Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1925, p. 2

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ll attmxtytttffieba gmmm thursday july 23 1025 they means vdu i said i am dlegustcd at tho way tboy lot things go thoy phlrk the plainest duties and thoy bungle things up no thoy ought lo bo moro faithful thoy ought to bo moro true a small voice whispered softly too but thoy moans you i said look at this city and this country and thla state thoy nut baa nrion in ofllco and they call rich rascals great vico crimo aro unrestricted they do not givo tho poor his duel again ihatsmall voleo whispered yea but thoy means you iii church thoy do no bettor i de clared irt accents strong thoy re alow greet tho stranger slower to robuk tho wrong theyre stingy with tholr money to tholr vows thoyro soldo m true again that small voice whispered yes but they means you i said they must do bettor thoy must give and pray and work ill do my part and others then will bo ashamed to shirk i am surothoy will bo happier when todutlob all thcyro true the amair voice whispered blithely yes and thoy means you- rev charles rold zuhnlsor being a sheep somo years ugo tho writer was look ing- at a flock ofaheop in a luscious pasture thoy were all nibbling gross contentedly when suddenly for no ap parent reason one of them began to runvv immediately tho ono iroxt to tibia ran too and tho next and tho next and- so on until the wholo flock was running as hard as it could that is said to bo the character of sheep it is oven said that if tho leader hap- pens to pitch over a precipice tho on tiro flock will likely follow on to tholr destruction why should any creature oven a sheep be so silly not long after the writer heard an excellent concert by a college banjo and mandolin club ills attention was attracted by the peculiar pattern and unusual height of the leaders collar then ho saw that every member of that organization woro exactly tho same kind of collar it would have bear genuine relief to see a dingle perform er dressed a little differently fromtho others the same observer recently passed through uptown where there la a large preparatory school for boys ho noticed that a certain kind- of overcoat was much in vogue each coat wna cut llko very other coat and every coat was startling in its color effects ap parently every boy in town- who was able to had one of those coats how ho would have liked to see oneboy who hud deliberately chosen another kind once the writer visited a girls school it seemed to him that it did not make any difference whether ho hoard one girl or another speak they all used the same local slang and as far as they could spoke ih precisely tho same tone of voice the sheop tendency seems to bo very natural to humarpnature but why after all should we bo sheep why should wo allow any boy or boys in our town decide what wo shall wear i ni n ilf ftn 1 w he 3to p00 iyarl tanj on the trail of the sheep lifter by franklin welles calkins 8 sandy mackay was getting tho noon meal at thb shoop wagon billy drennen camo dualling up ivo lilt tho trail of the klllor ho shouted yea sir its a buffalo wolf big enough to drag a cotswolti owo into the gup there la tho bunch of wool bl6od und tracks at wagonhound springs wel billyhad told him his story well look at them tracks after oatln sandy tho herder onco u cowboy owned nn interest in the herds of sheep that fed in tho summer on tho wufonhpund flats of tho roaobud range in tho foothills precipitous uncllmablo ledges surmounted those flatca on three sides although several synall streams ran through canon gaps to tho prairies below tho drennen- mackay herds num bered some flvo thousand mcrinoa and newly purchased band of wellbred cotawolda so tar the cotswplda had refused to- mlxwith the others they- gave sandy and his dog so much troublo that whon billy dronnci camo home from school he woa sent out to helpv j 1 at the lmo that billy bocanjp a right for us to do as others are doing but let us decldo whether or not it jiff wise or vigtft let us not follow bo- hind thoughtlessly like sheep in the wake of others mature loves variety not jpno leaf in all tho forests of tho world is idontlcai with another leaf not one soul on earth was meant j to be the echo of another soul god gave to each of us a mind let us use that mind to think for ourselves god gavo each of us ah individuality let us re main individuals herder tho cotswolds wero counted there woro ono hundred and eighty- seven when thero should have wjen ono hundred and ninety iine days later two moijo cotawolda were miss ing it was less than a weekafter that countthatblllymado ht excited report to sandy after a hasty meal tho two hcrdpra madg their way