e k campbell und 0 grundy who wore prepaid for iho ihghtichonl en trance examinations by miuri margaret cook at tho hchool licro passed suu- ooflafully na88aqa vveya osprinqe 1 atnt for cemetery services ax a meeting of- tho aylmer cemetery co it was decldod to purchase a tent for use at the cemotory for fun erals in case tho weather la wet or stormy the tent which will bo a largo one will bo put ovor the grave and under it tho mourners will find shelter frora the weather it will bo particu larly appreciated in winter as a shol ter from the cold winds and snow when we wr kida when we were kids tbgothcr and we dldrit have a care in the lacy days jt summer when our feet were always bare vhen a hat wasnt necessary and a necktjo in the way and there waonu a blessed thing to do but to scamper off and piny then the sun meant bo me thing to us and tho blue skies overhead sort of stooped down in tho meadow where wo children were and said trout aro biting in the mlllatrenm hurry up ahd get your polo hows the tlmo you should be hiking to your favorito fishing hole theso bright sunny days aro cortnln- ly ideal for our farmers wlio aro vooy busy at haying and tho crop is now fairly good oupe dally tho clover on many farms other crops aro greatly improved by the rccont rains nnd tho prospects are fairly good for a splendid harvest in this locality many tourists aro mo tor in if through our attractive community theso days mr smith mccutchbonf bjrantford accompanied by mr thos mccutchoon of the second line motored up north last week and spont a dollghtful dayn j flailing in doon lake miss margaret thompson of guelph is holidaying at tho homo of mr t d mccutchoon at present mrs a spence of toronto is holi daying with her parents mr and mrs a mccutchcon second line tho misses stalnhouao and balleyi of toronto spent tho weekend ylsu- ingi their many friends in this vicinity mr and mrs b mckinnon of the second line accompanied by mr and mrs william usherwood motored to pal mors ton on sunday and visited with mr and mrs elmer awrey many of our citizens motored to kitchener on saturday and enjoyed tho big celebration of tho orangemen mr and mrs v 0 morao liavo moved into their tasteful now butigii- low on their property adjoining camp- bollvlllemi morooh liculth hus im proved und he wallta out dully scotch block the hov und mrs ilobort modor- ment of boston matmu nnhounco tho ongugoment of their youiirost daughter joun to mr walter huptt illchmond hill only son of mr and ilva walter scott of uniouvlllo tho marriage to tako pluco qulotly tlio luttor part of july tho gardon party laat weoic undor tho auspices of boaton church ladles aid at tho homo of wilfred snow 4th lino eaqutfalng was ono of tho best with the attendance very largo much of it r from milton tlio refreshment booths were well patronised all tho arrangements wero good including a covered and curtained stage oakville cinvda produced 132560 cars latt year canada produced a total of 133680 motor cars during the past year a de crease of nine per cerit frmthe maxi mum attained in 192s but exceeding in pumberithejpjrodawon of jiny otttei year the output in 10i4 according to the dominion bureau of statistics in cluded 95365 passenger cars 1804s trucks and 16 chassis valued in the aggregito at 88480418 at factory sell- in price capital invested reached a high point in the industry at 60766- 886 as contrasted with slightly occr 60000000 in 1923 mr a o beporost brqugbt to this office orr monday a fine sample of oats grown on pairview place measur ing four feet eight inches in hieghl v a number of the past masters qc walker lodge a- p a- m7 drove to hamilton yeaterday to attend the meeting of the masonic grand lodge a lady driving a coupo through town last wednesday ran into the tele phone pole at the mill and main st intersection tho body of the car was conaiderably damagod by the impact i you will find enclosed 260 for the fitsfl pjtcss for another year we always enjoy hs interesting news wo promptness of arrival is also apprec iatedrjames moffat st paul minn the municipal officer is commonc- ing the annual haying on the streets sonae citisens have allowed quite a crop to grow opposite their premises sovoral now and heavier hydro feed lines aro being installed by superintendent wilson this week the growing demand for hydro current lo demanding heavier feed lines eighty miles of highway between guolph and hamilton will be paved this summer orangeville banner i juaf a little out fn geographic miles guelph folks drive to hamilton and back after supner mr john crawford church stroet whs ono of the old members in tho orange walk on saturday at kitchener this made his fortyeighth consocutiva twelfth that ho haa followed king willlos leadho is jn afalr wayto roundbul the halfcentury dtleast