Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1925, p. 1

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r t fiftyfirst year no 5 thursday morning july 30 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning july 30 1925 single copies five cents the acton united church of canada minlstei rev r e zimmorman b a paraonbbcrwiilpw stroet 015 n m pvaycr service 1000 ii m subbiuh school 1100 a m servlco consummating churchtinlon followed by sacrament of tho lords supper 700 p m the pastor subject our debt to the past presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c 8tewrt ma mango wluqw stroet 1000 a m sunday school 1000 a m bible class the epistle of james 11 am tho minister subject tho love of tho master 7 pm tho minister subject tho man who loved his god strangers leaving address with the ushers will bo called upon by tho pastor gjk the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 945 or m sunday school 1100 a m tho pastor subject selfexamination 701 pm tho pastor subjoct the greatest loss tho ordinance of the lords supper administered after the morning service monday 8 p m young peoples meeting thursday 730 pm prayer and praise meeting all welcome special notices advertisements in this column a cents per word minimum charge 30c per insertion found pair ladles groves apply at free press oltfice for sale potatoes excellent quality moderate prlco toaer or basket buchanan 36 crescent roomer wanted front furnished room central loca tion all conveniences to let apply g2 box 25 free press for sale ford touring car in firstclass ahauo for sale apply box 21 free press hor8e for sale black horse good worker single or tlouuio ero6d driver a e cripps bower avenue for sale carrots- uqd preen peas for sale at reasonable prices- bring baskets madam wright falrvjew ave acton lost on sunday evening on mill wilbur or churc streets si scarf finder pleasoreturn and receive re ward at free press office flat for rent a flat for rent 6 rooms iuid ibath ipimodlate possession apply to w d talbot 45tf hardware store acton horthorn bull for sale roan one year old from- imported cow sire great grandson of galriford marquis 42 albert young lotj5 cpn 1 erin rockwood rr4 accounts due on all accounts owing to fairbanks jfttkfiry that are pnld 0 o hnfor july 31 five pcroontdlscotmtwill be-al- lowed after that date five per cent interest will be charged on all acounto which wuitjo payable to hn farmer acton fairbanks bakers proclamation civic hotiday in compliance with the custom which has provailcd for many years monday auqu8t 3 will bo observed as a clvlo holiday tor 1025 and i hereby proclaim- that day as a clvlo holiday for acton and respectfully request that all our cltj- sens obaorve it as such george barber reeve roovos ofllco town hrill acton july 211325 42 r many men will be wanted pqr-tractorpositlon- inthe w thls harvobt big wages fit yqur- ieilto euui a larger salary speclu itrnctsccourfltnov on at tho fam- inrhernphlllautd r gas tractor bphoojs for full particular- and tceo catalogue apply hemrhlll ltd lfj king st w toronto f gsst wonderland friday juuy 31 from tho play of tho same name starring may mcavoy mario prevojt and norman kerry comedy honeymoon hardships felix cartoon 8aturoay august 1 poisoned paradise starring clnra bow comedy fat chance cartoon travel troosurob 1 ox news mondav august 3 v civic holiday the lighthouse by th a starrlnfg tho police dog rln tin tin comody the hky plumber tuesday august 4 excuse me utoiy by nupeit hughes slar- i ring norma hhenror chapter of tho middle wider comody j taming tho bast 1 0ominq charleys aunt r l gregory son great is the choosing great is the saving among the lovely esse every one now marked down to die last notch for a final clearaway these figures fob example 300 dresses for 198 450 dresses for 295 600 dresses for 395 f 750 dresses for 495 1000 dresses for 695 voiles broadclothsr linons ginghams and crepes womens and young wornen sizes half a summers wear still in store for them and another seasons savings to he planned for never keepopportunity waiting childreris dresses at 75c regular 125 values in sizes 6 to 14 years stripe and check ginghams just one of a host of handsome midsummer savings j macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store weekend specials assorted jelly beans in a largev variety of flavors a c favorite with young and grown ups weekend special tvsjc 49c assorted chocolates made by the makers of smilesn chuckles they are all of a very high class material always freshweekendspeeiallh i assorted chocolates these chocolates are if a very qq fine quality the price is extra special for weekend lb yc we also carry a large assorunent of candies of all kindswatch our windows our counters and cases