to tho wagonhound springs which wero in a depression at tho head of a mountain gay sandy carefully examined tho- ground at tho headwaters on tho sands thero wero wool fresh blood and the trial where tho dead sheep had been dragged following this trail wero tho tracks of a large animal of the wolf species so apparently there had been at least two marauders at work all traces of tho robbers wore lost on tho- rocky bed of the gap well said sandy the cotswolds come on to drink here- bout midday well jest have to tako turns watchlnv ill send to the ranch for a rifle first tmo they porno out with fresh grub during tho heat of tho day that fol lowed billy lay out under the sage- bush his hiding place was on a rise just above the springs he found it a wearisom business and saw no signs of tho marauders sandys watch the next day gave the samo re sults on tho third day when billy was on guard the cotswolds camo as usual to water but they had no sooner gathered round the sprmgs when out of the ground apparently a big wolf like creature sprang into the midst of them a caught in owo by the throat tho uhuep fled in every dlrec- tton as billy was scrambling to his followers it iano mean thing toboatrue and loyal follower to attach yourself heart and soul to a man or- an organisation that expresses your thoughts on fun damental principles better than you can express them and that can point out ways of realising your ambition a than you unaided could hardly have discovered anyono would of coursu rather be a brilliant leader and be- cause of that universal preference the ranltfl of thn tntn nwrt loyal followers have seldom been overcrowded the trouble that most of us have is in discovering the leader or tho cause that shall inspire us with confidence and enthusiasm wo like certain things about one leader but we must reject other things for which he stands we should bo glad to support ascertain organization wero it not that it is pledged to accomplish some things of which wo disapprove how is it pos sible then to attach ourselves heart and soul to any leader or cause or organization how can we be loyal followers of anybody or anything indeed because of the conflict and complexity 6f issues there seems to- day moro discouraged bejiseof the im possibility of choice people stand be wildered and uncertain it la all the more necessary therefore that every one should do his best to get soundjsalt lick near a sprint as he was information and to think down to the fundamentals of tho problems that confront the community tho state thy world each one must decide what aro the mosf vital issues and who of the various claimants to leadership hold right views on the greatest num ber of tbeso issues perhaps tho true and loyal fellow will have to do in the next few years mora pushing and guid ing han he hoy hitherto modes felt was required 6t him feet to go to tho rescue of the ewe a man suddenly appeared the fellow was an indian in half- civilized dress with a brdechloader in a holster at his hip stock lifters of any sort do not hesitate to use their guns when interfered with billy- very quietly dropped out of sight without having- rovealed his presence the indian killed tho ewe with a stroke of his knife and then with his wolf dog following him dragged the carcass away no doubt the follow was from tho crow agoncytcn miles below as soon a the lifter- had passed down tho gap billy leaped to his feet and ran to the top of a higher rise to look for sandy but although tno bands-of- morlnos were feeding within plain sight tho boy found no sign of the herder ho ran frantically for fifteen minutes but no sandy rewarded his search then a plaff camo into tho boys mind if he could get through tho gap an th bent the in thoagenoy he mightget the agents help id dis covering the lifter no doubt tho thief had a horse in the canon but he would surely not carry his booty into tho crow village until after dark by keop- ing his oyes and cars open billy felt suro that ho could get round the thief and his horse in somo way after another vain effort to find sandy billy sot off down the gap an old indian trail ran through tho canon crossing the creek frequently yet hugging the bank closely on either slfte about a mile down the gap billy came across a fresh game trail that led into a bushgrown draw apparently a short cut across tho nearest moun tain spur at a venture tho boy fol lowed this trail after ho had gone a little distance he found that the trail ended at 8ize of egg important wo have it on the authority of no less a- petson than the dominion poultry husbandman that the problem of small eggs is becoming more and moro pronouncedthe longer tho breed ing for high eggs production is con tinued