Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 22, 1925, p. 6

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fl x blrthi marrlaoca cbirgwl for at the following rate birth and deaths are ollowlng rate biru marrlikca 501 deaths 50c hemorlal 1 50c loc pr line extra for poems m m m m mi 1 born ilardinoin esquoalni onsunday july latlijto mr ana mm vc hdrillribva duuglitor bbakdmore at tho private pavil ion toronto gonerul houpltal tor- onto on saturday july 18th 1025 to mr and mra torrunco beardmoro a dtiukhtcrr died cave at boavorton on sunday july 19 192g bridget mario murphy bo- tovod wlfo of joseph j cave of tho express in her 67th year mcmahon at richmond hill on wodnosday july ib 1925 thomhsj t mcmahon editor of tho liberal ngod 71 years mcnaiily on saturday evening july 18 1925 at hie lata residence 49 palsloy street quclpli ontario john howard mcnally aged 40 years r hmemoriam orrin loving memory of our dear brother- john wh6donartol this life july 20 1922 wo often thinks of days gone by when wo woro all together a shadow oor our lives is cast our loved onos sono- forever sisters and brother news of local import wt rhm mxjtt fflrggg thursday julya 1025 brief local items civic holiday monday august 3 tho wheat harvest is npw in full operation turnips hoolng la one of tho farm past lines just now hows your balance in tho bank of friendship today the lightning of tuesday nights storm -was- unusually vivid there was a great downfall of rain during tho thunderstorm on tuea- day evening 7qood morning have you renew ed your ftoeb press subscription for another year tho heavy showers on thursday morning were or especial benefit to the raspberry crop before you leave the camp that gave you rest pllo up more wood to serve the next guest walker ton council has reducod tho rate of taxation this year three mills the rate payable however is clontlynitgh yetktmlus auf- ato cenfedomte bill mrs robertlang has kindly present ed the- fjikh pjiess with a 10 confeder ate bank bill lsiiued during the civil war in tho united stutos in 1864 its intrinsic value of course is ml but from tho standpoint o nsuoclatloif and history it is valued mr lung car ried thlh bill in his wallet for up- wordsofhalfa century mr rusaolla health now improving for somo time mr d c russell merchant has been in very poor health and for several weeks ho wnsunablq to attend to business last week ho went to torpnto to a specialist and took a weeks treatment at wellealoy hospital whore several xrays were taken and these and tho surgeons diagnosis lod to the conclusion that a severe attack of sclatlcawas the ailment from which mr russell suffered ho js now more comfortable and is making gowtpro gross toward recovery a beautiful saldiara memorial tho splendid soldiers memorial erected by the residents of the town of chesloy and vicinity was unveiled last wednesday with appropriate cere monies of dedication his honor lieutenantovornor cockshutt un veiled tho jhonumont and appropriate addresses weromddo by leading citi zens liayor w p king was chair man thc monument cost about fl4 000 and is a credit to tho public- spirit ed people who were instrumental in its erection v cottontails took tho cauliflowers mr frank scrlven president of tho horticultural society has a markot garden on a plot of mr john harveys farm at tho head of fairy lake he hassbmo fine vegetables growing there but his experiment in growing cauli flowers there has been rather disas trous ho set out boo plants thoy thrived well for a few days then a hordo- of cottontails discovered tho plantation and in one night at a royal feast they consumed nearly tho whole 600 plants v waa it penny wu and pound foollahtvj it looks very much as if the experl ment of using calcium chlorlno for keeping down tho dust on the streets was rather an expensive failure tho 160 worth of material was put over about four times tho surface it was recommended to coyer as a result tho coating was bo thin as to be valueless after two or three days citizens com plain that while the preventative was put on only lawcekthelduamsnow ajrlraaas neighborhood news- town arid country churchill mr and ttf r fred uydof and 121- vln gladyv- and karl of arkoll anil miss jeiislo ryder of hamilton vlsltbd at tho home of mr arthur swackhamcr bannockburn dublin in jtho school report of dublin school published in these column a tho follow ing changes ohould have appeared r jtrom senior third to junior fourth howard webster hon and from senior second to junior third wilmer fryer hon milton among tho milton teachers in train- ing at tho provincial- normal school tho following have passedthelr exam inations and havo been granted cer tificates as follows robert s steward and- george cartwrlght