Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1925, p. 3

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the home or islu artrni 3ff iw f rr as mciubcr cinadian weekly newspaper association member seicued town weeklies o ontario is mil ihirtsday morning at tile i ree press building mill strtcti acton ontario the subscription pnte is 200 per year in advance postage is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to winch subscriptions are paid i3 indicate on the address label advertising rates transient advertise ments 10 cents per line agate incisure for first insertion and 5 cents per itna for each subsc qucnt insertion contract display advertise ment3 for 50 inches orit6tc per annum i cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forhid and charged accordingly h p moore president and editor l g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office nw residence of president itj residence of manager 131 dominion elections not for some time premier mackenzie king stud last week that ther would be no decision in regard to an election for some time to come the prime minister made this statement at the conclusion of a cabinet meeting which was attended by five members of the govern ment mr king said that the meeting had been called for the purpose of disposing of a numboi of routine matters which have accumulated durin- the ten -days- respite of the cabinet whn asked whether there had been anytlepisjon in regard tj the calling of a general election the prime minister laughed you may be sure of one thing there wont be any decision in regard to an election for a good time to come he replied sl waste of opportunity this dominion of canada has invested millions ofdollarajnschaolgrounds and buildingsjwhichnre operated only six hours out of every twentyfour a private business adopting such methods would find itself swiftly in the court of bankruptcy the schools by neglect of their opportunities fall under the charge of moral delinquency can no use be found for these costly buildings during the many hours when they are idle and unoccupied is there nothing the com munity can do by way of mutual improvement 6r through mutual cooperation in these buildings dur ing vacation time orout of school hours can the country afford much longer to leave its costly build ings unused for the greater part of the time montreal star thursday morning july 23 1925 editorial v a surplus of public school teachers the london advertiser says that there are now too many teachers in thelprovince of ontario it s stated that there are 250 applications from qualified teachers for positions on the london public schools staff and no vacancies the advertiser criticizes the system which continues to turn out new teachers when there are so many at present looking for schools witn vacancies it is evident however that the nor mal schools have made the test very high this year for it is noticeable that those attaining firstclass certificates are fewer than usual it is only a rdw years ago that it was feared that the teaching pro fession would disappear entirely but teaching is o like other piofessions and trades not enough jobs to go around statutory now not a regulation upon the suggestion of the ontario medical ass ciation vicechairmpn w s dingman of the license board has addressed a circular letter to all oritario physicians telling them of the reduction to 30 a month in the permitted number of prescriptions and reminding them that there is no implication of an invitation to issue 30 a month he says that the lim itation is now statutory and not based as former restrictions were upon the judgment of the board two thirds if not threefourths of the profession do not issue more than 30 scripts a month it is said commencing on july 1 a new form of pre scription book beginning with a single issue of 30 for the presenf month and to be followed by a book of 90 for the next quarter with the month plainly stamped on each blank vas issued the thirtyfirt prescription for any month will not be honored cntariofe hydro system showing gratifying results the seventeenth annual report of the hydro- electric commission of ontario presented by sir adam beck last week is singularly gratifying the report shows a total net surplus after meeting main tenance and operating costs7 fixed charges and depre ciation charges of 1163910 for the 241 municipali ties in the hydro organization features of this in teresting report are lthe statement that the year was the most successful in the history of the com mission 2 thewarning that it is necessary to make arrangements on practically all systems to secure ad ditional power to meet the ever increasing demand 3 the great increase in the use of hydro in rural districts 4 the announcement of the hydro chair man of a reductionin rates for 121 of the 146 rural power diatrrtts served 5 the fact that practically without exception the hydro radials under the oper ation