Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1925, p. 5

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qtfn ftrtottfflrggfflrgjbg tiiunsday july 23 192s elegy written in a tourist campingground tho klaxon nouncta the knell of parting lny somo jrtto urhvals through the duat clouds creop and thrgp hours after we have hit tho 1 buy the noiae culma down ho we can got lb hiloiv tflesunflaysch0ol lesson for sunday july 26 victoria v unicpie amusement centre officially opened yonder pennant- suvo where from clad sedan tho radio aot emits us raucous squeal v and underneath a nearby light a man pounds until daylight on a busted wheel beneath those tattered tops those pat ent tents where fulls iho dust into ouch sun burned pore each on his folding beduf smght ex pcllbo x- the rude explorers of the highway snore cm let not ambition mock their creaky cava tlielr khaki clothes or vintages ob scure nor grandeur view with- hauteur like a czars tho short and simple flivvers of tho poor i the council at j13usuali3m acts lb 111 the golden text wo beltovo that through theh fiiuco of tho lord jesus christ wo almllbe auved oven ua thoy acta 15 11 j tlmo 5052 a d place ant loch jerusaln the text explained 1 except ye bo clrcumclaed after tho custom of mosch yo cannot bo saved 15 tho proud heart of man revolts at tho doctrine that men are to bo saved by gruco and grace alono and that all wo have to do la to accept grace by slrijpletaith bltfi 2 8 so it cuiho to pass that certain men camo down nad1an naiionalrailways goino waat 803 a j1 a 1045 rum 220 pjql 509 pxu -g39-pin- lohl am 721 am ll27am 3 35 pm fi17 p jnu ii3 pm 708 pi twenty years ago from the issue of tho free preta of thurodayjuly 27 1006 tho threshers rp commencing the seasons operations tf st albans sunday school is pic nicking at stanlojy park erin today now mr vfrlluuns get out your street sprinkler and keep our streets clean and freo from dust sjxpressman harvey not to behind anyone drove up to tho station on opening ilay with his express drayro splendent in bright colors tho entire oatfit being in keeping with tho now surroundings mr a j lehman informs tho kreb pftesa that ho intends to improve and enlarge the dominion hotel next spring tho exterior will be olther brick or metal clad messrs bear dm ore co have pur chased the old g t it freight shed and will movoit in u few days either to a site near their warehouses at tho station or to the tannery premises mr will forbes returned home from his trip to the northwest on monday he wdslqut as far as calgary the misses daisy and edith nlcklin i ant lillian mover loft pri tuesday inorning wifch a party qf frlcna or ijuskoka with tho opening bf tno now tfopot mt vlliiains drove up with a brand new bus of hp latest resign- it wlu accommodate eight passengers inalde riu twp on the drivers seat tho body h of graceful shape neatly panelled vntl has windqws extending along aides und ends the vehicle is artlbtlcally pnlntd the bearing bolng buff the bfltfy is wino color and tho window framosftrid panels are natural ash the wphglstexlng is in brown gralno i leather when in tho first week in junehhe pang of builders arrived in acton and announced that tho new station would be completed by the first of august somo shook their heads but on mon day morning july 24 agent holmes and hi s t splendid new premises with everything completed one day last week bobert mcpher- son jr who runs a splitting machine for acton tanning co- had several fingers on his left hand soverely lacer ated acton firemen have been busy get ting themselves in shape tor their merrltpn trip on august 3 on fri day evening they will appear in ther new uniforms and accompanied by the band will march to the park where thoy will arlll under tho direction of scrjrtv bennett the band will render selections from the stand in tho park luring the even fag vhllaupplylng tanning drum at ftpfeya tannery with boiling oil lafat hurjiduy council lpr wilson the fore man mef with on accident by which jifs let arm bjeas and hea3 were gcyppoly seal led the burns are now rftpldly hoaiinff- t born 5 parry sound qn friday jiyajtomivftndmrbralborte rqurnoy aaon married orewsonmarriott in guelph oh tuesday july 25 1905 by rev amos to veil joseph crewsoji son of the la to morgan crowaon of crewsons corners to katie winnl feed daughter of john marriott of guplph to antioch anil sought to improve upon the gospel by uildlnr the law of moses to it saying except yo bo circum cised iafter tho custom of moses yo cannot bo saved those teachers of error were very eurnest men und no doubt conscientious but they woro wholly wrong and very dangerous they have their counterpart today in thevepyconsclentloua but wholly mis taken and very dangerous teachers of error who aay except ye keep tho seventh day sabbath after tho cus tom of moses ye cannot ho saved both circumcision