thus it bocomes necessary as ho further says in his report for 1km that tho greatest care in selecting male to head tho flock should be taken to see that he is from large egg stock records do not show that a high pro ducing bird is bound to lay a small bgg but thoy indicate that unless care- ful selection la folio wed there is a de cided tendency for tho slse of eggs to decrease as production increases a bird that does not lay eggs that aver age 24 ounces to the dozen cannot registered no matter how muny eggs she may lay attention to this matter of slzo as well as to heavy yield is being given by the poujtry division at ottawa and data is being collect that will bo mado public as tho report says i in duo season nwi he returned sam was struck on the head by a steam shovel and hlsun conscious form was carried to hlstiomb by fellow- workers the doctor reported the in- jury was serious and everyone ex pected sam to bo incapacitated for somo time consequently the con strtietion foreman was surprised when sam returned for work next morning what you back to work sam he exclaimed i didnt count on your being back for a noith neither dld i boas sam replied but mah wife done let mah accident policy oxplah las wepk t corns cannot exist when hollowaya corn remover is applied to thra be- causo it goes to tho root and kills the growth about to turn back there was a savage scrambling rush in the brush at his left and before ho could make a move to run the lifters dog was upon him the beast caught him by the left arm and with a single wrench flung him on his back three seconds later the indian pull ed the dog off buly and angrily jerked the boy to his feet gripping him by y 95ij jbii throqghjiome jiush to an open spot that fronted a ledge of rooks hero the thief roughly shoved billy to a seat with his back against a boulder then the indian spoke to hjs dog and tho beast growl ing savagely dropped to the ground facing billy the indian at once seated himself at the carcass of the sheep which ho had been skinning done at hand was a rude tont and hear it was a curing rack of high stakes surmount ed by poles two rolls of blankets under the canvas testified that two lifters hod been living off the shoop range two or three dry sheep pelts scattered obouf pn the ground added to the evtdsnc in ten minute or si h rndlan had hlsgame skinned and roughly up most of the strips of rnot he hung upon hlscurtng rack the offal he fed to his dog then building a fire of dry sticks ha cooked an enormous amount of the meat which he ate very greedily after his feast he squatted inzlly on a dried sheepskin and lighted his pipe por a lojigtlmd he sat smoking apparently in deep meditation billy- wondered whethor ho was waiting for his camp mate to comb tt before de ciding his prisoners fate it was possible that the indian did not know that billy had come from the sheep camp for the boy was not dressed as a herder even if that were the case hpwever jt might fare hard with him since fhelhilian must know that billy knew what kind of a camp it woo for fully two hours the gorgefl man and the dog scarcely stirred buly en dured no little pain in his arm but when he tried to shift his position the sleeping- dog roused to rrowl and show threatening fkngs at last the indian got to his feet put fresh sticks fan his fire add be gan to cook mors meat i the jlfter 7 ti buwm uon thin his do the ahlmarneemod aomewnat to have relaxed jiu v for it lay with us nose curled under its body 0ut4 atleep yet billy knsw that a dash into tho brush would avail him nothing for tho wolf dog would he upon won in a breath whllo ho sat trying to form some plan of eacnpo hih eyes wero turnel towurd an opening of tho brush whc stretched away for a few rods in front of him ho was startled to see in the half shadows a man stooping low andstealing toward hlmr another indian ho was not kept long in doubt as the man moved into a lltht- er spaco ho lifted his faco and ullly found himself looking straight at ills mate sanely mackay when snndy hhoou hla head nnd grinned bily aroao did tho herder know that tho lifter was at luind with ft guri at his hip sandy would have no ehanco in a fight fear ing tho tlojr billy dared do no moro than to shako his head vigorously in warning looking toward tho crow buly an w that tho indian waa still busy with his cooking with hla back toward sandy tho gorged dog was sleeping boundly at last but buly knew that attho least rufltlo from sandy it would bo on its feet paying o attention to tho boya warnings sanily camo noiselessly on at last he was inalde tho larger open ing and ho vas looking straight at tho busy crow billy quivered from head fro foot with excitement sandy was certainly go irig