intorlm first- class certificates irene graham marion walker myrtle foatheratone and nettle l feathers to no intorlm secondclass certificates limehouse hushed are tho woods against the sky in amber light the wheatfields lie and from the barn a breath of hay floats as from summers far away the annual volunteer firemens convention will be held in thorold on augubt 3rd and 4th the usual dem onstrationwill be held on wednesday august bth brown earth rod stubble- littlo hoaps of stones gray as old fence- rails all fair and doarjsven tho half- turned furrow oa the edge holds the fine magic of the growing year rev x m moyer bf p colb orand chaplain rjf ta ontngd lodgo of ontario west was the prin ciple speaker at the orange demonstra tion nt grand volley on the lethihst the brampton business men will hold a gettogether picnlc of eldorado park next wodnosday 20th i not thoy will have or list of sports and a hand of wandering minstrels and a jolly after noon together novor mind the kind of weather wind or rain 6r both together aro as useful as the flun work your play and play your work and youll never notice whether there are atorma or ploasantweather j the hordbs of berry plckore en- 1 gaged from early morning last sunr day in the berry patch on the bioun- talnsldo below spoyelde evidently have no regard for tho sabbath when raspberries aro rlpo barrio school board has engaged five new teachers all but one residents throe at 860 a year salary ono each at 950 and 1000 back c towns than little chap h painful fall xast thursday evening jack russell the sixyearold son of mr and mrs stanley russell oakvlho was playing on a pile of furniture crates at the rear of the warerooms of his grandfather mr william johnstone in somo man ner the little lad lost his footing and fell striking hlhead on a sharp piece of crating a nasty gash was cut in his forehead which required six stitch es jack stood the injury bravely and returned homo with his parents on sat urday evening resembtmr a- veteran with his bandages and plasters farmers hereabouts have theirhay ing well advarfded some are now harvesting their fall whoat letters are coming regularly rfrom mr douglas gowdy ho la having a very flno time ovorscas he has lately visited tho homo and birth place of robbie burns the scottish poet loch lomond and ben lomond and tho scott country glasgow and other scottish cities and points of historic interest the berryplckera aro now busily engaged in gathering the raspberry crop g messrs william gowdy and j h daughty elders of tho presbyterian church here tendered their resigna tions of tho eldership on sunday there has been some muchneeded gravelling done on the limohouse crossroad lately a road grader or drag used on this section for half u day would greatly improve tho road way similar treatment of tho fifth hno from thomas kennedys farm to limehouso is desirable two of tho most essential things tomako a garden party a success niv fine- weathor and a good programme md tho btflpnackburu womons in stitute last wednesday evening wirt favored with both there has not boon a more suitable evening- this aurnmur for a function of thin kind tho soloc tton of tho programme vus a moit auitublo one acton citizens band gave a number of flno selections which culled forth tho praleo of chairman gowdy and the approval of tho aud ience tho evu gourlay concortco gave thopthor part of tho programme mr fisher a singer and yodlor and in his team work with mr patuycgon tho comedian was good mr patterson tho comedian pleased tho audlanou s his funnylsms and his delightful scottish accent misa rosa as a so prano soloist was a real treat anctkor oldfashioned hoop skirt costume worn in rendering the oldfaslupjnol songs was quaint indeed and every numher iiho favored tho audience with was a dolight miss bva gourlay was the presiding genius at trro piano mr w gowdy was tho jovial chairman of tho evening and kopt tho programme running smoothly the refreshment booth- did tt continuous business and tills outdoor function on the grounds of mr thos moffats farm on tho acton crossroad which woro so excuhently suited to tho purpose wjis moat sue cossful from off angles tho anrplua funds dro to be devoted to a fuhd to i erect a community half at bannock- v rburn canadian sportsmans maga- 2ine ospringe robert joyce died from e pall robert n joyce aged 13 years son of mr and mrs robert joycoof es- queolng met with- an accident on fri day night from which hedled on- sat urday while on his way homo from milton in john mclartys automobile tho lads hat blew off when thoy woro near the baso line mr joyce stopped his car and young joyce on stepping out of the car to get his hat tripped and fell the hack of his head striking the gravel