Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1925, p. 4

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7 i tv- shn a rtim 3 thursday jdiy 23 1025 goin 9arefoqt its lots of fun in summer when a feuorh goin barofoot strotchln out yer foot an houkin in tlio dirt theres a hort of klowous foolln when yor feot uro fruo from care sos you can bond and twist thorn till they sorta auho and hurt theres a lcimla satisfaction when thoy arc coatetl black and tan slttin looldn at om when theyro baskin in the heat c v but tho ioy is soon all ended when at nleht yor sleopy liko lo hear yer maacalhn now bon como and wash yer feet thoioa lots of wordb that mortals say llialeaunos caro an pain lots o things a feller does ho shdulrt not have to do 1 oi the joy a fellorshavlncant uva and mix with rules cuz theyre ollus nghtlh bcrmpln and tho joyll eo cafloo you can know it wont last lonff hen yer feets afeelln ino enjoyin all tho dirt they wear cut its a mighty treat an yor mas auro to spoil it all for slio cari understand when she hollers in the evonln now son como and wash yer feot william irvln mu3t laughter die 7 y if if i i i a j 1 i t in tho words of a popular news paper humorist some one la always taking the joy out of life now comes an eminent philosopher a professor in a university to toll us that tho time ia coming- when thohuman race will laugh no more prljnitlvo man ho says did not know enough to laugh jlnce wjt or appreciation ot tho hunir orous involves a considerable amount of intelligence man of the future will know too much to laugh laughter he points out arises either from a eonce of incongruity or of in equality we laugh at what we do not understand or at what we find for tho moment inferior to us hut in the blessed future when mankind is occu pied chiefly in sorlous scientific or social thought there will bo little in equality and m eh wjllltpe wise enough to sec through nnd explain every in congruity already jokes are kept alive only- by professional humorists men and wonlon rarely laugh spontan eously life is too serious a thing to umuso us any longer a discouraging joutlook isnt it still- there are considerations- that brighten it somewhat for one thing the diligent professionally humorist will probably keep laughter allvo dur ing our time at least and since phil osophers notoriously disagree within tholr ownspnofo7 thisparltcular phir- obopher may be quite wrong it will bo difficult to abovsh all tho inequali ties and it is hard to imagine the en- tiro race so far absorbed in sober scientific thought or social- theory as not to be amused at the spectacle ot a stout man chasing his hat through a mud puddle or at the delightful ab surdities of sir john falstac or mr samuel wellor however w6 must confess that we laugh loss easily and less uproariously than tho men of old the greeks hud a myth that jupltor after his birth laughed incessantly for seven days that is the kind or idea which would occur to no one nowadays so much laughter would bo thought undignified no one elnco rabcllos could have im agined it then we are told that calchas the soothsayer that homer know ot died of laughing at so poor a joko as tho unfulfilled prediction of another man they had a childlike capacity for laughing at nothing those old fellows and arohust wluingness to keep oii laughing so long as there was nothing olso to do we cannot help envying them although wo know ho much moro about biology and pay crology and chemistry than they know yes the more wo think about it the more we are inclined to agreo that laughter is less common less spon tancous loss hearty than it used to be and that there i is tin increasing number of people who do not laugh nt all or who laugh raroly that seems to 1o tho prlcowe pay for growing elderly and learned cither as indivi duals or as a race but so long as youth and high spirits or loft in the world together with some tiling ridl culoua lior6 lo ob serve there will always bo a saving ripple of laughter to be heard at any rate we hope so a world quite with out laughter would be intolerable for anyono except philosophers and scien tific thlnkersrandlt would be intol erable for most of them the butcher it onco declared- his in tention of bolng present and taking a share in tho conteat- as ho owned tho flold li boomed courteous to put him in first ho was a littlo imcortaln what to lo with his bat but ml boing told thai he wuh to lilt tho ball ho said umt if tliat was all it was easy enough tho curate flrat took ui ho bowling and tho butcher hurt tho honor of the opening over tho first ball sent tho lcghtuhip flyinsj and in recovering from tho moniontum of a tremendous swipe the batsman hlmaelf knocked down the other two ho took no notlco but ahnpod for the next bull you cant play any more salt tho umpire you uro out what said tho butcher you are out aaid the umpire whats that said tho butcher youro out yollnd tho fielders in explanation