Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1925, p. 1

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fiftyfirst year no 4- thursday morning july 23 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning july 23 1925 r- single copies five cents the acton united church o oe canada minister rov r e zimmormnn b a pursonaro willow street subject subjoct 1100a m tho minlhter the slowness of g1 700 p m tlio minister the miracle afllotliencla 1000 a ra sunday school oervlcc tliurflday evonjng 730 prayer anfl praise service- presbyteiuan knox church acton minister rev a c stowalrt m a mnnso willow street 1000 p m sunday school 1000 a m bible clntttt i ii a mi tho minister spbjeot joy of tho muster 7 n m the minister subject life of st paul last or the series r loavine address with the ushers will bo called upon- by the pastor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 945 n m sunday school 1 am rev s s weaver of tor onto 7 pm rev s s weaver monday 8 t m young peopled meeting friday 730 p ra prayer and praise meeting- m bright singing helpful talks v all welcome special notices advertisements in this column a ccnu per word minimum charge 30c par insertion jr for sale drecr peas for sue brine hasketa- y- mabainffflght fnirview ave anton 7 f for rent 7 a- flat for rent 5 rooms and bath immediate poaaession apply to w t tai330t 45tf haplwaro store actoru bhotltftprn bull for sale roan ono year old from imported cow sire grcatbrandnon jifjqalnford mnrquls 42 albert young lot 15 con 1 erin rockwood rrt hol8teinbull for bale apuro bred roelatcrei holotcln hull 12 ontha od with a pochgreo of hlah- cltibh character tubercular tcatod th prcnont owner has no usofor nnlmal li hlto herd la related will accept ti reasonable fcer charles a dakveiw rr 2 acton third lino eaqucatiis proclamation civic holiday incompliance with the custom which nan prevailed for many years monday august 3 will be observed as a civic holiday for 102e and i hereby proclaim that day as a civic holiday for acton and respectfully roauese that all our citi zens obaervo it astjuoh- george barber reeve ltoovoa 01uc3 tfowjj hall acton jnly 21 1025 stanley park ehin ok 1- fwday july 24 and y saturday july 25th pud uitobs i melody kings ibevpn piece- of toronto wu jj- sjupply tho mnslo dartclnfr saturday evening 830 ioii p m announcing guelphs semianntml day one day only sat july 25 a community event every good store taking part with the biggest list of biggest bar gains at guelphs leading and largest store r womens and childrens apparelsmens and boys clothing yard goods and staples wallpapers draperies and rugaa festival of savings for everybody youll fee sorry if you stay away the wonderful econo mies prepared are going to set the countryside talking and shopping guelphs leading and largest store d1e macdonalu bros ltd daily closing 530 n m excepting wednesday at 1230 noon aiui saturday at 930 p m news of local import the hydro 8 h6p for sorvico for tho bettor accommodation of tne users of electric current and electric appliances tho hydro shop will bo open on friday afternoons instead of saturday afternoons hereafter this will permit repujra or installations bo- ing mado on saturdays whon notice is lven on friday which otherwlso might bo held over unday memorial to rev j c wilok- a minister of sainted morrtory being placed in fnirview comotery g pay at stanley park stanley iark is enjoying agrbwlriff reputation for clean spprt apt attrac tive features civic holiday august 3 will bo a real sports day there will be a baso ball tournament with games by guelph rock wood qeorgotown and hhiuburgj at 130 oclock a program me of races is also listed to coijfmenco at oclocl- a- jolly evenings pro- giimnie with numbers by bud souter and bis melody kings of toronto will attract tho countryside your opportunity v tobetter your8euf there is a good living for yu rlgtrt vhero you live full or sporo time no capital roquirod rio xr perlenco nocessury wo teach you ppw to becqrrfo a national jlopre- oontatlve soiling our splendid line of toptotoeclpthing for men and vbmonfroni factory direct to op- urner through local reprosentnttvca tho national m at your door nelllnv oirtilt 1 complete clothink- btoro in a neat sjiiahsamplo ease jfixporforiced salesmen ae unlimited fiosslblutleu in ourproposition- fall lno aoon roaay bigger jina better than everc ascuro yourself an ex- otuelvo territory by writing immfrdl- atly naming the district youwan rufftl c ferrl- lomes equally pronmev it is a 4ila7i of distinction to be a national representative apply sides juan- ttjeynatt6irat malvorder trdufcev umitedt dopt 27 box 2017 mon- troal vf- wonderland pbioav july gl 21 boat of svvg atnrrlng pula nerrl comedy sunday calm wlliroar-tjana- pblix cartoon r 8afjbd july 28 y darwin was right 4an hilarious atory- of the ae- old luiftat tor otornnt youth comedy what a night car