road ho got up recovered his hat and got into the car apparent ly none the worsofor the fall shortly after reaching homo and while telling hla mother about tho mishap on tho road he suddenly became unconscious and never rallied v revidontly pay smaller bolarles arepaidat the front a coal oil stove- ot spry moat- shop took fire on thursday morning about 71 tho fire alarm was sounded but th btove was thrown into the street and the fire thereby extinguished before much damage wae doner- rey ben h spenco of toronto occupied the pulpit of knox church on sunday ho preached able sermons morning- and ovonlng and emphaslibd the need for vigilance on the part of ail who deslro- to hco thquor trafflo overthrown ta hntfft7dobehtaibfl of oats wore bcought in to tho tlaw prass on satur day by mr d d morrison acton crossroad thesb excelled the onts kt0wju byaiq dnforeatandhoi in the window last week and measured bfeet 6 inches jswhat could be more uhlque asks the toronto star than a yeajt- in nsrhlchr tho twelfth comes on tho eleventh thdta easy a year like this one when the twelfth comes on thooloventh in toronto ind on the croing should be widened the mill street crossing over the four tracks of the canadian national railway- does hot confirm wth tho tcrontosarnla provincial highway which goes ovor it iind is very inade quate to the largely increased voluirie ptttrafflc how passing over tho nlank- j ing of the crossing is not sufficiently wide to permit two motor care passing over side by side or passing each other at this point a quantity of broken a to no was applied a few weeks age which made sorne improvomenti if tho plonking was lengthened by ten or twelve feet tho crossing would be greatly improved and motorists then would feel a safety which under the present conditions is impossible with haying operations completed oh thefarino for this yooreur farm ers are now tmjoyittg a fow days va cation in hoeing the root crop which is looking splendid at presont but needs rain the fall wheat fields are fast turn in j a golden hue these bright sunny daps cutting operations will- bo started by local farmers this wcok many motorists- aro travelling up through this district on their way up north to enjoy their vacation the misses pashley of toronto aro holidaying with mr and mrs t d mccutchoon of riverside farm mrsa sponce of toronto is visit ing her parents mr and mrs h r mccutcheon miss emma benham of guelph was a visitoratthe parentalhomo hero jaatstuiday 4 mrs usher wood spent last week hol idaying with mr and mrs e xwrey of palmcrston mr symon of acton- was a visitor in this vicinity last sunday our local young ladies are making fame- for themselves these overlings by playing speedy ball gamea which are always well attended by our cltl- xons th addition tq a full quota of un- uauallyintosesting storie3ani articles tho august numbor of rod and pun in canada tho canadian sporttmana magazine contains a wealth of lnfor matlon for the oiitdoorsman tho fish erman and tho gun crank in tho regu lar articles and full synopsis of tho hunting and fishing seasons and laws for the provinces of canada and new foundland it also includes the an nouncement of the annual photograph ic contest in which 700 in prizes la being awarded rod and gun in canada is published monthly by w j taylor limited at woodstock ontario news of local import how waterworks improva a town tho forest frcb press says tho laying of over live miles pf cast iron water mains ov tho utroetaof forest was commenced this wook and- tho citizens uffc preparing for tho onjoy- moiitof tho necessity of running water in thojr homes wo will then have tho best little town in ontario how r do it people wqnder sometimes how other people got tholr irionoy to buy goso- lino and cara- well heros a littlo light on tho subject from amhorstburg a man down here so it says went into a store and bought three dozen eggs and had them charged ho took tho oggs to another stbro and sold them for cash with which hopurchased gaa- ollne thorcis a financier for you forcat proo press salvation army band concert tho salvation army band of guelph gayothbueocond openair concert this doason last thursday evening they gave a good programme of sweet music and their choristers sang a numbor of hymns thc fact that acton citizens batid is giving weekly concerts on saturday evenings evidently had the effect of a smaller audlenco on thld jvlflit of tho army band our own band is very popular with our citizens and always draws a large attendance it might have been the little son of tho vicar was spend ing his first year at n preparatory school and was very proud of knowledge ho had acquired j every night ho camo hompandmm- parted something new to his proud father fatbcrliojegaaorie