it means that you cant play any moro oh is that it said the butcher yes said tho fielders i cant piny any more said tho butcher looking angrily round no replied the fielders i nm out am i yes yelled the holders then out of iuy hold every blessed one ofyou roared the butcher andoutt news prom acton overseas i to mm of lntorst appearjna jn tho aotoh garotte of july 5 l they had to go to knot my shoes together by the strings v to wind my stockings into them and go down the dusty roads i know in by gone springs 4 to kick up dust and get- a stone- bruised toe to loiter on therbrldgo across the run and dangle my feet there till day grow dim- and to drop pebbles gently one by ono and watch the timid minnows dart and swim those were tho days rare days sweet days and good the croek sang songs and their each song was news birds sang new songs in every stoady wood and n over since have skies bconbuch a blue and never t clouds boen such a white and never since has life seemed half bo sweet stars do not ahlno as stars then shone at night paths now are not so coo sing to my fecl why i can take the costliest rod and flies and whip and whip and whip in wood land stream for hours and hours and never- got a rise and nover seo a speckled beauty gleam in the brown depths wfien in the old en days a wriggling wornxjvung on ft benmin hook- tied on a cotton string would catch r tho gaze and hire the finest beauties from the brok the years have given mo some things that moat men have gathered from tho years that pass them by but no man can step back to youth again springs colors pannot always tint the flky say- if i could go barefoot just once more adown a dusty road in tho hwoet gloam well so much for the gamo of cricket which wo boys played avhen archie arid robert hcmstreet lived in acton 1 would have liked very much to have seen archla when he was hero especially as i havent seen him nor had ho been acton for sixty years his mother and father passod away a good many years ago georgo died in- the year 1014 and archlo himself must ve up in years i hope next time he comes ni seo him but hell have to bo here in less- than sixty years if i do no discount on pfes and ii 1 could call backlnose duyfl of yore the hills should echo back niy home sweet home fred w grant victoria b c telling his father breaking bad news is a sad piece- of work at beat from which even the bravest inan shrmkjc tho trpthcon not always bo eof toned all that may be possible is to lessen the sudden h6ss of tho shock as did the captain in the pathetic incident related in the new york times when a schooner frbin singapore warned into the pier- the ether day a man hurried on board and sought out the skipper with tin expectant smile my names jones he said wherh is that son of mine bddy the rascal tho skipped looked straight- at the questioner then rummaged in the bills of landing and knitted his brow looking for eddy eh he said jones explatnod it was all right about eddy everything was forgiven x boy who had jpflft enough to ship before tho mast and go round t horn in spifo of his porentstluapproval might make a good navigator yes said the captain nbaently lots seo jon ea eddy didnt he run away at sinigapore the fathers faco fell no he wasnt the one hastily con tinued the skipper lots go to the ahipplngofoce and look ht the artlclej hed be on shore now anyway on the way the father chattered about boys and seas and ships ha told how bwdy had run away and how thoy learned ho had- gon on the schooqer its marryat and thbipe writers that set their heads jgolng hesald but wo forgave him and the mother got his room papered now and has d flno dinner ready for her sailor boy its a tough life sold the captain talking to the cobblestones you never know why off the- horn list trip out a young fellow not any older than your boy went by the boariv a heavy sea and that was the nd of him wo sent hja pay and things through the consulate at singapore to- tho sailors boardlnghquse that the boy had given as his address but tho name had never been heard of there poor young follow said the father i ought to be- thankful hore the captain suddenly stopped and laid his hands on the fathers shoulders tho two men faced each other tho fathers mouth tightened the skipper looked off as far a he could was it v whispered the father- the skipper slowly lowered his head back again after sixty years it mas with considerable interest that i read tho news item in the freb posse telling that archlo hematree had vis jtcdacton after being away for sixty years whon 1 read that item i turn ed to mary and said says 1 do you remember archie hemstreet when ho lived in acton remember arohio i guess i do i was in his class in tho old school when mr little- was our teaeher ofcourso i remember archlo dont i recollect that he was swcot on gusty cameron at school- and ho would blush every- tlmo shod look over atmilm i dont see why he didnt come around and see us