toon two poor fish fox news tuesday july 2 bomrich starring claure windsor bert lvtelland cullen lanflls chap- r jof comrtiy tlio itiddio nider tourist do lujte oominq gfarrlne normwn kortx re lighthouse ry the sea riu i sri r mwr weekend specials assorted creamy fudge in a large assort ment bt flavors reg40c lb weekend special lb 32c assorted chocolates made by the makers pf smiles n chuckles and the same highclass of material used jq a big variety of flavors weekend special per tb -fllsg- assorted chocoites we have been selling this same- line of chocolates for a number of years and we will always testify to the high quality of the goods reg 40yand 50c lb weekend special per lb 2 32c koka buds extra special lb 38c our ice cream wenit always abounds with good tilings toteat- try a pecan sundne it is most delicious mill street acton h wiles acton baptist young peoples union theactpji ptlstj ybung peoples union has beon reorganliedwithjt strong officiary and excellent prospebts for a successful season at a meeting presided over by rev mr boyd- thu pastor the following officers were elected president mr jknapp vlco- president mrs fred crewson educa tional supt chester plank devo tional supftxesllo martin- missionary supt violet woods utorary and sq- clal siijii lrconard simmons secre tary treasurer marjorle reld xeador of singing ernest cole organist an- nlo martin james snyder seriously hurt whllo engaged in assisting mr a m mcpherson with his haying idee wednesday mr james e snyder had the misfortune to fall from a load and sustain painful injuries ho was build ing the load from the hayloader atil had hla back to tho horses they made an unexpected start and ho wan thrown headlong from tho load his right shoulder was badly bruised and ho was injured in theabdomon tho shock to the system was vory severe and mr snyder has been hardly able to move snce he la hotyever slowly recovering and hopes to be abouuagaln ahbrtly acton bitlxent band activities acton citizens bands engagements are numerous these evenings but that is not allowed to interfere with thair regular free openair concerts on the sunderland house lawn the concert last saturday evening waa exceptional- ly good and had a large audience this evening tho band goes tot milton to put orta concert for the band of that town tho compliment will bo re- turnedin th of week or so when milton summer z this sale is everybodys affair and everybody is invited to share in its advantages we cannot teli you all about it you wiluhave to come and see tepni picnip anl outing shoes are flrst on the list and theyarp real purgping slippers in patent satin and kid all have to be cleared our mens oxfords arc marked as low as lf0 both in brown and- black v v all these are bright jnew goods no old stock to hand out tcome early harry harrisonthe apepui wost wedy aftemoorw all the year roand with the eeepuon of december m trfpfttjaira will give concert here this may take the form of a sacred concert on sunday evening august 2nd artcr the church services consummation day sunday august 2 preparations are being roado for an impressive and- memorable servlco on sunday august 2 when the united church in acton will be officially con summated the presenting of the rolls of the membership of tho several groups with fitting ceremonies the special sermons by the minister rev it e zimmerraah b a and tho first sacramental service in thenew tjnrtod church of canada acton will bo feat ures of kcon interest a souvenir brochure containing die complete order of servlco the ceremony of con summation djid the administration of the sacrament and all hymns used at the consummation service will be presented tp each ncreqn attending 15 acton masons at qraqd lodge flfteoji members of yalker lodge ayam ipn of the grand lodge rev jamoa ctvilson b a was for more than fifteen yearatliotnithful and esteemed pastor and friend of the con gregation of knox church acton when he removed to an important charge at woyburn snsk irt 131s there woromany sad hearts forho who had been the earnest and coura geous and faithful spiritual adviser for all these years bad a varmpjaoo in tho hearts of the people that rev and mrs wilson and their family bad equally klndfcollngs for tho peoplo of acton with whom- they hod been associated so long waa amply manifested last september i when ho was suddenly called to nls reward after a busy day in the pulpit of the church where he ministered and thofltoxii necessity of solectlng a piaco ihwnich to lay the body of tho departed loved one to rest foll ufipn the family they naturally thought of acton tho old home and decided to bring tho body hero for its resting place on the 12th of september aftor a -feeling- vand ivory 4argeiytaltende j memorial service in knox church tho interment took place in tho beautiful falrvlew cemetery acton whore tho doparted pastor had so often officiated at