evening after supper my master has been teaching mo tho moaning of the tenses- oh has he remarked she jvlcar then ill give you a little test if i said t was good at cricket whattense would that be past tense answered the learned one- correct my son beamed tho par- ont and if i said i am good at the game of cricket what tense would that bo without a moments hesitation the littlo boy replied why that would be protence rov djvmunro goaato toronto early in august rov dr munro is to leave oakvlho and become associate pastor of old st andrews church toronto this announcement la now nmdb definitely for weeks it has been mentioned as a possibility dr munro will remain for tho balance of july in oakvillo and shortly after will as sume assoclato charge of st andrews tho doctor has been in oakvillo for sixteen years coming here from glad stone man he has attained il high position in tho united church and besides has a host of friends and ad mirers who greatly regrtit his leaving oakvillo star the trap a -man- onoe complained to baroir rothschlld that he could not get back a loan of 100 from a debtor being advised to sue the unlucky creditor had to confess that ho had no written acknowledgment of tho debt write to him said tho great finan cier and tell him that you must have your 150 back at once but it was only 100 exactly ho will write back ani toll you so and then you will have yoiir acknowledgment the brides burnt offerings tho young husband who was sub sisting largely on the brides cooking ventufgd to complain about the quality of tho breakfast she had prepared for him well darling sho said sweetly you know that wo do not keep a cook because we agreed that until wo had a little more money we should have to make sacrifices yes dear ho answered but need you make them in the form of burnt offerings why does a cobbler never use the first thrng that comes to his hand becauao he always usesthe last- mclean co- the hosiery store of acton welldressed women appreciate hosiery that is perfect fitting holeproof have mode their reputation for fit style and quality- hoiiepboop silk hose in all the new shades at l00 l25 175 art silk hose in black and all the new shades special per pair ladies black lisle hqsegood value at 50c special per pair ladies cotton hose in black and white special price this week per pair fancy stripe ginghams extra good value at per yard stripebmardclotfrs iastcblbrsrspecial per voiles in black and navy reg 85e for 60c reg 100 for 75c 40c erycl 95c for mens summer comfort mens athletic combinations roomy good fitting one button at 1 zt balbriggan combinations short sleeves knee length special at plu p carhartt overalls the next pair of overalls you buy try a pair of carhartt the best overall made in canada today every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction sizes in stock from 34 to 46 t congoleum rugs at half price we have in stock today 25 of theseconjoleum rugs all good pat terns sizes 4y ft by 9 ft the listed price of this rug is 700 this lot to oa clear at each 0v store closes wednesday at 130 v mclean go mhistreet actonont na86agaweya hs editeriateare outiitandlnp our heart lest dphgratulatlons aro ex tended to the acton fakb piucsa which fthis month celebrated its fiftieth an niversary under the able manage ment of hv moore jt the fhcs has btcadlly- advanced until to day it is generally admitted to ho bnb of the outstandjlng weeklies of cau dftvilbo7ef theeleaitcst ahcotir published and is noted for its re fusal of doubtful advertising of any kinds including tobacco its editorials are auo outstanding and altogether gether it is a publication of which the people oapton ore justly proud its present editor will shortly have filled the editorial chair for fifty years may thirteenth in buffarln8helburn pjj nntinue- t awub ohd c on bconpmtat nearly a fatal accident littlo girl ran into m- motor cur and y wnruitovtr m a- w t-p- last wodnosday evening as the aoton citizens band was about to take their places in a e crlppo motor truclt at the band hall to to the gacdon party at mr t moffats on the fifth jine mrcrlpps little sevenyear old daughter lois ha a very narrow escape from fatal iniurles she rode -down- to the band hail with her father and while the truck was stand tug at tho hall she and somo other- children woro playing with a bait the ball rolled into the street and she ran around the corner of the truck to get iv at this moment a star aedpn driven very cautiously by miss mnr orle gurnoy of wlnghom daughter of exmayor gurney qf that town drove along the side qf the truck- the little glrlran directly in tio path of thp mbtor cjtrslio was khopked down with her face to the read and tho wheels passed over her back she was picked up