when ho was hero but x suppose ho was only in tbitrn for an afternoon and of course the editor would want to show his cousin all tho attractions of the old plac of arhjjjsjyjnodl ofj whlchhe is so proud l archie had a brother robert about two years his junior and they were a real pair of boya their father was george hemstreet the butcher and his meat shop was on church street opposite the house where john kenney lived in those days i knew george yery well but did not get as close to film as to my friend his younger brother william homstreet who was for bo many years a resident of acton and esteemed by all georgo was a good fellow though and did well in business here but he decided to go ipto farming over in haldlmand cjounty arid they moved from acton to walpolo township sixty years ago uiib fall george and matilda his wife i believe matilda snyder wife of ell snyder who was a daughter of philip hemstreet who was also for years a resident of acton and crowsons cor ners was named for aunt matlfdd hemstreet well here 1 am wandering off again among the hemstreet relations when i set out to write about archlo and robert hemstreet who were boys in acton sixty years and more ago when i was a boy and- when wo went to school together both these lads were good scholars they- mado fine pro- rcas m lltoofthooidtoseheiv of those days butarchie and robert were real boys they played llko otftiorboys- of their times and iwero good at cricket cricket wns the tiopular- ball game when tney wero boys herc i question if they jhad ever heard of base ball when they left acton archie was very good both on the field and at the bat on the cricket field we nil ployed crlckot at thesbhool back there in the sixties but the men hlvd a crease on the commons in front of bells tavern where the acton athetlc association now has its fine- bowling greens and tennis courts it washero ttiat our men who were sportlngly inclined played crloket back in those earlydays i con see them now jim kelso iack trlggerson jim andjnck allan austin tubby donald kennedy wjlllani sharp boqcoatcszatman hall dap shook john secord jim llghtheart tom dunn and others of their day mrs hannah flfer a widow who earned her living by renting rooms for light housekeeping had tho reputation of being a shrewd manager and much inclined to carry economy tp the very farthest possible point she was hatd working withal and seemed never to reach the end of tijor dally labor on i certain day mrs castlo one of the light housekeepers fi a sur plus of time on her hands kindly of feredto help mrs fifer out with her overflow of work well if you feel like it i wouldnt care if youd take hold and bake me a couple of pics mrs flfer conceded thatll help a- lot theres a bowl of nppt6saucbttiatrm afratd wont keep if it aint ubed soon- after mrs castlo had begun work mrs fifer appeared with a supple mentary suggestion while youre about it sold she mobby you wouldnt mind baking four pies twont take any more coal to bake four than two and thatll bo a saving you can make theflllln hojd out by bavin lots of juice to it mrs- caetle agreed to the aniend- ment and worked away industriously until her task was accomplished when wearied of her labors- she retired- to h dwn apartment in a short time mrs flfers small tho acton dutough bund conducted by a sims gtlve a promenado conoort saturday evening a representative party of momburn and friends participated- on sunday in tho annual outing of the acton con hcrvailvo cuib saturday night was a bad night for drupks nt acton no fewer than four having to pay for their pleunure at tho acton polico court on monday at acton police court on tuesday john bryant a carman of glowceater- road was fined 10h for being diunk and disorderly in highstreet air f cbk 0 uosemontrond acton whp has large interests lh the leather industry has just returned from a business toiir lasting upwards of seven woekn in the united states mr j w c u it icjv roue mead lyn- tonroad acton will attend at duch- ingliam palace tomprrow for inyest- uro usc b e mr curry hus boon an acton resident for 25 years a woman who obtained an ejectment order against a tenant at acton police court on monday said that alio and her husband and a gfii of 17 and a boy op 14 were all sleeiilhg in ono room 1 a phohograph bt mr sv lord borough treasurer of actpn tho new president of the institute of municipal treasurers and accountants appeared in last wook issue of tho municipal journal st marys acton parochial maga zine which is publishing extracts from the parish registers has the following this month fin 1086 wo find- tho quaint entry feb 6 pd for ringing ye 8 a clock boll 5s 0d progrcbs is being made with the scheme for the improvement of tho acton baths and a tender for the carrying out the work will bo rocommended for acceptance at the next meeting of tho acton town councih sir herbert and lady nelld sir harry and lady brit tain and major and mrs saldon