tlrnes of sorrow among members of his congregation at once it was felt by his former parishioners that it would be a fitting thing to arect a suitable memorial monument at tho grave stops wcro promptly taken- and members of the congregation gladly contributed suf ficient funds to cover the cost of such a memorial the following committee was then appointed to carry to- a suc cessful conclusion the proposed trib ute john r kennedy w r kenney william johnstone t c hussell o n mctavish w m cooper and geo mann that they have satisfactorily carried out the commission entrusted to them is amply attested by the nno monument now unveiled in the yards of tho acton monument works mr nicol has brought his keenest skill to bear upon the oxecutlon of this fine piece of work tho monument is a beers red scotch granlto of tlio graves design it was imported by mr nicol from tho famous quarries in aberdeen scotland the inscription is as follows in loving memory of rev james c wilson b a born april 8th 1867 died september 7th 1924 eroctcd by- acton presbyterlanr congregation pastor 10q319j8 until the day break it is intended to unveil the mom- ment some evening about tho end of the month the date of which is ndt yet definitely fixed phil forbes now in the county jail the notorious king of hhc boot- ledgers arrested by couty constable chapman county constable chapman of mil ton deserves credit for his coup in inn cling phil orbos who was regard ed for several years throughout tlio acton wins the third straight defeated rookwood in the park here on saturday afternoon tho locals ran their string of con- scjcutlvo winn to threo by defeating itockwood by a c3 score on saturday in the park hero the attondanca was fkiir jand tho weather excellent for baseball tho team was nt full strong th mc- donald being backat flrst buse kalcy county aa the king of the j3ootleg- it oyer tfl second while kennor brief session of council sidewalk on wilbur street to be con tlnued to mill street gors in- thoc6uhty jail at milton iitst friday county constable chapman and all thoptherlcpnatabletfand peaco oflfcers in tho county and elsewhere havo had forbes under surveillance over since his laht conviction by police magistrttto moore in acton on october 2 1924 this v fugitive from justico has dodgedabout from place to placo over sincor boasting that ho could not bo caught tho onicera havo boon just na determined that soonor or later he would seo the inside of prison bars which ho deservod upon lonrnlng that forbos was hid ing about mount nemo chief chap man and merrltt c maud unajack cooper btartedoutoh tlio man-hunt- when forbes haw chapman and his men coming ho mado a dash for the bush a short distance away but was overhauled in the sprint by merrltt forbes was promptly hand cuffed itnd talccn to milton and lodged in tho cpunty jail on the 2nd of october- lost forbes whs charged in police court in acton by r j mcpherson special otdcer for enforcement of the ontario temper ance act with the sale of liquor on the 23rd of september forbes hftd been served to appear but failed to obey tho summons ho was repre sented in court by t a hutchinson jbarrlster milton who on behalf of forbes father george forbes after conviction had beon made and the pen- ulty fixed at a fine of 100000 and costs and imprisonment of six months in addition to the fine offcredto pay the penalty it the term of imprison ment was reduced- to threemonths police magistrate moore was however obdurate and refused to change his sentence ho took tho ground that forbos had already been convicted several timos for violation of tho on tario temperance act had proven himself- a menace to tho morals of tho community and the time had come when he should pay severely for his contempt for law from tho above date forbes has beon a fugitive from justico dqdglns hero and there about tho country be- burg tng heard from at times from detroit owen sound collingwood ghelburne in waterloo county and other places he finally visited tho home of his father ge or go forbes nassagawoya and constablo chapman learning of this laid his plans for tho capture of thocrstwhilo bootlegger aaid -success- ill 15 nual session of the grand lodge of canada a p am at hamilton lot week and attended ho annual con vpntlou their- principal object in at tending in force was to support tho candidature of il w bro ernest t- barraclqugh of dlenwllllams p m of credit lodge of glonwilliams foe the oldcc of d d g m pf wellington dli trlct no 7 mr bdrraclough was elect ed and fornrujiy invested with tho emblems of office the acton delega tion comprised of w firbs t mo- tayiah johnb kennedy john jcen noy robl shaw y mcintosh c rc mcintosh coopertiljm -macdon- ald t hcook george king n p mclam ana bros j mporechas a wilsqn dean lcalle georgetown also had a large delegation present back to tha old horns a reunion of the present and former residents