the parting of the way a new ulatar book appealing humarr interaat in mrs ethel m rfchardson of purton house wiltshire england had already wvm an enviable reputajuon as an authoress with her- historical works the story of purton and the lion and the kose now she adds to her time to harvast the weeds weeds should now becut on all properties in fence corners and along the roadside and not be allowed to go to seed the statutes provide that in caae the owner or tenants of lands do not cut them it shall be tho duty of tho road superintendent or foreman to have them cut and tho cost of so doing shall bo charged against the property and collected with the taxes most people see that the weeds about their premises aro cut down but there are a few negligent or oareless ones who require tho spur of the law to make them even do what it la to tholr own profit to do an editor sona important discovery w- if mcdonald b a son of mr wm aicdonald editor of tho enter prise chealey an- honor graduato of toronto university post graduate of glasgow university and recently hon ored with the degree of pellow- ship of tho canadian institute of chemists played an important part in tho discovery of the prlnciplo for the cure of high blood pressuro on which he had been working sevoral months at tho mcgregormowbray clinic at hamilton and in tho labora tory of toronto university this now discovery for high blood pressure la regarded aa oven greater than insulin for ulabctea was tho statement made ot tho recent ontario medical con vention ioof elect officers at a meeting of the i oo p hold in the lodge room on tuesday evening j rti 1 f aaf i jth inbt lihv6nowlhgroffl sgqithe atehmrr mn pa bhiu huiriihvhonejatlywonrfuptherpopular r bfl bro viruml lty and commendation as a new writer in the field of romance in her now book of the above title mrs richard son has manifestly the happy faculty of ingeniously blending sections of history pertaining to ulster with a wellwritten romance in which the human element is introduced in a skil ful arid entertaining manner char acteristics of the family jife thougat ahd aspirations of the better class of folk in tho north of ireland a quarter century ago aro vividly portrayed this is effected in a way which appeals strongly- to the people of ulster and tholr descendents and from thelr standpoint tho parting of the ways is a very homelike loyal and readible story in which the plot and its princi pal characters are real flesh and blood ulster people the story throughout igii- wrlt te u thgaiithayiegflrpy 20 vroro installed by b d g m bro cleave of georgetown n g bro h ritchie v g bro r spellvogol recording sec bro p kennedy pin sc and trcos bro r m mcdonald rstm o bro john mcarthur l s n o bro pred crewson r s v 0 bro joseph agnew l s v 0 bro n wilds warden bro ray agnew b con bro j jennings l s s bro alfred fryer chaplain bro w j bold l g bro wrri beavers o g bro allen klrkncss after tho election of officers speech es were aiven by various ofllcers o tho lodge t almost coi members of st johns united church spent a day at grimsby last wednesday- the occasion of the annual sunday school plc-nic- largo hamper of food wero taken by the ladles and tho needs of the merry makers attended to by thorn games and anin tores tingsports progru m mo kopt tho crowd happy of tho eighty candidates who wrote on tho entrance examinations hero 64 were successful 19 of whlchpaased with honors magistrate shiolds presided at police court in burlington lust monday a number of dog owners who have not secured ltccnsos will appear in court this week m william mcpherson has taken out a permit for additions to his store on tho corner ofcolborno and jbroak streets 1 the local fire brigade will hold its i annual garden party on friday july 24 this is always ono of tho host garden parties of the season the committee in charge of the pro gramme for the garden party to be bo held under tho auspices of tho new united church bronte on priday24th of july has secured a fine array of talent the summer tourist trafile la great er than has been before and the tor- ontohamllton hffhway carries over it perhaps morothan any other highway in canada x lovers of good music will wolcome the newa that the oakvlllo- concert band will hold a series of summer concerts on friday evenings in georges square a business deal of bomo local in terest took place when the gibson house was leased last week by ross gibson proprietor to c a docker of town its original owner mr deck er erected thp bull ding about nine teen years ago after operating it for four years he sold out to tho late james r gibson of toronto equalling if not surpassing in its splendor and gaiety any eyent of its kind ever held in oakviiie tho- garden party of the white oak chapter i o d e which was hold last