were among those presontat a reception given at tho hotel cecil on monday evening by mr gerald loder of ho natlortal union of conservative associations an anonymous donor has presented a carpet for the sanctuary and chancel at acton parish church jhrjic lads jcereflnca- 6s each at acton police court on wednesday for playing banker nt bollolane acton tho executive of tho acton liberal association 1o riot asleep declared its chairman mrlwg davlesata gar den party held by permission of -mr- and mrs fchakvut 0rcaiontroad onmonduyhlght under the auspices of tho old acton- laha association the upper school literary society is arranging a musical and dramatic entertainment to be given in the central hall acton on the 18th inst in aid of the school war memorial fund j mr duce of acton proved to be the holder of the lucky ticket which en titled him to purchase for d nominal sum the whole of the contents of tho empire produce stall which wns a fea- turo of the great prlmrffaoleoguii garden party at chiswlck last week weekly fashion hint of dazzlingjmplicity ot afternoon wear the smart woman is commended to this model in cr6pc satin with the slip made on tho reverse aidcof the material a shoulder yoke ia simulated by gathers at the front of the blip while the hack hangs in open effect long closefitting r sleeves arc finiahed wuh buttons of selfmaterial thia ia a chqrmjng model to l copied in border fabrics- medium size requires 4 tird8 36- inch crepe satin and 1 yard 36inch iinina 8implc confidence a man may be ignorant and yot succcedau fully na tho deopofit thinker hi finding liiu way into tho rocosmu of tho beautiful and the true nat seaio was a solltury ahttphopi on tho downs of dorset kngland ali through hloxllfe of fouracoro and ten ho- wub strikingly averse to allnt- tetnpth to dinw hldo tho veil hetwoon this world find tho next better keep aontethlntf for heaven and hoaven only ho would rc-cojir- mond tho curate of fordlngton where the old shepherd hporit the inst fow ycarh of hla life tried on many ocqaalonn to got nat to talk on rellglouh toplch but ho alwaya gontly turned the cot- vcrsatlon at lust one day the curnto got him so far as to speak of christ he wero tho good shaphord werent ho quietly naked tho did man yes repllbd the wondering cuirato well ill tell eo what i bollovo old nat sealo said firmly i dont bollovo as one shephorrwlll ever round upon uhothor ahephord if 8elfi8hneb8 comes first a newspaper humorist suggests that politeness nowadays consists in offer ing your seat to a lady whon yoii get off the street car wemight add that dome young peoplos idea of gonoroslty ih to glvo away the thinga thoy do not want themselves it hilght help in at ralgl toning out the situation to romomber that noither courtesy nor gonerosfty will mnke much headway with ono with whom selfishness comes first tax pacts isvofy inariufnotuvcr mum wtii iux lo tho soiling irlo7r his product iqvavy irmichaiit tnoat add hit axci ti the helling irlfe of ill goodn evecy niruior iimuhl add hla tuxcn u tho nellliig nrlet of hla produce every hulldcr irmat add liln luxi to tho aolliiik prlwi ofrtio hiflhllng nu construct kvryriiifrnrth rtiiist-iuld- ittaxua jhii selling- prio f mihoiior llckota uiil freight chantch every laiullori muht add his taxe tlitbv chi tit illh ihiumom tivuvy clothlffr mimt add hia taxes tho helling price of- hla- wurmonta it mukert no difference whether l lahor or materlulh or service tliat in hold the tuxefl must be added iin-j- thoy are unloart tixcu are added to helping prinomill indumtry fartnjngurid bual- noss would hitvo to ccuoe this is hlmply thq operation of a nntural law bveryono must and does pass alontf taxes to tho consumer we are all con- humera hence everybody pays taxes decreased taxes mean lower cost of living a 0uick retort a cockney woman llahneller with a basket on her arm got into an omnibunnnil sat dowji bealde an ele gant young man i suppose youd rather have a real gentleman sfttina next to you asked tho flshsellcr ucolnff tho young mana dlaguatnt lier cilorous bosket tho oleffant younb man replied that ho would very much prefer it so would v came the quick retort diyerting attention inn morning mra wllmingtoha at- tonlloii wua attracted by a strange sportaelo conilnjr up tho street at tliiti tiimtiiiico nho could not iultomaku i mi u piraicd to be some sort of mi animal with a hcadllghi faaton- 1 u l fnrriheutl aa it cumo nearjr it reiiotved ftaelf bittf the nhupe of u hiimati jjciiih porhapm aone aheik with a rt fnr hut in another moment mrs wltmlngtoii recognlzctl martha maria kiihrlna smith tlntsuventcen- ycaiold colored girl who eame evey monday for the family laundry martha maria limit a naming rd ribbon four indies wide round hr head it wan tied in front ut the rooth of iter kinky hair into a huge bow hie wlnga of which htood out four tnchea beyond her forehead mra wjlmfngton was aurprlacd for ajthough sho had noticed