of the i village- of nantlcokc in haldlmnnd county was field this week although it is thirtytwo years since mr george dills and his family removed from their early home to aet- tlo in acton n the invitation to return for the reunion was bo cordial and peraunslvo that mr dills decided to imrticlpte in th pleasurable venl he was- accompanied on the visit to the old home tty hla son mrtqa dills of the fjucb prksh mrs dills and miss franresv misses ktlre and myrtle of toronto and mrs il j mcpherson and her daughter dorothy a delightful experience waa enjoyed scores of friends of former years were greeted and in every regpeet the raunlon wart an octlpn of grcjit relight pnly tern tislpn vjhp alhiiolly v ftnqlr wero mad frsnin irnp o ttpie for departed loved ones tho pretence of the home- comets at the churches on sunday and numerous opportunities for pleasur able social intercourse ah succeeding days were greatly enjoyed it warart expansive race on frldoy evening at alx oclock george bishop with his floral delivery truck and leonard simmons with his ford coupe essayed to- race dawn church street from wllburto elgin streets thoy tore along over inter sections and heedless as to any other traftlo that might be on the street some txonie on- the atreots cheering some fearful for the klddles which might be crossing the street now turn ed into a raceway fortunately no casualties followed in the train of the racing motorists erotnpuy next morn ing chief mcphcrson paid each of the racers a visit- and presented each with a blue paper summortlng them to ap pear in- pollco court before police magistrate moor that afternoon very humbly acknowledged their viola tion of th proetjir flruarea of the hfghay raffia apt and were fined lleofrahd oftflts on oh the miinlclptil xohpquep la therefor enriched by 20 and tho ousts will find their way into the provincial treasury tho mogjn- tmle read a fatherly lecture o tho yiiukig men and informed them that a repetition of the offence would result in the cancellation- of their lloenses and the impounding of their motor vehicles for a term at the regular session of the council on tuesday evening councillors atkin sonholmes and roove barber were present the finance committee presented their fifteenth report and recommended payment of the following accounts v general account acton fora press printing and advertising bowman nunn labor and gravel r j wallace teaming etc h rt farmer salary eta fred cooper lamb whetf john dunn jp hor waterworks account h n farmer no oto- acton fjibb pnepa printing lowefartfn co- u up piles n s4 00 20 so 53 90 s 00 i 50 22q 3s 3 20 16 hb 5 40 jzibi the report- was adopted a petition fora sidewalk on the east aide of wilbur stroet was received by tho council upon motion it was de cided to construct the sidewalk from tho property of mr b g arnold to mill street on wilbur street the clerk was instructed to secure prices- on the various styles of road drags for use on the streets in town reialrs to the drain on mill street and the sidewalk on main street were discussed and work will be commenced on this necessary work the itoevo ordered a proclamation issued for civic holiday on monday n august 4 more trouble for the forbes gordon gallagher phils brother-in- law stole his naw motor- car on tuesday since phil forbes was imprisoned in the couiity jail last saturday for a considerable term mrs forbes deoldod to give up tho houbo at collingwood where the family has been living for some months and move to ahotibo oh the mountain in nassagawoya naur phlia fathatygeargegorbefl on monday xjordon gallagher a brother ot mrs forbes moved a truck load of furniture from collingwood to the proposed new place of abode about four oclock tuesday morning gallagher decided to recoup himself for his brotherly assistance and clear ed out with ophll forbes new ford touring cqn which he had purchased last spring in collingwood georgo pcrcd viitp ellnga jj sadness occa- ijforbes had lpcked the oar to a tree with a logging olialn gallagher go into the car turned on tho power backed up as far ns tho chain would allow ana with full power drove ahead and by this menns smauhod the padlock and clearod awnycmrs forbes was aroused by the noise of the car and hurried to the door only to boo galla gher speeding off down the road with the car cqupty constable chapman was ad vised and secured a warrant from police magistrate moore for galla ghers apprchonnlon within 2 bouts the constable had thanlleged thief dec orated w i th steel bracelets and on route for jho county jail where ho is now in custody awaiting his trinl on friday the- car was recoverpd it hd been hidden in the bush bii its whoro- nbouts was ascertained and lie con stable took it ln charge valuable barn burned in nalson about three 0clock monday morn ing the largo barn belonging to v- t glover of nelson townships was com pletely destroyed by