saturday afternoon and evening on the estato of major w p eaton lakeshoro road east was a huge suecess large boats entering tho oakvlllo harbor have become so very scarco cf later years that a large and curious crowd gathered at tho pier wednesday 8tewartt0wn things liavo boen looking up for acton in tho hultonwolungton loa guo the lust week acton won two from hock wood this wook ono last wednesday by tin 85 hccmo und ono baturcluy by a hj1 iieoru ijoth tho guiueti wcio well playod and aetun lldplayocl moit lji than usual iho nitftbull leaguo is now ovor and tho locul boys will now uo ablo to dovoto nioro tlmo to hard 1all uctlvltlcfi hlllttburg did its uhnro in owning up tlie lcirguo by dofeatlng goorgntown on saturday and thus going into a tie with georgetown for flrst piuco noxt weeks gameh should bo vory intproht- ing as thu rohult of these games will offoct tho ntandtng of thejeuuo con- stdonfuly tho lcitguo now standh won loht georgetown fl u iiiilhburg 0 2 acton 1 g hookwood i 1 8 tho games for next saturday two hookwood at acton und jliltuburg at georgetown tfactbn wins tho saturday gamo they will bd only ono gamo out of second place which will glvo thorn a chnnco to finish in olthor flrst or second hluco in tho longuo throo wlna tov acton liv the throo remain ing garnet- of tho leaguo would menu that acton will bo tight up thoro among tho loaders with a c banco to win out in tho playoffs t tie at tho end of the soasans schedulo now uooma inobublo if tholocnts can win tholr remaining games a serious runaway accident oc curred hero about flvo oclock oh fri day afternoon mr and mrsl william henry of tho sixth lino near tho base line had been at goorgotown and re turned hero with their team a young pair they called at tho mill for somo chop and whilo at tho mill v the team was frightened when endeavor ing to hold them ono of tho bits broke- and mr henry lost control thoy run down from the mill across the cross road and on to mrs j a tracys lawn mrs henry was thrown from tho markot wagon and in fulling sus tain cd a fractured arm and painful bruises about the head after a couple of tho georgetown doctors had drossed tho wounds lacra henry was ableto return homowlth her husbandy but wus suffering a good deal from her injuries and tho sovero shakeup sho experienced daily doings encourago children to koop a diary it will train thorn to habits obser vation and glvo thorn more case and greater naturalnosa in writing than can bo acquirod by school compdsl- tlonsj because hoy keep a diary as a pleasure not as a task and because they deal in it with everyday things thoy actually know and do my ch 11 droh have small diarjes with flvo lines for each days notation in tho ovenlng thoy confer with each other as to what was tho most import- unt event of tho past twontyfour hours no two decldo on the same thing and no two express what they lwrlte in t hesamesty l ballinafad mr h campboll hus gone to qrlmsr by where ho has secured a position in tho fruit business rovtn7 waddoil loft last week for portland maine where lie will spend part of his holidays with his daughter miss edith waddell rev ir spence of claude will take charge of tho ser vices here the first three sundays dur ing mr wadd oils absence miss bessie blpno who has been teaching in toronto haa gone to mus- koka with a number of other lady friends for their holidays dnd she in tends visiting her sister mrs nor man tate of parry sound mr roy vannatter formerly of bal- hnafad who is poaching in the north west is spending his holidays with his father arid mother of george town ho visited friends here last weok koeping a diary holpa themln spoil ing a3 well s in tho art of expressing thomsolvos and though tholr lives aro not eventful it will bo interesting for them to look back over theso recqrdg in after years they aro not permitted to pry into eaoh others diaries and i read what thoy write only on invita- tion m united church s s picnic will be held on wednesday 22nd inst at eldorado park on which more than a hundred chil dren and adults of st johns united church and sunday school embarked for their picnlc to grimsby beach rockwood orangemen at kitchener acton omnfltrntn and trua bluea and acton citizen band in procession l- her inhato knowledge of persons places and everyday life has succeeded in creating and maintlng a sustained interests in the interesting narrative from start to finish t for tho so who enjoy the- old old story of a man and a matd tho ro- mance of the heroine and the hero dymphna lindsay of bally henry on the rugged coast of ulster and robin abadle of downend england the son of an admjral and himself ft midship- majri ahd finally an ojneer of tho brlt- lsh north sea fleet furnishes ample interest vnd excitement other love stories less romantic perhaps