and tho sevonth day sabbath belong to tho law that was fulfilled and done away with in christ tho great truths that underly both the law of circumcision and tho law of the seventh day sabbath abide but tho form is changed hcb 7 12 ac cording to tho gospel a nian ib justi fied by faith apart- from tho works of the law and this controversy that arose in tho church in antioch was over this question whether a man is saved simply upon condition of faith entirely apart from the works of the law or whether a man is saved upon condition of faith with the wprks of thelaw added as a socorid condition this was the great battlo that paul fought out and- wont and that in a later day martin luther fought out and won but this old controversy has come up in our day in tho matter of tho seventh day sabbath kcoping after tho man ner of moses was insisted upon the- two controversies are essentially tho same in principle the best book ever written on the subject of law nhd grace and upon tho subject of just ification by faith apart from tho works of lawlajhe epistlo to the gjalfttians the legalists of century wore as outspoken ana active am trouble some ns hp legalists pf the twcnujt century tho ispuaslgn cauaqd small dissension an4 que inning and it was- decided at rust to send to head quarters and have tho question set tled as paul and bnrnabna journeyed to jerusalem on thlfl mission hy and their companions held mcetlnfra along the way and thus what tho devil in tcndedvfdr tho hindering of tho goapel really load to lt advanoomqnjt as they passed through the cltiea of phoenicia and samaria they caused great joy unto all tho brethren by re citing the story of gods converting bra cq among tho genthoai ttibte are few things more gladdening to a real believer than to hear of the real pro gress of gods word among vjothcr peoples if wo do not heartily rejoice canadian national electric railways westbound f dally except- sunday 743 atxu dally 943 1143 ajau 143 pm 343 pm c43 pol 743 prn j 943 p m 1232 njn eacfbound uaanv with appropriate pomp and cerj- mony tho hon w o nichol the lloutgoverrior of ihiltlsli columbia and d c coleman vicepresident of tho canadian pacific hallway opened crystal garden vlcjtoria the largest and finest salt water swimming poof and amusement centre in canada- re cently tho building takes the form of a winter garden sunlit by dnyjind glit tering by night with an atmosphere heavy with the scent of flowers and throbbing with muslo from a string orchestra built on a twoacre prop- erty facing tho fragrant gardens of tho empress hotel crystal gardens is of generous proportion with lowei portions in brick and concrete and superstructure of steel and specially designed glass the interior is a huge conservatory with vines and palms and plants growing in abundance and in tho centre tho largest salt water pool on the continent to give a roman bath effect from tho peacock alley promenades and the dancing floors abpyp there are con crete stepjj down to holanding pf the dally except sunday 943 ana dally li43 am daily i43 p dally t 343 pm dally e43 tm dally 743 pm dally d43 pjn dally 1 u40 nn freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto ppoi which la 100 feet long 40 feet wide and 3 feet deep at its deepest point salt water is pumped from bacon beach a dlsance of nearly a mile and maintained at a temperature of 70 degrees and kept in constant circulation the water is of- course sterilised and bathers before enter ing the pool pass under showers of varying temperatures among tho other attractions there are a gymnasium hot saltwater baths ar gallery two danc ing floors and a tearoom anticipating that tho present sea son will see the beginning of hvrc tourist movement toward yuuoouve island the canadian paltlc railway has considerably augmented its service between vancouver victoria and sea- tie the triangular route and their two new steamships tbe prlncewaq kathleen and marguerite inre the largest eyer nlaced on the pacific coast service grace in tho conversion of the lost because they employ different methods from what wo employ then there is something radically wrong with us paul and barnabas received a cordial welcome from tho church apostles and elders at jerusalem but tho legalizing christians again asserted their doctor ed up gospel that it was needed to circumcise them and to chargo them jhow t4iynder8torme start when tho nun mines warmly upon sea or lapd it draws up mqlsturo in the farm of tiny globules too small for tbe eye tb see the warmer the air tho greater the pumuel of these glo bules it is able tohold in wuspenaion it is of course this moisture that causes rain but before a raindrop can form it must have a nucleus- or ccntro this la provldod by the tiny specks of dust that float in the atmosphere so tiny are these specks that each is no more than one forty- thousand thcf an