and hurried to ahfkjaoctorcjau who were presfht tho good work fergus newsltecord t bruises and abraleions examination proved that no bones were broken a weeks rest and caro have resulted in almost complete recovery and lois is running about again with the pthor children mlstf gurney was completely pros- 7s r trated absdlutoiynifj btamo could he jf attached rto her but she felt very keen- hefaphiat ihswm drivintf the oar which rim over the little girl itms asomewhat peculiar coincidence that four or five years ago on armistice siy when tho hand was proparing to march from s place the daughter of couhelllor atkinson than about tlje same age as cols crlpps was run oyer by a motor oar under similar 4 clrcuirruitancoa she fortunately- bus- f vtlnd vayr tiht injury anqvwas rah- nlnjf abour the next day doeent like garage mueie editor white of the muton rcfotraer whose coxy home is acrosfl tho street from one of the garages and whose property at tjie rear has another but ting it bays those who live near some of the garages in town feel some times like the duke of wellington felt at the battle of waterloo when he prayed that either night or blucher would come well wb dont caro about blubber coming- but we are very thankful for the arrival of the dark ness until which there appears to bo no escape from the infernal racket that is made when dbctofintf up soma old and dilapidated tin llxsles that have gono wrohg in their intorior part a battery of gatfings would sound like a whisper beside one of these bona shakers undergoing repairs zimmarmitn family re- union a gathering of the- zlmmfirrhnnrala- tlves of the immediate- vicinity was held on- saturday afternoon ofrthe home of mr arthur swnokhnmer at churchill in honor of mr- orrle zim merman of high river aha who august 12 will be campbellvillos civic holiday date und thero will bb big attractions by day base ball tournament in which faat teams will compete and athletic sports in tho evening there will bo a garden party at which the duncan b- cowan co of toronto the wellknown and popular entertainers will provide thp pro- grajnme tho annual sermons and garden party at isbenezer united church lo3l wcekwerfi markedly successful rev ak marsh ifj new miniatcjj preached stirrimjand vory appropriate harmons on sunday morning and even ing on wednesday evening tho an- nual garden party was hold and it was a crowning success the weather was delightful and the crowd attend ing was large and the progrnmmo ox- cellont and the best of feeling pre vailed the ladles softball tourna ment was exciting throughout in tho first game thebrookvuio girls defeat ed the rockwobd aggregation jmlormo won from actorr and brookville then defeatod palermo coming out victors in the tournament the programme of the evening -was- given by the c leroy konney company from tor onto and was greatly enjoyed the strand orchestra of guolph con tributed tnuch with -their- excellent music bey mr marsh proved him self an ideal chair jriari rockwood mritoy young visited friends at ken ii worth over tho weekdnd last week mrand mrs r b rich- ardaorj and daughter prapccfl motored to oshawa to spehd a few days with mrs geo dough and family sine a tfieli roturnword was jcolvcd after ovn absence of sixteen years wis concluded that she was fatally injuredupendlng ute week wlthws aunt mra while the little body flustalnearpalnfulihtoph swackhain p swackhamijr tfios preaoiit wer sirs cbrlatophr 6wa9 htun6i l r and mra clinton swack hamer and family of churchill mr isaac bennat ondmua noreon of bnli- inarnd mr and mra william blnghan mr and mra xra vannattei and mlao vannotfer of qeorpotnwn mrs bolort btfhnatt and atyaa mlnnlo kjjnmar- man bonnst and mias marsorot ben- nott flf jiotoa itr ana mrv birftlnhd conover and mlea conovor of erlndols dr and mra otth and dauuor of heanibvlllo and mr qrrlo zlmmorman mleb hlver alberto it added much to the satlafactlpn of tie gnthorlpi thif mjrn chrlatophar hwackliamer the iniit aurvlvlnir member- of tlr john- zlm- mormana family who wore pioneer netuera qt aetori was aula to partltil- pate in he mmny eoclal pleaaureof the day- wedding gifts when selecting wedding glfu or birthday presents ourstock will bo foynd to comprise an assortment that will make the choosing easy and the selection suitable our stock of silverware and fancy china and jeweller is most complote repairinis our ropaining sorvlcobf -ojcpot- workmanship and years pf ex perience are at your disposal for repairs to clocks watches jewel lery and optical repairs tl3 prices aro reasonable consistent with good workmanship wo solicit a trial h w hinton jowoller wtch and clockmokor acton and georgetown bake biscuits for the boy or girl as well as bread they are just as nourishing and