are also well fiiled haveyctfied fpalermonprutt tthey are delicious wewill be glad to deliver same or any other of our bricks or hulkj just give us a ring try a canadian beauty sundae mill street acton h wiles news of local import to copper cliff as missionary tchsr allsa ruth nelson missionary teali er who was appointed a month ago to victoria b c has now been trans ferred to copper cliff ontario whore she will cnkne in work in tho mis sionary school of tho united church of canada miaa nelson loft for hor new field last friday county grants to fall fairs at- tho meeting of the county coun cil last week tho following grants wore authorized the school pairs of tho county 15090 tho bacon hog fair 5000 acton pall fair 5000 burlington 5000 georgetown 5000 oukvlue 5000 a net 30000 to tho county palrnt milton a donation of parkbaichas in memory of his mother mr p d lace of toronto has presented to uie city a uqlueiiiaubefultneinoriar lh ireractc theykada6liytripr1ittjr p zimmerman with them anil 0thodiiyasmuchab -any- of uwrlde pftrkjandowneuby tnecitytthe picnickers with thoir usual gen- dollar dy at harrisons saturday aug 1 sp come early and pet first choice mens oxfords regular 600 for 500 tan 550 for 450 brown and black 450 for 350 get ready for the holiday picnic you have planned we have all kinds of outing shpes with crepe soles from 85c to 350 these are real bargains and wont last long if- t t womeils brown calf slippers 1 strp at 25 v womens biack patent sporteux at 385 womens tan gore pomp reg 450 for 350 womens patent colonial reg 550 for40 maiiy other lines at cut rate prices for dollar day this is n chance no one should miss as it is an opportunity to save money we have about 10 pair womens white canvas slip pers they are going for per pair 100 come with the crowd on saturday harry harrisonjhe shod man weclose wednesday afterflpons all the year round vtlih which was formerly part of the farm onwblcji iio wafl bom guelph mer cury a similar presentation to the municipal authorities for acton par would be gratefully appreciated unvbiling of memorial tribute the monument to the memory of tho late rev j c wilson b a or sixteen years tho minister of knox church hasbqen erected at the family plot in pahview cemetery and will tw unveiled with appropriate ceremonies this evening at seven oclock this tribute by tho member of the congre gat ion and friends of the late mr wil- son commemorates hl faithful work in his charge and p the conim unity an acton son welcomss lady haig a copy of the vancouver star has beerl received describing the visit of earl and iadyhaig in that city ona of the illustrations shows lady hala greeted by mr j a- mcqiu the per sonal representative of president beatlio of tho canadian pacific roll way mr mcqlll la an acton boy aoa of mr john jtfcglll andmra mcgiu was jkllss nellie symon slater of mr james symon acton vicepresident of acton chamber of commerce the brampton acton hswetson pienio the first unnual outing of the bramptpn and acton employees of j w hewetson co- limited took th form of a plcnic at eldorado park last saturday afternoon there was a largo attendance the weather was not propitious bu aniost enjoyable tlmo was spent nevertheleos the pro gramme included four baaeball match es and twejityone tace events- for w4ilch- uttracttvo 1 wrfi given the first picnic of united church s s a gratifying success with large attendance and splendid f pwgrammq tho flrbt plcnlc of tho sunday school of ho united church of can ada acton waa held laat wodnosdiy afternoon eldorado park which has sprung into sjuch popularity for func tions of this character was tho objec tive tho congregation turned out en massoto njakothe tlcnlc a success and glvo tho scholars j good timp nearly oil the youngec scholars of tho school were convoyed over tho twenty miles to the park by between forty and fifty motorists who gladly placed their cars at the disposal of tho committee the band which was a pleasing fea ture of tho days proceedings was he commodated in mr eccleetonoq flno social and personal the gettogether spirit was fine for the days activities visits boyhoods home mr samuel mcspadden of haverhill mass visited acton friends while on a motoring tour during the week ho called qn mr anf mrs thomas elliott and secured a small tree from tho site of hibfathefahome and his birthplace and hopes to- be able to have it grow at his present home a haverhill he also called on mr h p moore who was his sunday school superintendent when he was a boy in acton mr mcspadden is a prosperous business man in his adopted city mrs mc spadden is a daughter of exmayor furch of that city- consummation of th unitad church very interesting services will be held next sunday consummating the united church of