inch in diameter and a cubic foot of satur- jltedalrmaycontaln a thousandmil llqn of them moisture rising in warm air reaches coldor layers and becomes visible aa clouds a cloud may bo likened to a damp sponge that must bo squeezed before water comes out of it tho squeezing is done by cold either a cold hilltop or a current of cold air so raindrops are formed and at once be gin to fall but in falling they may methods op introducing queens circumcise mem ana io cnargo tho reacn rg8h uptlraughts of air ftiid to keep the law of moses t pushed ordtawn apyrdj rtgaiiv wqmen growing handsomer buse of ho flapppp ox the typical gpla flf today vtlfrecplyo aotback fpom o recent statement by sf wil liam prpeot th noted british painter the faces of to- day show a distinct improvement over tho beauties of tho past as preserved for us by the artlsta of those days or ruther the average has been lifted and there are more men and women with attractive features when i see be iter- looking men and women about me says sir william in tho sunday pictorial i know they ore inspired with better thoughts und that these will bo hand ed down to andmultlplled in our great- jjreat- grand children tho gracoful bucks of charles court cdmparcvory badly vlth the average atrcjrig- faced square j a wed cjtiien pf he present jffg ftnd trapplpgn of the restoration the average man of 1024 can beat his aiicoatore hpfiow for looks physique and manliness x udds tho average modern man cannot squeeze into tho largest sizes of me- laeval coat of mall and the modern girl would find it even more difficult to wear an elizabethan stomacher woman has not been left behind in the race it may seem unfulr to compare un outstanding beauty like mrs slddons with the modern glil tho compurlslon mrs slddons beauty was famous because beauty was rare- in her day i can readily think of u dozen now who would outshine her i see rivals for mtat of the other canvas beauties dally the average of beauty is rising and it is rffllng because there la gblng on a steady rise fri virtue i do not use the word in any priggish sense but for tho want of a better term to describe the inherent decency of in stinct and goodnosh of mind which are evident all around us exercise has improved our bodies but it is the healthy mind that puts men aridwomen into the sports field sure to succeed original mfin are hot cdntentod to bo governed foy tradition they think pr themsnivos and the result often i hit they succeed wheroothers fall a cortaip pqiis photographer never fty t9 a lady oustomor now look pleasant niadflm if you plonae ke knows a formula infinitely better than that in the most natural manner in thi world he remarks it i unnocessary to aek madam to look pleusant she could not look otherwise tlien click goes tho camera and the result is never in doubt no child should be allowed to suffer an hour from worms when prompt re- jlefiean be got in a simple but strong remodyrmother graves worm exter- ed unfortunate butrit waa really as we shall sco tn the oufcothda good thing tor it led to cho ttndl dettlemont of the question for all coming time thus god makeathe wralhyof men to praise him pa 76 i0 and makes all things work flgehpr fgr gpod for thoso who lovojhlm kq 8 25 2 g6d who knqveth tp heart bcareth them wltnosfl siyln thorn jho holy siirit eyen njedw unto us 611 the qupstlon r to whether it was necessary for a believer to keep tho law of moses was not decided liaatuy biitjdeluiorjitejyjmdjulhojiql6apim and was settled forever for all who accept the authority of gods word which many lirofeso great loyalty to it do not so peter brought forward the conclusive argument that god himself had settled tho quostion al ready by giving tho holy ghoat tho seal of his acceptance to the unclr- cuntclsed as truly av- to themselves this was undeiiliile nd tbcre ytpa no answering thjs argument iauj uses a similar argument t hla plbtle tq the galatlans gal 32 which treats on the same general theme god has set tled the peyenth day question ma sim ilar way tn our day he undeniably gives the holy spirit to those who keep the first day indfd many of thoso who keep tho first day give far more evidence of having received the holy spirit than the legalists who keep tho seventh day the seventh day ad- ventlsts though a very earnest and conscientious people have never mani fested much power in the salvation of the lost though they are untiring in proselyting jthose who are already bo- ijvcrfc peter wont on to call their attention to the fact tha gds yfay of cleansing the hpar is by fftln sgrne in our dny dg nfit ry9 think i is possible jo huyo a clen heart but thn hnly spirit thrqughjjfitcrboro teaches that- a and tbp way to ob tain a clean leart la by faith peter went on still further to toll them that they had not thomaclves been able tb bear tho yoke of the law and j hat though thoy had been