fire together with two horses bveml pure brod cattle and the total content of the barn the fire whlph was of nn unknown origin twas first eoen by two men who wero passing the place in a motor car and they notified the household who wero sleeping ily the time they had reach ed the structure the roof was just falling in and although volunteervflrb- men workefl hrd nothlpg cpuld he 4ohe to save the place the 1ob is eaumated at 1q000 and in partly covered by insurance- xutly pul tlem lntorcffcct last- lttday night it is doubtful if forbes la ablo now to pay the 100000 fine and 1990 in costs notwithstanding that it wib cur ront talk last year that phil forbes had become rich by bootlegging and that he had 10000 on deposit in ono bank in acton j8000 in another c- 000 or 8000 in guelph banksatid mom r milton and campbell ville this yarn wus considerable of a romance and it seemq now as if ho has little left besides his motor car by means of which ho kept dodging from place to place about the country during tho hectio days of his booi- logglng operations forbes paid into court botwoon 2000 and 3000 in fines and coats for convictions on him self and his relatives and friends his brother jim is also serving a term in the county jau for selling moonshine he too has been convict ed several times and paid fines on tho 28th of april his- wlfo was con victed of soiling liquor the night of the frequently roferred to nassaga- weya dance and paid 60000 and costs aterornighttinaihherftitherritiiaw wont to her relief and pqid the fine and costs and she was liberated it vns for violation of the ontario tem perance act oh the night of this same dance that jim forbes was convicted nnd lodged in jau the backbone of tho bootlegging business in this locality is now vlrt ually broken it is alleged that one or two bootleggers are still doing some business in a smallway but they too aro under surveillance and may find thomsel ves in durance vile shortly if they continue to violate qinrua-ws- played the hot cprner whit was at his usual position athhort john kontnor mackle andr hollowiiy cov ered tho outflold tho gibbons broths ova composed tho battery for acton acton played snappy ball and after the first couplo of innings had the gahje pretty much their own way the locals hit tho combined pitching of richardson and mclean trecly and only some looso baso running- and a codple of errors by tho base umpire both on white at second base tcopt the game from becoming a routftrt gibbons twirled rilco ball for acton and was caught by his brother who made a fine job of the receiving end when ho gets more confldenco and develops a better throwing arm he shouldmakenreal valuable catcher mcdonald was the heavy hitter get ting a threebase hit which should have been good for tho circuit ifho had ran the paths with a little more speed and care thb locals showed a marked inr provemont in their play of a few weeks ago and are now going at top speed they play georgetown at goorgetownhext- saturday and aro out to win the boys have a chance to get in the playoff of the league and they are practising faithfully with that end invlew the georgetowhhlllsburggame was postponed on acount of the death of the wife of mike mcglli the popu lar georgetown catcher tho players fanb of tho league extend- their sym pathy to mr mcglli in his bereave ment the league riowstands social and personal mr thomas rutnloy spent sunday with toronto friends mr angus kennedy of guolph wao homo over the weekend miss annie smith has been holiday ing with frlonda in toronto- mr and mrs w snyder of toronto spenttho weekend with acton friends mr find mrs gordon bcardmoro-and- chlldreh are holidaying at mimecoga- shene won lost georgetown 6 2 hillsburg- 6 2 acton 5 5 rockvqol 1 b dewfgetown and hillsburg havo now two postponed games to play while acton and rockwood are alt caught up with their schedule next saturday acton plays at georgetown and rockwood at hum- acton loses close game taylor- forbes tbam wins by a score of 32 iii game at guelph the opening game in the quqlph and ffir ty pouce court news on wednesday of last week inspector reovely and provincial constable at kins succeeded in locating a stlll m operation in albion township in peel county xi was on tho- premises of wm dunning sr and his son win dunning jr a widower of about 50 years was operating it thero were a few gallons of mash and a small quan tity of liquor l young dunning was evidently patronizing his productvory liberally us ho was quite intoxicated when arrested tho still outfit was taken to brampton and dunning was jpdgedjiuthccqunty jail ho was brought bofore magistrate mooro on thursday ahernoon aiid pleaded guilty he was fined 20p and costs or six months in jail at hard labor ho went to jail pending an effort to rniao the amount of fine and costs william dunning drover of nas sagaweya wus charged by provincial constable