canada actonv at 015 nm a special prayer servlco will be hell for a hair hour having special refer ence to the consummation of the union church at -xi- oclock thejipeclai cr dor of service will bcr followed which is arranged similar to the great sor- vlco held in the arena at toronto on june 10 this will be in four sections 1 tho uponlng praiso and prayer ser vice 2 tho hallovring of church union 3 the dedication of the mem- bershlp rolls from the several churcn- cs and reception of from the reapec- tivo offlclala by the minister and 4 tho communion aornjon by rev mr zimmerman tho pastor of the united churchrfollpwed tytho aflntlnlatra- lion of the lords supper a souvenir booklet containing the entire servlco has been prepared a copy will be drcsentcdtb each person attending this historic service new street lightina system proposed for years acton has enjoyed tho reputation of having the best lighted business streets of any similar town in the province visitors irivorlably remark the fine effect of our lighting syatem now that traffic through town on the highway la growing rapidly and the visitor to town are more numer ous tho hydro commission is consid ering the further improvement of our street- lighting a new style of mul tiple lights has just been put upon t market which will give greatly lmpravearrestiltstthisler k ts the holophane unit and it gives a greater distribution and radiation of the light this system would cost no more for current and the only extra cq si will be for installation of the new units which la not a serious amount the hydro commission la to be con gratulated upon their effort to keop our lighting system up to date and lo make our streets well lighted and at crous methods they stopped in george town and played a tune or two on th street and favored the norval people with a similar seronado somo 16g adults reached the park by means of the canadian national elcctrfti railway over which apoclol rates were given for tho occasion there must have been half a hundred friends and former members of tho school from toronto who came up from the clty to enjoy the day- with the members of the school associated with the acton contingent on the park grounds were tho members of the optimists clubs of brampton hamilton kitchener ana toronto and thememberaof llsgar street solva tion army sunday school toronto of whom- mr james scott a former acton tan was one of the leaders tho programme of sports was en joyable and full of pop and worth- while prijtefl uroro awarded for all tho events the various contests were won as follows little tots race girls 5 years and under eva ruddlck beaa vickera littlo tots racoboys 5 years and uribatherhlo cook gordon bllton lloyd james girls race 7 years and undermar goret arnold agnes heath helen lamb boys race 7 ycarb and under iouglas guthrie aordon mckeowp girls race 9 years and under betty penson isabel swltier beatrice whltehurst boys race years and under lloyd mckaown maim ell nellls qlrls race 10 11 and 12- years kathleen cook helen ostrander kathleen mckcown boys race 10 11 and 12 years bruce mckay arthu gamble girls relay commend their efforts two of the now type of lainps have been tempor arily installed at the oomer of mill and willow streets and these demon strate very effectively the superior lighting qualities of the new units phil forb fortune vaniehad the report was broadcasted last week that phil forbes the bootlegger la said to be worth 50000 to 750u the roport further stated that he told constable chapman on his way to jail that he hnd rented a hlg house at windsor and was to have moved his family there mondny this is all guff and like the liquor phil handled moon shine phil forbes would like very much now to be in possession of 50 or 75 thousand cents he called the mag istrate into the jail last friday to say tha- no would like to pay his 1000 flni and reduce his term of lmprlaon- me six months but was afraid even if his wife could sell his motor car and truck he couldnt raise more than 700 or 800 phil never had more than a thousand or two in la palmiest days xt is wellknown that the past year or two his finances have wcon at very low ebb his father george forbes who was also repotted asin nossasslon of a big bank account nays flint now he is dead bfoke that it took all he could rake and scrape to rnlso the i10c0 to got hln dnughtor- inlaw mrs jim forbes out of jail in may at present phils in jaij and jims in jail and phils brotherinlaw and erstwhile- atool pigeon gordon qalloghcr is in jail comb gladys scarrow boys bot itnd shoe race fred day gordon ljesllo necktie racebeatriee bialr joo johnson shlnglojraco grenville mosaics wheelbarrow racie iiril day bruce mckay ladles walking race edna john ston l threelogged racorethel james