circumcised they themselves were not saved by being clrcumclaed nor by keeping the law in any rospoct but through grace in just the same manner as the gentiles and so today all who are seeking to please ood by their seventh day sabbath keeping or their lcshl strivings will not be saved by their law kc oping but only and altogether through the grace of tho lord jesus dally reading for naxt wk monduy july 27 the dlsscnslbi actalfi 16 tuesday july 28 fetors judgment acts 15 712 wednesday july 29 james judg ment acts 15 1321 thursday july 30 the letter to antioch aots ie 22-31- frlday july 31 avml by grace eph 2 110 saturday august 1 abounding grace rom 5 1221 sunday august 2 justified kulth romans e 19 by watctf minator water is composed of two gnsos namely hydrogen and oxygen the proportions by weight- being one to 794 and- by volume two to one water is dear practically taaieless and a bluishgreen in bulk nlmoat incom- press i blo a bad conductor of heat and electricity it is a natural solvent and therefore usually holds in solution various substances such as saltd dls- solved from the aoirwltnwlilch it ha come in contact abnolutely pure water cah be obtained by distilling water taken from any natural source ono cubic foot of water at 62 degrees of temperature faliranhelt weigh 62355 pounds a cubic foot of ico weighs only 6750 pounds duo to the fact that water oxpandawhonltitfiiur peraturo is reduced to the freezing if pushed up toagieut hghj the drops may pq seep frqzen intg lumps of ice and finally full in the shape of hall water is n liquid of only moderate density sp the size of each drop la limited no drop cap bo mflre th onoflfth of an inch ip density if it grows blggpr i ijplltff jn splitting it releases negative olectrlolty and itself gains a positiyo chargo but electriolty like water finds lt own level t process ja niwnym bp ing pn every leaf and grass blade not ing as allent condvxora it ja only when tlie tension becomes too great- when a cloud la overwhelmingly charged thar lightning flashes and wo havo what wo call a thunderstorm your home medicine chaste among the standard household rem edies that should always bo qn hand in your homo medicine chst pono is morq important than pr- thomas eq loctrlc oh its mftnlfpld utjefulnosb in relieving pan and heqllng slcknoait g known by many tliqusands throughout tho land always use dr thomas eclectrlo oil- for relieving rheumatio and sciatica pains treating aore throats and cheats coughn burnsscalds cuts bruises irnd sprains a hearty meal when i was a little girl i had the honor of being introduced to mark twain it was jubt before thanks giving and i very proudly told him that i was going to spend tho holiday with my aunt in new york really hedrawled with the most flattering show of interest- well i hope you feel yfcll after dinner- juntas i did whop i vent there to hnitquot o few month 8 agft of cousp i instantly demanded to knowhow waamati lii r very thankful answered mr- clemens with protcrnatuicar sblcmnlcy very very thankful because- i still had one article of apparel that wasnt too tight for comfort o i knowil guessed cagorly it was your shoes- tho humorist shook his head and answered no no ho correctod with gentle sadness my umbrella nothing as good for asthma asth ma remedies come and go but every year the sales of the original dr j d kolloggb asthma remedy grows greater and greater no further evi dence could bo asked of its rcmnrk- ablejmiyu it relieves it is always of tbo same unvarying quality which thot sufferer from asthma learns to know do not suffer another attack but get this splendid remedy to not busine88 but charity two scotch fanners met r on their way to church l ono said mon i was wonderin what yo will be ask- in for yon bit of sheep v w ilkna ihldkhi i vjvd bo wnntln fifty shillings replied tho other til tnko it at tha said tho first but im awful surprised at you doln business on the sawbath business exclalmod tho otha sellln a ahoei ttlo that for fifty ahllllngr isnt business its cliciity logical at a small country bcltool tho iupilrt were having u leshon on mntmals the teaches had asked a nuriiber of ques tions which were easily answered at length she snld l does a dog hang out his tohgue when runplng a lad who hnd nut nnswerod before held up his hand ycs tommy why la it she in quired m tq balance us tall wus tho oply point which accountsfor ice floattnfft n dublin telegraph a cplony of bees may be requeened by giving it a ripe queen ceil or intro ducing a virgin or laying queen the latter howover being the better method when roqueonlne with a coll or a virffln several days of brood production ure lost to the colopy and there is always a danger of the young queen being lost on her mating flight soithat the rcqueenlng has to bo done tho socond lime when a laying queen is introduced however no lost timo in brood production