abound in the 300 pages of this novel founded on fact for those interested in th worth of ireland llfo and experiepcon lhere are many interesting pages ran- i dered very readable because they iro told in the popular conversational style with dialogues rehearsed wish local dialect arid quaint expression for those who enjoy a welltold taja written out of the personal experiences and observations of the writer follow ing in logical sequence the events and characters introduced the farting of the way affords delectable holiday reading i v- mrs rlohordson the authoress oa cuplea a high position in sdlal literary and political circles in r britain is a granddaughter ot sir jamm men of acton loyal orange lodge and the ladleo of the true blues paraded from their lodge room up mill street to the canadian national railway st tlon headed by acton cltlsens band in their blue turtles and new white duck trouarathey made an attractlvo showing the townspeople were out in force to see tho parade and it cer tainly looked well tljey took tho epeclal train at oo 5 for kitchener jind there formed ono unit of the seven thousand visitors re ported to have visited tha day well over three thousand members of the order took part in the parade in which tho following places wore repre sented west toronto west york guelph alma paris brantford o ron ton mlllbum muverton larribton lis towel hfoldlmand hornby george town burlington acton milton park hill bmnh ierth strdtford mount forest pglmenloo gait- preafon slmcoe- and othar places one hun dred and- ten lodges iartlcipated in the prarto the latter- was- v the iawreftayw ieea inv kitchener and took vrumlr an hour to pas stratford bands igjttted hit the honors in the band eohtwit while the paris ladies won the prlie in the contest far lady jiodgea i brurlng thie pubjto addraaaes a pro- teaf ogajnlt any changes in thenflag mzjik i i the big twelfth of july demonstra tion at acton last year is still a cur rent toplo of conversation in orange circles and with many of our citizen it evidently spurred our local lodges to do their very best in presenting a oodaotearanx t jrrair when last skturday evening tho kiy boys fronv guelph who nro camping on a cornerot ostran dors farm near john hendersons chopping mill put on a stunt night for the benefit of visitors but fow put in arv appoar- ce- save somekfthe boy s parents who motored out from guelph for tho evening and a group- from tho village theflrst number on the programme was a police court affair which was well put through and caused no small amount of laughter and merriment on tho part of the spectators among those who wero summoned to appear before tho magistrate were harry flowers and bill mncnnmnra tho cock of the camp- tho magistrate was one of tho leaders frank oakes tho noxt number was a critical operation the patient being brought in on a stretcher by two attendants and visited by a clorgyman previous to the operation as tho operation was being performed some of the patlentss serious conr dltlon wero produced in the form of tin cans which wero too much for tho poor follow who fulled to pull through tlio flrst annual plcnic of the sun day school of tho united church of canada acton will bo hold on wed nesday 22nd inst a strong commit too has boon ap pointed to superintend thin event and they aro determined to make it a de lightful outing for tho members of the school tleir parents and friends a committee of investigation can vassed tho various plcnic parjts avail able and concluded that the bldorado park excelled all others in tho matter of conveniences nnd attractions af forded it was therefore decldod to make that popular park the objectlvo point arrangements have been mado for a band to accompany tho picnlc this will bb a welcome attraction t mombors of thoconbnrogatjoim have been invited- to participator to see tho scholars enjoy the day and to enjoy the outing themselves all who have motor cars are urged to place them at the disposal of tho school with competent drivers for each for tho afternoon tho programme of sports with at- tractive prixos will form on enjoyable part of tho proceedings a graduato of toronto university who took an active part in athletics there during his course und has since conducted innumerable sunday school sport functions will superviaotltesrameaur strong committees have boon ap pointed to carry out the various de partments and tho members of theso include- workers who have had ijcptjr- lenco in smllar undertakings in sever- rl schools ihhifii p- she li btronge bart ib chalrmaji of thelof canada rfd appeal for the main vomenb unionist association of the talnlng i pf ruiti oonnectlon was o chipponhiimjxilvjsion andneloted4atotf tbthar member of tho nationalut unlonut council of london r gone but notfoqotrflrl