atkins at tho caurt house milton on friday with needlessly abusing and illtreating a steer he was driving to moffat to slaughter on- july 8 five f armors who saw the animal gavo evldencb that it had beon cruolly treated ho wan fined 1000 and costs tlio charge against the three stock salesman who have been engaged for some months in selling stock in the flanagan smoke consumer and fuel saver twice remanded and which the defendants wero required to provido 60000 ball came to an abrupt onding jit the court house at milton inst friday when the parties who had pur chased stock and worn respon sible for the charge bolntj laid now refusod o glyo evidence against the men whom thpy md charged with fraud andasited thftt the charges bo withdrawn the crown took the ground that mp dor tho clraumstancds there was no ground upon which to procoed tho court assonsed the costs of 9300 upon the plaintiffs hi tho caae charles sykes of toronto was sum moned before pollco magistrate moore on monday by- trafllc qirtcor lemon who charged that sykos was timed going down the seventh lino at 45 mites per hour ho pleaded guilty and was fined 10 und costs judge justin brampton has given patrick gnrrity a farmer of tho town- shtp of calcdon judgment to the amount of 20 in his biilt against the george j5 gooderham co toronto while driving his car on tho centro road garritys car vas struck by a truck belonging to the defendants and damaged tjistrlct kootball league played last wednesday night at lyon park result ed in a win for taylor forbes over acton by the score of 3 to 2 a lot of good football was crowded into tho 00 minutes of play and the excitement was intense at the closing stages of the game when the black and white- did everything but score play opened at a fast pace with taylor forbes doing tho pressing ronton receiving a pass from scho- fleld had the flrst pot at goal which wis cleared the tanners came in to the picture britchard taking the ball down tho field and bonding to rogers whose shot waa bleared by hill after seven minutes of play s opened the jicohng for taymrfforoct with- a great firsttime shot which travelled at u great rate past mochrie who had no chance to save wilson placed d corner to kerr whose header waa only a trifle too high tho acton- ltes had quite a share of the game for a time and on ono pf their raids miller put in a beautiful shot from an awkwardposition hmsaving kerr working nfcefy into position jscored the becgmtrgqal tor taylororbeflattet 25 minutes of play halftime score taylorforbes 2 acton 0 on resuming play taylorforbes were on the warpath from the kickoff mochrie clearing cleverly after a hard acrimmago near his citadel brennan passed wall out to rogers who mado headway on his wing and then tfentrec to miller who scored a grand goal with a flrnttlmo shot just inside the post nearly every guolph roan tried to score but no matter where tho shots were placed either mochriebr his helping defendjflrs would be in a po sition to prevent a -score- schofleld centred to moreland who headed inches over and again from a corner kerr headed in tht goalie making an other exceptional save although tay lorforbes had nearly all the play in this half the game was interesting ex cept for a short period in the closing stages when tho ball was out of play too often final scorb taylorforbes 3 acton 2 v the teams acton mochrie wilson cosh hay- den perry trotter rogers prltchard brennan miller and bayllss taylorforbes hi dunlop fell renton morelhnd htii6hschdnold mooney kerr flcott and wilson referee r fell mochrie apart from his slip which let in the third goal against him gave a splendid exhibition between the posts wilson und cosh were sound at back brennan has fiomo deft touches but miller was the best acton forward oa the field r taylorforbes werosound from hu to wilson each man helping in tho ylc- tocy which oh the run of tho play should have been more pronounced tlio guelph team wero scheduler to play a return game in uio park last evenlrigmercury miss alice johnstono is upon ding the week with friends in windsor and detroit mrs e g black and daughter mary of toronto arc visiting with acton friends mrs arthur irvin and babe of hoi- stein yisltcd with actpn friends during the week miss emma robinson viaitcd the ime folks at kcnilworth over tho weekend mr william masalcs and his son jtrank of mitchell visited friends hora- tfls week mrs james mcdougall of alton has been spending the week- with misa mcdougall mr and airs james h reld have been- opondlnpa few days with friends in toronto mr fred warren of toronto la noli- daylnflr at tho home of his slater mrs john wood t mr herbert dron and miss elva dron of toronto are vltfltlng with acton friends mrs hubert smith ahd beatrice of toronto spent a few days last wool with aoton friends mrs james brown and mrs p mc pherson of norval visited helr acton friends on sunday