some algnn of pride of dress in martha maria the girl had more than the ordinary amount of good taste why martha exclaimed mra wil mington aa the girl came round the porch what in the world are you wearing that bow for7 a slow grin widened the girls mouth ifnd she relaxed into that sagging droop which in xi colored person in dicates a readiness for conversation to attract attention missy to attract attention why do you want to attract attention i dont know mahnt then why are you wearing that awful bow on your forehead so folksea will look at mah hald why do you want them to look at your head s- so they wont look at mah feet- i got holes in mah flhoci a link with the dea past crops and politics daughter peggy appeared at her door ma says reported peggy that she dont bllevo shell be able to use them four pies before thoydry out an 1 sho wants to knowlf you wont buy two- of em off her for twenty centsr and sho wants tho money- right away please t mrs can tic bought the pies observ ing to hcrseltwlth a dry smile sho might have jet me have two for fifteen considering it wa8 wel to acknowledge frankly the value of work done by qur associates is not only kindly but wise what may hdp- pon to tho man who seeks to take all tlio credit for work in which others have shared is amusingly illustrated in tho story of the organist of a email chiirchandthe boy who pumped the organ people from tho surrounding country praised tho organists playing so much ihathbcfuopujfc after a recital he was explaining jut how he had played a certain piece of music when the boy who pumped the organ said you should say howwe performed tlio piece go ion replied tho organist played tho piece- wo ud it tto boy insisted but the organist refused to- give the b6y any credit for his help the next time the organist played the boy peeped round the corner of tho organ jubt when themuaxc was at its most interesting polnu and saldin a loud whispef is it we r the organist was annoyed the wind was going down no he said hast ily blow boy biowj isitwe repeated thelad no blow blow dont you seo that the wind is almost outl is 1 wo insisted theboy tho notes wore growing faint tho organist was almdst frantic miee itftwel he sold all right said the boy and went on with tho blowing mr and mrs blount has roturncd from their yachting cruise on the nor folk broads actonlans can congratu late themselves on the dry weather they have had during tho last two weeks as mr blount states that the norfolk coast and broadb have been subjected to heavy winds and much rain the acton town council its subsid iary committees and others more or leas entitled to regard themselves as representatives of tho corporation re cognized hospital sunday by attending in state morning service at st martins vvest acton in whoso pariah the acton hospital jit situated no district within tho borough- hay recently undergone moro changes than past acton tho old village as it used to bo on hod which until tills week ikisaeaaed one of tfio last of tho picturesque village greons within six or seven miles of hyd6park corner probably that green whs the nearest to the london boundary in middles or north acton where interesting do- volopm ar t place la again seised with growingpains of a some what distressing type tho cause of it might n6t bo an uninteresting speculation- to consider whatrelatloh if any exiota between crops and tho politico and how this falls wheat yield may affect a genera election if ono is hold but vet the crop bo good middling or bad liberals should pot bo depressed or downhearted if byelectlona aro any indication al though too much reliance should not be placed upon them the party should have little to- fenr the real source f htr 1 orffattixor tlon nor must tho nova scotia debacle cause undue uneasiness while ttho result is to bo regretted it is pwffectly understood that the awing of the pen dulum was due tolocal causes the prevlncal jovarnment had apparently grwn stale tho organization had da veloped a sort of sleeping sickness and had rolaxeol into a state of torpor whllo their opponents wero vigorous tho machlno was well oiled and mucli waa to be trained by victory a long and disastrous lndubtrialdlsputecap- ped climax- and dftor forty years and more wio liberal phrty found themaolvcq overthrown taking everything into considera tion therefore there- is no need for pessimism courage to overcome tho handicaps muet como from within tho ranks of the jmrty if liberals through- out tho country determine to win they have the conaolatory fact that they he got the cheapest wasnt ytofcvh it a small boy at roiled into the drug storo and said qlmme a freckle worth o aaafetida tho druggist wrapped u up and gavo it to t b jcir- r- chwweit k ut imjr what name asled the druggist kupnyfunle fto the answer take it for nothint said the drug arlbt i wouldnt wrlttr tasafeud nt unnyfunkleror a nlckle speaking of the good old gamo of cricket i camo acresa