arocfttitimar mgbo4 to ijiiiilwi little tqmmy at the dinner ubla jtoihd no said hie ftrtjusrfi wharteaitemf yott nak a jiuentlon jlkethat wltten wd are emwfri- you had one on your lettuce fcuf us gone xuwrrepued tornmyr v w yietorl ark following the blg parade thl v trf prpteet wm aiunlrrtouir depted tht principal preeaht up with a few of tho boys in songs and choruses joined later by all tho boys who showed some vim in singing same of their camp songs finishing with god save tho king tho evening was all that could be desired after a warm day and the cump are nt one side afforded both light and a touch of camp life after sundown the following evening some of the boys with two if their leaders marched to the continuing presbyterian ser vice where they wero addressed y iho rev mr simpson of toronto who wan conducting the scrvlcoj for the sjty a number of- boy scouts who aro camping hero attended service at the united churcvoirtisuhday everilrtg- mr- and mri alex munroo of ham ilton motored up saturday to spend a waek camplngln outran deftf bush off faltstreet a few from toronto- are spending- some time thbrersfayffig at thehomeof the late charles strange robert henderson of simane and ms daughter majsiewbo has been visiting her sister mrs wm brldgor jr wero up for tho woekond elwyn looker accompanied him mr herb dorson went us far us hamilton on jiis return trip sunday ovenlng leonard gardiner of the o a c was homo a week ago before his sifter bessie left on her trip to be west word has already boon received that she is enjoying her holida tri up the lake the ball game last saturday after noon between the local team and the ac ton team resulted in a victory for tie visiting team the score being 1o- 14 mr richard harris who experienced an unfortunate accident on domlnloi day is doing nicely his hand is heal- ipa up fine since the stitches wero trikian out a week ago lie has bee i ablo to work every day hut had to revelling in encljsh lakeland mr douale qowdy en joy inn a de lightful vacation in tho old land dear mr editor here wo aro in english lakeland what an ontranclngly beautiful spot this really is all along we find ouch enjoyable sights such educational ma terial and such historical places that wo rarely reach the placo wo intended toreaohf or t he nigh t candy will aweoton up your chances follows tho candy witch this littlo witch is al ways giving advlcp to the boys she wants thorn to prqmote tholr friendships and to get along well in tholr love affairs she knows tho value of candy gifts and seeks to impress it- upon them she knows how good our candy la thats why she koeps talk ing about it our candy makes good be cause its mad good divtfld heavy f una for the flrst fow swpwrefcrfdnya prompt medical attention evi- ttvvdenojftyg m our voyage over was most dolight ful tho weather was ideal and wc made the heat voyage our steamehln had made in twelye years we found manchesters cotfonmmto school for tho denf the quaint oldfashtonad streets her interesting uburjm etc ho fascinating that we stayed hte nearly a wcek during this time wo purchased ah excellent little fori coupo for 45 we have toured at a snails jcallop as he english say through derhy- flhire jand lancashire up to the eng lish ifukos our greatest interest has been found iji this district wo aro nnw in how delightful it was- to etay at th ojd cburch jinn over 80ft years at sl lmft cjlifclf nearby v found communion yssel i use slricc 1701 and an old bilsabajhju ctytftf- with three different look iuyjng tho presence of the rector and his two wardens ltcontained fncultles signed by archbishop craniner we have visited- most of tho haunts of ruakln wordsworth de qulncoy and of sou thoy in theso parts nnd go back vlotermlned to contlntio our study of english lako poots with added up- j preclatlon f on tho boat coming overthere were fourteen collage graduates from yale hiyard wealeyan stanford cali fornia and toronto with one gradu ate from the university of british columbia naturally mil oh fro wit and humor passed continually tmo doda iiot permit extended let ters to our friends buck homo much as we would ilk to spend hour writ ing of our interesting times if you caro to drop us a lino caro 6t hank of montreal 47 threadnctodlo straot jflondon k c 2 we shall be vory glad lt hear tnom you fiinceroly pours ijoujtjlas qowdy keswick cumberland jsfljjiand juno so i2fi saturday treat satnrdtriat5cjb a favorito of all and ii i the time a fcivorlte loailifi of fresh suited peanuts reg 35c and 10c lb saturday treat 25otb weekend chocolates 32clb always fresh a good as sortment and tho quality compares with any 50c or coc chocolates saturdayspociaia2cth mcleanco the hosiery store of acton wclldrcsacii women apprccinlc hosiery ihnt is perfect fitting holeproof have made their