mrs i king one hundred yard dash grenvlllo masalea bandrace rudolph spellvogel s the picnic supper provided by the workers of the school and membera of the congregation was of course an in teresting part of the afternoons pleas ures and was not tho least of tho attractions a pleasirnt visit to the picnic was made- by scoutmasters stewart and moore and the twentyfive boyjscouts under their charge from tho scout camp at huttonvllle tho boys en- joyed tho plcnlc faro with manifest mrs robinson of virdenman has oct mfheenrliuuag at the homo of h hroth- er mr h s holmes during the week gualot the ladles baseball match resulted in a signal victory for tho acton girls over the brampton tcum with a score of 2 to 2 the brampton young ladles wero entirely outelasoect superintendent a t brown and his officers and workers aro gratified wih tho success which characterized tbja first pfcnic under the newly- organised united church tennis at milton and acton tha acton ladioa tyot both with a 8coro of 32 on tuesday 21st inst tho acton lady tennis nlayers journeyed to milton and had a friendly gaxho with the players there the score resulted as follows f slnglesmlas mccotl vs miss v harvey 0s 64 mies campbell vs miss f brown 6r 07 miss b tuck vs jean kennedy 2ff 57 doubles missea fern brown and jean kennedy vs mlsn b tuck ani miss camp boll q 62 mrs a mason and miss h mcdonam v mish mo- coll and mtos denyes 8fl 46 64 thretumame-wab-xlay-oil-opthe- acton courts lnsthurfiday evening with the following results singles miss jean kennedy ve miss b tuck 57 84 83 mihs fern brown vs miss campbell 6e 07 mlsa h mcdonald vs miss mccoll 62 64 ioubjea miss m bennett and mja l b shorey vs miss mccotl and mss denves 36 00 miss fv brown and tractive our cluxens generally will mls b h speight vn miss b tuck and miss campbell 08 06 in each case tho acton ladles won with a score of points of 3 2 s thousands of miles of vroads canada now ha 50000 mllea of 8 tan- dard graved macadam and concrete roadi f completed reports prcpnrcd by a w campbell federal hlghwaya commis sioner for canada show that during the year 1924 there vim expended upon the roads of canada a total of 31- 41309749 of which 23000000 waa for construction and about 7000000 for malntetiance the large percentage of the outlay for maintenance isaecord- lhg to commissioner ctinopbcll due to the greater lmportonco now nuoched to such work and the more cornprohen- alve and efficient aynfems of patrol which aro now being introduced lh all the provinces reports indicate that the expenditure during the present season will beabouttho same an indt year tnero arc now 422042 trilles of road open for travel in tho dominion of this about 50000 miles are now com pie twl to the standard of gravel waterboundmnoudam bituminous and cement concrete surfacing hear tho brunswick trio and the balmoral kilties at jjlme house on august 6 mr e g black of toronto spent tho weekend with acton friends mr w j hall who has been very nick is slowly regaining strength m1hs stacey of toronto spent the wookond with hor friend miss gali brajth misses edith and irene follltt of toronto visited mlsa nolhc hall on sunday miss donna mclean of windsor is visiting at the homoof mr wm johnstone mr and mrseorl vincent of chat ham are enjoying holidays in the old home here misses marguerite and mary stow- ar of milton- spent h hero dur trig the week john scott deacon died at toronto mr and mrs hal ton lolbhmarr of kitchener spent the weekend at tho parental home mr and mrs r pawcett of toronto have been spending the week with mrs george hynds mrs lawrence king pont n weeks holidays at the home of her mother mrs e l james mr and mrs c r knapp apd baby gray nre enjoying holidays with friends in toronto mr and mrs a t brown left on monday on a motoring tour to detroit and intervening points dr w gc kenney of the sick chlldrens hospital toronto was home for tho weekend rev and imrs h g l- baugh have returned from a delightful months holidays atnlagnra palls mr nnfi mrs bailey and master ronald of toronto visited mrl arid mrs w j hall this week mrs william hexzolwood of tor onto was a guest during the week of mr and mrs h s holmes mr e j hassdrdand harvey and martin have been visiting friends at mono mills during tho week misses nellie and marlon grnhani 61 eramosa are holidaying at the home of mr thomas nellls miss gertrude smith and llttlo miss gladys of toronto spept a few days at the home of mrs e l james mrs f e mccleary left on saturday to spend acouple of weeks at georgian bay the guest of mr and mrs j w hewetson misses florence and adah mills started on wednesday for two weeks holiday todetroit returning by motor oh august 6 mr s martin master harold mor gan and master willie smith of tor onto are