the following rather rich story the other day and youolder chaps will enjoy it as much ns i did onh 0tjt all out the golden- pennynn english nagy axlne has a story of an bsngllsh butch or and tho jsnalleh gam of cricket a young curaunn onthuslast of the game t hbmself to organize a cricket team in the country parish to which ho had been lately appointed tho- only available was ono owned iby a butcher n goodhearted but quiok- temperod man who bd tiever handled a bat but was welldlftposed towftrd he nowminlflter v when a coiminlttov ijytke curate waited upon hlnirkoomuotided in ttie moat generous njannet dend his flejd ox course ho would ilore than that ai would join the club and take a had in th game now and then the cunrte waa a hitle taken bsok bu t cbtrld rtbt ap 1m tfll exjnctsfeu nleojiwj sjrid ehii hutched wajrvdiilv old hiram plnchon was a born trader and a penny plnchor besides jhewaovorillingtpaytheprioe bt- anything ho wanted arid all the shopkeepers at the village drendol to see him enter their stores ono day he did a little trading at nelsons shoo store he tried on a dozenpnlrs of boots but could find nothing that wns not too expensive then he guessed he- would got a pair of rubbers kor ejected a pair that cost a dollar and another that cost blxtyflvo cents finally the cleric brought hmi a pdlr for fifty cents they soomed to fit well enough but hiram was still dissatisfied hnintyou got any rubbers that aro cheaper he aakod no- sir declared the irritated clerk wo havent that pair got on is thje cheapest ihjoreflt most no-ac- count rubbers there is madol so hiram bought them not one of the command- ments while th addons stevens was in con- greas aa the washington star has tho story hehad a southern cook who never falted to take him to task for the intemperance in language that was one of hia fallings v one- day ahaaccldentlyjet fall a trny of dishes stevens hearing the crash of chinnwaro lost his temper and his command of his tongue whats all that- youre breaking in there he- asked angrily adding a few additional words that shocked the aged mammy coming to the door she looked at the angry inanand shot at himr whatever tla ise abrcukiii not de third clrivmanijment it i bill never 8aw a locomotive critlc- have written a fine play there i one scene ii particular tht eve otaketpeatre couid notf have pmhffvaridffe jnrollfid a member f theluw autorrrrifou flatter me pytlfir-viw- cii dp you refer to most of its troubles is tho problem of striking a fair alance between its residential andfaetory- interests 0ne of tho prettiest wod dings wit nessed in kallng took place on satur day at st peters church the brldo was mfss peodora may amer daughter of the late mr and mrs amoc uf acton and tho bridegroom mr arthur leslie granger son of mr and mrs arthur granger of hollingbburne gardens west ealing an interesting social gathering the first of its kind was held at acton hospital on saturday afternoon and evening to onablo progress to be re ported with regard to the recenuy- eatabllshcd scheme for tho collection of weekly thankofferings for good health in support of the institution george walter roche of 3 grovo- road acton who was alleged to have met with a collision whllo driving a new nfneseater austin car along the bay swater road at a speed of uotweirt thirty and forty miles an hour was flnody0 end five guineas costs at mar ylobono police court being loose idle and disorderly per sona and disturblnstonpeace at park- roadoast acton on saturday night wasthehargeptowhlohthomnhscfltf a cbatermbnger and thomas ball it vanboy both of hdnburyroad acton pleaded guilty at acton police court on monday on saturday evening jamod tomlln ot 1 graftpnterrnce hornlane was plnyink about the construction works of tbewesterniivonue near victoria- road when boy liko ho decided to have a ride on ono of the trucks usod on the temporary miniature line unfor tunately another truck got loosei fol- jowejd the one on which he was and collided with it and crushed lifa leg mrvtom bartle field peterafleld- road acton who na a boy shook handa with tom sayers arid saw paddock perry heenan and others of hat uk fight some of tholr best fights and who hlriibelf developed into a formidable middlesex boxer- died in the west middlesex hospital on thursday the old itectory orchard where former rectors used to pluok choice blenhelms and pippins jargonelles an1 huge rjd plums is n caring the end of its days as ap open space once its wealth oil blossoms and fruit in season could bo seen from acton hhi but in recent years it has been wholly hidden by the bricks and mortar of high- street fate decided that the acton paricii church authorities ahould select tho coldest day of summer for tholr annual gurden fete and that they should en dcavor to make amends by continuing the fete on saturday whon the cold breeze again blew though rain kept off mrs vita spencer woodward is a watorcolour artlsl of