of the commission showed a decrease in oper ating revenue and an insxeasein operating expenses a feature of peculiar interest and satisfaction to our citizens is the statement that thirtynine municipali ties are entirely free of debt in their hydro enter- rumrummers at port colborne to be severely r dealt with for some time the notorious traffic in liquor shipped from port colbqrne to cuba cuba mean ing across the river to the united states has been a disgrace tp canada and an outcageto the united states it 1s now announced that rumrunners oper ating out of port colborne to the united states will be fired upon by coastguard vessels if when cull u t they attomotoescapeinthe tommy and the soup tommy iludd waa taking homo a can of soup tho oalcmeiit although true in cuhoiitltila iu not exact in detail tho voi b ih imid to find that accurately dchcribeu tho method by which tommy was convoying or convoying tho noui tho can was on tho aide walk when it wtih not in tho strdot and tommy h foot solved as motive power und whun acutely ncceaaury an rud der two of tommyu neighbors who wcie on their tvrry ttfm7irirotbtoppoatit watch tho etching progfohh of the soup it wuh croaaliiff tho street at tho moment and dodging sheet card and automobiles look at tommy budd one of tho nelghbos cried wlwit will that boy do next i am afraid i envy tommy budd he hnn a gift for creating advonturo you dont mean hio companion ciled in nutonlahmont that you think tommy ought to bo allowed to do audi things i supp not in fac if th thing woreof comtrioht occurrence i suppose i should foe i compelled to arouse pub lie sentiment to demand a law for bidding email boys toroll canned goods through tho ativet hut what thrllla ho ia getting out of what ordinarily wouuukj a very atupld errand its a gift which i envy tho budda hovy dp you moan mre groves united curiously i didnt know tho ilurtds i i ecommend that you make ac quaintance at once tommy comes honestly by his gift when tho baby hud acarlet fever mrs budrtran hie household from h2r quarantine she wus an exiled queen oa homo thing and tho family had to manage her kingdom for her every day thiey llnod up out aldo her window and reported i dont think it occurred to any one of thonv unless it were katietho oldest that thero was any danger they thought it was a thrilling game- and katie oh kauo has tbo elft no less than tho others in that case alio was old enough to bo anxious for tho baby but ive soon katie attack the weeks mending in the sama spirit i dont ex actly romember what her game was but 1 know she made a game of it and if yoi can think of anything leas jike play than darning the stockings of three actlvo boys i cant told mrs budd tho other day thitt if ahod give leaaons on making an adventure of drudgery id bo her first pupil i imagine her first assignment would bo to make us woik out our own plana probably it would tho neighbor agreed with a sigh which would leave ua exactly where wo arc now wouldnt it neighborhood news- town and country oakville at its mooting inst week tho oak- ylho board of education mado throo appointments to tho hjgh school atafc us follows w j a stewart of tor onto hcienqe and agriculture at 2100 pot year mihh marian b ba of pei th commercial culssch at 2100 per year and mjsa frances e evan of mantlcaka lower school classes at 11800 per year i in making plana for holding a dollar day in oakvlllc with the cooporatlou of tho local merchants tho oakvillo bualneas mens association ima taken a timely stop numeious improvements recently made to tho towncomotory have xen dered that placo one pf tho pretty apos in oakvillo tho work which was done under- tho supervision of tho cemetery hoard -constatlng-of- thomas shields chairman and councillors blakelock and moat coat approximate ly 200 milton fh o bilgudeii running team of athlete ai o tialnlng for tho big celebration at tlioi old on august t in connection with tho ontailo volunteer p omens convention miss lean it punton loft on tinii- dnyto put in six wcoich of lescuith work on tho stuff of the atlimtle iho logical station at t antlrowhbythe sea n b mim ii unit kcimailyimtl livodangii an ideal of service georgetown american waters young canadians who are be ing used by buffalo aejtiskey smugglers to operate rumrunning vessels have been officially admonished not to persist in the business under no less penalty than a fine of 5000 and five years imprisonment and in addition run the risk of having their boats blown up with loss of life the ynited states cus toms officers desire to do everything in a lawful and regular way but if men engaged in rumrunritng per sist in taking the risk they may lose their lives they declare editorial notes gem8 of thought you know that a little thought and a little kindness are often worth moro than a great deal of money this charity of thought in not merely to bo exercised toward tho poor it la to be oxorciaed toward all men john rue- kin tho