occurs and if the now queens are reared at home one bus the opportunity of selecting the best for introduction to full colonies no matter whether cell virgin or laying queen is used the colony that is to be requeened must first be made queenleas and must contain no active queen cells otherwise the new queen will bo killed it is a gopd plan tct allow a colony to be queenlefor about twelve hours h6 that the bpeg fully reailz6 their quenlcsa condition bofove the ney apne la introduced new qiieib l accepted more readily during the honey flow when there is no nectar- available tho bees should be fed a thin syrup for a few days at tho time of introduction thpro are mny methods of intro ducing new qupens but moat of them ure not alwtiya reliable especially when uued by a beginner the cage method ih tho most reliable and there are oevoral ways of introducing by cages queens purohasod from brood ers arosent in moiling cages which can also bo used as introduction cage usually each queen is accompanied wit in for intro and oc fair give u8 a chance if followed carefully are fairly roll- able another successful cage is the miller candy cage the queen whether she comes in a mailing cago or is reared in the apiary is placed in tho cago with ahpu half u dozen young bees from the colony to which she is to be introduced the cage is then either suspended between the top bars of the trames or pushed in at tho entrance and the bees release her through the candy hole the best cago la tho combination pushin and candy rolcase the queen is confined on the comb beneath the cago and by jlm time th bees releaao her she is lny- jng- c b goodcrhnm dominion apiarist millers worm powders act mildly and without injury to the child ami therpcan bo no doubt or their deadly effect upon worms they have boen in successful use for a long time and uro recognized ns a leading preparation for the purpose they have proved their power m numberless cases and havo given relief to many children who but for the good ofllcqs of this compound would havo continued weak and en feebled facts about making paper under the above heading the wing ham advancetlmeo of last week printed the following pnrngraphcom mont on it is unnecessary as the local paper in every town has had and still has thojmmo fair competition to con tend with in spite of the fact that the local paper enn supply the local mer chant with any kind of printing which he may require and nine times out of ten do it more cheaply than the city house can wo bellove thoro aro a number of winghnm business men who are glad that wlng has a newspaper office us- well eq u ipped aa the advance- times but do they think of thesa things when a smartly dressed loud talking salesman for printing walks into their place of business on tues day of lost week wlngham yas visi od by a smar yftung nau wjiq old how ho cpultf sae everybody pwniy pn prlntlns- hu aigo- made the boast that hatpjver- the local printer would charge he was authorized by his houkc to beat tho price in two cases the salesman was asked point blank to quote his lowest price after trying every poaaiblo means of flndtwc out what they puld fop thtf lust job he utted 1200 for meat irilps which wo charged 1000 for and in another he quoted 3260 for envolopcs for which we charge j3000 for one man who was loyal to us after- ropcatcdly tell ing him that he would not give tho order to anyone other- than a local man ordered him out of his store never theless this same salesman showed his order book to the hotelman and inlthe had at least twelve orders of printing fr6m wlngham is it fair tp mrtbubtmjaamknrtba t wlnghams utua booster tho ad- vancet4nies can boost your business when you puss out of this sphere your relatives will be hurt unless the iqoal papers gives a jong obituary notice about your honorable career look money and a v hand y0ur esome 6tes no charge baswno collection j a smith insurance and real estate agent for confederation lit as sociation london lancashire fire insurance london lancashire guarantee and accident dominion of canada guarantee and accident insurance cdmpany farm and town property for sale prompt careful and courteous at tention given your business solicited rosldonce mill and wallace sts telephono 105 r 2 kelly aiken collected j m attt owen sound j m aiken manager jq3 j referencesterling bank of canada onager tho family physician tho good doctor la always worth his fee but it is not always possible to got a good doctor jtist when you want him in such cases common sense suggests the useof reliable home remedies such as dr thomas eclectrlc oh which is wonderfully effective in easing influm- rnatory pains and healing outs sprains bruises and scratches the presence of this remedy in the family mcdlolne cheat saves many a fop motherinlaw consoled tho water mark in paper is accom plished by means of pressure whether paper