to rush the indian but no from under hla ami tho sheep herder pro duced a coiled ropq and dangled n wido noose at ono end buly quietly picked up two rough stones each larger than his flat and held them ready with overy muscle tenao for action sandy stepped warily forward ho passed the dog safely tho indian busy over his lire stirred as if to faco about and sandy leaping forward flung his noose as the coll whistled abqvojiiff rjeaci ducked jnd yelled billy was on hlsfectalmostassoonas the dog as tho startled creature stood for an instant staring at sandy billy hurled one of tho stones into his ribs the dog wheeled and leapjkpstralght at his throat bu tho boy mettho as sault with a smashing hummerlike blow with the rock which struck the brute fairly in tho mouth instantly the animals retreated- yelping with pain as it clawed at its bruised jaw and broken fan era it had no moro light left but sandys tight with tho crow waa on and tho issue was in doubt in his quick turn tho indian had jumped nearly clear of the dropping nooso and it caught him by the leg only- ahovo the ankle sandy had jerked hlntoft his feet but the thlof had drawn his u ivndwftfitryinfftouseli was hauling eavagely on the ropo and was working warily closer aa ho yank ed tho indian about the crow could getno definite aim and he dared not flro at random for if he missed tho sheep man would be upon him lit two leaps but on tho other hand sandy did notilarp to get too closo to the muzitc of the gun for fear that hjs opponent would shove it against hlsbody and pull tho trigger the indians knlfo was in ita nhoath and as ho was yanked about ho was struggling desperately to got at it if he could qlabh the rope tho ad vantages would bo all with him no longer afraid of the dog billy dashed into the bush and running round behind the indian seized a stout pole that leaned against tho curlrur rack- sandy yelled savagely at him to keep back but billy seolng tho need of help came forward tho crow shot a backward glance at his new assailant then twisting his body violently about toward sandy ho tried to swing his gun- into action 7bfliy was too quick for the thief leaping forward ho swung his polo a stroke that hit the indian fairly upon his crooked elbow the gun was discharged and tho bullet went harm lessly skyward before the crow could mako another move sandy was upon hlip two minutes later the lifter was tied hard and f well kid said sandy grimly you dono mighty well ina pinch but jest you keop out of scch messes after thru saiwy thpugrht id never git to ye como down to the springs bout four oclock guessed what hud happened and rode clean down the canon then i got off hiy borao and sneaked alonpf- the bluffs taw the amoko of this camp and you know the rest that night they guarded tho crow at tho sheep camp and tho next morn ing marched him to the agenoy an j turned him over to tho indian agent who saw that he received his just de serts local health administration suoasbtod methods of improvement n existing conditions mr neyll chumbavluli tho ajlnlntn of health in england in speaking of tho local administration of tho public health in that country refers to tho ohsoloto cumbersome illogical wnato- ful and unjust chnractor of tho ma chinery whereby uch work is carried out tho remarks of tho minister might with equal truth bo applied to tho system of local heauhadmlnlaua- tlon in operation in ontario and tho measures designed for improvement of this wbrfifln force in england might with certain modifications he employ ed to advantngo by the local govern- monta of tho province thtf ontario system la briefly ay follows each city town vlllago and township has a local board of health and a medical officer of health thero aro upwards of 900 of such local health governments in ontario in but eight of those including tho principle cities can there be said to be an elllclent health sorvlcc in all the others tho organization consists chlofly of a putt tlmo medical man of health who la a practising physician with as a rule but small remuneration and subject to the various wellknown disabilities otsuch a local olllcer llttlo monoy la provided for public health purposes and what llttlo la expended la frequent ly used ut tho wrong end in tho euro rather than in the prevention of un sanitary conditions the public ro- colvcs llttlo or nono of the instruction so nocessary to tho advancement of sanitary measures there are of course notable instances whero tho local heftjh officer despite the difficulties undcr jfrhjcllhe labours gives much better servlco than might bo expected but aa a rulo tho ad ministration is poor tho funds for public health work scanty and tho personal application of tho principles of