reputation tor fit stylo nnd quality holeproof silk hose in nil the new shades at 100 l25 175 art silk hose in black and all thevnew shades special per pair ladies black lisle hose good vafcs at 50c special per pair ladies cotton hose in black and white special price this week per pair fancy stripe ginghams extra good value at per yard 40c stripe broadcloths guaranteed fast colors special per yd 95c voiles in black and navy reg 85c for 60e reg 100 for 75c for mens summer comfort mens athletic combinations 125 150 roomy good fitting one button at s o balbriggan combinations short sleeves knee length special at carhartt overalls the next pair of overalls you buy try a pair of carhartt the best overall made in canada today every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction sizes in stockirom 34 t636 congoleum rugs at half price we have in stock today 25 of these congoleum rugs all good pat terns sizes 4j4 ft by 9 ft the listed price of thistug is 700 this lot to 0 clear at each vvzv store closes wednesday at mclean co mill street acton ont rc- the only-wfy- it isnt often that ono comes across a good boxing story and i will disarm critics in advanco by refusing to claim that the one i nm now going to toll is new t the incident occurred whon rel pulton one of tho boxers who just missed gottihg to the very top of the tree was preparing to flght the negro boxer san langford whata tho best way to beat tho old champion asked fulton of an other boxer this man hko langfoicd was a negro well replied the negro adviser do boa way mistuh pulton is to take a club and when ho aint look- in jcsh bust him on de hald and whon ho turns- round with ovuh so much surprise jest bust him again and then enquired pulton nuthln then only doan miss da speftntf hlf data all change of ownership tho partnership plumbing and tinsmi thine business carried on by drummonil and lcatham has been dissolved and the business hai been purchased by mr leatham who will make all collections th same courteous and prompt attention will be erlven all orders for work and i bespeak the continued patronage of previous customers and solicit the work of new patrons leo latham main stfteet acton phone 95 three ruleg pug qne bars 2 for 5c just received a shipment of cowans nut bars got your supply white thoy last 2 for 5c or 11 for 25o milkchocolate buds 39c lb when you pet buds you get nothing buf pure fresh milk chocolate a limited supply to go ut 30o th ice cream insist on nellsona and got tlio better ico cream drop in and enjoy a frosli fruit sundae or a- real cold tasty lemon soda bulk and brick ico cream always riwtock isomo philosopher of business rf centlyjenunclatcdhree general rules for making monoy 1 do something beforo others do it 2 do something others do not likj to do 3 dp something better than others do it to the foregoing- wo may add at least ono more save some money for you cant do much without it the shield jhull wedding gifts when selecting wedding gifts or birthday presents our stock will bo found to comprise an assortment that will mako tho choosing easy and tho selection suitable our stock of silverware und fancy china and jewellery is most complete repairing our repairing nervlco of oxpp7t workmanship and years ot ex perience ure at your disposal fo repairs to clocks watches jawol lery and optical repairs tha prices are reasonable consistent j wl t h good wor kmansh l p- wo solicit a trial h w hintoh jeweller watch and clockmaker acton and georgetown to bake fine pies nevpruseanybutour- national plour for the crust ordinary flour may turn out well or may not but with national flour the reault is always certain with ordinary care national flour is the beat all around family flour made it is tho home balcers beat friend hun dreds will gladly testify to that facf made specially for w b browne it co norval out norval flour mills w- 3- browne cq props norval out at huttonville park the people8 pkiiiilar playgrofindv friday evening july 17 to the windermere society orchestra optoronto this sixpiece musical organization is becoming quite a favorite dance orchestra in toronto and surrounding country the six pieces are piano violin drums saxaphone ban jp and trumpet when you have danced onour floor you willagree with us when we say we have the best floor in the country dancing 9 to i admission gentlemen l00 including txt free parking space dancing every jeriday night v hji cold meats during the summer months many people do not want t cook meats and have hot dinners wc always carry an excel lent stock of the finest of cold cooked meats ready to serve cooked ham jellied meats cold roast pork bologna jellied tongue meat loaf saturday night closing arsfy t wpur fedow for friday and l3aamgs isgmti sfej

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