make a welcome change but bo sure trio flour is kings choice flour no other is just as good in palatablllty and strength- giving qualities for growing children and brown ups f too kings choice flour is one of tho very best food makers on eartn norval flour mills w b browneca ewp norml-ont- civic holiday sports stanley park erin on monday august 3rd baseballjtojcrnament rizes for a baseball tournament between guelph pockwpoxj georgetown and hillsburff poaooin first arne to he palled at 1 30 sharp mpjridaythat mrswcloughs son will passed away suddenly the many friends hero will sympathize with them in their bercayemenl- m is only a few years since they left rockwoodv mr george clough secured a position there and after some time passed away the late mr clough was a former employee of harris and co jltdt here mr and mrs robert boland left las friday morning on a motor trip to peterboro mr and mrs alex monroe returned home last saturday after a pleasant week of camping and renewing form er acquaintances jtev mr simpson of toronto again conducted service fpr the continuing presbyterians last sunday his die- courses were full of deep thought and were listened to with close attention at tho evening servicer he dealt with christs question what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul the ball game last saturday at acton resulted in a victoryfor the acton team the score being tp 3 we- hope our boys will manage tobroiie up and turn tho tables -in- their favor before tho season la over as arthur stumpf wan rrjotorlng up street bij sunday evening at a pretty i gobel clip his car suddenly turnod an jj crashed ln a kr thqmasa cedar hodge and damaged mr ffnos talbots fonoe snapping the posts oft to lite littlo gate such reokless driving on the part of some car owners puts thorn jn a had light tt is very fortumae no one was hurt t mr and mrs illlhgworth croft of guelph were visitors at tho home of the formers mother mrs taseph croft on stlnday mrs croft has been confined to her bed tbr some months past and la being attended to by miss jen tbrrance- mrs croft wan rehiembered by her granddaughteiy mlss edyihe jago on tho- occasion of hher murrlng reesntjy to fred shaw with her buquet 6fbrld4i rosos mr and mrs croft motorftrt u jfltnh- cner last sunday to vln the if vl frsd who has fltartod in the dentistry profession there at stanley paitk erin v on sunday july 26th at 3 pm by bud suitors melody kings of torpjto- programme onward christian sol tilers o canada mother machroo 1 saxaphone solo lead kindly light the maple leaf forever u nearer mjy god to thee r violin solo darling i aro growing older t vocal solo v oh godourholp in ages past 1 ivatufihirudwt3uitprs singing and violin soroa vocal solo 7 f a faulkner ive wandered today oer the hills muggle tho orchestra vldhnsolo k suitor the end of u ierfect vny tho orchestra god save thw kino tho orchestra tho orchestra tho orchestra robert new the orchestra the orchestra the orchestra budt suitor tho orchestra mrs h hodglns thp orchestra ilojrse races a matinee of two horse races as follows clfias ajihs jmuc heats 20 15 10 5 class bone mfle heofa 20 15 10 5 first race called at two oclock sharp entries to be made with h c atlstin stanley park riot later than 12 oclock noon day of races right is reserved to call oil races if weather is not favorable w hull starter free stabling hay and straw qt globe hotel dance a dance wijl be held in the pavilion in the evening music by bud souter and his melody rings gentlemen 95c tucsc admission to sports adults 35c children 25c children under 10 years of age free cars aomitted free also free parking space tho proiiriotor will not bo hoaponslblofor accidents h c austin proprietor at huttonville park the peoples popular playground on tuesday july f28th trlle wjdehmeihe chestra j9 rjiecej of toronto will furnish the music specials for this week a demonstration of the new gollege stityf vvill be given by a toronto couple apristefor the get parjeirj couple on the floor the demonstrators i willact7as judges v dancing 9 to 1 free parklnjr space admlissiongents 1 including tax smqkep meats picnlc hams jmper 01 smoked hans whole or half lb smoked rolls whole or half lb side bacon by piece per lb beep cuts choice rib roast per it 37c 27c 36c get your job printing at the free press 20c v thick rib roast per t round shoulder boast pqr jb i7e ibbopor i0cto12c ib stewing beef lb sausage homemade sausage per lb 1 18c shortening and lard davies peerless shor- f tening 1 ib bricks joc lard 3 pound pails at 65c watch oar window for friday and 3flturdfty peciajs w j patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont j3i -v- fcmmmzmk a tzslmmmm

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