hyglcno neglected tho former chief medical officer or tho local govern ment board in england in speaking upon this subject in reference to eng land and wales says tho inefficiency of the smaller sunltury authorities haa boon frequently exposed thero are in england and wales 1727 sanitary authorities not including 82 county boroughs the total of 1809 compare witti 317 education authorities and 635 boards of guardians no one has sug gested that the efficiency of tho work of elthor educational or relief authori ties is lowered by the relatively largo areas tho population served by them arid overy line of evidence points to thj opposition in pnrioinjdwlingwlth tho sub ject of local school management of which there aro often as many as a dozen to 20 in a rural municipality the promler as minister of education has struck the keynote in his recommenda tion that local school areas should in tho interest of efficiency and economy be combined tho- same principle holda- truo in respect to public health ad ministration opportunity should bo allowed for the local units of a county to combine for sanitary purposes tho townships towns and villages of ontario annually spend in tho aggre gate considerable sums of money for this purpose without much to show for it the figures for the year 1924 show that thero is spent on tho salaries of tho parttime medical officers of health about 10000000 and for public health workin places with a part- the sons of judah dusting the 80ul there aro various methods of dealing with material dust some person get rid of what is most visible- from day to day but look to t h eajjn uauio ufiecmnlna fiiiju2r oukj ness thon carpets are up and cur tains are down and chaos relgna and everyone realizes that cleanliness and acute discomfort are perfectly synon ymous terms some persons have violent and very sporadic attacks- of domestic puriflca tlon no ono knows when the attacks are coming they are as amazing as visitations of heaven aftor such a thunderclap no speck of dirt can to discovered anywhere and tho weary but contented hoimewife assures that none wilj pver bo discovered again pepya after oflp of theato outbursts future how long it will last j gan guess then there is the gentle unobtrusive dally habit of neatness which keeps h ffopia tolerable like oil useful habits 1 eeriisftjt tlmca a great bur den tout h vrm an unrlyafel eorii- pensatlon t the question or the dust that gatljprs on the soul is subtler it lp so easy to remarks of hi wife filp do now pre- tend to n resolution of eloanuflesfl lnlsaurces of the municipalities for this a total of j30000000 for places with fulltime health organizations tho sal- arles of the medical officers ef health aggregate about 4400000 and for the public health work apart from this salary bill tho sum of i063g9goo the total fop loou juho hpih ad ministration part- tlmo and fuutlmp in ontario reaches the sum of apppox lmately one and onehalf millions of dollars outsido tho eight- cities with satis factory health administration thero- is with certain exceptions llttlo value gained for tho expenditure of this largo sum of money much of this expenditure la wasted or at least misapplied there is no concerted effort to control diseases such as cancer tuberculosis or tho venereal diseases therb is n6 ade quate prenatal cure of mothers and infant mortality and the incidence of tuberculosis range high tho medical inspection of school children is only beginning and education of the public in the principles of hygiene without whichnoadmlril3trntloi can s fully operate to the host advantage is sadly needed government expendi tures for example in the caro of the tuberculous poor is steadily advanc ing being higher by 125000 for the last year- than that for 1323 despite the fact that year by year the govern ment spends increasing amounts la the work of the department of health to return to tho question of haw local health administration may be improved- the experience of england wales and scotland and- of tho united states hasshown that the small own village and township health unit is too small to bear the financial burden of a fulltime public health organlza tlon and those countries are rather rapidly adopting tho plan of combin ing municipalities for public health purposes in great britain the unit is called a combined area to- tho united states tho country is usually the unit in ontario whop many of our counties ore larger in area one half of a county might form a unit or where adjacent counties ate small two or moro might be combined the advantages of such a plan aro up parent the aggregate funds that are now spent might be utilized in tho employment for the area of a full- tl o a notab era of such a