effective hfo and the receptive life are one no sweep of arm that doea some woik for q6d but harvests also bomomoro of the truth of god and sweops it into tho treasury of hfo philip brooks we take cunning for a minister or crooked w and certainly thero of tho 53 entrance candidates who wrote at georgetown 44 wero success ful miss beatrice hume has boon on- gaged to succeed miss robertson at a salary of j9g0 mr and mrs j j walters of brem- in indiana have been visiting at tho homo of mr t l lslle miss marlon gollop of chicago anl mr jack gollop of peterboro are visiting at the home of dr and mrb b gollop mlas m e currlo principal of tho bronte public- school is holidaying in town and vicinity the united church sunday school pcnic will bo hold at eldorado park on thursday july 23 mlas irene sinclair left last week for muskoka where she will spend a month at tho muskoka summer as sembly the choir of tho united church of canada in gcoigetown held its annual plcnic on thursday july 0 members of the choir unclofrjends making a party of 60 peisona trayplled by tho national electric jino t6 eldorado park where a t thoroughly enjoyablo day was spent haxelwood the home of mr and mrs italph roas was tho sceno of a quiet but vory pretty wedding on mon day july 6 on the occasion of the mairiago of tholr only duughtor helen catherineisabel to mr clarence fred erick tuer barrister of haileybury eldest son of mr and mrs frederick william tyer of midland herald teis of illlensbuig scotland an lved in ttpwn on monday on a visit to mrs kennedys biothoi f aldorimlr george smilllo champion georgetown will pay an auditor m00 a yeai to audit its accounts ijllton ptys lta two auditoia 70 and they do their work with tho utmost hat faction to tho town milton is certainly a very busy town on saturday aftornoono anil ovenlngs till midnight last saturday night main strootwas allvo with people up to a very l h anil the merchants did a rushing trade a largo number attended the union sunday school plcnlc of tho throe town cjiuiches hold in sopor park galt on wednesday of lust week thoso who wont ropoit a very pleasant and enjoyable days outing- john sandctaon aged 25 years of esqueslng township jhad hia rlglit shoulder biqken by a fall tho other day ho tripped on a logging chain in tho barnyaid and waa thrown heav ily forward on somo planks reformer real soivlco in hot a kind of atoek- intintlf than can he merchandized in tho opiii nmikot it accompanies a commodity yet u not a part of tho pin clime it bears no price tag but is kiven without expectation of ro wan indlmenulonal intangihlo it is almoht ipdoflahle it consists in par of contributed intelligence experience and judgment of counsel unselfishly silicone of profitable ideas and sug- mefihonr of uxtni jiatns taking for cor- wctnoas in detail that might not he noticed it inciirdcatho hours of of- foit ana attention for which you do not jmy u implies the underatandlng anticipation and prompt fulfillment of your needs in all it is tho altrustic enthualastlc spirit of helpfulness action business directory in all shoes are easily shmed with m shoe polish the arfandiiniis value evcnjbodtjiuiowilliequiikg compare he quantify h dr j a mcniven phytotn and surgeon oolco and xloaldonco corner bower avonuo and elgin stroot pnonli 88 dr e j nelson frederick street aoton ontario legal phono no 22 p o bo 311 harold nash farmek m a barrlatar solicitor notiry publlo convayancar eto perryman block acton ont money lient on mutoagbb hours 930 am to 1 pm saturdays 1200 oclock dental the name red rose has been a guarantee of quality for 30 years red rose tejlis good tea the orange pekoe is extra good try it dr j m bell d d s l d a dantiat honor graduato o toronto unlvar- oity tho latest nneathotlc used if dealrod ofllco at residence corner of mli and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds ld a dental surgeon omce over bonk of nova scotia hours 980 to 630 evoninra by appointment erin prises andthis list shows actonin a prominent placs the ligt is as follows acton ailsa craig beachville bothwell brockville chesterville coldwater col- lingwood creemore dorchester dandalk elmvale exeter georgetown lucan mitchell mount brydges new toronto norwich otterville palmerston pic- t6n arthur prescott ridgctown rockwood rodney st george tavistock thamesford thames- ville thorold tilbury tillsonburg waterdown wat- erford westlorne winchester and woodbridg preserve our nationally owned ponifa canada has a heritage exceeding that of any other country when the population is considered in their extent versatility beauty and privileges of her na tionally owned parks the wisdom of the successive government in selecting areas of varying dimensions whore in the exact settingof natures own selection certain masterpieces of creation may be preserved in perpetuity for the people of canada is universally commended the potential value of these our na tional parks jn their influence