distinction on thursday an exhibition of somo of her wnteroolbur- drawings offlqwr war dens was opened in the graham gal lery now bondstreet and on the opening day it waa honored by a visit from her majesty the quean who showed her appreciation of the atists skill by purchaalng two of the draw ings havo the ability iio policies and the leader but a bumper wheat crop will be ho hlndranco and should help the cause pcoplo do riot took rendliy for a change when matters are going well when the outlook in favorable elements or un- rest of u very herlous haturoinfluenccd tho result in the cant but in tho weat people arc on a much hotter footing than thoy have boen for years the government has helrtod the farmer and since thy came into ojilce agri culture wns greatly benefited on the other hand the pgllcy and aim fo- mr melgliens vollowers would lay a burden on the land workers who jmvo had bnough jean years as u is tho wheat crop this year is estim ated at 350000000 bushels and this constttuteathomaln indication of lm- provod buslnehs conditions- orders aro already cclhc tho large centres based on this outlook these jncludo luxuries which the western farmer had not thought of in the old days jfthe faruci prpspcrbbuslness js good and wltn docrettsod comdotltion from other world sources of supdjy everything sjoems bright russia is practically out of the picture as a rival while tho united states will probably consume all the wheat rois- d country indias exportable surplus will not wolgh heavily in the balance but yields in europe- may do better than thoaverago however let the present good government continue in office and fol low the good crop it la difficult to seo what advantage could bo gained by n change at this time but success depends upon hard work and organiza tion mr and mrs thomas oleary who recently celebrated their golden wedding havo been tor practically their whole married life custodians of the treasures in the historic chateau de ramezay in downtown- montreal in this storied building said mr oleary recently erected v t70b by ciaudo do ramezay gover nor 4ofjmontrenl there havo been entertained fmanyrnon and women whose tnbuiefl shall uvo forever general amherst benedict arnold marquis do ia payetto bcnianfin fran klin jenny lrnd and charles dickens have been among its vlaitora and for half- a century it was tho official home of buecessivo govern ors as mr oleafy turned to answer the telephone ones mind instinctive ly recalled the indian messenger ot the military courrier of other days bowing low before the governor m this yery room and departing upon errands which often took months to perform tho sturdy walls of the old chateau keep intact many predoia mementoes of tho old regime sure cures for hiccoughs vtrhich for he common afflictions ouch as colds ovorybody knowa a sure cure- whcii t wns announced that a farmer was dying of hiccoughs which had lasted for a fortnight though the doc- tors tried fifty different medicine two or three scores of people wrote to volunteer advice lie was told to in hale nitrate of amyl to drink the juice of canned hucttlebcrrles to rely on the faith curo and other odd remedies wero offered for example lieaowjifltjeuahyut4ioadbaokab for aa possible open yourmouthwlde ly then hold two fingers above tho head ho high that you have to btfaln youreyoa lo see thorn gtute intently upon them a n d take long full breathu brink vinegar or warm the pit of the stomach eat a raw onion whllo drinking a bottle of old atock alo i suggest that you do something to make youraolf sneezo draw air into the stomach through the throat qood drink of fresh warm milk rfrliik with breath at intervals brandy and laudanum at frequent intervals or very strong calamus tea swallow afow lunipa of butter aldtf iy fortunately the sufferer did not have to take everything that the well- meaning public i proposed he was cured by eating a small dlah of ice cream it seems pretfty bard for the girls t to get rid of the idea that the rule tartahie a accident in the i iadlee first dopsnt apply to barber shops to farmers and others shall you be needing feru- lizer fids fw1 i shall he glad to take your order for ny of the widely- known national brands for farm or garden use at close prlaes in largo or small quanti ties alao tanlcngo for hogs an j various other cattle feeds try cakbqlx ls tho noviliiilnfeotlhg white paint in powlor form- instead of whitewash- for youp poultry houacs etc drlea puro white anddpes not flake or peel off and is a roal disinfectant once you use cartbolb you will nover go back to whitewash full pur- tlculars front prank sck1ven aoent for ntlonmfrtlllc ltd wtt tororto box 150 acton qnt another man touched a trolley wire to see if it wasalive a man jumped out of a boat to see if he could swim he couldnt a man cut out his advertising to see if he couldj ii v ur ij 1 av- ts v fijv i rv dfiw v

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