holidaying at mr g mills for two weeks messrs victor rumley ray agnow rudolph spellvogel and lloyd forbes ore camping for a week or so ut grimsby beach misses eileen mcdonald and bessie marsh of toronto visited at the home or mr a macdonald church street over the week-end- miss rachel secord of guelph who has almost completely recovered from hcrroionkfidinhesvjfluedrnt mrh h s holmes lmt week mr hp moore uttended tho fun- eral of his friend the late j s deacon at toronto on tuesday he was one of the honorary pallbearers mr d a evans of tho bank of montreal returned on saturday fcom an enjoynblo twoweeks outing ut trout creek and north bay mrsfrod mcdowouand littladaugn- tcrs hazel and evelyn returned last week from a two weeks visit with friends in blyth goderlch and clinton mr and mrs c h banks and daugh ter of saskatoon sask arrived last week to spend a fortnight at the home of mr and mrs john harvey lake ave t miss margaret murray of edlti- burgh scotland arrived in town on tuesday to spend a month or two with her brother mn- george murray and mrs murray t mr and mrs frank smith miss muriel arid master john of toronto and miss betty bowman of hamilton were guests at the hgme of mrs maud mobaln over the weokond tjr7ahamra7jobe two children of powaasen and mr and mrn1 james abraham and mr george abraham of barrle visited acton friends whtlo on a motoring trip mr and mrs james doble and son have been spending a couple of weeks holidays at wlngham mr doble and his brother camped along lake nlpu- slng where they had some real good fishing mr and mrs fred mclean of ches- ley nrrlved horej oh saturday to visit mr and mrs wm johnstone and athbr frlonda they have been motoring for a couple of weeks through weatorn ontario mrs rebecca lawrence and two nieces misses audrey and joyce hayes have returned homo to toronto after spending a few weeks vacation- with their cousins mr william allan erin and family mr and mrs c ft moafq of dun- das who have just recently returned from a trip ui the paofio coast vlaltoi mrs- jnmes moore and miss moore m sunday mr john fa moore accom panied thom the slnoerest vympathy of the fiutn press is extended to mr j jcavo of tho benverion express in tho sudden death on the 10th inet of mrs cave her death followed an illneas of only a few days duration mr and mrs ch harrison and jseth and margaret and mrs morris tevter of rocks i de on mondtty visited mr harrisons uncle mr j d mo- arthur who io seriously 111 in weltea- loy hospital trpntp mr and mrs harley brlgnau left on thursday for the pacific coast thoy will visit with friends at vancouver victoria and cranbrook master doug las is ataylng with his grandparents mr ana mrs james l held was for thirty years inspector of public schools in holtoit county in the death of mr jdlin scott jdeacon which occurred on sunday at tho residence of his son col f h deacon 2 elm avenue toronto there wus removed one who tiad- toeori for many years a prominent figure in the educational public and rcllgtoua life of halton county and who lias lived in tho highest esteem of otirrcflldonta for forty years tho late mr deacon who was 83 years of ugp on novombei- 12 last was born near belfast ireland tho eldest son of rev william deacon m a and ann scott dcacdn he came to america with his parents at an early age thoy flrat vont lo bosion and later to quebec hia father was headmaster of the grammar scfiodl in the city of cjuobec fov four yoars coming afterwards to halton couilty where he taught school mr j s doacon was eduoatod at dn tassles school galtat baldwin uiu- versity near cleveland ohio and stud ied extramiirally at victoria collogo cobourg for twelve years ho was principal of ingersoll model school and later of woodstock model school for almost thirty years he was inupector of public schools in this county a halton making his homo at milton ho succeeded the late- robert little an i inspcotor in 1885 v ho took an actlvo interest in all public and church affairs being a member of tho various boards of the methodist church and for many years super intend en tof tho sunday school for four yearsthwas mayor of the town for iwentyflve yeartf ho was secretary of the bible society for several years he represented mlltoi district at tho annual mootlnga of the hamilton jconference of ho methodist church artdflvo- times woa arrreson- tativo at the general conference of tho church in 1904 mr- deacon contested th- county of halton as liberal candidate for the commons being defeated by the late hon david henderson of acton he was unusually well informed on the political history of canada he attended normal school with tho late sir george w ross who later when minister of education frequently call ed him for conferences on matters per taining to