upon the character ofthenatiortandasasourceofcommercialwealth i y witho an diminution of the orig g is how- over usually under estimated owing to the com paratively small and widespread natureof the popu lation of the dominion with its limited opportunity to obtain first hand information by personal investi gation but the principle of conversation of main taining the areas thus set aside free from the irtroads of modern civilization in order that ih due course they may be passed on intact to trie greater nation of tomofrow undoubtedly appeals to every true citi zen of the dominion the late president harding said respecting the parts of his country we lova these glorified spaces these patches and nooks and corners these areas of quiet beauty and restful at mosphere and in loving them wc want oar children and our childrens children to know them and enjoy them as we do this is tho spirit which evidently prevails in canada also with a view to their preser vation in their entirety for the use and benefit of tho people of our country perpetually the following resolution was passed unanimously at the lost annual meeting of the alpine quo of canada that this ifieetihg of the canadian national parks association stronglyurges upon the dominion government that all matters concerning the alienation of natural re sources within the national parks be laid before par liament so that the people of canada may be heard through their representatives and that no action whatever in such connection be taken by order-in- council it is held nnd very strongly held that the national park reserves have been set aside for the use and benefit of the people of canada as a whole xhey are the property of the nation and cannot be alienated for outside commercial purposes without the consent of the pedple to hn they belong newfoundland wants to share in the advantages of canadas treaty with the west indies she can get in by the easy method of making herself a province of the dominionrmail and empire announcement that canada has assured new zea land that any tariff concessions granted to australia under the new trade treaty would also apply to new zealand- has been made by acting minister of commerce anderson the kingdom of greece is evidently not troubled with a superabundance of gratitude after the war canada gave greece crodit for 7000000 and thougn the loan with interest remains unpaid greece now proposes to shut out canadian flour the chesley enterprise advises schooji teachers to hold to their jobs as there a superabundance of teachers in a rural school of elderslie township 105 applications were received for a vacancy and the salaries asked ran from 700 to 1100 while western ontario usually the most produc tive part of- the province will possibly fall a little below the average from this years harvest the agri- culturaloutiook asefwholejis such to farmers sun the provincial general elections in new bruns wick will be held on monday august 10 nomina tion day will be weld a week earlier monday august 3rd there is much speculation as to whether new brunswick will follow nova scotias lead on this important matter alcoholism is credited with only 6345 deaths in the- united states in the fouryear period 1919- 1022 according to statistics presented by cora f stoddard in the scientific temperance journal boston whereas in the last four before prohibi tion years there were 14720 deaths from alcoholism under an order of the board of railway commis sion just made public a new freight rate classification will become effective throughout canada- on or about october 1st next the new classification taken as a whole will probably have the effect of reducing the cost of transporting gftpds few citizens of this dominion will offer any objection to this the senate of australia has passed tho bill amend ing the immigration act increasing the federal governments powers in dealing with undesirable irh- migrants the bill provides that undesirables or per sons of any particular race class or occupation may be excluded from australia if the governments of north america had passed similar legislation fiftv years ago and lived up to it the benefit to the country would have been incalculable r la a great differ enco tetwecn cun nlng mun and a wlu man not only in point of honesty but in point of- tho ability bacon faithful aio tho wounds of a dear friend and thero in e few glfta of friendship moro highly to bo pi izeil than words of wise conicctlon rov james stalker d d tho greatest benefit whlch ono friend can confer upon another ia to guard and excite and elevate his vlrtuen samuol johnaon whonover tho women of the world really mako up tholi minds to put a period to war they can do it john kuskln next to god wo aro indebted to wo men first for life itaoic atd then for making it worth having- boveo if you had a million dollars thematt-who- ftokltf liir killing tho largest numboi of mountain lions said recently if i had