combination is to be found at wlndaor essex border munlclpall- tles where under the direction of an energetic well trained medical officer of health thero may be seen one of tho best and most efficient health depart ments to be found on the continent and where more than a couple ofyoars ago virulent smallpox instead of spreading as itdld in other communi ties was limited to 67 coses little legislation amendment is need od permission might be given to the qountleo to substitute county control for the existing municipal health ad ministration using the combined re- the yoinjk minister making his firs culls hi iilu nuvv paijlab found hlmuolf one lovhv- uftupnoon upon a cornor of tho bakers tiny front plnzza withold uncle jlnimy ho hardly know how ho came the re of course houid not expected to und dan linker at homo in the afternoon but he had counted upon a cull ea hla wife and instead hero li wiih upon a corner of thq piuzzit with mrs halters futher-ln- law old crippled undo jimmy undo jimmys mhidwd friendly blue eyes studied the young mans faco dont bo iht out ho aald cheer fully dan and funny will bo all right cutiio biinduy but thoros it heap of things doing on a farm and they havent got tlmo to talk religion woekduytj you might take it out oh me if you dont mind iyo got all tho timothoio iuomctimes i think most too much of it and id take ltrealklnd of yoj it was irremiblc oven had tho min ister wanted to resist lip led tho old man oh to tullt of hla early jlfoaml tho yciufl before tho rhoumutlam con quered him unclo jimmy told of it freely his lonir years of toil and then tho defeated hopes and plans thero wuh no won off complaint indeed hla tohu was ulmost impersonal but at tho end of theatory ho looked up- id admire to have you read to mo before you ho said theros a bible on the table in tho foro room tho minister went to tho foro room and rv turned with tho big family bible j have you liny particular pqasago in mind he naked m uncle jimmy answered j have for years ivo been hankering for some bntrto read ono of thoso long chapters in chronlclch suy aboaitlho sons ofiudoh id thohonh of levi and nil tho 0bt of them i wrestled with them myself a lot but somo pf tho names la certainly a mouthful ivo always wanted to hour somebody read em off -slick- certainly 1 will read them tho minister unafwered surprised but la thero not some other phssage that you would like besides something closer to human life tho old man turned his wrinkled brow to the young one i well ho aald i t suppose it does sound queer but maybe thero aint anybody can tell right off what will help aomobody else most now mc when i got real downhearted i read over tho soma of judah hat t say to myself now hero aro all these people nobody knows anything about thoy lived- their uvea and pijssed away mobbo somo of then wero roal pros- perbue i suiijiosothoy wero but mab- b e us oniclfljertrxallures liko- mer but god remembered them all evory lost man of them folks forgot them many thousands of ycra ago but ho didnt forgot ho itnow overy one of then by name i toll you there are times when there is a heap or comfort in thoso hats god aint t her changing kind hersays so so i know that somewhere in his hats old jimmy bakers name la put away soxc and suro tho young ministers firm hand clos ed over tho old twisted one thank you my friend ho said driver big catch of fish in may of thn year 87204000 lbs of sea fish wore landed on both coasts of canada and tho value of tho atcii is 2832106 nearly tfsnilllon dollars higher than in may 1924 v on tho atlantic conwt the cotoh of mackoral blind amt scallops waa plent iful nnd tho lobster fishing brought more than twice tho catch in tho pre vious may in spite of rough weather towards tho onds of tho month on the fuel la coast i 88300 lbs of salmon wero tiikon compared with only 027400 in may id24 the bulk of tho salmon catch wuh sold fresh save the other fellow vhllo work i n if on a log drive i lumberman foil into tho water a luat dizzy and nearly athuuiitod h managed to grasp a big log and hold on to ll tho current was ho ntrong and pwlft that it swept jiim body un der the log until hlhnwn feet stuck out on thoiit her hide v jtiht as a comrade who had rttt to his assistance gmhlied him by tti- nhouldoni ho caught sight of his own feet protruding on the other side tho log i can hold on tt bit longor jin ho gasped have tho follow ihfthi in head first kevtijnigs skills m wmmwftatfi durn it tolciu a mosquitoes and flies ttvtsr tdskf ed jcvf2 ueions what is mclaughlin buicks sealed chassis and what are its advantages the speed guessing isa menace too many drivers believe in their ability to judge their rate of travel without the ajd of tho speedometer