school law regulations and courncs of study for several years ho aet examination papers col tho department of education ho was secretary and aft or war da president ot the in spec tors association of ontario in 1913 her rehired to live in toronto tuklng an active interest- in central methodist church bloor street east he waomoronlvoroa readi lally of biography and history ho made many trips to the canadian and am or lean north west and had visited almost every part of canada the unit ed states and mexico ho took two extended- tours through the british isles and on fhe continent he was married in 1804 to frances allln of derohom township county of oxford who predeceased him n 1919 six children were born to thorn of whom three survive mrs w i clements milton colonel f h dea con and mrs r g black b a toronto j s deacon was a most conffonlal friend of the writer for forty years we enjoyed each others friendship to gether his last visit to acton wus when ho uttended acton foil talrlh september of last year wo spont the afternoon togother and went together to the train when he was returning te toronto our lsbt visit together wis in juirewhen i visited him at hin sons fine residence in toronto hie thon seemed to be convalescing after a soii- ous operation he was ourfoundod- wtth allthe comforts procorahloi was happy in tho love and solicitude of col and mrs deacon and their aftoc- tlonatft family and uncomplainingly was enduring the weakness inciaont to hla ailment ho had conu id oration and regard for everybody and was ln a moat happy frame of mind john s deacon wub a man of god he loved his home and the home folks tie es teemed his many friends ho had keoh- est interest in his folio wine ri he sleeps the-sleep-of- the just the funeral took place from gleni hurat tho residence of col deacon toronto on tuesday- afternoon the toronto star says tho iuneral service was conducted by tho rov h p osborne and ho was assisted by tho rev c t bennett and tho rev dr locke and rev dr lancely the chief mourners were oblonel f h tjeacon mrs deacon and tholr ehildren mr and mrs w3cienient9 soninlaw and daughter ot the do- ccased and mrs rg black doughter and her so lloyd i tho pall wero all intimate friends of john scott deacon and moat of them hod known him since their boyhood days they were john p patterson of woodstock j p tladall alexander provan ce edmonds w g watson ancvjjs mccunncll tor onto the honorary palicarera wero all from halton county theywero h p moore of acton j it ilndaay georgetown wf w fisher bur- llnbton a s fbrater oakvlllo w h stewart ijihon arid rd vvarroff formerly of georgetown news of local import family rounlon at eldorado park jdrl and mrs a g clorrldgo anoi family attended tho martin family -ro- unlon at eldorado park last wednes day thoro was a largo gathering and a very enjoyable tlmo mr jamoi martin the president of tho eldorado park co who was orto ot tho party io a brother of mrs clarrldge i the girls camp at port elhin tho ijort elgin times character izes the- canadian girls in training camp as an ideal site mrs a h somervlie acton was tho land sports officer sho superintends tho programme for visitors day of which the timos says credit for tho sucdess of tho splendid programme is duo to the untiring onergy of mrs somorvilloland sjxrts officer assist ed by miss frances fleming water snbrts officer or owen sound as the camp ha oply fun flvo dnyn this speaks well- for tho training- tho girls received another didnt know it waa loaded casualty a shooting accident occurred at charlie jarvis farm near boyhe on sunday last with his hired- man phillips as the victim it appears one of the neighbors fron the farm op posite- mr jnrvis cairia over during tho afternoon and going into tho barn plckod up a shot gup that was lying there and going to the door of the barn while examining it pulled tho trigger with tho result that tho gun was discharged just as phillips was passing the door and ho got tho con- tohts in the side of his leg just below the knee medical assistance was summoned and tho injured lfmb at tended to unless complications set in phillips will recover reformer not a case of criminal negligence 0 crown attorney john m kearns guelph was in palmerston on mon day flii connedtloir with or case- in which mr j hfawcott mayor of harris ton appeared before magla trate hollyer on a charge of criminal negligence tho case arose out of an accident on the highway oh- july 5v when a car driven by mayor fawcott collided with ono in which mr and mrs holman of llotowel were driv- in- both occupants of the latter wero more or less soriously injured magistrate hollyer did not decide as to whether tho accident was caused by fawcotts career not but found on tho evidence that in any event no proof