mr is j hassardand masters har vey and martfh aro holidaying with friends tinmoho mjirst mrs m carty of hamilton spent lost week- with her friend mrs john crawford church street mrs f s selwoodof calgary re- turned tueaday after spending ten days with friends in toronto mr and mrs a kannawln and mr and mrs a macdonald spent sun day with friends neat- sholburnc mr and mrs zimmerman arid ml as zimmerman of hamilton made a short visit at the parsonage on sunday mrdnd mrs norman danlolsand mias ida daniels of gait spent mon day with mr and mrs alfred soper mrs thomohcll of edmonton is visiting rhor mother mrs john mo- klnn nnrt nthnr jijftmlull liiscut vj stl ity mr and mrs james symon and john and mack left the firat of the week motor trip to sault ste marie via north bay mrs dr gray and miss lauretta returned home- on tuesday after a very enjoyable motoring holiday for a couple of weeks mr and mrs william zimmerman and two children of toronto are visit ing rev and mrs ry e zimmerman at tho jparsonage miss laura frick of toronto was the guest of her slater- mrs rev r j2zjmmjrm njnathjpa united qhurch during the week- mr and mrs john kenney had a very enjoyable motor trip to drayton with their son and his wife mr and mrs linton kenney of icitchenor ono day last week mr howard f oram vt tha sales department of sunmaid raisin grow ers association has been transferred from the toronto to tho montreal oihccxthoicompany mrgeorge h watorhouso of belle- villb motored to town inst week co visit his sister mrs frank konnedy and family mrs kennedy roturnod to belleville with him to spend a couple of weeks mr and iixa amos mason and miss graj barber of alton and misses coral barber and m mclean of tor onto who are visiting at mr masons h6me enjoyed a motor trip to niagara falls over the weekend mrv p forbes- and miss marjory and mra brunt of toronto visited at tho home- of mr and mrs n forbes church street on sunday miss mar jory remained und will spend a month or so at her grandfathers homo mr and mrs jan hughes george tqwi announco tho engagement off their daughter ida hoi b to elmore r mayo son of mr and mrs j u mayo toronto marriage to take place very quiotly tho middle of august mrs c a hambietoii of dauphin man who 1ms been spending a couple of months in her girlhoods homo and with friends in otjor parts of ontario left on tuesday to spend a few days with her brother sir donald mann in toronto after whlch she will return home mr and mrs wesley murray and volma spent the weekend with mr and mrs john moffat richmond hill on sunday they attended tho bloor street unitod church iri toronto where- rev p d thomson p d was preaching hla last sermons beforo leav ing for his homo in scotland stalbns garden party august 20 keep the date in mind r a game with newmarket on tha bowling green at tha acton athletic association grounds threo rinks of bowlers from new market drove over on wednesday evening for a frlendlyuaiho with local players an enjoyable evening was spent with scores as follows acton t bayley e gamble e sweeney w j gould k j bauer p lylo a ruchannn g hynds sk q woods j lelshmiin e j hohbnrd newmarket flanagan little pritchard fergus sk ck eaton 12 s cody w bos worth f burn sk 1i 26 j e wlddlfleld t f doyle j mccaffrey h harrison sk 2 j broughton sk 18 the yleitovs were very compliment ary m their comments on tho acton greens and their environment m death of cardinal begin canadas only cardinal dies suddenly at quebeo quebec que july 20 his emin ence cardinal louis nazalpo begin archbishop of quebec and primate of the roman catholic church in can ada died early saturday morning in the archbishops palace of uremia with which disease he was stricken last sunday night the body ilea in state in the chapel of his residence fora where it will be taken to basclllca where it wlll remain until saturday morning when it will bo interred in the crypt alongside- the remains- of other archbishops of gucbeci cardinal begin was overcome on his return from sl naxalro on sunday ho made a gallant fight against death and on- friday evening tha reports issuing from his palace wero of a hopeful nature but tho aged prelate suffered relapse on saturday morning and rank rapidly thereafter his eminence was consictoub to tho end and died vory peacefully it was duo only to his remarkable urong constitution that cardinal begin battled ho long with the- illness that had overtaken him toaterday morning it began to be realised that tho deceased cardinal was sinking rapidly and in tho course of tho afternoon tho memhors of the clergy were summoned while the sacra- cedent of holy cpmniunion was ad ministered by monslgnor lariglois co adjutor of quebeo at six oclock it became apparent as l evening woro on that the end was but a question of hours and the prayers for the dy- ln were- racitsd w 1 w x7 y m

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