to iolr anedi a iruo htory is told of a taxlcab company mariuger who called upon a driver to prove itiat ho waa going only 20 milca an hour at tho timo of the ac cident tlio driver took tho wheel of a car equipped with -a- speedomotor a cardboard waa placed over the motor when tho driver had reached what ho estimated to to 20 miles an hour the cardbpard vat rpmoyed hpnyas found to bo driving ut miles tfh nquroud he was an experienced operator statistics shov that f ho majprity uf traffic accldoptfl aro caused by tgo much spqed in many cases the dfiyer fails to appreciate how fast hp is roftit ly trayelllnbr suiting your apeed to that of the oar ahead or to otlier traffic la not always wise conditions of traffic detormlno tlio speed nt which it is safe to drjvo but overy moterlat knows that above 25 or 30 miles an hour he must be vigilant and unusually alert to pro- vent accidents speed is difficult to estimate failure to apprcclato the rato of speed at which yo ap intersections wit cr okb tra fnctestls tb narrowly averted collisions and to unnecessary driving strain know your speed laws and your speed it la bator than guessing nswer every mclaughlinbuick driving part is enclosed in an iron or steel housing to keep dirt and water out and lubrication in the fanhub the motor die startergenerator the flywheel the dutch the transmission the universal joint the pro peller shaft and the rear axle all are completely protected the mclaughlinbuick sealed chassis is one tf the reasons why mclugla lut lung and ar more trustworthy d1im s v king representative for this section ontario georgetown babys own soap- purpose instead of an army of 000 os fif health officers we would vntu4 fyjiye 60 these men would ombracw puitnp health work as tholr daily business una flyoto that busi ness tho supervision am enthusiasm ax present- lacking nd which is very necessary totho suceeso of any under- jaklng l c ftfce work of public jiealth depends chiefly on three cbra7 suifiglent funds oom potent managpmfwifrv roceptlve publlo health ftnd tlulft uhhu um hvboo f dumb like other quallflcatlons for good olti need due tin fir yours and mine everyones the onnunl riousocleanlng docs not do it gets to be biennial and then quinquennial and so gentlyslnks away into the slough of never the furious resolution to bo clean in future docs not do elthor we get our books in a hurry wo join clashos wo go to lectures but how jonr it will last you can guoflo i the gentle dmlly habit is what real ly counts after all that ulpno nhnuroh to the souh na to the dwelling a con- atantrtpornlng fresh no na a llttlo read- in k d ltat tst really worm wlille a wuio opnri air- and breath of blossoms ana pld osir fn your heart even n utile ojujot tvf moments when vdur eyes are turned inward and you live juat to yoursolf and dad these things iceep the spul ofean and rntre nnd surprisingly ablq to res bit the wear and waste ot thnev sonshlp are virtues which have to be appreciated st rived for and acquired by each individual for hjmself but thero must first be trained and compe tent management to lead the way anl the provision ot reasonable funds for expenses public health is purchas able john w s mccullough chlof officer ofhclolth the lights out the evening lesson was from thf hook of job and the minister had just read yea the light of the wloked ahull bo put out when immediately the church was in total darkness brethren aald tho minister with scarcely iu moments pause in view of iho suilffen and star til rig fulfilment of mils prophecy ye shall spend a few minutes in alien prayer for the vloa- trio ugrhtinx company long weekends for busy men without tie telephone the business manmight find it impossible to take thena butnoivho goes away jvith an easjr mind no circumstances can arise in his absence of rhich he cannot be jnstantly ivjyiser-bi- longdistise v if a decision is needed he can makeit before hanging up the receiver holidays are necessary r and long distance makes them possible tjiere j one yqice big enougji to reach everybody that voice is the newspaper and it reaches us all every week we talk about people places and events that have liepome worldfamous in a few ji9ur thropgli the newspaper cotlt a family jew aon g q its annual outlay and while we telkt nnluionyof men and women ae also discussing the game topics in all parts of the worldbecause they are newspaper readers teu the wide world or tell the whole town through the newspapers that is why newspaper advertising is successful jsfewgpaper advertising makes a con stant cal an exerts a daily influence upon all who read this service the actoii free press performs for this community

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