existed of criminal negligence this charge was dlsmleaod guelph mercury c n releotrlc employees picnio the employees and staff of tho can adiannational electric railway lnit pionlckodttt bl- dorado park on tuesday afternoon of labt week 360 taking part the em ployees and- their t families united in thlsvefy pleasant outing- at tho head of tho affair was robert windeatt g svanfelt g ashurst t t pcnn w james j coombertf grlovop waik- om f mitchell a marshall j david son f hopper h harrison a caesar j mil lei j hcrbertaonr in conneo- tlon with tho prlztea a largo number of donations wero received from tlie oill- olals of the line and from the employ- ee tho train taklnge picnickers to the grounds consisted of six cars tho largos t train ever run on the line this la tho first plcnlc held by tho employees of the torontoguelphllne hut they hope to make it an annual affair romance of miltons brick induatry mr hugh campbell tells tho atory of tho romance of milton brick g c mcklndsoy bnetlme sheriff of halton later senator mcklndsoy eald one jay lccano for a wal kjwith jnccamn sentence 8ermon8 lw111 not allow bitterness to rob me of niy faith in men suspicion to steal away my taltb in men envy to spoil my nnjoymont of what i can afford gossips to teinpt me into mud sling ing any mob to do my thinking for ino criticism tb frighten mo from tho performance of duty intolerance to blind mfe to tho fact thnt other men are also sincere llmehouse garden party august 0 mrsjamos h nlcklln and her bdn and his wife mr and mrg earl b nlcklln and mrs johnston of grand rapids mich while on a nxotorlpg trip spent a few dny in acton the gueata of mr rtnd mrs wallnce tasby messrs j daunt and j irwin and miss lizxlo moffat of richmond hill motored to acton on sunday and apont tho day with friends mills- gladys huffman accompanied thorn back after spending a couple of weeks hoi id ay a at her home here xlr jack avullams mr and mrs a l honenberg and children of kitch ener miaa m stpkos and mibb knowlcs schram of mnrriuon mr cjarenro smith of st catharlnea and mr harding 3immonb of miami flia wera weekend guests at tlio falrbanka bokory m rpm boll- ium pondering- something in my mind thot will make a fortune if it turnb out to bo true togother the two rhon walked but towffrdfl tho mountain over tho treatloa of the c p b which aro now oolld embank ment they watched for a pccuuar whito clay until thoy bamo- to tho pechllar red clay over which the future senator had- been droominff and car- rlod off about twenty pounda of it in a bae- this cloy wna sont to ottawa for- analyalo and the ronult was-rft- droam come true milton brick intro duced to tho world and d new product placed on the market for the building world milton reformer and mllllonr- it briclm of flnoat quality havo uinco boon manufactured and built into bulldinga ah over ontario s an exchange op band concerts acton bund visited milton last thurs day and milton band tobe here saturday laat thursday evening acton citl- nens band went to milton to put oh a programme at tho milton bands regular band concert in victoria park tho park waa crowded with an audl- oncotd hoar the concert arid hbo -the- burlington flrd brigade put on their fancy drill tho acton and milton bandb and tho drill toam paraded fronv down town to victoria ipork where tho con- cort was given aoton band had charge and put on a varied programme which included numbers by tho band luartotto a saxaphone duett by band master mason and his son gcorgo mason comic numbers by bands men rlgby and oshca and a comic duett i by bandsmen ray agnow and rudolph spellvogel tho band gavo soveral- woll rendered scleotlons be tween thesonambers during tho drill the milton band played misses hazel mason and yiola rumloy wero tho capable accompanists for tho vocal and instrumental solos for- tho acton band on saturday evening mlltonu lino band will pay thoir return visit to acton and provide a concert on tha grounds at tho sunderland houso this will tako tho iilace ofaho rogular band concert usually provldod by acton dtliens band tho milton- band comprises about twontyave members and a ia programme will no doubt bo provided tho concert will com mence at 8 p m promptly m m im m bowling touttnament the first draw of a series of contosts on tho bowling green w held last thursday ovenlng and resulted ih fol lows miss d nelson jrtht bell mrottanson mr n garden mrs qardon f miss nelson mr wj gould 13 mr t bayloy10 miss ii wallaco mr h smothurst miss cummlngs mr j bauorf4t miss b dennis mr c matthowa miss m garvin mr e bwoenoy 0 miss m sopor mr p lylo mrs lindsay mrabuohanan 19 mlsa smith mr b gamblo mrn gould mr g hyndsw v- a- i i jf ir t- ir ci j v cr- a j- mmmmims ri

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