is made by band or by machinery tho prlnciplb remaining roughly the same us was employed centuries ago that la the rag wood or other mater- ial is pulped with water and then spread on a frame tlirough which th water drains- leaving the puhf in a very ttbtii skin to dry out into tho rudiments of paper in the hand- made process tho frames through which th pulp is drained are marked by an out standing wire device and as tho water runs off the paper film is left slightly thinner where thu dovlco has been standing in machlncmude paper where tho essence of tho process is the currlage of the pulp on a never stop belt the mark is impressed by a kind of a skeleton roller past which the pulp is lead in either case the suine result is attained tho pulp be ing left thinner where the murk has been pressed this is the system thrft gives us our wutormarknnit it rew the name trom btying ns ho wdtcr is draining vtf tha pulp wilsons fly 1 pads r kill them all and the germs too 10c apacket at druggists grocers and general stores tlfe faults of mothersinlaw aro born of the love of the mother for tho child of her bosom bald the rev canon coube in addressing a largo gathering lb montreal canon coube said that ho did net pose as the de fender- of tbo widow or tho orphan nor as the solicitor for thejmpthorlnlaw especially as tho motherinlaw noods noeiklogit the motherihlawwas never the object of a serious attack it was true thousands of witticisms had been conjured up which revolved around her personality but in all the truth her status gavo rise to some interesting problems bolng a mother- lnliw is an in stitution founded by god whon ho ordered that the husband and tho wife were to cleave to each other abandon ing their fathers and mothers but the mother whoso child is flesh of her flesh suffers agonies when she sees her child loave her and these aro thomori poignant when the child is a boy and she naturally feels antagonistic to the girl who bus come into hla life and taken him awuy from her a mournful occasion well have to play a fivohnndel gamo tonight boys announced he president of the busy ilea pjkar cub bill wont bo here why notnuke the man who was nhufcnipg the cards whats the matter with bill- he skot married yesterday sob bed the president oh no chorused tho members it surely was not bui you must bo mis taken i wish i was boys replied tholr presiding officer j there cant bo any mistake i was one of tho pall bearers at his wedding a quick retort sandy ramo homo and found his brother tnm eating tho lnrger of two herrings which had- been cooked for their dinner tarn ye have ha the manners b i plff ho burst out turn unconcerned continued to de molish the herring tarn sandy continued if i hud been name first id- hue taen the sma- eat herring f ox wld ye anorted tain or course said sandy well then whet are ye grumbling about yove got it good bread is the staffof life and we have the reputation in acfon and viefnity for making the finest of bread ifdoesnt matter whether it is whte or brown or our delicious fruit loaf every loaf is of the same high standard cleanly baked and the best ingredients used homemade cftuld not be better and the housewife is saved the worry and fuss of baking at home fairbanks bread is truly the staff of ufe have the waggon call every day phone 116 fairbanks bakery mul st cton 1 ladies blue bird beauty parlor 1 upntair ovor mr oi offico marcelling ifx curling cutting singeing massaging rv etc ordera takon for switches and combings made up i miss francis l phone 231 main 8trt goraotown v en3rav1npc rorichmonosrvter ttsronto canhou j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist wlxi be at a t browns drug store acton monday august 3 anyone sufrorlnfif from eye strain defoctlvo vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this oyoslght specialist appoint ments may bo rondo with jlr a t brown druggist consultation irkie office hour 9 tn till 4 p tn castoria vvnssnnsnnv mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind oolic flatulency to sweeten storrracu diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiate to avoid imitations always look for the aisnaturo ol c6ajrfr74cjllu pvn directions on each package physicians everywhere recommend it lji4iibboiis expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main street js advertisers th free pre88 i anxloua to arva you and aarva you wall w can glva your advartiae mnt battar attention and thr- for mka it mora attractive if the oopy la auppliad t uiort tuaaday if bpy faila to raaoh i ua untl wadnaaday forenoon there is a rush to aet it up before tha forma oloaa and tha raault ie likely to ba tesa aatisfaetory 8end in your ad8 early does your watch keep time try our repair de- partment we are qetting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario s

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