atnllllon dollars i would still hunt lions he said that in aplte of the fact that ho tramps a hundred miles for every hon he gets that ho wadea through snow drifts ford a streams leaps chasms goes hungry often and sleeps many a nght under the open aky to him these hardships mean- nothing the life he lives js to him tho ideal one matty young peoplo if they wero asked what they would 3o if they had a million dollars woulddromptly an swer that they would ive up tholr jobs that lathe firnt tjilngthat an te s their minds the joy of being free from tho drudgery of tholr nveryday task it is no wonder that tho ma jority of young people who feel this way aro no tr getting ahcavd vory fast somo of you if you imd a mllllttn dollars would not atop work but would change jodh it may be you have a posltldh in a drygaods store when you would llko an outdoor calling or perhaps you are keoplns booka when you long to bo a journauul if that is the way you feel about it da not wait for the million dollars but change now your chances for a succeaa are a hun dred times as good in tho work that appeals to you ns in thai which soema only drudgery ifthere isnnjob you would stick to if you iad a mi ttoliargrcto your besrrdflnarit discouragement 18 defeat how much docs it take to dlaqourago you that is up important question because the answer in a fair criterion of your chances to succeed somo young peoplo succumb to tho barear trille a supercilious uftlnff of some bodys eyebrows a superior smllo that twists somebodys lips drains them of all confldenco as if it were gas in a balloon somo one had pricked ho took all the heart out of mo such young peoplo will soy with self-com- mitjeratlon when selfcontempt is re served thoso who are eoally discourage aio eusily dofeatod for discouragement in defeat to lose heart is to lose all the xnon who achieve great things are liroof against discouragement falluro ridicule hardships and contempt have no moio effect on their resolute pur pose than hailstones would havo on gibraltar think of almost any great man in american history and you will confront a personality against which dlucouragement battered unavalllngly how much does it tnko to discourage you7 not a qrab bag many young people look on hfo as a giab bag their idea neemn to he that wo will nelzo something blindly and whether it is worthless or worth while deponda on chance nothing could bo further from the truth life is not a grab bag hut a garden patoh wp ret the products of am plantlngr if jwe put ttrifnlp seed into the ground it is foollah to make a fuss because wo da not get aweot cons tho grub bag idea fflnco it relieves us of nil personal remixmntblllty is n with many young peoplo but the earnest und industrious i eject it with the contempt it deserve mr and mrs stewart fleming and children of owen sound were visitors of mr and mrs vm mcmillan last week mr and mrs h c smith and thrae children of montreal aro holidaying with his parents mr and mrs h r smith mr arthur horton of south man chester conn is spendlngriils holidays with his parents mr and mrs a j horton tho b y p u plcnlc and fall rally of tho eastern district will bo held at hlllsburg on the afternoon and e lab day 7 on thursday last the members of the shelhurne masonic lodge and their families held their annual outing at stanley park when a programme of held uports was held and all spent a very pleasant day at this beautiful play grounds the crops throughout thla commun ity never looked moro promising for a bumper isven the hay which it was feared a few weeks ago would bo light improved wonderfully us a result of t few showers of rain and a good aver- ago crop is now being stored on friday morning the 10th inst death relieved one of our townsmen from the suffering of a terrlblo majady in the person of charles h grant la his bgth year tho lato mr grant suffered for about three years from a cancer which developed in thb jaw and tho news that ho had passed from this life came as a relief to his many friends aa wolj as his family andthose who gavo a helping hand during his illness charlie as he was known in tho village enjoyed the friendship of a- wide circle- offriendaarioivaror many years active fn tho various spprts of the village he was a eon of the lato mr and mrs chas grant and waa born in erin spending the greater part of his life in tho villaga a member of the church of christ and in politics a liberal advocate msnjduuosmvniur stfc excelsior k4anbcft etucmonuruiltui hctonfuurifabhius dh lindsay acton ont conserve your energy keep your temper order exxels10rwow acton flour and feed mills d h lindsay proprlotor mill street acton ont miscellaneous francis nunan bookblndar account booka ot all klmla xnado to order periodicals of oyory description carefully bound ruling nctttly and promptly done j wyndham street over williams guelph onl btoro r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 xearo expcrlonco ijst your property with me acton ontario j millers worn powders flttleva the nexttleo condition dnouaht on dy the pneoehceof wo iui and narrore the ohilo to norual health no naftcotlcs pleasant as sugar 1 woniu i burlington st pauls mission will hold their annual plcnic on saturday afternoon july 18 jfir and mruh ianglols left last week on flmotor trip around lake erie and expect to be away about elx weeks mlr a durrant of fatlpur north westfr provinces of india is a guest at mrs holtbys and the rectory the thirty- second annual outing of he drummers snack was held here on friday last and was a grand success tho firemen are ihaklng preparation h for tholr drill team to put on a fancy drill on brant streot on tho evening of july 29 ft v mr fred thomas has purchased tho coal business of mr alex ferguson and taken over the coal sheds on the c n r property on ontario street the burlington horticultural society flower show will bo holdin tho- gym nasium of trinity u chu on tucsdayv august 25 rov jaa b and mrs ayres who aro on furlough from otufka japan with their sons payson and donald spent the weekend with mr and mrs d a welsh hagcr avenue mr and mrs a o mclellan and daughters francis and barbara of barrio and james mclcllan of stell ar ton n s are the guests of mrs b lowe pearl street on saturday afternoon last the pupils of the east end school entrance examination class paid a surprise visit to tho home of their principal mr w w southon who hna resigned and is removing from town and presented him with a flno pen and pencil a pleasant surprise- party was held jnat thursday evening at tho homo pf mr and mrs win is bunker dolu- waro avenue when a number of the young people of port nelson gathorod to honor miss violet buntop and show their appreciation of her efforts on be half of tho smnll children at tho port nelson sunday school oaxotte the most effective sermon in given by a good example bon ds stocks and grain private wires to now york chlcacawlnnlpec and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannioan phtn 74 quilfh climax bug killer a boon tq potato growers and market gardeners it destrqys potato bubh without injuring tho plant i in tho cnao of paris green it haves its cost in labor of applying it stimulates the errowth and increases the yield it adheres to tho loot und does its work alter considerable rain it is a ported treament for currant gooseberry and cabbago worms cucumber or hose bugs or any inncct hat feeds upon tho loaf come in and ask about climax bug killer and get our prices phone 76 w d talbot sole agent inacton main street acton aoeuuot 3s6 3pife ekgravlnfi q3richucd3tv3t ttronto canad4 a e nickun insurance agent llfe fire auto accident health insurance guarantee bondi burglary and plato glass i n sura n co trustee for estatoo collections business entrusted to my care will be carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm projiorty fayorable rates and terms for re payment box 444 bower ave acton for all early in the history of the bank of montreal its officers realized that to attain its highest usefulness a bank should serve with equal readiness and ability all classes of customers in every department of banking at eath office of the bank small accounts are welcome and the same paitistakirg attention is given to crcry customer acton branch c b shorey manager bank of montreal established l8l7 yts george im starting a course of train ing at tho guelph business college on july 6 mary ailco and william rifivo- juet finished their course and located in good positions tom and andy have arrangod to start on 8eptember tot- but by starting now i shall oe ablo lo take a position ahead of them tou get individual instruction at tho guelph business college a l bouck principal and proprietor session the entire year patrons of this establishment pleasenotice during july and august examinations for qlasucs on thursday friday und saturday only of each week lena grinding and quick ita- palr department operating lb usual writo or phono appointment 109iw fjr a savage joptomatrlu and mfg optician right at tho post ofllco savage building guelph the old and reliable granite and marble works wo- are i manufacturers and direct importers 6f all kinds of monumental and headstone work wo aoll direct to our customers at wholesale prloea thus saving our cuatomor 40 par cent wo havo tho best appliances ajid tho only mechanics in tho dominion who can opqrate pneumatlo toolg properly wo can glvb references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where others havo to howo law suits in order to collect wo hav- th largos t and best stock of granite in tho dominion or more than any three doalers in tho west wo are logrlu- mato dealers and employ no agents and do not annoy or post customers by bonding out ignorant agonts solicit ing orders wo employ only mechanics and dofy competition hamilton sons ouelph ont tcl 4 j 1

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